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Show Tuesday. February 3, 1948 THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAH PAGE THRE3 New Method Simplifies Building Poultry Ilousa A NY ONE who can drive a nail and saw a board should be able to build this poultry house. A simplified pattern method of construction has been worked out which takes all the mystery out of building. Tho pattern now available at small cost i? r 4 4 iECSCREEIKRADIO BtlMitd By INEZ GERHARD by WNU Features. Kismw ft , IT easy enough to understand Blackwell was baseball's best pitcher in 1947, and why he might easily be baseball's best pitcher in 1948. After meeting Blackwell again out here In Los Angeles, 1 began to study his physical make-up- . Six feet five and a fraction, for a starter, he looks slimmer than a quill, thinner than a drink of water. Your first guesa would be that the Reds able sniper JUST a reminder; the competition for the Dr. Christian award closes February 29. The best script submitted will bring its author $2,000; fifty additional scripts will be bought for the program. Jean (Dr. Christian) toHersholt urges com- FIVE-STA- BIXSEE . . The program of the Tupelo, Miss., Rural Community Development council forms the theme of this community booth, which won first place over 18 entries at the 1947 Mississippi-Alabama fair. Dairying, cotton, truck farming, poultry and forestry are the points emphasized by the council in its plea for diversified farming. R five-poi- 4 J. write about things and petitors people they know. "Natural, easy dialogue, clear-cu- t characters, true-t- o life situations, few scenes, fewer sound effects these are what count in successful radio plays," he says. "There must be doubt as to the outcome clear to the end. J160 Blackwell said, Make it 198 pounds, and you'll be right." Wh'ch means there is a lot of fiber and muscle on those long bones. "This coming National league race ahould he the beat In baseball history," the Red bean pole said. "The American league race will be h Red 8ox and a scramble Yankees. In the National league, they already are talking about the Dodgers, Braves, Cardinals and Giants. These will all be tough. But tbe Reds wont be any puah-ove- r. "WeU be stronger than w wer last season. We'll get much better pitching. We'll acore more runs. We'll bother more teams. Johnny Neun is planning a drive at" that first division and we wont be far ' way. Joan Crawford finishes her next Warner Bros, "Until starrer, If Secretary of State George Marshall can Proven Guilty, she will play a INCLUDE HIM OUT school marm In "The Story of a bo bejleved, there is at least one prominent public figure who will not bo running either for president or vice president next November, and that la Secretary of State Marshall. Qulzsed as to Whether be would ... , i consider being running-mat- e for Mr. Truman this year, he shoved his hands deep Into his pockets and answered: I dont think any reply to that question is required In the light of what has been said. I will never bo involved in politics. I cannot be a candidate for any office, Marshalls greatest desire is to retire from publlo life to hlo Virginia home. two-clu- By Released by WNU Features. Country life must be made hopeful, healthy and happy if rural regions are to continue as the main source of our national strength. One of the major phases in the revamping of that rural pattern of living is the expansion of rural occupations. For the first time since the factory system put an end to handicrafts in the home and village shops, economic development is taking a turn favorable to the rural v V Just For more than a century It has been several years in maturing, and' been otherwise. Rural enterprise, it is the more effective now for havJOAN CRAWFORD hmited to farm- ing made progress with caution. It not to has until started go anywhere Schoolteacher. And some time this ing and a dwin-- tj its supporters believe It Is In their month Shirley Booth will 1 In g begin a trade, followed power to help it get there. weekly stint on CBS In a comedy to Chief are aims encourage the path of show based on a teachers trials and new types of farming, especially Outtribulations. types that will aid in soil enside of the fertile richment and at the same time farm belts and Because Paul Lavalle is devoting yield better Income to the small the mill towns of all his time nowadays to thq type of hill farmers. Poultry and fruit the upper South, music he presents on "Highways In growing are being emphasised, country income has been declining Melody he turned down an offer to and dairying has been backed as the land wore out and the people revive the delightful Chamber for a number of years. To aid left for jobs in the city. Now, there Music Society of Lower Basin in this work started and getting are reasons to believe, that trend Street Though it has been off the to keep it going, several specialcan be halted. Invention and discovair for some years, many listeners with ists have been hired funds the oiler earning opportunities ery still write Lavalle urging him to the contributed programs by for which the country has been waitbring it back. backers. ing. Chief factor in success of the Spinning and churning are gone; When Henry Fonda whs not plan is the kind of sponsortanning and Tupelo likewise, ava.Uahle for the radio version of It Thehas. end the leadership butchering, milling and hoeing. But ship "The Fugitive, Huntley Gordon full of the influence Tupelo Daily lost occupations, those sorely Journal and its was atuck for a leading man for publisher, George missed in the small farm communithe "Screen Guild. Players pro- -. are the McLean, supporting project. ties, can be replaced. There is new The Auction. But only a few hours Daily Journal has guaranteed and better work to be done, both after his dilemma became known for the first the funds necessary on the land and in the local mills he get a phone call from a highly activities. The Chamthree years and plants. The community which qualified volunteer, Gregory Peck, ber of Commerce, of which McLean wishes to increase the earning now who like other stars, received ae is president, is doing its part capacities of its population can do by financing a special program in pay. The Motion Picture Relief so. fund benefits. horticulture, which is allied with the New Pattern Evolves. in generaL plan Wasted land can be restored and Chet Lauck and Norris Goff havo Community Backing. used for new kinds of small-farIn previous years banks and busiturned down guest appearances on tillage. New production systems, ness men have helped introduce television shows because of the long plus the extension of rural power dairying and better dairy breeds. make-u- p session necessary to step lines, give country manufacture an Tupelo business men realize that into their "Lum and Abner roles. edge it never has had before. These business will thrive and their town Too bad they had to cancel their things, of course, cannot be brought will grow to the extent that the enMarch of Dimes tour; Norris Goffs scale tire about on a community-wid- e are illness Interfered. So he headed east prospers. community They without careful planning and deter- convinced that there should be more for consultations with specialists, mined leadership. They are most earning opportunities on the farms and was temporarily written out of effective when they are undertaken and in the rural neighborhoods. the air show. with a long range program for com- They are helping not only to build munity development. up a better farming industry, but Don McNeill, with a two weeks Rural economic problems are also to promote new town Indusvacation coming up February 20, still too much neglected. Only tries that will make assured mar- plans to head for Hollywood with kets for things produced on the beta few intelligent and patient atMri. McNeill, his first visit since ter farms. 1933. They will confer with motion tempts have been made to find durable solutions. Consequently The plan that has been developed picture executives on making a 4he plans that are succeeding covers five counties and is the bigmovie based on the popular "Breakare important not only ks local gest rural community development fast Club, and will make a sentiprograms, but also as patterns plan in the United States, in the mental journey to San Francisco, to number of people it affects and the visit the little Spanish church where for ether places, for there are extent of its program. It already is they were married in 1931. vast areas of rural America ' which need some kind of ecodemonstrating how small farming nomic rescue. resources can be improved when Jean Bonifaee Winnlfreth is The most successful plans have energy end imagination are applied. much too long n name for a theato be adapted to particular conditer marquee. So Anna Lee picked Tbe next article wiU give details .n new ene for professional purtions. Consumer tastes, market locations and the job of organizing that were followed in establishing the poses; adopted Anna May Wouga public support have to be taken into Tupelo plan. first name and General Robert E. consideration along with restoring last one. Shes in ColumLees the land and finding out what can "Best Man Wins. bias be produced by the farmers and the other labor supply. This will take Many lengthy conferences prebusiness backing and business manIDA. Women still upthe decision to use the record BURLEY, ceded agement. It never has been suff- hold the law in Idaho. When the made by Mark Hellinger with Bing on count and a icient to make plan only woman deputy sheriff in the Crosby as Crosby's February 4 it to work by popular voluntary state resigned to get married. Sher- broadcast The same situation arose support. iff Saul Clark promptly appointed after W. jC. Fields death, and the Ambitions Tupelo Project. another woman to take her place. record was scrapped. But this time Marjorie Philbrook resigned as it was used, because so many of Tupelo, Miss., has one of the most Marks friends wished to bear the plans in deputy sheriff to marry Cleve Johnenergetic and the country. It Is a plan not for son, state highway patrolman, so record, and because everyone was Tupelo primarily, but for the large the sheriff gave her job to Mrs. convinced that be would have wished it rural area Of which Tupelo Is the Barbara Lindsay. center. The project is especially Ylveca Lindfort spanned 350 years valuable from the fact that it is not in on working day recently; comlimited to dealing with present rural Seedy SHENANDOAH. IOWA.-W- hen a pleted her role of a modern girl in problems, but also is looking ahead France in "To the Victor" and imto problems that probably must be local seed company provided its emfaced in the future. with a watermelon ployes treat, it mediately reported for the role of The Tupelo program is no sud- was strictly a matter of business. Queen Margaret in the 17th of Don Juan. den outburst of enthusiasm. It hat The company wanted the seeds. retail Women Uphold Law On Idahos Frontier century-"Adventure- PHILADELPHIA. bravery of four wartime chaplains, two Protestants, a Roman Catholic and a Jew, who gave up their lifebelts on a sinking troopship and were last - seen standing together, arm in arm, their heads bowed in prayer, will be commemorated in a chapel being built here under sponsorship of the Philadelphia Interfaith sponsoring committee. The shrine, which will be known as the "Chapel of the Four Chap be open 24 hours a day and will provide facilities for the worship of Protestant, Jewish and Roman Catholic faiths. Approximately $150,000 has been raised for the chapel. The chaplains were among 1. 100 the Dorchester, troops aboard a troopship en route to Europe, when it was torpedoed and sunk in the North Atlantic on February 8, lains," 1943. ODDS AND ENDS After two years of playing Mr. and Mrs. in "RoseBetty Winkler and George mary, Krona were married recently. , . . Lamont Johnson was on the ear in "Wendy Warren and the News" when bis daughter Jeremy was bone; rushed to tbe hospital and beard the newt there. . . . Dick Haymet, who flies a plane from Palm Springs to Hollywood for bit Thursday CBS show, it an authority on emergency landing fields, since fogs have forced him down to often. . . . Fred Waring bat been appointed to tbe board of trustees of Pennsylvania State university; be bis band when e student thorn. you figure The Braves will be tough to handle In the National. They have two star pitchers in Spahn and Sain. They hava a star 'manager and a flock of good ballplayers. The Dodgers should be just as good and the Cardinals will be better than a year ago. But the Braves sttU hava a good chance in a very tough scramble. After winning 22 games last season. 1 was sorry that I was halted by an Injured knee and a bad back, Blackwell said. "I was no good the last three weeks. I'd like to flip by that 35 mark this year. Johnny Llndell, another 6 foot, 4 or athlete, came by a few minute later. Llndell la one of toe moot underrated ballplayer la tb gam. Johnstar to Caliny was aa fornia baseball, football, tennis, track and field and golf. This cover quite a spaa. In baseball be can pitch, play the outfield, first base and hit. Llndell refuses to concede the Red Sox any pennant. "I know bow much those Browns wll help, cht said, "but I'm not sure theyll cover the margin we piled up last what fall. Here's another angle wins pennants? Pitching, of course. WeU have another strong staff again, backed up by Jo Page. But who know how good Tex Hugh-o- . . . Now Ita Japanese war brides who are starting to arrive in the United States in greater force. Home from occupation duty in Japan, these are two of the American soldiers who landed in Seattle with their newly won Japanese wives. Sgt. and Mrs. Vincent P. Costello of Philadelphia (left) and CpT. and Mrs. Doyle Sims of Memphis, Tens are interviewed by a customs officer upon their 'entry into the U. 8. WAR BRIDES FROM NIPPON fUNUSCN M' i VSIKKY ft n, Vv Mickey Harris tnd Boo Ferries will be? All had bad arms in 1947. Nona of the three was any too effective. An operation could help Hughson. But it also could help Spud Chandler, on of the best Jve ever seen. c Tiger Hurling Best Mu stuns What about Frank Shea one of the best young pitchers I ever saw? His arm was O. K. again at the end of the season and this should mean at least a winner. WeU have a better pitching staff than the Red Sox, and that wiU make a big difference. T know Its tough to beat out a club that has Ted WiUiams. Vem Stephens, Johnny Pesky. Born and so many other good ones, but ws had a pretty fair baU club. too. W ran up 19 in a row with our two best pitchers on tb bench or in the hospital. We also have a few feUows who can hit when you need hits. "The Tigers may have toe best pitching la either league. Their Infield doesnt look any too hot and toelf outfield la a guesa. Cleveland will be a much tougher team to beat. Bob FeUer wiU have or should bar a much better year after a much longer rest. But toe race ahould be between to Yankees and too Red Sox. r -0- i ... For a little while they PASSING THE BUCKS ON A BREADLINE were handing out no bread on the dally breadline at St. Francis monastery in New York. Instead the unfortunates who come there for a little of the staff of life got dollars. Joseph Snyder, wbe won $250 en a radio program, decided there were others wh needed the money more than he did, so be passed oat his prise money, a dollar at s time, to the habitues of tb breadline. 22-ga- lo vs" V i & - v ,-0 1 a The Pennant Races big league pennant races. , The west cosst gave the two Joe and Dom, to the Yankees and the Red Sox. The west coast sent Jo Gordon and Johnny Pesky to toe Indians and the Red Sox and Jsck Robinson to the Dodg- 1 SPUDS AND SEAFOOD . . . Tb annual senate debate on the relative merits of the Louisiana shrimp and sweet potato vs. the Maine lobster and potato took place at a congressional luncheon, with tbe argument ending, ae naasi, la a draw. Here, Sen. Owen Brewster (Rep., Me.) feeds a hit ef lobster to Sen. John Overton (Dem., La.) as Elsie Waters (left) and Betty Green watch entranced. ! Measuring 10 feet by 10 feet this house provides an Ideal place for a small flock of hens. Its size, however. Is such that tnany people use it for storage of garden tools or for uve as a backyard workshop. fiend 60c to coin for House Patiern No. 14 to Palt-- ri o. Publlshlsg Company, Box 15, FleasaatvUle, New York. f, bougik-Du- ers. This Is only a beginning. Ted WU llams left Ban Dlegs to Join toe Red Sox and be stiff stand as toe batter In basebalL best ,nr rr L td NOSI DKOPS rz J L .1. -- I mm 7J --- 3S:Z Dont delay! At tho first warning' sniffle or sneeze, put a few drops f Vicks In each no- - trfl. For if used In time, helps prevent many colds from developing. Relieves bead cold distress fast. Try itl rection Follow dipackage, in u::i3ViKr.D-r:c- i IpMiniKv JUSTTHE juice of INA . GLASS OF WATER riR T HIM OH k ARISING i 1 BAGS M MI T8QJP? S0RZT0NZ Liniment's Hasting Pad Action Gives Quick Rallsfl Per fast, senile relief ef aches from back Hitla, muscle strain, lumbsfo pern, due to fatigue, sac the linimeqi specially mads to tooths Such symptoms. Soretons Liniment has scientific rubefacient Ingredients that act like glowing warmth from o heating pad. Helps attract fresh surface blood to superficial pern area. Soretont is different! Nothtn else just liks h " Quick, lalisymg results must be yours or SI 00 money back. 50c. Economy Tty Soretont for Athlete's Foot kills al I on cootacti types of common fungi- an Bawarc Coughs II VMlUttJVM That Hang On ht CroomnlsloQ relievos promptly to tho seat of tho cause it trouble elp loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender. In flamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to Beil you a bottle of CreomuMon with the understanding you must like the way 1$ Quickly allays tho cough or you an to have your money back. bo-rig- CREOMULSION for Couchs, Chest Colds. Bronchitis GIRLS! vof-iin-i try this cant blame the west eoast in taking a deep interest In tbe two You j the Pick Braves to Beat 1 w do -- Party s how I asked the human skyrace? 'b scraper. "A very tough race, Blackwell said, too tough for me to pick. But I can promise you this. Boston Is going to make a big effort to have a Boston world series. It could happen. With the new star brought in, Stephens and 'Kramer and other help, the Red Sox have the edge In the American league. Not btg edge, but a margin to work on.. It would be a killing margin If we knew that Hughson, Harris and Fer' ris would be O. K. ment. Bravery of Chaplains Chapel to Mark will The stand; third, it provides assembly Illustrations which show the location of each framing member and fourth, fuU size patterns are provided for cutting all angles on rafter and gable studs. These are traced directly on to the wood. Tbe rafters and studs are then cut to the drawn flabia met. The pattern method for building this poultry house is designed for the person who knows nothing whatsoever about building. And yet, because it Is so easy to follow, and because It offers sound methods of building, handymen and carpenters, as well as tha average homeowner, successfully use thlspattern. weigh in at or 165 pounds. T do better than Granlland Rice School teachers are coming Into their own, all of a sudden. When. Mississippi Project Sets -Pattern in Rural Planning EARLE HITCII . provide brat, a complete purchase Ust of lumber needed and explains where each piece is used; second, exactly li contains complete step by step direction written In language everyone can under- - would nt SMALL TOWNS, U.S.A. WAS why Ewell if youra rjunwos to CEtTAIN MTS Of Mont- hDo female functional monthly disturbances make you feel nervous, irritable, oo weak and tired out at such tlmest Then do try Lydia X. Plckham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. It's amour for this! Taken regu- Plnkham's Compound helps larly build tip resistance acntfiut such dis- -' tress. Also a great stomachic toniol re m -- me S rave Ae e I Sera. H'rr i tit ... C W. r au 4 |