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Show Tuesday, January 13, 1948 THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAH Girl Scouts Hold Christmas Party Changes Noted In jLeague Standings The Girl Scouts had their Christmas party Monday night that was enjoyed by everyone. The girls met in the school-hous- e, chose sides and then went on a treasure hunt. The winning team was presented with a box of chocolates When the girls returned they went into a loom and there weie refreshments of cake, jello, cookies and punch The table was aitistically set Theie were paper plates with Merry Christmas wntten on them, paper cups made in the same fashion, and candy canes which held ffcie place cards In the middle of the table was a beautifully decorated centerpiece Theie were four candles with pine bougl s around them wtih tiny bells attache to them This piece of doc orating was done by Misses Helen Failaino and Rose THE AMERICAN PAGE FIVE WAY TREATER DRAGERTON Bowling over the holiday season continued at a rapid pace and stveial changes aie noted in the team standings In the Carbon Coal League the F Anselmo and company team went down to third place ftom fust with the Home Lumber team of Puce taking over, the cov eted spot. Tuesday-Wednesda- January y, 13-1- 4 ileres treasure A ; '!' for Your pleasure!! ho ho HOPE and a barrel of FUN ! Yo -- and Vug, a Hodge entertained them by singing two songs and tap dancing witn the company of Mailene Hodge and Mary Ann Stella Rodosh The gills then went When everyone was seated the the gym and played games The lights weie turned out and the scouts sang their good night song girls ate by candle light Aftei-war- and w ent home. the gnla exchanged gifts Delores Fiatto. rj . A A 1 1 Sothernhs the Ann n-- to irre- pressible Maisie this time cast as a policewoman in Undercover Maisie, coming to the Drageitop screen. Its Maisie's newest and most excitement-packe- d ds aj adventure! PRICE STEAM LAUNDRY cunning at her command to extricate herself, from a highly position. Ann Sothein Is her usual self in the Maisie role which she has made one of the most adnnied charactei izations of the scieen. Whether she is taking funny falls in the effoit to master u, glibly talking her way out of a tough spot or using her funny lines to head off man trouble she is always the infectious, lirisistible Maisie who can do no vviong Barry Nelson and Maik Daniels aie well cast as the rival lovers, and othei expel t work is contnbuted by Leon Ames as the fake swarm, Clinton Sundberg, Dick Simmons, Chailes D. Brown and Gloria Holaen Thursday, January 15 pre-tano- us Laundry and Dry Cleaning PICK UP EVERY TUESDAY Ann Sol hern Scores As Eaquin to Pagan o -- Courageous Policewoman In Undercover Maisie Wedding Rites New Year's Day PETERSONS BARBER SHOP Dragerton Adventure and excitement proceed at a bieathess place in Unden uvei Maisie, with Ann Soth-ei- n playing her newest Maisie role ngmnst a vivid backiiound of poli.e headquarteis Foi Maisie, who has tried her hand at a wide vanety of occupations in the past, this time is a lady loji. who uses her shaip wit and winning personality to help Hack down a gang of postwar bunco racketeers. There is never a dull moment when the irrepressible Maisie is atound and hei turbulent career reaches a new suspense pitch in her current Philomena Eaquinto of Mi and Guy Pagano Sunnyside of Wellington were un.ted m maroclock riage pieieding the 11 Miss Mass in Saued Heait church at Sunnyside on New Yeai's Day The ceiemony was pei formed by Rev J A Sandeis The bi ide was lovely in a white satin gown entiain with which she wore a fingertip veil with bended tiara Hei aam bouquet was- of white Master Sacco, nephew gladioli of the bnde, was nngbeaiei and Mi's Maiy Eaquinto, sister of the bnde, was maid of honm Hei Mr. gown was of jade taffe'a James Eaquinto, bi other of the bnde, was best man Mis C Don Wanng placed the piocessiond and recessional and sang during the Mass A large leeeption was held duung the afternoon and evening in Sunnyside The bride is well known and veiy popular in Sunnysde and many good wishes go with her to her new home. Double Feature 'I dynamite-packe- Canteen News d . I I M4 I IM-- Our new' cameen advior, Mr. Ruesch, has really made a lot of loom It now looks a hundred different impiovements in the pcicentbetter They plan to clean Cameen m just the few days that the dance room soon. It can use he has been with us a little going over too. The puce on all soda pop has Monday night, Januaiy 5, after the anleen had closed the offi- been diopped to six cents. Theie cers held a meeting. They dis- have been a few new rules made cussed business matteis that need- and this time we hope they are ed taking care of. Then Tuesday obeyed and followed out. It is they started cleaning the canteen hoped tnat new games and magaup. They staited w it the game zines can be obtained for the fame room Tne juke box which the canteen just got back from being fixWe realize that in the not too distant ed has had another accident and we aie now using the one that befuture new cars will be "sold not longs to the school. At the meetings we talked about getting an"bought. And we are endeavoring to other one which we could use earn your respect and patronage now veiy much. W,e. aie going to try to make the' canteen a success this time by equitably distributing the limited All the membeis of the canteen supply of Ford cars and trucks that we wish to thank the Rotary Club the many things arc currently receiving. very much-fo- r they have d' ne for the canteen The Canteen Girls. 1 E II ' HOT SHOTS UeA K MO paiacampku BUT WlUAMS j H VIRGINIA THC SUNSHINE COTTONSttB If CLARK J nODOMUKON . 1U MWTRS STTRHfN 0UNH I ANN DORAN THURSTON HAU Km CAROLINA COTTON t I HUNTH .. a a. vevvNfw, mmqm nwn ivjim Ctrc4 by LfW UMXI& ? WAUACI RWKXMP N i I " . mrusn ' 0TB TRIfUTS i . : f ,S 1 Friday-Saturda- January y, Your local cleaners solicit your patronage . We desire to serve you. We hope in the near future to erect a new building for better service. We Call We Deliver. We Keep Prices Down. By helping ust we can help you. 16-1- 7 J vll UNIVERSAL VS INTERNATIONAL JT tvtce os jmifB I PETERSONS DRY CLEANERS ppi ? diww DALE PETERSON Prop. !4I I i 4 I JOAN FULTON DONALD Sunday-Monda- with TOM BROWN NAT PENDLETON MacBRIDE and January y, BLVtRLT 18-1- 'M$ 9 Double Feature CvC r Mil' jr f ' awyeAL MM i ttmircm The East Caibon area was honored by the 'official visit last Tuesday of the Cai bon County truant officer. According to he spent a busy day in 'Drageiton and Sunnyside. Price, Utah mm tfOOSIER i UNITED MOTOR COMPANY aAfeture . se- quences in which Maisie kidnapped by the bunco mob uses all the kl viarwK ... fce'Kl Fs climactic MMiy f A jiu-jits- in which she dons a highly sophisticated biunette glamour disaune to expose first a phony seer then a gang of swindles pi eying on with fiaudulert building contiacts Maisie of course attiacts men like hi ney draws flies apd in this instance she has two members of the police force m tow m the persons of Dairy Nelson and Maik Daniels It ls these stalwaits who come to her rescue m the pictmes ex-G- Released by RK0 RADIO PlClURtS i c-r- ) o o o X . 1 DRESSES VALUES TO $24.50 SKI SWEATERS VALUES TO 9.98 at 5.00 each IN SALE PRICE GROUPS OF 5.00 - 7.00 - 10.00 - 12.50 Others Reduced SIZE GROUPS - 15.00 -- Balance 20 5.00 - 10.00 BLOUSES V 9 TO 52 COATS SALE PRICES 10.00 15.00 - 20.00 and up SUITS HOUSE COATS and ROBES 20CL off SALE PRICES - 15.00 - 20.00 and up VALUES TO 8.98 - IN SALE PRICE GROUPS OF 1.00 - 3.00 - 5.00 5.00 each x SKIRTS !C ONE LARGE GROUP ON SVLE AT 3.00 each WINTER HATS ON SVLE IN TWO PRICE 1.00 'cj hi' JOSfOTJ GENUINE VLlES TO $14.98 AT IIEUROLET a PARTS ) on sale at GROIPS and 2.00 AMY NELSON i THOMAI MARSHAU. MITCHELL-THOMPSO- Fla Cille TDress Shop iAAabi 3 REDD MOTOR CO. PHONE 381 PRICE, UTAH PRICE, UTAH XL ( - N SHINA ROYLE-STOC- K MAN WELL MARK DANIELS DICK SIMMONS AMES CMNTON JUNDBtKO Sl.ry and Scim. Play by IKalma toblMaA " Directed by MARRf IEAUMONT Produced by GEORGE HAIGHT Picture A LEON I iBtyadeciAt JANET LEIGH ALL SUNDVY AND HOLIDVY SHOWS START AT 2:00 P. M. |