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Show V I STATIONERY, rrc. FBUITS, VEGETABLES, CONFECTIONER V, MISCELLANEOUS AHVTS. Utah Reporter. Tri-Wee- kly MISCELLANEOUS ADS. ) , N rocrr a. W. D. MOCTOS, wileon, I it iO? a X30HT0M, V7ttaon STAGE. LINE. tnK BANKING HOUSE m U There exists a false delicacy and bride amount almost to prudery, lu regard to consulting a The medical physician la certainandmaladies, aro dumb. Tloa of the faculty recognize it, public afflicted acknowledge the truth of it, and utT.r In alienee. The province of thla circular la to present tho subject lu ila truo light. Hundreds of Uvea are lot every year by disease which have been neglected or improperly treated. In the case of young men there wenie no apology, and yet in mxnv case they attempt to rum then'Hlvra with vile nostrum a. and in consequence shorten their lives, and pass the miserable remnant of tvvisloueo wtlhtlulr blood cm. echo ' IDAHO ADD OIIEDOri iBiLiLnap'inr: IMPORTANT TO BOTH SEXES! filled with the poison of a stilled, ! (OdPS3iddHUSUSdU f ! V but not cured disease, which rauit inevitably be tr&miuittcd jlo the third and fourth generations. With young women there seems aotne exeuao, will not conceal the and yet their utmost aecrt-a- P. II. WII.1JOU. Cnsblsr ? - AND. facta. Any Intelligent phyaJcian who walka theao street can recognize among the ladles, by certain Infallible tokens known to litm; and of which the sufferers are often totally ignorant, the ranges of that white spread scourge, the whites. Any lntalUg.nt physician can point out In his dally walka score of thla and kindred coin plaint. In both sexes, tlie exist tico of which they cannot ignore. The educated sufferer knows the phytic Ian ran detect thla The phy aldan know that the sufferer knows It, and yet, in 1 ine canes out of ten, tip' afflicted individual fall to conault the naan whom he kuows ia both of the complaint and the mean of cure. Knowing that health can be restored, and who can restore It, they deliberately allow them selves to become mere wrecks of humanity, aud to transmit diseased constitutions to theta des - OOKINNK. XJtuli Tor; -- .. , i . n any point la tbc CtDcttlans atade Inlted States. COLD DVST BOICHT. LU COM boor from Offlca a. u. to I r. a. $ cog-uizau- j Correspondents! Co., Balt Lake City. yiosaey, Dahler A Montana. JIomcf, Dahler AA Co., Holcna, Montana. Hmaey, Dahler Co., Virginia Alliaoo Bank. London. D. La Touche, Dublin. Bank of California, Ban Francisco. Ocean National Bank, New York C(TJr, Draw exchange on principal cltlea of the world. Time Checks bought, : - , p30-t- CHEAP UTAH. COIIINNE, f - A: HTOCH OIT TCJ I1E CLOSED OUT IMMEDIATELY. , ....o and double tap Fuss. foct single M.000 ' liMNi lowdcr, Hazards, - VASat l. l,4l , I,- 161 pair Blanket. 81 lUarksmith Bellows. II,- 303 lb of Blacksmith ' 640 ; ,l .1 ' V i v and lemons, ORANGES .... J Auvil. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION . NUTS, Wheelbarrow. fid wood beam Ploughs, 65 Iron beam Plough. 1.1,139 lb of steel Brill. 441 Dump Cart. m ' , AND OTHER V5- no , . . . A LSO , k ' ' Connfe'ctioaieFj, (DanioMeSj T TART EASTERN RECOIL ad-pre- 81.691 list of Hope, assorted slzi s. 95 pair Bob bleds, with doubla and slnfl tres and neck yoke. 4,006 Scrapers. 3 hors power Drills. 856 set of cart Harness. 861 Tent 13x14. 3 aUam Tunnel Machines.) 4 Bteam Engine, 10 Inch evlinder, 30. Inch stroke, boilers - 4 feet- diameter, 74 feet high; 35 borne uower. Nall.; Um 0 .mnnsl ft t and wrought s Xiumber; Natural Leaf Tobacco. coal and wood loads 4 car of cooking, box, Stove, and cooking utcusUa to match, and almost anything else any one may wistn 100,000 lbs of Com and a large amount of Flour, all of which will bo sold cheaper than ever before offered In thla market. D. K. ALLEN, OfBoe at Banking House of Wilson A Morton; j se 5tf Cobimke, Utah Territory. ti , EXECUTED JUT I 11. .AND- .- 4 STODDARD, 4 TEST NOTICE, , 0 3a."t ItOI Street, aa' ex AND AT THE (South Suit, Irheem a a id and UK, i. ) tended to. TSdi'' SVriF'.'tuB. west 1 CHRONIC ' TON, AJS? 1 t . - SiT, Fruit rocoi veil DAILY bj Express from Culifornin. X make it point to order none but the best and fresbeHt fruit Orders from adjacent cities promptly ut- -' y 1 Patent R versed Wooden Agraflh Bridge the sweetness of the old throughont arrantsODTatHS the solidity of the wood Bridge, and Metal Agraffe, withomt Its owcctiohh. Patent Oompotusd Wrsst Flank ; which. holds the Tuning Fins'. Is six layers of Maple, naant running differently, Tins max a acvEasruTS, Patent Fall Iron Trams concentrates in fsost of the Tuning Fins, that heretofore damaging Iron (which in other liano h artfully surround the Tuning Pins.) and front edge of the Flank aul "butt" Into the the resist "twenty tons" strain. Patent Diagonal Sustaining Bar part of the Iros Praine. next to. and parallel with the eteel strings UNI) HU TUB OVElUSHtUNG HASH., 4 Tho Anion FUmo Is the cheapest, most r ABLE. LEAST commjcated, requires less tuning and does not get out of order, it is wtohj TEiAmv BOISD EAST A!D CORIWWE, UTAH. Lowest (Cash Prices. nnvEas roitt sitiplifvivg patems. fenatitlas Making daily Si Tenth Street, fun stairs; RoomaNos. 1 and .3.) between Douglas and Farnham, ' Omaha, sel7-l- y Neb. F.O. Glass Box 195. 613 . j-.-- IDAHO TERRITORY I dozen Pick Handle. i tqbouoel ofinpring, Blacksmith Vises. 63 dozen ... ers. To such is offered a safe and sure remedy against conception. Huccess warranted in every case ; guaranteed as containing no Ingredients In the least injurious to the feeblest temperament. Lcucliorrhae, or Whites, positively and permanently cured. Cases of long standing, however aggravated,! must yield to this remody. Dr. Stoddard has also infallible monthly pills for restoring disordered or irregnlar periods of menstruation. Sent by mail, secure from oh y aervstion. Price, $5 per box. These are no pntent medicines or other hum- hugs, but carefully prepared compounds, from formulas in use by the most distinguished and scientific physicians in tills country, and which have "never boon advertised before." AU fhcdiciuos warranted to give sallsfaction or money refunded. KirUdcit sccresy observed. All letters promptly' answered. Call on or ' 63 ' 6 doxon Troa'f la, 300 loxen Hllgo Handles. f 9 There aro ladles who, from delicate constitu- 4,13 cast steel atone llauitner. 1.6t east steel sledge Hammer. 31M1TJ cast ated striking Hammers.' 3,C!W cast stool double V. H. 8. Hammers. 803 dozen lU U. Picks. 300 double and ainglo Snatch Blmika. 1 To anil from the C. P. or au already nution, indigent circumstances, d not wish to become mothmerous Maaaa Axes. CnutHtcmo .. ou To Married Ladles. lba of steel Drt lb of Crow lursr BiK) doaon Ames Shovels. 3.341 lbbOf lloraa Bhoea, B.VUH ; UOE OF COACHES DAILY t In every community there are vart numbers of young men allllcto w ith seminal weakness, nncturiml emissions, lassitude, tli bi.ity, and the other attendant symptom of secret disorder, and totally undermining the its victim, mentally and physically, sooner or later. The disease Is progressive, ami if not checked, dizziness, Joss of memory, no- controllable procrastination in business, pains in the back, side and knees, yellowish drool from the month during sleep, and failure of all energy 10011 follows. ' From this stage physical is a aeries of short steps to an exrly grave, the confinement ol a luimtio srylum. Alany of these young men have responded kegs lilastlng FF,MrFF lbs of steel. v i" Benevolent "Asso advertisement of ax-lleor unserupulous quacks In distant clatituiH, cities, and after liavlng been swindled of their money by one and another, have abandoned hope and prououuoed themselves incurable. Dr. Btoddard practices on the 'no cnro.-n- o pay principle, and proposes to forfeit $1,000 and all fee If he f alia to cure any case of seminal weakucss where his treatment aud directions are toll owed. Ho uses no secret remedies nono but vegetable medk'lnes, and his peculiar treat meut must receive tho endersetaent of all who : , . Intelligently pursue It., $2,000,000 WOHTII i ij., IN- - . 1 Cheaper! Cheapest! DEALER u To Youn? Men. con-tituti- AND RETAIL A LE t, Cendant. FOURTH S p. 8. Wilson Cheyeana. First National, Omaha. - We tern bavin ga institute, 8b Louis. ' V liaory oreanbanm Co., Chicago. AV HOLES under-- , From and after JTKE !(,' signed will run Pro a eaiawg. V DISEASES. -nj I V!- - - -- O I- This - in Wo Possess Unequalled Facilities Dr. James9 91 4 4 w - ,iV- f J ILLS. " n " Eldorado on Loon Creek, New Books!! - CHICAGO, FOU THE PltOMFT EXECUTION OF r In 1867 the American Institute Fair of Jsew York, after a "blindfold trial againat Stelnwaya. Pianos, awarded Chickerlng'a and many other the Patent Arion the Flrat Premium." Writs for aflVtaviU, Pamphlet and Circular, and state la what Papsjyou aaw this advertise- , ') .RANDOLPH STREET,, THE STANDARD PIANO. , & 98$ I .. tbs ! j t ront Ihe'sboMest and most i . -- ment. AGESTS WASTED -- 15 In every City aiid Town where we have not al- ready appointed them. . -- Cl CO., OOTBU No. Broadway, Ware rooms and Manufactory, octld-Stn A faOtttarjr of Salmon Hirer, ' " "j" BALL INVITATIONS 554 Office, 187 ft 189 Bowery, New York. ' i - GET THE BEST., $20. $15. DUX THE ONLY GisCINBlIMPROVD Oroide Gold Watches, " Mann factored bp AND- - X s. i.-- v . make. Hunting Caeca, fineThey are all tho best wear like fine gohl,. and are look atil chAMtNl; ly gold watches ftiual In appearance to the best Jeweled Levers, 8150... Fall ntm.lly coating Gent's nd LtiesF sisc. at 15 each. Solid Or OUR DOUBLE EXTRA REFINED IdeOold Hunting Cases, Full Jeweled Levers, and are equal to 300 Gold Watchoa, Begulatod wear and Guaranteed to keep correct time, and at ich. not tarnish, with Extra Kina Caeca, NO MONEY 18 REQUIRED IN ADVANCE United We send hr Kcptwea anywhere within the m dttrary. with the Btatea, peysbM to paid for, privilege to open and examine beforesaying the by and If not satisfactory returned, Goods will be sent by mail as a. &tt: ., -- mi Watches gets an seodln. for sixseven ITmtWtfp. $15 Watches " f for $90 or ssven $30 Watches for OOLO CHAINS, af pa for Iadl. and m va ts 6ft tnches long, at $3. lowest sent with watches ar state kind and sUe of watch from reqolrsd, Md ord oety WATCH .CO., , .THE OEOl Btreet.IXsw York. 146 Fulton ocld-S. i a.i . m - - ir Formerly of James Lock Hospital, ICuatom House Btreet, New Orksns, (entabiiahrd 150) for the last eight year located in Chicago, and celebrated throughout the country in the successful treatment of PRIVATE DISEASES, can be con- fidcntially consulted at hla office and parlors, HI and VU Randolph Street, corner of Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111., or by letter, enclosing stamp for return answer. Pont Cfflc Drawer 6863, Chicago, I1L Da. James treats Chronic, Ifercuriat, Syphilitic, Iilood and Skin Ditcatc, and ail disorder! of Venereal Character, which he cares without the use of mercury; iodide of potaasi, arsenic, or any poison, but with hla Neotualurb, a positive cur for all humors and blood poisons, Organic n'eakneti, such aM Seminal U tahn eu. A'oefnmat and Diurnal Emittiemt, brought OH by abuse of the organa, early Indiscretions, excesses, or entailed hereditarily, causing loss of memory, confusion," depression, dimness o' vision, an oftentimes Insanity, with a deplora tie train of other symptoms, treated and radically enred by an infallible method, saving time and expense. All diseases peculiar to the sexual organa radically and permanently cured, u Old diseases of the most horrible class, where tbs blood has become poisoned, producing blotches on the face, small watery blisters, pains la the head and bones, u Iterated throat and nose, sores on the limbs and body, scrofula, to. OABD PRINTING, I. r-.- OPS. I1. JAMEH, i . .If. JSJLJLI&TTS MaoJk- mud - eon-tagit- na TIIH OUOIIJK WATCH COMPANY. gSXrX f1 - IM &tiare. HATES OF STAGE 1 - AND SEE OlT SFE0IS1ENS, on. hand tho latest 'l Always Magazines, Periodicals & Newspapers j I j: gether with an endless nutxber of sufferings. effectually and permanently ctred. Dr. James Is recommended by the press of the country, ' by professors of metical collcgss, and by the medical profession generally. Thoso afflicted should apply to hla, and b cured at , i pnoe. , A. treatise on Spermatorrhea, and Byphill, other diseases of his specialty, aeot In sealed en Books, velopes... Address Da. James, P. O. Drawer 5$ 63, Tens, Chicago, vVty-dft- w i. Ir FARE (cmMssaar) AND TIME. ') . T , v " , ...? f t j tL". r . f ! r j v VV A Timt. .3 days JVw from nil parts of thc wok-ld- . Indian Creek to Boise City, . Baker City, u i Mortgajos, Sabpoottas, Bill of .3 85,..,. 3 85. m AO II - OIL ,l - Walla Walla, - Portland,.- - Umatilla, , . 00 90 4 4 100.... M ' JOHN IIAILEY, )e2-dA- st 1 1 " ;.t it ? |