OCR Text |
Show s. ft;1 ' ' d i - -- rcuuskw iTnt howuts Mowraro, ' Jx i daily utaii nEPOKfcae i - .A i-ivil- ku rigiiUa&nfb Jftmoqml ' .siotiifioD Jims gxiMi o. 1. HUYCK. tk CO, Aft '! r j Mi I khni or 'uciiPTip. goutbs. . ?.haraak rupptte4 gtsfls 0 00.4 ,' fifj JA.00 ' oa ...i.. Carrier, toy Aba 8 90 , I ' f IK AD V ARC. Vol ' i i r , 4i ixwifh Q. n S l vw- f -r rrriciu f v e .ivnr t 1 4h TOsnstM No. 53. rrBLIC Joint reaolutioQ aatborizinn tl SacraU? of War to plnco At the dupoaat of the WKMS SHICER, attoUnev:'at law, CORUfSB. UTAII. on, B. Horn o CWUh ll. , R0BKRT80K, Attoraav at Law i . , i j, i. aad , ,' .i Solk ltor la Cbaaeary, SK lAla atf. Clab Yarrllorr, . , q B B AlaOf e J & CIWRS LlpRS 2 . -- S , . ,v ilk ... .1 I of Czimtxyi' VIGTO& UUiiilhLliA, d"J TZ,C)CZ 151-- , fV 1 l dried f myb-t- . I IRPCSTlile M I f Proprietor of the ; hand Lumber, Lath and fihlnglee, roab ordrresed furnished at th lowest uLUKura. b.,( HUblj 5 nKitr.n iv BOOKS, STATIONERY , f ' akd it vice-presiden- AJ rki y rirt-J- 1 dtffae I fQALlFORNIA illkrS 'fzbi v? r,u iuoet-AituHiatfy- - ' rin, if, h i;uc.or,ra" ' I irt ir b tr; I grains. j1e u vS r. a adr ; E HELENA,' 13 ALJSJS. ; 1. TJt Inrope. - . . ' Collections prompUy attended to. my I9-S- o Drroc.f MmI and Retail j MontiimrSireet. ' ;oiuiniVe,! . f, i : aJI i ' 1 1 rmihra. Saloons, Stores, etc. supplied aLshort the beat Ice la the cltf. whhUsale B"Urs with tkr from dlstuie$ i j MICKI (si . hoW;? 4eUpee mils. A .CMKt-lltC:tUll- FOR . I beot fit of the deositors, all sums of money oflfoml Mr (hit i tfrposA? All such anuis Jnay be invested. in the stock cjhny 'lAukiS0hAv6tated,by GmL stock., of inch. bonk at not mora.Jb Ninety per centum of Its par value, or they may be invested In the public funds ct the United States, of the, several States, or loaned on a pledgthof. anytot Said futd, or invested it loan rti mortgage Of real estate: Vroviiicl, That tho whole amount of stock held by tho institution tjono time in any ooo bank, both by Vay of an f'tfId',r -- y k it ' be b ft in quarters of tho whole sum depositedtime tlio institution shall, b army. md in mortgages of real eatato. The Income or Int rest of all doporit shall l derided among tbs dtfpiMVtJteafortfcei senUtivrs, according to the term of interest stipulated; and the principal may at the Uintah House, t U 'L 4 .s aim, " ' Z . SALE STAPLES, HwvAA Branrr, aaooro sLw iKaw ( HRr" oOoer, director, or committee, charged with the duty of iurettigating tbs deposits shall borrow any portion thereof, or; use the same, except in payment of the ex BO " r rrr , V r. V n. - 'fillM. -e w 'a c ,ij SUPPLIES. : fj IT ", 5irrs2is2; i'i - ;i V. I ?4 Ricliards Improved Portable Burr Stone Grist and Fee v : lo . . . .4fVj t j Horaee, alwapa.dk'bslfer sale or iaSSSSPS1 tins to lime require, and LI!d,orsciboe To be Continued. fprf- cujtial Many sepf Si4tli4l Wt . f (Y i 4 J . A.trtl ; 4 i, " fji . i ,,'IiHV , " 'W ' I x i nr.' I 'Vf ? ! t SPORTING, ' MINING, AN rt alv aad 47 Nos4,;4 . RL and 1 bift!, SoccQd ' . 0 .1 . ocmVw.A. v:uv,9. .F f , , ,i H , tr it RTvE-- wrvv 4 ' S j i I,' ;rTO,wik.. A'o, Ac,, Ac. . j - wi et u r n ft t , t V . ,ro,n! JUrve trie ' A L'.? iMtr28lf v . 1 it Wall; 11 Agin. 7 , ? ft $ a .Sfcodiifl bitY tirxt4 rr. oood, -- '' :v.- a J Miouiiit&tfto.is ? i ? Niiu Yoitzc. ix.Warprotms i j; .4 tt;9n Wntilntm uicauo. UH ) 4 iZMXTttlS ,4, fith'vd) ry Poil Ojicc, L X Gab HroaVlivnf. to ' ft 3X-msiio- 1 somA ur f.: IL Anil I lei ry JJe.iCrfpfion of . .Ull 10 onLi.irtit.Y CoHiftil, ivi and .Von BAND INSTRUMENTS, STRINGS, tQcf ton. ,5i 3 Nectlliiim & WIELO DEONS, ;&C., A gi?JS;ANS,Mnt.nf.ieiiireis f snd Imporier - ,:d.vrK TJj I. 17. REG CEL. 'i in , j ja .t- n.mvAtiE, L mTINWAUE, GKOCEHIES, v CLOTlUNGa QOEENKWAitE, t I j 1 ' :. i it , J. K. TltyffBpJ n . AAtU WHKYTO - ' 81AULE RROJ34, Nfc.tTl.t FIRNISHEB, H T THE DA Y, WEEK OH M0 Tit. taw d 1 n) Table The alwsysscpUtwIth the best the ti Hili 1 1 r bingte iiri .Lv.ai V ! BUCKEfE, REAPER ARD MOWER A Fall Ashoriuieiit of lliesc UN F. LOUSE. Secrctarf. j ta ahp. AeMraaiUc . ,Sl AGENTS, Corioce, U. T. OE0. 1 ' i A. L0WB, t ? ,i ' linn, nun .miJtLluuiimh ,4 MIoSL.-t-orJBT.vn- ., (..Mia L.t iS Li Aia,1b ' TIBiT-CLkaS- h I t st:, SftdMMldob . Tbs pnblio srs notifled thst Jon keeps ths he t Ui!, t to-i- Rimmovo, aj Fresh Oyster. U Flc,e j zO TViicos A t s . nwh ADDRRK - el- -' A L t m.mtttv 'J Oifl liui. i r r AYY;!w'..KiMnALL, Feetfantt' I'rhwn Cigars. 4lden C;4rit' hint; ton thiugr . , v.Street, Call and him. y ii2.4!rif . : l f.. a of tbs rhais or inc patrons era Una OIMn lra bn biviaite sthor I ; w-- 1 . ft aisj vv CornftJ,si.Wiird,,6M v irt ' fxt ,.,U I f bo-- , IVt f - J t -3, 'AJ f , .133 LAtCi; 17 JSDttf Itr, t nf the i'.very 'liotrtoitrnl ' !. 5 exf lo)nged ut iur 0ar4iwcs Aral puitrliicok k wWii, toAtoy W&niiHtrj jroatly t ttectrALirt t fapiK4 p I rir flw namriad - a , K X ac'f j t .4 t f.l j ui ! ! ooctiau.fkttKa istcss I1, frtsiy? f.'.j x.ll In Cnct?n 1 v4-- i &li2iLa ths KLVEHR UOUbfc h.tLtXlK, had Lake Cltyl ' ''ey , PIANOS i' " f.v!r btouht td tha Writ,1 4 fr-- r the-lDi- t Fi.mtjr Over mi hv ndrstl Ot Lhca'myri.tt.ra have I u unit cnuHt vs un it. ly 10 t. nil, l!v. Ibla fact x fvri thigicsr'teetU cf tha : 4 . - r tertf $ - ?' ?riunr frfiD $100 lo $H)00. o i a THE WILLCI XTG1B33 :s ' VHaKNT!;i.;-n i !i i unir i vii j u. Ii . ? a ! ' j Bent Orynn. rrntT ItrcrivrD Iwo Wlvcr Mcftl for bf4 Yaflte'ana haatvhurch Organ at lbs rxiu, m iooai ) , .mwMwtiil 3floaajq lre IlhAH i.VI tbetakfarnMlUi'J ALYHTOYE H'LftY UORSS BAKES, a il for terwrussitMr, PcoIunExtrECt K i;o()6 liave been Sold Vial AKE NOW IN USE. ' x H , e .i w 4u Premium z hare hern awarded ROMTaL&i CBOURDi COPFSq c ) - sf Great rn'l,es and Cemple'ese I . Tons, ExprebfO and Ltait zity , JfL of Tsnftu j ' m jifHous: i e imiM'ifjn i shiest draft, atwmgrs tdsHAWMKl $StC$l3iC$rto,a, The Buckeye Is virty superior to any other compound now aMswK: lon si plicatiou t?iV,ifriirwt 101 .mtistock o pr of any of our AgPts, Liao, will have iu a few days a ,AW5 8CPUBI0B 1 to., LtK n mi fiCTCRER? t&O'lFi-on- .00 LODGES.1 I . txar--, u ;r ' HOCIKTY i thVd'B'dfkf CO., sachamkm to, ca l. ' tt i ill Aj 1 fcP,rl! THR DDOKEYB MOWER, t, . . npJnt snrVct, !nVir Breaifast inttias fAf (thnud!srV int Wstsj edr Fowsviiaers tsKlmt Rooms uill bewdlAt lutMhs ftw alt Pwbiii Cnve, snees IvsvInR the City. 24 cts. 1 week. Meals, aJ I Ci!tltOM., SHn,H hir per f. 5 American OrgDuijj Si;eaip.;;FlQurMUlsJi FOR PARLOR CHURCHES AND dv t J CILA8SWAHB,1 a distance. 5 oet, f I , ;v , : . i i, Jlaviiig ptirclwRiL ftiy slock very Cheap for east-- I am prepared to sell at price tbiit roftiHd fui) ,to induQO; purchaser, ' CREIGHTON & HUNRO, i ; 'T , L'lic tnmily ami a, alved inM the interior, I delivered to ti a truipdtrd eetummer Ublv nsys,vf It e hmt at its bianutertima suil 4s Un arery way aup. rUr to any other Powd- -r In Mariut. We here been awarded successively lt. cots u ioS'-- d' FRO It TERSE GOLDHE ' s ' s CilOCKEHV, OAPHsv v mv2i-t- f d Silt)) POWDER t 1, 1 ,i.' - $TS-- kttnW noiKldip Atn hiilv. H LASTING! ' i i ,,m ; Contteiaaion Bualnesi Strl.H attention psM tpmsienmfuts. si, 4 liberal slvaatwincnte i3 V i.u 4 ' AofsT ren AjJ0 , j 21I7 sssnrsss f! i 3 batch eeft;TViCLisfc$: , . : UiU 1 .witr, I - 23JUS? TA rs ,1; KFRtFH IltK) u 'it HATH ., lvi i.lt ; u:r ft i H CT3T . te.sfr I - IS t vminm 1 I . 1 .( i lj.' Y"I 0.1 . jol7d&w:iw . ;vx;; cq A.Oa?tTl.33S4 uti'i'K. J otruaij ........ .' xirsw.Tii': P II A: Ff VI hu.! t , , npjr tzxK ty..Mv t ttrdar, cry 4 ?.na 1 'iii jj) y xftsU tt u ' i i S e I i ili: tlel- - ITirt 41 DetwesnFourtli and Fiftb, . ' I -- J ? ' - FUltd. up orlirpa!rrdi Importnra nod 1 ,i 02737 ni fdi -- KW yi'Ai ij lur'1 1 1 1 f.it t ; Y;lqVTr Coming, TliKKT.,,,1 tlCAt0in fir. reu l )., ,u,il - , -- tii L ft tVf.'ayv III' , ppihwf ? I'v4 ,?r I am now reooivrngf ati inmionao Jtpring snd Siitrtmer Slock ConsistiD of ,- Ft'-TTr'- '? ? I sit i ,nlv'V u , . I t t . , h f . Works, la i, Mr ,J. Wines and Iiioiiors, :L J auo visions, 7H t 30 lit HtltU)t,ii JVORKS tsoH:c?,SSLrtoD bacianiento, in niiluon SIU ly ff e il t v , a t 4ut .v.'tii j in I i,i 'll ft 4 't ,) St rf.i f ft MONTANA STREKT, CORINNE, t ' S V W WatftssjiLffEAliSRFlN MAnMifttcturcrafb ttd tta mrOtfb't&iftffy 5 1 . , . I I K iitircuiar SaiYuTlilIs,1VootIirorlIis Planers and; Matchers. . Jr. I !lti'blngls AItllN,nnf nil kind 4Vssd Working iHseflhirry, , J(; Biobard ' Politer Corn. SM iler, Shaft hty. Pulley and Eletnttor Muahin Buill to f 7fl VI u'- lOtilQlr 4 n- - s ff8WPAppeflo krty9ibrr. n JhG 1r ucj !.t ( I (. .r. . u TO BIT KERCH WWSJS'OF i i LiM I i rlt v-- t ,il3 itut-- I , -- .t t DKALKH'ff' 1 and 4 : 5 Mtn-ct- ; H IiOUISrEEGGEI,; iiS 'V fill ,0 .wiiuam?' ''I&PmI; ' PQ.WDEljl V 314 Ciiulfailtre3t, UA2N FllANCIHOO, b A t ,lj ,4 A ; nTlsW wsihlnb stw, Of tW'w.wt approved ptferna. Our Hand Holstor fvTuruer's t'stef AnUdrlctlou ltuld.hu. nvw ib also in aeviral of potter raln-er'MuhUua, pn H'.atc , W.iti-kft Uarter on ft. Smith tn ,F, u?w building (lausi turret,,!. CJ Kite On (kark iy tWymtnrr, r ;'( .TAG O CALIFORNIA TIIE, ii!')1! Ot; Dtlte i tf r ?N?rpRA,NOTsdg.''M,,t1,'' I'xd'-nlu- i - Other IgrlenUtirnl Pronuft, nm-airno- wrjmtion !! ? ril V nih22 2m. . snd for tbs su, b'ATaGteUUFLl U Ui L j ever all others. wViteiyhaueprodncte a so call attention to our That 1 IIOIHTI NCT M A C 1 1 liV I2?vir Steam ami II niidtlloivor. J Jitreot, 'Hlirnh ! 4 If: FOWESiS&tOU., ! ki Sac. 6. And be it further enacted. the subordinate officer a i ; if ! s iA'VO,X''Ii 3213,'' IxtJ Moam Hnsiitte ami Holler s i;.lluliUiM)nl4i iitO , UastinUs Alia MacrinibV ,ofi mq tuEecry, awirfy tt4 ",:t i f ' ' . Kif zici(X(A By , ni foBitiutiti with the funds or depodlCIkeroy; sliali embezzle or fraudulently convert the mime r ir4 srr d it nted guilty if t tj era off by any edurt conipetei in the pouitentUry whkh cemtns all the f of other at fence, be imprisoned fidelity security for their of mmmm er MrmIf daH mam tho board teSkiSL.'iL Wade btmthl and and .Meal a 'll I. TCIOIMC utrifA ,w 7 reR-rence- " i I f. TO M. MAYni.lM.) HAN iniAtiUlZCtl, HJjIaiTOi The best of t banL and to furnish parties with ;TOHN(3AyE,. PEED ' s I 1 - A : 1 "rr ScrajaientoJ betNandO, I 4 , to . ) a -- Sacramento. - - 1 CORNER SACRAMENTO, I - YJnioxi: Iron Hi riW iif Front Street, 9K$$0,u4i32 Front street, s-- I sz.l !i gats . ! THEvniLLIOir. 1 r tVU AND STATIONARY ENGitiES; MANUFACTtTlERa OF Band and Power Pump Rotary Par p riupaUand Flre Engines, Ifattr Works and Alain; Jlachkaery Vl- ; 5. enffiffHl in trvl in the clty! 1 nave siUsutan poaaiaa d by wwitvinir Sea t enSsfan.g pe Cd r lippn aut tieneml Produce sn .iliulr seuwnapn: tns to west istrsad iu the heal jfoKbb eonfll. I u?u '( f P Tv'rhl'tehs; H I u p,. n,. ! mnYlAtilAt&Tp tip'll J, ir. ELLIOTT, iVo gjr-- Warm Meets on arrival of alt (StTCCKSHOB , tvTl for liltecii yoars, 'J fixl tnr . i 8 a,.10 pTBnT,;tCBAMiWIO. lAaSieen & CO., itrOora i. ollice one's r.sud.unt il ! hir i r.,ch'nj CRAM,atJ the I j ,Leir stead, 'end ill Office ST fhoAeft 1 1 sl shaTfbe under oath to the faithful dir m.nATiNM-noDSE- . t ex j .t.LUjvuih i.iiii .ctin respectfully cell attention to our ftolUtie ' " And SOLE AQENl'S FOR y. 1 .. lT - 1 f ,t I DELANEYS PATENT CUSHIONS i ti vSlH i ;: .o ;, iiytiu i.;., pjtfcit Ji , ri.y, DltKIiN t AM. sBBIElM'PntiT, ti sss fsrfcfj . JACOB STilAIILE t, I "Botta 1A No. 14 rl , , -' TUViTfi, , cOKfKCTioSERY, SODA WATBB and to . 4. v a 4 AVHOLKHALK ' iM-t- f ' i Chicago. M- I ft v , ; S L, ; ; " KlPSOF .I j spussM fef h XTj jO 663JSi,kET . 1 Jcs HOO IIopmo Powov. FfoiiijSJ. ioCsmhhied tV -- ) i XV,, And iy, Every' Description of t4M X ri.M Orooeiii and ,f" v I iwsaKtsaiPt'fuw-iwii- Iff J 1 IS ALE j, cnred JuflfiMtifs 't the mouth of April, and as much ofteuer I lISI I lv.iy ;jugi I expedient bul ddf' .T;H? Liquors, as thy the seven members of said coporalion, OFFICE. AND HALL UOOMH Wholceele and Retail, ,'i , J president, sewreUljry irmiaumr toeingcorCIGARS fAND .TOBACCO. . one, sbalf iwa qnOTtruiratfd IhrJaldshall 8TREET, annual 1 ut lheir meeting Aib street, eerner of Montana, Corinne. poration HAXSOMEs AND BATTERY BETWEEN i j tttgiMf bav6. power to leot a preniudiit, and sum iu bond the V, zr shall woo Ham 'factory, nomrr of SitenUh amt Itflhm i give treasurer, ran . Tiltok. j Gf A. D. rxwkix. ' Streets, futrero. ' thousand dollar, for the feithiul 73m r t JI ' f I & EL WELL TILT.ON, i. f ol a f,U EK htiSvri mil ii hardware. .c .!,' .J ,, i lx s l 4 St1-t- J Street Jit HavijiM., h (ui the wants of fut huetojs'bsautldpntcd and cheoffBllp supplied. The 'Xfniirunr'Lil'hMiv oach, with IteA Uhta, wl I he atBis sAiafVrs amt dfpts to eouvsyftsuspgors to tho IIatl, 1(1 V 8.VR0EKT, -- aT V r shall be lawfut for any individual or body v & , llElUm r 30 J hircet, , '-- umrrt fan l .f-- lj;t ' Iro n Wor lds, - and 55 South Jefferson D3 .4- - , ladllhB a A f.l ,it H ti ll t! 4. f4 h. ,1 i u'i U I r, :r I i . ;.i!m tin Lroi' i j J cJt ditV bc!fi c I b ,; v.- - vi .j h'tiKdl.i;; at,, i, i J A, n, CUMMINaS & ICO., :i tueea obard of managers, fouf or whon lOMIRYs f pya- pretiideut or Uh Lotb shall rest 0I3( BaMIsf, s" a limfietiug of I E comtttu,ttr Plt-tf- ! iJi 4" I u,.h i fur the transaction of business. Received First Premium end Scot. MedaUtlaklSthU Bs Itt.ii Ibef iactdr, JPh..f 7 S.o.'3, HENRYHLEIWES, hi . Ilf. Fafr hild at BaondimtAA shall bald oorporulloft tt f rl-c- sr send tj our order to 11 ,,0iLo? I the oiBcer of said corporatWhbull 'ton ' a ho, of a president und -, shU coosU- trusteeseven with , ugetber NOTIONS OF AIM KINDSS 4 a 4: For Eat Ifof ntd Fruit and PrcAtllcc as to eouvetdabrgTf pUffob and economy, where " aSSu. Sirtir " .ti cntmlly locatstHUfjoRlirf' to business iuSn aUfpmptcs stjjerior lnlileufent, both paTn S 1 ; SANIIAIVCI.SCC) law to sue at.d be sne f NEWS, WALL PAPER, tnm.KRY ir .. ci t, ! a ana Proaucey riut 30 Sr.vmentO'. b VSANSOMB fcTRSTOS iTatlock Street. pleiyled, answer and be answered, defend . ' J Ind btr.(Ufenled, In all courta Aif law snT j eqnlty, sodfeewlifreMo make arid tou a I common seal, atfCTthe same to allei' I or renew at pleasure, autf generally to do ocs Prtres.J ? 49, 51, 3-- ltii 'f OthTJUiVCi. fwi --trade. UIIULFStl.K from Sacramento Street Extending ,o vv, to District of Coimnlii, shall have snccessihn J 1 Always on - n - I'm '' CHICAGO TRADE. v-- 1 kS 111 r j , IhffnD o iv.fl !i ww 1 PtlOl)UCL) .i.uwv adi 1 As.HsfCUUMWaRM rE( RO Stl44MCf iUktf BbH9UC.Callforni and' they te hereby declared to be, (cdydy . COIUS'SK UTAH. e : t j ; Vvd S A. s Mmitnna afifl Lewie Clephane, II. A. Willard, George W. Adame 8,'IM Bfodn, IWfMteaoif Slkdt ney, Bt I,Bnjder, A, L. Sturtavant, J. H. Latkrop,' - NkUbJalil tV'iwon, R, D. William B. AiQfMkcy,. . Zoaa C. Robbins, Tml Edward Bimms, Joseph Casey, M Lattt Henry Willard, William Jw H. Philip, Alexander R. Shepherd, Ham 1. Dole, Hugh McOulloeCnd. I II;4HOU3S; eg li p be :a Aw m ill; W. v f 1 (,v nr f 4 f ApiUl3iN CXCWMiE f band a variety of a w i) t!iH i i ,,J 1 Aiit AiND jchw. 1 UTAlir 'the Reel Mrpkte,! cured Hama, Bkob, aaoaasa, nrtr to.. tc., tholwab and reran. r u We fefesRFltapebtsroAf iminMo pnremiwni'eo oMStVam us than iu rather auy of the Atlantic HtMts. AN ACT to fucordorate the Hat.,0P?I w F(XU' ;,upl- Union Saeioga Baufc.tof UtalDulrict hi iJWtr.rr j- Columbia. ' Zhszal ; Dealer 1 t ! h-- FOURTH STREET, Cash , t , c,sx ' .! t -- l 1 $a.oe s w u Ms. Lumber JI' riTi E i SACRAMENTO CITY, Cal. - f ; ,. nnl, ' 17, eua a a St e flint s.se ADY-4K- xin xt a'eeeo Clv Hat- -. rtre c5tea, to one addra, t'bii ni eoph-- , one addfvm. $Z.m ti K " irtVAKUItLY IK f . , Xv PATRONIZE HOME t,rA ' SLY : t mi xvVc;: " Ttti (Va Year. dhwsoasoes MiMitlm, I'llW Moiklil. t t' l: 1 a v ! 4 (sHOCERILS, Si V I M. J m,l' I nodi PROVISIONS, tin lo ejna in ui 'Matches I no. 144 J, STREET, , U TOBACCO, CIGARS an4 QLASSWAIUC. Aiwa, a on Ji, 't f t TKK91S OP StBSCRIPTlUN' AO (qflhtUtl WamUYuX COIIINNK, ?. J Pt HTPATT PWrtXWPR ,t , , ( i ,i M4yhardH a t ,irt vr c - t t , (i t.l :j Hnvtuft realdent'parULO-both la FROM TUB HOT FI. aad.Rsf KmtKiscKV. bjiyiioiWtij, Ar,t muisv :t us to hands seft out aoods et prnui ran tween U epsbles I'lBOILERS, J.. "'Tte all o u tneh dtsmeter it ttorns.' u . build from It slyes, ,v house other atradthm la sny Giidndnity. in L. North SCHAEFER. of Btitain Owat I. KUMIE, i dependencies See have wH stdnton Dirtnna House .:etdts ' UAamb.AwLrVi (fljJjtj'i ntcbli-OiAmerica ; .uAWUl'AV. Sr T' .::DRTEIE BOLT iIS'CHEaT. .WITH CONVEYEBSiBEEIS, ETf. Rtorea iMistedoq tnif,Oide penithv wrsterti . Tusiur la.j.a tlmt tltvy can u L.Viin upnrt and htpfd at smsdisxpenae, esidi Cheste are ro oonainu-Every tlecrtrtton of Quartz and U T. UBKWnt. B. CUMMINOH, picflB biSng Mill Machinery, Any rerrou ciiu cjiaUy 3 them up, ,,t '41 tu r! jjiijt mu ,a.I.a J4U ri' sndToatio, tul'n nl j V X a Approved Juue3, 1870. S S it. ft U'xi.x MrRICII'AL OlfnOH ,;!id I IU,3 JC3LWFJL Itxynv 15 5 SI !jp r a it4u,f L FREE OMNIBUSES TO re- - 1 r-so- -? '.Jli-W- 1 ! P. i omnnoDiaDon," lit cl Corner of K anil, Fifth Streets, a C1L., !b A: General fort Agents , I',. j.i . . o!j U n - ., TVryIi bo JT nlert . f? f ' CORINNE.UTAHi5 s IaS vn, t r.If -i jr- PaBiFIC HOTEL, 1 t ti'iUt ?,kuUA jf'-a- C Jr4I ' li , Llfttcms, WINKS, . s spie-t-f -- FitiscfSCO, eif s,f( - Between Hh andQth, SACRAMENTO. Beit ZMtSt&GS&S&tt- berebjr, directed to cauet.t inqfif made, for the information of Coogreaa, Kboleaala and &aUU r ritUh North American provinces. 1 ! f.tuw 1 MasvracTcaaa or Tuba, .a .tHFW TfiW-r- n SIN. r, i ,S .?' t ' a inn'll AI. dwt an e a owaVI f IVhfSA1! JLud RVtail Dealf ro lu liik'i t'fC t it , '5,(1 t.U Etc,, 4 (t, li C0RD.IGF, TWITES, v We woutd tf nil jr ca3 tho ath nLion of rrp4 meMUtante and Uoaioreto our CiUAKa. tnnou. -- it i Pails. friue' rifn tes6ldtioV felafie it COCele Deawle fnt Brewer, AwtMt ) . BBISDES, It room a, rh ItneoiwTioa I WhoiMala aad Ratal! .Daaiar laf WINES, WARE, WABS ir300 &.308 Clay street. iHr I I "'J T rnrv WOOD AND WILLOW - I rr-r-- 1 . J - 1 ?!fr, It 3.J Lfcf5( MiVS' '1 ?,fj I.! hi., "rJ n Lli l mt i , IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF twrlve-poAndtJgn- - ?,;- el i J. F. HARRISON, C; C 0 b aonri. Aigbt cAptdred bHngtneb Weean offwanpeHor lndorrmente h to ertl nerrkh of obolete pattern, nor, oohdemned and that line, and will gnarmHwei can be sold in the ba in tO- At the Ilook BUtoAeeAlal,4o;be yeyWl rttlrs. A Hat of prices in mrrancy will be famished placed in Fraukiin Square, North Spring' i application b mail. Orders :mhSt-eu- solicited. erected to the mentor; of tbe-la- te Brlq-i PARKER, WATTROX, h CO adier General Nattomi, byon, aad' the. -a ffelfritui the Isa p, federal aoidiers rhd mti Auiert P. Pratvok BAt, tattle of Wllaon Creek. I lliit". ;n PAQiFIB IFiOti WORKS, approved Jaue 2Ift8T0J t ,M)HlNNK,iUTAH..J " ," isVi.'Uiiylfju. ii J La . -- fa. CuS kuiiO, factured from the brut of Leaf, our facilltiee PnabM fort UUh. OFrtcK, , u V rutl eV ' I'' S HACnAnShTOfOAiAbTRf. 8IS30n,!:7W.LflCEXtTC0 ixi Mituufacturcrs of iL'u i ,lH ilt4 ,1.4 Wf .a T,,,;yHcjipspAYj I lSberi and TflBAlMO vAIlfl red Examiner for t-- tf ' tts&SJSM ssauK-'asr- of IlepreMntatieee oftbe II oiled Stator of America in CSugrfWHiWmtSIdS. TtJat tbtr ht beraby.aa Secretary o War he, andha J tbtrfikWl Add KfoU M At the - I4f uli o anMm - at v 7AtT8D II lOphrtMtf ItEIMJLUTlON A' , 4, n WaVriV R, PARKER, . 1 ,, -, a- t - LM SM obRiiisxp 0. A. TabKKa. S i t i. .SANFEAjIClSCiJttBAIlE. ft i . DKNMS J;:TpOIIY, OF THE UI1ITED OTATEO; ititnMT ff f . PAH8ED At THi fA KOOK D ARWIinK OF THE T. . : COKISSKU. ST.. UnSTAS , , n roirrt fRgjcjKOKio aptHvam r ., Lea y.ht 7 IIUVCK A CO. . D. rjr 51 - SATURDAY, i cards, . 1KOFESSIONAL, 4j rrnusnxD rrxAt vr i . VARIABLY j t 1 WEEKLY UTAH REPORTER. jynicfBno J K .t IP fji 'i ; . r i p U. 4&WF |