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Show Serving Drager-to- n, Sunnydale and Columbia. Combined population ,000. To! tune Operetta Staff For Tom Sawyer SUBSCRIPTION Irate to be East Carbon $2.50 Carbon Airport. Plans for East Carbon call for the erection of a hangar, and several potental flyers already have signified their intention of maintaining planes at the new field. Organization of the East Carbon air minded citizens is well under way. Heading the new organization is Dr. Cyril T. Callister, with Thos. McCourt as vice president and Larry Stevens, secretary. Sixteen directors, will be chosen, and work on the field will be rushed. XI PER YEAR The subscription price of the Dragerton Tribune will be increased to $2.50 per year beginning with the issue of Tuesday, May 4. This has become necessary due to the increased cost of It is also necessary production. that we come in line with the other papers published in the county, all of which maintain a $2 50 per year subscription rate. It is to be noted that the increase in the yearly rate does not become effective until after the close of our subscription contest. We will accept all new subscriptions as well as all renewals and extensions of subscriptions at the present rate of $2.00 up to and including May 4th. This new rate should induce our contestants to get new subscribers at this time. We also assure all our readers and friends, our aim is to improve the Dragerton Tribune from issue1 to issue. We aim to increase the size in number of pages of local news, and make it one of the best newspapers published in any Front row: Mrs. Justin Stys, Miss Davis, Mrs. Back row, left to right: Larry Busch, Pauli community the size of Dragerton in the west. Tratos, Katherine Zele, Carl Poglajen, John Poloni MihalikT Mrs. Varner, and Mrs. Crawford, A new air landing strip is assured East Carbon following a meeting of enthusiastic supporters this week. Work has already started on the strip, which is located about a mile west of Nicks dub on the Dragerton highway. This work, so far by volunteer workers, consists of laying out the landing strip, and with some grading and clearing. The Dragerton air strip is primarily an emergency strip, providing a quick access to anyone desiring to be taken from the area on account of accident or sickness, and also to allow landing of planes for other emergency purposes. The strip will be of regulation length required of a Class 1 air landing strip, and efforts are now being made to secure some state and federal aid. Last weeks meeting was attended by E. L. (Buck) Davis of the Carbon Emery Flying service, and he told the group their new field will be of great benefit not only to East Carbon, but would also work well in the training program now set up at the , Subscribe now tto get the pres- -i and Knute Crawford. ent rate of $2.00 per year. Sub- -, scribe to the Dragerton Tribune, The and help spread the news of the best community in the west Subscribe and give your support to your favorite candidate in our ot 4b Cast of the Seventh Grade Operetta t r I i - ; contest. jii i uL mtmi - 'T.f; April )i : n j h V Two Reported Outstanding Nineties Party Rotarians 25-2- ONLY GOOD SIGNS LOCAL INDICATE WORK STOPPAGE AT E. C. win 00XE0S aau cnoun op Everything is quiet around East Carbon since the mines were closed on Monday, March 15 Many of the men have left the community, even some have left their families with children here to attend school, while they vis- ited in other sections of the cqun- try. Several of the former mine have secured employ- in the construction work at Dragerton and Sunny- dale, while many others are tem- porarily employed at the con- and repair work of the Kaiser Frazer Parts company coke ovens. A trip around town will find many of the home occupants busy preparing their yards for the summer. They all are taking ad- -j vantage of the Lne days and the work stoppage to do things that would mean extra hours each day r the job the Price" Elks, two of our local boys from Carbon Jr. High School brought back championships of their respective weight divisions, Carl Garcia, Dragerton, yanced to the finals with impres-me- nt sive wins, and capped his per-bo- th formance off wtih a third round kayo over game" little Henry on Washington. er to cop top honors in the 126 jound weight division, Qarcja waJ ais0 awarded a beautiful trophy for being the outstanding fighter in the novice division 'Cunen; fighting for toe U8 d honors advanced to the flnals with a hard fou ght which he but one sided vioto W8S his opponent massaging the L Many are noted taking Cflnvas ln roUnd, . , ers fight-structi- j Vn down their automobiles and Bridgewater, hauling them. All are busy, and' hattler in the fi- to the stranger passing through als Cullen quickly disp ayed his Dragerton, there are no outward with a sizzling bar- superiority signs that a work stoppage or rage of left hooks and right strike is in existence. crosses that left no doubt as to Yards are being cleaned up, the outcome of the encounter. lawns put in shape, and again Other Price Elks contestants soon, East Carbon will have the were Cork mola who won the appearance of the fta commit- - 133 novIce championship; ?ity we have boasted of Many T Atwood who danced h homes are already putting out to division H8 uni junior flowers Dragerton will enjoy for wlth rjch ease that he eas-tfirst summer, the street imtook the title and also the ily provements placed last year, the trophy for being the outstanding sidewalks, curb and paved fighter in the Junior division. Tino Sandoval reached the finals in the junior 112 pound class, but lost out to IfiQ Butcher .of the Ro-tary Boys club. he East Carbon Boys Enter the Navy Welfare . Number 39 . ! Among the enlistments announced this week by Chief Floyd O. Packard of the- Navy recruit-- I ing office in Price were ' three ' boys from East Carbon. These were Donald Gene Collins,1 and Robert Glenn Knight, son of Mrs. Show Vondella Hanson, of 123 3rd West, 1 Thurs., both of Dragerton, and Billie D. of Sunnyside. Bishop There will be a free three enlistments are a These Associathe Welfare by 14 men sent in from of the part tion this coming Thursday, the Price office during the month 1. double feature The April of March. Six of these were from will be "MR. DISTRICT ATPrice, two from Helper, the two DEVILS TORNEY and from Dragerton, one from SunPLAYGROUND. The after, nyside, one from Spring Canyon-s-xnoon show will start at 3:40 P. ,5 J one from from one and Hiawatha, M. and the evening show at enlisted who .k Rexford, Montana, 6 00 P. M. p through the Price office. This t1 f f I ) inumber exceeds the enlistment of any other month since the Price office was opened on Oct. 7, J947 Success Tom Sawyer Is An Burglaries There have been 40 enlistments fv made through the office since it East Carbon Junior High School may well be The school appreciates the enthusiastic support In Price first started. proud of the excellent performance of the 7th given to them by the teachers, parents and the Two burglaries were reported Grade in the rendition of the operetta recently at public alike. m Price the past week, according Mrs. Ruby Mihalik deserves commendation the school auditorium. This is the first time that Gay to William S. Lines, chief of poGrade has undertaken this kind of a profor her able direction and training of the children 7th any E. C. For lice. Both occurred during the gram in this school. Approximately eighty children in the operetta Tom Sawyer. With such a sucOne at the night of March A "Gay Nineties party is schedtook part in this performance. The choruses were cessful performance the school is going forward on Home Building and Supply Co., club well trained as well as the principal characters. other plans for additional activities of this type found that entry was made to the uled for East Carbon Rotary on Club the at Carbon Country building by breaking a window 3. The event will in the rear of the building. Miss- Saturday, April Union COAL ladies and will also be night, ing was .$149.00 in checks and take the place of the regular currency with all but $25.12 beCURTAILS GAS COVERS Coal meeting on Monday, April 5. ing currency. Other articles missa be will A fine served, banquet G. F. Ashby, president of the USE AT PROVO ing are a 1765 German Luger, a will be followed Union Pacific Railroad company, Yankee Handyman rachet screw ?ind the dinner Commercial gas will be avail dancing. All those attending Production of the U. S. Steel has issued orders to replace coal driver, and some chalk line boxes. by to attire in the are in Provo after Saturday able requested locomotives set a new high record burning The second burglary reported with oil of the parties of the gay corporation was at the Carbon Locker Cold fashions of. 28,000,000 tons of steel in 1947, burners to the greatest possible night to residential users only as nineties. to the annual report extent. At the same time he long as the present coal strike in Storage plant, with no money President Dr. F. T. Jones, in according in the a amount check stated if deemed necessary the Carbon county fields continreleased The this but week. that missing, report of the announcement the to Lenoal S. King, making of $135.62. Also missing from covering all operations of the the use of diesels will be extend- ues, acco.ding party, indicated that 'as a parting of the Mountain States manager to as eastern as the ed this plant were a small subsidiaries well district. company gesture of his present term of Mr. Ashby made public this ac- Fuel Supply company. filing cabinet and its contents, office expiring, he will furnish had the following to say about With the cutting off of all class two days after the 3100 tion Geneva: consisting of master keys, two the prizes for the most appropriAt the end of 1947, steel pro- miners employed by the Union four and five consumers, no gas fountain pens, three insurance ate costumes. He has indicated duction at Geneva was close to Pacific Coal company, a subsid- will be available to such estabfor men will be one L , as business policies, and some other minor that the prize houses, iary of the railroad, had remained lishments of the ful1 PotenUa capac.ty thus of those remembrances Mr. idle in to L. with locker the theatres, toward John King said. Howpapers. Entry sympathy plant dark days of the panic of 1893. substantially meeting ever, many commercial buildings was also through a window in the What the ladies prize will be has the steel needs of the west. The Lewis pehsion demands. have standby heating plants so Mr. Ashby said: operation of this plant by U. S. not offered any intimation. rear of the building. I am instructing that oil burn- the cutoff does not necessarily Steel has also resulted in financial benefits for western steel ers, released by diesels on the mean closing for them. users by reason of the establish- southcentral district, be utilize All natural gas possible will be ment of Geneva as a basing point to greatest possible extent to re-- N brought in over the new make- for steel plates and structural place coal burners and if deemed shift line from Pleasant Grove, products produced there. A re- - necessary that oil burners be re- Mr. King said. However, the WHEREAS, it has been drawn to the attention of all the duction in freight rates from Ge- - turned to the southcentral amount available and connections real true blue Union Coal Miners and their wives within the y to the Pacific coast similar-- 1 trict and the use of diesels completed will be of little assistState of Utah that oil burners are still being used by certain contributes to lower delivery tended to the eastern district, ance in the business district. coal miners and their wives at Dragerton, Utah, at the Geneva prices for those products to west "I had not intended dieseliza-coaMeanwhile, cutbacks continued Steel Coal Mining Camp, in defiance of the Laws and Policies of customers. jtion of the eastern district unless a industrial plants in the Provo The overall wage structure was forced to do so, but it is becoming area. Officials at the Ironlou the United Mine Workers of America... more and more evident that I will steel covered as follows: THEREFORE, we, realizing that if this defiance continues, plant reported that produc Average hourly earnings of all have to do so if these miners in-- 1 tion there had dropped 50 per we, the Coal Miners of Utah, a little later on will find our employees were $1.55 and aver--; sist on being led by persons having I. crwtntinir Th. places of employment shut down owing to no demand for Coal age weekly earning $59 64, an in-- 1 neither their own good nor the.plant at Ironfon reported some and the constant use of oil. by coal miners themselves. welfare of the country at interest. crease of $9.73 over 1946. THEREFORE, we, the coal miners of Kenilworth and surequipment using gas had been out S. Olds, chairman of the; It Is upon such docile followers out of Irving to on now coal record all the operation and some layoffs go prevail upon rounding here board, said th? profit of 6 per of irresponsible leaders that the' ight be necessary soon if the miners and their wives to stop using oil burners within their cent of sales was the lowest for .enemies of this nation and Hs'strike continues homes and to demand all others to at once refuse to use Anything any peacetime year in the history form of government base their Schools in Provo apparently will within their homes but coal for our future livelihood and proof the corporation when opera- - hopes. be little affected by the gas shorttection. tions were near capacity. age. Brigham Young university , CAR OR, THANKS THEREFORE, we, the coal miners and their wives asWe would like to express our has converted almost entirely from sembled in this Mass Meeting go on record to ask every true CARBON WELFARE to those who help- gas to oil, according to Howard thanks Union man and woman in Utah to here and now go on record MEMBERS RENAMED In ed any way on the occasion S. McDonall, president. Ofare the to stand 100 by the Laws and Policies of the United Mine on The commissioners apof county sickness and death of our Provo city schools, three the to Workers of America bum coal. ard coal one natural bums gas, the of the father. husband and reappointment proved Also, for Respectfully submitted, the others have standby facilities, two Carbon county-- , members on the beautiful floral offerings, No. 1 the District welfare board Mrs. McFarlane and Elva WM. BYRGE, Family. principally oil burning; at their last regular meeting Even a period of warm weather President Local No. 5861, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bon and would Tuesday evening. The two memprobably not ease the situe, boys, EDWIN BURNSIDE, bers are W. D. Wilson, Shelby and Roger, made a ation materially, Mr. King and Mrs. Evelyn Rob- Combined business and pleasure Recording Secretary Local No. 5861. Price. erts, trip to Provo last Tuesday. show-give- Lets all help to make our community a better place in which to live. Per Copy 6c Dragerton, Utah, Tuesday, March 30, 1948 1 An Airport For o erton inDune he Sunnyside, 6. STEEL REPORT UTAH OPERATIONS STOPPAGE Pacific Orders Replace Engines X fire-pro- of RESOLUTIOH j dis-ne- va ex-l- st ; Stand-ardvill- FIRST ANNUAL LOUISE DANFORD Evening Cooking DANCE REVUE Demonstration Set This coming Thursday, April 1, at 7:30 P. M., the first annual Louise Danford Dance Revue will take place at the Price Civic t I Auditorium. ' From the rehearsals so far held' it is expected that this revue will, be one of the finest ever held in Carbon County. Over 100 children from this general area will take part. Their costumes are; most unusual and very beauti- 1 ' ful. Twenty-fiv- e different danc numbers will be given including the grand finale. Vocal numbers will be given by the class in addition to the singing within the dance groups. Many of these dance groups! have performed for Carbon County within the past six months and have been exceptionally well re-- 1 ceived by the public. r i - i MRS. MARY BLACK Fined $75.00 For A cooking demonstration on the electric range will be given in the Catholic Church at Dragerton this 6:00-9:coming April 1, from P. M. by Mrs. Mary Black of the Utah Power and Light Company. Mrs. Troy Hill will assist with the demonstration. The Utah Power & Light Co. is Reckless Driving Lloyd Hunt of Sunnyside was arrested by Deputy Sheriff John Blevins for reckless driving on Monday, March 22, in front of the business section of Dragerton. He was taken before Justice of the Peace Craig Justesen and fin- extending an invitation to the ed $75.00. $50.00 was suspended husbands as well as to the wives. for a period of six months. This will give the men an opportunity to learn how economically the electric appliances can DEMOCRATS TO MEET be used and why your wife can A meeting of the Caibon Coun- enjoy them This demonstration is for the ty Democratic Central committee will be held on March 29, in the benefit of those who have been county court house at 8:00 p. m. unable to attend the ones given Clinton Vernon, state Democratic in the afternoons. An interesting chairman, will be the principal film The Advancement of Modern living will be shown. speaker. 00 SUBSCRIPTION COIiTEST TO EXTEND TO F.1AY1 The Dragerton Tribune Subscription Contest will continue on through April, and end on Saturday, May 1st. This extension of time has become necessary owing to the large number of residents that have left East Carbon during the work stoppage. Many have indicated their intention of giving a subscription to our contestants, but now cannot be contacted. The contest has attracted much attention. Present plans call for the air trip to Salt Lake City via Monarch Air Lines will be on May 7th, or if a later date is more acceptable to the winners it can be so arranged. This means that the winners will take the Monarch Air Lines plane at the Carbon County Airport on Friday afternoon, and will be a guest at the Utah Hotel from Friday evening to Sunday. Returning they will leave Salt Lake City at 1:25 p. m. Sunday afternoon, and arrive in Price at 2:32 p.. m. During their stay in Salt Lake City they will be given a chance to attend a show of their choice each evening. All meals will be paid for during the stay. The grand prize is certainly worth trying for, and should mean an effort on the part of the winner. The first place winner will receive a $50.00 spring outfit in addition to the air trip. The second place winner gets the air trip and all expense stay in Salt Lake City over the week end. With the extension of the time limit on the contest, all workers should make the effort to get their subscriptions in as early as possible. We have been publishing the names of contestants, but it is known that many. of these have subscription orders in reserve. We would- appreciate now that such subscriptions be turned in, so we can get the paper to the subscribers, and at the same time determine the needs of our paper supply for the future. - I r |