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Show , r ' A ' Tuesday, July 29, 1947 THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERtON, UTAH PAGE SIX test for lacing his' shoes when Young en- its members, rather than tered, held out his hand and in a pros. It did boast, howvoice loud enough to carry, said: ever, one hole, the thirteenth, which Good luck, Merrit. would try the skill of the worlds MAH "Lane promptly acknowledged and best Many Midvale members bad V. V.' '? returned the wish in kind, but protested this hole, but the terrain br thought Still playing to the gal- was such that the committee could Gene do little about changing It Two hunlery. Brockhaven There was quite a crowd at the dred and fifty yarda from the tee. first tee and for the first time Lane Just far enough to catch the duffer's felt a bit squeamish in the stomach. second or third, the fairway ended On the tee itself he saw young and dropped abruptly Into a gully LANE MERRIT there w Willie Hopper waiting with his about fifty feet deep. This gully, TO A more than the title of club golf with excellent turf, stretched apclubs; young Willie, freckled-faced and hardly a dandy in proximately a hundred yards along champion at atake in todays match denim pants and the bottom before the start of the very much more. Indeed. There his area, for instance, the need to wipe khaki shirt; Willie, loyal and capa- rise back to the second section of out this Donald Youngs attempt to ble at his job the thought made fairway. humiliate Lane the evening before Lane feel better. He caught a Arriving at the thirteenth. Lane when he called glimpse of Kay standing In the still retained his one up. lead of the after the across the club dining room: "Bow crowd well back of the tea. Lane morning round. He bad played about a little bet on the match to waved, she smiled And waved back, steady golf and two or three times . in encouragement, be hoped. ha had fought off brilliant play by morrow, Merritt Say, $3,000 or so? It was a deliberate, and Lane They drove off, straight and far, Young which threatened his slender thought, cheap try to embarrass him, for Young, and the others, knew Lane didnt have $3,000. Old Pop Weller, sitting with Lane, had glanced at him to see how he was taking it He hesitated and then called to Young: Til take that $5,000 betf And the so can be any thing you want to make iti" Lane had looked appealingly at Pop and pleaded: "Dont do it, Mr. Weller. But Pop snorted: "Its about time that show-of- f was taken down a peg or two." Under the circumstances , there was nothing for Young to do but accept the bet, but Lane sensed Hrr v xV be wasn't too keen about it And then, most Important of all, there was Kay Cawley. Now, up to a few months before, to the Cawley and Merrit families and, naturally, , Kay and Lane, the future was definitely settled for these two. Then Young entered the picture with, his flashy manners, clothes and swank car. And he proceeded to give Kay the rush of that Can Your Most Luscious Fruit young ladys life. Lane was hurt but somehow it all seemed so right (See recipe below.) Not that he blamed Kay. She Was Fruit Preserving young, pretty, and bubbling with LYNN CHAMBERS a for life. She; deserved enthyslasm Be toe is women This and adulation and also the good times swung year many hit, hard and clean. Pineapple Ice have waited for the year when that Lane, Just making his start, Ham Loaf with with Young's ball stopping a few lead. On the tee Lane debated the they could obtain unlimited quantiwas unable to provide. In fact withSpiced Peach Garnish out his father's help, he would have yards out In front. They halved the advisability of blasting for the gully ties of sugar to put up all the fruit Buttered hols Parsleyed Potatoes first in and or that's par figures had to relinquish his membership in playing It safe. He decided on the In their orchards, and berries in Harvard Beets the Midvale Country Dub. At best tha way It went until the seventh latter, much to Willie Hoppers vis- tbeir patches. White Bread tt would be two or more years be when Lane rolled in a long, curling ible disapproval Willie reluctantly For many of us, it has been so Molded Melon Salad to a for putt handed five, over par Youngs bogia Core he could rightly ask Kay to set the requested spoon long since we put up fruit in any Fresh Berries with Cream to go ont up. Lane beld that lead and ambled off toward the wedding data, the brink of quantity that a Cookies ,, Beverage of At breakfast Lane gave thought to until the twelfth when Young the gully. Lane, hitting first, quick brush-u- p birdied the Iron hole short his after to the tee; the murmuring methods is essenhis problems. Be wanted to win for stepped his own sake; he wanted to taste shot from the tee had stopped a of the gallery ceased. He swung and tial. As in all big inches above the jars. If toe water the sweetness of victory over that scant foot from the cup. Lane went hit, hard and 'clean. The ball cartends to boil away during toe procundertakings, the one at tha seventeenth ried fairly straight as far as the underlying organblow-harYoung; be wanted to when up again essing time, its a good idea to have found a second Youngs deep win for. Pop Weller, fine - sport, a ktyeof boiling water near by marker and then isational work is off th green. And thats how hooked sharply downward and to most from which toe supply can be readimportant, gentleman and friend that he was; trap the left. Two long bounces and It and this can be and most of all, be wanted to win the morning round ended. ily replenished. . hack Kay. Of course, winning a golf done the day before. Gallery and players trooped into disappeared into tha heavy rough. Count the processing time from match wouldnt be enough for this the club dining room for lunch. The The day before you begin actual the time the water starts boiling. Willie, on the other side of the to room was be las but it might heln. noisy with tha clatter fairway, groaned as ha hurried canning, check on equipment big When time is finished, dishes and tha chatter at tha across to locate the' ball. A member sure that it works properly. For remove processing Lane arrived at the club a good ' jars (with jar lifter to half hour before the time set for the tables as shots of tha round were of the gallery pointed deep in to a fruit and berry canning you will toe fingers) and prevent burning over and replayed. Pop tiny white speck at the base of a need a water bath, which may be start of the finals, and as h drove talked place on thick layers of newspaper Into the' grounds Weller sat with Lane. You played small tree. Willi glanced hurriedly a large kettle or broiler, fitted to coed. ,hii modest-couphe saw Young on the practice tee. fine golf, my boy, but I think, on one at the ball, hla heart sinking, and with a rack, and a tightly fitting For many of the new type lids, "Mmmm-m- , he thought, the guy or two occasions, a little too safe. took up his position nearby. It was cover. Or, you also may use a presthe manufacturer does not approve Dont let my bet disturb you. Lane. a bad break and he was but this cant be too confident" for cooker sure processing, puzzled toe jar to test for leaks. As he made hil way through the Win, lose or draw, the dickens with that the ball had bounded so Is not as essential for fruits as it inverting deeply This one reason for not Inverting is locker-room mean a to his alley Lane was It It doesnt Is for vegetables. thing to me, Into the rough. certain types of Jars. hailed from aQ sides with "good except tha satisfaction Til get when You will need several large pans Meanwhile, Youngs drive, a treWhen the jars are cool, wipe them collect it from that phony. tuck" wishes. Strangely, he felt mendous clout, had carried the first and kettles for preparing the fruit off, label and store in a cool, dark none of the excitement which At two the second round started. fairway and You also toe syrup. gained momentum w and for making seemed to fill the room. He knew Now, Midvale was no g it hit the downhill roll of the guBy, will need to prepare jars, checking place. Use This Time Table course. Tough enough and long rolling almost to the that, besides Pop Wellers large bet very center. them for cracks and imperfections, much money had been wagered on enough, but an intelligent golf com- He walked with If you are using the water bath, hot ln them and soapy washing Lane, the gallery the outcome of the match. mittee had pointed to make it inter- trailing, down the suds. Make certain you have enough which Is recommended by most exfrom the fairway He dressed leisurely and be was esting and suitable to the games of toe. perts, you will covers or lids. want to observe Lane went into the rough and Estimating Amounts the processing down at the ball Willie was glanced Although fruits and berries vary time very careguarding. It was partly buried, its In size and moisture content, it is fully. The followmarkings completely hidden. It was still possible to make some sort of almost an unplayable lie and Lane, estimate as to how much syrup and ing fruits are for 20 berating himself for the error in the number, of jars you will need. processed apricminutes: playing safe, had about decided the For sweet fruits, you will use a ots, blackberrbest thing to do was to try to cut it syrup made of 2 cups of sugar to ies, blueberries, cherries, currants, out to the fairway. Horizontal cups of water; for slightly acid peaches, pears, plums, Wittu la Nest Just then sonieone called: "Here's fruit, use 2 cups of sugar to 3 cups gooseberries, rhubarb and strawber1 Certificate raspberries, a ball. Lane. Looks like yours!" of 6 To discharge water; for acid fruit, 2 cups of ries. Jim Meredith, refereeing the match sugar to 2 cupa of water is ample. 11 To escort and pineapple, processed walked to the second balL It was If the fruit Is very acid, 3 cups of in Apples 12 To long toe same type of water bath, will but a few feet In off the fairway, 14 Invisible sugar to 1 cup of water Is essentlaL require 30 minutes, while quinces emanation sitting up pretty as you please on a The syrup is made simply by add- require 35 minutes. 13 To value small tuft of grass, its markings the sugar to the water and boilIf you are using toe pressure ing highly clearly visible. Meredith ruled It 17 Not any ing together for 8 minutes. cooker for processing, keep toe inwas Lane's ball and a Lane, with 18 To entangle are canning large fruits dicator between 3 and 10 pounds If quick glance at the perfect lie, se- such you 19 Summit as peaches and pears,, allow pressure and process all fruits, exlected his brassie and sent the ball 20 Girl's name 1 pint of syrup to cept pineapple and quinces, for 10 21 Symbol for sailing over the gully and well onto s quart jar of minutes. The two exceptions will oleum the second section of the fairway. It fruit, for small require 15 minutes processing.-Querie22 Fssay was a perfect shot and the gallery 23 Witnesses fruit, or berries, Answered gasped. 24 Indian will need you How high should fruit be packed As soon ss Lane had hit Young ' mulberry only a half pint for walked up to Meredith, "I protest canning? Pack fruit and syrup M Unique of syrup to toe to within one inch of the top. ' 28 Brief that ruling," he said. How do you quart. 27 Weak know that was the ball Merrit hit How much salt should be added The amount of 28 To twirl from toe teeT It could have been fruit usually de- to water In which peeled fruit is 29 Husk dropped there. I Insist on examin- pends upon the size, but ordinarily placed to prevent discoloration? II Soon ing that other ball by the tree. I'm we count 3 22 Preposition pounds of fruit for the Add one teaspoon of salt to each sure Its Merrits ball because, from 84 Ottoman quart of water used. This will aid in estimatjar. quart toe tee, I watched It bounee Into the 23 Trap What makes fruit and tomatoes ing your yield. 88 Note of scale Too much processing, too rough toward tost tree!" His face Method of float? Pocking 87 Crude metal was white and set, his voice shaky a syrup or too loose a pack heavy 88 To the left Some fruits 'and berries are as the import of his words suddenly be the causes. 89 To taste but most women prefer us- may truck him. Why should fruit for canning be 40 Hypothetical cold pack method for pre- uniform in size and ripeness? Fruit Thats your privilege, Meredith ing the force answered. He went over to too tree ' paring fruit for canning as it takes should be evenly ripe and about the 41 In a direction and lifted toe half burled ball, lyss time. ' If toe fruit Is carefully same size so that processing will be from pole to 24 No. packed, there will be little floating. equal. . pole carrying It back to Young. "See, Wash and clean toe fruit, peeling 42 Genus of he said, fruit? No, Can I can over-rip- e a Falcon, and you its succulent S3 Indian tent 8 Numeral 41 Igorot town know toe make baU Merrit is play-ln- and coring, slicing and atoning when its too difficult to get a good prod9 Colloquial: 33 Backbone Pack into sterile Jars uct Use over-rip-e plants necessary. division With that ha walked off. fruit and ber43 Flat plate 38 Chopping to approve 42 To perform and attach the lid, using manufacss toe fruit for ries fruit butters, who Weller, Pop had seen of metal and turers directions. 10 To offer 44 Land tools will have to be mashed and there 43 Tax heard, muttered to the min next to 11 Polynesian 39 Narrow measure Process by placing the ifruita in is 47 Eaten away him. "There goes your ball game! pre48 Eleven Island group enough sugar to act as opening boiling water bath, making cer- servative. 48 Colloquial: to 13 And the ball game went Colloquial: to Young tain the water comes to that two criticize duplicate Released by Western Newspaper Union. dubbed his second completely, the I Smlt Nialar SS severely ball toe of toe missing top To prevent mold from forming on Vertical gully and LYNN SAYS: 18 White frost rolling back to rest half way up toe Save Time, Work, Money 19 Lower part smoked meats such as bacon, ham 1 Sudden slope. He stood watching the ball With These Btata of tha leg and sausage, dip a cloth in vinfor a few seconds then, his nerves violent gust 20 Long period and wrap around the meat. Lettuce leaves egar into tossed soup of wind of time breaking slammed toe club heavily will absorb fat and 2 Rudely give you less Store in the refrigerator. 22 Van into toe turf. Use fruit juices for soaking and Remove concise greasy soup to serve. 23 To gleam Yes, youve guessed it Lane won leaves 1 Inlet as soon cooking dried fruits. It will give as 28 Pastime take up they fat toe match. Best of aQ, Kay rushed 4 Symbol for 27 Unmixed Before you broil bacon, steak's or them better flavor as well as more onto the sixteenth green, where the indium 28 Became cut gashes In the fat This food value. chops, 8 Hot match had ended, to congratulate tangled toe meat 'fronT curling I Cheese stays moist if It is covered prevents 8 Breed of Lane and right smack in sight of When 29 Porch with a thin coating of butter before it Is cooked. 30 Barrier to be heavy draft that large audience threw her . Bits of soap make nice GOfBEEEEE stored in the refngerator. being which horses jelly surmounted arms around his neck and kissed Is lovely to use for shampoo, or foj Cheese which has hardened and can? Slightly 31 Ox of Celebes him! clouded 32 Melodious washing lingerie, glovea, hose and not be aliced should be ground and And much to Pop Wellers other mental lnsti -- mental used in grated form. delicate things. 1 Sanaa Relight condition Youngs $3,000 check composition bounced! t SEWING CIRCLE PATTERNS - top-flig- u J U LJ U 00$ itfjtpn d, Perennial favorite Well-ttttn- g -- AJith AJonien Afternoon Style &' snub-nose- well-wor- n semi-final- NJ- 7 . 'J- - heart-breakin- iT 8149 34-4- 8 Diagonal Scalloped Closing IXPERTLY designed to flatttei 14-4- larger figure, this well fit ting afternoon dress has a wealtl of charm. The diagonal closing it edged in scallops, softly ruffled the smooth skirt has an interest ing hip treatment. '-'- the 1617 6 A CASUAL, neatly tailored shirt- waister popular the country over. Brief make it cool and comfortable, the simple gored skirt is easily and quickly put together. It will be handsome in almost any fabric. o' cap-sleev- es Pattern No. 20; 40, 42, 44 35 or 1617 la for sizes 14, 16. 18. 46. Size 16, 3 yards of and Have yoa tent for yonr copy of the Summer Issue of FASHION? Its filled with sewins Information for every woman who sews for herself and her famHy. Free pattern printed Inside the book. 25 cents. A.11 Pattern No. 8149 comes In sizes 34, 36 38 . 40, 42. 44. 46 and 46 Size 36, 35 ardi of SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT St., San Francisco, Calif. Enclose 25 cents In coins for each 709 Mission pattern desired. Pattern - No Si Name Addres- s- H Put newspapers under grass or Greasy containers can be easily fiber rugs to prevent dirt from cleaned by rubbing with dry corn-measeeping through. On cleaning day remove the newspapers which Keep washing machine cords have caught the dirt. out of water, even though they Soap and water wont harm fur- are waterproof cords. niture; not if you wring a soft cloth out of warm soapsuds and wash furniture with it. When furniture is wiped dry, polish with a good furniture polish. e As you empty fruit jars, wash TfiAKESlODKi l. and thoroughly dry them, then place the lid on to prevent chip- -- ping, e Coarsely woven or braided, brilliantly colored table mats in clear Thirst Quenchers yfflATGROrroc ruby.red, emerald green, cerise or chartreuse will be a smart vogue for summer tables. Simple china And clear glassware are especially effective with these mats. s U. Wear dress shields in dresses, if you perspire under the arms. Keep shields immaculate with frequent washings. non-wash-a- a After powder puffs have served their purpose, wash them thoroughly and keep them near the sink or stove. These can bejjsed as pads for scouring powde Place a piece of adhesive paper over the crack in the outside walk If it remains unbroken for a time you may rest assured the settlement which caused the qrack has about reached the limit. Repairs can then be made. s d, g. Glacier Striped With Bands Containing Grasshoppers Millions of grasshoppers fill Grasshopper Glacier, pear Cook, Mont. Swarms of insects were carried by the wind to a great height. Frigid breezes over the glacier cooled the insects and they fell into the pit. Snows covered the grasshoppers. ' Other swarms met the same fate. In time the glacier became striped with black bands of frozen insects, some of them 60 feet deep, and the dark- - stripes may still be Seen there today. Snoop hound Looks everywhere for a bite to eat except in his feed pan. If only his mistress would fill it with Gro-Pu- p Ribbon! Crisp. Toasted. Made with 23 essentia! nutrients. Economical, too. One boi supplies as much food by dry weigh as five cant of dog fobd Gro-Pu- p also combs in Uai and ii t, For variety, feed all three 1--lb. Pcl-EU- IhjSGaRt GRO-PU- P IMlIv BUBBLE CHAMPS CHEW BUB -- and parents approve this foil-wrapp- tmn laboratory-p- i quality bubble g Bernard Freund, winner of prize skate in contest, zaya: "BUB give me bubbles every tune! Hj mother, Mribigger Ruth Freund adds: BUB ie made to highest American standards of quality and purity'' BUB meets ail Pure Food requirements! It made entirely in the U. S. Aj under the meW Military ctnditione! A likt Frmf mft er il Ckuapiee Bernard lk tkt With tb Bit Bid Lrttmn! lilfili |