OCR Text |
Show ' f K- - MAIAD Cl DULY COUIN.VE Rill OaTEIf. J. ..I Editor. TOOIIY,.... HISTORY OF THE LAST RAIL. - The Sacramento Record of the 15th loet. publUho the following: PnoMoTKP.Joe. C. Hidreth, formerly Conductor on the Central i hciflo Railroad, ha4 Ihhju appointed General Superintendent of tlo Oregon and California Railroad. (Ben. Holladaya) and ha' left for Portland, Oregon, to aume the dutie of hU. new position. Joe wa in charge of operations at the end of the track1 at the.time of the of the Central Pacific laying of tho laUnril fellow, a good railroad, lie U a first-ra- te roader, and deserves to succeed, ns wo hope he may. too, know Likeour able contemporary Mrldlildreth to a first rate fellow, and rejoice at hi promotion. But on the other hand wo aro euro --that it wa Mr. James Camplell, now Superintendent of tho Salt Lako division of the Central Pacific Railroad, who had charge of ojerfttiona at tho end of thetrack when the last rail of that mighty work was laid. The unparalleled task. of making ten miles of railroad within the working hours of a single day, was ae complishcd entirely under 31 r. Campbells task which wll management and orders-2-- a lifetime in the of this hardly be equalled generation and whatever of fame attaches to tho memorable event on that account belong to that gentleman, and to him alone Ve could refer, from memory, to many in stances wherein the Judgment and daring enterprise of Mr Campbell are inrperhhibly ' connected with tho construction history of the road, on almost every mile between its remoto termini: as, for example, when he liauled his engines for miles over the snowy Sierra before tho grade was ready to receive Its iron bands: hut it is not of those we write. of scienco in It is of that great 3Iay-dn- y 1869, when tho welded 1U of tho railway annihilated distance, we ask a true record. AVo have personal knowl edge of tho fact that Mr. Campbell wa then in charge of operations, and on that bright afternoon, after the ten mile of track had been spiked in it place, he, this same Jams CnmpbcU rodo lit locomotivo over tho days It wn work and saw that it wa good. will never finished; and wo hope its history bo. written or read without giving merited honor to tho master mind then at the end of the track. 1 4 Proi-poctin- g transferred to the Sublime Porto to make room for th retiring Secretary of the Trea-ury- . 3Iorton will not enter . the Cabinet or , j accept office. ' . i , -- i 4 l.. 1 (, ! Hi sUdtTtt coniHiiE ;utau r.z:: - sub-niitt- .il . PACIFIC! COAST! 1 - The Only Centlle Paper la the Terrkery.j T Vijournd. DEPOT If. IJltOWNRON. General Freight Agent, nmaha. '. T. F- - hi KLLM, . Oeiil Hitpl, Cniaba. C. W. MEADE, Aaa't Om'I Hnp t. F1US Cli COLTON, Gen'i nrVet Agent, Omaha. 91 K O R G i: A..! L C W E , Chicago t rcMOtwbl on h n! and for Tlii'se wagons ro thonwiRhty nisue, ol tlu I m iN'Mt ids itUis, ut ro k iwa tlirouab Hi" a tbo Ihi bdvt most rvlUbiv wagon iumuk, and .ry Vi are Warranted In Etcijr Retpcct. lao a full stock of Wagon Covers The Old EsInblMud Line Trains and Sure Connections Fast all tizei, Wagon Bow, Thimble Skeins, .. The celebrated , Hagou Wood. lFi.gon and Carriage PIT TAMAN PAL,CUE, DINING AND BLEEPING CARS BETWEEN AIATKUIAL, so-call- ed Of 11 went esah pries drsrrirttons, for ssls at ilie list tidy nn band a inti Riiipyof 1 Ais, lt.isr and Moweri, ftslf-ra-tu- Mow-r- , itupioved Farui Uachltn ry. . ...wAarituesr.... n'sr tho Depot ........... ....-i..-.- . CHICAGO. Itepsrs, g h e hi iid Mn'li ns, sulky Usks.. nuw, drain Drli s, iin'iii IU wa, are al 11 da of the teat Ld au-a-t AD OMAHA Two dally train In coanect!? UNION .Corinna. UUbi Make atH-U- I A with iralnr on SOUTHERN On and after iannarir the 1, 1871, nadn laud and ? Sllnhig Coif thief'-returne- ; Gen i Hnph, Chicago. t, Chicago, WILL PDRC11A8E SlLVEll ORES at the foUowlni.net ratea. v (i s' t? C i - m mcc iSSilRiiliiHiini! 6.oo$oooOKoeosevCcoo - a .m C Salisburys express P fl S o O O tasimmmmtii i g g a 9 4d 4 g c e kSbkkki.Slifciihil-likbl-bbi- B g g 5 a r ef K I N $! 6093 1 - ; r f s JJSir EGGSe Mt i V. i ,3lfl$70c' BUTTKRc ... lb i ... do,... i MaM6tae a 4 BACON. f: lb....................... aha p , . 16J dl7,','o BEANS. -- 'oral, white and pins... 4 li(g 6 4 4 K BOOTS AND SHOES, fCputha brogane V do.. ... .. MtSny'a brogans Lvlttll A b r5?2'!0 i 1 diners, nailed 'tuc,, w bbV . dOBa V 11 4e4I tsea4t4 calf, top aole.. heavy double aole, do. . . , ; lw)2o o fine aewed ahoea, do.. 34a,3W do 'l THE WEEKLY REPORTER CANDLES. per box Ja especially adapted for the East. The I 4 4 jcrcntatlon In aud iy develop-me- $7 60 I torrell A Remedy' per box... bemlcal Eraaive....;., of our silver, gold, lead, coat, copper and iron mine! the opening of navigation cn Poar River and Great Salt Lake; the new fields of trade and enter prlao springing rap dally on every side; Mormon problem, ait the combine to afford novel, enteffrdnlng and Instructive reading matter to th people in the Ea- teru 8latee. - i , ", . , 500 4 CKACLEB9,' tb., R l4'4 iiWit tr - 44 44 4 4 4 lb..4..4.4ft CASED 4 J. 4 4 4 4 4 ..4 ., 4 F. F. Reno, January 1, OSBIkTOT, GOODS, caae..... Untation BUters xl Cloud ed iMket Dgoeiuru Aere Ull tatlon irbon Whiskey Coc Ull COCktlliL J'Toia Ulu, Due. . Send I. ' . - xiaret..... rrr ... . . . . . 171. ....... .. ... ..,....4,, pjro ,,'iut ... .i,,,. ..,...........,.7 ..i 7M 00(117 K COAL, biter 1 WOOD. ' j f ; 1 cord 13:3 'V I. - ? DRIED FRUIT. J Reaches, Salt Lake Cherrleet fh A....M1V lb 15e 33 aiacaocrrya,,,..,,,,,.,.. prunes........ , Send it Everywhere. 25e iRe APPLE8. j' r Everyone who I anxious to assht In spreading correct information concern-D'- g tbe rrsources. product and of the country, the political, aonah boo v and Industrial cocdlUon of this ard neighboiiog Tenitortee, should ubsof be for the Wisely RxronTia and send It abroad. Hjlil GLASS 8x10 pf. 10x13, 1 HAMS. m Canvass-- 6S W 1: ...... 3v'3D ft, ! HAT. .1?1100 Bxio f LATD. j Specimen copies can bo seen at the office of publication read for mailing. i 00 to 8 to t .f, i ..... 30931(1 LIQUORS. ..j) .. . .97 od 9(rlA 09 aa.lSMMagit.$3 603 Vlttuy JU$t UotUodg jreuulne. domeatio Kl r f I SSSMl20)0 - fWk$y Y 00 to 86 60 ,.. 1, tr .C .$ M, Montana Street. Corinne. Beef Mutton, Veal, Pork and nuage. Itotele and private families will find It to their ad v image to patr-n- lx the Liberty, aa w can eel eq. article chewpcr than any other nwket la the country. Give us I trial. ocM-t- f f WWism 4tni4tit PE AST POWDERS. matches. C8 V ' ExpWWs j aton Merrill A Vdos., NAILS. . Ob Won. a. tt AiftodUFTlU protapOy and choaply at tho OfiSoe n ; . .? DONE Ssoam Pi 1$ The roaches Dave Cotlnne for Virginia City, HrUna and Fort B- ntrai. Montana. Connect with paaaeuuer tralus, both way, of the Ocuiral 1'aulflo . , lUllroad. , find Quick Time. N OAfk POUNDS v7 OF BABBIT METAL EOT cheap at thi pdlfornis iy I Powder Work Jminlrg) per . 10 V o 09 9 . kg 'JJJ, (betl per keg.half Weeternsporting.per kg of 38 lb. cane, ,...H Sporting In case '' " OjtanUI Mining, H N. OIL. 'iooul TIM HEMDERSOn, AOEfJT, N CORINNE. ; osMtsaatttfMiMyF' IMtSSIHHSt4t,( POWDER. j MlfttMStS.SSSSS$3f 3 Six Heaths ; 4t44t'A'4fte44ft ; Gootl Slock, New Conchch ..(260 " tMMIMMtMMIH , TERMS OF WEEKY REPORTER. OliB ..;6Ti?oo MStMMlrCIMtS91 d-- . 00 .400 3 60 letlsSMSStMMMMtS MILL FEED: iSran and Shorts, mixed, ton.. ....... ......flO 00 a KEEPS constantly on hand tho cholc: at variety of 50 e f mar?3-w-3- " : m ft..., pexled, ,V Y 1WJ01I L. 7 53 aja )7 Ulii t i moulded both aides, from to 3x7...,. AND Libiily Meat Marketing D. Milbor, WhelesBle Jt Retail tntiher ; 7j ....... , , , ,f fhe 8 esao. in Apple " ..... in sums " itrawlKrrle caae uherrlee iftckbcmee Plr tfUnl FarS 10 i,...,,- common,.... Schnapps. f . . 7 T5i 7 5 7 00 OOotlJ on ........87 .EaawbsWlue. Miaaourl VinUge.,,, ohiedaui it to Your Friends. Persona who desire to send some token pf remembrance to distant friends, or iho deslr to Inform them of events iu the monntahis, should aend them tb Wxkklv Rkpoxteo. The ccat la a mere trifle, compared with be neceaalty of frequent correspondence, and furnishes mor Information about affairs lu this rbglon than could bo given by constant and uncoaalng letter writing. : M Aa) Manager. C lumber. UNITED STATES MAILS & 1 $C 4 bf444tal , imported.... r ir dir ( Q . v 23 CREAM TARTAR. ' ' j. . - U ,i0 75i7 4 French.. stilO; rf Aaiaya gnaranuurd to eorres oud with O. p. Mint, or aack returned to atitpprr free of ebargrs. Ore tampled by Daf.ery Cruther, at option of sblpiKira. CO SOAP. ton.. VIRGINIA CITY, HELENA, and FORT BENTON, r; So charge for mtlllng. BampTIna or 8 nt CARRYING THE - 21 iHj 60(,x7 j I 7 i it no oo 6fVc78(XI ouble aole die' cJf, ( ft-j- 00 4ft4gS44.lt cuKKsc. J"-'- MONTANA, fJ 4 V lb N Ti Thclory l$I B li$l$fT$a 44 4 4 44 - TO ) r T ... ciMni FR03I 1ST II 71(1 ktaiti ft A rjiiini Y lb. hi 1 - l it RICK. liaroUna4 i v 8tfc$ o 2c ottii&Eo tsg hbSbhh tfei;bt.t.Vw-l... &, ( .:i .t pros-pec- ts Gilmer . k t osMBPssaBseaaB SisM.hsi.hhhh Kii. hhhhhh 1 ? 0. Ac-e- 1MITKD. f law-break- er . Oeul Tat. myl7-t- l : - FT. WM, n. KTRONG, Agent, Council Uiitna ft Omaha. T. ftTCNWOOD, G. L. DUNLAP. .lCt 4 , ! mdrlpt, YgX Pear r., f aattlD 6"(SH Y ? if I 44 4 4 .....1.1 COfitt f 3kWb$rli OoMsu na ROADS, Through Tickets and all information In regard to Fiv'glit obtained of David O. Caltkii k Agents, halt Lake City, or. of Agents ot Union I'aclhc Road. 444 F lb .. a) I eachea. peeled wn-4endi- 0ftoa0040 BTRUP. CIFIC KAILUOAIJ '4 AND J ktf.a sure connection at Chicago with all the EASTERN if llfMi4,.,MVYM ll 0044444-- 40 ti ' Bbortcal Line tietween Omaha and Chicago. Alwray ! A. b ft... m... juopovdef p lb, beat LutllerV Cliicago AVagous P. ? Hyson i tb ipiBM lb Norllnvcstcrn RailHay & 4 A jjoung twenty-fou- r X- rtf aOtHItl, ' XI Corinnc, Utah, full stock of tho colcbiatml jMwil'Vd 0SS,MM teas. rt column sheet, comprising a resume of tb contents of the Daily and a vast amount of miso reading matter carefully selected for Us eolumna for readers la the East and the West, where It 1 received with universal favor as the true and only so Infamous proceeding Mormon the of hierarchy. ' For year thi Journal ha battled for- the right a;alnt the mountain of wrong built up by Brigham Young and bla sacerdotal KMOcifttcsp tod It wiaco&tiDue.on th umt coue twill tb X prop has beep knocked from under tae rotten structure of Church ruJLig State. W desire to present the cUlma of tbe Wkkklt ItEroBTM prominently before the road :g pubio and h qe to secure for t aa wide a circulation aa 11 merit '! deserve. , oi SUGAR lilchtr'l A. For tbrmigb rate on freight to Montana, Sweetwater Mine aud other points, apply tc tj MaS4aSMi Stent Loaf Ofl6IPI . OM V'v: .'V'"1 $ D Cu Vwv. 4 S O ChOl09 ft fCtom la a large v ( -- THE WEEKLY BEfOHTEH aj to f Ik j 7j x tv "f. .f 99 4 t. ta49beltts it4tsm Vi1' j 0f ,. . JP Washington, April 19. Trumbull favoreil Recommittal of the bill to he conference committee, that it might bci amended so as to obviate various defects to; which he called attention in the modification of tho amendment laying damage upon property in the vicinity where political outrage were committed. No such principle had ever been laid down in the United States; he knew of no autlibr-it- y for Congre to go into a county or town' and levy taxes for such a purpose. Edmond remarked that the political A.N. TOWNE. Grnl Bup'r. stomach of hi friend Trumbull had become T. Ill GOODMAN, Genl Pasa'r and Ticket Agent, Sacramento, v very sensitive of late.-' Tho debate continued mainly ns to Sherman amendment which wn inseited when tho hill wa previously befor tho Senate PACIFIC RAILROAD. llM0i witluAit discussion. Shetmnn defended hi amendment a containing tho principle Whkili from the earliest time had been applied in England in similar The Great casesf and with tiie best result. It Wa law in many States, and would bo thought more PLATTE VALLEY ROUTE etfect(ve in suppressing violence in tho South in tho bill.! than alt other provision Stevenson .and Casserly, argued against I now running dally train, forming In connection wltn Ui Ceotral Pacino i . the amendment. ItaUroad and Cole, obtaining unaiMinous consent, a report to the Conference Commit-te- e All Ra(l Route to CaUfornita ont tho Deficiency Apiropriation bill. Trumbull objected tq tlfo provision report and the authorizing that tho Southern Claim Commission oipploy attorney to defend the United State claims before that body after discussion. ' Through to San Franciaco Edmond called for the regular business discussion of tho Conference Committee. Less Than Four, Days ! Tho rcjHirt of tho Ku Klux bill was re in '.' sumtd. Tliurman, arguing ngninst tho of the 8aa, the danger voiding amendment In- regard to the juror test oath, and declared it wa witlrourt procetU-n- t in any - ' , country, Direct eommnnlcaUon made at In tho Senate in tho evening tho debate on tho conference report wn resumed," and a -vote on tho Kuklux report reached, which to 16. 32 Sehurz and Sprague was adopted and Northwestern, Chicago, Rock In tho negative. With Chicago Paciflo Democrat with tho voting and ht. Joseph amt counand llaal cil llluO's luilroada, and Atioorl Trumbull in tho' negative paired with Rico lliver Line ot 1ackria to aud in tho affirmative. from all principal east ern and eoutheru The consideration of thq conference report Cities. j. on tho de'.leiiMvcy bill wa tlhon resuitd, and AND EATING HOTELS tho report rejected by a tie vote aye 20, BUT FJR8T CLASS on the line. convenient tlOCBEB at point nay 20. A new conference bill wa ordered. Conkllngs concurrent iroohition for n.I Pall mao Palace Steeping and Drawing was laid over nt.l 1.30, Journinent room Cara Aeronipany all Trains a d the Senate went into executive sessiot WAGON ,i rtorx. M'AiTS, Great Htoumboat Rune. . tr.rttT nsFcm. ;:icieo.ue . TELECRAPHIC now-command- er, ' 'a S'4 A Bio WharP. The Central Pacific Railroad Compuny, accouling to nCalifor nia paper, have Jut completed a whnrfuf Oakland tlint i 11,060 lift long, with a width of 800 feet. There 21. feet of wntei at the wharf at low tide and 31 feet at high tide. UjK)ntit are 12 railroad tracks, a car riagu way, a passenger dejHt, railroad Dili and storagii for 40,000 tons of merchandise. Tlmra a re thno largo dock, one of which will nffml ample space for five of tho largest steamer or clipper. The pile used were 03 feet long and 40 Inches in diameter Western Ex, They blow a good deal, about their improvement down the slope, and while w think of saying a word in our own favor will rise to kplnin that Coi mnu liag a wharf nearly two mile in ledgth, amkstor-ag- o at leat five times that of Oakland. This THE FRENCH NEWS. comparison iv not intruded to hurt anyIn the conflict now going on between the body feeding down that way. forces of Pari and Versailles it appears that both sides make sure to prevent tho outside world from thoroughly understanding the nature of tho issue. Every day bring the tamo jumble of news ns to how each sue cccding bottle or skirmish is yet not decisive of victory to cither. For several week now ITJ THE SENATE. DEBATE KUKLUX the dipatche are nearly tho same from day to day, save that tho revolution, or whatever Amin Dickinson to Be Married else it may bo termed, seem to be weakening even In it worst details. There does not apiRnr to bo either executive or adminAnother Governor for Idaho. istrative head to any side, for every hour announces tho name of sumo 1IQ31 K NKWS. who in turn disappears to give place to Boston, April 19. In Brighton, yestera fresh soldier or statesman. Genera) chaos fact wa develofied that it hn been control at both capitals, and out 'of the day, the a common '.practice to dress .''and;' send to confusion it I utterly impossible to glean in the such information a woukTcomo near a cor- market carcase of cattle which dial cars. rect report. Hence tho "press is generally New York, April 10.' Tho steamer Virtelegram of the Comignoring tho from Liverpool, yesterday, had on mune or those from Versailles, though in a ginia, xnud 113 soldier who passed through few months tho mysteries of this senseless Franco-Frussln- n war tho majority m French contest may flow dearly over tho the wero American. which wires. At present tho situation presents A Jnrtn amount of money hu Iwen little to Interest any observer. - wagered on tho result of tluv trip of? ihe Oceanic and City of Farts, notwithstanding OCEAN POSTAGE. the assertion that the vessel are not lacing It only a few years since letter postage across the ocean. When spoken, by the. .Vircents to Europe was at tho rate of forty-eig- it ginia, het ween elglit and nino oclock oil per ounce'. Between this country and Orent Suturdny night, tho Oceanic thu Britain it has been reduced several tifne, a iuHes. and about four half Paris of City until tho rate Is now only twelve cent an Some timo since W. L. Whitlemane, ounce but even this will be lowered still hanker, No. 33 Fine street, wa robbetl of further, for rtep aro being taken to make 135,000 in Government bonds and securities H tho jHMitage between England and the United To-hi- y them all, throuph tho State, two cents for a single letter, or four tlie Post Office, ns none of them were negoticent per ounce. There I no reform more able.' popular than this, nor any which give such Albany, April 19. Tlio Governor lias assurance of the perpetuity of friendship besigned tho New York hill which excited so tween tho people of two continents. The ex- much discussion. The register amending perience of our own, and tho postal author- net, new charter amending act, and a hill ities of England, demonstrate that tho lowest allowing supervisor to fix tho salaries of rate produce the largest revenue. judicial officer. Norfolk, Va., April 19. The corner stone THE VIGILANTES. of tho new Masonic Temple wa laid here toIt may relieve the anxiety of the editor of day with Imposing ceremonies. the Register to lie informed that the Com. Washington, April 19. The President mittee of Safety in thi city is not in search with General Porter, start for St. Louis of relegated rebel bushwhackers, and that Canton lawbreaker will not be honored ly, this evening, and will be absent this week. UU vi-- it i oil private business. The Presiit attention. Virginia Enterprise. To thi tho Cawon Register replies by dent will visit the Pacific Const in Septem; hitting the nail on the head, and thu neatly ber. i now take off the assassin who stand at the wrong It tliought that an extraordinary session of the Senate will be exiled in the end of the rope: ' Wc had no anxiety on the subject whatlatter part of 31 ay. bushfor rebel aro no there ever, relegated The Senate confirmed Thonui 31. Bowen whackers in this community, save when a of Arkansas as Governor of Idaho. member of the Committee of .Safety of Chicago, April 19. The Union Hotel, a Virginia visits our city, and we have no Carson a into large new hotel of Galesburg, Illinois, wn organized Committee of Safety for the purpose of totally destroyed by fire yesterday. Ijos of shielding from the law incendiaries hired to house and furniture $83,000; insurance, $65,-00burn property f?r the sake of the insurance. The lower floor wa occupied by stores, Can tho Enterprise say a much of Virginia? which saved mo-- t of their stock. An adThe Grand J ury system has been abolished joining brick building, occupiinl by a hard. in the State of Wisconsin, and the country ware store, was alto burned. Loss, ?12,00C ; looks with eagerness for the result of that im- no insurance. Total lots estimateil at $100,-0- 0. portant change in criminal law. , fire at Quincy, Illinois, yesterday deA The earth is said to be growing smaller. stroyed the largo carriage fuctory of 3Iillor In two thousand millions of years it will he & Co., and several dwellings. Total loss, -as small as Rhode Island where they are ' unable to shoot woodcock with the finest of $33,000. An Iowa announces that Anna bird shot for fear of shooting into another Dickinson is paper engaged to ho married to Hon. ststs. B. Allison of that State. Wm . During .peace a regiment is Quartered ; Washington, April 20. It is reported in durizg war tint it is occasionally cut to feircles that Boutwcll is to go to Aus cCcbd .. PUCCH H t y I v:-- ! trans-continenta- ! STrir;! ' ni li been . The following Jot are from our load cor respondent at 3ralad City, Idaho, datei Wednesday, April 19th: 3Ialad has! the fittest trotting horses in ' the Territory. Kirkeiidall's express team pass regularly every day, carrying freight and passengers Beautiful showers during the pat week. W eather warm, and r" vegetation is fast springing up along the hillside. Pilgrim ; pas daily on the! r .way from Corinno toiho great gold field north, which enliven tho place and promote business. Judging from tlo display on the benehe adjoining the town, the crop of crickets atu hid fair to be nn grasshoppers this son-o- n one. average 3Ier. 3Iorgnn, .Tone and Lovele started yesterday in search, of a gold-being led go said to exist on Bear River, about 120 mile northen-- t of Coilnno in this county. The Malad Saw-Mi- ll Company are turnbut ing large quantities of lumber of a lino quality. They have a contract to supply material for building purpose at Fort Unit. Wright & Johnson ol the 3Ialad llinck smith Shop are getting away with all the baggage. (Thats leeause they had their printing done at tho Reporter office. Ed. The Oneida Silt Work of Whifo & Stump are filling large orders for salt from the north. Tin the largest salt manufae tory in the mountains, and turn out an ex cellent quality of salt. continue lively. The 'Slate Point Company arerunulg a tunnel, and exjHct to triko it rich by, tho end of the week. There i a diversity of opinion a Jo the oie they 4Bnd. Conflicting reports name it tin, coal and black lead. Tho District Coin! hn decided thit the act of tho Idaho , Legislature, reducing the lute of iol 1 ,on tho Oneida Wagon Road, i unconstitutional and hun Infringement on -- In other word the pretendvestd right ed proprietor have, by a continued Jmpo-- i tlon, acquired a legal right to roll tho public But the legal proposition U to bo test ted still farther. T1IU US DAY, APRIL 20, IS DENNIS tria as Minuter, and that Jay ha ITEMS. Y i :;. yfk eua of "W- ADAH AULBACH & CO.,. PabliahorSe (ooi , H yl 9s 9 Y cun of 8 gala... POTATOES, U vt I I it D 83.,. - , J5 l.ljf i |