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Show ( i f J V Jd h xf- ' IJilll 1!LV LaHi.I tkrMlts IT 0i Et t--- CO. IIUYCK& f 1). fT GLOBE Al HR COM.ME.nCi: , THE City mid (ounfy. y7t risrrirTiox. ' tfj: Ya-- . lV. 5 ! W-- f-j- - a , pjusm W. GRAHAM, 31. I)., Kxstinner for Pensions - - 0 irraUie'siiil A M d. J.-W- . . . ' JSoAlTT-- rt L isM-r- , i KEEP a 1- lsft s COBIXNE. UTAH. La24-l- m nn, uit i 7 F.rU:l JROCERTES, iprktri wines, b'.lLramh iaquors, 5 " AHD CIGARS, 303 & 308 Clay Street K (ffthe GLASSWARECIGARS and )IU(TO, , IIA, . invn fttsliBrsd. Tty I, mu much no can oTt tir lm and iaus and "Kent Constantly on Hand. ; sacs., trdcr - t- it ( -il L. . kUl-o- V R. W. Wilcox Fowf-k- s K1 ii k Uro, crJ-tir;rt-clu. lWUTs RENTS fa'-t- u pcaratiti f.'g d aud u lw!, scw-- 116! II. art mi- - Sntom aiwac on hand. d J c2f-l- f r 715 ) M LS i niKS. Glazier, , VAMFV l, ap2vtf 719 Life Assurance o mT-uitabl- I0CIE1Y F THE r.TITED STITE, vr. w. ; . . XFAY YORK. 120 RRO.I I YA t r. tn... mal : 12.tH)i,nfio 6,3'XV'OO Income.; ly51rm rf, SOUR PATSO.MZE HOME IXDCSTRT. ia: house, I CLIBSE saiv mill rr l.i- - tc eb HI) - UwCy. -- i on hand Lumber, r latb and SUngle. funiabodat thel.et CM. . j . r : Prioea ilnch a to mah it the interest i f .iA. .Vor.ano and fdoA.i pmvhas-- i rs to buy i rni ils rather than m any of the Atlantic State a. G. W. FOGG. a73m V i , " CO. i &UEDSrREADS. klwaya promptly Brpalrfn 4ne, am Imiintl to sella cheap as any house in Utah, d let LHi My Mntto Is l.ive Sale aud Small Pro&tb ' I Quick SALE ROOMS: v Street, IX ALSO, DEALERS (Two door above Peel Office.) ; Window Shade Pajarofand all hinds. Walt o8-t- COIilNNE, UTAH. J. W. lESHER. f John Kupfer, OF paid to order by malj jCOrParticnUr atii nti-- AimOTT S. C. 4C rjn CO., &, IKrf Farjilittxii nt., OMAHA, NKn. jiU-J- f & SOHf; JOHN IIALt. IMrOETKLS AXD DEAIXRS IX Dealer ia WINDOWS DOORS, Tune watches And Blinds, II ALL OUR WORK GUARANTEED S froniTLecuitry prnra'ly attended U? putting np the mill. Ii f - raiatiou given by letter ka deAll order to, and a sired. -- And ttanAfact No. 114 and 110 Maecxt Srlt rr, tlBERTg ' i ' 7 a. hobos. j mMl-H- m ) MORON & MILLER, CONMISSlOri "? . Aild-ari- ;meuuhxts, a - Country Produce, . ,?j Eeiripthr (oaduttef) . v ' - j ?' hanipieeof jprea:Sd ye-jyr- r nenjaly aayed v. ng d-- Tt-rts- a - y?S - I y mail or d J , . r evprv i return made the follow. rcasouahk. J.B.MEAPLR. WHO SAYS HOT FOR JOE!! The public are notified, that Jok Snivoxv. at the, KtVERr. HuUnL'NAUmiX, ba.t Lake Gif, keep the ! i , a?lu4T ' bet Uie5s Ointers 1 i:f Feet, asi4 f L ' Gulden Crown Clear CaH t4tf and are bn. - -- BEEF, at the above n&mei ! r Repaired. Fitted up ' Office - Steamboat and Quartz A S A X UK A XCISCO. " " BcitCa ' Everu an C of Trcmboa Auction Uonee.) T THIS MIRFET CAX AXWATS BJ foutxl the ckoiceal nrlrtkt ot ' A Aw-ayir-c. CASTINGS AUD MACHIRESY CF (Firt door Lat 3ALT LAKE CITY hav" MARKET. Montana Streot. Corinne. A flare, and ara now pre;arvd tJ do all hi- de ot Enrinca and Boilers Steam T V Built to Ortler, I .1 3Inin Srtret, . Front Street, , bet- - N and 0, bacramento. 1 - A1EAT CALIFORNIA ASSAY OFFICE, i j Union Iron Works, ' ' 1OCTTrT t CLAY AND? tNSOME STREETS, V - v sXrr frangisco. - , CO-- , I E tween Oorunierclil and Sacramente. 1 WILLIAMS & , DOMtf san francisco" 2m irir of fine natlv Oold ,TcxfeIryv and 13 California, Stre- - Aki e-f- it s J y MATTRESSES. TILLOWS, ' - COJIFORTS, - -- s- H UUACKETS, M1UK0RS, , SFRlXG-nF.DS- Blank Book Manufacturers. Excelsior and Golden State imcj-uition- 310 Front Street, A2 iOKtXXT, CTAII. r? r ,u WHAT-NOT- S, AXD i JAP ATI TP AS, 0 C ntf - Quartz and Every dcsor tjiito Afitl Machinery. I . X jclJ-dl- , Me- And Direct Importers of y of the KITCHEN SAFES, SOFAS, A: TABLED rums, LouxcaRs, KEFIHGKRATORS, DESKS. r. j a2-3- m Always oo hand and delivetvd in the city a- hie rat , rationale r aolkitt ed. aaiTSdf .... EAnilARTA ELLIS. Erof-rietc-r oc'2i-.n- IVIIpLES.VnE LK, BUTTER MILK, . Fa'cnt PHILLIPSrTflBERCO. BUTTKK, Utc., o . - BUUU.AUS. WASH STANDS. Booksellers Stationers, SAN FRANCISCO. 311 reif-ecdfill- niAiitS. i O. LOT 101. Atwood & Bodwell. CT Pole Mnr.fct'ircrs of Toll. ill' ' j tallic Whet Ibimmi. uc, 'to 19 !- 1IKI1STKAIIS, - S. V. ABBOTT , Awnings, Gratings, Iron Fences Stairs, Balconies, Prison Cells, Etc. 417 & 119 Market Slrrci. bf low First, ii. G LA SCOTT. Local Agent.' 31 1 p. Iron Doors, Wrought Iron Bank Vaults, Girders, Steel-line- d mLK! MILKJrmLKU! TOET TTTKES TRITIFS, 9 A-T-'0 ' k rifTIBF. OMAHA, NEB. STEAM ENGmES. O ltih. centantly reccmng and epening ont a fall bx-- ofd.io and I Aiicy laruiture, much a 70 Farnham Street, jmrrmnitRs of S S ' N - riunc, ' STORK SHADES, . . . GODDARD & CO., ta CV IUEHITDEE. DAVIS, AXI SAY FRANCISCO, CAL., 1SD. Monbiiia eDect, aul-t- f - FIltST STKEKT, V lMTACTtr.Er.S - J.K.TRF31BO. Fire-pro- of Purely Mufitnl. . CASH DIVIDENDS ANNUALLY YY. Sacramento, tu . walnul and Silver suow Cases, Sut CALVIN NUTTINO & SON, irut re.-cir-e 1 ESTABLISHED E(c., Paper-fcant- r, 1 4-- PAINTER, Wort done wilh ceatneM and disratchr. 4$ ft at the shop; corner cf Front an( Jcr h street., will att ai uu. J CorinmvTR PACIFIC IROII WORKS, Pioneer Iron Works, ii.silepiieri9- )USE AM) SIGN apt fit RES AI asn Ktrect, ITi-o- nt anytengtr, L-- 3rmiiiift(t uritr oi Albi'ui P. IiuaVto.i in 1 WDLOW CCUVCLSA 1)1.(011 i T.OYS, WlTDOW SBIRCS IT!) IIOLUADS, BlR ROOIl PICTIBEh A TIIRROIl BOILERS, Winss and Liouors, Sre"t.. Corinne, A. & Co-- , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Manufactory,- (Oj i 1 " Importers and Bool nucl flioe Montana A CO. LIVES, I am joiin f. Lniisnr Serretan. r.rnrn r.nnv, P. It. , LEALEUS IX eircnlar rontainintf a ftxl ncRrmos of this P dcr can lie ohtamed on aLpheaiion to our Office, or of any of our dceet. than can be said in the .hcitcil. 1AJilCKIt. WATTSOX. )T-l- n I 9 de JONES A inducement in - XD SELLS ALL KIXLS OF DRY GiOIW. foe (imerii , lUrdsalre, etc. ih-araeli. (V.mt une, cum all, and do not be toeled '' 'EocuI Agent' for t'orinne. which combine alt the force of oher atrone cxploeiTea now in ne, aud the liftin ferc of the bf-- t Eunice rowio n, t! u matin ie it vaetly eupenor to any other compound now in " Uie. AGENTS, STILL TBFHBO on the OK J.OI LANGSDOKF, I Hercules; powder, ly ttluio up the rkta OMAHA. XRRUYSKA. au20-t- f H- 1 , LPPTSTEBS 3lontaua Street, okivm:, - - - UTAH. 1 ,ue j'ro-tiic- in currency will be famished . on a i..icrnKin bj mail UGOISTS. J.I E! Wholesale mini !i PIT. and c HUSLBur tisel IXSTITUTF. - 3i. General Town Site Agnt, ' CTtr all ither. t jo rionty of onf We a o call at.entiontoo.tr ' a3 will j.uamntco to erli , cuKAi-i.it- riti"n twirn A list of .ru-- jMf t, VrlMNIO-- he 5 p " t - land. 1 m. sTTK Ar,n.;TLTIR,- L Sf iCIKTT for the ratt th aftr.tlon of We wonl.t nicrtfcan: and dealer ta or.r IGAKS, mahn. fmcturrd from the licrt of L--af. o.r facilities r njH-ri- nit mu e for yean- and luineral l Aei'ii atioji may be made to agenta I i- ground, or addle lop Iiu P. Rankin', B, aj:ricultir-a- CREIGHT01T & HUNRO, One Door Abore Front, Crini bakery! Monana St . Coniine, whicn ld i people, TniNK FOR YOURSELVES.- In all the town, to enply the hnral "ration a ? RC-t- - , H - TOBACCO ESS HOUSES BUSI YK (, r ti e interior, i itclii red to t e trantx rt.il time tf l'f oniiMm.er viEiO a mamUa tiire, ind i in Try way angrier tf in Mart, t. , a2T tl er Pow-;.-i. ' aaarded aueccusiely , , We La re I). Importers, Jobbers and Nlaiiufacturcrs of VICTOR; COEDELLAr - Vrrsox. PARKER, VATTSOH & CO, , Who!- S.H. G. A. PankLU. Gwnrr off. It, ami Muhtumt Slrret, detuaud for THREE GOLDIHEMI tcent, and nianufi, lurcrs't.f Boolh.ratcot Force "Blast x Blower! ", noH-lrtsVnd for circular. ( Brigham Discountedl Uiih fuck rr srrFinoR qtality. ritFPil THU MIL! Wing C'n.tantly recciietl fcrd 1 r nd POWDER & RARHION. - OPERATION BlSTEDl CO AI.L THE TOWNS ALONO TIIE I.1NF. d iLe frm tlmaha to tornim-- , winch and reat inducement t i. mg Vunner Ind i to alt wieliiiut to i Luil.l for theiuMlvia a home. There ia a' great r Sole :xxr & mvSA UrSIXESS AM) B DIDENT LOTS !et.(.f fr r ' Ktab Redeemed! i SPOUT! 5, 331IMXO, AN!) IKLASTIFJG Done PrdmpUy s r CO., ' j 7 1 , ClacksmThi!? Turning and Fin- - hSfrmtt, aCOR L.N.m:, UTAH. S. 9 i Alining, rumps. OI-V1C, th Elf Contantlj on hand au anfitnjent 6t . for Utah. . HrhUnf, Oenrlnr, Ilorse Water Wheels Iue Front, Ircnt Fenrloj, Ca Irony Balbij, rtr, Ate., ; T. lT. I J. - tlhfrK Car 1. Law, MoXTAXA ST., IVRIXXK J. 9 OF EVERY Dl:sCRH,rTO.f j. toonm v, Kierncf an4 Councilor 4 i1 f Though tlio Heavens Pall I llav? an nnlnnited buwIk t of both Steam Engine, Quarter., Savr Manufacturers, and hate Constantly on haiil ami Giist M ills,3lncliinrry, - r :a. I11 ?' ' r SANFKANCISCO, !) r MY WIint I saY first I say- - last, DEPAKTlIriM I.0T T01T.Y i-- FATHER AMU UtE OXK. EAIbKOAD, COHPANY 314 California Street , t Iron and Ilrbssl'astinsB, MIRTJJaXKOrS. rJ err ' s jm:.vms .r Manufacturers of 9H .X Ma till. ...TV. ti pplirl ty ihe rvrntr) de w iui uwwwBg uagP Mnih- - 13. . W r j Keep A llarglon, - v,9 California. j UNION PACIFIC Vlplui ajid Omca ! POWDER WORKS. - STREET, Xmr Steamboat stair. nilol R0H WORKS, CO It IN NK TRADE. MLSCELLANT:ors, THE CALIFORNIA ritra babuMn. LS70.' TUE.SIIAV KVKXI;u,Dl:X'l'.MIli:i: 0, T.-- , CAMFOUXIA TRADE. 7 r. n. KEir.i ' - O FFICI 1AI; of l CAUFOUNIA TltAIlK. KEPOllTEH, XZX X COIUNXE, U. - ' ' 33LTTOX, VJELAL, 0 .L PORK BACON, 1IA3IS. v SAUSAGE, V , - if laARD, ETC--. wvr,fed to be cf ue bet the coaotry sr,d riTae faiullica wii fiud ft to thetr aotaiitoe toj patromrethe Litwrtv, aa me tan ecl articlea vbeaper than aar Mijn.'r other tnarkc t la the country. - Giv at a.trlaL s AU :T.-r- -- w D-f- c!v I - ,s oc2n-t- f or 200 rrD8 tax BtBBIT METAL FOR vtry cheap it tU cfTWr. x "4 A S- i T |