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Show V Thursday, January 11. 1951 THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAH Sunnyside Ward n Slates 2)ra MIA Gold-Gree- Mr. and Mrs. Glen Vore, who came to Dragerton only a few months ago to make their home, have returned to Alaska to take dp their work there. The Vores were living at 325 Columbia Dr. George Burralo of Sunnyside has moved to the home just (vacated by Mrs. Tony Durrant. Mr. and Mrs. Mark; Hanson of Royal are moving to East Car-bo- m They find moving a" large chore after living so many years in one place, according to Mrs. Hanson. Mr., and Mrs. Jack 'Clifford and son, Jackie, are leaving Dragerton this week to make their home in Tucson, Arizona. The Cliffords have been in business here since July 1947. They feel Mrs. Ball Saturday Night The Sunnyside ward MIA announces that its annual Gold and Green ballwill be held Saturday evening, January 15, in the Sunnyside school building, rThe theme of the affair is Stars are the : , Windows of Heaven. Miss Marion Larsen has been selected as quen for the occasion with Miss Loretta Anderson and Miss LaRae King as attendants. Dancing will start at 9:00 p.m. with the floor show scheduled to start at 10:00 p.m. with Jimv my Darts orchestra furnishing the music. The general public is invited to Cliffords health will be .better attend. in another climate. Mrs. Jack Rogers, who underMr. and Mrs. Taylor Turner went a major operation last Wedto Provo Sunday to visit motored is nesday, improving very rapidly and her many friends .are their daughter, Ruth. trusting she will soon be able to be home. While she is in the hosFather Sanders pital, Mr. and Mrs. James Martin of Sunnydale are staying at the (Continued from Page One) Roger home and caring for the sure that parents are the true girls, Barbara and Susie. Mrs. Bert Erickson has been and wise leaders of the homes, in the local hospital for some deserving and receiving respect time now. (Her many friends are from sons and daughters of any hoping shell soon be able to be age. up and about again. JohnRev. and Mrs. Kenneth There are other leaders, too, in son left for Los Angeles, Cali- the life of your child. Spiritual fornia, Sunday evening where leaders who teach reverence for they will attend a church con- a spiritual father, and guide the ference. The Rev. and Mrs. Carl Meassell of Price accompanied child in the paths of morality. School teachers are leaders of them to the conference. Emery Olsen is in the local children many hours a day. hospital after undergoing an em- There should be the closest posergency operation last week. He sible understanding between, the is reported as improving very home and school, and such unrapidly. Little Bunky Wallace was tak- derstanding is impossible unless en to the hospital last week with you, the parents, visit your school, with the an ear trouble but was able to go talk dispassionately home in a few days. teacher and principal, and atThe Community Missionary tend A meetings, whose sole Circle is meeting in the home of function is to help parents and Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Roberts this teachers work together for the Thursday evening. Lebron Dial conducted the best good of your child and every Bible study at the Community other child. church Wednesday evening in the It is human to be prone to hasty absence of the pastor. Rev. John- judgement, but most harmful. son, and Mrs. Mark instructed the Children need people to revere, Tuesday evening choir practice, in so that they can grow in moral the absence of Mrs. Johnson, strength and stature. All leaders who is the choir instructor. O may make mistakes, but it is unwise to criticize leaders before the children. Most parents do not criticize teachers to the children, but try to understand the problems that may arise and support the teachers. However, we sometimes do not realize that it is also harmful to criticize our leaders in government, our nationally elected representatives, fcjefore the children. We may feel tthat at times the leaders err, and among adults such things may But it is not good for children to hear the leaders of the country denounced. With children .especially, we must build up the habit of supporting those who guide our destiny. We. can impress upon young minds that we chose leaders who are trying to be good Americans even though mistakes are sometimes made. Children must have ideals to follow, leaders whom they believe in. Trust and faih in God are necessary, because we must have spiritual values in our lives if we are to be of use to each other. -- Pare And. just as we believe we must reverence, usefulness to others, respect people as individuals, let obedience to authority, and reus remember to respect all reli- spect for the decency in' others. This was the important and gions. Let us work individually and noteworthy message delivered A Sanders at the together to teach our children the moral values of faith, courage, meeting of January 8, held in the personal integrity and honesty, Dragerton gymnasium. by-Fath- er P-T- . L Leave Sunnyside- -f or Price 9:30 A. M. Leave Price for Dragerton and Sunnyside 3:00 P. M. Sunday-Holida- y Schedule Leaves Price 9:00 A. M. and 5:30 P. M. All Trips Make Connections with East and West Bound Continental Buses. G I And you can prepare them ahead of time. Slice the fruit, cover it with lemon or grape- fruit juice and keep chilled in the refrigerator until time to serve. (Just one pennys worth of electricity protects a whole refrigerator full of food' for almost two hours!) KEEP OUTING FLAN-NE- L AS SOFT AS NEW! flannel Winter-tim- e nightgowns and p.Js should not be ironed. Instead, brush them thoroughly with a clean clothesbrush. (Cost for ironing the rest of the family wash? Just two cents an hour!) THERES MORE THAN OF SPEAKING WASH-DA- ONE TRICK with a waffle iron! Use packaged mixes for corn-bre- Y, heres another helpful hint. For extra - . protection, snap A v ' to :v V T r' v 1 ' o yV , waffles , . . for hot gingerbread waffles. zip- And try adding finely chopped ham to regu- pers before putting garments in your washing machine. (Having trouble these days with washday weather? Ah electric dryer will solve V ad fas- teners and close 'air' that problem 1 lar FOR LAMP TABLES? 'X; Why not use the middle shelf of your bookcase as a table, running a fluorescent Tamp" along the bottom edge lill v. '6 of the upper shelf? (An entire evenings for only reading one cent!) ... o can eat!) SLEEPING? On cold winter nights, the average person is weighted down by 12 or 15 pounds of blan- kets ! An. automatic electric bedcover gives you warmth without weight. (And this lux- i you about five cents a night to use!) WONDER WHERE THE TAN? Plug a sun lamp .sv," CUP HANDLES GO? stacked and Properly In the bathroom in the outlet over the basin. Your husband can tan while he shaves . . . you, while you apply sure your valuables are safe in a in our vault. box Be make-u- p! (A mechanically washed, you'll have no broken dishes. And they dry by themselves, need less handling! (Saves time and work as well as dishes and costs so little to use! Only a penny or two a day!) pennys worth of electricity gives you five -- s- ten-minu- te periods of CARBON EMERY BANK PRICE, UTAH Member Federal Reserve System and. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation " SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT Drive-I- n Teller Winnow For Your Convenience KOI ' . ' f urious comfort costs WANT A FLORIDA m Deli- TROUBLE ROOM TOO SMALL " batter. . J. W'avyxXr v waffle cious! (Takes only one or two cents worth of electricity to make all the waffles your family Five minutes of drying costs just one penny I) -- R-- ' DAILY SCHEDULE (Except Sunday) LEAVE FOR PRICE (Except Sundays) Columbia Wellington Dragerton Sunnyside Sunnydale 8:30 a. m. 12:30 p. m. 5:30 p. m. LEAVE PRICE FOR (Except Sundays) 9:15 am Columbia .. 6:15 pm 10:00 am 1:30 pm 6:30 pm Sunnyside .10:05 am 1:35 pm 6:35 pm Sunnydale it 10:10 am 1:46 pm 6:40 pm Dragerton o am 2:10 10:40 Wellington pm 7:05 pm SHOPPING BUS SCHEDULE ( Saturday Only ) FRUIT SALADS ARE P-T- n ARROW AUTO LINE IR& BUS SCHEDULE ed. FESTIVE-LOOKIN- "MEET CORLISS ARCHER" for delightful UTAH POWER Home Ownership 5 -A corned. Suncoi CBS & LIGHT CO. TAX PAYING COMPANY 9 P.M., Eastern Time. - local Control ' |