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Show Drod Eastern Carbon county has the brightest future of any area in the Intermountain area nbune Dragerton, Utah, Tuesday, June 13, 1948 Volume l NEW AIRPORT TO RE SPONSORED BY COUNTY THUS MAKING STATE MONEY AVAILABLE HERE non-prof- . 'A through the in- Airport Then bon company. finding that state funds would be available under certain conditions, they worked it out for- - the county to as- Dr. Cy Calllster sume sponsorship of the airfield assuring that state funds would be used for the completion of the field to the benefit of the people of East Carbon thus A primary party was held re- cently in the music room of the Dragerton school house for offcers and teachers and their guests Games pla yed and dances to and glrls for be the b r , m a r y were summer,s t uck lunch and danced A m was enj oyed fay all. Present were Wilma House, Mary Pierce, Margaret Downs, Shirley Oveson, Lila Burr, Vera Warren, Geneal Mortensen, LaDee Petersen, Molly Harrison, Alice . Pherson, JreneOviatt,Patsy Albina Banks, Myrtle Me Quarrie, Edith Dixon, Merly Al-- I ger, Dorothy Christensen, Pauline Waldron, Bernita Carter and Nellie Cowan. Bur-oth- er dick, i Three Geneva Men To Judge On Monday, June 7, the East . Carbon Rotarians were host to the Crvntpct 11 M AM VAMM.C51 Price Rotarians. After a very fine dinner prepared by Mrs. Tomsic, Mrs Oviatt and Miss Rouse the1- - The annual first aid contest of 70 odd Rotarians were entertain- - the Union Pacific Coal csmpany ed by Mrs. Ruby Mihalik, Miss at Rock Springs, Wyoming, will be held this Saturday, Kathryn Sele, and by the price la- -, June 19- Actin coming as iudSes in the a As skit. on dies who put hillbilly an added attraction, Harry Malaby contest wlU be Emery olson- - Ho off and Joe Harvey. with his pogo stick and Andy bar Pratt at the piano gave a jitter' This is a big day in the life bug rendition that had the boys of the Rock Springs people and the entire town will be on hand in the aisles. Dr. Frank Colombo was the to participate in the contest, From Rock Springs, Mr. Olson guest speaker and told about the in atomy: will go to Denver where he will latest developments energy and -- what it meant to the attend the annual .Rocky Moun-worl- d. Dr. Colombo particularly tain Coal Conference which will stressed that atomic energy is so be held on June 21, 22 and 23." revolutionary tftat the world if the could easily destroy itself people of the world would not Cam o eekS bUppOTt organize for its control. pr ruu - ' Sunnydale Baseball r--p. The Sunnydale entry in the Carbon Coal Baseball league composed mostly The Sterling Temple No. 21, Pythian Sisters, held a formal Tuesday, May 25, in the community building at Sunnydale. Nine ladies were initiated. The new members are Adeline Hannah Fowler, Mary Fowler, on Fowler, Dolly Muncy,' Dorothy Brillhart, Mary Zakis, Maxine Peterson, Mary Worthington and Virginia Durney. Beautiful carnations were presented to the candidates and to the grand officers. The birthday song was sung to Mae Hill and Marian Busch. Each was presented with a very lovely handkerchief. Bingo Party To Be Sunday, July 4 The bingo party to be given y the St. Marys Guild at the 3ood Shepherd Church in Jragerton has been changed Irom Sunday, June 27, to Sun-laJuly 4 The reason for the ihange in date is that Father Sanders will be out of town on hat date and will be out of town for most of June. y, of Spanish-Ameri-ca- ns, expected to request financial support from the Sunny-sid- e Welfare association to which employees of the Utah Fuel, Kaiser and the Utah Rock Asphalt companies contribute. So far, it is understood, this team has not had use of funds from the welfare association as has the Sunnyside team. Doug Tolis is team manager. is PEACE STEP, Meik, political writer for the Deseret was the honored guest at a dinner given by the Utah Fuel company at the Parkview Gardens Vivian News, list Wednesday evening. Shown above is Mr. Meik addressing the large group of business and civic leaders in attendance. GEIIEUA STARTS talked about a contract for the first time in his negotiations with the soft coal operators Saturday. And this considered a step toward a possible peaceful settlement of the difficulties between the United Mine workers and the mine owners. ' The turning point seems to have been Friday nights 2--t decision by the trustees of the miners welfare fund to continue distress benefits to miners after the present contract expires June 30. Trustees Lewis and Senator Stjles Bridges, (R., N. H.), over the operation of operator trustee Ezra Van Horn, voted for Lewiss proposal that death and disability benefits being paid out of a previous welfare fund (now almost exhausted) will be continued out of the present welfare fund At least they will be continued the money is freed of legal en- n tanglemOfltS.-yaHorn; the op- erators representative of the board of trustees, said he would try to block the move in thej courts. He had already filed suit new Register Today For Vote In November GUIDED TOURS THROUGH PLANT v. Carbon, Rosanna Dragerton, Marie Davies; Sunnyside, Evelyn Williams; Columbia, Katherine Biggs. Unregistered voters may register at the residences of the above named individuals. Seven more registration days remain before the general elections in November and include the following dates; July 3 and 27, August 3, October 5, 12, 26 and 27. Rosanna Preston resides at 146 Denver. Marie Davis resides at 125 W. Geneva Dr. Preston; South kellerThters DISTRICT JUDGE - . Dragerton poll-meeti- ng, It is absolutely imperative that the sprinkling regulations which are in effect for Dragerton be strictly enforced. For the information and guidance of the residents, the present sprinkling regulations are as follows: j A SECTION 6 a. m. to 12 noon daily. 3 p. B, D, and C SECTIONS m. to dark daily. At the present time many tenants are violating these sprinkling regulations. This must be stopped immediately. Otherwise it will be necessary to restrict sprinkling to possibly 1 hour per day. Instructions have been issued to the deputy sheriffs to enforce these regulations. Please cooperate and do not spnnkle except within the authorized hours. Your cooperation in this matter will be appreciated. JOHN W. GALBREATH & CO. By Gerald H. Galbreath, Jr. Julius Rossman, with Bob Williams as pilot, flew over Dragerton last Tuesday in a two seat puddle jumper owned by Buck ar j j cus-aft- er - To Operate Peterson Grocery be modeled. Ellis Peacock, who was Dorn in Sunnyside and a life long resident of Carbon county, "will take over the operation of the Peter- HARRY 'BUBB, TEXAS, VISITS SUNNYSIDE Davis. m FOR To the Residents of Julius Rossman Takes Air Photos Of Dragerton 0 War Not Likely Nuw Vivian' Meik said 'that Russia would only strike when she thought that she had the victory assured. Russia knows at present that she cannot cope with the United States even though she could overrun all of Europe within two weeks. However this does not mean that she is lying low at the present time. Russia is boring in from the inside. She is using everything in her power to take over so called liberal groups, idealists, but most important she is trying the most powerful of all the elements at her command, that of taking over labor unions. This she did in country after country in Europe, Russia has a very Small foothold in some unions in this country but the important factor is that she is trying to increase this with " each passing day. Up To Us It is- - up to us, the American people of all classes to fight this enemy we will never see, Russia will not be obvious to us in her tactics. She is very clever; we fre must be still more clever. cannot be taken in by her subtle ways. Thus we must always be prepared both mentally and phy-- if sically to fight against a country whose-aito the destruction of FRED W. KELLER the American way of life. Utah Is Vital iron and coal plus uranium is the foundation of a strong coun-t- o block $100 a month pensions, try and utterly necessary in time DID AGAIF1 and the case will be heard by.0f war. Utah has all three even Federal Judge T. Alan Goldsbor-- 1 though not greatly developed. The ough next Saturday. (countries of Europe would give Meantime contract negotiations anything to have the- resources of will be resumed Monday after- - Carbon county and southern Utah, SEEKS THIRD TERM That is why Utah will play such noon. ON BENCH OF In the middle of Saturdays an outstanding place In the he world in the years SEVENTH DISTRICT after Lewis reportedly ces had berated the operators for an that are abead District Judge Fred W. Keller hour or so, a messenger handed has filed his declaration of can- him a note announcing, the birth didacy with the secretary of state of his first grandson, born to Dr. for the Democratic nomination to and Mrs. John L. Lewis, Jr., in one of the two judgeships in the Baltimore. Seventh judicial district consistSome of those present said ing of Carbon, Emery, Grand, San Lewiss face broke into a huge Juan and Sanpete counties. This summer the primary work grin. He walked up and down Judge Keller will have served happily as he told the operators as outlined by the general terms by the end two four-yenews. He jokingly told them thorities of the I. D. S. church is . of this year and he is seeking his he would be soft for the rest of to be very interesting, and entertaining, according to primary of- the meeting. partys nomination and and teachers at Dragerton. to another term, which, under ,Rcers was chief Charles It ONeill, legislation passed by the last reg- spokesman for the operators, who. Studies will be made of the ular session of the legislature, disclosed that a contract was dis- -i British Isles, Pacific Isles, the and the Indians. Much will extend for six years instead cussed Saturday. He did so in Norwegians ke on Page Eight) about their larned (Continued to a reporters question replying f he and Lewis came out of toms and habits, songs, dances, how they weave rugs and make Ellis Peacock their costumes. Miniature villages-wil- l ' v L. Lewis 1948-4- 9 s The first registration day for prospective voters in Carbon county is today with the having registration places opened this morning at 8 00 a. m. They will remain open until 9 00 p m. tonight Registration agents for the East Carbon area include the Weekly guided tours for visitors to U. S. SteeVs Gepeva steel plant near Provo were resumed Tuesday, Geneva Steel company officials announced today. The tours will be conducted every Tuesday, beginning June 15, from 10 a. m. to noon throughout the summer and fall, according to the announcement. Persons desiring to see the Geneva plant should make reservations at Geneva Steel companys training division, industrial relations department, by noon of the Monday preceding the Tuesday they wish to visit the area Thousands of Utahns and visitors to the state have taken advantage of the tours in past years to see Genevas coke ovens, blast furnaces, open hearth furnaces, and rolling mills located on the edge of Utah Lake. Competent guides, qualified to explain operations at the plant and answer questions, will conduct the tours. It is planned that visitors will be taken through the plant in buses provided by the company, but transportation to and from the plant will be the responsibility of the visitors. Company officials also pointed out that tour participants must be at least 16 years of age and that all visitors, including women, must wear a head covering while going through the plant. No cameras will be permitted. Special tours for large groups, such as civic clubs, cap be arranged by contacting the training division, industrial relations department, at the Geneva plant. TALKSTERMS John In Race Again TRIPS TO STEEL WORKS TO BE CONDUCTED EVERY TUESDAY AT 10 Party Held For L. D. S. Primary Officers, Teachers C Pythian Sisters Hold Initiation LEWIS MAKES corporation o f the East Car- of in the neighborhood There will be two $5.000 00. strips , one a cross wind and both measuring 2100 feet long by 300 feet wide. In addition the field will be filled in and leveled Joe Bergen is head of the Civil Aeronautics Commission that will have charge of the state work The county as sponsor will let a contract to an individual or corporation who will build hangars, pumps, wind indicators and other facilities necessary for an airport This individual will in all probabilities open up a flight training .school. Some 40 students are reported as ready to take training as soon as the facilities are available. The advantages of an airport to East Carbon are that it will make flight training schools possible for those in this area It can be field for u ced as an emergency ice hospital, m.nes or any one ,se so needing to use it. An air- port in a Small common, ty is a definite sign of progressive think- ing m a community and it is pos.ble that the military service may look with favor on it and use it as the basis for an army air school There is more than an adequate amount of land available for all the airstrips that the army might ever need and a sufficient amount of space for barracks and service facilities. ROTARY HOST TO PRICE ROTARY phens They pushed where E. Number 50 The noted world traveler and war correspondent, Vivian as a fuest of Claude Heiner, general of the Utah Fuel Company. Mr. Meik, a native ofmanager but England more recently a special writer for the Deseret News was very favorably impressed with the great potential that is in t arbon county apd in all of southern Utah. He was amazed at the resources that we have here and have truly barely touched the surface of. In a dinner held in his honor on Wednesday Mr. Meik spoke to the group of the need for us evening having a great potential. lie said that Russia was very definitely a great enemy of ours. Her entire philosophy of government w,a!?.he ideally of the destruction of the capitalistic way of hfe which is the American way of life. Russia has 12 million men which she has educated from six years of age up with only one thought in mind the destruction of capitalism. These men know no other way of life thus are a very potent weapon to be used against us. The recently formed East Carbon Airport company that was organized by a group of men from the East Carbon section has been taken over by the county. The county has agreed to act as sponsor in assuming the control formerly it held by the corporation. ry Ste e, VIVIAfl MEIK GUEST SPEAKER AT UTAH FUEL COAL DiniiER FOR EC AS COUHTY TAKES OVER The ground on which the present airpoit 15 located is owned by the federal government under the grazing serwee It is reported tnat the giazing sen ice will either sell outright or lease the ground to the county As long as the airport is under county control the state will make available money to finish thefield and to put it into first class condition. The present plans as reported aie that the state will spend some- Sun-nysid- PER COPY 5c Noted Correspondent Visits Carbon County FIRST CLASS AIRPORT ASSURED Serving a combined population of 6000 in Dragerton, Sunnydale and, Columbia , Primary classes will be held on Monday starting June 7 at 2:30 p. 'm. for all age groups in the music room of the Dragerton. In a rough and ready game that Echoo, house started out as a slugfest and . turned into a real pitchers battle toward the end, Sunnyside de- - bOItDail ECagUC feated their bitter rivals, the boys from Sunnydale, by a score of 2. Winn and Hannah pitched for A meeting has been called Mon-dSunnyside, while Chick and Tony the twirling for the Sunny- - !day night for We purpose of le softball boys. Tommy Byers got 4 hits ganizing a six - team for Sunnyside, while Pres Sum- -j league for Sunnyside and was sitting alongside a dale to be sponsored under the cool stream habbing a few trout j welfare setup of the Utah Fuel and Kaiser company, according to I. Moreno Breaks jPres Summerhays, Utah Fuel rec- reational supervisor. The meet-LIn Accident jing was held at the Sunnydale i son grocery store of Dragerton. With an 8 mm. Revere camera of the newer families in Many H. of El Bubb Paso, Harry plus a telescopic lens a complete Texas, and the chief of the fuel East Carbon will remember Ellis roll of color film was taken. In- division of the American Smelt-- : as the butcher of the Price Tradid cluded in the pictures were all & Refining company, was a ing store in Dragerton,, Peacock ing the sections of Dragerton plus the visitor to East Carbon this past, has been in the grocery business business district. week. Mr. Bubb was renewing ever since he was knee high. Sunny-merha- ys The purpose of the aerial pho- old acquaintances in addition toj At the present time Ellis is the Carbon newest of member the tos on hand an his- working on mining problems. The INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS toricwas to have as to what the com- American Smelting & Refining county school board representing picture MAN FOR KAISER HERE munity Rooked like in the month company is a large user of Utah the East Carbon and Wellington ' districts. of June, 1948. Any groups wish- Fuel coal and coke. eg l Andy Gensey of the industrial ing to see the pictures can get in relations department of the Kai- touch with Mr. Rossman who will CHILD HIT BY AUTO homes office. ser company at Fontana, Call- -, be glad to show them. The use of Mae Morris, four - year - old of Kaiser Moreno Coal the Jose was donated (daughter of Mr. and Mrs. fornia, has been transferred toj the telescopic lens Jamej Mine suffered a broken leg SatMorris of Dragerton, was hit Satthe Kaiser company mine and by William Dance. afternoon when a chunk of A recent Bureau of Mines urday urday afternoon. It was reported der coke ovens nere in East Carbon. coal bounced and caught him in Utah com' reduired 'child 'darted' 'of in front Child inside We leg. It was a bad break, but Mr. Gensey is married and at the car of Keith Stevenson of Co-- P30? to chanSe aU not the Mr. Moreno is in good condition, did which have PumP is lumbia Price. near the Menotti Grocery. present There will be a Welfare Ralph livingnT Mines of Bureau permissible plate considering We severity of the Show this coming Thursday, She sustained a concussion ot the MacMicheal, who was quite a break. Kimball four year brain, but is reported in fairly on them to be removed to the June 17. The double feature familiar figure around these parts, old son of Blackburn, fresh air side of the ventilating Mr. and Mrs. Alt Black- good condition. will consist of "Hoppys HoliFATHER SANDERS mention-Mr. current. The Utah Fuel formerly held the position which burn, was kicked in the forehead and Millies Daughter. day ATTENDS RETREAT Mr. Gensey "is taking over. and Mrs. Larry Stephens jed that there are no AC per-by a colt.-- He was rushed to the show will start at matinee The m i Dragerton hospital last Sunday Dragerton attended a family j missibles manufactured at 3:00 p. m. instead of 3:30 p. m. Mrs. C. B. Kloster of Sunnydale where he underwent an emerin Idaho Falls, Idaho, last ent. However, the pumps in use Father Sanders spent the past The evening show will begin in Salt Lake gency operation for a compound week. On their trip home they are of the explosion proof type, week in Salt Lake City. AU the spent the week-en- d at 8:00 p. m.-- -atCatholic diocese of the with has The priests complied company City visiting 'her sister, Mrs. C. skull fracture. His mother re- also visited friends in Provo and In retreat a tended held that J. Jackson. order. the city. a ports Logan. slight improvement. 23-1- i or-da- i i lUtah Fuel Pumps Ordered Changed Seriously Hurt By Horse j of pres-reuni- on , t |