OCR Text |
Show Kepoiitei', pCrIHED EYEBT - - I'lah Tri-Wee- V .ai0J3fil-ao- &k JL 1 kly ,i iVi ,y ,'a ' J HJiitiiitycK &7viusox,I O&XVBtViUmaAUwr vr 0n -- .... .. . . . ;. . . . . ... . .. ' 1sVXutfbtirx1iDMz,ct,li'" f ' Kites of eari ' 1 ! .. -- 8 'I- A :mt Is.,: u IS Sin II j :t , ,, ,24 . -- ft ,24 -? i , ?T ? 1 ' 3A., W .8 1 ' t? ,3 37 et 2 m 300 M. a t TTri 4 . , - .t .. i Wlti 4,i- U CORINNE. ptfrnT) TiirrAarn-if- ?. f "UiJ W AU,, i I - i. i.si 1 JS1H.PLITAJI IVlontana Street.. 'SMSW f,.(f . Pwren TMnT" nnd !k'l Fourth Street, inteukSu A iff "Ia ' JeTW.iiS. UTAH. tiiLIU ' elf ti fl"B J-- ,.t; I J ... t 't ? ' ffilSuji, 1 sixty-sereifbatl- L - - - 12J - ?WWOTTjn!5 U -- MKaTact - $ 4. To pay salary of wardfn of 'jtho,jaU in the District of Columbia, for portiouof the currrnt year, seven hundred dollars. Aatii' C owe UorUi !CairV' r tr i 1 ?. ;' ' for. Kv'Mtitjr " 4 "1 ""Tl c , , "jU , i- - llouaion . Store, mi rtw m ti if w iwyi Sr42Af!IBBMliS, i JliiiJl DealeKIiJ J. Whelsaaie-au- ' . ( r J Ag.iit for Hie ,ver. Ztemis bCe., CtU WWM VIOTOR CORDELLAr f -- f.. jX WlNB.yLlQUOIlN, i. I v . iTOBAfcCp, CiGAlijyiSSWARE .A r liEIUtlSH A MILES, Mi K'W.f.. . i.Jjf- ' j V.. - i Dealers in - ' ,iJi; gWv, LEVELL,,,,. IA , Tvts fc- JSA1VT3ITX. L ' Me - it WA J. Juna anvAK, $ vv. fi4l3A.f -' . t j ft.i . j - . A a .4 , W-A-XEJ- t J a- T., - a f a f? , T; 3- - : ? i 'j . , j. . ' . I , 4 1 forfl8,:''a t , . j. B3 -- r v., a w1 '7, . . respectfully call attention to our facilities Having rusiJont partners both in u n fatnento And Ban Francisco, bujing from first l hsmls enables sue our goods at bnw.it hatt's than any other house in this vicinity. Besides cerlmte Hotwe we have wll tntil Stores located on line of Central Pacific spt . Western Pacific, and California and Ortgon It. lh's at Pleasanton, Olilco, Truckoe, Wlantauucca, V irliu aud Touno. . to-sel- f Fir., No. L .l f?tieef, i f?AN , ' V 4 .. ;..." .. , t - :.: ss&j&8ra Eastern. eitiec vx 1 Smokinx Tobacco iu Us effects, av the Nicotiue hsi cxtTactod ft Icavi no diaarrcM'iiLlsi1 iato Httr smoking ; it Is very lail.t, light in color and weight, heu.-- one pound, will last as ions thrse of oixliusry trt in this brand we also pick orders every d?.v for OiulUy, , Try it sail ccnvi?oeyonrf ive It id It coi ins to he, 'run ruxet ov all. his : e - - tr& in the :i SACRA ".r - v "'The best ot 'reference. Wilcox. JfOHH , .1 CF 7 - I ' f In great variety, . El'in 1 1 pl$lm iBest A Sacramento. ..'iMt sv 'q Jx. SALOOS. STREET, fl 6th Streets. c6rinne,utaii. s of Wines, Llqoora anaif Cigars in great efii-- v 3 w ftr p A ig f w.1" , ' sau; jias.iers rota sinPLltviYc pativt. PJnt t 4 , jt-- 1 - 'fowiS i ! 114 axd UO j tF'fninl , iSANjFBANoisad. H ? ! i e 3 10- Front Street,1' - . Beiwctn Commercial snd Sacramento, &JZ3J2& ITFU'N'blSC O. X meSl-3- ar,rc' - ey tokif tnited .States. CO nr'iXD , si rr HEALEHS , iif'he ' 'OLD iCST. c6tCHT.fl S 111 -- j : QROUflD COFFEE a IJisiScrTaoWuktlf IG J k ; ' IWVOV OF a CO.,f 7( HARDWARE, SHEET IRON C3 r'Steel, Joal, Smiths and Miners! Tooisr . ' I i ) ,; 1 ' ' - ALi CORlNNEj 7 -- , rt and i - San Francisco. ssN2S-8i- n SAN FRAN CISCO CORDAGE COMPANY. 54 K Sirrct,- - BiicrHitirnfoi spH-tf i I -- . -- J fi y, . ., COVSU dt CO., , Ware rooms and Offioe, No. Brfmdwsy. Manufactory, 187 A 189 Jvwry,,New York, - octia3m T James Tolar, V ff , r : - j . i : ji. E. Campbell. . Corner Second and Colorado Sts. , 5 (Xcar Steamboat Laifdiny,) ; UTAH, LAGER BEEItJ 0 a Cd TT 1&T3lE.Y1 B.T; , ).' u i?t AGENTS AYANTED pss i r I I 4 ti ; ' " ' KEGJIEER, nhTVrtir lAberal Cash , Admncea made bn i , d , Consignments. - wen known - M V'PCqp J 2 , p sf. Blgbeat Caik Prices rata for t Kinds ,, v'. of, Purs.nna UtAed. ; 'T , r t I!' ready appointed them. : " 4 , - Id every City 'find Town' wherd we fisve not -- I ,' r, f t - 1 iTIour 1 ;v-- . '' f THE STANDARD' PIANO. menu : ; - J "t J I'1 Cor Dlont&na and Fifth Sts,, t j M, t BACON. . ItAlTiWAYt n .SUUJPI.IES. " also aoents r por latjpir, Fmch.iki Vfitraaa ORIENTAL POWDEB'Ob.y OF BOSTON, v ' ' , .nustard. j i ' 4 f .. . . i ii lt c r In 1807 the'Amwricau Institute Fair of New York, after a ''blindfold trial against Stein ways, ChJckertags and msny other Plsnos, awarded the Patent Arion the First Premium,". .; Write for affidavits, Pamphlet and Circular, and state in what. Paper you eaw this advertise., Na!Is9 ' ? l; t : BAB AND Boiler Tubes, Gas Pipe end Fittings, Uniting, ! HMt end - - of Ackefciaii's.PFenluQvExtrrxt v ; CoiTeet4V a ' i ft - ' spl6-t- f ! : . . Til AYER, Proper. IIUtiTiiiaTON, IIOPKIIIS ROAgTCD 1 N. D. : ... , . u j i m r ' in-tim- e : r 1 " ; Groceries, Liquors, ; The Table always supplied with the best the . i market affords, v . - w , Mir Breakfast for the Cars and Boats. Passengers taking Rooms will be called in time for all 1ubHo Conveyances leaving the City. Board, $4 per week. Meals, 2i cis. Bingie aooms, BOcts. f ; . ? ti 1 . ,A T A- nr tue da r, wees or month. M ' r - DEALER IN SlAtiLE ROOHi, KEATLT FIHMSIIED, .Anti Direct importers of v t : XAFAnr .TXlAn, , . ; without its owsction. . atont Compound Vrest P.ank which holds the Tuning .Dins, is six layers o' Maple, OBAiit running difforsuflv, Tnt plans i NEVER M3PLJTB, . A,-raff- . 207 Large, Family untl - r E: IE JOHNSTON, t- - .'i A r - splO-t- f ,5 , -- . .v, .1 i BoL Second aud Third, SACRAHETO. ' , ,j 0 ; KT.x. - I , i Reverie ' . : . Patent Full Iron Frame Concentrates IK ynotoi of the Tun lag Fins, that heretofore damaging Iron (which in other Pianos ' , Was lmrtfuily ' imrronnfla the and MW" Repairing carefully done, and satisfaction f- fbutts Into ti;o front edge- Tuning tile of snd natik ap29-l- y guaranteed. factually rcairta the ,4wenty tons strain. , ,5I t Patent Diagonal Sustaining Ear part of the Iroa Fiame.' next to' and raraliel with the steel strings UNDER THE OVERSTRUNG PASS. . , lbe Amor Piano is the jcheaVest,' most dch LJUST arlb, requires less tnniDg and does not oompucstsd, get out of order, ills ; . i. Wholesale Commission 5 Nos. 43, 45 and 47 .K Street, - brsker, ' Hxntps-- t r - Now Yop'Ic PrlcoN, Cenrtiictcd, Fitted up or; Repaired. ; s ' ,lj- - - Wo ode AgraTc BilWs throughout, retains the sweoturss of the eld wood Bridge, and obtatrs the solidity of the AI celebrated Vf i i -- 11 i 1 'i! lkfl:olxlLiry"r f .PHILLIPS; TABER & GO., 3 r.:,witiox4E:HA.x-it); (t w. x. MOBTON, rnrociTT. A an Nfjg. WAK DEPARTWX xyL tnnr sYcUtags on principal riUc cl the Hptcei, For rent, watch meat afiaJUoTrpia for world. ' the build ip comer of Flfteentli li i ras Checks bought. .f.rut byAbiFa,ytelitey and ftjllfieAMTUptoiF S a. u. to 4 t. up from , 520 Front St., boors Tof Geueral, sx thousand doihuR. I rmjp.r J v ( ADSIOPST f J 'Slamboat aml Quarlz ;; and IS CaUform x Street) ti v $JC tittwcm jUb , - t Etc., . Paper-hange- r, . - the PAIMEIt, r i Done with neatness and dispatch. Orders left at Walker 'h MeNutt'S Drug Store Witt receive prompt attention.-- . ... apUii-- tf - 1 Lave ! r 1 I 4 Giazifn MOSS AQATE JEWELRY! ! ,iJ f , cL-olti- SOLK AGK.VCYofthe w HOUSE ASH SIGN Buyers i(lll do well to examine uy stock befor purchasing elsewhere. New styles silver sots, solid gold rings, pins, sleeve buttons, eto. , tt. H. SHEPHERD, UTAH. i - CASTINGS AHO MACHINERY Of $npM9K,& EXouTpw, ElQl tlDFFEE LHLLS EMIL EOEVEN & CO.? iCORlNNE, Tor. mrnciTBEas i.D wholes ill 1 - . Front Street,' WRiK I , ; a - ' FOR1NNIC, : tJsiion Sroa :Works, DOORS, WINDOWS Liquors, ' FS Front wtroot, Blinds, 1 1 TOSET S. WILSON, CilitTXJwx; ys CO i,- (bet wee u 4th and 6th) ' ' 'I - ' Uerku, J. i rSirOBTKBS AND DEAZXas IN (0., 1 : WILUAMS & f' HJ.U S: . NORTH SIDE MONTANA STREET, ' CA L, O, - - - ; . i - tah23 Om. VliOLCCALE DIALERS IH . . N-T- . . . ; r S . wherever used. If your stosrokeeper does not ha vs theeo articles for sale, sek him to get them ; they are sold by respoctatds Jobbers almost everywhere; Circular of prices fjrdo;l on application.; P. L0U1LL UlL fj, Bfeu York. , i - have now best, general nss in the-..-. Lulled Wtiles over years, and still acknowledged t!e beet SNU. F fc Fine Gold Jewelry, nx j m YvivsorsTi co., tr mayblum,) "D nmTKTIRERS MK - apll-tf- - co? e?poHMrr (sx:5i";x6 M. srreyfaearth'fi Front brand of Uine Cut Chewing tobacco LORILLARD3 Manufacturer and dealer la r . JDETXKB TL Is has' lo etial or sny where; It Cheuhi Tobacco. Is without do (1j. best chewin; tetaro In the countty. WATCHES, CLOCKS, &c :.l ' ; ' j! , Largest Wtoolc In Town! & u CENTURY: SCHAEFER. H trt nr3. ; Steam Flour Mills, . (dliUOLLj-SillT- uuirer-sall- y Yacht Cliil m LOKILLARDS tj i It Is admi.-o-d. -- Cxlt A listdf brloea in firirfeucy Will b fnrnialmd. on application bj mail Orders solicited. njrtl-fi;t rABRER, WATTSON, A CO ,T,; -- EUItElU tiO HILLARD'S xnh28-3- J. KUPFSR, m I S ft 'vs j - i I. KUMIE, tnchld-S- arti.-N-o- f granulaUxi Virginia : wherever It ia put up in handsome muKlin bags, ia which or d;rs for Meerechamn Pipes are daily packed. Sacrumento, 1 uihkl-a- Is an, excellent Muokg.'Fobucro, , No. litlB'Clay Street. S, . LORILLARDS ; FRANd$CO, pol-sono- drug-taking- AND lUULU TUB HOTEL. SH.VKU U PLATED WAKES ,. - J POTSRff'&oGo., X and fa SEMITE FfCiiCtt For ollrkJtlf eoinfilteJ.Hes, horses, fitbe i of sC 4 for-Ladie- We Front, 9 "f f ;We have a sopafate MaJical Depsrlmr.ot, which is aUo'idcd by a thoroughly corn potent woman;-whil- e the private resKlnare of Dr. Smith, which is oomjovted with the Home,; is chiefly devoted to tbo accommodation of I, ,, desiring Hygienic treatment There is not ouo female invalid in twenty that has been sofferlug DrotnrHervon or ilisoascs peculiar to their sex, that Uei.Uliy, caunot bo PERMANENTLY CURED by sperr ling ire fn four to els .weeks at, cur Home., J Ida statement we make In confidence, arid from our evj r ioncs and observation lot the last twenty years, and from the mauy who have been treated at otir Home and elsewhere. We have to learn of a single regret from hiuiband cr wife .of time or means tlrey have expended ' in Hygteric Medication. If the females of this State cun Id be made aware of the healthful advautar-fof this Hygienic Inrtltate over tho rtvatem , we could ,n.t accommoiiats 6u in twenty who would claim our 1'Qfj'ltaliMes f And Every Description of . , Metllcal Treatment, with Bo rd and Boom, for $00 (in ordinary caaes1. Board,' ffl per w, v with Roon from $7 th $ia i Medical UathB, from K) cents to ft iacb, tr fl2 for $101 ' o .o tinware; "; . in trade. FREE OMNIBUSES TO s; iw , $ OreatBcihictldii iii Prices.;; Wo' irow yiVe patients four weeks' llyglettrc s FAMILY SUPPLIES; , SAN FRANCISCO. East . 4 W Sti t .a v Baths' for Ladies and UoftLi sud OU Sunday GLOTIfING; " ' ff 1r j 1 f i SACRAMENTO CITY, Cal.') respectfully call tho attention of ill ties fan Cffer fupeHor indacemsnts in m TI r m , e s "7 , ': ; or Brooms. r-- letlns i. 0m r ' ciUftmla Strtf o ; LTQUOIIS, .'iitmi f. J, 'i ;. t CORDAGE, KAMUracrvazn Orobbcraand k J37 This U.tho only reguisr Water-Curin Baa Inrsncisco, ahl by' far he most extensive and IostUnteou thejpaouls Uusst. complete And we offs toMini-tet- s, lawyers, knuers, Merchants, Mechanics, Farmers; and ell 'worthy pen. sons who desire to try, the advantages pi this ratlonsl system of medicine, thChospitsluies of oue Hygienic HomehndCure.fi Yoeagm on who have becoois debilitated or have lost their health bf exccs.lve toil, exposure, or enervating haWts contracted through ignoraucs of phyaicsl laws, my with iti find more of the enconrigetnents the moans that wilfe restore them they ueed, to health, than elsewhere in California, i PhronoExadrinatkmaaisl (joasnl tat tdis in to he&iUi. free, from 10 a. h. to 8 r. m. We hate the Jhectro; RusAlae, iTurkhdi and Thermal Baths, end every t form . of Moii.-a- l , , - I.'N'A- ERpMffT -- I 4 i ; b..tbt.c;du 1 m' Cl khatoas.:-f- a 1, would I I juFFEHTT.S KEG aarenly-Oireaoe- ar7n,,,i fAwft fbrE r&J A n ao-Te- ad ,s t'-- . I 308 Clay Street, Sc ; W PRINCIPAL OFFICE , i ? t WATKU-TCU- r. FKAN CISCO. SAN, a i i t , 'i.i 'f., PROVISION a f , TWLCS, , BRlSnES, w i f f. g.wu re-ga- rd 4 : 8. ... .. Opposite Et. Marys Cathedra 'i , ; 1 (GROCERIES, WOOD, and; WILLOW . Jk 45 ninety.-8pveG.dofla- E, ,JHlH.X.VK(TOtA1i t I . a , ; so7-l- the Treasury, rfecodoting ;' J f,-- IrfSo.K.un ' and ehrry alls, twenty thousand dollars. five miscellaneous For thousand items? : dollr.furnitAro t ... ... BANKING. HOUSE S' and repairs three thou- For sand dollars, , a 07 tr i nJOUv; For'Congressional Globe and Appendix seven thousand six hundred, and W.V. v o and P. Ii. U'lLUUU, Cashier. For defraying the expenses of the Joint Select OontuBtoV.Pi1 Kelrencrerat, five JXJtnl thousand dollars Provided, That this y-- ' J -appropriation . Wl treasury en the order of the Beoretary of nbnmbqrfLu and Shingles, Cth Prjw.511' ortreskid furnished st the lowest EATIXG-HODS- I i.-- xJ2.XK3b3-isTs- , Cigars and. Tobacco, bet. N and 0, Sacramento WntrsheH, finest The now manufactured. Aisu Watches Montana Street, rr' Ifosi33Q ABdi32 Front Hired, Strain Eiuioes auti. . Boilers .. ..( . Bullt to Order, t i ertln&VKf - S'J Wah;-- ' cohneu saouamekto. Howard and Waltham Watches t a -- ,,i:v proprietor fcTttftr iss if -- 11 "AV, - H.sHCMItSJE,. v y;ir ll p It. K. o . One Door Above V. Crawford, Slocnm and ; company, Goorpro altnhr . ' 30G FithIi Oysters, Piffii Feet, nut! iiiolden Crown Cigars. -o ht . CO.; st f 0 NUTS,. HONEY, Tj AL r t M lumfat i u i'cvk - TbahnWiasr notified, that Job Simmons, at the IlLVEitL HOTSE SALOON, Salt Laks City, keeps the bet f- - '. nft IMPORTER' AND JOBBER OF ' L. SAYS'fjpi . FORJOE M : pHOSIJfih i V gft.ofi . i AND FURENOLUGIGAL IN3TITCT i'.i K C4-- v -- TOTihe fame allTffnrhtiQ-dre- d vuftd IlanlX, Bafdig bu.w., piles and ninety-eig- iTvicexxp dollars and sixty-si- x iybles, etc., etc., wholesale and retail. cents, Provided thpf Mpfcrf JPfiilC above amounts hereby appropriated to defray tho ontstandin 4pjetCltyessj0f he Territory of Idfibstlnis Ipeeifid slAll f ! a sen q f e paid, unless upon vouchers verified up ot,oatho t!k6ati8ctinbthtf prbper oB3cers 61 L i.- aw-cioiH- I WHO nt ht roUETH BTUEET, LU r- f i and stauonefy for the aamo service, in all one thousand eight bnndrotLtmdr. thirty-- , one dollars and eighty-sigcents ; to Allen and Maxwell (9 wpod np--t plies for the same bmlffe, dhd'thousand' one hundred and twenty nine dollars; and to Starr and) Cs&rsyWUtYeftni, WHr Andrews, Caleb North, T.'B.Uow-lct- t, A. Cooper. ; A . H. ltuclcer, D. W. 0. to Donnell, ami J. K. .Vincent, the ftmoon V 1- a .u M EAT ; i RT AR KET, tit i , 6c?.3m f r l proprietors beg leavs The mate the that they have opued their new He-jdaurautand are tweioarodto serve mileage, and services in the legislature of tho Territory of Idabg , A) h paift only ; upon vouchers to bo approved by the errs 6f .the Treks; propcir accoutiti ... ib,H - J- Importers Bwtauraut. G Wj81 10,PiftA Cl ct , letaud Farnsworth, the amounts dae tbern respectively a ofijeca, mem, bers, clerks, And employ afejs fovper aiJm r. AjSB.TtN WAltK, AUGUST kix .jfc4 JOHN DAVlES,.. Prop. urwy ft V t 'i:-- . t i - ? J. P. HilRBIS ON, '.4 s A. B. Hardware, Iron j NaiN, Slovos, "'50 XTrV',I A Reusoiiable Charges. -- v m PACIFIC HOTEL, asd bM uyifabentirranttn) - . j "fci niYGKIA.ViHOMK iii Wholesal$ and Itetatt Dfalers ii' - . Dr. SMITHm , - . -- "? and eigbty-tb- r jteajp, tba balance duo to said French on thW ttgairegOieiof tho several acccmnttt t , For the amount ififolL XlamfiiL late collector cf tho porl of Bo8t6h'inylUbrlo8- town. Supcrinton.lcnt Of lfglits: tbI) ilrty-eifisixty refit tUQ s.uatf to be carried' DS; hi prodit on tb& books of the Treasury Dc'miurcivt on of surplus official emolnmritsand on account of expenses of collecting tho revenue from customs. To pay Joseph Miller, M. Kelley, L. Miller, M. C, Brown. John Cummins, J. Storm R' FietdeCbarieV D. Kenj A. E. Galloway, James Carr, B. Crossed, M. G.Tooney, U. B., Lane, ,.T B.: How ac-eoa- FJfibu.. . ' r J-- GODDARD & CO., ' BEST OF A CCOMMODA TIOXS ht I 'Wlmlesalla&d.BotIlL SAN'FHANCiSCO, v v p. CotmnWiouer of rublio Buildings, them Is hereby appropriated the sum of fifteen thonsaud nud seventy-sidollars nnd eight cents, or so much thereof at ba found necessary for that purpo; - ei.tr . - C -- i .v.-sk- PARKER, WATTSOH & CO., s U IBKhPESilliillS jJl; r ouo fivu bnadred dollar' To onabla tho Secretary of tba Troasury. to closo the accounts of B. 13. Frcuch,late x i- U iov ?i 'I,onirjEDn XADon,i:n - o, v trrr r u gir ..., Xr 'o, WltsiStitBBT, it fulfil ' 4 -- - " t ,S . r i . Oingls Oopiea. Cutm Rates; Five conies, lo one address, oopiea, one address,Tf05. " 'V INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. . I iXuICx Erug firr U nd Other Agrirultural Prodnets, Urt 8 & 10 J STREET, SACRAMENTO! T h'AM'.iUi n'Zf'.I Ji0. ' . TIIJIUTS, v v .f 1 Standard Varlciles ; - ('IU from tho country jromjt)r - isCfJU-t- f ' - : : . - pnrsicxA'u .4nd.3uugeon. fiAT '. . . , Strtcti, Qjlti nf 'Tlfdfcb j "COItINNE,' UTAH, ' l. t - , ' . ; . No, 82a - , ' Dr. , . UTA II . l.NJS'Kr ,T. a O,i It 74.' t - .i - Ci?ntrt'oHrtk . "' - - . . i fori. Utah. , Oil itI UXii.rai, j t j ' i'A f . - if- , ' 11 Tf cmont House, tH 8 rt.I i . V1 v thousand three hundred nftd Palls, nicety-thre- e dQllarsv Tubs, Iid cAaJblaJthp S'.oictjiiry of theTulorior of msmcyViiER Washboards, to provide necessary food for tho Sisseton iBatclies, Kfc., and Warpeton ILLINOIS. STEATI ENGINES .V ; wo. 1 Lac Traverso uud xTvu s Lake reservd. jCDTOiaiOA 44 J, STREET, , . One of the largeat and best Hotels In the Westl BOILERS, tionsj, 4p JQliotah, Terri toj-y- , during the Between oth and 6th; SACRAMENTO. liebnUt, and refurnished' Ur the -sp'bigMA suhltdtr; and tofnralKh them richest endremodled, most luxurious manner in 18(18, w awn splft-t- f with. implements and seeds for cultivating Numerous suits of rooms with Baths, water, ..t rtcsoHuflon of Quarts and fce. Every their Golds, ton thousand dollars. One of Atwoods ini proved passenger Elevators Machinery. : i& has hern introduced otvcouveying guests to the MISCELL VNEGU: differrm fibofs: Prices such os to make it tho interest of Vth, :. r B. DKiVJvH, For it fluying thu prclitninaryxpoQS( H M'mtana and to us from t if purchasers buy tf f, of tiilildg thc ninth cnb8ui. of tbe Unittd either tlian iu any i.f tho Atlantic 8Utes. States, two hutulreil thousaud dollars.; G. AV. FOGG, Supt. Corner of K and Fifth Street', a73m Farl4xj.K)osc lncaft3 during tie oar iu takeigbit'en hundred and sixty-ninCL A. ing tho first couf Of Wyomiug TerritoiT Paakxr, S. B, AVArrsoM, . D. Coxumj. thirty-seve- n aOtllitor uVliaMrff,1'1 Salt lJk city; rtah Tetri' ' i , , f.; - fcinyi- -i IIUYCK' & WILSILN, ' CORHHiETRADE. n 7 ; to cheerfully supplied. w Thf American Exchange CoaoJi ii'tth Rod Lights, trill bo at the wharves hiMTlepotgrtdcbvy' passengers to the Hotel, free. " ' aktf TIMOTnY SARGENT. Indian reservation atwicr contract, preparatory to inak!ngnll6tmeuts Tor their new homes for agricultural purposes, . ltOHLKTsoS.iV.yn; Attomey, t lavr w d! SISSON, iWALLACE , ii:9acrnmen. i- ; to pay balance due for surveying Navajoe - , - j r f Yf t-- i tloitHB.''! l':U'a f .... lu'ViMiA.1 .. . s1 1 ' ,, ' m. w;Yrr"W :' r ' ' J r , n PRODUCE, ; OF EVERY1 DESCRIPTION," HARDWAUE, .. ,ln 6HKEN ' PBUiTi l'BHIEI) U to. any now la . i.i pthec xomiHiuud j circular containing a' rnx Dsecnirnox of A - "cvnixxE,,:VT.ta, , i- ; six-ty-oig- ; i KlWor' v.i VSt.XL, DTaoiJO, v WHOLESALE HEALER ' IN' BAN SOME STREET, ss ;s? vsiMy fBperlor cx djslnlflj: ttrp Banh of California, 1)1 a - 4 ' ! ' 1 TERfllS OF 8UUSCniiTlOK7 .Mt, . IT- T- , ., , , i hoijtlpHliyjFirLOIlSEo pation. of .Jndhns. ip rMontuna I ory, ha per V3 n tracV w'ilh W . JCal-loh,- 4 '' l'r.nfUnited Secretary. Sdi special agent, dated iUKtiib iPlMm October sere b tales teen .nitfiUjjSi bandied and. Ika r. RiKKIH, nt.eigb jC , AjLBKKT P. Bsattom. ; Bsiaj centrally located It cffers'to bnsiness . IsetUomnt du&pu llnjjogJ AVKM;m' SlMCKlt. eleven thonsand seven hundred and ninety-t- mcnacd families stiporlor fnducements, both PACIFIC; IRON WORKS, wo ' as convenience, f am tort sad economy, where dollars andOfEy-oue- . f pents; , A TTO "j.A ,T. V, Hi' t To enable tho Secrelaty of' the Interior all the wants of its gnVsis are anticipated and . ' .'W Tlavlag, been engaged In this tratU In the for fifteen yearo, I have advantages possessed city by A Itv tiv'A j; & , ' f i'l ' .' r"f - 4 ....; ''( i: 'T.; iru it and JPi'ocluce? l, ' lUroe Months. . 't OaSsA . ' HEPOItTEH. Ztt'lfxXiXvy'' J S5S5 vsrieUts of Frails and Produeo in their (Ksteon; at lowest market rales, . , ,, ..,,.r Orders filled by Express C. O. D.,or B.iHrwvd ' i t freight,,. until, fni . splU-l- f i ?:. Street , l4'f illd'l . A. - , AMERICAN EXCHANGE? HOTEL JAIL IN THE DI8TMCT OF COUIMBI.V. PUDUOiwit .j. and lATldlLJJJiV AX LAW, COWXX E, UTAH TER. ,. . i,.4 .i.i NOTABT itl Htvlnu'b eh engaLdlif thl hnEinona for 'h.X ersi jrvw,' W TOwm TutiilHlon onlvl td Wif hoiuo in the State for turplyliig tui choicest I .I11, ,!- i, ofi 1 7 ? UTAH WEEKLY i: 1 ;-- i.O -- T 90 J.Btiett, SSASSi w;iA 1 3ir, l Pi-othic- o o U-- -p- . a.'f) .? ; 'I For California Fruit and ;t uf:; tend pout orders Ai H. OUimiNOS'& CO., 4 rOWDEU - - ... ' ,i 30 J Streets .Sacramento, t j 7,i8F,n Jn 5 ..' ' i J3 ! w UINTAH HOUSE, ? i , cupr,iir;as co.;:1 'WBOLESiLE bbuEaUtilX - u iia - V- 1 A. ii. i3i4 California Streefv tllVMi FRANCWCO d'.rVt tliKEMVlTD, Proprietors. 1 . i- iOi i POWiiKit 'WORKS V4U r rr: k iii-I- v THE- CALIFORNIA lIOTHIi. HZ ;iit S i'll.t OACRArIflTO,; CALA. TRADE. a J? i'A3&yatj SHS SAW FRANCISCO COLUMN. 4 ij ,.a .f, MALY'io ,'1870 Hl.t.'CrE81DA.75Zrvft. - 15 w$21 is l.-'flta- u - O X, A;;-- , A i; ' U 7 novsR or coanEcmK- ; j V(AMt! .Vaua .1 ..I . , ,, n $3 ft Ibo purposes mentioned iu the four For '&famtfuctitrtr9 ami have Constant 3 2!tti2? a.,4 ruAi i cty jj tho O01 Ms on hand i A., undretlaJ jLItyTsia-- j ej R. a ffj ir j ojia. eetablAhin the 500 furnluheiL' Tba Ubles ar aUwar up. 1I SPOHTf S ff 4! I a Columbia I w. 5t house of for jiUh the correction boy tbeasarket affords, plied ! r I. w IJU.' ycrlA ?.v 5 it fS,a0 XC. ,4 kfi. ,5i I to bo pAld in tii4,ii5ainui and in bndaudBerrcd .. 2i 1. , JW up , MINIXO. j., ty!ewdtorfnoUce. nation therein nT&de is dfrocted to Mjy t ' 4 tt be levied andapfVl'ty1 psvriMl efcfbs . Tho Bar la stocked Wti he fineat Wlnea, AND 1ILAST1NG i1 . fruialrut AilrsrtlwiiB ends tabo pid,orll Mr several nortidnrto do 'paidVy ruo titles tkU of Washington and Georgetown, aed a iur consists 9 U UAMr .' the county tf Washington, ryspectiyel) lilt T X n I 1' I V'FIUoh 'QxfMrr, So iunmti nJvcrUnU)cnU lnaorUxl In th to be enforcod intho same manner as contract. nuteb tm u Ui9 ;DPEm special wki, ttlltkwfxsiil THE M1LLH. i It being constantly received ird y utorUl Notice, act aa lariiU transported Into the Interior, Is delivered to ti e consumer witliic a few days of sn mtm xrnnteK ti4- la cjtr;foi'1feirerx time of IU' 1 In1 1 very set rosnuf is snd 4. suxx S tire, rior t wsy Ump,', J: ,aJicn! '), ir tfepf or -tliU TKKlalmtrr ianf cents tjpsi mvini I il&'t&g pf " --w frrWrrlniwHtmi.';.1 ouUJy roUtUiU aixd renovated ig . I purpoee ' YmH idtrtls;H ratf fetati ItiWfjWtrtllMB surrey of thrfetoand; And river near the ' ju tjilisaaurt wltli tlt a4vltt10n thifffn of aqeduct bridM )tf thepisf 5i THREE GOLD MEDA1 8 nts per iflai, provided tbcjr retain only bia, uadei'ldjolhf retfduti&t) Sf Colfjia tlio original tpaco occffplrfl. f tjjj ' tp t ;approved March, two, teighteei hnndreh By the MECII ASICS INSTITUTE '"'') sad le and STATE AGRICDLlTlK) hnyundnoy hTtbo b;Ohly 4FIiieVoof IJeI:e In the City. SOCIETY for the suf r PIIOF13BSIOHAL CARDS our of not otherwise over bat periority all treasury others. products appropriated, t t if' fff l 'I nVf 4t .:-'Tvs' also call attention to our jl5-t- f A. VICTOR CORDELL not exceeding the su of three tnonsmd .. "' "' ' j. . is ! w n.. ,...rr. . ! t u.im A , SON, J it tt (f a i l ( ' ' ' m . r nr Public Ry 1,0 IN 120 32 -1- Jin r: - .filial m i ? - - 4? 79 fid r ,i8 OF THE .? j 34 i T, ?7 . ti fA i arocrcfor. X w i. 10 . - lo iklLlLy M U !TttuvGrC'tXO qr 1 Lk lt.op.no or) Xdvortising. . ,r " Vo iv e 4 y , irioixiTnn f JliQO --ii p- UnU: fS-in- . lirw. in 57EPrt 40 furnish deahtS A dUtunoe,v,iththo fctvlret5 " thti Wo.t, et rwonit Orders , promptly filled, v . a . sp!9-t- f P '. . |