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Show THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAII PAGE SIX Tuesday, May By PAT HILKER Corner had a pocketful of nickel. followed her to the change booth. He (toed behind her is the line, hi ere noting every detail from her soft, abort black curl to suede shoe. He even her doll-siz- e approved of her hat, a warm plum color the exact shade of coat and shoes. He was so busy with his survey that he failed to notice the nickel she left in the worn wooden cup ia the shelf. JEFF he the money-chang- yelled after her, You left your change I She must not have heard the man, for she was already through the turnstile and was disappearing down the stairs to the platform. Jeff tried to make his voice sound casual as he told the man, "Ill five It to her. "Eure dont The man grinned. blame you Jeff fumbled in his hast to get through the turnstile. He followed her downstairs and spotted her in the middle of the crowd on the platform, watching the F train roll in. he panted, "You Your change, left your change at the booth. She stared np at him, and the taps ot of the Incredibly dark vslvety eyes tossed hla haart lato aama rosy world far, far away, Dtsper-atel- y ha aearehed for Ue imeeth, brUiUat, exactly right thing ha never eenld think to aay an til it waa toe late. Bat, "Ysa left year cheage, ha repeated Inanely, and t the nickel. held "Why, thank you very much, ebe aid. and her voice was Just what it should hava been low and soft and sweet. "How nice of you to ehase after me I "Oh, thats ail right, ha said T . . . 1 . . . and thara ha stuck. She smiled rsther vaguely at him, waited a minute, and started to turn away when ha failed to think of anything alas to say. Wait, please! he shouted at her. He didn't need to shout he wss right beside her so close that tha crowd rushing out of tha train throw her against him. For a breathless moment, he saw her tiny hand clutch at his aoat, mailed tha wonderful rweatness of her perfume aa she laughed up at him. Ha supported her elbows and helped her catch tar balance. This seems- - te be your day lof rescuing me," she said, "Thanks again. Before ha could aay another word, she was inside tha car and tha door - was Then he realised he closing. hadnt found out bar name or anything about bar except that her left hand waa innocent of ring! wedding or otherwise. He darted down tha platform and door. It found a last didn't help much to know that he waa on tha same train with herons that ha bad no business on. It was Jammed and ha struggled hopelessly to get back to her car. He died n thousand deaths st 34th street, 23rd end 14th, afraid she would get off and ha would mist her in the late-closin- g mob. It happened at West 4th street, hut he saw her In time and bounded after bar, down tha stairs to the Sixth avenue platform, barely keeping her In tight He thought the looked right at him, Just before she wheeled and ran back Hope she isnt afraid up tha stairs. of me might peg me for a wolf, ha "No thats told himself. slllyl Probably didn't even see me." Ha chased beck up the stair to find that ah was not on the downtown platform. H looked behind the news stand, at both ends of tha long platform aha was not in sight. It dawned on Una to look across MAKE A FROCK IN CRISP CHECKS SUBWAY LOCHINVAIV FICTION -f rr-.-- y . . - ''"J ' 'mi "HI the track at the uptown platform where he saw her, just before the train pulled in. He skidded all tha way down the stairs, landing to an ungraceful and thoroughly disgruntled heap at the bottom. By the time he untangled hie long arms and lags and got across tha mezzanine floor and back up the uptown stairs, the train was pulling out and (he was gone. He was sunk, stymied, and be didn't have the remotest chance of catching her of finding cut what should have asked her any half-wi- t before he returned the precious The guard looked at her with understanding, looked grimly at Jeff and had a firm grip oa Jaffa collar aa instant later. "Bothering the lady, eh? Why you 1 ought te have you thrown ia tha Jug! Ia about 40 seconds, Jeff was standing dazed and furious outside tha subway station, hack where he had first maneuvered to walk close to the lovely little black-hairestranger. Why had she raised such a rumpus7 She must have seen him before, when she doubled back at West 4th she must have run away from d Kabobs Help You Keep Cool (See recipe Cool all-co- the booth." nickel. Who was the? Where did she Uve? Did she travel the same rout every day? Did she work did aha h didn't have the slightest clue as te how to find her again aver. Cursing himself for a blithering Idiot, he stepped, o the next train that cam along. Might as well go beck to 42nd street and ride his usual train back to hla lonely room and his lonelier thoughts. Of court h decided to be at that change booth every day lor tha rest of hie life, if necessary, until be found her again. H pondered an ad to run in tha Timas: "Will the beautiful lady with tha dark eyes who forgot a nickel at the change booth at 42nd street oa the sight of. . Back at 42nd street, be stoed gleomlly staring at her for several minutes before he realized it. She was standing oa the dawntown platform again, right where be had first muffed hie chance with this girt he had dreamed ail of his life f soma day meeting. She waa talking to a man, as absorbed that she didn't even glance to hto direction. Once more Jeff dashed upstairs, downstairs and along tha platform until at last h could reaek out and grasp her arm. She looked up then, surprise widening her dark eyes, and let out a e g scream. "Help! Eh backed away from Help! him, still screaming and started toward a subway guard. blood-curdlin- Fo-He- him! What was so frightening about him? He puzzled and groused over that problem while he drank two cup of coffee in a , little place across the street He didn't get the answer until h reached Into his pocket for his wallet to pay his check. Tha wallet waa gone. Jeff remembered the appealing way her dark ayes had held his when she was thrown on his chest on tha platform remembered those pretty little white hands as they clung to hla lapel tugging at his heart string and hi wallet LETS TALK ABOUT yoiL BY CHARLES B ROTH Tael A Daily Need One of the chief qualities of those whom you like and admire la a quality known as tact Chances era that In your lifetime and you've known very few me women who were completely tactful. But havan't you known scores and aeoras who wer not? You know tha kind I mean man and women who always are saying un tactful things that make you unhappy, that till you with doubt about yourself,- - that give you moments whea you wonder whether there ia such a thing as a kindly person in the world. Tact la without donbt the essence of oharm, graciousness - and at But de yon knew what gentleness. It ia?' It's merely tha perception of what to do or say under delicate or difficult circumstances. That's a definition of tact. But tact is much more a definition really. Taot is really a way of life. You cant be tactful unless you are thinking about other people, about what they hke, about their right and feeling more than you think about your own. The real value of tact in your life Is that it relieves tension end glosses over situations that might andanger friendships or cause you to lose in the eyes of other persons. If you have tact, you balaace both aide and never willfully- offend anself-reipe- - . ;vl xvS: Win ngtaa qmr The only rood thr Hon proud Ho , LYNN CH4MBERS ing. ( The aacond is to do most of your work in the cool of the morning, so that you won't be spending too much time right at supper time when it is so warm. meals The third is to plan and get the preparation out of the way before hot weather really hits you. There are a number of cool ideas such as meat or salads that can be whipped together early snd stored until supper time. Do this once or twice a week and see how nicely it works. Here are several ideas that won't require much actual cooking preparation. Use them often for variety. meat-fortifie- -- other person. - d lamb steak (siloed 34 inch thick) cooking oil lemon Juice 1 onion, minced 1 teaspoon salt 12 pound mushrooms Cut lamb into squares. Combine oil. Juice, onion and salt. Pour over lamb and let stand for several hours. Drain lamb and arrange oa skewers alternately with mushroom caps. Place four inches below moderate broiler beat and broil 12 to 15 minutes, turning several times. Serve with broiled tomatoes (broiled at same 4tme). JSl Perk Teaderloto to Sour Cream (Serves () 1 12 poaads pork tenderloin 3 tablespoons 6 tablespoons one-inc- tablespoeafiour Salisbury Steak (Serves 6) 4 strips baoou 1 12 pounds grand chuck or round 12 pound ground perk 1 tablespoon chopped onto I tables paon chopped paratey 1 teaspoon salt 12 toaapoo pepper Chop bacon and mix lightly with meat, onion, green pepper, parsley and seasonings. Shdpe into cakes and place then three Inches under broiler heat. Broil 12 minutes, turning once. ., Vegetable Sausage Salad (Serves 6) quart diced eeoked poll lees cups cabed salami or Thuringer sausage 2 tablespoons vinegar 2 cup large cooked 2 peas cap shopped eelory ptaieato. chopped sweet piskloo, chopped d eggs, chopped Mayonnaise and salt hard-oeoke- 1 Fat side, low using heat Serve Ho. 8134 At the riskd appearing un tactful, let me tall you that no on ever is born with taot, but everyone-- ' whe X Mix all Ingredients together and ever had it acquired R. And you add enough mayonnaise to moisten, can acquire it just at easily and salt to taste and extra vinegar! if Just at surely as anyone else eaa desired Heap in a large wooden Do you want to know how? bowl Unad with crisp lettuce and Tv already hinted at that eariiec ganush with tiny whole pickled beets to thia article I hinted at this wha and slices of hard cooked eggs I said that if you scanted to be tact ful you had to think more about the LYNN S4Y3: other person than you think nboul Color1, Flavor Contrast And that's the sdvioe 1 Will Whet Appetite yourself. am going to give you now. If you don't want warmer weather Think of that other person, try to wilt appetite, keep in tnmd into ee bis viewpoint, try to see teresting texture, flavor and color what bis like and dislike are. No contrasts in preparing foods Ask yourself what yea would da wane when food plates appetite if year respective roles were relook pretty. versed, And then when yon exRoU oranges and lemons until press yourself either by word or slightly soft before squeezing to get action, expreos yourself in unselmere juie. fishness to the wsy you think be For crisp, dry bacon, broil on a would like yon to. cake rack. Drain on unglazed paper. Pattern No. 16, 18, 20; 40 h; yards of with tomato sauce 8357 is for sizes 14, 42. Size 16, 3 Vi and 3V4 yards eomes in sizes and 42. Size 14, the Starch In the buttercup velltro box Send an additional twenty five cents for your copy of the Spring and Summer FASHION free knitting directions and a free pattern printed inside the book. Season cutlets with salt snd pepper. Dip in bread crumbs, egg and then m bread crumbs. Saute m fat for 13 minutes on each rCWINO CIRCLE PATTERV DEPT. Heath Wells SL Chicago I, ill. Enclose 2S ceats In coins for each SJ pattern desired. Pattern No m.. Num Address Jellied Tuna Fish (Serve 2 cans tuna fish, flaked d 2 eggs, chopped 12 cup sliced stuffed olives 2 tablespoons capers 1 tablespoon chopped chives or 6--8) minced onion 1 tablespoon 14 plain gelatin cup cold water 2 cups mayonnaise Lettuce, alicad tomato, sliced avocado Combine tuna fish, eggs, olives, capers and chives. Soak gelatin for five minutes in cold water. Dissolve over hot water. Add to mayonnaise, stirring constantly. Add to fish mixture and mix thoroughly. Turn into mold and chill until firm. Unmold on lettuce and garnish with tomatoes and avocado. Shrimp Salad, New Orleans (Serve 4) 1 cup cooked rice 1 cup canned or cooked shrimp h utes. I 1 Pattern 12, 14, 16, 18. 20; 40 3 yards of 36 or Breaded Veal Cutlets (Serve 6) veal cutlets, 12 inch thick Salt and pepper cup fine bread crumbs eggs, slightly beaten 2 1 ona-too- 1 Beverage 1 slices Cut tenderloin into and brown in fat. Cover with sour cream and simmer about 30 minutes until tender. Remove meat, add flour to cream aed simmer four min- 1 e. Chip Cookie Recipe Given ( Adorable Nightdress Give your summer lingerie wardrobe a touch of glamour with this adorabla nightdress that launders like a dream. Ribbon at neck and wasteline makes a pretty finish. Ideal gift for the bride-to-b- FIRST AID TO AILING HOUSES By Roger Whitman Is there anything QUESTION: that I could use to fill rather wide cracks which have appeared between baseboard and moulding7 ANSWER: That - joint can be closed with a form of moulding called quarter-rounThis should be attached not to the baseboard or flooring, but by long nails passing at an angle through the opening between baseboard and flooring and Into the timber behind. There will be continual movement in the flooring and baseboard through the seasons, and secured In this manner tha Joint will remain covered. 2 1 You Can Be a Partner Buy U. S. Savings Bonds! Why pay for wafer? GRO-PU- P 31 Sour Cream 2 Orange Juice h Fat 1 MENU Kabobs Broiled Tomatoes Boiled New Potatoes Tossed Greens, French Dressing Split, Toasted Hard Rolls Butter Chilled Pineapple Cubes in Chocolate delightfully cool house dress to defeat the hot weather. And so easy for the beginner in sewing just four pattern pieces. Try a crisp checked cotton and trim with bold ric rac. A simple hard-cooke- Kabobs (Serves 6) 2 pounds Cool House Dresa below) Tactics As soon as warmer weather starts seeping into the houce, many a woman asks the question, "How can I keep cool and still cook for the family? That is a neat trick, but you can do it, too. The first thing is to plan your menus so there are no long cooking ideas in them. Make a point of not selecting anything that will require more than 30 minute cook- than - 1948 LOVELY NIGHTIE FOR TROUSSEAU Xlie-- Hey, Lady. II, teaspoon salt tablespoon lemon julca tablespoon minced scallions or oaioa IS 92 FOOD 33 nourishing ingredients In Gro-Pu- pl One box supplies about aa much food, dry weight, as five can of dog food (many are 70 water). Bo get thrifty Qro-Pu- p, only Ribbon-typ- e made! tablespoons French dressing tablespoon chopped stuffed lives ABOUT AS MUCH fOOO AS five CANS 14 cup slivered green popper 34 cup diced raw cauliflower 11 cup mayonnaise 12 small head of Iettuea or esca-roi- e, finely shredded Chill nee. Clean shrimp, removing black veto down the back. Cut shrimp into pieces, then combine Poffjfo For GRO PUP Mode by KetloMt d Bottle Creek end Oaehe with remaining ingredients. Serve on individual beds of the shredded lettuce. Solod That Satisfies Salad suggestions always intrigue the homemaker who is interested in varying her menus, particularly when she wants to "dress up a eold meal for hot summer days. Here is one slightly different from the usual salad' Make lemon jelly to the usual manner, using lemon flavored gelatin or the plain unflavored gelatin and following the standard recipe. Turn into molds which have been rinsed with cold water Fill molds full. Let thia gelaabout tin harden. Then fill molds with a combination at chopped apple, grated coconut, celery and a bit of chopped pimento for flavor. To two cupa gelatin, use one eup chopped apple, two third cup chopped celery, one pimento and one half cup FiU molds with grated coconut. gelatin and chill until firm. Serve an salad greens with French dressing or a sour cream dressing. Released hr WNTJ Features h Vegetable plates are interesting if Have they are carefully planned you tried a aest of spinach with poached eggs. French triad onions, tomato stuffed with peas and creamed carrots7 Heres an idea that's as good as it is beautiful. Broccoli with sauce, sliced beets, corn fritters end green peas Stuff peppers with Spanish nee, then serve them en the tame plat with buttered carrots, fried eggplant and cole flaw with Russian dressma DRY VEACT |