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Show i r N ' X i J '' 'f jf li-- 1 Utah t i our iitlvori4 kjjcn. in Salt H, vf. IitM'inB Lake City. r . have no authorized traveling agent to collect debt due this paper. ' V tagof.TIa . t. j Th tl. P. K. Ur Co. mid another of thin on Tuesday last, and bave"a.lded at! Atlantic and Tacific ex- -, . , eh-tn- , ( , - - 4, TnUR3DAYMOttNINO;KOV. - In Town, Hon. D. - K-- Allen. Our , eastern ex- changes make meution of the Hon. D. Iv. Alleu, qf Corinu(vU.,T., delivering a course of lectures pa Utah, through Illinois, Michigan and' Wfscousiou! No doubt Mr. Allen will cuff tho Mormons round occasionally ns they deserve. The papers nr loud in their praise of Mr. Alien, and well they may be, for it is seldom we meet with gentlemen of Mr. As ability willing to sacrifice theirtime and Influence in the interest of others. It is hinted here that Mr. A. is likely to become a formid.illo rival for 'the Utuh We hope he succession jn Congress. for few a may, gentlemen of his stupe would undoubtedly have a salutary effect ' , upon that lody. Reporter. Tri-Week- ly, e t.... Salt Lake, twat. CaUomU ( luo It, 10 Common W Elliotts. "of ' ef mau'-(sion)- ,in I in pe rial y ft.V-...lb Japanese T? Flotd'l Wo want three of four 'good, honest, energetic young1 Mor mens to canvas for theSinnouTKlt, to whom good wage', or a liberal discount on fiulwcrJpttwiXfc.wlll lie Nona:. - Subscribe for It t ay, onr-Jt'cpik- y Read' It mid send it to your Friends! ? It , ;sg V- - mg This rooming, at an early hour, a fine schooner of 90 tons burthen, loaded principally with lath, arrived from the .Black Rock mills. The vessel is owned by Messrs. Connor A McNassar, and tbey find profitable employment transporting railroad ties, dumber, graifi, etc. from all points around the Great Sait Lake ard tributary rivers. With ths rapid growth of population, water transit will be more resorted to, and ere long we expect to frequently re- cord the arrivals nnd departures of sailing vessels and steamers. JIslsh A Greenwald aro fixing things up pretty nice over at ths Metropolitan. New features in hotel life and improve ments are tbs order of the ! y with the proprietors of the Metrop itan. Those dormer windows are quite the thing to view our beautiful sunsets from. 6am. L. Tibbals, having purchased the stock and fixtures of John Davies whole-sal- s snd rctail liqupr store, corner Mon to keep fans and Fifth stx, fctoek of whiskeys, on hand a brandies, wines and cigars for the whole-l- e and retail ; trad.-,- '. Orders promptly and faithful filled at 'pries to anit alL will-continu- well-select- , e ed j o30tff Nevada in NewYork. A friend, who ought to be good authority, writes ns The Eber from New York as follows s hardt would not self In this village for $5,000 in currency. They are sick unto death of Nevada mines, The swindlers of G3, 64 and 65 hate cloned the 'market against us, and we have" goHO 'jpaddle our own canoe in the sage brash. Greenback currency in Nevada would remedy If oar friend some of the evils in time. is right, the only thing left for us to do Is turn afevrof mines 'into bullion and go Hell Gat a. east and buy t ha tv Way Inlaud Empire. , ..The Empire's friend in New ork is mom than half right about the feeling east in regard to Nevada mining operations; also his idea of a greenback car1 rency. The Pacific slopers, however, are not much better prepared toadot a greenback currency at present than tbffboy was to let go of the bulls tail in the middle of a ten acre lot. By hanging on he .hod r show Sot Lis life, a little while at least, and iuthevn'eanttme'sdmething might torn op. But to let go was instant death. So with bosiuess men on the Pacific. Should a paper currency bo it would ruin thouadopted there y sand) and. embarras others for , years. Th comparison ; perlup. is not a very nothelegant One, this, however detract : ing from its adaptation. i jj - to-da- lr 3c s e 1 s s 10x13 , gC 35c lb m-x- L BAB LEAD. 1CG04 35c fTABCII. y J i y lb.... 35c Greenfield BUTTER. .sseeaeeesa .i..ss.M.....e lb . 550 ! .40c HOAP, eef y.wte3 35c . lb. 50c . e4 yS DEANS. Dom ratio b California white and pink at 150 1CC0J 15c Congressmen read it. lb Htatca BICE. . BUOAR. trv lb...,.' China V - Crushed. Powdered..... And Everybody Should Rend It! 2ftc . ft OOtjr . ; 3o .. $2 AXES. ...... Without handle. ... AXR nVLVFJI. ' Preston it Merri s 5i ...... .. t. ........ . box 35c OrfifU luiahel OrCCll lb y lt. Dried OlEAM TAUT h A It. ssssaBssl'U5C ' y ft w lb XUlSOtt. per ananm atx months W E&K LY, per annum ......... v . $ 12 00 7 00 ft. 00 .... ...... CLUB R VTES - Five Copt a to one ddrs address. 20.00 35 00 Tan Coplet, to one . 48.00 Fifteen Copies, to one address.... Twenty Copies, to one address........... 00 00 And Copy extra to getter np of Club. TERMS INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. 4 ft Bhcctiuj P loot wr lb r,ss tioro hot ... - t? 30c v American Exchange Situ eati'A-lJetrea- t, Hotel, rraurUco, 8crauiehlo t. D E L M O JT ICO i to Ilallrck et.) MAIN STREET, v ! Salt Lake City, Utah. - r MMX STREET, f 1 SALT LAKK CITY, UTAH. F. REICH, Proprietor. Good board snd lodgings, and a pleasant snd, comfortablo home for traveler . Board snd Lodging $10 per week; Board, 8, N Proprietor. eaxzsxwxj.) a ug7-3r- I Wfi1. LORHVIER, EECEXTLT CUANGED HANDS, of this elegant Hotel, baa nader the direction renothe present proprietor been completely vated and newly furnished, and I now tb most and eomfortable FAMILY quiet, economical HOTEL in the city. The house is aituated In the centre of the city, and In the best and most convenient location for bosines men. The table are constantly supplied with every ' the market affords. luxury rooms are large, well ventilated, snd furTho for the nished with every convenience necessary comfort of lodger. In fact tothe DeEMuHico the xiuvixiyo offer the best sceoKJiotuxioKS . rtJsLifl of any House mJha-citysnd Night.- st aU Lours, Day JB'resli Oysters can In r ocV-t- f , , .1 , -- ST. LOUIS BIRBEIt SHOP. II. W. P. IPBSCER, Monfnna Struot CMX Ut.) (RroneA m33 1m . mt t ftep81in i ftidtntal gristiuirnnt C. B. LOREN CO.. A; i Prop. ths Ths proprietors beg leave to roake have opened their new an-no- un cement that thsy and are prepared to serv a choice Meal ; nt, ' , Wbolesals Nid Us tall v , f - . WINES, UQCOUS, ' j ' , , v (of tte'best brands) ; j .. TOBACCO, CIGABS tnd GLASSWARE. r ae22-l- i ( , j rf , , i i v , , groceries, I ; , r , invited, From Indian Creak, (btab.) by Boise City, Martinsville, KminiUviile, Middleton, ' Weierr Uaneh, (Idaho,) Express Ranch, Aubufu. Baker Ciiy, North Towdcr, Uu Ion, La Grands, Orodcll, Cayuce, Mitch- ells Htation, V alia Walls, WaUulo, and Umatilla, to The Dalles, (Oregon,) 765 mlh and btt k, six times a week. f. Didders to p' opos schedule. to cud al Doia City, (Idaho,) Pr7poals -- tel tLiies, inrited. v - t 16123 Frota Eagle Valley, (local,1) to Pan tea, 20 i miles and back once a week. , , . Leave Eagt Vslley Thursday st 12 ta; Arrive st Panscs by 7 p m ; ; Leave psnacs Friday at 8 a ra ; ' Arrive st Eagle Valley by 3 p m. 16624 From Pinto to Fanaca, C2 mile and back. once a week. , Leave Pinto Honda at 6 a ro ; Arrive st Pansca next 4sy by ft p u ) si ft a m j Leave Pauses ' Arrive at ITntoWednesday next day by A 1662ft From Provo City, by Midway. Heber. ' Xsrass, Paos, ltockiiortG Wsnahip, and it5 , A, VICTOR CORDELL -- - 16022 '1 tru epicurean styl. lhl li ! y . ; Sfreef, Corinue, Ufnlii ; al- - HAIHDHESSEH, fit Jfanfana , , - any style, By ths can, cr served up ways be found at the DeUnonlca. Oyster suppers gotten up tu the best styl sod short notice. . HAH BE R i f IT-nla- 1 ( City. UCOIIEN, - t v 5P v The Only Gentile Hotel in the jKTMesls pringdle bv la-av- 'PACIFIC IICU.SE, - Ii rlday at 8 a m ; . m; . Hy rtugdalo Haturrtay ut 8 a ia; ( Arrive at I ojuf rVilic by 6 p m. L I.) Iy Severe Va'jey (lo16CIC From Nephl, local ) to St. cal) ami Fort punuis once a wtek George i 425 nilitsjwnHsaik. IA1..V.1 Nt-- hi Monday st 7 a in ; ) Arrive at to. G W XT lday ly 7pm; . 1 cave to George Mon lay at 7 a iu ; by 7 p iu Arrive at Nephl to I, (local.) 25 miles Oxior 16(U7 Frt'm and back, onc a w.i k. au Momlay st 7 a is I ave LogOxford V hr; by Arrive al Leave Oxfo.d Wdnesday at 7 a in; ; ' At riv e st Logan by 6 p iu. 16018 From Ilnntsv il'a io B. nnlngicn, 20 ml e and la k, once we k. Leuvo Hun svllle Mi mlay at C a tu;-Arrive at Bennington by 12 ta; Leave Beimiugiou Monday at I p ru. Arilvu atllonUvilieby 7p ni. 16619 From Logan to WtXlon, (lo.ral,) 23 roilr f , and lek. ewee a week. Leave Log"u Monday at 7 a m ; . Arrive at W xtou by 5 p ni ; Leave West n Tuesday at 7 a m ; , Arrive at Log-- u by 8 p ra. From Cdy, by Celar Valby, to X'aJr-fl- . as snd bac k one s week. Id, City Tiuaday at 7 a m; Iave L.rl Arrive at X'ali field by 12 ro; ' Leave Faitfh Id Tuesday at 1 p ta; . 6 Arrive at Lt hi City by p in. 16621 From Beaver, by Adtmsville, Mlnersville, and Pans a, to Uieo, 195 mile and back., once a w et k. , Iwve Itenver Monday at ft a ra ; bv 0 pm; Wt Arrive at llie dmsday Leave Illeo Tliuraday at G a m ; Arrive at Ihaver hatiirday by 6p m; 20 miles, proposals to end at Minersvlllo, 4 Arrive at nt ! k. lA-av- been, rcceofy Having nukes It the roost qnlot. eeonoink al and corafortablo FAMILY HOTrL lu the Nfute Boing centrally locate!. It offer every ludmc-msfor burinos men and the public generally, HOTEL AND. RESTAURANT, Wi . . -- A. ' The tables will constantly bo supplied wl h every .uxnry the market afford. The American, Exchange Coaeli, wjlh Red Lights, will bo nt fhe wharves aud depots, to ocuvey passengers to the Hotel free. TIMOTHY JSAROENT, Proprietor. Jan28-l- y ' day by C p pi. from Cedar City, J by G and liuucy. to Bt biu-k- , oli.-a week. Ijcavv C d ir City M'tid by p m; Arrl'i at Bt. George .Wednexday at H a m ; Ia ave Hi. ttoorgo Thur. day Ari ive at Cedar City by 6 p iu ; ; aer ieo Juv ited. . Rida for tw rnm Toqmrville. by TirK't,,1,t,y,,,ln,i! (irfton, at.cl Ro.kvli e, to Kprii'goale, 2 billos nd li.ik, onev a lfiClft from 1 Flo, 3 i J t n4 J - e NAILH, romjlitft Grg.3 Mon jay and Unjay ' in; Airivo t cedar City Wednesday aud Kutur ti'c $ miles 3D ut 8 a in; Flnnorc ity Mop.tay 4 m daybyffpm; bnta Clara a , . k, I 4 1 lx-uv- e X V cx-eu- ", IT. 18. PostniasL-rst offices en cr near railroads, but more than eighty tods from a station, will.' lmtuiwHtticiy after th 1st of March next, report their exact distance ftoxa the nearest station, to enable lho Postmaster General to direct small- -' J rot sser.gcr supply from ths 1st of July next" 19. bection eighteen of an act of t'ourcssap-p-ove- d March 3, 1845, provides that contracts for. the transportation of the moll shall be let. "in every case to the lowest bidder, tendering sufficient guarantees tor faithful performance, with-cu- t other reference to the nuxle of such transportation than may be neresafy to provide for the due celerity, certainty and security of such Under this law bida that propone to transport the t noils with . celerity, certainty, and security, having hern deckled, to be the only bids, are eonctru-- d as providing tor the entire mail, however large, snd whatever may be tho ude of conveyance necessary to 'insure its celerity, certainty, snd security." and hive the preference ovtr all otbeis, and no others aro con id red. 26. A modification of a bid lo any of It cost terms is tantamount to a new bid, and cannot be received, so as to interfere with regular competition. Making a new Md, with guarantee and certificate, is the ouly way to modify a pre-vi' s bid. j 21. IvMtmastrra are to b careful not to certify the sufficiency of guarantos, or sureties, with- - 4- out knowing that thy are persom of sufficient r sponoibility ; a disregard o this instruv lion by tvostni asters is a vlohvUon of their ovh of office, subjecting them to Immediate removal." Vll bidders, gurrantors, and sureties aro distinct ly Potiib-- that on a failure to enter into or perforin the contracts for the a. rvieo pnpjWd tor iu the accepted bi b, thei togal liabiliUM will be enforced against them. 22 Prt'acnt contractors, sod jersons kuown at lho must equally wahptluvre,' procure guarantors and c. r.ificuU'S of Uivir sufficiency substai.tial'y In (he forms aboM prwtrilel. 1 Uo certuicuto of aufflci- - ncy must be signed by a potniait( r. cr by a Judge of a court of record. " No other wilih admitted. ' JNO. A. J. CRISWELL, i Fosttoartrr General. s pu,u n-ti- al ou 1 i A UNION PACIFIC i, I , Ji INSTRt'CiloNb TO I1ILDER.4 ' MA3TLK8. t'if Of inarpnr'itfd intl'im ConltiHtntf also tvmlili'ir to ' coil! I at It to the (Jitcnt the Ihportmcnt may - I TI1E OISE AT the mails; but on railroad an-- steaiu-Leroutes time is to bo no mere diLay than is BiiflU ieut lor ah exihaage oi llie mail jH.eht. 2. Uu railroad und .teamtoat linis, an 1 oilier admit of lo tes w here the mode ofth-couvejancu Post Oillee Departit, the special agent of nt - post olltot! blisuks, mail bugs, 1j1h iiLrinys, aio to to coimcd vriihout ixtia charpu, 3. Ou railroad an 1 atcamboat lints the route agents pi tno Depaitiueut, also tho British and Canada inaiD, when offered, and the sgt lit acto bo lonvejed without companying tin in, areuse of tho United States ami for the ciiarg;a commodious ear, or pai t of a ear, proagents perty dgliti d, vvarme 1 and fum ilied, nnl adapted, to tho eouvcntei.t Bcparatton aud duo seennty of the mail, is to be provided by the contractor, uudf r the direction of tho Department. lUi road and itearnboat Ooiupnu ca are leijuir-t- d to take the moil from, and deliver it into, the beginning .and end of their post otlleea ut tlio from all offices not im re than routes,' and to and eightyLerods fmra elation or tending. Pro; osis submlttd by the comiivuie fer tho permay to, f r form nee of all other side survieo-th- ut iiiBota ovtf eight) rod l Rvtn a stall ju or inn ling. There wi 1 Imi "way bnls" jnpard by pos-m- a de s, or other agetua of tio Dipanunut, to the mail (ouveyed on toilroals and steamers, nitrifying the nauibi r and deaUuatiou of Lho several bags, ou oilier principal routes, likewise, roctlpts will bo reipure.l and way bills to be t xuiutn d by tlie a forward d; tho port mas Lis, to insurer gt.luuty inihede-- . . livery of mai s. Irii not perform4. No pay will bo male not ed; and tor each olsmh :nii:U-ions- , 1, turee t me, the pay of Giu oipiiiu 'ducttd For arttv.J t.o farbehiud Irtp will beto d break cnnnictL'U with (Jcjxjuliug ttms as mails, aud not sulilhently cxcusd, one fourth ct lo forct tho coincnsaitoit for ths trip is feiture.' XVr rep uted Uclii.ipic tich s of the kind he-n gjirt Iflcd, enlarged propoi t died l th- - i.sturortlH roof, and the impotianc of tho mull. nabomdc. le.iv ing behind rr 3. ing off the mail ot any port ou ot thrttt, tor the biliuiH.iioii of ta. nr for brieg o i it cm din filing lip Ui V m sd lUl.lift ft vtl Xpu (OU.wytllg vatiCo of tl.c m..il, a p u ter a p uy' tiuy be ted. mil ss th G. .Fiut s s 111 be Impo-eliinjuc y t ii vv; lu:i.t by bo , loiitt tl) n t ccititi t. s n j ht:n vg( r or, (Uc aili.itiit if arrive in otlur (fftiio )..I ra t e, tor i u!m"Tr the niul r mgi.tLtgr o conn art lim- ; fiom, or tl. an r tti itit , ) rt otiic ; f. rutitf.r-in- g It to he ilcttio)! i, riUnd, r tHtteio,', ailtf dcu.a.ut, loconvty the mail a t frcpicu i) as tlm (ontr eu r run, or is coitw rncll i ftihi.i ,f it couch, nr, or ntnm-hoon s route. 7. 'i ho ! iuat. r O.ncrtl iu:.) atr.nl ihecou-trac-tot r.i!luief to um ngre sb) Kr rept'-.lccontract; tor violating tl e jort ojhie tew, ordis-obe- ) n u the 1'. nt; for iitg tits itw tr.u It. - n eat th-win n r. qtt r. d by ffto'lto. to tii haigthe iH ; arMnet t tiotu; toi; rniiiiiti- vu express or psekas af oreidil ; r lor lratit.porl.rtg i g m i.iriilo mailer cut of the mail i oi.v m. 'ihc Pos: master tirm ral may order su of set v ice ou a r.ut by show ing ilicrt for on thr e .ntroc t pav. lie e a pro Mi.frlncrct schidules of drparturts sn.i arrives iu make t'o in conform all cast,, au.t i arti. uluiiy to without iacrusso to connections w h railro-nls- , of j av, provided the running time bi not abridged. Tho XostmasUr Gtiicral may a!ro dlscou-tinii- c or curtail t. o service. In w i.(d or in pari, si rv ice, or in order to j.lace on the route whenever the pubbe lot. r a to. in hi jadgtnent, shall require mu h di contiuusi.ee or ciittai'nuiit for si y oiljer e non ; he allowing a full 1 nhiu-nlt- y to comrurior one raontU (xta piy outlie amount of service cb-i- ns.id with, and n ;co cita of seivi.c r. tained conipeiiSation tor th.Cia.ount V Mtul o.iii.ttiiU. d. 0, Payments wi'l be vunde by roducUoua from, or drafts on, imsduaster, or oil rw Be, after th L rr-i-y hi Noven,br, expirntion ot ea. h M J t.ti August. ty Xebmsry, 10. lit" dts. auets u given see rdirg to the best inter m id ion ; but i pay wi'l bo a ivcr.Wd, than alliwvd shtuld they bd come Uy it ile p lnt to be ttijtpgrfttf ISUOUrt ttftttl inform trnt lift on tUit jxiint, aud to the w ight of the mai1, the a!som rier-li.coudit ou fl roads, ht.ls, stp. airs, A,, ami ail ttll bridgt t , fttrirs, or ltftic tout- - of any kind by widen xp me mav be incurred. No clam con lie for additioul )iay, ha-e-d on sir h oji.si.lt rid; imr for all ged ntttekes5or misajv. pr; In ns. on as to tho (Lgrecof service ; nor for bridges d str'j td, ferrit e dlscont.nu. or other obstruction increasing distance (rex;Jenso, ocx curring durii g the outraet tt rat. Oiil ( after tills adv'riis runt iv toued. snd also during the c riftrat t erm, at e to be visib d wiih-oextra pay; If ths due a nut ha not inenasod. 11. Lll ers arts esut.oned to mail their propn in 'itn to rea h tbs Dcpartnur.t by thodaT ,'' and (3 p in., M.rchl, 1873.J tor bids r.vet iv. d afu r tl.it time wifi not le coneutered in com wrilt a l.i.l of reaonub!e amoim reeeivtd lit time. Neither can bid ba considered which are without thagu.ra lee required by Rwanda Ctrl flccte tf the st,?libmy of tmh , guarantee. . 12. Bidders sho il.l fin t propTte f r service to tho nivirt and strictly itfr d.fft-r- ut st tlieu, if they desire, and if (ho reyuhtr bl by tire litre. t offend for tlni advertised serv toe, the otlu r propo-hlomay t. considered 13. Tl ere should bitt one rout bid for In a Consolidated or combination bids proposal. .( proposing one sum for twsor more routes") are forbidden by law, and cannot bo Consiritr.d. 14., Tho route, tho service, tho yearly pay, the naiuo and residence of tho bidder, (that is, LU ostial post office addrers.) and the rutin e of ekeh member of a firm, where a company off.-rs-, stated. should ho 15. 1111 cr aro requested fo use, as far as practicable, the prhftbl propota'a furatehcvl by the ixpvrtmenL to wTito out in fall tho turn 'of their bids, and to rcto n copies of them. Altered bids should not be submitted; nor should bid once submitted bo with liswn No w.thdrswal of a bidder or guarantor will bo allowed unless tbs withdrawal is dated snd received booro lhd last day for recoiving proposals. Each bid must bo guaranteed by two responsible persons. The bid and guarantee shod 1 bo signed plainly with the fall name of each perment, al-- o PL.ITTE Is now completed and running daily trains, lorming In conuoction witn the Coutrul l'acifio RaUroad aa A!) Through to Ban Francisco In gi t- Than Four Day! Lcsm Avoiding Ilis dangers of th Ba. Direct Conner llom turn! aL O 3VH jfN. S3L A., with Chicago sn 1 North w. stern, Chicago, Reek Island and 1 acific and Kt. Jivsepli nnd Council ltluff Railroad, and Missouri ltivrr Line of Packets f ' to and from all nvlo-- , 1 a. easicrn amt southern Cities, jmi v . CHEYEWWE, th-o- pas-scv.- California Co PACIFIC COAST i C Fr Rail Route and th 1 y pocgfK . littr satis-faeiorll- ROUTE VALLEY with Stages for iHuivrr, Central Cily, Santa audriadnts iu (Vlursdo and New Mcxto. de-dt- l. 1 ERYAW,. t5' - jii.-.(l- , with Hhvgrs tor Ihe grial SwoetwatiV kllnlug District. UINTAH, f .lf st I bse , for S-- eve lt ' a n si rival of Union Pocitht Javko City and B'lUtliera Utah' J - CORIWffiE, Stages for fi. 1 na. Virginia City, aud in Montana. 1 Ll points I . (i ! PRORIOWTORY, inay-cltaug- . with Central Paclflo Railroad for Yhlt Pins Sliver Mines, Hscramento, Ban Francisco, and principal cities iu California, Nevada sill Idaho. r sujv-rlo- i -- i ", qu-.r- it-- itrst clas iroTELR and e iso ut coawuttmv p4iuU oa.tha Uu. 1 JXOLKKS l,itUiuan,s Pnluic nnd Sleeping Cars v accompany a!f trains. , L 9 For through rtes on freight t Montana, Sweetwater Mines snd other points, apply to , t ; II. IinOTYNSON. ' V General Freight Agent, Omaha, aGeu'lft. Hammond, Omaha. l , j Sup't, J. RUDD, Geitl Ticket Agent, Omaha. e 1 gr.-Wn- UPJ!01 BAKERY, C, UiXF It L 1 Props, Montana Street) eBlab-Ultt- ut C0RINNE, UTAH. 1 hour-nauird- tot-iic- n Keen eonstantly on hand fresh Iiy and all of other kinds of lire oil. Also sn assortment other articles pertalniug to our line. Customers . priiinjitty attended to, e7-3- m v , PATU0MZE HOME INDUSTRT. f 1 A W n son. Tho Department reserves tho right to reject any bid which may bo deemed extravagant, and also to disregard tho bids of fat ing contractors and bidders- .- (ict of July 2, 1836, section 24 ) 16. The bid should bo sealed, superscribed Mail Proposa!, Territory of d dressed 'Becond Assistant postmaster General, net by or Contra(tOffiosvH(kadsotby,mail, to an agent; and postmasters will not Inclose (or letters of any kind) In their qusrter y pro-pos- al rtnrrs. - M II. IIOTTE, e Fropristor r th ELLIPSE SAW MILL . UTAH. COIILYKIC, i c Alw ays on hand Lumber, Lath and Shingles,: Lumber rough or dressed furnished at th lower. Cash Prices. - . a oc7-3- m . i Trcmont Houoo, - CHICAGO i , . .ILLINOIS. la the West. Rebuilt, remedied, and refurnished la the One of the largest and beat Hotels - 1 - richest and most luxurious manner 'la IMS. Numerous suite of rooms with Baths, water, he. .,- , One of Atwoods Improved passenger Kleraton lisa Wtt introduced for oonveytog guests to th .if JNO. n. DRAKE, different floors. - Proprietor. f 1 ' . -- r 7) ial d, at 00 3 ret, Wed-- ! Arrive at l r ret by 1 uvn 1 te ( ret Tuesday at 8 a ro ; Arrive at I id more CPy by 4 p ni. From Ceda- - Uty, !y liaunaravUleBelle. vue, Toquei vdl'rIiari1buigli and Wash-- : miles and back, Ingt 'll. IO ftt i twice ft Wtuk Lvavr Cedar Ci'y M ndty and Thursday at C a iu ; Arr.vv at B. nil Clara Wc Irf-a- renovated and newly f ur COKINNE, UTAH.'- to - ?jc ...f...x. Dranun. cor4. (Extending PRINTERS PUBLISHING CO., (ovcckmoa , 1 IM lSROOVH , WOOD. SISOnr. 8TUlXT, UT THE n. 16613 ItmiOMflittMOMtlltOlMMStlMit McrrtiAtilAblo ....... XnDliwliod U0 4c ' turd.y and B - 1 W . - ru Arrive at Ulinmr.- City ,2oe I POTATOES. v A Ia-av- c .. tt m. 0 needs y by s p in. . j ftt5 KJ612 From Fillmore C ty to lb s ftO and back, unco a e k. ft lh.. ....... v ... ..1 i s i ON1UNS. Dub - belt ' . 1 j 73 59 50 $30 , TEUMH . 5(H HAT. IB i ., . . j Ulmer City Monday andlhur day at 0 in ; Airi' atCedtrCdy Wv4ieaday aud salur. day by spin: Leave Cellar Cny Ihurmlay and Monday at Iauvo e piiEn rnuiT. , Ground Cherries advantagcM. :o:- - w . tatceaai-ik- 75e 73c . .,.. , c-- 1GC11 tt . . A Toniatoca Htrxwbi'fricfl Orauberriaa Corn .i Blackberries I, , -V- Pi no ' p in; lAavo Gunnia ndVedut'sd y and 1 r.day at y i m. Arrivewt Balt Cm ek m sjt duy KanoUi, From 1'illHsorc cit byar.Meadovy,and sum-uran. i n Doaver, Paragom.li, 125-: u.llea and ba( k, to C.dvr l ity, ). rss j j util a in: Arrive at Gunnison liex days by 23c s 4 PU-aaii- Xa-av- sases.l AITI.ES. ro. S.i't Cre.k, ly Spanish Ford Canyon, Fniint dn (Lei n, Faifvtow, Moroni, ML f priiihtuvnr' Ephraim, and Maliti, to Gttlinisou, 87 miles and igiek, tw cu a wi ek. Salt Cn,tk Monday aud 3edcsday , BODA. Babbits asses 6 p l'nni -- TEANT POWDKtlH. 1 pm Arriyiat Alplne'Clty (H .................. c g I! ) . n-- Ig-av- e 1 6 roealthem. MUHTAlil. , , . It wiki give the Tine and progress ef the "Oon-tds" in I'tah, aud of (ka time the coming C'lii-- CRlIforiilii Lnllib J)urham g tot the wieat rlt Lako XU.ln. CAXIUHT. . It will idao c.nt on a tali aud correct U.tnry of tho Gold, KUver, Iron aul C'opp r Mim s of Pl'ioltf 9 can..,.. Sevier River, Col ton wood aud Egan Canons, iu southern and weaiern Utah. II win mark the develop, 'tnrnt of the silver regions ot White Hue sc the C le DUtrlcL th rich Gold mines o; Sweet Water, the Oil aud Coat regiena of Bear Itiver, and iiitter Creek, aa well as the vast Coal and Iron fields along the t liueof 111 Unton'Paciflc Uallroad, not ug tho rapid sal and e Cement of ths Railroad Cempanys lands aud the beautiful vallcj along its lin - tke great natural pa.tures of tho Cou tlnenL It wilt contain Its share of general news from all. parts ot the werld end wilt be Ju.t such a bo on the table of every home paper as shouldwoeL ' c both eist and Ah an advertising 'medium it offers snierior r' aud arrivals. , From Alpine City to milca and back, oned 1 Alpine (ity Thursday at p tu; Arrive at American Folk tL3 P Xnvc Amerkbit bork; ihursdsy at 3.30 00 10 0t VINEOAR. per gal. ln-tr- ct 16(108 00f?i) 12 gin. Bhaved Ig-av- BRANDT. v gi Ti-Weel- y , 734 f ) ....... .................... ill ..( . ' e $1 , znJ.Wir.r.KLT IteroiiTKn from Tlie thta on will bo conducted w A first-cliIaml y Newspaper, llaviug nwntlv banged hands, been remodeled and ulargcd.lt now offers, advantage lint no ptlicr paper In the Mouuttiiua doca, or i lika jr to! Among other inatL-r- of it wiU contain a correct ldnu ry of 'l!iig-haYotip and the Mormona," giving selection from their rorreapoudoncrt, public ajeechta, aud airtnoua delivered In the' (treat Tabcrnaclo at 8ll-,b- e; alo an (account of their doings iu public, and aceuoa from their pnvato livca It will contain a history of tlieir folile and crimes of tne pant sod preseut so far a. light and time , y gt. Btatcs. ' - . 3oc - .............. ........... lit WHIHKT. Rtstes gat gal Valley Tan French 1CG07 ..... 83c BALT. v . L I ............ 28c ....... .... sek. ... y 10 - s 1 - m; 9 io-K'le- 1. Beven ininutes are ullowcd to fat h intern. rMise rpieitu J, tor oill e, wiien not 4pm; Arrive at Tialn Cllt bj- 7 p m , i Leave Plain City Tuesday und Friday at ' 12 in; Arrive at Ogden City br 3 p m. mltoa w.d From Weltsrillo to Meudon, back, once a wci k. WrlUvillo Mndty at 9 a nt j Arrive at Mendon by 12 m ;11 i'.cndon Monday, at p m; Arrive at Wcllsvtllo by 4 p m. I'rom Franklin to aSoda, Pprioga, 83 mik-and back, or ce aeiik. Bidder to pr ihso tchcdulc of departure 35 'f Belcher a A V lb New Orleans..... Clergymen read it. :o:- .30c lb........ C.rolinss a 11 , j rejer. Arrive nt Ogden City by 1 p ni. , l.y Lynne tnd SlaLri-rromOgdinClty, vllle, to PI lin Citi , lo mile and back. Leave OgdeukCit-,- ' Tulsday and Friday at CHEESE. . J .tlpni; Arrive at Ogden Cily ly 7 pm. 7 mll'-Ogden City to North Ogden, Frm and back twice a wek. and Thursdiy Lei'e3 Ogden City Monday ' ' at p ni ; Arrive at North Ogdert by 5 p m . Leave North Ogden Monday and PLursday s 1G605 m..60c dot bar palm Chemical JKwr Castile y lb Senators 'read It. Anlvo ot FranVli, uAxI dsy. by 2 p m ; Leave Franklin Wednesday ond Saturday ArrivoPatniJrlgbam City t daj a by 6 p m a From Ogdi-City to IluntavlUa, IS mil. k. a wet twice aud back, and lf, stur Leave Ogd n City f day at Cam; Arrive at Hunt-vill- e lqr 12 iu; and Saturday Leave Iluntsvill Wednesday ' . s30o c, . EGOS f j Jf-q- -l Schooner Arrived. eaesesassssasasst2 S5c lb y - I 00 SHOT. Presidents read it. to-da- US 4 s s . Wt-Uvlll- 60 OO lb $ lb.. - ft3 50 00 s i .(Him; Arrive at Salt Lake City by 11 p m. t Fr ra Salt Iaike CityJ by Went Jordan, a once and back, 20 miles Hcrriutan, LcAvcS alt Livk City Thursday at 6 a m ; Arrive atllcrrlusn by 12 m ; 1 Leave llerrim iu Thursday at p ni; Arrive at bull Lake City by 7 p m. rrs-iUmFrom Brigham City W Mldvdle, llyrum, I, and Logan, Hyde Paik. Bmiihfid Richmond, to 1fwjUln, 65 iul.es and back., twite ajnk.iTt llrighsm City ucsvlay andFrlday H 3 rtJTTT. stHsm; 1GG02 HATCH KH ill) Leave Balt Lake City I'aily, except Sunday; Arrive at Provo City by 11 p ! Leve provo City daily, except feundsy, 30 1 . 8x10.m. - v f j, -- 1 CILAM. p Pi Ui Provo City Monday, Wc-ikiju- $1 21 00 OIL t)OS 1 - 6l)c lb fk TflOrtplL DUtOCVtiO . , 33 ..' TOBACCOES. gal.e by March 14, 1870. d Friday st 8 am; Arrive st FiUuwre City, Wedweday, Frl--o: day and Hundtyby Leave Fillmore t ity, Monday, and Friday at 11 p m; Arrive at Provs City, fut sday, I rlday and " Sunday by 11 p mj . ete.ese.eeMsis.3 jkL frl pal tl Neat foot J L,ve and 60 eaaeeee Bvnrrs OrdiUAfy ((fudps U!qc- cut per iL) , Coal is iv.--- ie Lxtrft lro UJ. lh yjnapml . ga, CRl anu-UECe- t three times s ween the nsidne 5 1 a e CtD Natural liCxf Mil Beadle is receiving excellent care nt tho residence of our Jfrieud Closser, where he was conveyed after the late dastardly attack .upon bin Wei a Brigham City.. The wounds, bruises and broken Ikuios are very paiufalKud of a serious nature, but we hope ho may recover and intellect and elo-- ; once more queue to tho work so nobly inaugurated -by him the cleansing Utah of tyranny nmf bigotry. if- - a ; bi V SorgUDT y FOR 1870. ' , V fllljTAf llOltft Lfiidi A oc27,2v IfuwErBcRGXss A Co.i aro supplying a demand long felt, by rctnblishing a city a aud rich If a.l the picy correspond hunlief yard. The gentlenifli keep Mac .u til editorial page, llroughnc, nearly everything known to tho busineaa, & more. d. t s piitu:pal if vrbih ia mr!i, dtxira, blinds, 4- V- . o fnicen, lath,' '9 lcri i,s nt;e vena til ) much , interesting moulting, aud allsliinaU, kiiwls of building incur ciowdo.l outjOf our,d paper tiday. on the Hhortet t9 order matermfurnbhed Px.U-tiut with us a fw qvs till wc get notice. 'So rajs thefi card. They invito ' ;.uf. pic C.c. ttilu'tsfr you to call and mo jf its correct. that low .about Tu it Plane Hkteiion, of the City Meat Mar. tbit to walk depot? Sc have beard pi iit4 Wtow mUf'h ket, plaeoii hii' curd' in our colnnua t ito ami solicita a share of. m public .will y.ui ftiv. y.t,liow is' this thtinly? Mr. Hexfron k'ps u mighty Wc want iiu.fltsliit' :s. about this as all caii(eatify that have ness i)"c ; but vve want a walk to the lv good article, The public Ar)yoi might r well lmd Any dealing wiUrhiiu. pots and trab iv, it beat ari to tell iueu wljodlie ciulsc up prompt as fo le all winter alQUl cau Always deal with by, Imdtfng over tho oolunyn ol Again we a iv, cin mail aujs lie will the Ukpoutkk ghc $5d. . How 'nhicli will you give ? IbVt all speak at oitce Pai'hh" .Youit; Hoistai. (leorgc O. bookstore, luus Five bundled dollars reward will be Iloltiit the 1. rolls of wall papor, veil toniiy iers,u knakiog affidavit that jofuepTtwJ oc2t.2w till shmeH nml kinds. Jie evt r iaw n Moimon fight a square, stand-ufight ; tho reward to com out Eu.iott is putting a very toll board it. t if office g l.c.n Ihtitbing fenc around his Ut to keep the blarsted on that nice pile of .1 AsfVKUi h'tuT We, .want to :know urchins from forugiug Wo dont two Undliug wood, what man will pntjnp n ftrst-rlus- s think Elliott would have done it had he vu,l known stoty huitdiiig here, and lent lit our htrigbteued cirenniFtanees in story to. tho, Masonic and Odd Fellows to that same' Article. We know Fraternities, for a Lolge room, at n good regard and rent thifyear round, year iu and year out, where thorn is some more, though, such as as improvelong till Corinno is the metropolis of thoinonn-taW4- ? shalf go for it and do Go are ments then, 1 neglected. dont all speak 'at Remember would have kindlings onVe'Mr w shant have tiuio to consider likewise if thee ' t left. so many proposal I -- Ji Holt and the Post Office. Georo L. W wAntour merehauts to aiel ut in bait evidently got a pretty strong holt on making up o ir market reports, which we is intern! to revise at least one, a week, and tbs P. O. , as well as the public. II it up so strangers will know every other day, if necessary. Oar paper letterings him. Georgs is one of the find has a Very vridfi circulation and i Increax- - wkre&Y kind, and always keep a well ing every day., .Wo want to show our enterprising stockof.wall paper,' illustrated mountain and neighboring merchants self cted and where they can do best. Will you help papers, newspapers, funny papers assortment a besides other papers,' largo us ? l of writing material any article you want, I TO Rye Bread at the Union Bakery. gentleman." South side of dontana st, octtMf , adjoining tho Uintah honse. 4 I r ...; luiTTTpllV at this ofllee. o t4Mvi , IU. ....................1 Oclcl $ri GoMen :o:- 2 50 50is 2 50 tlttMMHMtMMMI ovHrcns. , Jt Co.9 - PROPOSALS -- , .................. itifi boxofl, boxH iMintMM :o:- - 1 p. 2 WC VttiNfcTDtl McMurry j 3U, ( IhlCit, 4(c. 8.4KIINLH. n, f yUo lb 1C326-X'ro- 1 From Salt Lake City, by Ris Coltoawood American Fork, Udi n, Dr.jer, l lcaxant lin re, Provo city, Bprtugil!e. l ay on. FantariutiU, Mna, Balt (..reck, and llol ChLken Creek, Round Valley, 150 miles and den, to Fillmore! City, to Proto City, back, six times a! week 1CC01 tS Itio choicf? OrdlOAlf Washington, SepC DvtiidoiiB - ci Jifft IN UTAH. PROSPECTUS A0c 3oc e Ounpowtler Post Orncx, DifaBTment. liC'J. st the Contract Office of this Department nntil 3 p. m. of Msrrh 1, 187, for conveying tho mails of tho UuitolBtates from July 1, 1870. to Juuc 80, 1874. in the Territory of CtiU. i n tho mutes ml by tho scheduhs of departure and arrivsls herein spec Red. lbsseeeae2 mx 4k OotOUpf GENTILE NEWSPAPER , , will be received ............33c TEA?. Young Hyaon ' ' The Ouly 1 Montana st., between Fifth and Sixth ; George L. II5lt, Pod Master.! Mails arrive from the east and south 4.25 p. m. ; from the wot, 9 10 a. m. ; from t!i north, ,8 f0 a. m. Mails close for iwt and south, 8.39 a. iu ; for tho wcift, 4 priu.; for tho north, ., ............ ; & WEEKLY. LZ T , B (COS. . CANDLES. TBI-WEEK- i 25c paper bags for sale at Prime CanvoMed lbLARD. ep9 6t In cn R lb.......... , ft ft ...25c lb. She, Utah Reporter, f .Tfte HAMS. lot A 1 , - eeseaiji I aud Coaivllle. to Echo Ci.y, 8ft mil L , back, once a week. at ft a m; Xav Provo City Monday Arrive at Echo city IA ednetdaj by 12 m ; Lcvo Li'ho City Wednesday at 1 p m s by ftpra. ArrireatlTovoCityllWay - wstk servlee inTlted. twice-for 2pupoals Toot-- to GrauUvillo, 11 miles and ' buck, one a week. Tooele Thursday st 1 p m ; - Arrive st Orantsv ille by 4 p iu ; Isiave Grantsvillo Thursday at 4,30 p ro; j, A. rive at Tooele by 7 p m. . 16637 Troui Franklin, by Fih Haven, i Chart-t I and Pari Jbcrty, ch, libxmilngtou. k liennlugtou, 6'J uiik andI Lock, once a ! week. Leav Franklin Monday at 6 a m ; ' Arrive at Beuuingiou nett dy by ft p ro ; Iave inatnulcgtou Wcdiesksy atft 6 am.m p. I'ranklia nxtolay 4y p Aniv iToposal to extout service to Montpelier, t 6 miles, luviud. 1 6628 From Balt Llc City, by Bicker, Ccutre- -' viHc, ami Farmiagtm, to Finish, -- 29 mil. and bak, tix Umi a week, with Mesuiplv to Kaysviite twk a week or more, tu duo connect! nu Ia ave Balt l..iko City' daily, except bunday, at 7 a i ; Arrive at I mtth by 4.30 p nr; 7 am ; Is.-st muu daily .vac pt Bunday.at , Arrive ut Fs.t Cily by 4, 30 P to Hto k- -' 1 rom SLii iorieCity, l) twice a wck. ton. 40 lu'b-- amt ba-Ia ave is.t Lake CnyFum Uy and 1 riday at 0 a m ; Anivu v toKkton by 7 ni; Leave block ion Wednesday and tiurdy , at 6 a r.i ; Arrive at bait Lake Cily by p m. Bear i.ivcr, and I ortago 16610 lrom Connuo, (Club), iralado City. Fort Hall. Eugio i.ock, bnake lllvcr Ferry, bturgis, ai.d Junction Ranch, (local. Idaho ier..) to Virginia City, (Mont, lcr.,1 32t) tilth aud burl, three time a week. JLeave Crlnne ftlouday, Wednesday, ana i' ' Friday at 8 a m ; Anive at Virginia City tl.tid day y 8 p in; 3 Irgiula City Moudty, Wednesday, i and riday at 8 a tu ; If Arrive at corinue third day by 8 p ia ; iut. r ach tlule five claya. srvi.'o , to Holcim, Fropcsala to inviL-d-. (5lou.'icr.,i 125 miles lurthc-rFrom Urigliuut City, by wlllatu city, to ' lioi Springs, 16 miles aud ba.lt, 6 units i a wet k. Licave Brigham Cily daily, sxcept buudy, at 7 a iu ; Arrive at Hot Spring by 12 m; Laave liot bpiT. gs daily, except inn-layat 1 p in v'j Airive nt Bngliuui City by 7 p m. . H. . TUCKERS. , State TJ'JL'-A.ftO TV il rbll. t ....4l....ft 00 4t( p ft lb Butter ter p lb cant spare you. -- ioer office, FLOUR. lOO Ib i Soda de oonxsNis X) n United! States Mails ' Csnertox Memo. CoRtcrTci) Wiexii CuCINNE, U. T., Novembe 1, 18C9, na-tur- ed ! :' o great eml of the track forwarding house, which is no more, isln town,' looking us pretty and g!n)d as ever. Every lody knows Dlck arid arc always glad toseelrim. He says lies been down totlie liay to ce the seals and drink Jjalifornla wine.' Dont do it again, Dick, we press to lhox schedule, beside a couple way freights. Tho tim table published Mow tells the story ; . CoSo. 1. Pacific Exp., due at . rione. a.m. 9.10 (Thursday only) Tues2. Atlantic So. Express, Called. We omitted to mention in v. . 8. 4 p. ro. days only i . 4 25 issue of Tuesday that we had a very oar p. ta. No. 3. Passenger Exp., daily, m. a. 0.10 No. 4. pleasant call from Mr. M. M. Smith, of No. 5. Freight, daily except A Co., Omaha, 10.40 p.ni. the firm of M. M. Smith t Sunday wholesale dealers iu wines, liquors and Ifo. $. Mixed passenger and a. m. .11.45 cigars. Mr. Smith is one of those self-mafreight, daily. 2.20 p. in. business men that Omaha may bo except daily Freight, 10.40 p. m. justly, proud of. Mr. Smith, says be has Saturday, . j . .. spent 3G.000 this year in traveling for his house aDd has mode money at' that." , Corinne Directory. Thats the kind of. men any community 'i t v. r. n. u. v rau diyisiox. would do well to secure. Call again Mr. headSmith, l E. W, Weed, Superintendent ; quarters at Wasatch. Neabino Completion. Toland & Tuy-lor- s T. B. Morria.Engiueer ; headquarters ' Wasatch. at mammoth hall is just receiving the COiUSNE orncx. finishing .touches. Its an elegant affair. Franh Bush, freighTand ticket agent. Call round and take a look at it, its good J. S. WaUQO, baggage agtht.; for the so.ro eyes. We expect to have a L. Painter, telegraph operator. these days. nice time there on oilmeU and bacusdubt's Montana stage lines,' carrying the U. 8. We want a man a laboring man. A mails, And Wells, Fargo & Co.s express ; tbe skies will do just as , leavet daily for Virginia City, Montana, well other1 time. v Bat we want a 5 at p.m.; every and intermediate ?ointa fome, Diamond to City, for man other day Ilelepa, right away work npon our house Blackfoot and Deer Lodge ; Tim Hemler-eo- and build ns a coal bim. It mast be awful agent. Office near It. It, depot. busy times here. We have been looking WE8TEBN UNION TELECBAPH' , for a man, with , the, green corner Montana and three days -- Repeating Office, our 'hand to pay soon as the backs la f I s 'I Sixth at a. , was have .Dot been work done, and Edward Conway, manager.' v Geo. F. Browivchicf operator. able to find one yet. Who wants money ? W. IL Glsscolf, cashier and receiver. our office. II. O. Pratt, L. S. Wild. Frank Knight, apply at, Sam Ktru'jer amt P. Hear uej ope rut ors. Wall paper at lloltN, 2-- cent u Geo. Stuuit, battery man and repairer. i RETAIL MARKET-REPORT- ; Dlcfc Megcath, of the f Th contract are to TVexecund and tamed to the by or befor tb day of July, 1870; but lho Service must b begu k on that day, or ou tho mall day next after it, whether the contracts he executed or hot J, Transfers of contracts, or of interest la con" tracts, aro forbidden by law, and consequently cannot bo allowed. Bidders will, therefor take notice that they w ill be expected I perform the service accepted t them through ths whole term of the con tract i. - 1 V J |