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Show - I Tuesday, April 6, 1948 THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTQN, UTAH PAGE SEVEN Party Apron Has Gay Applique Ptrft latie CROSS BESTtLAUGHS BOBBY SOX town br OFTffB&WEEK inurcss RoUnd Coe Marty Links t Professor '' She's spending the night herel" Don't mind Beth. ( k . ,.V NANCY V- -- f By fcnrlt , v ' ' 1 , 1 By Ernie Bushmiller 5387 bib apron is THIS handsome easy sewing, looks so pretty for jour hostess duties. This appliqued pansy pocket in yellow and brown or purple end lavender adds a nice accent. Use organdy with eyelet trim, gingham or percale. EXPRESS SKYHl ELEVATOR A.l BUILDING J- - v SORRY, LITTLE REGGIE p' fit 'tv .. S BLIT THIS V.V. VAW .s ' .SV, V. (W To obtain complete cutting pattern, paaay appliou pattern, ftnlahing Instruction for th Panay Pocket Apron (Pattern No. S18T) tire 14. If and 18 Includ'd. Bond 20 Mnti In doln, You? Nib Addim tH Pattern Number. , SEAT'S TAKEN.' te ananunall, la no demand and mndltiena, alifhtly mere Oam la in Slims anion fat a law at tea Boat popular pattern. . Sand pour order tol Do current awxjruJH nuulrrd REGINALD ! IS THAT YOU ? WEEKLY RIO! By Ray Mathlsea 8EWINQ CIRCIK NEEDLEWORK South Wells St. tblcafa f, UL Enclose cents for Pattern. , S3 No. Name--. ddress- - MUTT AND JEFF By Bud Either WANTED TO BUY BUT AND SELL Office Furniture, Klaa, Typawritera, Add Kruiatere. ing Machine, Safea, MALT LAKE DESK EXCHANGE 21 Snath State 8L. Salt Lake City. Utah Ch INSTRUCTION ITS FUN TO PLAT POPULAR PIANO! Delight year friends In a few wetka. I uy, rapid method. Three trial leuona for 12.00, Pay aa yoa study 11.06 each for e ght addi- tional kemn hr mail. THE COODSEI.L STYLE Chapman, Fullerton. California f 2d W. TO RENT OR LEASE New value JITTER iy Arthur Pointer Jim BUT ISNY MUCH HELP AS A RANCH HAHD, HE'S HAVING PLENTY OF PUN I is WHY JITTER happened V t0V show you suppose late do COULD haveJ Y YST - ANYTHING Wt' .VsSfc. WONDE to NEXT DOOR WORRY-HE'L- up -- he's never.' Mieseo A furnlahed. Incl. kitchen beak hiring,. 6.1 00 wk. Motel, Cabrillo Rd., Palm Springa, California. In Palm lla FARMS FOR SALE By Blyyas Williams MtAU CANADIAN FARM Write M for TRKB IX. FORMATION an fan mttltment emwrtanltlaa. Partita aolli. S.mwibij priced. O. I. Cora-il-L Canadian Pwloa Aallvar, Vtacounr, B 0. HIM gef a Written You tarantf? when you buy from Coed Will r REGLAR FELLERS ip By Gene Byrnes M. Chat wncijis tmcy'rb'SthatIs the variety THEY ARE THElR v natural color is yellow' ftlPE, WHY ARe they YELLOW? MacSUf W . -H- THE HOOKED AWN4 5PENfM05f0nHfURlVf 3l$PjS& COUP IO0K W Cm 50 H WD4CNF0U RU5, OR W OUfjlW W<) Dt?cKc t AW PRODUCE. SfcSJ PILES TnODBLE? OR For Quick Relief ANP1 DONT DELAY ANY LONGER New. ' dortora formula you can nee at homo t( relievo dlatreaalng dlacomfort of pain e Itch drritatton due to piles. Tend to aofJ ten and ehrink awallln. Uaa thla proven! doctor formula. Tou'll ho amaaed at ItW apeody action relief. Aek your drugging! today for Thornton A Minor' Racial OJnui ment or Buppoaltortoa. Follow lahal taw otructlona For ante at all drag warm 1 ffeO t VIRGIL 1 CAN'T CO ME OUT-1V- I CELL INTH'MUOT E COT TO SIT IN BATHTUB FOR TH'NtxT THIRTY MINUTES - SURE have to Stay here Ic By Len Klei. BACK t 16AIH By Ed Oedd BOV OF AUTCWE5 , MR, HU A US, WILL SOU PLEASE DELIVER TWEM AT OnCE AWD StWD JUNIOR AL0H3 WilU TUSM 1 1 WANT ID GO 70 TUB MCME WOUUO YOU LIKE TO MAKE A LITTLE ' EASY MONEV WHILE YOU'RE WAITING KCWE f I 8UV4 UkJTlL IT ALL- - TW' O SILENT SAM . tdih skilfully medicated See how efficiently this sooti 'ng widely used ointment relieves th f H Te 6 Vays to Comfort OSGSoeioS J PouTMV SL OutiranU for 30 doyti Honored at any Jiuo atom In watlam Amnricm J0-J- 0 1000 miles. itching, smarting irritation of '1 Dry Eczema 2 Common Hashes 3 Simple Piles - K cleaned 34. A 8 &rT 6 f - - Chafiny Minor Bums Pimples (externally cawed) Soy today from it By Jeff Hayes -- uy dreggnL Um (roely. JOB in' OUR JLAPJP2.. L 1 ,y PRINTIKG ' Wa are aqu.pped to handle any land of Job Printing and when it come to Service, we can only refer you to our customer or ask that you give sm a triaL v S (i |