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Show Tuesday, February 21, 1950 POLITICS: WEEKLY NEWS ANALYSIS , Sound & Fury The sound and fury of the upcoming congressional elections was increasing in volume. If the Republicans could make it stick, they had found their issue: "Liberty against Socialism. ' the HOWEVER, ' ' it appeared GOP was running into the same old ' trouble inability to get along. The ru lkH kf y me too element, while pretendthis WNI.) ing, or appearing, to have changed its collective minds, was, nevertheless chomping at the bit when called upon to embrace a more liberal attitude. In an closed meeting, members of the Republican national committee and house and senate Republicans attempted to iron out their differences. They had hoped that a proposed statement of prinwould ciples and objectives serve to unify the party and serve as a basic platform for the campaign electioneering. Out of the welter of discord came these arguments within the British Laboritcs Face Major Test; Lewis, liners Clash With Old Foe; U.S. to Continue Egg-PriSupport ce NOTXi W estatene (Forrori WnUra KitiHH' lilea'i BRITAIN: Bml ul r ualliU . Worning Sounded The pledge of Anthony Eden, British deputy Conservative leader, who, with Winston Churchill In today's and other party big-wi- g election, is hoping to overthrow the Labor party, that the Conservatives will work with all nations for peace, might have meant more than it indicated. EDEN, being the astute world diplomat that be Is, must know that there are elements in many places, particularly the United States, who feel that there must be no further support of power for the Labor party in England. position With the Laboritcs' often regarded as the fostering of socialism, the more conservative people everywhere fear it It has been an amazing thing to most students of world history how the British, traditionally jealous of their liberties, ever permitted the Imposition of this kind of government upon them. A reduction of the answer to fundamentals might explain that it came about only through the economic distress of the once proud and mighty empire. IT IS APPARENTLY assured that whatever the outcome, the Labor party faces Its severest test In today's election, ' Eden warned, in the first broadConservative speech in cast of the campaign, that the "United Nations is at its lowest ebb, the democracies are forced to pay dearly for armaments, and the nightmare of communism stalks, through Asia." He made s telling point In" recalling that the Labor party in 1945 declared that if it were returned to power, it could get along with the Russians because of its Socialist ideology and how the world situation had then. gone from bad to worse sinceLabor-tte SPEAKER OPPOSITION Fuel Minister Hugh Gaitsklll had told an audience at Leeds that the cost of socialism was high in Britain, and would remain high, but declared the cost worthwhile because under the Labor govern- -' ment acute poverty has really been abolished." That was a debatable point about continued which the argument while Britain voted. just-ende- d EGG PRICES: TAXATION: All The treasury of the United States wants to put the tax bite on a lot of organizations which are not now paying any income tax on the op- oration of unrelated businesses. The treasury made a request to congress that this be done, asserting that some labor unions, business leagues, social clubs and charitable and educational organizations were getting away with nonpayment of tax that the treasury Insists should be paid. Vance N. Kirby, the treasurys counsel, made it clear, however, that the administration tax program did not con- template such tax treatment t !. ( rly ( Thundering Again of religious bodies, except as they might be affected in the operation of educational institutions. He said the proposals would apply to labor unions, business leagues and social clubs. He also emphasized that the tax was concerned recommendation only with "business income which is not incident or related to the .exempt purpose." Attack of Amnesia T ransforms Into Roost Ruler Milquetoast " " By BILLY ROSE The other day I picked up the telephone to call Eleanor, and It was almost half a minute before I could remember my number at home. At the time, this memory lapse didnt seem worth brooding about, but last night I happened to meet up with a I psychiatrist at the Stork Club, and over a jigger of ginger-betold him what had happened. It was probably a mild attack of amnesia, ha said. As a rule, the victims are folks who, consciously or unconsciously, want to escape from their routine chores, and every now and then their minds blank out as a well-kno- er protest against doing the same old things the same old' way. What kind of pills should I mud bit Ufe for brrt. And within take? s yeer, tbr mm wbo used to hr Fun pills," said the e gey dog become ell dog e "Buy yourself a sailboat, take Westchester version of Cesper up Milsfueloest. or get a set of me come in where you are weeping, friend. "After two years of being yamwater colors and mered at by his missus, Jerry let me take your hand. learn how to came in to see me one day and paint" said that he was having trouble who have known a sorrow such as yours, party: And supposing with his memory that it was to most of , Vigorous opposition I dont? Gin understand. blacking out on him now and then. Mr. Trumans Fair Deal policy. Chances are I him asked some about Let me come in I would be very Still questions A middle-groun- d on U.S. foreign nothing will haphis home life, ard when he told of continuance policy, advocating Beside you in your grief; pen except that me what it was like I advised him a the policy, but sharply youll forget to stand up to his wife, and if necesI would not bid you cease your weeping, friend, criticising the administration of it. few more phone her down occasionally. sary, slap On of "secthe Particular condemnation numbers. Tears bring relief Like a stack Vlctrola record He told me, quite seriously, she ret agreements at Yalta and Potshand, or an old movie constantly wouldnt stand for a such thing. Let me come in I would only breathe a prayer, dam. theres always the possibility that John L.' Lewis, mine One morning several months comto of more and the the spells may get longer Opposition spread nioa esar, was In the news . And hold your hand, later, he came to and munism. frequent Thats what happened told me quite a tale.myIt office, seems again, this time with another that Denunciation of any socialized not long ago to a good friend of For I have known a sorrow such as yours, on his way home the night before coal strike on the boards. health program, wage and price yours." Lewis gestures as he appears he had had an attack of amnesia, And understand. control, the Brannan plan, a before the conference table 15 hours later and when he to came RETURN to a balanced budget GRACE NOLL CROWELL JERRY and Fm sure you know in a New York hotel room, dnrlng contract renewal talks and repeal of wartime excise, taxes. the Jerry I mean used to be one he was which broke down. with no idea of what had happened --Jh A fair price for the farmers of Broadway's leading juveniles in between. products. p stay-ulates. Five years ago, and 1 phoned his wife, and from her PITMEN: "At tbit point, bit missus That was the scaffolding for the as you know, he put away his hair-o- il an open window, hoisted himself afory, managed to put the pieces welked in, told him to stop ployAn Old Foe platform which the committee then recognizing nothing, and got a Job producing radio together. through, Jerrys memory had would satisfy all the Repubing cop end robbers, end begmn out the situation. shows. And not long after, he marAn old and hated enemy was hoped snapped as he got to the door of stopped to puzzle licans. indicated First results it bodgering bim et the top of her a the of network of man sort ried What he? Who was daughter L. Lewis with John again at grips over-tixe-d will not. All of which would bring executive, bought a home in Scars-dal- e his bouse in Scarsdale perhaps in lungs. But Jerry, the and his United Mine workers. smiles to protest against the stuffy people would climb through the window inburgler, insteed of melting into and decided to settle down. After a delay which brought him asmuch asDemocratic hopefuls, his wife had invited to dinner a house? burga of Only strange the cerpei, belted her one right there is little hope for and all he knew was that ha was lar, of course. Ergo, he must be a ' in the sharp criticism. President Harry victory at all by Republicans who . "WtU, at often hppnt when teeth. Truman had turned to the device are divided. It would be standing on a strange stoop. e girt bos too much dowry, bit burglar. And so he tiptoed uptough all there was to it. SomeThats he declares he hates in order to wife did most of tb e fettling for stairs, entered his wifes bedroom enough if they were all united. . bim. Sb mode bim excbmge bit bring order out of the coal strike "AFRAID TO RING the bell, he and began stuffing her Jewelry Into how, he got back to New York, checked In at a hotel and when he chaos. friends for btrt, bit fun for brrt sneaked into the back yard, found his pockets. FOREIGN AID: woke up his amnesia was gone." THERE WERE MANY who had Did you tell his wife that her begun to wonder if Mr. Truman-kno- wn Bottomless Pit? husband wasnt himself when he for the stubbornness be emThe question of whether the clipped her on the chin? I asked. ploys when balked ever would re- United States ever would be freed The psychiatrist smiled T-Of law to resolve the of the burden of supplying economic sort to the course not, and whats more, I admine deadlock. Now that he has, aid to Europe was beginning to ocvised my patient to keep mum. it would cause much delight in the cupy the minds of many U.S. citiJerry went home to a big reconranks of the political opposition. zens. worm-turciliation scene the old T-dolWith more than eight billion The law, however regarded, story and ever since, the has been used several times in na- lars already spent on efforts tomore spine he has shown the more tional emergencies with sn effect ward European recovery thats on supine his wife has become. bethe basis of released figures and that gives it a real eause for ONLY going to be here hold. He had a vague idea of resBut he did see her. Connie 1 went to his house for a poker ' ing. whether anyone likes it or not. western European nations now ffjUDS J a couple of weeks, Connie cuing Jud from the swirling torcame ever that night and found session recently, and the only The miners, however, showed asking for another four or five bil- said. "And after all, hes my him sitting alone on the porch. rents, thereby establishing Juds time she came in the room was defiance. They still chanted the old lion for the next two years, the brother Toms guest and its up to weakness in his "Hello, she said, where in the when she brought in the drinks. To Connies .Blind end traditional refrain: "No contract astronomical figures were becom- me to help entertain him. You world have you been? own prowess. date, there have been no recurno' work." And it looked like a ing more astronomical. understand, dont you, Marc? on business. Unexpected." rences of amnesia, and its my "Away off was as far contract agreement The apparent situation Indicated Sure, said Marc, not looking SUDDENLY HE KNEW that he Well, I should think so." She belief that if Jerry doesnt take the President named a that all the ERP supporters had to at her, "sure, I understand. You was helpless. There was noth- came close to him and sat down. any more nonsense from his wife, board of inquiry who would at- do in order to get more funds for go ahead and be nice to him, Conhe could do about the thing ing Jud left this morning. He asked there wont be. to amazrestore to peace in the European aid was report tempt nie. I understand all right was that happening between Jud me to say goodbye to you. "Are yon suggesting I go borne troubled situation. ing progress by the foreign naWhich was true, bitterly true. and Connie. The feeling that he "Juds a good egg," Marc said. end bong e shiner on Eleenors TO THE BOARD, President Trutions on the road to recovery, and Marc had begun to understand two had toward Jud was not one of GoodConnie. 'Too good, said man named David L. Cole, Patter- immediately temper that with a oyer I esked, days after Jud condemnation, but envy. If Jud ness, Id hate to be married to a son, N. J., attorney who headed a "but the "but being that more "In your case, said the psychiaMorrison had were trying to steal Connie away, man like that. similar board in 1948 that settled and more money would have to be 1 doubt if its necessary. trist, tl at landed was he so the doing would? "You astonAny said Marc, unwittingly. a bitter contract row between spent if recovery were to be 3-lfinuif you have any more However, toT one Norbert8 fool a could but he wasnt ished, why? tell Fiction Lewis and the operators; John permanent trouble aware of any understanding existremembering visit telephone fortnights because I would. Why? why, The Marshall plan is supposed to Dunlop, Harvard university busiId suggest you invest Jud was big and ing between the girl and Marc. He's too She numbers. ness school, and a veteran in labor end in 1952, but the follower of U.S. handsome and had a tew dollars in a water-colo- r set. And besides, Fm satisway with him. And so Marc abandoned his laughed. relations; and W. foreign policy as it affects aid to In college he had been quite a management fied with man I the have a man scheme for revenge. Willard Wlrtx, Northwestern uni- needy nations would lay the "cusTom Norbert his roommate, whos big enough to be kind to a " that the plan rage. versity law professor and former tomary returned home the next day, man like Jud Morrison. him before he arhad about raved They chairman of the wage stabilization will not end in 1952. rived, but even Connie hadn't ex- and the day after that Marc made Abruptly he laughed, and when, board. By that time, with crisis mount- pected such a splendid specimen a business trip to Belknap. When puzzled, she asked him what was Theirs would be the difficult job, ing on crisis because of the imml-enc- e of manhood as Jud proved to be. he got back, Judson Morrison was funny, he shook his head. of the because John L. Lewis was a diffiand word that A roadster stopped before the gone. Marc didnt call Connie. ToThere's nothing really funny, cult man to deal with. He might be Russia already has it it logically house and Jud came bounding up morrow or the 'day after he was he said. I was just thinking about even more difficult since his three-da- y may be expected that there will be the walk. Hi, Connie, he grinned. leaving on a months journey up- a close call I once had how near work week had reduced the found multiple reasons for continAll set for our round of golf?" state. He didnt want to see Connie I came to making a fool of myself uance of aid to Europe to an extent nation's coal stockpile to a Then he saw Marc standing on the before he left. It would hurt too and what a relief it is to know I supply at the time of the whereof no man can see the end. porch beside Connie. "Hello there, much. BY INEZ GERHARD escaped. strike. Marc. How about Joining us?" THE SUCCESS of Halls of Ivy", Marc smiled and shook his head. RED (NBC Fridsy evenings,) proves tena he said. Ive got "Thanks, that radio sponsors who for years nis date. See you two tonight Terrific Echo LAST WEEK'S lave been heckling Ronald ColCROSSWORD If, he reflected, he coaid There was a sudden and dramatic man and his wife to do a radio ANSWER only get Jnd eat of his element Interruption in all the talk about program were right For 10 years, the college here the hydrogen or Just as perhaps during which he had made but one wouldnt show ap so writ everyone was pondering the fate of film a year, Mr. Colman had held on monstrous which a world the off, and Benita backed him up. Several nights later at the counACROSS 48. Solitary 13. Secure weapon might be loosed, along club dance Marc got Connie try 49. L 16 Afresh Upright Longing esme a report that the Russians alone and suggested a fishing trip 5. Cyprinold 50. City (Okla.) 19. Native of already had it for the next day. We can take fish DOWN Boston The reporter was an Englishman, Jud along, he explained. 9. Like a wing 1. Cant Itll 20. Soak fiax a Mr. de Courcy. who claimed that 10. River be something new in his exper2. Eskimo tool 24. Water god he had secret sources inside the 3. Beaches ience and probably he'll get a bang (Eng.) (BabyL) iron curtain which told him what11. Dried plum 4. Care for 26. Neuter out of it , ever was going on. 12. medically" Pineapples pronoun Connie, who liked fishing herself, THE CLAIM was a bit rugged 6. Skip, as a Thrice (So. Am.) a was idea. it thought grand ac14. King of for the average American to stone, on (mus.) And so the three of them drove Bashan water Clubs cept inasmuch as there was still to Beaver next Lake the up day. 6. Greedy no actual proof the Reds ever had (Bib.) Large, 15. Period of 7. Kind of 37. Move sidethe atomic bomb; Still, it was a tropical time riddle lizard ways nice, frightening topic of talk, and 17. 8. Outer layer Former Twilled 38. Coalition G e r t r d Voleynlk, (right, discussion was rather widespread. Russian of teeth fabric 40. Dancing girl Naturally, the first impulse was above) shocked Berliners by 11. Game played 33. Fastened council (Egypt) a great rushing to revamp all Atto the the raise power claiming 18. Large RONALD COLMAN on horsewith wax 44. Stitch lantic defense plans and, perhaps dead and heal the sick. She 34. Sums up marine back 6. Cuckoo Then Jack more naturally, to talk of greater first amazed Berlin when she Benny talked them incrustacean to doing a guest shot on his U.S. outlay of arms for herself and rifted in from eastern Gen pro21. Medieval gram, and other such appearances the pact nations. man territory and Issued, an boat ' followed. Finally Amid all the excitement ran an 22. Biblical appeal to parents of recently along came Don Quinn, who years ago had undercurrent of spy thrills and nadeceased children to bring character brought Fibber McGee and Molly to the 23. Sewing imtional menace with the disclosure them to her for revival. There He air. who had that a German physicist, had written the perfect were no takers. The healer plement 25. Perch show for the Colmans for Colman worked with the British in deis shown here attempting to 28. Sailor as a college professor, Benita as had given care a paralysed woman who veloping the an (slang) secret Information concerning that said she felt mach better hia wife. Result. 29. Sharp to tha "The Halls of Ivy a hit from the after treatment. weapon to the Russians. taste sart -32. United "And, besides, Fm satisfied EUTHANASIA: States of Good Omni? with the man I have a man Morey Amsterdam Is lining up America who's big enough to he kind Cast in Point bookings for a spring concert tour; (abbr.) to a man like Jud Morrison. seems the comedy star is an ac35. Past Advocates of euthanasia As jitters mounted over reported mercy 36. Recomwould for complished cellist whom find their support leaks and treasonable acts con- killing" In the afternoon they put on their menced ing musicians have praised. He cerning the secrets of the hydrogen views in the action of a Bridgeport, waders and fished. to perform both classical and 39. Large fish plans in blond Conn., jury acquitting officials and bomb, apprehensive Connie elected to show Jud how 41. Fastener selections citizens were further disturbed by Carol Ann Paight of the slaying at to rig his line and cast, and watch42. Advertisefather. reports that a former clerk in the her cancer-ridde- n ing them Marc knew a feeling of ment Listeners to Elliot Lawrences French consulate at Stettin, Poland, A jury made up of all parents frustration. He had planned to 43. Extents of Fridsy night air show may soon had confessed he had led an espionfound the college girl somehow get Jud to follow him into canvas hear his age network that obtained Informs-tlq- p not guilty of slaying her father. the rapids where the going was 45. Lettered composition, Ballet for Thirsty Arabians In on British military moveCarol Ann had fired a bullet through treacherous and where only one telephone Search of Water." Elliot says It ments. He was identified as Andre her father's head after it wat plates experienced in such things could was inspired by the water IT. Entitle Simon Roblneau. learned he had only weeks to five. navigate without losing his foot shortage from which New York is suffering. mind-medic- skeet-shootin- Ter One In Sorrow o. g, LET othtr ) f ns three-memb- Ho Humpty Dumpty The American egg situation had no chance to rival the nursery Humpty Dumpty story, inasmuch as federal price supports were fixed so that no such fall as occurred to egg could hapthe nursery-rhym- e pen to his modern counterpart THE GOVERNMENT, which al- ready owns some 100 million dol- Jars worth of eggs intended to keep on buying them through March of this year. The idea was to support the price at an average of S3 cents a dozen on the farm. The governments policy was quaintly stated by one federal official who summed it up with: "The hens are laying their fool beads off." The farm price of 25 cents a dozen was about 75 per cent of parity, a level calculated to be equally fair to producers and consumers. Producers of dried eggs, the statement said, would continue to get about 95 cents a pound. Most of the eggs the government buys are dried. In the past two years it has accumulated about 73 million pounds of these eggs, most at a price of $1.26 a pound. Some are stored in a cool, cave near Atchinsos, Kansas. The rest are in warehouses in other sections of the country. THE QUESTION of what to do with them has become the major problem. The law permits the department of agriculture to give 'them away if they are kept out of commercial, competitive channels. This restricts them to welfare purposes and similar uses. Get 'Em ( BROADWAY AND MAIN STREET er elght-to-five- two-wee- k Claims Rare Power B: PlillE JT ' top-ran- semi-classic- al latest f |