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Show . HELM 10 Lira COLUMN. -- .TRAVELERS Jv DRESS A-- D True arurwLE. EASTWARD. NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED t ruuco Lv; ban Oakland. WII0.'EUFFERINGS Protracted ABO ban Joas Htocktou .Sacramento Hacratuento Marysville Chico UI1 from Hidden Causes, WHOg CASKS "y.a it . I a to Ar l,v Sunday exrrpted j U 7 46 CjuIIm j. - -- 1 ?.il a v A M 1.15 1 5.25 M 9 l J2.ini m rvi 3.10 Ari . i C 0 4 hiprraH I rM'Ktr Train Sundarx 0 lygdeu Coal Oil IJko H.I3 anla 10 Mount'n !'(. Wmncmucca IlMMl 1'UM rx 25 4 05 l .nu 1 . Colfax 1 r A fS ' 9 . M 9.10 Ar 11 25 Lv 11 45 1.39 Ar 6 55 Sacramento bacramrnto Htoektca San Jim - Oakland Sautranciaco A M 9.00 A H 1 M a!! styles New Globes, ?"' rm 32 A M 12. 0 11 54 pm A rM 5.15 P M 6.00 PM 12.35 jLll. ASDKtttSk ; : ; pa III Rail Route U i'alifornia k PACIFIC .m - ! u Agents for Corinne, Utah. ; niv2tf American Organs, -- eggane and (atale'enct of Tone r.iprrtAR and IJasticlty of Tenth. have, heen Solil uml VIR6INIA CITY? HELENA, and ia RtabBKd TIM HENDERSON ... ' AGENT nolS-t- f CORINNE Chicago & Norihwfstf rn Railway. Shortest Line between Omaha bad Chicago. rt EXTUACTT BUCHU, Th Old established' Tr&loi sod fft, Llir. Sore Ceoaedloc. - FIEST-CLAS- PIANOS 3 Lver brought t the TV. TVeaL . . V. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in B O O.T S AND SHOES The tmfle are invitetl to call aC . five NO. 235 I ot And IV'os. PmbwtOw.ii botttos for nddram . hold b, mi I wi Information tu - - J25K SW?a B.J5TROXI 7FM. , n. T.YIELMB0LD. n H. p. RTANW.k Coaa toftm- I 7TlLAfI - (Chloafu. , re-- Bluff. A Omaha. o. L. DUN LAP. Gan t tjupt., Chicago. MB. 1 THE YILLCOX AGISBS silent FAMILY SEWIMJ h JUJIIIXE Ihe Best for Family " 0t.m bnndred tbousasd ot therete,machines 'l litxe fharf ih patrons or the koibba are tboM who have n.eil other l rivni for Willcox g Gibb, tlerebv mldir.g v to Wilcox gTtkdj EDctwiler, DEALERH ; CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, RU6S v Mats, Damasks, Heps, oywot.swb.t.. ' u. , AND GOODS CURTAIN lira AND DOCCLAS STCEETK. E. C0ESEU Michafdsj WViitncy nd YHD SAYS HOT FOR JOE thlH MTK tost Jor Rimmoxa. at keeje t I j? Feet, and .iStWrCis t - IDT 3 1 Do WHOLESALE DEALEH3 IK !! ALOU.N, tUJt LxkeCUy. I OJIAIIA, .NEBRASKA their cotulur; i&d happiness, -- U SO .nil. a.aiy 97 anti 99 Pearl St.eet. ilostuu, Massacliusett . my3-:- ! Jfohn - Frieen Metropolitan Block, Farnam Street, 5 ' KIMBALL, tf . ALEXANDER STRONG & CO.; 3 Wdifaington Street. Ctdeaze. K, M. WILSOSJb CO., COM XX E, UTJLII. JQ-Se- gellvarad i 1'. i.NNLS- - ,.CklUI BETWEEN OMAHA AND CHICAGO. - .: is pbepabed byCornell, Ward & Comings, - - iBll AtiO. Street, H. T. HELUBOLD. 7m dally trains In cunncci!?? with trala? on III Lake forxu DrasUt. Ilrxtrated Price List and dr LMON PACIFIC UAILHOAII " 434 New York, !i9.Uw.f euro wake Awn coanrctloo et Chicago with all tbe TnUl Uet Ru!k.,T eastern and, southern roads. IS - It mv3 Ala, the large t assortment of Abe The celebrated Notions 253 Famliam Street, 'have been void, amt a!u:ot fami Ara. Thw fag; proves the excln!lyto merit of the great bias bine. KlLUlN FlUCIPIMNa ISP tLCTriSO lipwmid oi Nineteen Yean, dents Furnishing Goods and bel for - jootl Stock, New Conrhcs anil QtiicU Time. W. Li? HOSIERY, GEOYESi $1000. $100-i- o rog cnn.tr lam, ninxm raxcra axo a XACII WsIBCSEST, IDDRISJ & CO'S Corinne daily for Virginia City, Helena and Fort Eontou. Cdnnect witn '' Tasaenger Trains Ixrth : . waya on the Central Iacmc Railroad. certain curs fe Aimaeee oftheCledder. Kidneys. Gravel, Dropsy. kudo rnknesB, Female Cofeplaiitta, General DebOty, and an dieeasee of the Urinary Organa, whether existing In male or female, from what-e- f caaeo originating, and no matter of how , Wg standing. If no treatment la submitted to. Consumption Insanity may ensue. Our flash end blood are npported from these eoaroea, and the health hepptneeg, end that of posterity, depends proeopt use of a reliable remedy. HELM BOLD'S Friffna Late buciiu. , JC4T two. Sliver Parlor and beat Church Organ at I ho OTA ST AIL F.UiClK3. yeara.v FARGO WELLS, - W. N. MUilR. ? Ji. tL Every Instrument warranted for AND J. Premium have hem CARRYING TJIE 4 T j FORT BENTON, end the reel cause of the trouble scarcely ever wpacted, and have doctored for aU hut tha ' right erne. t Diacaace ef three" orgies rcgnlt Ike use ef - Ia the great Diskette and 4 -- CORINNE, ffplaal affections, suicide, and almost every wtfier fora wf 'disease which humanity ia heir to. BIT'EUIOU IN Jlest sOr(an. TO J. KURTZ. M. ro1fi treat & SAMSULUY'S AiD EXPRESS LISE Oar facilities fot mxnnfactaring are scch that we can compete with an eg factory East Civ u a call, : Sati.sfjction pn traotHd io price and qnality. Factory ll)tb street, near U. I. R. K. Office 537. 13th atreet. LODGES A UK Dl STAGE ABO PARLORS, CHURCHES .nniont GILREIl 'roprl r . STSIllTU'S , bat also those they do business a'emivei, CANDLES ntieclions made at with Cbicagqanil Korthwesleru. Chicago. Hock Island Hud Pacific and St. Joseph and : Council bluffs Kailrosd. and 5Iis-aouri Kiver Line of PackeU to and from all princi- pal owien and aouth-- . SOAPS F. W. FtRlIELL, SffM 112 WakhingtoD st., Chicago. . FLUIDEXTRACT cr? f borkcll Watbluf k TnUct Smd for Circular. .Ing-roe- m HELM B0LDS 'Yvvcts. Superior I the dancers of the Sa. Direct rnllau! :V Tar Groat, 5Vo COAST I ' . iv "V.ivsXevw cr the Central Pacific Kali road and - JJjueUc. x v5ctvivV.x MANUFACTORY la now completed and runnitWdaily pasa'mte . trains, Xormiiur In with, Avoiding S fix 3 nn-.- i , . , successful business men ere always those whose pramwitn organa are In perfect health? eni ( Ittea. Toe never hear such men complain of being u-- F7TIUSt CLAW.H HurtlJJ AND EATING melancholy, of nervousnesa. or palpitation, ol 1 points on tbe lm. the 110011. They are sever afraid they cannot Palacr. Slfrplnff and Draw Succeed in business; they don't become sad sad Car Acrompai;) all Trains. - For through ratea discouraged; they are always polite end pleasant oa freight to MoiiUua tn the company of ladies, end look you end Sweetwater Mints and other point, apply te H. UHOSNSON. them right ia the face none of your downcast General IVelght Agent Omaha. Took cr other meenneaa about them. I do not T. E. hi KLES. mesa those who beep the organa inflated by rui. Gvh'l Kup't, utuaU. C. W. MEADE, Ofj'ISup'i. sing to excess. These will not only FKANCIS COLTON. . Oen'l Ticket Agent. Omaha. RUIN THEIR CONSTITUTION IDICOY. LIJXACY. oi Thirteenth Streel. Omaha, Nebraska. Fi ll J PLiTTE V1LLET , ROUTE MAN. Pxt-tLVSI- CJiadvieIi v The Great In Lc$s .Titan.' Four Days brought about that state of wradnea in those that has reduced the general system so much as to Induce almost avery other &: P. O. Lock Box SO 32 "SvO B K'S - Through to San 1'rxr.cisco ealf-eUm- No. 520 2 p si 8.30 a mI OaVOCC-VVC- , VYOi.SYOY.S. S CIGARS AND TOBACCOS .17 IJoufflllH Kt, Commcrdnl Block, .. r Agent of Dupont Powder C. I'-- 1 OEAUA, NEB., taySl'J if t: c ' Hi . IS - t t Fruits, Nuts, Coiifctetioucn PAliFli; RAILIIOiD. - r. -- ( ti(0i 1 : Tbrnngh Hi k ta lo all prindral cities in for Mle at tie Uomi'injr'Mifflrfii, N. TOWSE. Gen'J T. B. COODMiS, Oeai lasa'r andSnp'fc. Ticket Agent. Kscnnienlo. - with or for. Bow many men. from badly cured maeaaca, from the effects e4 e end excesses, have 5 Co., 111 EXTINGUISHER rm Eu-ro- 1 Wholesale and Retail Dealers in BABCOCK 7.ro am rsr ' Cans, Bosiu, Tar r.i Safety Or Spencer neat. Mannfactrrera of :h urrb ami Schi-Kurmture, tliarta. etc. t , apparatua, mate fet, Chicago. Sen for circnlar, or apply to E, M. WILSON A CO. 0rinne, Utah. niy2S if i A M A M A H r Vm With curved folding flat M 3.X 11.11 11.20 6.55 a K Maryaville rm r sr li. -- ? Is s x K45 a u CHco 7.15 vvii wv7-l- r of 1.25 a A M C 229 FARNHAM TEEET, J y 1 ' Iovrdtr and Fuss. AX oi AY vwovxn , w Mixed. 5 ! We are also Western Ageiits of the Ltifilin A K ind Powder Crnt..tT York and. St Louis, and keep couatantlj ou hand a full a.vsorltneDtof .mti r except'd 5.4 5 r m Lj lobs. j it ' K.-ho- I '4 ? fv JESLlTKLs. or All oils in Barrels and M a 7 :ui i , r ! , And all articles used tY Painter and Glazier "l jlo.oo .13 avxscs , : ' - 4 oUlulCDbKS, r I? cioi))' Dali. Hn that these bold defiant, energetic, persevering TATEXT 5 45 a u m 10.15 ? .3 10 A U. t j WEHnVAKD. A DID YOU EVER THINK KEtT V uvws , !&- y vve& : Otm ' vr WIIOLF.SAIX DEALE1S IX , 1 It yn M auffbrlag or have raffrf4 from Toltntirj dlwhirgrt, wkit effect dor It produce Mr. CoTi4 health?. ?M D?ytru (rol weak, Belfebaas. wanereel dlaaeaea badly cutad. and eneal excess ea, are all capabla of pnvluciug a waabnaae of tha generative organa. TTm nrgau ef ganeratiou. when in perfect health. ! FAVORITE. orta luo.ooo fats of onr st A 9.00 p40rnl 1.35 a , I NOW, READER, ACKNOWJ.Knr.r.I) Sold in the year lx 4:13 9.50 & co.; WOLCOIT - , JllTIlE u ' c.15 t i Ogden t ! i Ar;4.(0 , i r A.tti M . ; 4 4 1 4. 36 l.SO . y 10 bat. Mount'n Kc'ton little extra ex of tki prodnee pelpltstleo (be heart ? Due fomr kw, or urinary ergmna, or ?rar kidneys freqaentljgetoutof order? I yoar urine omctlxnee thick, milky or fiorky, or to it royy o wUling ? Or dea B thick MTriia riae to the oedimmt at the betturo after it np? Or it Am stood awhile? Doyoa have spells of abort breathing or diappaia? Are jour bowels con tipaled? Do you totOi bf faiotirg, vw ruabao of blood to tha bead? Is your memory la joaur mind constantly dwelling on . Impaired ? thle subject ? Do you fad dull. lUtlcma. moping, tired of company or life? Do yei wlh to he Wt alone, lo get away fkua everybody ? Done aay little thing make you etart or jutnj? Ia yw alee broket or revtle l a ? la the lualre o your ejaaa brilliant? jbe blooin nn your cheek aa bright ? Do you enjoy yourself in society aa wall? Do too puisne your buaineaa wiJt the aomo energy ? Do you feel aa much confid- nra In youraelf? Are your spirits dull and flag lug, given to file of melancholy ? If to do not lay it o your liver or dyspepsia. Hava joaretilto alghta ? Tour ba weak, your kueea weak, and bava but little epe:ite. end you attribute tbia to kyapeptia or liver complaint ? r 4 tut -- O M A II A SCHOOL FURNITUBE iOw-.- Mixed. RADE. e v o 1. ur i it irro. , T sfitr Kiko TO KEBOKB CXISTCirCXlDUIKASLE. MIKE THE I i j j 11; f ig - Winneraucca PROMPT TREATMENT Doe j ; i Tram true ,4 r debilitated. easily tired? v - vrrrvt.m Col'ax KEQriXS v'- -; CllllUrO central pacific railroad. TO TUI BATS GUIDE. ; ' t |