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Show L j J Tuesday, September 16, 1947 tipple ecrew a' the, Mine Day Shift Leaving . . J , ; -- : - 1 s' V4w v - I Front row, left to right: Sam Farlaino. Don Logston, Clarence Back row, left to right: Nekon, Bert Kimber and Sonny Fratto. K on teles, George DeMarco, John Peczuh, Bob Reynolds, George John Zuganos, Leonard Rich andAndrew Saviolis. John Nigro, when picture was taken. Jay Rich and James Pizzuto were absent MINE AT COLUMBIA BEGAN OPERATIONS In fact, the whole Coarea was littered townsite lumbia 150 strong, the Columbia day shift prepares to leave the mine entrance. Their day is finished at 3:15 P. M. Next stop is the bath house. with boulders of various sacs. Originally none of the houses were TWENTY-YEA- R COLOMBIA PROUD provided with basements. How9 v ever, over a penod of years, emf Sf-X OF 20-YE- AR CLUB V J ployees generally excavated basements under the houses and the t.. A total of twenty-tw- o employcompany extended walls and fn t r ees of the Columbia Coal Mine ished off same At present prachave been employed continuously 5 tically all of the houses have ba Vfor twenty years 6r more. Thi A number of the original V. f represents over 20 per cent of the tents gradually grew into shacks ? . total employes normally employed Sme of these were privately at Colombia. The local manageA Aned and some were owned by ment Is exceptionally proud to a yi .he company The new septic tank e" have such a large group of twenwas installed and sewage disposal , S I ty year men which indicates exwas provided where the pricellent cooperation between manvately owned houses were located agement and labor. Management At present every house in Columfeels this is an exceptional record bia is modem and the townsite is and can be equaled by very few the most attractive looking cam coal mines In this area. in Carbon County The resideib of Columbia are to be highly comGeorgfc' Orfanakis is the first man of this group, who worked mended for the improvement on the Columbia Property. He made around the dwellings worked In the old opening on 9th Through a great deal of hard work West, mining coal for coking tests the rocks were removed, the hole COLUMBIA 1922-194- 8 in a bee hive oven at Columbia. filled in, and the lawns were deThe first coal from the Colum- - veloped with the aid of the cea-bi- a Joe Anselmo is an old coal digCoal Mine was dumped at a pany throughout the townsite ger who aspires to become Bishop temporary tipple and shipped to 'Most 0f the tenants have very at-tof Wellington. Ironton Plant in September, tractive gardens and the townsite Scottie Crawford is Assistant 1923. During the preliminary op-j- ls ell provided with shade tree Mine Foreman and the noisiest a single coke oven was Notwithstanding the altitude f erations, His man in Columbia. specialty left to right, seated: George Orfanakis, Joe Anselmo, pinch hitting for Albert Kimber, Earl Rich, Frank Mezek, Sr., constructed just west of the rail- -j Columbia, which is 6300 feet, tke is haulage, i particularly rope rid- - Reading Dave Par. Frank Poglajen, Sr., Dan Stevenson, Bill Harris, Ike road tracks and a short distance residents have found that most David "Scotty Crawford, Lew Reynolds,, J. E. Taylor, Mike J Evans, Levi Nelson, Ernie Stevenson, Abe Strate, Ed Braby and north of the storeroom at Colum- fruits such as Tratoa, Tally Evans, Alex Curtis and John Nigro. Standing: peaches, apple, Lew Reynolds is lamp man at George Mas toraids pinch-hittin- g Mike Botonakis. for C. J. Roberta, Steve Zoolakla bia for the purpose of testing the apricots, etc., produce very well Columbia. He is an old coal digcoal in the area which the Colum- m this area. ger and boasts about the tupe bia Steel Corporation proposed to At the start of operations, Mae when he was Mike Botonakis develop to obtain the necessary consisted of approxipartner loading coal at" Winter coal for the Ironton Plant This population 200 mately people In order to ask to Mike had the Quarters and coal was transported by pack anischool facilities for the provide Mine Foreman for a change bemal from the old 9th West openchildren, a large tent, and later cause he could not hold up his f- ing to the experimental coke oven two additional end. large tents were The coal proved to coke satisfac- for that purpose Whe (provided Ed Taylor is a machine man torily, and of course the mine was school was started at Columbia, and haulage man. then developed. about 40 children attended to Mike Tratos is an old coal digOriginally the only living ac- - grades from the 1st to the 8th m ger. He Is the lightest man in the commodations consisted of tents, one tent. The first teacher, Mr mine but he certainly has lots of with both floors and sides made of Amanda Roberts, certainly was steam. wood. They were scattered over difficulties. jy She under operating f i K ( a fairly large area. Shortly after, handled the school under theae , Tally Evans Is main line motor-ma- n. a boarding house W'asonstructed conditions for a short time He had the misfortune to which is located just west of the later an additional tent and lose one of his hands in a mine , v. Rock Bunkhouse At about the additional teacher was accident which did not slow him provided same time, the Rock Bunkhouse up in any manner. He can shovel f Many of the present residents and two dwellings wrere con- - Columbia attended these coal with the best of them. In adA, structed One of the dwellings schools. Mrs Roberts is to he dition he Is L. D. S. Bishop of was used for an office budding, Columbia. highly commended for the start Alex Curtis is brattice man, ma and the other was used by the she gave these children under very i son, etc. He is a former business Superintendent. About the same trying circumstances, i time a housing program s startman of Sunnyside and the only and a few houses were comman in the mine who can afford ed Jeffrey Track-MountLoading Machines 29U Jeffrey Track-Mountto wear a straw hat to work, Cutting Machine pleted during the winter of 1923- - The major portion of the Columbia Mine production is loaded 24 This construction program was dlnf House which wm. changing each day a the portal Practically all coal produced, at Columbia Coal Mine is cut by exclusively by Japanese with this type of loading machines. The machines arKsCrved by continued over a year or two until John Nigro is an old car dropthis type of machine. It cuts a 7 kerf 9 deep who woiked at the mine. It was cars. locomotives all and the mine houses in Columbia were per. constructed as they now stand operated this way until the tine Clyde Roberts refused to get ir. of Pearl Harbor, when all of the the picture unless two of the ofDave Day is an old loading raa- - The Circle as it is now knuvn, Bert Kimber, dump and weigh-ma- n, Earl Rich is tram coupler and an man. He worked at timbering at fice girls would hold his hands, was nothing more than a rougn Japanese left Columbia. In tke was not present. All hands old car dropper. He has the best Sunnyside a number of years beto was knoll before construction was ( Continued on Following Page) necessary consequently it (Continued on Following Page substitute George Mastorakis who agreed that Steve Zoolakis re- - voice of all the Columbia employ- - fore coming to Columbia. He was always given the most dangerous xyill be a twenty year man next sembled Bert however he is not ees. middle. timberan in Frank Mezek old the is year. big enough aassignment in the mine v s.fs - - t f i Al .: i started COLUMBIA 1922-194- 8 The Columbia Coal Mine at Columbia, Carbon County, Utah, was opened up to furnishing cnal for the Blast Furnace Plant that was being erected at Iron on, Utah, which is located thrpg miles south of Provo, Utah Mr. L T Rains, formerly of Salt Lake CRy and his associates merged with several small Califo, ma plants fai the Blast Furnace developing Plant in Utah whi"h made it accessary to open the Columbia Co?' Mine and the original lion MinSprin ing operation at lion Iron County, Utah, m the vicinity of Cedar City The preliminaiy work m opening tip the Columbia Coal mine was started in the year 1922. The Carbon County Railroad with a mileage of approximately 4 7 miles running from Columbia Junction on the Sunny side branch of the D & R G W Railroad to Columbia was constructed at that time MljN I 26 YEARS AGO i j -- he -- CUTTING MACHINE LOADING MACHINE Ui w j if ai w tet j , o-- w-a- L-4- 00 I ed ed Bf on on OFFICE EMPLOYEES 0 NIGHT SHIFT GOING INTO MINE Dt vVI.-- V V - At.v::- - i f''p r n . '"1 -- ? i v, J J? kh: j '. l ,' i . w .r iv . J - k K ' v! V -V 4J3 4 K 4&V' T - n V- . v -- a.1' v A' M Jr! t f Front row, left to right: Pearl Stevenson, DeAngeles, Tressa Hernandez, C. J. Roberts, Mary Stella, Rose Rodosh, Lucille Pressett. Back row: Fred Caspar, Emil Cances, Rupert La-v- ft a 2 ae Rnestfi. Joe Harvey, E. S. OConnor. Clyde Roberts was very anxious to- pose in this picture and seems to enjoy it. This is by far the beat looking group of office girls in Carbon County. - Ri |