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Show wu V f 4, "5 'V llalljr Utah Reporter. Matt Tatlob, of the Soak River Bridge brought in lot of dost from tb Snake River digglogsyeetetday. There are per-haa thousand men now mining along FKlD.U MOiiNISG, JUNE 17. l liCTOll Y. 11 I'n lied Mate OCIcert a AVilnon e aer-- Jv - Khaflor. Cal. AUny C. II. IlenipHtoad. Indian Affairs J.li. -- Touitoletta, Rum. C. . ,Wey.r-(enra--C- VidAic Iltc icrr la. ion dT 1.0 id Ojflct 0 Mi!. r. s. I! ,S. ihi-- f Clenirnts. Ind. J. JlonU D. Over- Geo, lb Mix-wel- l, .u$ iiorJolin P. Taggntt, 11 O. J. II dilator, Cut. (Hittii JadC 4. It. MKhD. JusIcm-- O F. Strickland, 51. O. tiiol ll JJli'li., iwlrj, III. . UUM' JPAL onrictiw. Jf itnr Hon y. II. Mnnro. A'ti r.ty Difunin J. Tooby. ' rmM,-- M. IV 'IrniMiirir T.'Hnrgw. II. Wilbor. jUmthnlJ. 51. LiugHtlorf. .tvaf.or W. Hpker. - William T. Field. II. Huusc, Dr. Jutv KapGr.ih. McNutt, in. j. ler. F. B. llnrlliot. 8. L Tiblml.-- J. V. Guthrie. S. Hone and J klalah. Jut, tic rt of tl, Peace "T. 3. Black, C. Bernard. cortbr ' II. (Jerriah, iiiic.lortJ, tt. J. W. Coribne Direc ory f r. U ' B. a.- - SALT LA HR DIVISION. COKIN Nt orriCE. - Frank G. BunIi, agent. I. Fainter, operator. and ticket agent. It. C. Fncer, bxggnge nntstej. OILMEli AND HACUSnCllTB WESTK.KX UNION TKLEOBAPH corner Moutana ant it, omCE, and Sixth between Fifth Moutaua George L. Holt, Post Master. arrive from the east and aunt li 7.15 p. m:; front the weal, 7.15 in m.; from the north. 8.5) u. in. Mails close for oat ad south, 10 p. m. ; for the went, 7.15 p. m. ; for the north, flu. m M-til- -- te-de- .!. FmTIE. . :.... five-dol-- sijsiaid1' and E. IVKeedhnm 1 Cor lime,' ip i o Keep eonffaiitly on band a good assort- ment for the joUdng trade. Order by mail will receive prompt and careful attention. Good shipped east and west on the line of the Railroad tbs same day order, ' ' are received. . no!3tf - Co.s Mionliigcr &c., c. a. 1 smoALWAvra. r. o. maclay. hicacIo Warerooms CAaaou.xki!LR . OVERLAND S J. BRUiMll'K a I , X nn Bitter Cresk f ton $175 meuts uKn their performances as being I Aloeg it....??'!'. tl M I Alum ft lo ever best the presented by any organized Arrow Utut Jiio I wc 1 3& As House on tbe the coat; luig-- m troupe Opera ccpsJvs J arrival will be ready for use by tbeir here coc loo aninvcment. j wo hope the Madame and her company j camphor Gum... ' ' .' .' .' . . .' i i .' i Match game of base ball at 3 pm. be- - wiU give our people a season of tbe drains. . . rv I 33c ween tbe Corinue club nnd th Box I From Corinne they go to klontana to join j oiu. I Gum Arabic W I 1C3 Elder club, for tbe Territorial champion- - J Langruibe s theatre at Helena. beat I 1 I SO . k Gum TragacautU lake. I oum opium auip ana a prize. w Floral Opera at 4 r. m. in tbe Opera Or. F. A. nallformerly of Chicago, but ipi powder.. for of a resident Dentist tbe last year J)uVJk,.Uv!!t.U ouse. This will be a graud musical e 25 ertornisnce by all the schools of the Cheyenne, will vleit Corinne shortly and yuiiitua Y ounca I I Dr. H. few acfor a an trained tbe.cLildreu practice days. dentistry by ikUOo being city, ,u(t I av ha given entire satisfaction in Cheyenne Ground Oherrtea y lb comnliabed lady musician. I r fiilkd 'id iMMMtttMimiMi of aud not doubt the and m 5 people vicinity, 1Vlfcr. a. Umud excuriou dawn tb river at ic r. si. on the steamer Kate Cuuuor, to re- - Coriutio nnd vicinity will sppreoiate good ftWv I and pntrouiz Lime Ila refer to turn to th city at 8 o'clock. I 22'ir Evcnxno. Rogers A Co. and Posey 8. Wilson, Bank- - V ! A J Parkr r" 9 r. 5 tO Cheyenne; Cheyenne; oalyn Grand display of fireworks at M., r,ijfrnt4 v tos tt for 5',' others and F. B. Hurlbut, Corinne; and geueral illumination ol the city durr y lo t . R.i. work. jrl4-3he has done whom a.ur I House. at B.ll Aiidversay theOpr. , A. Kllbn ,0 coumiciu ii g at 10 p. xu. At tbe com j Jusf a large avnortment of spring sp9-tf- . iu ncen.ent of which ablate will be giveu nmomer clotbiasr. tb I .1 minute oi.vkm. by tbe artiileiy, to le followed by Solo Oct. Th firt sgent boXi ,tlrt aad iou appointed utiti until iiiidiiittht. when a salvo of Ar . ham. "Beudlos Lifu in Utah," Mr. II. C. jI ............ .... Priiut file y hu1 g'(iei(i llluiiiiiultitii will an II Lawhorn, y lh,, sold out to Mr. O. H. I having I hai. the liotlUC , f tlu acoud ouuiver I Elliot t. the latter At Ui ..............4 gentleiuntij will hereafter II y ten I ar ol I (hIoiu iu Cot nine.. . ! lumuhi. I . e "!of char exclusive tske receiving I Flooriua V lOOL.seseesessessseeeee.eeeeeo es.fi tpH I Alllltlfil XUfClMi UlUV b pill II .I,tf tnG'oooK.air. uouituim aoripliona and neliverin EKiott i ai-- o the oie agent for thi. work W aud I in Idaho and Montana. xaua Pwx-jiGoile.ioi ' rSlak? mVVm lull, who iinte be. n alwndiog a few day I Oho. I,, Holt has i received the finest jnst li.re wiUi their ft tends, and arranging for uqt'oua. I 00 .fit Whiskey y gal., tb c lUpMloti and furnish. Ug of their Bi 4n.tr J(4 8 00 new re.ih-t.in tl I ctry, intend'd de Olu, UolUnd, zruuine ..4 AO " IJAlKuaCO domeatlo N rRiwc. Th. r, p Kul.l Iu 4 IS) In, u.,r Purtwiue, imuortod 3 60 OTer Corinne in myriad, otit seem to eberrj L.ke a was atHted in yesterday's pspei, J already entered. Field spor.s commence at 2:30 p. xt. to iucluae borne races, athletic contests, velocipede race and many other kinds of : Oi alk. tnca, amt vrry urU. b--l CKitig to the 1 ntl-e- anejr ." No. i raae. 47 L 49 Male ltn Ms-- l: Ll' atul V 1 R.v: La?;,,' .. ft-- - Oiimigo, Patent J, M. Rrnn.wlrk' LalrM cushions .( bination iu!i -- la-c- BABCOCK uo. EXTINGUISHER. n Cornell, Ward & Comings, 133 IjAKI' SjTUEKT, CHICAGO. 7 culsr. c ui,linpr 1 1 f'-r-- 1; Mi'i-amm- a I Send for an lUnstraUd Jhlcc - t i Tit r. nt J- Clr - " 1 "'l' 0,. Li "" -- if Iri-IH- 1 I 1 - , f I i I. !.' dnne liy envoi t,. r rMKniibU par U A l l,l ACA" A LI. CUAHl.m Otntltft C'O.V.SU'.YAD t'O IS.. 1 his is IWA prrpwd As cfn We sr rc Ovvj C till oyu ! i N !;avlrg t!iFlr Oini Trains (o IUJj OR trill that 'he (n alhh w have in ills pxst )Mifinicl mtitr ur obligslk ns itb ft.ot. FORT BENTON A HELENA, Tbe lodbvt tern Fire fixitoruMrer J. B 8tili.soj. 8. M. Moor. ProKident. . Cop. C. L'lIlECTOHi! Agents ililrago. CO., (tlrl!iiXt(Q) Ja'dftwtf inviM-t- f A 1' H U(iU Great Basin. (OHI.YJVK, OZZVZZG KICVOLUTIOiSr S FRinliniti Stn., iintalin. CARE 172 TVsshltiftlon M., t for. the hi Tc-nt- h 3Int U rj Jol.o V. Farwell. J. XL Stilleon, Jss. N. Steele. H.F. Jsccb. F. W. I atari. K 51. Moore, Address all (omiunnlc .U na to F. V. PAIUVKLL, fte. E. M. VILSOfl T., Ccritmo XJtaIi P.oldent. Vice 1. AND HAS ADOPT) D IT. TUK OOVF.1U5MF.NT It U rbsricd wih CsrViLic Add Gas. the nmat powrrftl exiinpniatrr of fire known. ClIAltGEI) INSTAMl.Vty x sinirly rauing a knob. flxSTSend for Circulir. 1 iv and left Protection AGAINST FIRB. I I f ru I )Hi-tiv- iid UBS f upper, wilt Im a c list antes tor futvis make ratts with us bv patronsKs. I'sitl.s appl. tup st our t fuct. st (he Chcapcnt cH-neni-- S rcuwBD i BE:cnrs is coeiply TT IS-- I 7- A tbi-nb- 1 I 7 KRRITOUY, ibs - ii-liit- mil o f ole r,;. lUv't3 estsbliMbcd s Branch IIous. at COIU.YNP, is Over uiie bundled thuuwudof thtso bsv. sold, snd slnut ev Uulvely Ues, Ibis isct proves tbs grest mull ' ul tbe nsbns. s Urge rbsre of tb. pstrnus of (b. Iu Cbb-sgwho bsvs tine! th; Wilcox k Glib, sre ppul-- id.' bines first and xcUut1 tliitn loi si'diuu er ib WLlcvs ft Gibbs, arest'y to their cotufor. and hiilBCs., J2-dfcwf- f f X iMiUHMl i Is the But far Ft ml) l w. ill Com- ! . Street, 111. i territory. i:i:n-AX- (Between Randolph and Lake,) rh. "?"'n Ledrti1 in Importers aud Wlioltuto Cloth, BhIIs, French i AIL PARTS OF TO I fr i CENTRAL PACIFfC RAILWAYS I .) - VIA OT I ." j- FREIGHT LINE, r'. ijros, I. o o. : ! UecTTdT I 1 Muoioal Meroliandise. Wnriiinfnn $o M-trbl- x urr-ekl- ' t Corner Moutnnn nud Oil St. - OR C A ns, T.1ELODEONS, i leu ad Mi IKIIIANTS, Commission iHimmr 1 I ' AND iiiilHiSEJSm Ot'n Water Privileok. Favored with a few spare moments yesterday, .we fled the sultry scenes of the sanctum and betook ourself to that quiet, beautiful, but enterprii ing spot on the bank of theBar known as Couuora steamboat landing. J!y invitation of the General, we stepped alxmrd and proceeded to make a preliminary insjtectton of the gallant little Kate Conuor" previous to her excnrion trip with a valuable cargo of Cotinue'a best dtt. us ou bottrd. Ily direction f the General some worthy improvements have b i uniiiJe. ou tLi steamer ; those In ev ry wa) calon kited t make her wot thy The of libt-tii- l patronage at our b.ttul n don her iluui have wheels mre paddle bUd in Mze. A new enaiu. nud Ixitlei jtti .unple capacity takes the pKice .f the old oua ; ho cloeeix, bar, kit.'hen Htul utnl ; dining iooui lor room .for lucre paasenger mm her purHOM1 n t calculated to inrr U niul evirv-- , fleet are and safety lecil rIerr' The thing else put in sppepi first grand excursion of the Kte Connor will lake place ou Sunday, the 19, li lust.. after whitdi sLa will make regular oi trips- Li Htlt LHa ami other The eictl'Mi'Ui piojosed for to I (vdm ol h U.Uk. Ib, 40 00 ...b..g I Where they are go - j Brui .,4 k.art., match.. day wa- - postp,el in oxl r to ft y nr with m an urnwruin iking o ln;i of cnr citizens, date tt c iivlm-ft00 e R .ilio.id at the June In to or where they intend to present Telegraph, y Co whocNtiu 't well go ant other day. Be Etons 'W' OS k"". O'"1" l' -- ilb'u. .uVlIli. I . .1. . : U. EofUab D.rh.m ready on Unday u.o niDg at alf-a-- t b.r,.boot. Tb. ""'(!" C iu-r, C p,pl, D,. u.. .1, ! V ? seven, lor Ihe gwg pi 01L a lit be pubed liUxl mnc ff (J flfllMnftlMVlf. thfi-J wnl losu Mr., ur W it ccomi.i?iy ' iu at eight slurp 10 ' Mr. Hollister expresse! a ie- - Tl Pi 90 , ci in inotli A rrlviil w . I 9w -I d for it 'tl pffiffe tunfor 0nmte frequently of Mptiiu clnthinu cam wrn at A. Knhn W-- " A fine line of garden Rod door ' tin i (g then vi it. an 1 we ere .. the opm- - A Brs. Dont fail to call and examine I 0jlenU1 r cc ,bdnr"ke salealf'tbi office. This , fir CHhfornU nun Euftffn wilt wiiirn uportin. pr ball kejr... A oo a everyTidng from a TOc to tf I ijier q,,ati fere pnrchnslnix aptwling in css of StA !. cans, IS AO29 aplfi j Call and get a fc)i pit htlcr they hi- - ail buaiiu sN nt Halt Like been so urgent. m oiu 0 I Coal v-cat) of ft gs). L Iwtclr been The little fellow FoCRPLINO. their telnriLunUid tl g(oe.J-VI posts'nd e so UUfirvn fl lft. v gat ...1. ..2 2) indetiuitely. ' With inaiy mo:e ol ni I rd.sted by the City Recorder is growitK I 3 50 friends nl.Salt IkH f cy wtll return on finely, snd his eyes beam with rntitu1e. tfeatfooty gal OYSTERS. Field s stes d y cm. Ooriiiue Odd Fellow a A incittion fiftOt ,1 read v. for the k In! ness of the lenv- thi Furlh I July. 7 b0 Cov y oaso. ri. -' the care of officirrirSuch gentle lent At a meeting of the roembeis of the ONIONS.at Post to Fou pure cuud.es go Hulls, .. ftc above Order bel l on Tuta lay evening, voting nnd helpless Is a leason worthy of y n. 4 POTATOES. office. imitstinn Juue 14th, ihe following "flWrs w ere duly y 'i Ham ami cured California Finest sugar elected for the term of nix month. punt. An elegant .Salk.roa Fin Dwelling ..12o Oregon Breakfast Itneon nt 8. G. SeweiF, President. I brick house of fire rooms, centrally COBDELLAS. VICTOR RICK. ml tf I. O. Davids n. Vice President catcd. snd well furnished throughout will I I'amttnss y lh,.. ...... ...... ...... ...... .1ft Wall Paper at Holt's lor 25 cents per David Aueibach, 8artary. t he sold law for cash, with or without fnr- - Ch,u V my 31-- 3 w J. Strauss,' Treasurer sod Church Gust roll., nitnrA $$ so pnwilM cniAf of j Apply a! ? I oDA- dian. RuLROADisa. al tf .... Tljebo I SfitWlI I Jv 41 I Rrnxr Committzk: L. Rcggel, Win Und offices yisterday were kept-pret- ty malt , t minui Soaps nf I A klorrell Kanjsav t Goeixe, J. J. Green wald. hot all day, but tbe climax wss j A klunro's. Satisfaction gnsr- soap. All Odd Fellows of good standing 'are about half'past seven last evening, when I Creighton ; 8tf sQteed. 17 50 Morrell ft Bamaey'a per box invited to attend tmr regular meetings 00 tbiee huge traius came bissing. amoking 4 1)610 iCftl ICPMlVI 4V 0 of Pr.ftaoNAL. the re John French.. Tullldge, A Eq.. ctue, 8 and roaring in within five roinuteeofeach Sunday evening at oclock at Rrggel VOAR. & Russell firm of Tnllidge, I Patent Lntl Broa, buildiov, Montana Street, between other. Mind you, tbeie trains all came well known file t nd J-- w Oruu.. town ln ..Ifc ",'r.. ynlnfaj Fifth end' Sixth streets P ' from Ib. Im, Eh., .nj I !I vu'. ofb,ln" . Davii Acksbach, Secrelsry. with ib. T.ia.bi. iu.ipre. 1 COS j rL f it. Ac yi lbl 0, Wholesale and Retail ?V7iCtVM IP HAM , & - S, KNABE 31, a ' CO-- , As rnllee from here. At a point eight miles dTi aadpLge aaieeat ef foods, , ALSO OEMZRAL AOZVTS TOR beyond the BoUe stage station, four men I old. The demand for mlaiaf infptleeand o ii took oat of un elbow in the bank fifty feet I fitting eondauea Uvely, with good yeoefeote for v above the water, with two rockers, $C00 fcft,,tta,,lwl1- - Country doelen perchaoe aU thobr etoeke now from oer moronanta, and all I tu five day at the rate of two ounce 0Vv(V --- 4 a day to the man. Men who have gone TLwTurg. potion penile m-from here with nothing but pick and pan, I ,uu of gold dual. Priooo of all oommodlttoe are coming back oooaaionally with the remain Arm without much change slnoeoar lest be Ina tby condition of the sawroantf dual to purchase rockers, tool, provMoua, I is everewbere apparent below we roramunity ,S Two d zen gold rocker were made I -- orrected rales rating the give 111 D E PE H 0 EM CE DAY ( j here Ut meek for the new digging, and they are being made here at the rate of a Green !h.. THE GLORIOUS FOURTH ,OIeu d4jr Tb bHri utl Unk band I senaa. Snake are peculUrly adopted to tbi vv txJt f;k,ark Ke m washkind of beat Ihe is which locking, I Mr gtaies ft tb. lug for the man of men, and consequent I ,or business. It distributes the wealth : n-- i b ft m'au whlt jgained fc more evenly and through a wider aaosa.' hoots beogan y dos circle. It is understood that Snake lUver II Y dos..... !621 boy shrogans 1 00 for 200 to 600 miles sbouudd In Men's brogsns ft dos ...,.flsdM Ball Bast Bate Fire rretewlen, Kitn, ttiok. Mr. T.,ior tui I V"!!:::::::""": S32SS Herk Oratlen, 9ln4c. Hum Hardoubt sole... will men french thousand heavy ten SPA two within kip, years ing tran4 Evening Feftlv!. OU fTeoch calf, top sole. ........ ........ V l5SKSi; CO be employd washing for gold aloog the XjuUm' calf, dos. IttaM beery double sole, ft aao dos sewed aefeee Snake. People are coiuiog in now from J y.y-- A I I twelve of Salute of 100 gnu at sunrise ; by the the East and the West in parties y jin and twenty, and one hundred, bound I Citv Artillery. I ..see thither. Mr. Tsylor contemplates catch- - j Ordinary...... Fire cukksb. Proceslonof Military Companiea. & Si Son U. TcXorf 2!? r J? ing a few of the Asiatics pouring in Department, Civic Associations,. Ba 400I WfiBitk O JlBMsvi Ball Clulm nud 'citizus generally at 9 I atreau into Montana, and aettiug them to I camples. I work II M1M when the water get a little lower. I Star per bo ofhK'k A. M. I I Manufacturers and Importers of Dedication oi the Corintie Opera noue Ourinna i, already doing a lively business ....ao I now and cbacxbbs. j these 10 with o'clock at cuictuonii diggings, with appropriate prosperous BAND 1N8TRUHENTS, STRINGS, that their prospect, are SO good U a AM. lie Wsteriklb And Every Dctcription of Grand Mnhh meeting in the Opera I matter of congratulation to our.cltizu. I .1 House at 12 o'clock with the following! I punutlon Bitur The corner 4thlFrweit 65 Clothing Cloud Montana atul of streets, j Hd . 9 V0 lulace, 4. of tis National Anthem, "My Country 00 G50 llrondWRY IG9 I Him the largest and tie! selected stock of AO(BAtQri St., I 3t 4)0 " galiuln f ' NEW Gents' Furnishing Goods and Clothiug I Uosats YORK, TUee, by the ladies' tlioir, IS 00 Imiiatloa... in the mountains. 700 Bourbon Wulakry CvaUU Prayer, by Uev. E. KT Baylls. d2-t- f jr. sjbckiwscx A. Kituk A Bno. 7 7S J. M. BSCMSWICK RfP-BBrandy iocktalL THE WILLCfiX 7 7S Heading f Declaration ot Inde(endbnce Old iVut Ola, nna. OP 7 ... common Tueatiucal. By private letter from by Mis Emtna A. Eaves. & BRIl.. H 00 "5? I Claret I Mr. , Buuuc-rMad informed If we that are the Star Metbua, klusiu, by Spangled cuwba wtne,MtV,Jurt vVuugV..V.V..7Tf iooo 00 to KUwda-draof betmapra fine her and Curiune braas band. Scheller ame troupe I AaAM Billiard Table Manufaclu FMUITe ft matioartisU will reach this city by the Oration, y Gen. Geo. It ilniwell. fSM etas n I j.bes " Mu Appis Salute of artillery ou the Public second of July. This accomplished lady S75 . I Tomato I is now m success s so with Mtrawterris y, , great Square. performing AtoO ft I vssseetta. Fat klen's Race at 2 p. M. st which no California, llr. Frank Drew, a well known - lilhckeMMTIih W e ' wtigLing Wh tbuu 200 pouiM will and talented actor is associated with Mao coil. - CORINNE POST vl3SrTT2r-.0,3?TTF3DFL- I , Edward Conway, Aaat Kapt. Gei. F. Brown, chief operator, W. II. Gluacott, cashier and receiver. Operators Alf. Brewer, II. O. Pratt, p. Kearney, 8. A. Welley. 51 a eng- r -- James Sewell. " th. Hw. .boot ot. b.Ddd .ad Ml I Montana Hue, carrying the D. 8. tuil and Well. Fargo Si Co. 'a express inweheM leave j for Helena, Montana and interruciliate imintaand connect with roadie for Diamond City, Jllackfoot aot' Teer Lodge Office near lb R. depot. TIM IIENDEILHON, Agent Repeating Office, h th el. . f 11L Cmwt. Fat ick. Neb. err'd y O. C. Man k d- M. T .S, for Utah CREIBUTON BADER J. PIAKO pe no anlhoruM trevstiaf agent tcvU! doK as this lMr f CHICAGO LINE U-rAl- I. if, E. (.YMil UY A co. rd b - - J SCHOOL FURNITURE ! GEO. B. TARKER. Agent, Corinne, Utah. THE ACKNOWLEDGED FAVORITE OVKIt XtMW 100,000 RKATN ' Sold of our RkW GOTHIC) DK8KS, ia th year ap23-3- T lAILNT IIOWE & BURGESS, l- WHOLESALE A RETAIL 4 1 tbo-Ove- r. 1 LUr.lOER DEALERS. Jf - .- 11 - .... i,.i8bi lluTe Your Letter Heads, at the Bill Heads, Cards,, Reporter Office. eta, printed tf dir-cllon- -th. cpiT. OI.D7 of tb. disembarked her for a few dsye rest and fall,. le I rri,l b'" 'bu,h tU aee cb.,.d.r av - oeteoae,e eurved folding flat asta. Mauufact'rera of all styles uf .' liorcU suit Fundture, New Globes, apparatus. Map, Chute, A. H. ANDHKWSftno., Ill euts bi , Chicago. tSufiesd for Circular. ni) WiUi tl Mines XVOUY, A 8krkok Last Evemimo. Rev. O. II. Peirce, Missionary of the Methodist EpisTEAS. eeeeee iWt 7 Imperial y ft copal Church, preached la the seboo 7ft ....1 54e4I GO Young Hyson ft tb I gfipilkflfl I 49 building last evening. We bad the pev tier wagon for Mr. Lowe. Truly this ie .S5oefi r Dzw. The heavy dewa which nightly II Oolong y ure of n personal Interview with Mr. the mil road 2ft beet ....... ..1 age. Gunpowder y ft, fall in this valley make vegetation grow Peirce yesterday, when v vr discoverer TOBACCO. )f atnral Tee, ym.............. ....fit lOglkw thst be is snot her of tboso who are no S. Q. Sewell, Justice of the Peace I abuo'dftntly.' 1 0 Fine cut par lb.,,....,,........,, 1 Ol Box Utah. Elder connty, I doubts ly "called ,to do the Masters in and for v Marshal Bastilb. Kannsdy hie I M7J fl 9vqfl40O Xe e wooxk see work. lie wss fr e in bis expression o bn th jsil repAired ana b y I bo otd of o wonder at the progress our city has made, WaxTr-D- . A competent engineer snd down-tow- n Vulcan mad it thief proof. . . and especially in tbe important subjects sawyer; none but ft first class mechanic I 32 to Enquire of Creighton A I Military. The troops lately relieved I reeto ft Mqttuu ydox... of. religion and education. Mr. Peirce need apply. Corinue. Monro, from duty in the Posts of Montana will xd Ld y ft 7s wss formerly from Syracuse. N. Y , ant I Cotian. ,! IbU tb. Uttn cl we are glad ibet be was selected by bia b, put UtwiuTb. tl-.- -r. rre8TCiSK mouth. W tntssbd to ssake this department ef ear denomination s Mlalonary to Utah. which will Ihe in cboira finely organizing a tpeeUUty, and shell revioe It from day paper of Some the our make oelcbratioa worthy Boatino. of our young mto ar day. a Important ebaagte eeonr. Fsrtlee t Chicago Flooring nud FlintI preparing to bar a grtod rowing match of the 'efy seeding eriUre,een rely vpea shess ahtng lumber jnst received at Hows A There is no music so sweet ss woman I J on tbd river on the Fourth of July. Rrere ss Mag eevreet Is th mala. x d!8tf voice to our car ws mean. Burgess. Clark Bt., Corner Randolph, x 1 ee'seessee ..., (Opposite the Sherman - CLi 3549. BUlerd. Fool, aad Bagatelle Balia, Tea FIs Ball sad Fins, Cuss, Leathers, Chalk and Checks, of new aad fsacy patterns. Martingale aad Napkla rings) Whip, umbrella Md I'lfMOl hBdlci Balls sad etalaed. Li uumvlUse, Boxwood aad Ebony for sale. 45 ARE NOW IN USE. . N. B. joare. A NX SALE STABLES, (Montana ftTBurr, neon room east or saewtnmMsHo ef VWfftkrire. r ama RACK raicxs and DSTX(XKKT, sttuu ABDBSa took of all Unde bought mod sold. Harass. Raddles ead Bridles always on band foe sale or hire. Parltoalar stteaUoa paid to feeding stock. rjfm forf tbs r-t- ZIouldinga, 23tc. . W. VT. KIMBALL, ; j9 nAL?0 uiir g, chkdft. 4 . t t Order Jieeclve Prompt Attention Every lastramctit warranted ter five i ' N Hotel.) FUaty ef Grain, Hay, aad Com I Cash, y PIANOS - roa cnecuu, ' Mrrao-rotdTA- fr Always on baud Pver brought to the West. , UTAH LUMDER. . Also, the largest sssoilxrcnt nf y & IT Doors, Prices, friiD $100 to $1000 JeAdAwtf ' TRUCKCE Premlumt hare been awarded for llest Organt . PIEST-CLAS- S f i Tftftr, ExprcDlon ud LftitUIfy ef Tvurh. -- JOHN KAVKft ijrvBR.Y'. Every variety N Great Fntlvcsg nnd Ceople cueg cf , . 1 1D4T R5.CI XVF.B two Silver KrfiMiir Us Parlor sit brat ( bnreb (rgsn at the 51INNLB OTA I TATE rAU-- , liii9. ro. 111). P. O. Box ft . Uooe, ABB IOTXRZ0R f v A2TC) 25,000 have been Fold und TURNER AND DEALER IN line of eoeebea will StjtrHoa yg) . .V.V.V."..'....'..". !!. . ft i to thr 3 vO I recreation, others to locate, and atlll otb- - moqq he started to run from Corinne to . 8X1vm drip, ygsl..... sardines. ers for Montana., Several carload of th fgold mines of 8aak River. Tbe j y esaa, M- -fill co To t, a. a. XHonAo, "" "" of Ib.lr p.tatiie. rOR PARLORS CHURCHES LODGES. ev , I Oi'FICK YAKDt I i:V:.L;." Cornor North 6th & R.R. sto. CORINNE, UTAH7 1 B17 k |