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Show THE VOICE PAGE SIX FHE UNCOLf man who can conquer himself is greater than one who conquers the world A , MUSIC FESTIVAL Congratulations to Mr. Terry and the music department of the Lincoln High School, and other schools in the district. The District Music Festival which was held Monday night, March 30, in the Lincoln High School Auditorium, met with the hearty approval of all who attended. The chorus received many fine compliments on its singing. V hen the curtain was drawn, the sight of so many young students seated together on the stage thrilled the audience even before their first number was rendered. The interest of the audience was with the chorus throughout the entire program. The numbers were well chosen, and under the able direction of the finest music instructor in the district, the students, makperformed to the best of their abilities, and succeeded in of the event an musical the year. outstanding ing While the chorus was greatly enjoyed by the audience it Such gave even a greater enjoyment to those who took part. musicals should be encouraged Loth from the stand point of student development, and as a means of entertaining our patrons, as well as to build up a spirit of friendly cooperation with the music departments of the other schools in this district. Congratulations again, and we hope that we may have more of these performances in the future. Tracksters Place Third Quadrangular Meet At Spanish Fork 6-- 10-1- 2, 6-- 2, 6, 6-- 4 6-- 1, 6-- 3. 6-- 6-- 6-- 1. 6-- 6-- Spring Football F. F. A. Boys Win Third Place The F.F.A. boys of Lincoln have been r: :her busy the past few weeks. Nine of the boys went to Spanish Fork, Thutsday, April 9. Here they competed wih 122 boys from other schools in judging stock, winning third place. The Grant boys participating were: Blake, Louis Wells, Burnell Van Lowell Christensen, Wagoner, Grant Cluff, Dell Foote, Elwood Foote, Weston Kofford, and Dick Burr. The boys have undertaken the selling of buns and soda water to the students during the noon hour to secure money for the treasury. Grant Cluff, president of the F. A.A. of Lincoln entered a public speaking contest at the B.Y.U. on April 4, and won fourth place. Also during the school year Grant wotked in a contest for the U. P. Scholarship to the agricultural college at Logan. He won alternate places in the contest and he hopes to do better next year. SPORTS Lincolns fast stepping tennis team, gained a foothold on the WednesDistrict Championship, day, April 15, when they downed Lehi, intwo matches on Lincoln's courts. In the doubles match Wayne Tucker and Reed Rowley defeated Erickson and Wanless in an overtime hard fought match 8:6. "Speed" and Tuc" tennis displayed championship against their closest . rivals and took them into mp with comparative ease. Stanley Farley, singles act, defeated Cecil Evans, Lein a rip and tuck hi, battle. Bill came back strong in the third set to take the measure of Lehis singles player. In previous matches, Lincolns racqueteers, gained way to the finals by defeating American Fork and Pleasant Grove. The Tiger net men downed American Fork in their Jirst district match, held on the local courts, Monday, April 6. Stanley Farley took the measure of Andreason in in The doustraight sets, bles match, Wayne Tucker and Reed Rowley, Lincolns No. 1 doubles team defeated and Jensen Greenwood, also in straight sets, by a score of "Speed and "Tuc teamed well, and exhibited strong tennis in their first match. In their second match Lincoln swamped Pleasant Grove, with comparative ease, in a match conducted at the Grover's courts, Thursday, April 9. Once again Stanley came through to take the measure of West in straight sets, Wayne and Reed, also won their match in straight sets from West and West, The team is taking daily workouts, under the splendid coaching of "Sanky Dixon. The tennis has won every match team, this year, and deserve praise for their great achievement. The students offer congratulations to the fine showing of the tennis team. ' WIN ELECTIONS BELLOWS-JOHNSO- N EDITORIAL Lincoln Wins Tennis Laurels OF SHARON Lincolns fast stepping track team showed speed and class Friday, April 10, at Spanish Fork, placing 3rd in a quadrangular meet. Four schools entered: Provo High Pleasant School, Spanish Fork, Grove, ,and, Lincoln. Lincoln proved themselves worthy contenders for the state championship. Tidd Johnson took first place in the pole vault, shot put, and 3rd in the javelin. Jack Conder, took two firsts in 880 yd. and 440 yd. run. Clif Clinger showed good form in the high jump taking second place, and 3rd in the discus. In the mile Don Watkins placed 3rd and Evan Terry 4th. Harvey Newell came 5th in the javelin throw. Floyd Johnston came 4th in the half mile Elmer Riding took 3rd in the broad jump. Coach Swenson was very pleased with his trackmens first appearance and predicts they are favored to win the Alpine district. Relay Team Wins Lincoln High Schools two mile of Don relay team composed Watkins Evan Terry, Floyd Johnston, and Jack Conder, won first place at the University of Utah Relay Carnival April 18, at the U. of U. Stadium n Salt Lake. The team was presented with a beautiful bronze trophy. Lincoln came into the class A competition for the first time, this year. The competition proved to be much stronger than in class B, which was proved by the fact that Lincolns time of. 9:10 was nine seconds faster than that of class B in the same race. The Lincoln team proved to be one of the most spectacular teams of the day. Every man made a large gain, and Conder, running the pole position at he finish passed several teams still having one lap to go. Intramural Junior High Girls Day The Girls Day Program proved very successful in the Junior High. Mrs. Knudsen, the advisor and Venna Watkins the president were in charge of the program. The afternoon program began with an assembly by the Junior High girls. The program consisted of songs and dances by the 7th and 8th grades. A tap dance by Donna Burningham, a reading by. Myrth Liston, and a short skit by the 9th grade girls. The group then journeyed to the gym for the matinee dance. Several bars were given away to the ones whose names were drawn, and were dancing at the time. The Girls Day Dress Contest was held during the dance and honors' were taken by Lillie Hills, first place; Nyla Nesbit, second Clementina and Calder, place; third place. Lincoln Play Win First Place Honor The play Thirst," which was directed by Miss Fern Jude, won first place in the Speech contest held at the B.Y.U. on April 1, 2,-4. The members of the winning cast were: Clifton Clinger, Lorin Jex, and Paul Anderson. Miriam Cutler won second place and received an award of honorable mention in the Girls Oratorical contest, consisting of fourteen entries, with her oration entitled, "Crime, Amerias Greatest Enemy." Evan Terrv also won an award of honorable mention in the Boys Oratorical contest, with a sensational oration entitled, "American Neutrality." There were sixteen contestants. Other Lincoln entries in the contest were: Don Watkins, Lorna Mecham, Hunn, Evan Spencer Terry, and Joseph Blake, debators, who won an average of about 50 Ivan per cent of their debates; Kocherhans, comedy reading; and Miriam Cutler, comedy, reading, Clifton Clinger, dramatic reading, Ruby Edwards, dramatic reading. Speech Contest April 29th, marks the climax of junior club activities. During the 1935-3- 6 school year numerous clubs have been sponsored for the purpose of permitting pupils to develop hobbies or activities of their own desire. Many lines of satisfactory work have been followed by club groups. More than 400 students will participate in this Annual Junior High Health Day prog'am. Events in n tennis, baseball, touch football, baseball, and track meet constitutes a well planned program. Beginning at 12 o'clock p. m. Encouraged and proud of their excellent showing on the gridiron last year the Tiger football team for 1936 is out for spring practice. Fractices are held four times a week and the players are learning real football under our famed coach "Sanky Dixon." Good prospects are plenty for the team and a large group of twenty five, reports for practice every night. A game has been set for the future between the players of the championship team of last year and next years team. The scholarship award is for the This game is mainly for the deof arousing interest in edpurpose velopment of next years squad. We ucational and activirecreational hope the squad of 36 can be as ties. The award is given after comsuccessful as the gridders of last pletion of Junior High School year. work. This award is presented annually to the student who has atEach year it is the custom of the tended Lincoln Jr. High for three Junior High School to select one consecutive years and is superior student who has attained the in his or her average of scholas' c highest average during the three students, attitude, attendance, and years of Junior High work. This extra cirricular activities. Excellent work has been done year the honor goes to Venna WatA kins. There were several others by many students this year. who rated very high and we wish careful checking on the records, them on their proved Venna Watkins to be honor to compliment splendid work. We hope Venna student. Venna climaxed her junwill keep up her good work in high ior high activities with a score of 93 plus 70. school and succeed in l.fe. hit-pi- Lincoln Girl Win Scholarship Award enSchool The Junior High tered two girls in the speech tournament. The girls entering were Myrth Liston, who was very successful in bringing home first reading place with the dramatic The Famine" in the declamation contest, and Hazel Terry, who was fortunate to bring home second place with the oration "Peace and Ame-ica- n Ideals in the oratorical contest. The coaches of the two girls were Mr. Newman 'and Miss Fern Jude. successful as they were this. This is the first year the Junior High School has entered in the speech tournament. We hope those participating next year will be as The Junior Hgh posture parade for the B.Y.U. Invitational meet has been chosen and are now diligently working to improve all their bad points. Although the girls have had to sacrifice most of their noon periods we hope they will feel it worth their time in and end. Thirty five girls have been chosen including a flag bearer and banner bearers. With the help and assistance of Miss Jude we hope they will bring home first place. To aim at half a dozen things is a good way to miss them all. BAUD FESTIVAL ' POSTURE PARADE Do you remember Hie free band concert that was promised at our last entertainment? Well at last it is in sight. We are pleased to anthe Gold 1, Wednesday, April nounce that a band festial will be conheld their and Blue parties ventions to choose their candidates held May seventh and eighth with for student body eloctions. Those the bands of all four high schools Several well known nominated were: Gold Party: Pres- participating. selections are being prepared for ident Lowell Bigelow, this event. Your attendance will Esther Hansen; Secretary, Donna Scott; Dramatic Art Man- be appreciated. Debate Kocherhans; ager, Ivan The past Several weeks the band Manager, Kent Fielding; Advertis- has been overwhelmed with cataing Manager, Tony Ivins; Music log order blanks, and letters, tellManager, Harold Brereton. Blue Party; President, Wayne ing about uniforms which the band Ora intend to order. Tuesday a repreBellows; sentative arrived and took the Ruth Hansen, Johnson; Secretary, The order Dramatic Art Manager, Richard bands measurements. was filled and our uniforms should Taylor, Debate Manager, Francis first. Hulin, Advertising Manager; Joe arpive by May Music liortense Blake; Manager, Clinger. A week later, April 8, elections were held, those elected were: President, Wayne Bellows; Ora Johnson; Secretary, The Junior High have elected Donna Scott; Dramatic Manager, their new student body officers for Richard Taylor; Debate Manager, Kent Fielding; Advertising Man- the coming year. Each party had ager, Joe Blake; Music Manager, some very fine candidates, and we feel that we have chosen the ones Harold Brereton, who will carry on the coming year in a successful manner. The candidates for each party were the following: Blue Party: That Sheldon Andreason, Morris Cameron, Dick Wells, Floyd President, Gordon Hansen Vice President Jean Richards Johnston and Floyd Pyne belong to the Home Guards. Secretary Genevieve Richards Donna 8th Representative That there are four paper wads on the ceiling of Mr. Partridges Stubbs. Athletic Manager Ross Hold-awaroom. That Mildred Nielson plays Gold Party: Strakowski every time Mr. Terry President Merrill Farley. steps out of the room during chorus class. Madge Lewis. That Mr. Partridge thinks woSecretary Fae Andrews. Wal Dean 8th Representative men are funny creatures and don't Ivers. mind telling them so. Athletic. Manager LaMar SorThat Mr. Swenson accused the students of actually snitching his ensen. towel. Purple Party: President Walter Bigler. That "Push" 6n the lid of the Vice President Nila Nesbet waste paper cans mean push that Secretary Ellen Bone particular part of the lid in and not hth Representative Jean Gillis-pipush the can around the halls. That Ivan Kocherhans tries to Athletic Manager Bud Smith. get the buggy before the horse all When the returns of the elecby himself and in such a short tions came we found the following time too. That Wanda Huff prefers the to be our next year officers: Pi Caidciit, Walter Biglu. letter K on her sleeve. Vice President, Madge Lewis. That our new history teacher ' Secretary, Genevieve Richards. really made a hit with the ladies. Gordon 9th A certain young man from Lake Representative View has taken to bicycling his Hansen Jean Richards. lady fair home each evening? Athletic Manager, Bud Smith. V. Christensens name has been Dean Wal 8th Representative, changed slightly. Ivers. With these students as our new officers we feel our next year will be a success. April 10 marked another success for the girls organization. Girls day has been for years an anticipated event for fellows and girls alike but this year it was such an overwhelming success that anOne evening not long ago 1 ticipation will be even keener in chanced to be wandering near the the future The warm spring day was the Lincoln High School and suddenfirst favorable factor and the ly remembered that it was about of the farrer sex added time for their opera practice, so I to the atmosphere. found my way to the auditorium. delightful Epring frocks were worn by all The instructor sat chewing the the girls many of the latest fash- end of his baton nervously glancions being shown. ing from his watch to the roll book About thirty The assembly program carried and back again. he announced. out the theme of the woman in seconds longer, the shoe in a clever and entertain- There came a thundering of foot ing manner with Esther Hansen as steps, as the stragglers came rushthe outstanding well dressed girl. ing in. The instructor called the Elmer sAhton, Ned Lewis and roll and found five persons to be Bert Ekins won the grand opera missing. Two young men guarded prize by singing that lovely ballas the doors and wrote down names "Wa-hooThe dramatic medal of the tardy persons. After a went to Mildred Neilson who gave thorough scolding had been adher own original interpretation of ministered, the young people were the Big Bad Wolf. informed that on the following At nine OClock, dancing was day they were to be admitted only enjoyed. The music being urnish-e- d for the price of a dozen or two bars. by the Americans. The honored girls of the evenWhen the rehearsing was well ing were, Ruple McCarthy, Miss under way I stood behind the curpersonality, Kathryn Sumsion, po- tains on the stage. Every one pular lady, and Helen Park, Cam- seemed sort of tired and half alive. A rather goodish looking young pus sweetheart. The officers of the girls organiboots man in brown riding zation wish to thank all senior and slouched across the stage trying junior high school girls for their to remember his lines. In the midst and good of his brain storms he would leiscooperation splendid sportsmanship. urely clasp his hands behind him and stand staring at the ceiling JUNIOR AWARDS EXERCISE blankly. In the midst of what seemed an acre of empty seats two will curly headed lads sat, feet atop The student body of 1935-3- 6 close its years duties by presenting seats tinkering with the makings an awards exercise May 18, 1936. of a gun. On the stage, plenty of President Clark Johnson will excitement was going on. While conduct the following program: a trio rehearsed a song, a Lon Cullen Christensen Chaney the second and a Charley Invocation Band Chaplin 3rd, fluttered about mockOverture Address of Welcome ing fan dancers and orioles. Elaine McEwan In one jaf the scenes, a rather Remarks 1936-2Pres. small girl, who up to this time had Walter Bigler been draped upon the piano came Girls' Chorus toward a young man with an apReading Myrth Liston pealing look and when I got all set Instrumental Charlie serious for something School Report ..Prin. B. M. Jolley Chaplin third gave him a gentle Presentation of Scholarship shove and well, it ended in a Awards Prin. B. M. Jolley heap dramatic scenes and all. Presentation of Athletic awards a During all the excitement, Mr. Dixon small blonde dame made herself Presentation of Sewing Award comfortable on the lap of a handMrs. Knudsen some Galihad, hearing nothing, . Presentation of Opera Awards seeing nothing but those involv2 Mr. Vernon ed. After a good sized lecture to Presentation of Student Body everyone except one lucky gal who Awards Mr. Lewis escaped with Romeo, a nromise Girls Chorus was made to learn the (bngi and Address to Students Mr. Blake lines again and opera practice came March Band to an end. Junior High Elect New Class Officer Do You Know.... y. e. Girls Day Success One Night At The Opera ". . " 7 Junior High ' Posture Parade I. Commencement The posture parade girls competed in the B. Y. U. meet held last Friday, and will also compete exercises Seminary graduation at the Alpine district meet to be held May 4. Annie Rohbuck has will be held Sunday evening, May been chosen flag bearer and Ruby 1 7, at 8 P. M. in the Lincoln High Edwards and Wanda Jones as ban- School auditorium. Dr. Lynn ner bearers. Members of the team of Supervisor Seminary are: will be work, speaker. guest Loa Gurr, Gladys Hirst, Lucile The theme of the program will Lorna Goode, Elva Wilkinsen, Alta Leah be "As a Man Thinheth in His Mecham, Gordon, Kocherhans, Heart, So is He." Lapriel Harding, Russell Liston will be in charge. Mary Wilkinsen, Verla Wilkinsen, Della Olsen, Ruth Hansen, Gloria On the program are: Opening Jacobsen, Dena Mecham, Joyce prayer, Eldon Lewis; closing prayer, Annie Shepherd. Valadictory ad(.Continued on Page Seven) dress, Lorna Mecham. Talk No. 1, Evan Terry. Talk No. 2, Evelyn Lloyd, Talk No. 3, Milton Bellows. Those on the committee are: decorations, Clyde Lunceford, Ruby Sumsion. Edwards, Kathryn March 18 New students in school? Printed program: Valerie Calder, No, just a few strays from Opera Louise Leichty, Kenneth Perry, practice. Parley Madsen. Stage seating: March 19 A few of us study Bert Davis, Eugene Gurr, Bert while the rest put on the opera Music: Qive Pulham for Junior High students. A and the High School Music Degood many of us will miss the partment direction of Mr. Terry. opera on account of we have to Seminary Graduates: see the evening performance. Sheldon Andreason, Milton BelMarch 20 Judging by the way the lows, Richard Bone, Neal Bunnell, Valene Calder, Morris Cameron, show The Three Musketeers is affecting some of our stu- Erma Carter, Beth Carter, Adrian Verlin dents, lets hope the show, King Clinger, V. Christensen, Clegg, Merrill Crandall, Bert DaKing" doesnt come to Lincoln. March 23 Certain people are ex- vis, Drexell Davis, William Duf-fi- n Jr., Ruby Edwards, Robert Eltra happy and mysterious about what happened at the opera last liott Jr., Bert Ercanb: ack, Myrle Alta Eugene Gordon, Hansen, Friday night'. March 24 Posture Parade tryouts. Gurr, Leah Harding, Mana Hayes, March 25 Speech contest tryouts. Leona Hull, Glory Jacobsen, Lynn March 26 Senior meeting held at Jolley, Wanda Jones, Guss Keele, Keith Kofford, noon and it was derided that in- Hazel Kitchen, Russell Eldon dividual pictures will be put in Leichty, Lewis, the Live Wire at CommenceListon, Clyde M. Lunceford,' Evement. lyn Lloyd, Parley N. Madsen Jr., March 27 Some of we seniors Paul Madsen, Lorna Mecham. Mildred NielRuth Meldrum, manage to get a whole 17 or 18 years life history on a mere son, La Rue Park, Oscar Peck, Louise Peterson, Clive Pulham, sheet of paper. 30 Saw March an interesting Martha Pyne, Carole Pyne, Reed show on "Century of Progress. Rowley, Hal Scott, Annie ShepLouis April 1 April Fools Day, also herd, Flojfd F. Startin, Nomination Day for next years Strausburg, George Stratton, Lola Evan student body officers. Smith, Kathryn Sumsion, April 2 Campaign maneuvers be- Terry, L. Wayne Tucker, Don R. Elva Mary Wilkinson, gin and our school exhibits some Watkins, nice blue characters upon our Wilkinson, Margie Williams, Leonpaving to be scrubbed up by ard Zobell. some nice scrubber-upperBand certainly April 10 Girls Day. April 3 B.Y.U. and put us in good spirits. ' Primary April 13 Easter sunburns election for holiday spirits remain to show Lady, Popular on us. and Miss Campus Sweetheart Pci suitably was held. Oscar Peck April 14 S eniors start rushing the makes a spectacle of himself by picture studios. tap 'dancing while Tid plays the April 15 We certainly miss our club periods. mouth organ. April 6 Special Assembly demon- April 16 Lincoln tennis team bestrates to we students how the gins to make an entrance into local fame, play "Thirst" won first place in the contest at the B.Y.U. April 17 Assembly postponed until next week. April 7 Pep' rally held by campaign managers. Our new prin- April 20 Four boys proud of a new trophy in the trophy case. cipal and history teacher are cerApril 21 Did our girls fall for the tainly popular. 8 Elections. xylophonist who played on the CongratulaApril tions you future student assembly program? body officersl April 22 Milo Madsen thinks hell be a carpenter (results of an exApril 9 Martin Jackson finds out what it is like to have the conperiment in chemistry) tents of the pencil sharpener April 23 Saw Going Highbrow first period. down his neck (and how it feels to have his neck washed.) April 24 Girls track at B.Y.U. Ben-nio- Calendar s. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ClayGon &. Richins Lincoln High Schools annual will be commencement exercises held this year in the auditorium at 8.00 oclock, May 21. The graduating class of 1936 is the largest class to ever graduate from Lincoln High School, the total number being 83 students. Plans are nearing completion and the following program has been arranged: Entrance March Orchestra Selection Orchestra Invocation Evan Terry Welcome Address.. Clifton Clinger Music Addresses Wanda Jones Gloria Jacobsen Addresses Don Watkins Lorna Mecham Presentation of Class -- Karl Banks Presentation of Diplomas S. H. Blake Remark Supt. David Gourley Benediction Kathryn Sumsion Exit March Orchestra of On satisfactory completion the assigned work, the following students will compose the graduating class. Paul Anderson, Sheldon Andreason, Carl Anderson, Milton Bellows, Richard Bone, LaMar Bunnell, Glen Burr, Neal Bunnell, Valene Calder, Morris Cameron, Erma V. Beth Carter, Carter, Christensen, Verlin Clegg, Adrian Clinger, Clifton Clinger, Merrill Crandall, Stewart Crandall, Bert Davis, Drexell Davis, Mack Davis, Illie Davis. Ruby Edwards, Robert Elliott, Bert Ercanbrack, Joe Ford, HowBeth Gibson, Alta ard Garlick, Norma Gordon, Gurr, Eugene Myrle Hansen, Leah Hampshire, Mana Hayes, Wanda Harding, Huff, Leona Hull, Martin Jackson, Glory Jacobsen, Lorin Jex, Irvin Wanda Johnson, Lynn Jolley, Jones. Nina Keeler, Hazel Kitchen, Eldon- Lewis, Louise Leichjy, Russell Liston, Evelyn Lloyd, Hazel Loveridge, Clyde Lunceford, ParMcCarthy, Ruple ley Madsen, Ruth Lorna Mecham, Meldrum, Harvey Newell, Mildred Nielsen, Helen Park, LaRue Park, Clyde Patten, LaMar Peacock, Oscar Peck, Kenneth Perry, Louise Peterson, Clive Pulham. Carol Pyne, Martha Pyne, Paul Elmer Mary Reesha, Rawlings. Riding, Reed Rowley, Martha Hal Scott, Lola Smith, Startin,' Floyd Spaugy, George Stratton, Louis Strasburg, Evan Terry, Sumsion, Kathryn Don Watkins, Tucker, Wayne Margie Williams, Elva Wilkinson, Mary Wilkinson, Mabel Wilson. a, Gla-dily- Enrich Your Vocabulary Cabin plenty of which goes on at any college bull session. Deduce premier of Italy. Typer a garment for the very young. Tire Co. Nimer Battery Station yY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y vY Y yY Y Y Y Y Y Y o Moved to Our flew Location s 275 South University Avenue Willard Batteries Seiberling Tires Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y yY Y Y Y In AAA I Tenrl VOUU Tivne anrl Rnffpri M V4 PC It VU Mttvt A Phone 649 I :: y y Y yY y y y Provo, Utah Y ELECTRIC AND TIRE REPAIRS v 4 |