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Show Tuesday, November 14, 1950 The Dragerton Tribune Dragerton, Utah SUNHYSIDE f OH, BUT TUAT'3 lyOk MAW, TUAT3 m, pCM ONLY HAMS. S. Moca ZThmmmTJ Lilameir Tfj II Mai taatnaEI, ANOTHER 'b FAMILY . PRAIISEJS: VIRGIL By Len Kleis VtROlU-- 1 fcXTRA-CAR- TRAIN- S BOU6HT THOSE FOR VOUR - THfcY'Ke FOQColdGOLDS: mmBAStMSHTj ' tC Symptom In , , Stopt mamy case in Jams V, 'SwjlrtW?-V.-w;-- k nt d&yl , 4lrmmd mm tmM VVS VXVtMvWMI ywv v At Hm Cnt sl$a . . . taka ANAHSST1 . told 1 WeVo all Bid uuHtiTU nlim cold symptoms, writ A. E. LauronesUo, anakist KNASXS1 CjK a tingle contain pure antlklsta miao, Sae, afoctfoo-fa- st kf wa 'Ttf i follow on labeL Now in two companion dirs-ctio- n BOUFORD FRISUMf KSf MOT IF Y5TT C m em hs yz, v but x mow tSTTBSS. NECff, TfiXt THIS JU1C2 TO MW. HEttS YOUR OUKOf JUICE, was loop Thu, xto up flam u-pw- By MELLORS rodacts-- 2S ms. ahajust and tbc now anakist Atoanzxa tultts -- N at roar Drug Store! ANARtiT I the axelniiY trade mark of ANAHtst 2,N.Y co Yoeltrt Ariels Niier tee AstiMstad:: WYLDE AND WOOLY By Bert Thomas r'MEAN YOU'RE SCARED 7 Uetnte THE OLD GAFFER DA By r WHEN MY FATHER DIED, HE WILLED 1 $2,000 TO OUR CAT. ' MY UNCLE LEFT HIS HOUSE TO A PEN-PA- L A GUY HE KNEW IN JAIL, Pay Hunter MY DADDY IT'S ABOUT TIME MADE HIS WILL. HE7! UP IN YEARS GETTING YMsK , Gives to any meal come-o- n CHEESE ; No creaming, no easy mixing this Kellogg-quicegg-beati- 1 f id MUTT AND JEFF By Bud Fisher cup All-Br- an A cup milk ' 1 cup sifted flour 2 Vs teaspoons baking powdor Yj toatpoon toll , one ng k way, 1 egg 2 tablatpooni aoft shortening' Icupchooso gratod - chooso strips and milk la 1. Combine All-Brmixing bowl. 2. Eift flour, baking powder, salt together into same bowl. Add egg, shortening, grated cheese. Stir only until combined, full. Fill greased muffin pans an t Bake in preheated, moderately hot oven (400F.) about 20 min- utes. Place thin cheese strips on top of each muffin and continue baking about & min. 10 medium muffins I America's most famous natural laxative cereal for diets of Insufficient bulk try a bowlful today! |