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Show ' THE VOICE OF SHARON ' ixas! 30,131 June 10,20, 21 29, May OF THE'ROAD WILD ith Illul SING AND LIKE IT and Big Double Bill EVENINGS FOR SALE, two features. Also: A stage act by; Willie ,and Wallie who will appear in KING NEPTUNE, a colored Silly Sym- person. phony. Pathe News. June SPITFIRE, starring Katharine Hepburn. Also HIS HONOR, a comedy, Bert Lahr and his band, and Pathe News. 15 Dance at Geneva and Sharon Stake Outing!.. Scera June cards good to all over 16. All must have cards no admits, or pay regular admission charges. I LOVED A WOMAN starring Edward Robinson and Kay Francis. Also BOSKOS MECHANICAL. MAN, and Pathe News. June KEEP EM ROLLING, starring Walter Huston. Also two comedies, QUIET PLEASE, and RASSLING MATCH. Pathe News. Time or starting, 8:15. Door opens at 8:00 p. m. Assignment of Wards: Tuesday night Cimpanogos and Grand View.. Wednesday night Sharon and Lake View. Thursday night Pleasant View, Edgemont, and Vineyard. (Cut Out and Pin to Calendar) June IN THE MONEY" NORTHERN EXPOSURE PATHE NEWS Last Program of May. WERE . June 5, 6, 7 O l, A wllh a sohn i m $nB i fVv 3 T efcr, j r.A r story of business ruthlessness and the inevitable failure to reach ethereal satisfaction of life either in love or in business success. The plot parallels some o fthe downfalls we have recently watched in real life, and so is unusually Finely as well as vivid. It is a fine production with notable acting on the part of Robinson and with adequate support. It is beyond the understanding of children. Also a short called BOSKOS and Pathe MECHANICA LMAN News. is a modern .o Oo'9 1 LOVED A WOMAN The title of this Edward G. Robinson and Kay Francis picture is not attractive but is appropriate. The whole story almost is one of influence of a woman upon the character of a man. It C 11 T1Pnn a Oyiwv t 9 tut EVENINGS FOR SALE" Thi story comes in answer to this ad: "I am willing to payl I am engaged to marry a man I dont love , , , but before I wed I want, one glorious evening of romance love and I am willing to pay the man who attracts me and who has his It is a good story Evenings for Sale. well directed and acted and offers some amusing of life in titled society; For adults and young people. A cast SING AND LIKE iT" of Zazu Pitts, Ned Sparks and other comediens. It is a rollicking farce, satirizing the pressure behind Broadway musical productions. It is all so smoothly directed with such an amusing balance cf comediens and absurd situations that it keeps its tempo through to the end without flagging. The story concerns the singing of a mother" song by an aspiring amateur (Zazu Pitts) which so softens the heart cf an underworld heavy" that he forces a reluctant producer to star her and New Yorks most jicidic critic to acclaim her. For adults aJld young people. Also a Silly Simphony short (colKING NEPTUNE, and ored) Pathe .News. (ut ha threw " $ don lha army la dick la 3 , hi hortlfs t'-- ' . y-- side-ligh- ts well-know- n June 15 Annual Sharon OulingDance Stake at Geneva The famous Erickson and Black-we- ll Dance Orchestra will furnish the music. This orchestra was hired for all special dances at the B. Y. U. the past season. Dance orchestra critics claim this orchestra has no peer in the entire state. Scera membership cards will be good for all over sixteen. T all others regular admission charges. This promises to be one of the big- - uitk WALTER HUSTON DEE MINNA OOMBIll of the ifak FU FRANCES nj and min hy i Mitsi C Confix, f iaijj orruiui rr from fhe Mom "ttoU Cl rk offuvn S A Arv'touKvxisoJ. i, - ll'J' 0 tk A iHJ This EM KEEP ROLLING show presents a rare and spectacular locale and was actually shot at Fort Myer, Virginia, utilizing men and officers of the post. The hero is an enlisted man whose love for his horse regenerates him, and whose horse has an almost human understanding of his moods and problems. The romantic element is introduced when an army officer jars the Congenial relationship between nan and beast, and his fiancee stakes her engagement ring against his military authority in behalf of the man and horse. Walter Huston takes the part of a capable but incorrigible soldier. He gravitates between the ranks of private and top sehgeant because he is partial to women, gin, and song. Then the horse at rives and Huston changes. A good show for the family. Also a comedy called "QUIET PLEASE" and another called THE RASSLING MATCH. Pathe News. ! 0 10-2- These reduced rates can only be had when arrangements are made in advance witl the manager. During the summer months Thursday will be the preferable day. GENEVA OUTING DANCE A summer moon, a starlight night, A thousand joys in fancies flight. And, summer soft, a little breeze, That stirs the grasses, thrills the treei I Commencing in June there will be a charge of 5c for each admit issued where people1 have lost or forgotten their cards. No monthly duplicate cards will be issued. LIVE TROUT TO FIGURE IN SWIMMING EVENT Swimming events to begin at 10.30 by releasing s. number cf large troul in the swimming pool. All boys of scout age and under will be permitted to participate in catching these fish. The ones succeeding will will be the owners of the prize. After a period of 12 minutes an additional number of fish will be thrown in and the ladies will be permitted to search for the prizes. The events to follow will consist of swimming and diving activities as folone and lows: Swan dive, a half summer saul half gainor, full jack-knif- Plenty of Sports at Outing There will he games for everybody, Katharine Hephurn prays over an ailing babe in her new screen role. Mrs. Boltin, a faith healer in real life. will be in charge of bastball and soft ball; Donald Dixon in charge of Van ball, for boys; Mrs. Joy Gegg, Van ball for girls; J. Erval Christensen in charge of horse shoe. The following committees have been chosen to represent the wards in each of the games: Soft ball: Stanley Patten, Pleasant View; Dean Nuttall, Grand View; Joy Clegg, Vineyard ; Willard Olsen, Lake View; H. R. Booth, Edgemont; James Blair, Sharon, and Tony Nelson, Timpanogos. Van ball for girls: Erma Stubhs, Pleasant Edgemont; Melva Jones, View; Mary Brown, Grand View; DeLange, Timpanogos; Helen Pyre, Sharon; Phyllis Murdock, Vineyard nd Nadine Johnson, Lake View. Horse Shoe: Raymond, McKellip, Sharon; Joseph Murdock, Vineyard; Herschel Ginger, Lake View; Mack Davis, Edgemont; Eldon Perry, Pleasant View; Art Ivie, Grand View, and J. Erval Christensen, Sharon. Van ball, boys: Captains, Wayne Tucker, Sharon; Elmer Riding, Grand Reed View; Kelly Duke, Vineyard: Rowley, Timpanogos; Robert Elliott, Ar-vil- la Edgemont; Kenneth Perry, Pleasant View; Duane Madsen, Lake View. Managers, George Tucker, haron; Louis Strasburg, Grand View; Kelly Duke, Vineyard; Fred Gourdin, Timpanogos; Robert Gillespie, Edgemont; Roy Muhlestein, Pleasant View; and Duane Madsen, Lake View. e, PARADE MYSTERY those who have seen it It is an inAlso a comedy called, HIS HONspiring story of a girls faith in God, OR; a musical furn:hed by a famous filmed in a Kentucky mountain back- band led by Bert Lahr; and News. ing than you have already heard from ground. Good for the family. advertis- listen with open mouths and longing hearts. Now has come the opportunity 'for all of us to become mystics and probe the profound depths of a real mystery. So far the whole thing is a mysterious phantasy to all but a few mystagogues learned in the science of mystagogy who swear their mysticism is bound to produce mystification. Are you mystified? Then satisfy your taste for the unknown by allowing yourself to he included in the ranks of those who see." You may do so at the Stake Outing at Geneva on June 15 at 10.00 oclock. OUTING COMMITTEES is offering a grand prize of ward. Points will be given in the following events: Parade 20 point 10 points Swimming Girl Boy Van Ball Van Ball Soft Ball Horse Shoe Gold and Green Waltz Attendance at dance .- Total General Committee: Lyman Rich, chairman; Win. M. Vernon and Hugh Davis. PARADE, 10.00-10.4- 5, under direc- 10:45-12.0- 2:30-3.3- 0, 15 point 15 point 20 point 10 point 10 points 50 points 150 points al committee, J. Erval Christensen, chairman; Joy Clegg, Raymond Cutler, Oriel Clegg, and all ward presidents and superintendents of M. I. A.; Races: M. A. Rowley, chairman, Willard Olsen, S. F. Carter. 3:30-5:0Matinee dance, under direction of Primary Christa Christensen, chairman; Mrs. Della Chatwin, Merle Foote, Cordelia Booths Kate Cordner, Mary Brown, MyHle Christensen, Ruth Stone and Mrs. Johnson. 8.30, Evening dance under direction of the Relief society. Eva Gillespie, chairman; Wm. M. Vernon, Mary Stewart, Christina Christensen, Lillie Hills, Kate Zobell, Minnie Phillips, T or Wicrr.rr.be, Ivj Ccrdr.fr, ccs mittee. Grounds and Equipment, under direction of the Seventy. James A. Ivie, chairman, Wm. Reed Nuttall, John Skinner, David Rowley, Newell Baum, Kenneth Cook, Hugh Park. Attendance and transportation, under direction of waid bishops. ,B. M. Jolley, chairman; Victor Anderson, Jas. B. Ferguson, John B. Stratton, Julian Hansen, Ernol Williamson and A. Roy Ekint. 0, tion of the Sunday school, Raymond Partridge, chairman; Lloyd Baum, Asael Fisher, LeRoy Taylor, Weldon Taylor, Harold Holdaway, Ivan Farnsworth and Erastus Haws, committee. i r . p i T. WATER SPORTS, C llebertson, chairman; John S. Lewis Earl Mecham, Boyd Davis, Don Dixon, to an announcement Theron Lossee and J. J. Madsen, According made by Superintendent Raymond chairmen. 12.00 to 1:00, Luncheon. Union School, Partridge, Sunday Band concert. Meetings and Stake Board Meetings 1 will not be held during the summer Program under direction months until further notice. , There of SSMA and Victor C. Anderson. will be special meetings called by Children's games. 2.30-- 5 00, Games, races, sports, .unstake superintendency only when der direction U. I. A, and Genealogic- special needs arise. the-lath- e SCERA prize of $7.00 to Poets have talked about mysterious the ward the scoring highest number caravans that sometimes are viewed of points during the day. The award by a fortunate few called mystics. will be made at the dance to the ward These visions have been held extreme- recreation committee to be spent this ly precious and we who hear of them summer for outdoor recreation in that, 1.00-1:2- This Katharine Hep- 1 $15.00 and a second juauay ocnooi notes .SPITFIRE gaiuor, .jack knife with a twist, back stroke, side stree, and cr;v. swim races. All participants in these events will be granted free admission to the pool and receive prizes for best showing in each event A grand prize of one months family ticket to the stake shows to the participant receiving the highest number of points in these events. At the conclusion of the exhibition diving 'an additional number of fish will be turned in the pool, and all Vanguard and older members will indulge in the struggle for the fish. Grand Prize of $15.00 e burn picture needs no more card, there will be a charge of 40c for gents and 10c for ladies. One of the best orchestra in the state will furnish the music, the Erickson and Blackwell A rippling lake, a shining shore, orchestra. A thousand lights, a dancing floor. There will be prize dances and an An orchestra thats simply smooth. opportunity for all to dance the Gold Whose melting tones, and rythm sooth. and Green waltz. An award of ten The friendly eyes of countless friends, points will be made to the ward having DurThe ecstacy of graceful bends. the most couples participating. The raptures of a gorgeous time, ing the evening, a ward count will be taken and points gained in this count You see, just flow into a rhyme. a a will be added to those that count toYour SCERA membership card will ward the winning of the $15.00 and admit you to this dance. Without this $7.00 prizes. 6 P. M. Tues., Wed., Thur., June 12, 13 and 14 Left Membership Participation on. MonthlyBasis: Active member (one only) . : $ .60 1.00 Family of three or less active members 1.25 of more active three members than Family Membership Participation on Weekly Basis:, Adults (above high school age) ..$ .15 Students (including seventh grade to H. S. graduation) ' .10 .05 Children (from six years of age to seventh grade) Participation by Groups on Weekly Basis: (Must be arranged for by employer or sponsor) For groups of less than five regular rates 12c adults, 8c students For groups of : 10c adults, 7c students For groups qi 5 ...: For groups of 25 or over , 7j4c adults, 5c students Commencing with the last program for May, the shows will be given three nights per week: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. This schedule will continue during the summer months, June, July, and August. By starting the shows at 8:15, it will be possible to cool the auditorium and to keep it comfortable. After sundown there is generally a cool canyon breeze which can keep the room plesant through open windows. As the shows will run three nights, the FEATURE will only be SHOWN ONCE each evening. The Pathe News and the comedies will be shown twice. The doors will not open until 8:00 as we will want to cool the auditorium as long as possible. Feature will start about 8:45. In order that all the Scera Members may be accomodated, it will be necessary that all who come on yearly or monthly basis adhere rigidly to the 'following schedule. Should circumstances make it necessary to come a night different than schedule, permission should be obr :ned at the Scera office. People who pay their asessments Dy the week are alo asked to cooperate in coming according to the schedule if possible. Tuesday iJgLi Timpanogos and Grand. View. Wednesday night Sharon and Lake View. Thursday night Pleasant View, Edgemont, and Vineyard. The Scera office will be opened at 7 :30 each show night except on the first of the month when it will be opened at and plenty of competition in every one. During the day the following games will be played with teams representing every ward: Baseball, soft ball, van ball for both boys and 'girls; and Horse shoe. Points will be counted in all of these games toward the grand prizes. Committees have been chosen to make the day a real success. Mrs. Joy gest and finest dances of the season. Clegg and J. Erval Christensen were chosen as general chairmen. Joy 'egg Look for announcements elsewhere. Below 1 . FOR SHOWS Girls?... Ho could take 'em or leave 'em Since so many calls have been made asking for rates, we are . . again publishing them. on Basis: Membership Participation Yearly Active member (one pnly)N...... $ 6.00 10.00 . Family of three or less active members 12.00 Family of more than three active members Full payments are necessary to secure these yearly rates. NEW SCHEDULE June 26, 27, 28 lOlLCfllS , JUNE PROGRAM BOYS w PAGE THREE : |