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Show J Serving Draser-to- n, Sunnyside, Sunnydale and ..26 Columbia. Com blued population 6,000. Volume .3ni erton ribune Dragerton, Utah, Tuesday, December 16, 1947 1 Catholic Parish This and That. . To Give Annual Party Community Church To Give Xmas Program RQAVE war-strick- en m en Application For Around Snooping 'civ Homes Columbia Will De Taken , ev-thro- .wr , MUSICAL GROUP c vu i SONGS PROGRAM Mathesius . To Speak At L. L. banquet a M-M- en M-M- M-M- en ! District Governor Pays Annual Visit to Rotary ' fit jj. - Improved Coke Supply Starts Geneva Furnace Gypsy Hoax Revealed As Dribbles From Promised Cache to Birthday Party Held For Nancy Olsen ng any-contin- 4' Program To Do. During the period December 15 to December 22 the Rotary Club of East Carbon County is sponsoring a clothing drive. This clothing will be sent to the residents town of Elsenborn, Belgium. Elsen-boof the was fought over during the Battle of the Bulge in the year 1944 and 1945. Arrangements for the distribution of this clothing have been made with the mayor of Elsenborn. Arrangements in Dragerton for the collection of this clothing have been made through Mr. Harold Hansen, Princpal of the school. The plan is to have the school children, who have volunteered, make a collection. It is hoped that the residents of Dragerton, Sunnyside, Columbia and Sunnydale will make available the usable clothing for both children and town. Mr. Hansen stated adults ' for this that he hoped that students who are assisting in the collection of this clothing will write letters to the children in Elsenborn And in this way carry on a correspondence that will be both educational and beneficial. The clothig drive is being sponsored by the East Carbon Rotary Club and the clothing will be boxed and packed at their expense. Members of this clothing committee are: Jack t. Clifford, Harold Hansen, Robert Brush and John se ke Number'24 Along the Mrs. Callisters mother, Mrs. This coming Sunday, Decem- Blanche Price, is visiting Doctor Final arrangements for the ber 14, at 1:00 p. m., will again and Mrs. Callister of Sunnydale. Christmas Program at the Drathe Catholic ladies of the She will be here until after gerton Community Church have Sacred Heart and Good Shepherd Christmas. been completed. The boys and Parish giving their annual Christgirls of the Sunday School will mas party for the children of the Mrs. Moreno of Sunnyside is present an interesting program at parish, Santa Claus will be there very ill and is in the Dragerton 10:00 a. m., Sunday. The fathers to greet the children and to find Hospital. and mothers of the boys and girls house--to-houout just what they want for taking part are cordially invited. Christmas. In addition to that, Mr. Sjostedt is isolated at the This program will be followed by there will be candy and nuts for Range Creek water station. There the regular morning worship alL Gift prizes will be given to are thirty Inches of snow there service. Reverend Constance, at the lucky holders of the door and it looks like he will be iso- this service, will bring a message stubs. lated until spring, The worst part in keeping with the Christmas John Krnc is the financial about it is that he has a terrific Season. chairman for the ladies and has toothache and cant do ji thing Sunday evening, the young been quite busy gathering dona- about it He is going to have one people and choir will present a tions from the generous folks in long toothache. His only contact pageant, the title of which is Come to Bethlehem." the community. with the outside world is by teleThis In the past years, this party has phone. unique pageant presents the Christmas Story in an interesting been a very successful one and it of Mac and colorful manner. This pagMcMicheal the Kaiser even be will it that anticipated j Hilde-brand?irger and more successful than Co. has left for Chicago and will eant is under the direction of S' 'Lie previous ones. The ladies are be there until fall. Macs smil- Mrs. V. J. Voss and Miss Rose! hard at work to make this one ing face will be sorely missed. By Poglajen. Doctor Vossl will be the If you have used clothing and it has not been picked the time he gets back' he will have accompanist at the organ for all grand success for the kiddies. up during this period, please get in contact wth any of very The party for the children will another stack of tall tales to re- the music. This is indeed a wel-to the boys. fine late is 1 the committee members. They will call at your house program. Everyone he held in the recreation hall of come. and pick up the clothing. the Good Shepherd Church at ' PennDoctor for left Stevenson Dragerton. BAZAAR WAS sylvania, where he will specialize in obstetrics. He will be sorely HUGE SUCCESS The ladies of the Community missed by the other doctors and Church reported that the bazaar1 by the poker club. held last week lived up to all The money reDr. Voss of Sunnydale has their expectations. to help the used ceived be will just returned from a five-da-y local and foreign missions. The to Los was he where Angeles, trip ladies wish to thank all those who investigating a position offered took Louie and his ace sleuths part in .the bazaar and helphim. snooped all over Columbia last, John' W." Galbreath & Co. an- ed to make it a success. week. To their surprise, every- - nounced that they would begin Did you know that we had two one was laying low. There were taking applications for the new very ardent airplane enthusiasts no babies, no marriages, no houses immediately. The proce-death- s, here? Doc Callister' and Larry no fights, no more and no dure for renting these new hornStevens are both very capable piless hairs on Jays head, no wild es will be as follows: First op- -j lots and go up quite often. Doc parties, in fact, it was a very quiet portunity to rent the new homes Callister is waging a strong camtown last week. I cant see why will be with the residents who paign to get a landing strip in . Louie couldnt have at least engi- - are now living in Dragerton. The this area. You will hear a good a fight, even if Louie decision as to who moves into nwwi I these bit more from the doctor this houses rests with the rental would have been in the fight. The Dragerton MIA during the, offlce- - The standard for allocat- coming spring when his campaign Columbia n. w.fK past week has made a drive tot gets under full steam. tenants to these nW homea ting with activity Of JJ obtain money for new basketball , will be burs course 4 could be that Christmas uniforms and a new basketball. 1 The condition of the present There are two new faces around has been obtained is just around the comer and The money home occupied by the applicant the drug store this week. Bertha - local donations 2 The care that the applicant eryone is on their good behavior, Kraus is one while Bernice Ring business firms. The'fromthat j reason has taken with his lawn and is back on the job once again. thls method of finance has been! house. used is because other methods! . Unny(lJUC NCWS Persons who are how on the Some of the residents of Dra- - have proved less satisfactory. One j , . list foe houses in waiting CL ' com Private J, Clubb has !gerton hava aske3 u the' practice of the previous methods used was The' Utah Fuel Company has ton will then be given an Drager oppor at PktadA program training ' kfrjuc cf down the pretty trees .that of holding dances. to tamed! ?5 now tote Fort Ord, California. He received an(jcutting Womens Book Cliff Club is the homes in scrubs within the townsite This donation also gives adver-Dragerton that are a rating of Marksman with the by the youngsters could be stop- - tisement to the firms which have sponsoring a contest for the out M- -l rifle. He is the son of Mr. ped. They mentioned that we : donated. Suggestions had been side decorations for Christmas in vacated by the tenants moving and Mrs. Dan Clubb of Drager- - have so few, and it takes them made that the individuals buy his Sunnydale and Sunnyside. A into the new houses. ton. He formerly attended the s0 jong to get started that it is a own uniform. This still leaves the committee of three women from Dragerton Junior High School be- - shame to have them cut down. MIA without uniforms for the each of the communities has been -tore enlisting in the Army. Maybe if all the parents would following years. Under this new chosen and they will work out I ATT I 1--0 C AiYl AC O instruct their children in the plan, the uniforms will stay with 'their own plans for advertising w value and beauty of these greens the MIA and will always be avail' and judging. at the children would Ppred. able. . A professor from Carbon Col-, Christmas musical program ate what we do have; it might We thank everyone who has ege was the principal speaker at will be . in the Price mu-th- e make the children want to pro- helped contribute to our hive. OI Womens Book Cliff Club nicipal presented auditorium Wednesday tect what we have and meeting held Tuesday, December evening, December 17, at 8:00 p. Mr. Walter Mathesius, presi- - hence increase already amount of the The Dragerton have 8. He spoke on International Re- m., under the direction of Freddent of Geneva Steel Co., has ac- won two practice games and lost j lations and gave a very interest- - erick N. and shrubs within to at Webb, vocal instructor an invitation speak cepted en townsite. n The defeated Wel- -j ing talk on the Marshall Plan. The Carbon 'colIeTe. PartidpTunTv'fil the annual banquet of the Carbon lmgton and Price. They lost to evening program and refresh-- ! be the college and high school of Ccrnimerce. Mrs Marie B fonner su the Dragerton Firemen. The Fire- - menu were under the direction chonis glee clubs and small en This will be held on Wednesday, of nurse, at pervJsor Drager men are still crowing about the j of Mrs. Betty Hildebrandt and sembles. 21. January (ton Hospifcd was operated on last splendid Victory that they achievThe program will be as fol- Bob Heers of Sunnydale and week. Her improvement was so ed over the n. The December meeting of the lows: Chorus, Joshua, with the of Jr. DragerGerald Galbreath rapid that she was able to reSunnyside P.-- T. A. was held on Battle of Jerico; Bless This ton have been selected as direc- turn to her home in Price the A three-stadance for Monday evening in the Sunnyside ' House; This la America"; tors on the new executive board other day and Gleaner Girls will be held on Schoolhouse. Lord Most Merciful, and of directors. December 27 in the Price Third Mr. Ed Peterson and young son uby to the Christ Child. Vernon Lund and the family Ward. The three stakes are North were returning from Price Wed - chorus White went to Salt Lake over the week- Carbon, Carbon and Emery. Au nesaay evening in toeir car when! Combine- d- Christmas. Westmin-M-Men-angroups 51eaner Girls are they hit a horse on the highway' ster Carol end and on the way back stopped The Night Has i off at Ogden for a shoot He won urged to buy tickets early. We near Wellington The car was Thousand Eyes and a special ar-a- re himself a turkey, hoping for a big success. This badly damaged- ,- but '"both 'Mr. rangement of "Silent Night The i dance. is a non-proPeterson and his son escaped in- glee club will sing So Quiet in jury. t the Night," and special arrange-- L Charlie Hobbs, the good-natu- rMy A Christmas program has been The Kaiser Company and the . ments of Jingle Bells, "Crystal Rotary District Governor Ted paint boss, who has charge of will MIA which Fuel Company are install- Wegner of Boise, Idaho, paid an ' all the painters in Dragerton, is arranged by the Night and Russian Cradle official visit to the East Carbon beaded East for the holidays, be held Tuesday, December 16, at ing two floodlights on the skat- - Song. The small ensembles will ing rink between Sunnyside and sing and Price Rotary club last Wed- - Florida is on Charlies visiting 7:30 p. m. in toe school gym. No, Sir, "In Davids The program is as follows: Sunnydale. The r ec e n t cold Town, "Christmas Carols and nesday evening. His wife accom- -; Girls Carols Junior weather has made it possible to Ave Maria. panied him. La Dee Peterson freeze It for skating. Mr. Daily, Les and Fern Peterson were in Reading Sylvia Jensen, Rhea Rose, TomMrs. Wegner was entertained Luthers Cradle Hymn.... Primary the plumber, is flooding it as fast my Thompson and Bob- Vaught, ' by the Rotary Anns at an in- Salt Lake City last. week. Maxine Stover as it will freeze. Reading all of East Carbon, will sing On formal dinner and program at the Bee Hive Class ' Carbon Country Club. The new library books are on This Christmas Morning. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Tucker and Play Bethlehem. Town Little of O the shelves and ready for the The program is free and open to col-le- ge family of Sunnydale spent the The dinner was held at the . Boy Scouts readers, so come and get them. week-en- d the public. in Lake -- at 7 Salt m. doing, City cafeteria p. a bit of Christmas shopping, Christmas Around the World Sunday School among other things. Relief Society $800 Reading Night Before Christmas The regular members of the $1600 $10 Arlene Ware ... Dragerton Sewing Club met at Old Bamum knew human psy- as he was told and probably eyed the home of Mrs. Kenneth Smith chology when he uttered his fa- the box with pleasant expectalast week. After the sewing, news mous statement concerning suck- tions of seeing his small cache and the happenings of the week ers and it seems to fit now as well develop through the magic that were digested, a 'very delightful The No. 2 blast furnace at as ever. This faith in the honesty only gypsies know into a fat wad . bit of refreshments, consisting of On December 13, 1947, Miss of ones fellowman was recently of $1600. What he didn't know the Geneva plant of U. S. angel food cake and bavarian Nancy Olsen was 12 years of age brought to th? attention of the was , that through some trick, Steel, which has been down cream, were served. for some time because of a and was - honored at a birthday Carbon county sheriffs office and again only as gypsies know, his has of coal, coking shortage party at her home. Refreshments involved a resident of Dragerton box had probably been switched. been put back into producOllie Lindsey is not feeling up of cake and icecream were serv- and a band of gypsies. To make a long story short, to par these past few days. Ollie ed. Nancy received many lovely tion, it has been announced. In October, a carnival show after the proper interval of time, Dr. Walter Mathesius, thinks he has a touch of appendi- gifts. . . played at Dragerton and accom- the box was opened and found to citis. We certainly hope that there president of Geneva Steel The group played games of all panying it was a group of gypsies .Contain a pair of underwear but is nothing seriously wrong. company, said all four of the after which they who talked a pleasant, easy in the sewed-u- p descriptions, portion rested a scheme. It seems solitary $10 greenback. company's blast furnaces are were treated to a show by Mr. money-makinow in regular production, Like all victims of these hoaxes, Corporal S. Martinez of Lack-lan- d and Mrs. Emery Olsen, the par-en- U that the victim was told to sew three at Geneva and one at Air Base, San Antonio, Texof Nancy. $800 into an old pair of under- he had waited too long, which A moderate imIronton. Those attending were: Faye wear and to leave the garment In was probably part of the plan, and as, wrote to the editor of the our coal supply in provement Dragerton Tribune expressing his Bullock, Jackie Johnson, Ethel a box supplied by the gypsies for when reported 'to the sheriffs ofhas enabled us to bring the pleasure in receiving the Drager- Alger, Collene Burdick, Anne M. a period of from four to six Fri- fice, the gypsies had moved to Idle furnace back into operton Tribune each week. He also Rodriquez, Marilyn Colombo, An- days, and then upon opening it parts unknown and not a single ation, he stated. stated that he wishes to say hel- thony Berardi, ' Ray Anderson, he would find his money had clue could be offered by the viclo to his many friends and teach- Johnny B levin and Ronald tim as to names, identity or doubled, ie., $1600. ers in Dragerton. on Page Five) Weil, the faithful follower did i our community a better place in which to live. make Per Copy 5c CLOTHING DRIVE war-strick- Lets all help to Given Dy Tho Junior High BY HELEN ROWE The East Carbon Junior High School music department, under The Christmas lights are shining. the direction of Mrs. Jeanette They seem to cast a glow. and Mrs! Ruby Mahalik, Of loveliness and peace, is preparing a Christmas pageant For all the world to know. and pantomime to be presented Thursday, December 18, at 7:30 These are some special orders P- - m. in the school auditorium. for Christmas For: During the afternoon, this DONNA WOODRUFF A date same program will be given for from a Wasatch boy for the the children of the grade schooL It ijias been asked that the parChristmas dance. Roland Vigil A box of bubble ents keep their children home from the evening performance so gum. MERLENE STARK A blonde that sufficient room will be available for the parents in the evefrom Carbon College. Ted Taylor Zella Crosby. ning. All parents and friends of Bud UNGRICHT A pleasant the school are invited. look from Alice Hanson. Songs of the Christmas season DONALD Cullen A date '(un- and scenes of the birth of Christ will be portrayed. Special cosbroken) from Waunema. Morris Nelson Wants to be a tumes are being prepared for this season. Approximately 200 boys star on the basketball team. Kendall NELSON Claudett and girls will take part In the exercises. ' Wright La Dee Peterson GEORGE I Christmas vacation for the schools will begin after school on BRADLEY. I CORENE MILLER A million Friday, December 19, and will dollars and a man from Helper, continue until January 9, 1948. . Loralne Brace A diamond CHRISTMAS LIGHTS Me-Alp- ine ring. BERTHA worth Duran Dsskclhll A Kenil- MAN. Is Under I7sy , At East Garbn As for myself, 111 take a good-looki- ng Movie Star that sings like DICK HAYMES, looks like Van Johnson, dances like Gene Guzzo and has a car like CORENE MIL- Basketball is claiming the most interest at' school at the present time. Coach R. N. Allred met with the officials of the other two junior high schools recently and a schedule was drawn up for the This is an ad from Starks Proleague.. opens on Jantection Agency: 15. East Carbon However, uary TO TOMMY BYERS drew a bye on the opening date; You are my style and my comthen first game is set for Januplexion, 22. And voti are going in my direc- arySixteen men make up r- the tion, are: squad. They So, if you have no objection, Merl Morris Nelson, Anderson, . .I'otier. you my protection For you ore certainly my selec- Kenneth Harris, Dsn' Cullen, Tommy Lee, Joe Lopez, Burton tion. -- - Reynold?,' Harry" Abeyta, Billy "' ' ' Is this a fad GEORGE BAUERS Faddis, Ronald Evans, Ruben has started?? Ruben and John Jimenez, Joe Atencio, Knute Blair have fancy things on their Crawford, Carl Poglajen, Johnny PolonL -- , pants now, too. LERS. (I dont want much), P.S. Bud, ' please give nie a Christmas present and leave my column as I write it HUH?? The-seaso- - . m ., .... THANKS, FOLKS!!! The leaders of the drive held for the Indian people wish to thank everyone for giving so generously to the drive. It was a big success and this small town made .a very good showing. The leaders of this drive for the school were: Margaret Minnie White a p d Robinson, Doris Marrow. Mr. Mayer was their advisor. These people also did a fine job in collecting the things and getting them ready to send off on the friendship train. Thank you again for contributing to this drive. It wasnt such a big thing for each one of us to give just a little bit, but it will mean A LOT to the Indian People. FUEL OIL TANKS ARE NOT . STANDARD SIZE The following announcement was made by the officials of John Galbreath & Co., and the manager of the Union Supply ComConsiderpany in Dragerton: able comment has been made recently concerning the size and capacity of the fuel oil storage tanks which are used in connection with the floor furnaces. We wish to advise all of the residents that these oil drums are not of the same size and capacity. They do not hold the same amount of fuel oil; therefore, do not be alarmed if the fuel-- oil delivery truck puts in more than the cusI wonder how ELLIS and tomary 55 gallons. Some of the THOMPSON are getting along?? oil drums hold as much as 70 gallons. Good, I hope. Whos that guy that all the girls like to dance with at the canteen. It couldnt be you, could it sleepy KNIGHT?? GENIEL and RAYMOND seem to be crowding DONALD G. out of the picture. Come on, DONMr. and Mrs. Dee W. Miller of ALD, put up a fight. What is It that TED TAYLOR Dragerton had a girl on Decemand ZELLA CROSBY have been ber 8. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zaremba of doing in World History??? Having fun? Suppose you tell us Sunnydale had a boy on Decemthe part of the story ROLAND ber 9. left out A boy was bom to Mr. and Mrs. t The school is planning on hav- Onesimo Medina of Sunnydale on ing a terrific dance Thursday December 10. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Namjo had a night after the Christmas So lets all go, kids, and girl on December 11. They are of -help mike these things a big suc- Dragerton. cess. J On December 11, Mr. and Mrs. The tenth grade party will be Dewey Chidester of Dragerton held this Friday morning, begin- had a girl. ' Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Armstrong ning right after second period and continuing until 12:30. The tenth of Dragerton became the parents of a girl on December 13, 1947. (Continued on Page Five) red-hair- W. ed prd-gra- m. . DIG BinillDAY B ALL Sponsored by -- Lien end Gbncrs SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20 - DDAGEDTOU EVERYONE INVITED Ad mission $1.50 GYf.l SEMI-FORMA- L Extra Ladies 35c |