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Show ! Bail : I Utah He porter TESTIMONIALS OF TIIC BABCOCK promptly arrested, and will be las fully riilll EXTINGUISHED- p&nisted. Govern? Bluffer's S Fiom the tioa has bera Vindicated, ltd the nutlonu) Ciocago Evening Post, ( ) sng-ge- t, u Let acknowIeJfM.Ftbiuuy supremacy The following frem W, 21. Lurry bet. whh doe modesty, that cow is a and ., the well koowu good 6 me to gv&ut something. : All that of tba Chicago, Alton eud ist la nacesv ary has been done, and It would Louis Railway, explains itself: Gaaeva, 111., February 10, 1870 be at one magnanimous and polltie for . F. Farwell, Esq., Secretary Northwestall withdraw tbe'preeent Governor to 122 ern Fire Compaq and let the poor devils master WashingtonExtinguisher Street Dear Siri Yon will day and night if they wish. Who cares remember we purchased several of your Babiock Fire Extiegaiehers for the protor the drill. In and of Itself? A few tection of our town. It now gives me mitools may still believe their pleasure to report tbst we bad do occa-slo- a litia formidable lo the nation, bnt Brigto use them until 8aoday morning, ham and the leaden know better; they January 23, when a fire broke out in the realized that Mormoolam has two strong dwelling and meat market of Mr. Tinsley, which threatened tbs adjoining building. pointev skulking and assassination. By The nearc3t Extinguisher was at the mill tbcaeoniy can It accomplish anything. across the river. Tba mill being locked, another Brigham may rake hie kingdom with a Extinguishers were procured from rooms two When arrived, they quarter. out can not and flee comb sa'rs were enveloped in flames, and- few bring bethan tea thousand men. The ns tic a can lieved the machines bad capacity to arrest plant six hundred thousand soldiers In the firo. !u this we were happily disapUtah in six eeka. To compare this case pointed, ae in a few minutes the fire was a conflagration prevented. with the late war is an insult to the put cut and demonntration of the capacity of This South. One of Forrests or Gr'ereon'e old the Babcock Extinguisher to put oat inregiments could tide from Bear Lake to cipient fires has (ally confirmed the wisand ladncea me in Vanacca, and aU Utah could not atop It dom of oar purchase, them to the pnblio commend to this way The eonrts should taka ears that none confidence. wh o decline to drill, are molested, and Truly, etc., all W. M. I.x&bujxz, muster on that rest the Jine then let President Towu Council. amuses them Winter, if so minded. else. and harts nobody Springfield, Ohio, July 10 18C9, E O. Middleton, Eq., Agent Babcock's Fire Extinguisher, Springfield, Ohio. Dear Sir; We have tested the Fire Extinguisher, purchased from you, and cheerfully add onr testimony to its value. While putting a coin position roof upon our a large kettle of tar took fire, Western foundry, Union (Reported by Tsl.graph Compy.) and while it was In a full blaze and running over, endangering our adjoining the workmen tried the power ot TAB EUROPEAN WAR. building, water upon it, producing no other effect than that of spreading the tar and extending the bleze. Fortunately, we bad the Fire Extinguisher in our office across the t the Cabinet street, and in less than three minutes the London, Nov. y Qortachakoffc reply was fire waa entirely put out, thus giving in meeting in the merits of the Excaused and hot and angry discus- entire confidence read, We now have two of them in tinguisher. sion. Without decision, the Cabinet ad- onr building and, would not be without them, ss we are fully satisfied that they journed till will U a completely control fires when taken It is believed pitched battle going in their early stages. y ou near Amiens. Tuoiias &.Makt In the engagement on Wednesday near klnnufiirtarers of Agricultural ImpleMezierea the Germans were defeated and ments, Cpriugfield. Ohio. suffered a heavy lois. Attempt are proposed Jo Fighting all day at Yillicrs Britoneauz. ditee songe-growliiIntofthe induet No details. on harbor rlcs of tho The American steamer Ontario left for const of our continent.theIt eastern seem Havre, con Toyed by two French frigates, thnt one species of the sponge has with a cargo of eighteen mililion cart- recently been found thriving in 1 inferred ridges, ninety thousand breech loading Portland harbor, and it on would in all live it that place muskets, a large number of carbines and our Eastern' coast south of that e cannon, intended pistols, and fifty-fivtor the army of the Loire, whose move place. A letter from Canton to the meat have been delayed by their Pcorie Democrat claims that the IbUmLa Jyetrtx fer the tteyertrr. I. 10 xfav york 40 Pwk Bow. CwA P. Bow3 h Co.. I BUm tt Pork Row. CHICAGO. Mm ft On.. Ourtm ikuk It Monet, -- OALT LAKE, r. pm oom o. zx Ktrrcx ft cow pwp. f iht Cltr, County. TetUnited rttAvy, nnd the ' . r State, 4 The Kiwem beta the acknowledged mining orgao of Utah and tributary camps, we ; iwkl rvepaot fully request ell engaged la derth 5 enter the alwnl latwMt of the above named RletHete te fdftrard ue gpeeixiane u4 eeMco when wwmheC the hotter te eoeble ue to repreeeat this important question la Its true MhC We here no authorised treretlag fifit debts due this paner. It, BKADIiEi ,, .KflitfiF, SATUfcDAY EVENING. NOV. 26, 187a r Utah Militia. years ago the Mormooe of hostile Indiana A the midst etUed lo militia, whether by poeitlre law or mere popular more ut sat, was an abeolate The people, lft e every other In similar chmmitaooee, organized far self defease. Nobody will quarrel with the method as long as U teenred the main objeet. The origin of t&eUtali nrilitia reef! on no law which tbeprofoaod Jurist could hare approred; it was organ hich . would have die feed on a boaU tod bat ITardce, practlctlly it killed go off some of the Indiana. And this it did as well at if constituted under the brat militia law framed by Haai&on or Jelfor-o- n ; aa certainly, perhaps, as If discip lined by Grant or Wellington. Captain Stanabnry, In hie report (18UM0) relates with lndjerous detail how Brigham Yonng eonecrltad him In regard to organizing militia te fight the Utes; how the Hier arch expretaed1 a anxlety(?) that lie organizatioo abonld be such aa natural Ihw weald approve, and how be requested the Capthin'e concurrence and military adeleerbnt he alao relate what la mnefa more- tin portent, that Brigham's militia did clean oat the aaroges. But better times came; General Connor, by one rig. orcus campaign, forever settled the Indiana on the North; on the East natural Barrfanrond fair treaties impended bostil itira; and' if waa only in the extreme Southern settlements that the savages were troublesome, and' there bnt rarely. Then the ahsard and ridiculous features began te appear. Haring settled the bash of their "brethren, the Latnsnites,M the Saints began to arm against their old enemies, the Gentiles,- pretty successfully exterminated the remnants of Oo d ''chosen priesthood and pecnliar people, they bethought them of those reprobate Amaleki ee who bad long failed to acknowledge the "kingdom of God," and who had refused to impart unto yon (the Saiots) of their anUtsnco as ye came npontef the bonse-- of bondage. The militia was then fully organized, net by ftie Legislature, Sat by a military com snittee thereto designated; not In accordance with the Organic Act or the laws of Utah, bat on the model of the old Nanroo Charter, and taking the old name of the Legion! Thus constitnted.it became ft regular school of disloyaltv; hot waa geo eralktHoaght too rWIcalone to deserve tfie notice ofFedend authorities. Its an final masters were better than any comedy of tbe'metropolitan ata. e; they would ' hare been the death of and did tactician; ontdid General SiclHeham, ontma they enrered Colonel Com a tolk, and ontraged and bob Sergeant Bob Shorty. Bag-ta, t, and tall, parined knock-kneehook nosed and bump akouldered, alt condition of nsiUtlona vagrants composed the ranks; a thousand times worse (ban those brave John Fal staff-won- t J not march through Coven' ry with. We saw them once, in martial pomp, on the sacred plains of the Jordan: here a grout Dane, seven feet- - high, with condemned musket; behind him ahnmp. backed' I Wetter with- a dt eking gun; thena Utah boy with a fnaee. and next a crazy Welshman with a double barreled sbot-gn- n These were not the men who bad partially whipped the Indiars; these were (be men who were Retting ready to whip the United States., In a sham bat tie, they appealed In their glory; one isan'tf leg was Mown to pieces; several Ifcdan eyw or two pnt oat, and three bad fingers blbwn off All these things did eeenrat'tb dtst, lint end only sham battle which the a aid militia bare in dolged in since we eeme to Utah. To speak of each a torca aa dangerous1 were gross flattery; to dignify the mutter as a rebellion, ''am outrage, alike on the dictionary and common sense. Never thelesi, this militia worked two great evils. It fostered a. spirit of rebellion among the ignorant Hormone and taught .then? to despise atha national authority. IkMraa-aaealso, like any other mob to fluoyobnoxions persons In the onter set UemeatV and the . pretended antbority waa invoked to infiet heavy floes cn ell wbmrefused to dril . Some of the Mor xi Kites" were ffUed- tor this offence $60 each. For these abnaea Governor Sbaf tor's proclamation was the . correct remedy. It was to demonstrate the avpreme Ywenty-tbre- a ne-oerei-ty. - I-ring , f r...-- v g ring-boned- hlp-abo- d, - - t- - -- d, I f - Tit-urer - ouaM 11 "It TELEGRAPH. 25.-A- San3a Sis Tibbals, dedlcr iu & CIG1RS, WLES, LiqtJOBS 8h earner Eoatxnx and Fifth Street, jest neeffed a large aaaortmant of Xaa Merchants, Commission Bonrbon and Kentucky'WlilsaUlcss Byo TO SEVEN YEARS FROM THREE Fine Old S&z&rao and Corner Montana and Gtlt St Corinne, XJtali. Hen-ness- Imperial Sherry and Fort Keep constantly on band n good assort ALE AND. DORTER. IN PINT OB ment for tbs jobbing trade. QUART BOTTLES ; ALSO ON Orders by mail will receive prompt and DRAFT. careful attention. Good shipped east snd west on the CALIFORNIA AMT line of the Railroad the same day orders CHAMPAQNE sre received. nolStf . WINES MADE A SPECIALTY BAILBOAD COMPANY DEPARTMENT A.XD Have aa uafialWd lumber af both . non-arriva- Versailles, Noy. 25. In the Hungarian Diet, Beast said it was inexpedient to make disclosures at present oo the Prussian question. Berlin, Nov. 25. It is confidently believed here that the Eastern question will end witboot the rupture of peaceful relations. Rossis, and Prussia are equally averso to a congress of the Powers. New York, November 25. A World special says the breadstuff in Pari will last Into January, snd horseflesh two mentba longer. Beef and mutton will be exhausted in a few days. Berlin, Nov. 25. A Times correspondent telegraphs that hundreds of regular troops who form a part of the garrison of Paris are daily offering to lurrcudcr, and allege that they are starving. Except the sick, they are all turned back; London, Nov. 2G. Advices from Berlin confirm the reports tbst regular troops of the Faria garrison, in- - addition to bodies of the people, como to the outpost offering to surrender, bnt they are always turned back Balloon advices from Paris to Thursday noon represent the situation as good, the public morale satisfactory and the besiegers silent. Count GortscbakoiTs reply to Eirl Granville's note, read in the Cabinet session last evening, does not withdraw Russia's claim on a modification of the treaty of Paris, and refers to violations rf the treaty Vy other Towers. He meets Granville's complaint, that Russia desired to repudiate the treaty without first appeal ing to the other Powers, by expressing the doubt whether sneb an appeal wonM have been successful. The morning papers say the Ministry will stsnd firm. reckless Social noformer BUSINESS wickedest man In Illinois living In the former place. On Saturday afternoon lat-t-, while hi child was a corpse in his house, he was lying In a ten-pialley, playing and spending tire money he should tho want of have used hi family. A woman who was stealing wood at Holyoke, Mas., one night last week, got too big a load, and the rope with which it was" bouiwl slipped around her neck and strangled her. She was found dead next morning. A man named Buck Hughes shot Ed. Fanner, nt Bloomington, Ind., and was acquitted, It being proved that Fanner dared Hughes to shoot him. Of course, Hughe wouldn't take a "dare." An Eastern paper says apple seeds are worth $200 a ton. But wo do not ml vise our rentier to save them witli any expectation of realizing this price. This rolling mills at Joliet, Illinois, which commenced operation only three month ago, employe 3o0 tnen, aud puddle 120 tons or Iron n ten-pin- N' y Nalls, - weeks before Chrlstmnm, (sllghe discrepancy there,) and ' the seventh on Christmas. Ms LAXGSDORF, J.Loch I OR ' J. W. USHER. W. M. rkirnniucncnr. Agniit for Corinne. SUV. between 4th nml Sth, - - UTAH. Improved Rockeri Complete and Cheap. to Or- ) Montana Stret. Corinne. A. XtCm feBros. rou err,-Wate- irsdo BOOT t1 oriler, and Coartar. Dana Etc. lie., Rallnff, JOHN WABBLE, . trrifatlas fUd' 1 Mlulkf Pumpa. , Blscksnlthinr,' Turning and Finishing Done Pronptly. KEEP & DAllGlON. n. kobo. -, r. MiLun. a. MORON & MILLER, MEKCHANTS, And dealers In Ovmkjtow 1 fjd, CLAY AND SANSOME STREETS. SAN FRANCISCO. fire-en- myfi-l- y , Abbott tco s. c. sfls-farti- HUS SET, DASLEE & CO. ffooseflers Stallone AKT (Succeseors to Wfison ft klorten). Wllrox Gibbs Letter Family Sf'wliiif Machine with all the Improved raiiffin? in pi cc from H5 to Si5d, direct front" the Factory. Never used, Apply at this Of. Blank Book Manufacturer Ac at-taelime- CuIllXNE ruo, Ctitt.tn UTAH. Wall' Paper and s; TO TKE IADIE IF CUKIKHF. TUB CELEBRATED nJSSl DRESS '.H Late of Iid Hum JiiMt And ran t -- MAKER, Always on hand and delivered in the eitv reasonable ratss. Patronage respectfully eollcUt CARHART ft ELLIS. mylO-- FOR SALE. Three e Arrived,! city near-thbusiness centre, Miltnlilc to erect shops or dwellings on terms easy. Apply to U. j; Tooliyr consulted at WHO 8AYS HOT FOR JOE ! ! Francisco, 1 MRS. REGGELS The public are nwtfled that JoK at the ItUVrilK ttuUX ISAUUN, Balt riora, LakeClty, keeps the best t LADIES BAZAAR. CTUF. IS TITE, BEST ARTISTE IN HER lino Of liusin-in tb Wi. Usviog Jvst r tinned I rom au cxwuded triy to tb M CENTERS OF FASHION 8b PrcS Ojriffr. Fix Ktipi.and UnlilniCrotvn Cigar. see ' Call and f tim-panag- os Rs-roB-- u ILL IIKX8 AND LEI TEH HEAL re made a proialty at tba SxaoaTSca egrs. Oattdxd aiswtny speotmcoo, sqMC All affords. Hotels and privata isnillles widrofintry A id tothir advantage to ptrnUa the LibeHv, asit we can sell np,ror articles r than any other In the country. cheap uiv us a Uual. oc2htf m-rk- WIRES, Lowrst I'rlcrsr Always on hand a variety of tha heat Meets, ngar cured tfamv. Bacon, Mileage, dried b.ve. ete. erjtwtf For .Salew Severnf DalScoelc . k 419 Cells, Etc. nirkot hfrrvi, trt rfiil. nheebjrrow f Tulbiir ralent Me HOUSE AXD SIC. eiulrr. Pipir-hingr- r, P.1IXTER, A pto-t- f IOTt SALE- - Utah. Of Apply at this adv. Agw,rSv V KTnnbe , the Montana street, pl.ee, Wllroad lUllroeJ clothing (pdd, PHILLIPS, TfBER fi WlHMUr nrrmb ft nnikOB of WaHiut and Sllrershoir Casfs. i ' AND STORE SHADED, And Direct Importers of 27dFarnham Street; - 310 Front Pteet. Betwern i - OMAHA, P. O. B05T1I14. . Commercial and Sacramento, CA8B DIVIDENDS ANNUALLY. . M QUfipOtt, Lanai ftgao. HOLU.DS. Maimflicnirer CO., -, JHH bik-roo- b ."ttf' FRANCISCO. mrsi.Hm VS I1TBE All. PICTtttE 19010, lrhbow cuB.vtm a Dtrotl DOB, too'blng nunrr the meet fave afck of ever thlrg in all new snd of the let- -e t which he pffra at arohUh ngly low patterns pri ea for rah Inthl.c-t- to f BAVIOr & DEALER MEYER - gjoo o Pro mptfif Attcml rd JONES TAP An TOAD- Etc., OftAHA, IfEPl AU Orders wiiolixale If. Il.SHEFirERD, 8U ,) TRUNKS, Equitable Life Assurance ,HE l!,,TKw PTATF.No llnlldlngr Is & Co. Phno, direct ITom 120 BROAD,,PWa T..,.. Ai:ir YOUK nfe wlthont them. " E. M. the Factory, never used. Annual imfi fl2.h,o0 Zneotoa WIIon U Vo., Agents for PPly t this Office. ,(00,000 indix-peimlb- ie. ! VALISES, ETC. FIro.proof Doors, Wrought Tfori Girdero. UtoeLlined Bank Vault, Awnlnga, Grating, Iron Fenoa, hit line Stairo, Balooniea, Prison .hep, corner of rpmt and Fflh streets, will receive pr attemiou. Fire GOODS, M. Work done with neatneee and dispatch. Extlntmlsherii; price. $fl5 and $70. They are Jtidl. and elan. effective ' (ffetwgm rtth and littx " lel2-0t- IKG- - CALvnr NuiTina' 'aow. or vcriTrras Iron Tobarca No. lGOFnrnum'iri.r j tal ic Whole, ala sad retail dealer in all klndaof ZIAZLZIOAD HATS, CATS, CLOTIIINO, FUBNlSH' 1843. CIGARS Champagnri, MEERSCHAUM AND OTHEli TirES. , et ESTABLISHED lxalk. . LIQUORS. LOCK BOX 133, P. Pioneer Xrorr Tories, - 4 ixronTxn aud wholesale - Retalf and V&olctafe CO., p. J. mcnamara, CLOTHING HOtJK. etc; laud; 3 warranted ''(s he of tna best the RAN FhANClSCO. VrsMtlar, it - k by . FttrilliiiriiNl OMAHA. NEB.- ldtf sausage; 417 MARKET, U. LiOBEM, . IIAMsr,- Mhskiaan And gnsrsn'ees pe-f-- ot sst'sfsetion in every eeee. . AUo Jn-- I received1 at the eoine piece, a x Jn4tf FOURTn STREET, CORINNE. W E A It , - him. CORINNE Meals, Etc., is artl'4 with the latest pstteroa sad for every description of LADIES Lots ffootl UACOV. PORK C. ABBOTT 18- - Y. JyiW-i- Window Shade! attention paid to orders l VEAL, ilt of ail kinds, -- BUTTER, Etc., April 14. 1M9, Have need "OntcaUs ElaeUO.Juttit Iron Rouf-lug-for a number of years on bridges of this sfid 1 take great pleasure in saying t)at . d has proved perfectly Ufact-ry- . It U both wsj-- r proof, and easily applied, Country Produce, southeast conxxir FOR SALE. nglamr. Vir PnKKnmrre Orncr, luMauAFoua, Inn., Nov. 30. Im4 I In rfply to your qnesUon Mtonr opinion el the merits of "Outcalt'a Elastio Joint Iron Roofing, 1 will state that we have bad the Kooftnr In nee on this road since 180. We have seven! deck bridges snd atetlou houses covered wit i's all of which aeerar to be doing well, aud I am el the opinion, taking into account safety from firedae of aejustment and durability. It la the most desirable Roofing tor Bridges, fetation Reese t and Cara before the peb ic. , Tery tinly your, J. M. RIDEXGUIt, Tice Irveldetit Ctn. k Ind. Juacth u R. B. fo. Constantly on hand fh aarortment of nott-fi- ZjiENTR' s i.iom gusratiUed made hoots, pegged aud aaw.d alwaya on hand. oc214f JaMKS SALT LAKE CITT. e ClWCIKUATI. April H. 1CJ. Th Elastio Joint Iron Roofing m&nufscturrd by you baa been for six or eight years past quits extensively used for the roofs of Bridges on th. ft Cincinnati Railroad. It nukes a cheap and d.irabls roof, la convenient y apiliad, and has proved generally satisfactory. 1 Rtoflt, Baum Front, r Iran Fanclaff, fiaKOvy (Opposite Main Srtect, have opened an (lffli-- at the above warned place, and amfpte prepared lo do all kt de oi ft .7 Assaying. hamplca of Ore hy mail or evprees promptly assayed ami returns made tha following day. Terms reasonable. JrBlf J. B. UEAOER. X Iran aud Brass Castings; COMMISSION Tlrai-ct-a- CALIFORNIA AS8A.Y OFFICE, EU Ue toint Iron Roof." our ex pr rimes with It has been entirely aa I .factory, so much to that do hot hreitat to recommend It ss iccme. plashing all that has been cUimed for it la eeea. omy a durability by tba patentee. Tours truly, H. t!. LORD. Prsst Ind. ft Cln. R. R. Co. Steam Engines, Quartz, Saw and Gi 1st M ills, Machinery, Islltf 81ioo Boot and GROCERIES, JManufactory, WINKS, I.IQUOltS, -- vui--ealt- Hurgion, Car IfhooN. RatMlw lit. April 9, We have had In usa, on Bridges snd BtaUeg Houses on this ltoad. for-- aeveral years, s Vanufacturcni of Whets sale aud Retail elM-l- Sc DUHATD, CnctmaTt, Ntar Steamboat Landing, Stockton, California. Keoff ' , not 81m VICTOR COBDELLA, (of tht beat brunda) TOBACCO, CIGARS and GLASSWARK. J. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ; liav, or Praipect, Particular atUnlicm paid maul. J. 8IHP80 It. 5rn ftupt. Little MUml Columbus ft Xtfcla R. K. Ca COSIMEECE STREET, nOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, der$ by , last ten or eleven ears in the nae of the Out. Roofings. and hsve fornd It togi. ruos clt" sati faction.- - M if raefiy ftpnlled. and with that rti'hfklftc r&bfa ih ad receivs, I in th. isfied that it will be very dursblv. Trul j oiifdf, GLOBE IfTOIl WORKS, AND General Town Site Agent, V. P. R. R., u20-t- f OMAHA. NFBItAHKA. Ol If It refers to EDDY, Bk)!:- - a. Tu twnr. evt-tln- , The Springfield (Mass.) Republican asserts that there is a family in thnt city, each one of tho members of which, with a single exception, wn boro upon a holiday the rather upoff the Fourth of July, the mother on Christmas, the first child on Thanksgiving Day, the second on Chrlstmnv, the third' on Independence Day, the fourth and fifth each on New Year's, the sixth three ROCKER IRONS, GOLD PANS. ROCKER DIPPERS, SPRING POINT SHOVELS, PICKS. QUICKSILVER, GOLD SCALES, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, a .1. .ll. f ors-t- XXXP COXSTANTLT ON HAND CORINNE, ruccty, OrncF or tb OkiTl BcrT, i CD icutxaTt. Jan. J3, ic. J I have l?af ednaidera' la experieuce for ag 4 A Veteran shopkeeper says that talkaare Ills Dissolution clerks Notice. very although tive during theday,they are always mono MtoftiMH Uls vi uid HE ro.tARThERHIP nKRETOFORR rpady to shut np nt night. flec. g Msme and title of nurl.r the IN one building In Berlin there Howe A bur use Is' this day dfswdml by mutual FIRST KATIOXAKrfillVK OFFTAU mmsent. The nnsstilrd hi sf teas of tha Item areC00 American sewing machines Vrllt le sMt'ed bv smn-- II we. Ail ftersons for tho Prusnt work on clotliii-Snowing thrtnsHvc lndeUts.t te the trm are sian army. nqursted hi call at the old atand Compose je firm. MEAT MARKET. said that apple are so plenty suu make tmtneUals tayment. It MAMCKL HOWE, in tho neighborhood of Boston, M. T. UUROEMS. GOLD DUST, Montana Street. Corinne, to bo found 1870. Movembcr 1. cannot not tf Corinne, that barrel COIN, AND pack them. EXCHANGE door East of ! dfirat i Trumbos Auelloa MILK Houss.i MILK! MILK!!! Tun uttermost parts of the earth THI MARKET CAN ALWATfi BE must le the part where thcro arc A T found the choicest varieties of SWEIsT MILK, BOUGHT AXD SOLD- the most women. NOUIl MILK, BEEF. ; attention. Collections will receive pvoiapt MUTTON, BUTTER MILK, NFAV TO-DAv f the world that the mission of his sect in te enthuse nil humanity with n new religious devotion to nil truth, lead where it may and if the truth be not Known, to it dl covery; nnd If the way fo discover y bo nlo unknown, then to the discovery of the way. To the discovery of the discovery of the discovery they devote themselves; ami ths will the hcircpliantlo souls sail down tho picturesque vistas of protoplasm to the shores of the awagoglcs." If the analogic can stand the visitation, the heirophan tic souls will be .cheerfully spured here. Ex, , AopUi-atioii- , 7 dally.- In all the towns, to snppy the immigration which will rontlnne for year arttUng up the rich agricultural and mineral lands. may be made to ageuta oa the grouud, or address HOOlSTST Montann street, (Two door above Peet Office,) Montana Street. s, ns-ftur- cti therity. The few tools whose naoveaent Aweenhghtenus? vbe medical definition leeward a. feeler, have been tympanites, need not be given Ex. HOUSES wd Oxana, Xsn., April 10, uts Ea). , Dnan Blv The Outoalta XlasUe Joint Ik Roofing" you put up on m Concert Hall an? Carriage Repoeltdry building last season, "T proved perfect thus' far In every respect "i Cm My Malta Is, t.tva and let Ltva Quick Mate and Small Praftta. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware Freight. Hdtat, ht 8H0AF BROS CORINNE, UTAH. And svfrythlug for a emu plots outfit to l. 1 A IN , A. BUSINESS AND RESIDENT LOTS SHEET COPPER, Ate THE towns ALONO THE LINE of the road from Omaha to Curiune, vrlittu are being sold cheap, and great Inducements are offered to all vlshlng to establish bustorss and build for ihemaelvea a home. TLsrs fa a great demand for I am bonndtosella cheap as any house In Utah. Ellies, ImpIcmoRts. Mining Also, hlsnulactursrs of -w Omaha: sS Kcfikhv filvaji Froasptlj done. SALE ,r , Btan 8ra It is with pleasure that we mmim h) the most excellent merits of your KUstto Joint Iron Roofing put m onr (48x183) last year. W. h.v. had much enoo with tin aa a ooflr g material, and find Iron Roofing far superior to it In in fact, think it the beet material wabtESl soen for roofing porpeara. We take pleasure in It that com bin . !ji titles desiring a materialrecommending teta and flea water proof. Tl; be BEDSPREADS. AKD UBTSU. DKAUtM IN Stoves, ffnaa. fr MATTRESSES. PILLOWS, Shelf A Heavy Hardware, ' Irotf, LOT TOWN Cl r . TUt Pi X Dsan Brn: T taka great plexsnre iB L.- - . that tha Outcalts Klastlc Jolntiron my dwelling bouse by j ou Ust pnt on water-tigand a prrft'wof reapmrt. WrTI te bulld aga i m7t Z praferance to any other roof. Tory respectfully. Tour obt servant, I OKO. D. KUOOLE8. , Bvt Brig. Owl v g. 0ma . April M, 1170. , COMFORTS, to-da- g STRING-BEDS- 12thCsndfSlo. Ut of Fittir, Esq., CnanLna BRACKETS, MIRRORS, Both Eastern and California Cirars, WhOLOSALB Oxana. Pod j cof. ff, Bsabqcabtkm REFRIGERATORS, DESKS. SOFAS, MARASCHINO. ANNISETE, ABSYNTHE, Gerrish OAct-U- f CRIBS, LOUNGES, Wines, QEXLIH & ANBAHTORA RlTTERl. COCKTAIL BITTERS, CURACOA, man quuttitiaa. ThU msutfstbaa bocoaa tha atandu-v throughout tha United States, andinev-J- 7 tanco has given tha bam aatiafactlon. akd Vl with such rasdy aadomarenu as tba fw h er appended. KITCHEN SAFES, WHAT-NOTS- . f urulsl, or throughout tha North. West,partly wuv my Outoalf Xlastic Joist Hoofing .. in i TABLES. BUREAUS, WASIISTANDS, y Brandies, OLD HOLLAND GIN, PACIFIC I am prepared to contract or Omaha, 1 am conetaatly receiving sad opening out a full stock of plain snd fancy furniture, such se OLD, and Contractors. Hi BEDSTEADS CHAIRS, CORINNE, UTAH, AND Important to Builders iUBNlTUEE. and RrUU to-da- Tins Salt Lake JSvenlnp jScirf BV INOlUltM speaks f the Tlmpavagos Branch .authority of the United States in Utah, oftfte Deseret University." under HATSpRIISONX XHD TRIMMINQS, am! to relieve all of Military doty who so of Brother AVar-re- n thesuTpervtslon wished: .Governor Vaughan has nobly DoseiTherry." We hope the Which Mrs. Rrgff- -l is prepared to dlsjoee of at tot owed out the orlgoal intention and Institution no;6-4moy.ffAorishr. to twhat; the very Iowa as ratre.both etyeets have been eeenred. It is honest purpose it may, be devoterir or evert description Tod work pcoved'aa clearly as anytblog ten be that but what Is done In the promptly sod cheaply at the eOW. aaS-branch of it? Will the dare not resist Federal an ta WLoitJe aud Retail W 3 Tb OFFICIAL PAPER- & jiL'MIO, VYIijI. sale E-q- Ifljjx fiiaztciscow t f llElliii iON OMAHA TIiADR. MISi'FU.ANEOrs. MISCKL1.ANF.0US. HLSCKMASKOCS. - pit-cUm- ' men irtHi isa . NEB.- jelidly Metropolitan Hotc ,1 Corner Donfflm 12tli Si. 4 OMAHA, NEBRASKA. D. A. VAN N4MEE. - Fropriet la new and In complete order in all IU , potninienta. Oaa in every roem. Annut tor astoOMaiaatOgi odtomk warn 1 ba . , 'H If |