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Show ( Tuesday, February 15, 1949 THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAH PAGE TWO needlework patterns 1 Edgings Are Dainty Sew Some Colorful Potholders i Pneappe Army, Navy, Marines Join In Big Caribbean Maneuver By BAUKHAGE . Newt Analyst and Commentator. WASHINGTON. About the time these line are in print, 33,000 American soldiers, sailors, fliers and marines and a hundred ships will be shoving oft for the greatest peacetime maneuvers in our history. Providence permitting, your correspondent will be on the scene. A strange and sinister aggressive fore which will have seized and fortified the island of Vieques la the Caribbean will be bombarded by sea and air, attacked, and (we trust) captured by a Joint marine corps and army expeditionary force landed by navy ships and planes which have fought their way past enemy planes, and submarines. The purpose of this undertaking to ad didn't want snd never expected to officially described as vance and ensure have with the shadow of tragedy combat readiness over him. A man who was at first for Fleet Marine so anxious to reassure the country Force Atlantic that there would be no break in units, and to pro-- v the continuity of leadership that he 1 d e amphibious sometimes rushed in where a more training for Army experienced man might have feared and Marine Corps to tread. units." There were many Admiral W. H. P. remarks with some disastrous results. Then came a Blandy, commander-in-chief of the period when he leaned ever Atlantic fleet will backward with cantion; after be in over all eom- that, the period when his own mand. Lieut. Gen. party seemed to be falling apart and It was no secret that J Keller E.willHockey, comBALKHAuh. the man In the White House USMC, was disappointed and unhappy. mand the Joint marine corps and army expeditionary Then came a gradual change troops which will be composed of which even many of his intimates the second marine division and the did not reslize, a change that grad65th Infantry, Caribbean command. ually culminated In the combative confidence which most of his supMany of these men are vetporters failed to share. Washingerans of Paclflo landings and ton watched his election campaign the North African operations, with considerable admiration for but, the experts tell me, there his fighting spirit but without being are many thlnga to be learned convinced that even he, himself acfor great progress has been tually had tha confidence he dismade In amphibious training played. since the war. Then came the election upset and Its This is the first operation of two months later, the tremendous kind since the merger of the armturnout at the inauguration. There ed services has been In effect, and evidence for those who could wu nothing approaching it in size hat it, in the manner of deever been attempted in peacetime. recognize of his inauguration speech, livery Of course the marine corps was that here waa still another Truman. virtually born amphibious snd for At that first press and radio conthe past 28 years has perfected the ference, It was plain enough. 'At methods which were used In the last he was his own man. He felt late war. Now they serve as the he had earned his office. He probinstructors In this particular field ably had fcit all along that he was of activity for the other branches fully competent to carry on its reof the service. sponsibilities. But now something Maneuvers which get comparahad been added: a controlled tively little notice In the press are largely regarded by laymen 4s a I think Mr. Truman was sinspectacle or ss a series of highly cere when he told a luncheon technical military problems which meeting of the Democratic are too Complicated to follow. As party1 finance committee that actual'man-euvers of a matter fact, the there were a million men In the are a small part of the operaUnited States who would make tion compared .to tha planning a better President, but It was when to which dates back the day his job and ho would carry it Caesar took bis famous tenth leout. ne, was simply saying gion from small boata onto the aoil that ho realised there were of ancient Britain, or before. men In the country with greater ability than he had. He Perhaps the earliest Important invasion from the sea In modern didnt aay, Bor did he think, times was one of the most unsucthat he didnt have enough abilthe cessful Gallipoli batity. If events prove that he tle when the British troops were alhasnt, he probably will be the most annihilated In their first atfirst to admit it. That la my own interpretation tempt to invada Turkey In World War L and is offered for what it is worth. It is an impression based not only Intensive study ef this deon what Harry Truman has said bacle was made In this counand done, but largely on the way try, and the marines bad made has said and done It. If he he 1 e n before strides great f continues to handle himself in the World War II made aneh trainway he has since the election, the ing neeessary. Very few pee-M- e men in government and out, in his realised this. In fact, many own party and out of it, will find people probably think that the a lot easier to deal with. Likehim on a had tpecUl patent Japs he is going to be proportionwise, amphibious tactics. mere successful with those As one officer expressed It to me, ately with whom he has to deal there it nothing secret about this method of fighting. It is simply Press Conferences A vast a question of know-how.- " Have Changed, Too conglomeration of minute detail At a recent White House news which is not used at all in ordinary an old timer came up conference, an For example, land fighting. to mq and remarked that tne last Infantryman take for granted that he and his rifle art more or less few ,times he had attended these on piece. But the first time he gatherings, all of which had been has to go over the side of a ship especially well attended (well over he couldnt help and Into a small craft, he suddenly 100 reporters) finds he is faced with a major prob- thinking back to the days of Taft lem in assuring not only his own when, as he put it, Robert Small arrival on the beach but, What is of the Associated Press and perhaps one of two others who used to be equally Important, the simultan-eou- s arrival of his gun. If you sneaked into the back door of the have ever tried to crawl down a White House for confidential talks net with no equipment whatever, with the President, but no other newsmen or women had any access you realize H requires all the hands ' whatever to the Chief Executive. you have. 1 was not in Washington then but thousands But long before of details have been worked out later I came to know Small very hundreds of miles from the scene well and I know he was known as the fair haired boy of the Taft of action. As one officer put it, It was the first the stack of charts that have to be administration. . drawn ere e mile high. Beans, time I had ever heard the expies-sionnewsa was brilliant Small of bullets, shoelaces all are part the picture quite as much as radar man and' Taft w as very fond of him. I well recall the and range finders. The little island of Vieques will (Taft Was then chief Justice) combe pounded with tons of shells, forting Small s father at Bob's funrehauled, mauled, captured, and de- eral.' The former White House was young comparatively porter subserted, and then "go back to a tropical siesta. But what happens when he d.ed I do not know bow the press there on and before March 2 and 8, 1949, may be of vital Importance corps felt about Smalla Inti- mate relationship with the White a decade .hence.. House or (lie other fortunate A New Truman ones who were given these exclusive privileges but 1 doubt Ceing to Work If It occurred to anyone to sugAs the Ides of March approach, the new administration swings into gest the possibility of having Its stride with a good deal of honeyregular open press conferences. Teddy Roosevelt, howmoon fervor still in the air. From ever, did call In press associtha day of the first White House ation men on occasion. press end radio conference after the inauguration. It wee clear that And yet such a situation (no reg we bed a new President. ular conference) seems lncrediblt Washington reporters had be- - today. No President would dan eom used to several Harry Tru-- 1 refuse to see newsfolk and stam. Brians. There was the very grave up to questions which sometimes and not very certain man who was are mort impertment that d fat 1945 to a Job which ho nent. PALS WITH LEMUR . . . Harley F. Cope, photographers mat 2C, makes friends with a lemur brought from Madagascar by members of a U. S. navy science group. The group studied tropical diseases an a 32,000-mlltrip. - F- FULL-SIZwedWEDDING FOR SHORT-SIZFOLKS . . - Full-sls- e world. ding bells rang out for a romantic couple from the plnt-elx- o Sandrina Gassano, 40, who la 37 Incbea tail, wed Eddy Koslickl, who la 39 inches tall. The is Betty Kosllcki, sister of the groom, and the best man is Frank Woods. Msgr. William Barry performed the ceremony. SandrLna la from Pisa, Italy, and Eddy la from Wilke Barra. E E mald-of-hon- t or UNIFORM . . . MSgt. Edward Ancaa is shown here modeling the air forces new NEW uniform at Its first official showing at the Pentagon building In Washington. Uniforms for both officers and enlisted men are Identical, but will not be in use before 1950. slate-blu-e To obtain complete crocheting instructions stttch illustrations and complete directions for Pineapple Edging! (Pattern Nb 5669) send 20 cents In coin, YOUR NAME, ADDRESS and PATTERN NUM BER To obtain applique design, aewlng Instructions and color aupgesttons for embroidering features of the Handy Help-er- a Potholdera (Pattern No 5434) fend zt cents in coin, YOUR NAME. ADDRESS and PATTERN NUMBER. SEWING C1RC1 E NEEDLEWORK 530 South Wella St. Chicago 7, 111 Encloia 20 ccnta tor pattern. No Name Address. f V' r -- Bread crusts, left over after the preparation of certain dishes, should be dried and made into crumbs, then stored m the refrigerator in a covered jar. a When making clothes for children, buy an extra card of matching buttons for each garment. Such buttons are priceless when it comes time to replace lost buttons. e. a ... VICTIM OF GEM THEFT Kneeling In hi littered office, jeweler Jerry Pecorelll shows New York policemen how three boldnp men taped him and hound his wife to a desk leg at Dynamic Setting company before fleeing with approximately $15,000 worth af Jewelry. Pecorelll and hia . .. ....... ,. wife reside in Weebawken, N. J. ... , r OPPOSES GAG RULE . . . Sen. John C. Stennis (I)., Miss.) leads the southern delegations fight against an overall gag on senate debate. He has, however, agreed to support rule banning filibuster on national seenrity. Few patterns for little girls call for a placket opening into the skirt: but a sash just cant pull in and conceal excessive inches of dress material a zipper in a placket and two waistline darts, front and back, will make a surprising improvement in the fit and appearance of the garment. Baked potatoes should be carefully timed in baking and promptly served to avoid the loss of this vegetable's valuable vitamin C. A coat of spar varnish applied to wooden drain boards in the kitchen will provide an extremely durable finish. a Cream whips best when it is very cold, but egg whites whip best when they are at room temperature 70 ; l degrees fahrenheit. Relief Beyond Belief For Dry Eczema Itching it "Wouldn't be without they say about Resinol the famoua ointment that gives such blissful, lingering relief from the fiery itch of common alun imtaUoaa. Try it I It I" a wonderfull" That a what High-Scho- Graduates ol CHOOSE YOUR CAREER IN A GROWING PROFESSION! --open lo girl wider 85, graduates and roliega girls. opportunities ererp year for the graduatenuram -- beet preparation fur hoth and marriage, -ak for more Information at the hotpiial where yon would like to enter uuraing. high-tcho- Buy U.S. Savings Bonds! X FELLER FOOLING HERE REALLY DOESN T LIKE PAY CUT . . . All the amiability showing on the face of Rapid Robert Feller, Cleveland Indian hurler. Is Just for the cameraman and the occasion. This conference aver pay came to naught after two hours. Here, Feller and Cleveland prexy Bill Veeck are bolding the ends of a bogus dollar bill. Feller was reported to have been asked to take a cut in his estimated take of $82,000 last year. rS 'OfO yew 'NN'-- tcxs.s'an.sv v 'fXf. Jv- fn. ON TRIAL . . In Washington. $ Atk Mother, Ska Knows . . , Clabber Girl Is tH baking powdOF with th balanced double action , Right, In the mixing bowl; Light, from the oven. Mill - - ' X AXIS 8ALLY Mildred E. Gillars, accused of being the Axis Sally of the wartime Nail propoganda radio, is shown leaving the courtroom X J , f VSX. v smv? Quick relief with MENTHO LATUM Dont give 3 perti-eaile- Crocheted Edgings POUR handsome edgings In the " popular pineapple motif that you will enjoy making. The widest measures 2 inches, the narrowest IV inches. Accent your bed and table linens with crocheted edgngs easy, quick and inexpensive to do. Brighten Your Kitchen Give your kitchen a fresh, new look with these amusing potholders. Each one is six inches id width and can be made of bright scraps youve been saving. Tha faces are embroidered in simple stitches after tha holders are finished. in to head-col- d misery gat Mentbolotum. Feel Mentholatum'i famous combination of menthol, camphor and other ingredients help thin out thick mucus, lessen congestion and swelling, soothe smarting nostrils. Soon soreness eases up, head starts to dear, you can breathe again in comjort. 35g and 75a. g GOP CHAIRMAN RETAINS POST Hogh D. Scott. Jr., shown above at left, retained his position as chairman of the national Republican committee by a narrow margin after the committee voted on the Issue in a meeting In Omaha. Scott discusses strategy with A. V. Shotwell, GOP -vtional committeeman from Nebraska. Many thought Scott would lose because of the spirited battle waged against him by Dewey foes BES1-FILLE- D SWEATER In Florida, that is. According to a select corps af Judges, the garment is worn by Martha Mitchell. Floridas girl for 1949. sweater Hi |