OCR Text |
Show ff the Constitution, has qualities of sovereignty and tho right to control Dully tJUhUeporten Ulkrke4 iftttts ftr SfHrttr, 12m NEW YORK , CHICAGO fc Co., iHsrbovu elreefj Fit ANCISCO Rouu 30, Merchants SAN L. P, Flshtr, building. SALT LAKE. Camomile k Wkkiaer, Foat Office nkvaoa ; - lcUl treveUug O. D. ( Kxchanga building. agent C. J. Copp, UUtCl it CO., r Its own organization faudto (pus V r I X a deem It. law such municipal may by VJTealurn Union Telegraph Coiup'y Reported without restraint by Congress, L (except that Congress filial I guAran tee to it a Republican form of government, and protect its citizens in LATEST EASTERN IIEV8. tho right to exercise tho elective franchlseJT' On the oilier liandthe United States Government has sov- triTERESTiriQ FOREIGN NEWS. ereignty ovfcr' "the States in certain particulars, and absolute sovereignty under the Constitution over her Z3 astern Territories. For these reasons the precise line of the common law juNew York, August 5. Real was duly risdiction of the courts of the United executed this morning at nine oclock. States,.- In .the .States, has been a No excitement. . I lot ,v Prop'. .Ter-rilor- y, BEADLE,. . I......... ,E4itor. SATURDAY EVDNINO, AUG. 6, 1870. Ait - Decitlon by ImportantCourt of Utah. the Supreme At tlio .Fuly term of the SupremV Court wan rendered the most Important decision yet made (In the case of Taylor vs. Taylor), touching tlio Jurisdiction of the lrobate Court of this Territory over mat ter of divorce and alimony. The ' opinion ivu written by Judge C. M. Hawley, of tho Supreme Court, and Ve regret exhausts the subject. e that wo have not space for tho cn-tir- f -- - ritories, Navy Yards and the trict of Columbia, complete Jurisdiction is reserved to the court of the United States. The dlstlnction'be-twoe- n the Jurisdiction of the Federal Courts In the States, and of that In tho Territories, is laid down by the Supreme Coart of the United State In the Cose of Benner vs.' Porter, 0 Howard U. 8., pages 242, 243, 244. Sectlous 6, 9, 17, of the Organic Act of Utah, establish the court of this Territory and define by specific terms the juiirdictiou of tho Supremo Court, tho District Courts, and the Probate Courts; that theso courts os defined, are distinct classes of courts, having distinct power, woll known to tho Jurisprudence of tho whole country, and were designed by Congress to constitute one complete judicial system for tids Territory-- ; that theso courts wore severally invested with certain substantive Jurisdictional power peculiar to euch pro re nata und tlmt while the Governor aud Legislature might by section 9 limit the Jurisdiction of tho Probate and Justice Courts, they could not confer upon cither any substantive jurisdiction. That the substauttvo J of the Probate Court, under tho Organic Act embrace simple probate power. Beyond tills they cun not take ;mver from the Legislature of the Territory .'without spe-clund other authority .granted by Congress. Sco 1st Greetileaf on evidence, section 518, 519, 550. The powers of a Probate. Court are confined to the proof of. wills, and administration upon the estate of a deceased person. While a State In tlio Union may rightfully extend this jurisdiction,'' by reason of its sovereign qualities, no such right or power vests la. ft Territory. TliC provisionary und declaratory s ciiz tcucc in section 0 of the Organic Act, following the authority to tlie Legislature to "limit, etc." the several jurisdictions of the said courts, The uStq)rc,mc tind District Courts shall have chancery and common law Jurisdiction retains to these courts independence of tlio Territorial Legislature, and protects them from all emasculation. That the power to limits these superior courts, applies to their appellate powers, ns between themselves, and a between them and the said Inferior courto. Under tlie Territorial statute of divorce, the second, third, flfthr sixth- - hud seventh sections specify tlio causes of divorce, the mode of procedure, and tho requisite statu of the parties. The first, fourth and eighth sections name the Probate Courts ns proper forums of Jurisdiction. 'These lust named sections arc without authority and are void. The other sections furnish a complete remedy under the specified cause for divorce; the statute is complete without the first, fourth and eighth sections, aud beDis- 0SU(ei. if- - pinion. Our readers must, for a the present, bo content-wit- h an caso was Tho meager synopsis, nppeul from the Third Judicial Ills trlct Court, C. C. Wilson presiding. The appellant filed hi bill In the lower court, to annul a marriage for fraud In the contract. Upon tho hearing before tho court below, Judgo Wilson dismissed the hill of complaint on tho ground that tho Federal rDistrlct Courts had no original Jurisdiction of matters of and upon tho further divorce tho Probate Court had that ground exclusive Jurisdiction of such matter. To tilts ruling, Judgo Bpleer, for tho complainant, excepted, nml prayed nn appeal; etc. After an elaborate review of the common law as jt, exists in tho United States, the Supreme Court laid down the following conclusion as to thegeirerHi Jaw governing such cascsi First That tlieou tract f marriage being the liiglWt and known to law; and tho status of unlrriuyrt being higher and more vital than the contract, Jurisdiction over It uml tho power to annul It, and that of the Jurisdiction of mat-ter- S of divorce under u statute, have alwny lccn conferred upon the highest tribunals of origiuul Jurisdiction known to the law. Second That the law of marriage und divorce, both in thq Stale and Territories, ns in England, is n part of the common law, in full' force, except so far a the tamo may be changed or modified In some particular Stnto or Territory by author-- i tallvc statute. Third Never having had, even in colonial times, ecclesiastical courts in our country t take Jurisdiction and admiuistcr the law of divorce, no tribunal of Inferior Jurisdiction llko those of Probate Courts and Justice of the Peace can take such Jurisdiction, unless cieclally authorized so to do by competent legislation. Fourth-Co- urts of superior origlnarjurisdlc-tio- n will not ordinarily take Jurisdiction of divorce in the absence of most-important an authoritative statute providing for tho same, beyond tlioso causes know to the common law.1 Fifth lti the case of fraud und the liko, ns that of tho cuso at bar, courts of superior orlglual Jurisdiction possessing chancery powers will take equitable Jurisdiction for the .pur-los- c of annulling tho marriage. Sixth'Whenever a court of superior original Jurisdiction for chahcery and common law purposes exist, it will exercise such Jurisdiction according to the common law ns it exists in tho United States under tho federal constitution. Seventh When a statute creates tho remedy of divorce, or any other remedy, without specifying a competent court of original Jurisdiction within the province of the Legislature to specify, the Jurisdiction necessarily fklls to the courts of superior original Jurisdiction that may exist. Eighth In States and Territories where the common law and equity Jurisdiction are combined In ono court, as in tlio District and Supremo Courts In this Territory, and the statute omits to specify which side of the court shall take the Jurisdiction, the matter of divorce being in - the nature of an equitable proceeding, naturally Inheros in the equity side , of the court, though strictly speaking it tf a common law remedy; and such courts may, and generally do, take, equity Jurisdiction of It. gee sec. 1, Bishop; M. A Z. eeo. 712; do., sco. 201-- Young vs. Kay lor, 1st IIIU, chap. 383. . Before penlng j to consider tho statute of divorce, the learned Judge defined the distinction between a State in the Union and a Territory l,ho ffovernmental control of iath Union by Article 10, of It amendment to 2, I news. Tlie OFFICIAL. PAPER psr of the City, County,United matter of and the perplexity, hut in the TerJ, , let . P. RoWell k Co., 40 Park Ron, (iors Hudson k UeMt, 31 Park How. Cook, Cob stb CALIFORNIA. TELEGRAPH. yilal urls-dicti- ou ul Memphis, August 5. The judicial election vesterdey resulted in the defeat of the Republicans by two thousand ma jority. Colonel Elton; United States Marshal, arrested the . officers of electiou of the Sixth Ward for violation of the law enforcing the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendment. They will be examined by United States CouiUiUeionrr Smith next Monday. Orest dissatisfaction exists among the Republican from the fact that a large proportion of the Republican tickets were thrown out by the failure to state who the candidates for the Snpreme Bench, and also that they voted for Chancellor and Judges for which no election was ordered United States official are taking depositions ot large numbers of colored voters in rcgald to frauds and illegitimate voting. Vasbington, August 5. The Cabinet session continued two hours snd a half and was confined to routine bnsiness. Kothlog was said about aii extra session of Congress. The President has named M. Rsiiy of Ohio, Consul to Hong Kong. New York, August 5. Four arrest are reported on suepiciou of connection wi h the Nathan murder. lleitnbold's cottngo at Long Branch was robbed lust night of $18,1)00 worth of diamond. A guest at ono of tho hotels ltut s verat thousand dollars worth. Philadcphia, August 5. A report prevail here, circulated by one section of tbo Feuiau organization, that a secret agent from the Irish Republican Directory of Ireland, arrived yesterday morning and is busy endeavoring to heal the differences tbat heretofore existed between the Fenian factions. It is understood if I'lnglund takes sides with Prussia tbat France has engaged to send arms and munitions ot war to Irelad, iu sedition to an invndiDg force of fifty thousand, men. Washington, August 5. It is known will from the President himself that not call an extra session ot Congress unless the war In Eurdpe shall so affect our interests as to render oue necessary, but of this be hus no apprehension. At present he contemplates issuing a- provlama-tio- n . . , . . of neutrality. - DiepaiVh to tba Bsrearncm.iT f f Bax FKAXfiHCo, Angdst U mile andVbalf ofsnow sheds wf nn DD ES K f: 4 J -- I, andbnyylbjr Milt Qasrli .BUwa.tp, (Sped! Dispatch to the ttsroaTma.) " 6. Yikomu Cmr, August About urr f , - A f'f ttMl-tfi- . AitADlreci Importer stock, an sixes, of tbo celebrated fU A Denver Good Times. 4 a t A . kf 1 4 ft ' 5 p. Sehctlers .Chleag f f ' . t , s , - reliable Klees, Wagen JIM 310 Front Btroet, all moat Ir ToRacco, t c6Rir?NjE,;.VTAii, i e Glenaml.lA.gen.ts for ii - - DOOR xast or Mmto-UOTRIl Stock of all klnda bought and told. Horaoa, Saddloa and Bridles always on band tor sale or hire. Particular attention paid to loading atock. tbe Plenty of Urain, Hay, and Corral room for al-t- f accommodation of Prclgbtara. Stbxbt, ascoxo FOUTAM . Whoimu aftiIlftaU !,'! MILK ! MILK ! ! MILK!!! ! SWEET 3IILK, SOUR MILK, jf J UTTER MILK, BUTTER, Etc., venereal dUeaaes badly eutod' and e xual oxeeatea, are all capable of producing weakness of the generative organs. Tb organa of generation, Vf hen la perfaut health, ; e, . solicit- - to irtlfieial Ltnti I Self-abua- MAKE TURMAN. . . b, J ! "OMfraiKO, Omm'i yur.lk, 170. iOXaitlM HAVIXa PROVIDKD BY ACT approved futi.11, June W, and duly 11, 1810, fur tba reissue every five years of Artificial Limbs, .or Jht Mlua,tbreoC. in naouny, to o& eftjAile$Hewm Soft ffiaartae, who kiWt MtUmU in tb eervlca of the Vnlted taL-e- , following InetructioM are pubUabed tor th beorfli of those inter sled. A ppUcettoew Should b made direct to tb 8 rean Oeoeral.'freut wbres tMatkrerMuaq blanks will be furnished on nqawL Upon appllreltone for limbs in kind, orders will be given by the Burgeon Gem rat upon any filed manuftmturwr selected. who shall a bond In ttM aum.f five thousand dollars, with two a ore lies, to furnish good and satisfactory limbs, without extra charge to the soldier, and make food all d facta of material or workmen-shiwithout additional rtoarge, subject iu all cases to the inspection of an- b persons as tba Surgeon General mar designate. ,orm, 01 Vud. m famlakad W ri IbU OIUOS. ( Transportation to and from th place of fitting thellmb will also be lurntahed upon a written request addressed to the Burg vox General. Application for commutation will be certified by the Burgeon General, aud transmitted to the Commissioner of Pensions for payment, through . the local pension agents. . As fnll instructions will be forwarded from thla office with the . blank form of application the expense of employing an attorney or agent will be In no casan.cessa y. . 5 , -- dirt YARD. q.l t a b m 1 em ci tes Escamus ,' L0UISREGGEL ." e i - $35 per thousand Four cents per Foot for s- Ji.ili 5 HELM BOLD'S $M),000 tlraiu.! - A A S'.j. ft celebrated machines . nowiou haipj' r SARIT-DOORS- H, 7' Weather bright aadWlTT 1 V IS FBKPARBD BY at-- OFnbiES. Cortnne, Want End C.-R. R. Depot , , 4 . Ogdon, N. E. , Salt Lake City, Rear Walker Broa. store. T. nELMBOLD. U. s , -- .ill ' tb OkobmUkC - kfji Druggist, JlX T Proprietor. . . AXD y -t 104 . a2t-l- co,,. , , - v. wufi-l- y r, - . H.Ti Mis A anajj W csats Riks," J W9 spot of . - eet. .i rnhSA-S- ra. t B k LMBOLD. - LZZRZZ3M 4 WALL. PAPEn, nos POCKET OUTLERVi fl.t 'KOTIORS- - O AXD . Tqirin D00T3, SJ10C31HD G11TKRS, ' .'ttaeiiWldrMt,' Titlt&bi . i r- ytniriand' Fifth -- e k - Street, rriH. toansE, , $ - h UUi H, u ' ( dwlif r BAKERY, uniorj Mopfcia 8f.U Corlnnr, FTreb Bread, i1'1 1 ' f -- . OqhMiPwii . a J- - m i J c al. Bye B, Pies sic- Cakes, -, ' . on Hand. Kept Constantly f Vltr- Jel-t- f t-- ODD. i O. Oa OAOD ;u uANF, Prepr. A CO.,i 't.U , 1 - J f q WBOLKBALX DCALUUi IX hf - r- ( Gctti tpecUItli CbfapBttlt te 4 v-' 149 South Water Street .03 df w. i lb. beet cheap goods mad ta Ameri. a. f f!W Tf oW cnitht 1 1 CqtCK I DRICKIK POR THE BILLION. W are now prepared to furnish partle Brln the:flet?rgMnmjp r teg-t- f "TT t w i Order.I I boWOM tire HBLL-- vrrr"1-e 4ew -- A llAlllLTOX, prep . ' " ; (SOHOW r.7Eiii7iir(2iaiT, t2S;iT: FOURTH STREET, a- Always on band a variety of tb. mmmgoi auger wared Bamt et,etcw ahjeeata aq$ retail. Mm ' . ,u l - 01 J fTi t, in f AZTR.VD& 9 ai5 - v i rRWinef-?tfeniiifi- ir. a Rritll Dealer WhaAreabamtcf WvaezattEi-iV- GEORGtJ L. .HOLT, u.luAt&0 deUrered teanyaddreae. -. ? 4 every where. Kone are genoioe unleaa dene up hi ewl engraved wrapper, with fee simile of my cbemleal ' ' worth on e,and signed of UJi, and Monlonn Streets, L- W . bottles far M, 8ld by all DregglnU Wlwiesale COUINNE.UTAH. ; - Tenth'atreel, Prieetrjg pefbatfle, or atx DRUGGI;1' Comer " -- li 4 lbs ESSlV? P. . 5 yt V v A -- . jtw. jr5tTTta . and Betaii J Street, .Sacramento, vbair FRANCISCO, JACOB STRAUS&, Full Asortmcnt of these a-- or S1GE PUKfClPAL t H . . 1 No. 228 Clay , I ? o L.RECQEL. n , D. W. PABKHUBGT-. .. -- No. 12 Ifi I mall or. expreu promptly ed raclflo, Westeru JParUVv.aud I'alifuruU Xu.l Ori gon Ball roads at Tlcasaulon, Chico, Truckee, Wiuusmuecs, Carlin aud Toano. , m -1 one-fourt- 1 vamsnto aad jBau Xsanrtecovltnylbg from Ar.i hand enables' us to sell our goods at lowra tbai any other house In thi vlclnltj fiarga . Besides the Coriunx have well)-bolntstores locstad on tbe line of the Ontrsl 3. ttf-da- y, ew 1. '.'1! . HOOT .1. i r.f - : - to, w qs.jgmy'i.'V '.iS.t .I.!T e sfiLHoavyi Hold 4 aus-t- f f . FMILT SUPPLIES. . FEET. OP LUMBER Isnifcd ,f ess l,jt0 .i f S August 5. It Is understood that England baa determined to consider tbo invasion of Belgium a cause of war. Tbe King of Belgnm will summon the Powers who gunranted her neutrality to her assistance aa soon as her territory is invaded, and England.wili respond. The strenuous efforts mode by the Court of Rome to bring tho Influenoe of the Em press Eugenie to bear effectively against the witbdiawa! of the Frenc:n troops have fulled, and th,loet dei&cbmeot leers Ci Vila. Yecchio. Advices from Rome represeet tbet the Jesuits are endeavoring to induce the Fope to remove to Malta: Collisions between the German - and French soldiers In the Pspal terries are of constant occurrence. FIN WA It L) 'J 30-4- -- . . f.nt i.ai sni .!,'?Kerry i Description of And J e U -- auhhiVARE, . A'nt.n J , - . r PRODUCE,- - ) WaaMtxuTuW, first-hov- London, XTQUOUS, ; ' quantities, Yeatcrdaj morning, about on o'clock, 4 ?3.V.Vi;ii.. Win Dnraamxx,- O price. Buaor.ox . u 1 i Notice Relating NOW; READER, GROCEIUES, i PROVISIONS, v.,oohnqro,iD:,.T. euS-lr- a it - 8uvc, Nyt. to-w- it: a large fores of road agents attacked the southern bound coach hum Helena,' near Pleasant Valley, and robbed it of $11,000, over $4000 of which was tiken from pasThis ia the sengers three Cbiuamea. second attack that has been made on the coach within ten days, and probably by the same parties each' time. The company offers $1,009 for each of the robbers h of captured, dead or alive, aud the treasure' returned, tt ll be true that coming ereut cast their shadows, the IgUantees are not far off. Ob- - h i . XMC ' J OOKINE Grand Detour" Plows, S reaaouabl raws. Patronage respectfully , A:i JOHN EAVES IPJDIS3D IjIV3ZJn.-SALE STAI1LES, S.VMfR J'rv. SHverSteel Mishawauked ! . or - S, ar, I Wa'spcr Desperadoes L a ' (VOCSMOXS TO M. KSTSUM,) 4 , - G.'69in.; lsruiuUD ciimcnuu are mlfluwwary gnreowable emy reapart. Also on band a targe Mock, of all wwvmed and warranted Waitf6vxrr7lC ; Wofi4, TRUCKEE RIVER man-of-w- of FRANOI8QO.' .r i Il4n r Ml . - naylO-t- f k KLLIH. . EAMIRT Berlin, August 5. The following, dis been has hero from received patch " a small village on Atter River, D1D YOU EVER THINK near Weisenburg, dated six oclock Thursday evening: We have won a brilI liant but bloody victory; the left win, .ot t H the attacking body; it consisted of the Tbat those bold, defiau.ederiifUd; peroevrring Fifth Snd Eleventh Prundun "corps with AND aucceiafin busifiet tutu are always those whose i the second Bavarian. This force carried organa are la perfect health ? generative by an assault, under, the eye of the You never haaraneh man oontplaiu of being Princo Royal, tbe fortress of Weisenburg melancholy, of nervousness, o'r palpitation of aud the heights between Weisenburg and' ' the heart They are never afraid they cannot . Gisbti-giXuiys division of Marshal a tier end iu business; they dout become sad and McMahon's corps was rplendidly de v ' discouraged ; they are alwaja podia and pleasant feated, btiug driven from its camp. 'GenIn the company of ladies, and look you and eral Pouuy himself was killed ar.d live them light iu the face none of your downcast hundred prisoners were taken, none of looks or other meanness about them. Ido not them were wounded. Many Timoa were mesa tboae who keep the organs Inflated by runTho Prussian among the captured. General Eircbbach was slightly wounded. ning tl exceee. Thi x will no. only The Royal Grenadiers and tbo fifth regiment of tbe line antlered heavy losses. Paris, Angnst 5. The French General RUIN .TTIEIR CONSTITUTIONS, Bazame made a reconnoisance on the 3d, J. K. BARNES, between Saarbrncken and uar!ouia,to ob. Surgeon General, U. S. A. J) 1 serve tbe movement of the Prussians; But ala those they do business wtth or foe.- they were, not found iu any force in the How many man, from bad,7 cored diseases, neighborhood. from the effects of self a buss and excesses, have Loudon, August 3. Tbe 77me.t of this t I brought about that slat of waadnaas ' la those morning says tho plan of the Prussian commander, iu view, General Mollke, baa organ that baa reduced the general y t i been recently changed from defensive do much aa to induce almost every other dli FB&1TCH' AUU POTG8IAXS offensive ore. An advance into France ia threatened. It is possible tbat Prince V Frederick Charles will push forward and . or . J attack Nancy, Tlio uut ut Baarbracken IDIOCY, LUNACY, PARALYSIS, n 0 'ii: - f r on Saturday hated sixnours, and on both AT e e sides six hundred men were placed hors fcfl do combat. Judging from French acSpinal- affections, eufleMS,'" end almoat every counts, mitrailleura have already decided other form of dieses which humanity is hair to, MONTANA BTREEt, CORINNE, the war. and tbo rear cause of the trouble acaroely ever t , There baa been no collision at aes all but tb eeertad. and bare doctored for ' between France and Prussia thus far. ' (Between Fwarth and Fifth), '- right one. The French any the Prussian needle i - iCt, vA i J i I Disease of three use a of organ require tb gun recoils badly and that marksmen are I Bow fill) immense Summer aa Liuretie. receiving ing nonessential, they must be soon compelled to fire from the shoulder. less . and Fall Stock ConnUtlog'of couutcd out of the Act and being The French also any that the Prussians counted out, the Jurisdiction statu- carry old horse pistols, while the French have carbines of long range. DRY GOODS, tory divorce of necessity fulls to the Carpeting, v- wo London, August 5. A correspondent c CLOTHING. District and Supreme Courts of this indorsed by the Times as trustworthy and t! matting. BOOTS A SHOES, , CROCKERY, neutral, 'gives tbe following interesting Territory by operation of law. See details FLUID EXTRACT r of tho battle of Saorbruck: The HATS A OAFS, GLASSWARE, I, Bishop, M. &D. see. CO, 71, 73, 73, French mado some prisoners t but rapi SATCHELS, ,VALXSE6, U Wood vs. Wood, 2 page 108; 14 tured no cannons. .They lost forty killed WALL 1 PAPER. Wendell 642. It tlie province of and sixty wounded. The French force in BUCHU. battle he estimates at thousand, SHINGLES AT $6 PER Iff. cf Jtc superior eourt of original Jurisdic- and the Frnseians at onlythirty six thousand. tion to sweep away all difficulties The artillery won the fight; there waa but B.rio,poribid m, .lock nri cbdVd I tb great Diuretic, and U a certain cure for in the way of the enforcement of n little infantry and no cavalrv engaged. It A largo Msortment of dlasa of tba Bladder, Kidneys, Oravel, Dropsy, 4 Prompt stUntion given to ordet a from a dta-Prussian Regiment valid statutory remedy, and if nec- was tbe Filly-nint- h as before reported, nnt and the Organic Waakneae, Premia Complain ta, Oreeral Fiftieth, CUv me auntt! essary to so bend it provisions as to which waa engaged io this battle. Three Sr Debility, and aU ill seres of tbe Urinary Organa, . i. . Its lawful Sec whether held er Fortieth male the .of their from la accomplish existing female, purpose: compsnlos what, 1 Bishop," M. A D., sec. 91, 93, 04; 1 ground against tbe French until tbe latRED WOOD, AND SUGAR PINE, ever can originating, and no matter of hew au44f long standing. do. Crim. low, sec. 62, 66,70, 78, 91; ter's force had fully developed its If no treatment la submitted to. Consumption strength. THE BUCKEYE MOWEK, Midlcborongli vs. Rochester 12 Frankfort, Angnst 5. The noon train or Insanity may aflaue. Our flesh and blood are Mass. 363. Tho cose at bar being a Inst arrived here bringing five hundred Flooring,1 Ceiling, Siding, supported from three sources, and tbe health Iru'e--i' prisoners from Weisenburg; they bill In ChaiTcery to annul a mar- will be sent and happiness, and that of posterity, depends into Northeiu Prussia. The BUCKEYE n3AHll AC3r.10YER upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. riage for fraud in. tho contract of total number of prisoners taken by the And simitar lumber kept on baud. constantly . 4 r marriage, tlio court below had equi- Fruitions was eight hundred, including A table Jurisdiction of the same with- eighteen officers. 5. HELMBOLDS Tbe that EXTRACT London, August report out regard to the statute of divorce. Saar Loais bad see aAlldi a e e t been taken by the French t The judgment of tho court below proves unfounded. The report came r J o. js.BUOHUc must be reversed and tho cose re- from Paris and is contradicted by later ' ' - v,'.'. r. . Tbg Hockey ia the lightest draft, strongest dispatches, which say there baa been no PANEL-DOOR,l ? manded. reliable machine in th markekand N04 win. fighting at that point yet D0W-SA8to gat out of repair than GLAZED AND UN-- EiiablitM upward oi Nioeteea Year, machine made. anyothw Brest, August 5.' The North German OF GLAZED, AI.T, 9 SIZES, a schooner Saare, captured by French , r 'Jr ?. . t t THE ROAD AGENTS AGAIN was brought into this port i t to-day- V If yon are soffaring or have seffarad free tre voluntary dtacbargaa, what sffaetdoae tt prodno V upon your ganafal health ? Do you feel vraak, debilitated, easily tired t Does s UUle extra Hose tS9 tCJ Pront Street, And all kind of wagon material. . produce: palpitation of the heart 1 Does CORNER SACRAMENT, ,. your liver, or urinary organa, or your kidneys ' 7: ANCISCO. la your urine frequently get out of order , . . . , The beet of referenoa. sometimes thiak, milky er Aeoky, or Iq It ropy mbMSm. , on settling T Or does a thick scum rise to tbe top t Or is a sedlmekt at tbe bottom afterAt IlADfi. w I has stood, avbfit r Do you bare spalls of abort T ' n-Are iu your bowels breaUdngor diapvpalat Do you bate spells of fkfottsg.or CO., OISOOUplVALLACE rushes of blood to tbs bead T Is your memory s impaired t Is your mind oonatantly dwelling on tbla subject T Do you feel dull, llatlees, moping, tired of eompeay or Ufa? , Do yb Wish lobe left alone, to getaway from everybody? Does Warranted to do good work And to aerveJuanjr auy little tblog make you atari or Jump? Ia aoU, and large Meek of all kinds of b M ? farm Ia the lustre of Imprevod maebfnary. your sleep broken ..or resUa.s yotvr ay aa brilliant ? . Du bloom on your cheek aa bright? Do you orrery youraclf In society aa . A full assortment of Coan It Ten Brokes 1 if? , -t . i wall? Do yo pursue your buaineaa'with tba Dealers Ja Hi same energy i Do you feel as much oonAdtue C tt GO .C13E11GSS t ARE- - E1GCISS, Cl El I iii In yourself ? Are your spirits dull and flagging, , i ' to not so do If it fits ?r of lay melancboly given Which will be sold at very moderate price. liver to. your or dyapcpela. Save you reetleae ' WirtbMM Hear Um nights ? - Your back waakorour knee weak, and 1 AAu t have but little appetite, and 'you attribute this to ' dyspepsia or liver oocoplelnt ? Denver, August 5. Yesterday 54 mills of track were laid on tbe Kansas Pacific Railroad. The gap to fill to complete the the road to Denver la only thirty-eigh- t miles, end It la expeoted tbe last rail will ba laid next week. Tbe city is overran with desperate characters and garrotlng ia almost of nigbtly occurrence. Business of all kinds ia very good. ' S; k atwren Oonunetflal and Sacramento, 1 on'fcaafl. Ahray I". St U J . waooxs abx xxoinr ryvaxsE through tho West aa tb beat and t i , k DXSIBAftLX. TO ftXXDKB XXXSTXXCX Special Dispatoa to tbe ltarosTma.) ) . mxQCion J Th( Kansas Psrlfla II a 11 road ffearl j Completed cim PROMPT TREATMENT COLORADO.r -- ; ooamtuL; CTAIL - S t V t .... Jfru Qeoe A.- Xowe, rtmiiiTTiaraco., 7: n f VVOtXCSlAillE 1 . hd whoyx , Always on band atid"dellvared In tbo City at Xieder-ulterbac- I iAiUtf09EZllt &&U TK225D ' f ! i. y Gulch, six miles from Virginia City, bed jast been blown up, killing tbe engineer, James Ryan, wbo was carried upwith tbe debris some distance la the air, and bis body was found several hundred feet from the mill. CM O XT AKA pt Vlarkat)rr. Xrocn - kWWt4 w three1 afternoon news was brought to this place tbat Bennett A Starrets quarts mill In Granite oclock-yesterda- Ji ia . (Two door ACTOR -- ! 09 ltd 'V, Causes Frotrnctcd from jHiddeii ft " w oo, Cs5isroomt 16 Bansomo tr tigs . ovikieS uixitlrtUx Ok' n f aa4 TresSts, t 7 BBB29 J - wtth a eboic aud greatly re wD?SCflELU nr' MAX trad auktf r t k atasalae lor yottraoira. ducd pricea. cx Mamtactnrm sdjdr i L nowprapsrad anajty of Ani.alMiaf Call and fiity-ieve- M02STT-A.ISr- . -- .DDrmrm? poii;?Affpin7imT: rxWlaoleaate Id J tral Pacific Railroad, between 0dmmk and W fenfire were lasttigbfc' Truckee, destroyed Trains will probably not paas before MonTO THI day. Passengers are transferred across thebraak.. Loss .over $50,000 dollars. , Tbe dofoners annual report ia four NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED 1 a S flUDdredktid fifiy two caseadurlog the n o last year; twenty-twmurders, wnosE-TnyrrERiNcacddentsT sulddca and sevehty-fou- r -- V 7 a CRABR. TV f f u A .11 r A Foreign Slows. I A Aboot e tbe Cen- SAJO2UfNDiD0 MISCELLANEOUS. COLUMN. HELM BOLD'S CUks A d$YMIfnr OTrtchiH f tf AW 7 I j |