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Show - ' 4. , THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAn Leave her be. Til be do an. A moment later be appeared in "GAY GADGETS" the yard, hi overalls drawn hastily CORNER H over his pajama. looked Associated Newspaper- - WKU ftsturss I sheepish. By NANCY PEPPER It all right, . Emma," he said. "That' our pig now." SKIN GAME Oursl cried Emma. "Oh, no, not that! Flower certainly grow in the BU Syndicate.1 WNU feature. Seth ran his hands nervously most Emm Haines wakened with diffi- aimin to give you a piece of that places these days. through hia hair. "You tea, I just Even unexpected culty from her early morning ileep, meat By INEZ GERHARD that contrary Mary of tho old Emma softened. She walked in- couldnt bear seeing that hog lookThat noise! What was it? It was side and looked at tha meat It ing the way ah did, all run down nursery rhyme couldnt have done HAZEL BROOKS is as like water swirling rapidly down better with her silver bell and to talk to as she Watermelon must and thin and neglected. So I traded drain. Her brain cleared,. nd she looked good. cockle shells. How ingenious can is beautiful to look at, which is heaved her great bulk out of bed. make good hog feed, muttered one of our pigs to Slatterly for her. Is wbat we want to know. That gave them meat, and I thought yon get. Emma to herself. a lot. Green eyes, cop-Only we thing sounded like that! Solution Bet you saying Strapless 1 could Ma'am?" said Ed Slstterly. maybe fatten her up. .The outlaw pig belonging to Ed hair, a brightlive-- y dont know the newest way to wear said would reI that be nice, Emma mind at him stared was her garden Slatterly raiding equipment enough your corsage with Wed lov having again. Probably wanted more of her plied Emma. a strapless formal. for any young actress; add some fresh meat It's very kind of to the ability to look on discourprize watermelons. Shed show her! "Although I gotta admit, sha is an With Scotch tape that agement as a stepping stone to sucHastily she thrust her feet Into slip you. said Seth. "May have to outlaw," on stick it one you With the help of on of the boya, pers, put a house dress over her get rid of her afte-albare shoulder, and. cess, and you have Hazel. Married after a modelling nightgown, and started for the door. Ed took the pig down from the hook tol hav before you know it, to Cedric Gibbons, cried Emma. "May contract at career and a two-yeThere she was, the demon! Shed and cut off on of the hams for "May have to, indeed! What about have every Metro that came to youll she know that bony. . stubborn figure Emma. nothing, town followYou in watermelons? certainly girl "That's too much, ah said my took a small role in Arch of Tri- will have tol anywhere. lead. It your ing firmly. Get out of there, you ornery works better with Seth grinned and wiggled his toes No, Maam, he said. 1 have a Emma picked up the lot of young creature! , gardenias in a single like the small grass and boy. --' eat 'unt, they nearest stone and threw It with all and orchids than but the weather is warm. "Whatever you sayv Emma, he hearty, her strength at the skinny sow. The with bulky corsages, of course. pig grunted and ran toward the hole On and With your under the garden fence, which she off shoulder peasant blouse you had prepared for herself. She wear daisies or simple garden squeezed her gaunt frame underthe flowers, scotch taped to one shun wire, grunting noisily. Emma threw der. another stone, and the sow trotted off down the road toward bom. Before and After Emma sputtered to Seth all durHo used to phone me nightly. ing breakfast about the sow. And flowers be would send; t Shes against everything Tv My wish was hia command; ever seen in nature, complained And at my call hod run Emma. Eats watermelons, of all But, sine w have gone steady. things! Of all the truck I have In All this is at an end; my garden, those melons are the more fun to be woeed Its things I prize most And doesnt Than it is to be wen! - that . cussed pig know that! She HAZEL BROOKS makes for the melons every time. JABBEKWOCKY AND JIYE which led to ad important umph Seth didnt say much. After all, Quaay Quotes in one and Soul; Enterprise he was more than ordinarily fond Body i What did one life preserver Studios know talent when they meet cf pigs, all pigs.'1 He loved to raise life f the other preserver? it Hazel not only ha talent she has them, see them grow large and conHi, ya big buoy! tented from good feeding.' Anyone ambition, great honesty, and that 25. had only to look at his fifty fat hogs intangible something that spells to one did What termite say tnt success. to know Seth enjoyed caring for other termite? Wmt them. "Im getting board, arent yon?" NBC comedy series, The Life Emma sighed. Td go over to see Getout f there, you emery creature! Emms picked up the of Riley, will become a if so I have didn't Slatterly today, What did one scale say to the ueareet atone nnd threw It with all her strength at the skinny sew. Universal-Internationfilm. to much da Ill try to go tomorrow. other scale? who produces the Brecher, Irving Its simply got to stop! Those trashy Meat wont keep too long. You take laid meekly. "Whatever you eay, "Oh, go weigh! program, will write the screen ver, swamp folk will have to learn to it right along home." my dear. and William Bendix may star "That Seth hadnt been married thirty keep their stock to home! mighty fin of you, Ed What did one alarm clock say to sion. in it eaid .Emma. Tier con- years for nothing. He knew ' the the other alarm clock? was three days before Eipma Slatterly, It ' value of silence. He knew with cerfound time to visit the Slatterlys. It science wat beginning to hurt "Im all set for a good timet The Hospitalized Veterans FounEmma carried the ham all the tainty that this was not the time to was two miles back to their shack dation la having a drive for funds; at the edge of the swamp, but way horns and put it In tha refriger- mention that h had promised tjie What did one cucumber aay to surely there to no more worthy ator to coot 'Meat wa ezpensiva, Slatterlys a dozen of Emma! prize another cucumber? Emma was a hearty than this. Among its founder cause tha thought of a roast of fresh watermelons, as soon as they were woman, and she loved the walk and "Im In an awful pickle! and officers (all unpaid), are Jack ham mad her to the fields deal the lota. happy. and wood ripe, complete through Benny, Joseph Cotton, Sammy Sha was at peace with the world n Several of the Slatterly children Wbat did one say Herbert Marshall, Perry Kaye, Were playing around the cabin. when she went to bed that night another- yesman? Come and Walter Pidgeon, and Early tha next morning ah wok They were handsome children. In "I dont no! many prominent business men and m confusion. sound That of their dirty, unkempt ap- up peculiar spit Industrialists. Money is needed for . again. Water, going rapidly round KX1CK KNOCKS pearance. , radio and television seta, phonoround Not a in and drain. It Knock. Knock, .Where's your Dad? said Emma graphs, and to provide traveling couldnt be! She ' aat up. There Whos therer shortly to the oldest boy. theatrical unite to visit the wards. wasnt another pig anywhere that Katch. "Pawl" yelled the boy. Send contributions to Sammy Kaye, sounded quite like thst Katch who? Fifth Avenne, New York City. Ed Slatterly appeared at the door Sha hounded out "Of bed and hit Do you need a handkerchief? of a shed behind the house. Ha was tha floor with a thud. Slippers, the Dont to Forget Compliment It works out tha same if qrou say small, wizened man. Emma had house dresi over her nightgown, the Unlike many other prima donnas. Them that Boo to knocking. Try it. never sees him when he wasn't flying trip to the garden. Sha rubbed Rise Stevens has repeated only two a moth One of to make the most affective salesmen Isnt it enough ' chewing tobacco. She walked to- her eyes. It was Slatterlyi sow! I have ever known selections that sha sang last year bawl? his accomplishes wards him. Over hit shouldtr she Thera couldnt ba two such pigs in near miracles to during tho nine Sundays she haa business, not by looked inside the shed. Thera hung all tha world. been on The Family Hour this folintellectual any system, but by a butchered pig. season. And she did those again only Dazedly ahe picked up a stone to lowing on of the simplest of all Oh, she laid. That your pig, throw at the creature. plans I know for impressing others for It! by listener request. My Ed? . Emma. Seths voice wa call- favorably. Many of the scenes of "Callostro, Yet, Ma'am," b replied. 1 was ing from tha bedroom window. H compliments his customers. By Frank Colby which Edward Small to making In They like it so much they buy from Italy, are being shot at the fabulous him. They also form an attachment Vllle dEste, which was lent to EdJUNIOR AND SECOND to him which makes it next to Im' to It that young Henry ward Small Productions by the ItalHow Q. possible for a competitor to coma Ford to known as Second" when, ian government. Gregory Ratoff to in and maka sales. as a matter of fact, he 1a the third directing. All great laaders from the begingeneration of the original Henry ning of the world have found that Ford family? R, H. The advertising agency that is if they can compliment others propA. Questions such as this indicate handling Tha Sunday Evening erly and judiciously they are em- that there to quite a lot of confusion Hour to tattoo la Hast Um. Horizontal doing a wonderful thing. ploying an aid which to beyond price a to the distinction between JunInstead of sending Christmas gifts it to ao valuable. . 1 Silkworm ior" and Second." The matter to to the press, they're asking us to When you compliment a person, it somewhat 4 Colloquial: complicated but per- name someone In Europe to whom hows that you art interested in him Jather haps this article will make the they will send a CARE food packd 6 and want to pleas him. In you that usage a little more understandable age. A certain little girl In France to bird person sees a reflection of hia own ua of note let First to all, 11 Pertaining carefully going to get some extra food, and desire. And thats what make us that Junior" do not tha agency has set an example that Second" and tight like others a reflection of tha things IS To vex mean same tha is a everybody ought to follow. Junior thing. w lik most in ourselves. IS Printer word from the Latin, and it means Of course I am not recommending mtatur Junior to used prinHollywood stare are swarming in younger." 18 One under the flattery. When a compliment degen- cipally to designate a son who has New York, many of them not avert care of erates, it becomes mere Battery; k the same full name as his father. to doing n stage play if they had n another to not a boon but a handicap to Now then, let ua use the Ford fam- ehanc. But charming little Jean 18 101 friendship.. You cant trust flattery. IS To depart ' a an example br the manner in Lockhart stepped eat and showed We feel w can trust compliments. ily 81 Girls name which Junior and Second are em all; in For Lor or Money" an excellent performThis salesmen I am telling you used 82 Shakespeare, correctly. Here are the three she give inch critics raved. the Bard of about never makes the mistake of ance the that of the Ford generations family; ' 24 Valorous flattering his customer. A Henry Ford person What I try to do with every man Jim Davis lost seven pounds durton: Edge! Ford 88 Scandinavian Henrys to find out 'what h wants to hear ing hia first seven daye as leading F.dsels son and literary work man opposite Bette Davis in Winabout himself," be explained. I 88 Unit of Henrys grandson: Henry Ford ter Meeting at Warner. And of never compliment him upon things energy It la obvious that If Henrys tha 20 scenes (or 39 To rub out filmed that are obvious that other comwere to be known as grandson 81 Compass About him those that time, 16 were of a roupon. during pliment it would Henry Ford, Junior, point mantic nature! things he gets tired of hearing. But 83 Symbol for suggest that he, and not Edsel, to ail of us yearn to hav somebody confuTo son. tellurium this avoid tell u about some other excellence Henry's When Robert Young saw tha first 84 Infirm sion, Henry's grandson to desig- rushes of Columbia's Relentless," of oura one that isnt quit so ob38 To check nated aa Henry Ford U (the sec- and watched a vious. colt 88 Hebrew ' That to a shrewd observation on ond), thus: named Boogie do his stuff, Young month Henry Ford 40 Small brook human nature. I remember reading said sadly, "There goes my perNo. 41 Edsel Ford 42 Similar how bored John D. Rockefeller was formance. In five minutes Im dead D Ford 43 Also Henry when complimented upon hia busiand forgotten. 38 Garret 5 31 Exists Norwegian 47 To rend To show how the designation ness success. He wanted to hear 39 Covered stall 4 To peel capital -49 Cloth S3 To put a 41 Haunt 8 UnaccomThird would work out, let ua preA number of young couples who something else. The thing he wantmeasure (pL) 43 Horn on to burden ed was tend hia that Henry Ford had had two have baby-sitte- r about panied hear trouble have bought praise 80 Former .44 Plural 57 By 6 Smooth-texturehousehold economies. And Andrew sons, one named Edsel, and on television sets; now their world Japanese cheese 58 Symbol for ending admiral . Carnegie wasnt nearly ao proud of named Henry. Alio, let us y that beats a path to their doors. For 46 King of " 7 Tatter ' nickel Small vessel having given away so many mil- each aon had a son, each named them It to good newt that television 60 Wrath 8 Plan surface Bashan for liquids lions of dollars as h was of his Henry. In such a case the proper first regularly scheduled sponsored 48 63 South for 9 By Symbol 84 Babylonian ability at a public speaker. network to now available, with Jinx designation! would be: 64 Part of American sodium deity to The am I if that Infinitive rodent point making Falkenburg and Tex McCrary as 10 To convoy Henry Ford 85 Pronoun you want your compliment to do Henry Ford Jr. haadlinars. Edsel Ford 11 Above 68 Rigorous Amu I Pint Naultr 44 the most good you hav to ferret out 69 Eleven 14 To burn Henry Ford n Henry Ford HI little things which the other person 81 Swiss cottage ODDS AND ISDS Gene Kelly, superficially is a common misbelief that There would like to hear somebody aay 63 Head of a 17 To turgt aon of, and it with bit broken ankle in a cast, taw Junior mean the sights of Manhattan while Fred about him. publication 20 Aloud therefore cannot properly be used Astaire, 83 Shop who took otter for him in "EasThe next thing my talesman friend 23 Brother of a daughter whose neme to iden- ter Parade worked hie mad rehears 68 French doe to to make hi compliments by Odin tical with her mothers. But, as I Mg hit donee sequences. , . . Christoarticle 24 Pronoun ring true. He isnt fulsome about have explained, Junior simply pher Walk it named fee Christopher 87 Unit them ever. He is truthful. He can 23 Glacial ridges and ven in Byron, ton of Ed Byron, who writes the mean younger, into any company and be liked 37 On the ocean go Vertical Latin the word is both masculine, air thaw, . . . Bari hat turned eons and popular because in any com30 To give forth to write the theme end feminine. I know of at toast poser long enough " Green ballad for 20th CenSury-Fox- s 32 Plat of 1 First woman pany he finds something nice to comin desigone instance of Junior in which Grass loot hat , of fired clay Wyoming upon. 2 Slang: one everybody pliment a daughter the ease of the a leading rola. . . . Tbaret no 36 To rais The reason h finds these things is nating tellsug wh strongly Cobina social New York' leader, what tho unhsbitad Henry Morgan wtu 87 River to resembles that he looks tor them. There isnt Sr., whose debutant daugh- tay on tha air about that "Big at a Africa another Bartoa J any reason why you shouldnt do just Wright ter wa formally called Cobina House" tout ast hit sponsor it a imiek la there? Wright Jr. 1 S EWING FICTION CIRCLE PATTERNS (jaij pajamas n, -- aS-Z)omor- Shirtwalster row open-mouthe- I- -- , s.-- X ' yes-ma- Comfortable Pajamas "'ASUAL, well tailored nightwear for the woman who likes pajamas. Two versions are included in the pattern a long cuffed sleeve style for winter wear, and for warmer weather have brief cap sleeves. a a a treatment, the slimming lines. Choose a pretty lightweight woolen in gay plaids or solid tones, and add interesting novelty buttons. a Pattern Na. 16, 18, 20; a 8244 comes In sizes 12. 14, 40 and 42. Size 14, short sleeve, 3) yards of Send today for your copy of the Fall and Winter FASHION 52 exciting pages of style, color, easy to make frocks. Free gift pattern printed inslds the book. Price 25 cents. Send your order to: DEPT. SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN Pattern No. 8230 Is for sires 14. 18, 18, 40 and 42. Size IS. long sleeves, 5)4 yards of 36 or 828 Mission St., San Francisco, Calif. Enclose 25 cents in coins tor each 20; pattern desired. Pattern Kn New Shirtwaister HIS handsomely fitting shirt-waist'Ip has a look. Note the clever button - Nm er 1 - Take Word CROSSWORD PUZZLE Long-legge- A must for children during the Keep the window open slightly apple season is, of course, their while the gas or kerosene heater favorite .caramel taffy apples. is being used in your home. a They are usually delighted to help in making these, especially . for Teaching the family to wipe their feet before entering the their parties. house saves wear and tear on Naphtha or gasoline left ever rugs. after cleaning garments may be strained through a filter cloth and returned. , to the can for further Get Well cleaning purposes. . Voter CacigS Dh to a Cold rv,,cHo"iTr mi O wLCI Cough Compound When pressing armhole seams on a lined garment, press the seams open. Armhole seams on unilned garments are usually turned toward the garment. Clothesbaskets that are lined with white oilcloth are much easier to keep clean. Use a piece of oilcloth for the bottom and another to run around the sides of the basket. for Z'hQfihs set-up- ld QUICKER From Have shelves inthe kitchen placed low enough to be within easy reach. Then useless things will not be placed there and allowed to remain. .thati a job MLTIKOlAnJM TWIIJS two famous, ingredients that help thin out thick mucus, reduce swelling, soothe membranes. Soon soreness eases up, head starts to clear. Dont take head-col- d misery lying down use Mentholatum. fast-acti- ng Quick B When MEffTHOLATUM misery makes yon gasp for air, and nose feels raw and tender, reach for soothing bead-col- d Menthols turn and Man thola turn contains comforting Camphor and minty Menthol, cold-inflam- ed ALSO RELIEVES CHEST-COL- TIGHTNESS, NASAL ABRITATION AND CHAFPINB 1 j . fA ii . d - Atk Mother, She Jfaows... Gabber Girl it fit baking powda with the bolmcod double action . . , Sight, hi tho auxing bowl; Light, froia ft even. sp'ipe j iA |