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Show Tuesday, March 9, 1918 THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE. DRAGERTON. UTAH 1 PUT CONTROVERSY 1 A TO WORK ON YOUR FARM AS A P , the Universal carries up to 1200 lbs. It "Jeep has for conventional travel, for bad roads or cross PICK-U- Country hauling. AS A MOBILE POWER UNIT, the "Jeep gives you power to operate hammer mills, ensilage cutters and many other pieces of belt and shaft driven equipment. AS A TOW TRUCK, the Universal Jeep pulls a braked payload of 5000 lbs., with plenty of reserve for steep grades and heavy going. AS A LIGHT TRACTOR, "Jee the Universal operates pull type and hydraulic-lift implements has power and traction for field work, with 1200-lb- . drawbar pull. n JSti uiiunucu fiom Page One) the coal camps as elsewhere. Th.s is to be expected in a district where the coal produced is used for metalureical purposes, and is limited in its known reserves. We really feel this is taking liberties with our way of thinking and living. We women know our budgets depend on our income from the mines, but cant feel that t iking away our home conveniences at this time will interfere with our earning capacity to such an extent that it is advisable. Most of our husbands are min-- 1 ers and good union men, so rather than embarrass them with the problem we have decided to take this opportunity of saying that we want all of our home conveniences left as they are, and we will fight to keep them that way. Incidentally, we want to thank the company for giving them to us by our signatures saying we all wanted them Also if it is possible for extras such as electric dishwashers, etc., we would like to have them too. It would give us additional time we need to ith polities and world keep up affairs, which at this time is more important to us wives and mothers. We have one of, if n t the best camp anywhere in a coal district to be proud of, lets keep it that way We have tried to cov cr the mod important things m this column. If any of you women would like to say moie, we feel sure our editor would give us extra space next week. We believe that- - all of the people in the community are interested in progress and have seen the improvements in our homes should be willing to go all out to GOLD & GREEN M-ME- PAGE FIVE DEFEAT N EAST CARBON (Continued from Page One) that this years dance will be superior to that! and the crowd even larger. Committees 'under the direction of Mae Bowen and Royal N. as general, and Louise Dan-foand Ora Leavitt, on the floor The Dragerton took re- venge on the East Carbon alumni for the defeat handed them a week ago by turning back the E. C. All-re- d, boys by a score of 51 to 42. This in first place in puts the the league show, Leah McKean, Ollie LindAll the games were good, close sey and Les Tomlinson on dec- and well fought The Smokers with Glen Williams took the Polecats by a score of orations, 5 handling the publicity, have been The Sunnyside putting full time on the affair defeated the Columbia Bums, 36 this past week. to 22. East Carbon League The LD SRelief Soociety Bazaar will be held March 17 at 6 P. M. in the school building. M-M- en rd Distributors 333 So. 3rd East Dial SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Immediate Delivery 5-13- 02 , h fiU'E,0 financing PERSONAL LOANS See BILL WHITE or BILL WELSH For A Low Cost Loan All loam, made Quirkl, and I unfidentially. One stop at our office completes the transaction. No red tape and no delay. New Cars Financed on the 6 plan. LOANS UP TO $1,000.00 MOTOR CREDIT COMPANY 166 EAST M YIN STREET PRICE, UTAH x: j organs. Piano tuning and repairing. House of Music Price Theatre Building. Harold Cooper Elmar Degener THE HOUR of EVERY SUNDAY-K- charm SL DRAM 9-1- 0 OF THE VIGILAI1TIS V'U ifV I ' A-- ' 3:30 PM. ANDY DEVINE MARGARET LINDSAY JON HAIL Featuring PHIL SP1TAINY AND HIS L ORCHESTRA ' ROBERT PAULA DREW WILCOX" ' TACK JQKAIHAH BALE XPERT ALL-GIR- THURSDAY, MARCH 11 Brought to you by UTAH POWER & LIGHT COMPANY J? ? r p1 V04?V7ii!t ' ENTRY BLANK rf-- - , A ) iIf r.. 2ND ANNUAL KIWANIS TALENT I - r' X V T ' ,At , i " C'V ROBERT RYAN CHARLES ADDRESS Talent Night Show will be presented at the Price Civic -- BICKFORD VKsNmc entry blanks accepted after Mar . 25 V Directed by JEAN RENOIR Auditorium WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7TH 8:00 P. M. FEATURING JIMMY DARTS BAND Emery Olsen Glen Bullock Bert Swanson Station KALL FRIDAY - SATURDAY, MARCH $50.00 cash. Round Trip to Salt Lake City via Monarch Air Lines, and Radio Appearance on SEVEN ADDITIONAL CASH PRIZE& 4 12-1- 3 lW SECOND PRIZE 30.00 cash. Round Trip to Salt Lake City via Monarch Air Lines, and Radio Appearance. , Mail or leave your entry blank at The Price Theatre. Additional blanks also available or Price Theatre. or te at Sun-Advoc- ate itwiif Sponsored by the Price KiWanis Club 'WERE. AU. BORN FREE AH0 EQUAL- - AS TO TlfAE -- BUT ITS WHAT WE DO WITH OUR TIME. .THAT COUNTS 1 JO ptcfeltMi, 1 SUNDAY, MONDAY, MARCH 14-1- 5 ARE YOU' A MITTY? Can you daydream yourself into the arms of the most beautiful girls in the world? ..f Simplicity Pyramided into DRAMA A long torso Jacket with jutting Postillion pockets one simple touch of drama to make this an raless tailored suit. Of Botany Superchan Gabardine in spring's muted shades. Designed by WUYKjsi Otovv in us. Every dealing is backed by our reputation for integrity. op Boms Kay Saks. r Lewis Ladies Store PRICE ; l-- You can always have confidence tin t.lAYQ 'a&ag? AlC UTAH 7-- UP BOTTLING CO., Price, Utah Art0 I J.) JOAN BENNETT NYME No - ! , NIGHT Eastern Utahs Finest Amateur Show. FIRST PRIZE Edward Poglagen Clayton Anderson Ted Jones Bert C. Erickson THEATER DRAGERTON THE ELECTRIC HOUR Walter Whitburn Freda Anderson Fern Peterson Edgar C. Nelson J. L. Erskine Robert Parker Bertha Tomerlin Geneve Heer John Tomsick Dean Peacock , Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corpn TUI ROARIHC 9 Annabelle Tobey Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Price, Utah TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, MAR. homes Signed Elizabeth Olsen, Chairman Ora Leavitt Agnes Scow Dorothy Dees Mae Hill Emma Peak Edith Hansen Bessie E. Roberts Dolly Munly Mabel Anderson LaRue Winkler Kate Grevon Mrs. Oscar Castleman Nellie Urban Emily S. Morrison Emma Higgmson Mrs. S L. Tomkins Mrs. Ernest Castleman Mrs. Clarence Conley Mrs. Tony Castilas Mrs. J. M. Vega Connie Vegas Sally Rivira Dola Richards Isabel Martinez Mrs. Tom Pruit Mrs. Dan Pechora Mrs. Donald L. Draper Mrs. Birdie Mullen Mrs. Ruby Hyita Mrs. Russell Ware CARDOH EMERY BARK limWlBIIIIH.IIIIIIIIIIIM FOR SALE Band, instruments accoidions, guitars and musical gifts Sheet music The HOUSE OF MUSIC Price Theatie Building support this movement to retain decent living standards m our Irene Abeyta Dorothy Brillhart Rheta Burdick DEPENDABLE en t VILLYS laTERMQUHTAIN, iiiC. EFFICIENT M-M- en 38-3- Amelia Cliffoid Ada Shearer Mrs Felix Pacheco, HELPFUL |