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Show 4 Jt ..'.Krl'r4 - 1 .j-- w - Sn- " Vi nv; 'v. r. (WT '. r51 Jf . in $ , i t ,. i i 1 mro Jt w p 1 4. p..v 187a MOV. .. E,..-.- mfeiu able te walk to hi Ji ; .n;il .,oat th.Mok.-In SiULV O in til. , U wiM 0I!1 l fi?t W'Vd proba- - D..J.TUr, tlmK H"n. jrMriU afternoon, ! ' Ppr 10 J Anaary to.ntht. .pectf.l to retnrn downs tbe h Jp..nRh-- ta $23 of lath to :$3 50 pur M. j . of Profeor Eranjklin a - u. Street, UTAH. CORINNE, FWW WU n. clUnlboglwB Ths Rar ts stocked at the OpoeaJ hi Biljs Ued 25 peg. cent, and kneels to life ) God; of. an hnmble earpt Liquors, and Cigars. a wu"n CTfwiuiit j TSJertFrMV R?4 lasedllCO pererif: UwUadoird to bis onr roun f)k 53tnJpec hnmble meal from a plate taxed 40 per Id-- j pastorate kn4 been wbb hla kmfa and fork 33"per cent ; n jrk'lit rent., Ahonting member. Sex bv drinks bis coffe taxed 47 per cent, or Vi..-Am-- I-I.. tea 78 per cent, with engar 70 per eenf, ; . , jjufth t when ' uanmiiitb & we to prnrnte life fact i InlVgArd to P'blftri'n oe Chnr-eh- . j compttrted Presbyterian drdiented eas yesterday morning rjvc) - Sbeldod Jrk-V- t. Benarwrtonles by fii - Brown, end the "resident John krr. newly ' E. E- BAjli. . A Urge ptwe. Rrr. pod wm in attendance Ani liberal - lavtions were made toward the payment vbal remained doe ton the bntlding. ' free fottodation to pointed spire the addition handsome a is Jo oar city, iareb j to-da- , - 1 Ira-pnde- V t .pn-uHti- 4 Pick, tifi wealimg-p. I y. r o it of satire's tneak, . behdl ''Ib Cun aa Man I' n.tirmy d g is be itie a.da- ,. Hi htu I J up mile bos, , Xttli Jovial, free, a.idga4ant stride U. lu.rcb.e on ue now. -- ht ? Est d of Uintah House. lutr rd iv btiitf Jjt um.t hr b ( that's bow; 1 A. T Couiuig Man, tui 60, A k Mr ho atellar aufolj. lfc0l .' , art, ;'un.i:.ofbu thst fclm - J limited nnmber of sows in pig. for sale. A thattmebvds otaefTalteyTan; Farmer 't'wssa times foe Which we sighed tbe Cotntng Msa. llh rnTaLiw KUaT;,?rTt from etilrUlng wan- tk nM 'fTlr"remrkably ai A Mr. I n UJ; ika sisadv'h8 l 0'y a,0D?b Ut W- ,nthrotoftTUorcr,.hlila't aJdhad Rge .her Uat n !m Wn. , ,bfl ilahboard of arm broken. ea, Protracted nol-t- and and st the Enquire Markt-- r of all kinds snd size at A. Kuhn Si Bro., corner Montana and nobtf Fourth streets. i' 0v:Lid,d(a LrMREft at Ram. Howe's at lower rriee 29-t- f than anywhere else. " PHILLIPS, TABEn xby the 1 69 V ihJ - bhly. k,42s. 'ifcLlIlsen h .'"h D!t''Vi;u:u,.n" T0'r may .Mine plea lhbatoe,mwM,ors. t 'M , fi;,.bnn n,it Mieir ears ol them cpme , end Saeraroanto, Commercial Between lusil-t- TIirrK15 erKxt city woii 'orv! n hJFrsaci , nbt1ii hi 2 ha qq 11 o irrr. n t!bt nfftr the bnlncM centres oh tfiVhP easy. dwllmit D. J. Toohy. 4 Applr to Fruits of Every Description) , o Green and Dried. " N. i tn the new brick chnrcb. the finest hall in the I. OUTFITTINGDEPOT YE PEOPLE, F. HABRXOOW, JT. Brigham Discounted! BARRHTS MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1870, Liquors, Cfl GARS, ttlr QUEEN8WARE. i GLASSWARE, lUPOBTBB AgD JOBBXROr WOOD ANI) B9tr?Ef , - .4- T Qua-'nlle- GROCERIES, h gp-nls- n - cam-pli-t- a-l- a . e33-lr- - e i c FIRST NATIONAL ad GOLD DUST; tie firm. SALT LAKE CITY. have opened an Office si ths above named to do all kl da oi tlsce, nd am now prepared . f i , Hsraphw nf Ore received hy mall or evrreaa twnmptly assayed sn-- yrtnrue made the fidlow. rcaaoveble. tngdaV. T.rute J. B. HEADER. . jJeStf , , EXCHANGE an-- l nn.lcr the of ekl.t.ng tum-eia this lay dlaetlved by mutual oonoetitk i The nnaettled btislncas of the firm All win In-- a "tiled br ftamn- -l rwwi kaowlng themeelvee Imlebted I. the t rat ore to call at tbe old stand riqueeted e payment. and mta Ini . bamLkl nowz, , M. T. BUftOKHS, not tf Kovrmber 1170, 1, , Corino. VALISE3, ETC. bio .GRANb B00TS, SHOES AND GAITERS PrtBiknf Prenkin, I rrvndmn, I PrfmhuB, Prcin him, I Prrmbtai, 1 Montana Street, I Prmlani, I Premhnn, Hrlictm Fourth and FflK Simla, decilf st., Corlnne, 1 Ptnpr. S AW coitixsk, UTAIL i .eat j and fthlaglea, ftiwsye on, hand Lumber, roaft ordre seed faxpisfced at thdlowevt ovV-e- . Caeh Price. Ladiber Gold Gold Gold Gold ,Gold Gold Gold Corn -Coin ; Coin.y! - Cota Cota., Cola In all Hie townw.-fsupply the Immigration whirlt will eoutlona for year settling np the rich agricultural and mineral lands. Vnay be mode to agents ou the Application ground, or address o General Tows Site Agssi, OR m FREE OMNIBUSES TO DA each. " - J. L TRUSTEE: Tcararcr, Bank af Icnfe ' residing In this Hty. O. Von ftcMMirrucao. Poetmateri Jbnns T. KoLrs, A w, PottbKxn tool-S- m ' SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, , . 4 w RT. BET. Ih I TmLE) Py D., Eactar. tv J. It. A. hangs. ft. L. OKINNAN, Beereterr. Msvodaeity, Cal. H. C. LAWHORN, Agent, Orinofi. SCHAEFEft. A C0--, Union Iron Worlxrf, r' ' Print Street, WILLIAMS O, hoolrAniento. F.nxlnei nml Uoilcri i Duilt to Order, CASTINfii ANO UACHIMERr OF ' Evert Xetcrlp!tch, Steamboat and tArtx REV. T..,W HASKINS, Utah. Salt Lake City, WHO SAYO HOT FOR JOE!! Tbe ptibile are notified, that Jon Inmow. at the REVERE HOUSE SALOON, Skit Lake City, j keeps the beet i tX ? Heavy llnrctirnre, S to vas, - t ! : r ri'r - a co., i.. Tolmmo YH0LE8AIE OEALEflC If! i . Wines and Liquors 'Zl Front stroot, Sacramento. i t 0 7 apl4-i- m t--' 4. JOt ( ( f - . Nos. 43, 45 lYtiles, t , : vi. - Kails, A1H r. -- -- - .. . - r Ain House furnishing goods. And everything for complete ontptta, Bn, r Montana Street Hot Troon 4tli nnd Frelf hf, Diurt, CORINNE 4 - a4 47 K StrMt, IlffticSITt, Bet Second atodllird. 20T Largre Fhttiliy nhd ILTCLE BOORS, 3C1TLY ; feTUSS9, jrr riJt da r, WttX Pit mostu. 'j Inprml e. a 5? AhtPdiitriU . ' 't7 t . ' ' '.'.. to- - Or ' i . Mitt . oV" HARDWARE, BAEAftbKtlEYrtOX, SteM, Coal' SmUluJ atftdf - - Miners' Toolo, Doflrr Tubes, Oee Ftps end ' . Bom, had RAILWAY Batter Caaipiata aa4 Hitiyi a c?e , IIUNTmOTOD, COKliriS ; .; i i Jt v ; i i i jt UTAH. ' Frcati Oratum, 'r ' Feet PUa Particular attention paid - "'Otildtu Crown CisnH. dert fu fnnit. Cell and see htato. Jentsf MT ; t $ COPPER, IRONS; GOLD PANS, ROCKER DIPPERS, SPRING POINT SHOVELS, , PICKS, QUICK8ILVER, . GOLD SCALES, :j FARMINQ IMPLEMENTS. , - i r Fitted np ' cr Rcf&lreA Canstrnctcd) tBdBbtellroa ' FOURTH TAR OF Tnift SCHOOL ojwn oa MONDAY, 8EPTEMBER 4TB, at 9 o'clock A. m., with antarged aocommo--UUod- s. Pupils of all gradea, from Itlmary to Academia studies, received. Good board procured .at twenty dollars per oulS-t- f aunty. . J month for those living oat of the city. Tuition. 43 SO to 44 SO per month For further particulars apply to Referen-e- s Lancastab. ItsUons) Grammar School, KARLA, C I KUMIE, mchlS-di- B BolS-t- f Tin, ' V THB r CALDWELL, JUDOE NILES A. to. ORFXIORT. .i I. . Ths Table alweye sfiVpHd with (be beet (kg ihkrket affords. , . tore akfsat to Bras for tbs Car and Boats. TTare ftr Copper Panaengers taking Kooma will be called la ttmd A' ' for all Puhlle Uenvofaneee leevtof tbe City.' . KU!) OONSTAKTtT Qlf PAX9 Board, 44 pef week. 'lfeala, lS da. Mlngt aoome, 40 ota. SHEET ROCKER " 31,000 amounting to fHfi.OnO will bo swarded to ticket holders. THE HOTEl AND FROM Mlninir Implompntiy. Also, Manufacturers of 1,000 NEVADA CITY. CALIFORNIA. ( J . .x - S Ac Iron,- - ST. MARKS w k WhOLOsALK AND KKTAtt. DKALKOa M. LANCSDORF, J.I.ocnl for Coriane. r. NATIVE-- M Gerrish i : or riss ' Affent 1.000 1,000 coin Cstat K fe old Jcvyciry. r Sliclf EDDY,' U. F. R. R., OMAHA. HFBRA8KA. an20-t- f ... This enterprise Is gotten tip In aid of ths ' , f SACRAMENTO CITY, Cal. 5 s fei MuycrACTrr.Ex WATCHES AND - 1,000 U M ti $10,000 .1 5.000 5.000 ooo t1.000 Gtrfd fteaeon Tickets 43 PATRONIZE nOUE INDUSTRY. , f olo ft! Gold Coin . 9 fa BUSINESS JIOUSES .7. M. KUYAbAt SCHOOL DISTRICT, RON. house, h; MILL CCLlPSte e the'rttr Prt nhuu) Gold Cota, 50,000 prises ft S ALL TltB fdfijls fttoxa Tnr. LINE (tf (he hud from Omaha tn Onrtunc, which ENTERPRISE. Prolog PromfeinS 10 10 d, Pie, etc.. HARE, f PARTIAL LIST OF PRIZES TO BE I- - , l. rowwui, i BCSWESr AXD' RESIDENT LOTS Cnpitol Premium $10,000. I l!- t- i In y AWARDED DEO. 27, 1870. RyeRi-a- - f Wboleeale and Retail Dealer v sod .. $85(000. I JACOB STRAUSS, , splo-- u a.uKj.g build for themeelvee s home. There is s greet demand for soliettt rates, latronngo - EAmiAIlT ft ELLIft. Is lUllrbid CTo'hlng Opehed Vtt AftII jnsk use In this city under the most fever- - Proprietor of Ihe HlLKlU riap-'ctfull- oT-t- Corner or K and Fifth Streets , John Kupfer, Have an nail ratted number ef both JlUTTEIl AIII.K, nCTTKR, Etc., mylO-t- f - DEP1RTAIGKT being eotd cheap, and great Inducements are offered to at wishing to eetabllah buatnesa and siViREf, 3llLK, MJUli MILK, Always on hood auaplce, with a la rue stock of everything In his line all new and of the latest patterns, which at asionUh'ngty low prlees for ca.h. he Remember the place, Rallroal Clothing House, MaaMa etroet, Corlnne. PACIFIC HOTEL, co--- a-- mtEll iratEi v , "M'MEYEIt Cxkee. LOT st t TRUNKS, 1 1 Ig-e- s At me-li- O 'Alatcliea, Etc.) 144 J STREET, Between 5th andtith, SACRAMENTO. ' ; A f t i i ; i 'apifttf i loam s ll-w- FURNISH-IN- " Tuba, o. saaorl-n-en- TOWX rrriHE ro.ARTSwinHiP HEREroroBR IMI.v name RAILROAD :j-V- alls, bet. N and In each of the ahovo deparlmenta no one t having the moat complete to be found In the city; ell of which ' hav purcheaed for eaeu at supiitng'r low ing rat- -, 1 ahall offer at price wblcn cannot fall t. a iafy the clveeat buyers, hee what yon can l el.ewUere, aud Uteu )lcaxe contrast tny aud price. sefltf v Dissolution Noilcr, ff-sr- a nrn COMPANY T f Bsd, KAILBOAD - l - Collections will receive prompt attention. . n, -- . COIN, AND coarm;, UNION PACIFIC v II OUGHT ANI) SOLD- r ASSAY OFFICE, MI Srtcet, 0FFTAII : Compote DELAINES. PLAIN A PLAID CBOCKEBY and! -GLASSWARE AUACAH.. Or. at Variefv of Mo,t beautiful LADIBS aACQUEt. CIIANDALIEBS. Desutinl arts of And e greet v.ricty of Pap Kit Hanging . CALIFORNIA D.K . Washboard, LOUIS RECCELS J. Etc.) - - d .................. i WANVTACTVWSto .... -- , - W COftDlCB, ?lf tv--f TWLVEf, Bro o nil) S aCor-led- Wlt-LO- -- Just Received EtP, i W Mon-da- r, eai-l- r. ail fintnl PraJatl Not. 8 and iO J alFeet, SACRAMENTO BUSTED I OPERATION , Hohoti CiUifoxn4t s ' hit bohA' A lib Jy3ft3ra ml on Hand. Kept Constantly OEO. , California nnd imported CMfei Seed -- f )' v Utah Redeemed! ol9-t- Wholesale dealer Ik , - . t ,tt . j Iastr V A ! - ' nTtf ..au4 . eras tt&u W. R. STRONG, i -- . Though tho ZZeavecs Fall ! CO HE first term of this new school will com rocnce on - 0., je3-- f . - B. Dancing School. A. C. FRANKLIN Ffesb flrcsd, arxhum SOO. 'FOtt "9 MY GROCERIES UNION BAKERY, i',-A.UCl- - L. FIRST-CLAS- a CO., 310 Front Btreet, j . A and Omega! FATHER iU I ARE ONE, 30-l- " And Direct Importer of XAVAX? IPXIAtl, nwnatlnff lnfll-P ; counsel nd I nol3tf Bab-bat- h Montmin "Ut-r-oJ WttOt OP llpha i (iQjiBj4fkiQ;TFtototot CerJet, SEMINARY, -- boot or WHOLESALE .. DWi,i'owl' Agt, Wltl-ev- GgVTs furnlshinv good In great varienol-t- f ty nt A. Kuhn A Bro through arejceived. .s REV. V..a DAMON, A. B., Principal. off-.r- e TAYLOR, CORimiE T lu li Keep constantly on band a good assort meat for the jobbing trade. Order by mail wUi rbCelVb prompt and careful attention. Good shipped eat and fit on tbe line of the Railroad the same day ohlbr , VT. YEAVEMtf'1 , -What I say r first I say WHOLESALE EXCLUSIVELY 1 AND . - f pig, shoals If you want a fine enstora-msdshoe 'go to Jacob Rtrsns. &?MSTS v 4 v TRADE SUPPLIED. OBXAHA.BOVSB, 0t OvsbcAaT Moh JFrttlt ft ; Afifi ,y fI i MiTT t(UT3, HOtlET, J -- Wlne, sold by Sim. TTowe cheaper. snd guaranteed to be better, than anv 29-t- f other In the market. eof to bis siaoiy 'heart, hti maoiy form Corner Alonduta nml 6tli St ; Imported evcy deanrii tfeh of rs theory i 'AM door;-coac- rhali.ee ner Montana and Fourth streets. Alto f u GOODS, kelp fair t'U i out lbs coming Man. , THINK FOR Wtr clothing IIOUIi Call and examine fer CLOTHING J'tfottrufaheoaut - ' - ' illnstitkg, fee. Constantly on Hand. A. SacraiE&itOt d A FRUITS, Mercuants, ' V . . coM L'1; w OREtn, PBltD AH0 V Corlnne, Utali. . o710t received the ifhwiw.,h.,aabut Commission - 1 lst 0i , O UN OXlISAno HOTEL, west of New York. noldf yonraelves. 'Ilel!! sad Wholesale aasoeted stock of Tit largest an 1 )ooa end shoes waf of the XJisaouri river HATS. CAtS, CLOTHING, can he found nt .traua' shoe store. ei.lr.rao4 the t i Jan-nar- moat complete stock "of ; v d.k hat hero la tyleg loose, 4 Ken & Bro. have jut $ a city, end how being fitted np for this 4special pur y O, pose. The first term WlU rlua on riday. r fi, 171, making a aeasloa of thirteen weeks, Sw i OF vacation tmro Pecember 34th to N4w wjth FOST STREET, ABOVE KEARNY, Tears. The BF.ONU TERM Will open on STAPLE AND FANCY January 33d, and close Friday, April 14, YOHBSELVEB- SAN FRANCISCO. 1871. The school for the present term wilt be EW HOtSE,. new furniture and new beds: organised Into three departments, with the fol lin rooms, gas and wat-- r in each; wide lowing rate of tuition per month! large; Primary ..,33 00 halls, welt lUUted and airy i dlnlng-h'or00 table excellent ; InraU m of house central; cars to Intermediate Department 4 00 -f- tXDGrammar Department end from aleamboat paealng the Higher departments will be organised In fine asengera and bags age from ateeiu renveytrg TRUJIBO STILL ' LIVES, boat fandiega and traltis to tbe hotel, fres of time with competent teachers at their head. Lessons in MUHIC and OIL PAINTING wilt be charge. II soon aa a teacher ran bo secured. Mir Rest hotel for families sad merchants glvn aafees to be paid monthly. In advance. tuition visiting Han Francisco. . Every effort will he mode to make this the Pi Ice, 43 per day. BFLLS ALL XTND8 OF DRY GOOD, A A. rOLLtnb, Proprietor, very beat school in the Tt rritorv, Parents rendnolO.ly Groceries, Hardware, eto, cheap for abroad ran from be children their tenured ing cash. Coma one, coma all, sad do not be fooled that special pains will lie taken to secure any lodger, mental and The steal Improvement. gr y. Ke TRUMRO. school will be op- - ned with prayer morning etrret sul-l- f Second Honth Montaua etreet, Oorinue, Utth. i and r- sdlng the itihle without note or comment, h o t'kUrch cstechlrfm, hr inylhlmt of a kecaflan SALT LAKE CITV, UTAH. be tolemt-- d Ifi this a-- hool character. atxnre named hoae la now opened for It la onrbeshilling conviction that such Instruction FWHE left wholly with parcuta and tba (Ci EtcM Rthe reception of transient gnels and should NcbooL - regnar bcarderia. -- The henae has been thor- W. C. DMON, Trine ipsl. s f WttATe onglily renovated and furnished tecondtotone TVs keep GOODS, thd WlU sel lx bolt Lake City, and has been leased for a terra . them e tow aa ran be of years by a thorough . JCaetera hotel man, and ordure eoUdied and promptly and carefully the pnbllo can rest as.nred that they will rverive filled. hmiee. that treament expected at a Art-cla- a Gode packed to Insur isfety and avoid extra JAMEd hUXUIEN, Tropr. ON . c23 tf W. L. Shoiko, Clerk. Weight. . no charge for delivNo charge for package OPEN A DAN.'INO 8THOOL AT ering goo.) In the ally or at the Depot. v MONTANA STREET, CORINNE, the ('or imo Opera II me, Wrdoes-lav- . Addreaa at eight rv'ctock r . Thv latest 31. DA UK HUSSEY, DAHLER & ATT, and mo' fashionable done w.ll be tanght bj CORINNF, UTAH. t- aefaer. an xperU-nce(Between Fourth and Fifth), FOR LEsftONS TFRM. inE Wiltcs ft Morton ffiugceaaora HE finest assortment to be obtslneJ, both Plain Redwas, Polka Max rarka, -- VICTOR CORDELL A, from the Eist sn-- l Weat, of Tjatn ee Quadrille, Watx. HlcUtan Polka. Poika K , ' Quad t'le, HihotMehe.t4kttlng Also a fine assortment CLOTHING. Wbt)letAl nd XlfUll rtree. Hchottlcbe Quid! tile. Mssoitrka. vtlx of Ladies Drees IIATS -. CAPS. V Wa ll nwvlcnuQmdrtlie, Goods, consistSi BOOTS SHOES. Po Q la'rtl e, Vtta Walls. ttro.-htj Paierne'. ing of nZ la, aud the Fairy n,' ngonl'a, SILKS. e wl Dance. h a Torelhcr A S,.. Xj TA It. WINES, LIQUORS, SATINS, s rii)entof ftchocl r Ichta cxchialrelv for gentlemen, VELVETS. Bolreea free for tu.iu Grots Tueadsye.andi FHdsye. Iranda) -- l. of lh Goods. MEUINOES, for term cf twelve lestona, f 10. rOBACCO, CIGARS and OLA8SWARK. EMPRESS CLOTII. Alto t 4 'K t ? n j t a nof-t- f dot ItMVftMWieittoi Coat.! eosll conlj!! Lime! lime!! ime!!!' Now Is your time to pet your coal andlima cheap, st Trochee A Co. tinno Yard, D. W. Pnrkhnrst. pronrUtnr. ? ? to b Office, Montana Street, opposite Uintah Rodae, fabatf OOIUNNK. Selng centrally located it Offer to bnalnea men and families anperior Inducement, both aa to convenience, comfort and economy,'where all the wants of ita guests are anticipated and cheerfully supplied. The American Exchange Coach, with Red Lights, wt.l be at the whanree and depot to oonvey paesengere to the Hotel, TIMOTHY 8AROENT, free. Stf Proprietor. 1 1,1 1 - Mining, ,it5ArsFRAIVCISCO: . Fon Rti,!!. A neat dwelling bone and lot. with oulhouaee, ife.irsblv loeatod. pplyJ0 D. JTor'bvt ir L.' TTolil. " no8-- l w obck at tlt'Dgi be has a way Ikw tsakai oul foglea q tako.-Itmarnl f otii; America - hia bo font ?' ' Uke;M sH to fre z i ou natures stores 4 -- bw and f. t, plu, he tan.1e.ltnl our shor.l y s!4tf . o7-1- in oett.ed acorn, k Ds prle t ra t, ad tuulr .Ua; ?hu nobly d n, 1 hobty born knnt4iu,bia foaiiog Man, r . ' , Sportiug, . J Street, SO . AND f- - y 1 California-an- Standing at the head UTAH d mu b oe h on t. or loos; on can, hyp jeriy, . Tnrcxr.it and Corlnne Yard. Lumber down. ' Ronuh lumber, $.1f m; clear $f, m; shtnotoe, $4 50 m. D. W, 1urkhnrst, proprlefoy. t-y kel . e o- lt!U to jnt sac a. ih cur,ir, linos . Msa-mrk- Sfrs. OordeJln bns received by ex a Isrpe. fuahionnhlo pres from the and well selected stock of millinery good. Ladies will pfenae cal! sod evamlno be. fore purchasing elewhere. Pfnek now open st Mrs. Cordelias, third door east T note the ctpacloae hrlm r. a upon hi. head, Hh nim2 pn .I win. of , jr Hu A.rt of II tm--l g tuc.a no lia.-re touch display, ' III, U .Hi T.u; arj '4k va be foeJou, part to play, Tiii. bob. Coat uj li tu. lo GOODS. MILLUTEHT a The - ! SACRAMjSNTO TRADE ;?rsi:rh i . j ' . , p. tbolsal - DZAHOHD OZlAZn. gary." Tub difficulties of communication and ofjust ptide to the congcagatloo the scarcity of paper have driven those of iiUvoniiy.UberDaole for dlvioawor-ui- the Paris journal which are atill published to a variety; of shifts. ,Rome con . We failed to find the minister or paeit of a single page, printed on silk And (o get tho partial twtses in time per, copies of which, with tbe title (a u to dimensions, history, etc., which margin cut off in order to make them aa light as possible, are despatched by bal2 U published in doe time.. loon post, and occseinally reach their subscriber. The Oaotnia, which prior to FBIUOXAL the siege wss a broadside of fair pages, i now reduced to lb six of a sheet of Eev. 0. D. Teall, temporally! filling na a feather. aa almost note light paper, 6 p!e of Rev. V. c. Damon la, the Is not printed on both sides, nor. inIt icWl here, will go to a few days to Og deed, is it printed nt all. It is lithoftsloWkelha place now occapied hy graphed, and consists of fnfir short sad columns, filled 'with wrltieg so lf. Danely. The lalter goes shortly to narrow minute that to read it tfOtflcT'Le' a Aibiry (Ind.i Unirerelty Jo' graduate. trial for ones eyes. Mr. Teall will probably remain hero for i liar, aud assist in the seminary. ; WnitM n lftdy Is crossing ft mnddv street, Frsak Taylor, .formerly of Tatlor, it Is entirely ont of order for a male biped Tbiiaon &. Co., now of the firm of Taylor to look at her. It is rude nny it is unless she is ft Bloomer, or has t Ramsey, of Helena, is io thecity. I!e pretty feet and nice cleau uncommonly 1 lot&M on budiieos sf hit bouse, regard stocking! . r Corinne as the great point for a job-ti- ng trade trade to Montana. LOCAL NOTICES. Mr. Rteele or the Diamond It (a sojourn bg far a few day in our city, - . MesFrnKtsniN Ooons by Kxpnr.sa. srs. Kurtz. Mohr JUvie, 225 Farnliarp Jont Kcrren is miinnfiicttiring All hinds slreet. Omaha offer an advantage to ladies from iiatiTtfToJd,and makes n and gentlemen in want fine furnishing nnd notions seldom. If ever, equaled nf gold chains. Call at the goods before went of the Miiyuppi, . Every elty treDd see the first gld Chain thing yon wnntohthi best qrtftflty and Intete ontterns in the Indies and gent 'Wr m iimfacliired in UKh. ' l)18-3- t ferni-hin- p goods and notion line sent by 30-t- f Tlx press. C. O. D. everywhere. t--r ,V J jf the Hr pa ' 1HS C0M1M3 MAJt; Ottortts for eb'thing from n diatftnee ' csrefnllv filled by A. Kuhn .t Bro. Try sv a oMra airUToa in ms. . 2 ns, and we will puarnntee afttlsfection. tf kV.th tuliwfi Utu,n eitbKk . , : C0.PfltlY in tlio country their celubr&tod ed ,w!.ject . , DO WDFR seasons bis food with Bait taxed 100 per cent., pepper 297 per cent., or spco 397 Having recently taken title houe amt refitted aud renovated It, I purpose to per cent. He look around upon his wife and children all taxed in the same way; keep i aa a take a chew of tobacco taxed 100 yier FJtUSTCLASS HOTEL, cent, or light a cigar taxd 120 percept., and then thank hi atar that be lives in Home In the City, the freest and best government under the Only Fire-proheaven. If on the Fourth of Jnlyilie VICTOR CORDELLA. jl5tf want to. haye lh banner or real fcotitoff ammilipur he American AMEIIICIN EXCHANGE HOTEL Bowtlng.Conipsiijt, of; Maeasphnsetts.inO pep cent for this glorious prlviledge. No wonder, sir. that tbe Western farmer is SAN SOME STREET, struggling with proveilv, and conmdons of a wrong somewhere, although he knows Adjoining tbe Bank of California, not whence the blow comes that la chaining him to a life Of endbss toil, and re- Extcndlna from Sacramento Street ducing bi wife and children to begto Jlallcck Street. s'Ar-spangi- i MISCELLANEOUS r and Retail . 5 , FINEST GRADES OF of PRESnVTKItia.K. DKDICATIO.T. r A , not-t- r thor-ttttgltl- John Brown .wwl E E. Bsylia. went to Salt Lake Jckson toiMeMnn Hj CREIGHTON & MLXRO, H to" arjiTi Manufacturers of the with the finest Wines. COItlNNE, - --- y OR xiEJTVTJvi. f OWDER UINTAH HOUSE, KfrT...f-"!,- GROCERIES, ETC. 4 & , imwmr Miscellaneous. 4 li'jJJl Town. Jpjabont tpeaker deecribed, In i late HOTELS' & RESTAORAN TS. speech t be persooal bnrdens borne by the farmer under our present tariff, in the folMETROPOLITAN HOTEL lowing manner: f f ' Starting to bis work, he bas a .shoe . pat n Mt bottle a ith fttftT taktd, Ct per Montana dclfet hi a harntneitUiedi&A per ptU Between Third and Fourth Streets, cent. ; cute a stick with a knife taxed CO percent; bitches hi horse to a pipnch taxed CO per cent with chain taxed fi7 JUI.SH ft. CREOEWILD, Preprletewe. ' percent.- He return to bi home at night and lays hi wearied liruba on a sheet taxed C8 per cent, and covers himself with a blanket that ha paid 23 per cent. He rises in the morning, puls on a This .FIRST CIA8S SEW HOTEL U aew open hnmdle flannel shirt taxed 8C0 per cant. to Ike pnbUa. sail comTbs room sra Ida coat taxed CO per cent, alioes txed fortably fiimlahad. Tbs tables neatlg ars always aup . 35 percent, and bat taxed 70 per ceut. ; plieU with the let tbs market affords. Preah always ou band aadaurvad np In opens family worship by a chapter frrn any sty'sOysters ou t hort males. ''A WtpntM p,ny Utah Reporter. p . JS f fltdaM' BeKtftto SUPPLIES r 'm ? a Cai t ORIENTAL rOWDE3CO OF toTWlT IT 8AH FRAU CISCO COUDlflE t . ; kU r Aiao - loxrr rp t 4 CuMpftYt 54 K sylftt J:TXK. StrfVmrntin4iMt 3 s ' |