OCR Text |
Show - DESEttET EVENING I. , !he i ; News .1 i;- - - .,uu read by more than 100,600 people. m0117 farms's. In the prosperous regions of Utah. LIM, Wyoming. Nevada. Arizona., cOlorado, Ore-teNew Maxim.. and Western eestarate! r , ... li :. . ! , , , t., The Deseret News is on Sate oft. Every Train That Deniet or Entets Lake Daily. , After 2:S4 p. tn. Patrons Who Can Not Obtain It Are 'Requested to Inform the Neas O1tee.1 Format Complaint ... - . . . , ,, , - , . , P .1embe' ere 'Preliminary Investigation Held Sat-Ariernonn-Stattm- sent urday by " Interested Parties. L... 1 as I, J 7 I , , . -- - ' - -I f , 4. 'a94f - BEFORE ;GOVERNOR. . ist lquainted' banquet on the eveninit ot Thursday. Jan. S. Plana tor whtell are e now being completed by T. F. Thoinae ebelanen of the Salt Lake county Dem- orratieeommithee.' A uteetiny-ointnt Democrat.. includine several of the stank Democratic' compmine, teas held 'haturday in the once Io' State Chairman Samuel R. Thurman, i e n arrengmeents for the banquet were outlined.. T. :F. Thema, who made such signal - cess of the Jackson day banquet a yeap ago. was unanimously selected.es committee chirman of the banquet ' again this year. Whiie the main purpose of the ban- (wet is to celebrate the ,ninety-nint- h of thcriclorp of Oen, '' " anniversary drew Jackson over the British at New Orleans. the plumage of the Democratic melt and currency bills- and recent Democratic succesees In New Jersey. ttivetthIlt Mary benet,,ann Mays cidentally planned on this occasion to bring together leading Democrats from all over the state in a general love 'existing in Ifeast, where diff2rencee party over the dietribinion of fed. reasons end Patronageend other may ' be buried in oblivion. The banquet - , , BANQUET, wij , , !HEARING , I Ell" , - Before Attorney General on USTI ,' IN,11011SING - ----- s carbonCounty-7-TangleCome- k -- , B2t1C h Yaw's Unique- Music Room at "Lark lillillOIFFERUIRS I , re477.7,,...1 - - - . 29 1913 IIIIIIDE:OCIIITS TO' May Visit Here Efforts Prevail , , 110NDAk DECEMBER NEWS Maria :Montessori WITH MALFEASANCE lose. aome fortune to, , -, TIM NEWS ON THE TILMNS k;:; I - and &stints from that of the Patti and !Saturday News. Price $2.00 per year. $1.00 for sit month& rife sansPle envies sent on 101114114 4 f , scanning theeon the hand of Ilrnetwork of Oakley man. the swarthy prognos- tleator bent ciOte to her work and Mr. Pendeirruse becanta .absorbed in the fascinating Yarn of Ills Poq.! ' present antrYuture.1 Idahoan troll: This morning.-eb- e ed dosil 'making "mind bets" op the fallibility of fortunes told by gypsies. Ho fell. for Ws dollars' Malley,,, tionel Sixty-fiv- e woith of reel rnortly had vanished. The fortune teller bad predicted the key of money itnd Pendegrass bus- -. tied to polive teadquarters to report advertisers on aelftettalu Tide etrentation,itr4oUttrely - yesterclayarefully line's Detailed circulation by states tuknished ' ,cliA oflOak- Icy; Idaho. in ' a ..- ,- fortnne-telli- n bcoth on ,wert Third South street n. .. are about .money." Mated teller to It, Issued Mondays and Thursdays ' . HE WOULD LOSE COIN - , Hp - , -- , TOLD IDAHO VISITOR lemi Weekly I PALM READER Gypsy . , i - , ,.?0C; ,,, Affidavits were filed Saturday by the earbon, county - ' I SIOnetR, loss. , the With charging ittunty Atty.te. C',,, ney of Carbon county,withr ' 1kbte and ann. in (trine. and rotrueeting big Sorg- and 13 !shop' IC I BRIEFS LOCAL' t an oration by nioval. Tile charges indlrentlY i Sheriff Themes Meiter, end the on Kass bays lie Can duck of a prominently, displayed itulationarazioxamettaidering Close of Dock SeasowTne ii newspaper ing of Justly of the Peace seaman clusea Wedueadaienovalesgonteo 'aterr"ItFatt4)7''afterrttioir ricer. i'Dt. 4 ' law supresedes the federal Jaw w hick, Paturdayafternoon -to the effect that Pri.11 in the charges. An boence of, Luca' 1 ,atatutea- to -- the holm- foe restoring- tile. eyesight of er 1 ,, Earl .Ians of it;3 east Third South bearing wag held later. before t contrary, sets Jan. 1; fie the Milk. , street had been abandoned following VIM-noattorney-genera- l, and Annie' Death of Mrs. MorrioeMna treatment in an toastern hospital-- Mr. i,"-'.ic.it 1 ti al. Morrie. widow of GeOrre$1111tris, Kase hfinseifaald yesterday that his thee. officiale arid attotneya , or tail. and Hotel the cline : realdenee at :5! north condition was improving and thet he County COMM lealonera4,-,M,Atiorrdid() or-hI a Maw l'A be Rho was nuw dietributed will invitaltons ta First Weat streetyeaterday. Willitim illamilton of Carbon -oi, mill of of the Democrats anti the and native east et a short time attoa asnong says prominent lirere, , state al once. Will expected that ex- ikotland. ' that he hopes to be able to resume his O. C. Nelaon of Price and Allen T. .1'Utah ford of Salt Lake. attorneys for 'Oodles at the University bf curaion ' Christian Endenvorers' Ptins-Chri- a. OCCIlatOn on all the railroad s. so that within a short time., , countx . Maria Montessori of Rome. Italy. the attendance may be tian Endeavorers of the mate are or representative ELLEN BEACH TAW, TKE DISTINGVISHED HEADWIER AT THE an C. McWbinner. of Carbon county and &mime of the renowned Montessori from all parte of the state. flitting b: had ' , atItute in this city early in the summer, Announced today that a change will his attorney. Mark P. Braffett of Salt method of OILPHEtrld S. IL Thurman Chairman State , visit in of for be the mad. children, training may meeting place connection with the proposed be es selected will .7 Lake probably No , music room 'es- - are all in stettal use. open to the sweep the here two lectures e to , be this given by convention. abort noted , Of, yvitbin a thin Endeavor state city and toast the ter at banquet. Lets in the country than that in the of southern klitifornin ' ' who find Catherine sir and the educater is nowin Chicago. and.- al- - the 'lleers or the national' arganisation - speakers will i been announced as a speaker in the ' one of , Ellen glow of ,southwestern Hum , - TITE CMARGEs mADE7 promise ,to be present. G. rambling suburban Senator Francis fixed end- - include either her tour , have to wag though bait. It has The tabernacle and California Miss Yaw. Beach southern make the assembly three specific Taw'. grand piano Is revved aMtayita Fete at Moon. ClubOver 7110 mn been decided-,no. to grant the use of charges ad in that city. she is being urged to Newlands of Nevada or former Gov. J. nightingale, who headlines the new by an Oriental woven scarf or gemit : against Mr. McWhinney, One H. Hawley of Idaho. Other speakers. bill .at,, the bets of the Loyal Order of Moose and the two buildings for lit '2', .1", dates. those extend her jOtirney Into the west, in h osen from Orpheum this week. and size1 and' texture. so remarkable that friends ellioYed a Christmas festival When to use the twe audi- charge is 'that Constabte James Westamong repiresentative : 4 ' - 1 Ii . which event she will not doubt include Democrats of the state.- will also deliver whom famous ranch "Lark Ellen." is- the .curator of one of the leading ma-- In the ball of the order Saturdav 10- - toriums..permission the field was underatood it that of allowed . one of show an Italian Sunnyaide the places- in the- south- ,. seums Of The world, stated- that thereI ternoon. The rooms were decorated lecturer was appearing in behalf of ,3 nddresties.- All speechecire to be Salt toelts City in het itinerary. ars prohabir not three like. tt .today. .' ' ): 't mu- - west With holiday effects, there was or- - the Salvation Army. theNolunteers.,,or charged with attacking .a five Red to I t, minutes. it . the are many advocatees of The furniture to begin with shadows and that. ,L,oming---dowfrom & time , chestral music for dancing. and cOttly some other charitable and benevolent Child to escape, ant-tha- t mewhinneY 1 1. program will also be provided. - the ghostly presence of a king, It is when duration tot human labor was Montessori systenteof training children lest : filled stocking sv,re plentiful. ,,, has been an- not was later found to refuse! to committees list of The which organization. Westi ! charges against came . '4 considered of little tensequence, it rep- - , ... only genuine French. but in this city, and filt mod Iteit form of nounked by Chairman Thomas. who is be not the case. Clan Steward CelebrationCI ' s field. According to-- the affidavit Mefrom Versaillesc and the bril- - resents man Y years of toll..., ! corn- - originally of chairman himself thikbanquet the Stewart of the Order of Scottiah clans kinnow in is , )1 system W. WhIbbeY Waal called before vogue ip the of Louie XV. Wagon Wrecked by cay.....G. On she - wall of this room: framed.. , i the county dergarten chairthan of all dant surroundings alit entertain local Scotch p eop le neat Roberts and primary departments of mtttee and of Bountiful escaped serious, commissioners There hi a wonderful writing desk. hangs the ".original manuscript or a n , , lericloY. and 'ordered to file the public rhoole here. Through the other committees. The list of when Royal Chie f A. narrow Saturdc.T', a by injury margin '' inlaid. handcarved and tapestry coy- number written !sr Mies Taw Ilyedr . lay le to visit this city,- - There will night when of the 'extent. the five senses tees follows: wagon he 'wag driving charges against the 'constab1 e. with. trod' chairs. a,.. .111nr,thilli Stf.:-.'if Addition tri 'isst.ties7 '' i be a Senifh 311IPPer with oatcahea. wait are approached through objects. pic;Banquet eominitteeT. F. Thotnas. southbound street view-tstruck a by ornamentation. sing some other Sullivan originalsofi ''F, his IS renieval from securing mon i, shortbread and Be011e:a, with a program ear near Warm Springs. Mr.- Robtures and colors-ajame:. 4o tbe I ta.aid All of these are not under treasures this script- - vs a token of the fice.: and erti was thrown to the Pt reet and-th- e Scotian ; ,i i;.. t! Including song, thin of Ideas by tha mentality. Bamberger, R. P. Morris. 0. W. Pow- - cower& or surrounded put away ' brass mils great'. dead friendship and ,.., wagotrwas-dernoilthedI,; ,, i - - dances. Yollowing the refused toinstigate a pmaecution of Speaking of the system. Supt. D. M. ere George D. alder. Samuel A. Wing, and chairs for awed by inspectionther admiration;withunutual yeverenee..----,------:4.Christensen of the local schools sal& C. P. Overtield, A. J. Weber and John Int Christman kentivalThe Dot- - accident Mr. Roberta was taken to the the constable. , ' , ' f 13,' "In Atte main it is not a fad or newfan- E. Clark. , lob monied.' of this city held a joint emergency hospital at police headi ,, lend-b- r committee John).. Clark. It ti Christmas 4estival Satutday night in quarters. where minor cuts and bruises The second charge is that the county gled-niethodtrardirbeen to Ticket - T. A. R. '3 Lewis attoroeyrefused- to Horne. BiddowaY.- RobH. against f t 2 ,'. '33 , lbe klackintosh block.- - There was a were dressed. According ccincrete criticism. a 'It is expression Max and Harry Crane, who of the l'r Iverson.,..Sidney Phillips and E. IA:. forge Christmas tree filled with ores- - erts lie was crossing the car tracks were 'Fowler to greatest truths that have come Mendenhallg have alleged ents for the children. and refreeh- - and the street car quickened speed to Ught from the varied experiences and operated a I I house at. Sunnyside. One of the ments for the older people. with a before be realized the danger. ,, . , ( Speakers' committeel. It beteher, To my expetimests in child A.dlisatiop. i Committeeman W. affidavits alleges that the county com- mind. I 1.0 Danish menw The evening, concluded t Madame Montessori , has but chahman: National Meath of SullivassMra Mr. missioners R. Wallace. W. H. King. D. C. Dun- the charges crystallized into fixed and definite 13 '1 1 with dancing.. i Catherine Carey Sullivan. wife of John against theseinstigated Mathenihab Noble Warrum two men and .decided terms tht fundamental principles that bar Officer as the most the musk''' A number of watcli p4rtitmi ' i .1 Idaho Man Dies liaJdispliatRobect Sullivan. a well known local railroad that both were guilty of gambling. have been evolving for many. years. Thomas. T. D. Johneon irresistible "peelee ,that ever swung heve4 aleeadY .applied for reservatioes man. died of at t.1 :1.) died..73t 12:301 jeveltind Sunday morning J. IL Idaho, Rupert. conimitteeMrs. j., Receptiod 11 115. 30 o'clock at the family residence. - 1 night stick, in a better detective Play anti it is expected a tante tlendene 331, Nevertheless., the affidavit continues,- Many of the thingt she advprettes have Hayward. ....a, nittiltill last ,1 '; -the County attorney refused to Prom,- been understood by students of the kinpresident Women's. Demoold rear out. and the ..t. 41., , Was brought Pierpont street. Prior to her, death 00 O'Clock. Mr. Cleveladdtight H.- Is-- than ever came van of France... is .,,of- - .nwettliv dance the . club cute two even men the tteman: after. rriGeorge. having dergarten heretofore. but it yemained tauatic M rs. Irisher to Solt lake for ea operation three Mrs. Sullivan bad been III three 000rod ,,117 o boo that flee! V , .. weeks IM O. $o far as known. he has months. Sherwin, 10 years of age. Mrs. been ordered to do so by the t'ornM16. to formulate a for these oteinizer VPstY021great J. R. ',etcher. Mrs. W. Romney., - 1. . no relatives In i aft Lake. 'The body Sullivan la survived by slit children-- York Principle gad work out the .rules and ler, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Cohen, lira. John E. definite mimes both In Nrot ft The-thicharge-- Is that a man axioms 1 ,4 witi be cent to Rupert toiler for burial Mrs. Andrew Cronin. wife' of ilia lomust, be worked out be- - (lark. Mrs. Joseph A. Young. 'f' that 1. e and , Chicago. ., comWilliams for & nagned a applied Denver of cal the become can a science agent freight any theory John F. Howells. Mn. James McElnw Annual Church t.itippeorThe (annual Rio Grande. Everyone to whom the show. world , Mat. Kato t'onnelly. Miss plaint charging a real estate dealer of being applied." - : ney. Miss steam Connor. Mns. L. IL Pepper of the Immanuel Baptist Anna SUlliVan and Michael Sullivan and Journalist of Price. with embezzle- capable the recent tonnliPntion here of Martineau. Jr.. Mrs. Mettle Hughes appeals wilt want to see this comedy, During church and congregation will be held of Salt Lake;. ktrio Edward Norton of ment. and the county attorney refused the N. E. complete. showing of Cannon. Mrs. W. It Wallace. Sire announcel or the Salt Lake. 'theater ,' pit the evening of Jan. 9. Tho epeeist Mrs. William Mullins to issue the and Butte. Mont,. Williams in was complaint. made Montessori Alice or. materials Iferrill Mrs. Isabelle Kenney, the last half : committee in charge or the evening'? or the zweek. opening Wesh. Funeral eervices will charged that the. man had misappro', 44 t the school supply department of The Horne,- - C. H. Cariquist. Mrs. Tom D. with a New 'Tear's- eonsiets of W. V. Orem. W. be reattle, prJgram day Matinee, at at St. Maria cathedral on printed ZOO he had collected In rent 'Desfret t.id 1. M. Meters. Mn. Anna attracted store. Mrs. book Anna Pitt. News lt Mrs. H. J. Fliliffercit arc Ebaugh, ' I. to be fixed later.. for Williams, and he asked that a com- much hour the ....e; of Lake theater. the Sett Wedneeday, T. Mre. Mrs. still Samuel reliese, aul Jeranckwited llies, Emma Thom. interested attention...which Piereey. . be isau.d. . eon ' Against Nebeken Mra. George A. Storrs. ours.' , Mr. Juncos Poconin the Eighteenth plaint tires. The affidavits are signed by George 7 Mrs. L. R. Martinesti. fir.. Mrs. B. 8. new bill should ap(irpheurti,-Th- e t eon- Age:' NesrlY Mrs Helen Ward chepel last evening a large readNiue( Mr. and Mrs: peal strongly to all sorts and condiRtveneSt - N. Hill of 7,pregation assembled to beer the ift Elizabetk Mortensen.-871urn- r ti: !ii .1 Atlunn ";77Niel HENDRICKSON age, ,,derson. Mrs. OB Mr..and Justice W. of at for it is the of peace tions celebrators Siddoway, holiday Infect? tho poem entitled The Life Of ,COMMIS11011PTS Jese7 ,akilwterdararibe family,resjaen,, Lindtbfr. and Mn, A. H. Rock, Mr. one of Ihe most varied vaudeville ofMaster4 by S. S. J0000. the Provo side; and County he etreetr COLLINSION AT iSouth cifM east first Mn. DIES Mrs. C. E. Mr. and- Benton Randolph o Stillman. and and, Alm ferings yet presented. Topping the bill The work is a beautiful one. terisen Isis-- a nstii.4 --Of Bentnark. Ai John Gallagher, Mr. and Mn. Mingles Is Ellen leach Tart. the famous Cali--- , r. Funeral nervices will be held ..at the 1:11( d recto I rem half an bout in which Price. Mr. fornia singer whose remarkable range Mr. Mrs. John swan, and o Holley. woo feelingly read by 11WHINNET DENIES CHARGES ward- chapel to- - '' render It. It 04Pecial Correspondence.). and Mn. W. H. Hughes, Mr. and Mn. and the ealie with which mho, imare who was d - far above the average human voice . Arynorylw efternoon mt il o'clock.. Inter- - Mrs. Battle. Storrs Lewis. W. Mrs. Mr. B. B. and J. AU Quinn, of the allegations-containeIn C2Ilinston, Ott:, ment will- be in the city cemetery. warmly congratulated at the condo- -Mr' and Mrs. Joseph H. Hasiam. has made her famoue in Europe. the elaborate program of Christ the affidavite are denied by County sClckiNn,.a familiar character Iin this nub, 1 Friends are....invited to attend the eery- M. Bamber..! Bonney. Herman antipodes and throughout the United 'mac muttle.wes rendered by the choir Atty. Iktetininney and by Mr. Braffe".t. valley..- Mown to his frienda and c- Mr. Ross tee& ger. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. loon. Mr. and States. Second is Joe. Welch. characwith solos by Mrs. Newman. lire, Pop. his attorney. They cialfil the chart. D. S. Mr. W. Mrs. and Mrs. J. a's Burton. "Jake," ter comedian, who Is appearing In Death ef quaintances .Nomtbot---,1004111. rick. Mr. Pvper and Mr. Emden. The are due to a difference trulf f f and Mrs. Ralph 'Darling. Salt Lake for the first time. A sketch cEeordhört-Tiyearg-odied-to gator. many friends of Mr. Janet; will regret views of the ..... -- --and - tie after a brief illness- - Mr.Hindrickson ehMra.11LaWd Mr. E. Mrs. Mr. J. Sr.. V "Your Flag and Mine" from the pen Langford. regidetrce,---itlythis day night-- at learn that he hive lost hie evesitrht county attorney, Two of the commtf- was born in Ohio, Dee. 1, 18litt and Mrs. W. S. Owen. Mr and Mrs. C. of Willard Mack and preeented .by roiirth Eaet Ptreet. Mr. Noardhot was In the' past few months, Mid that his 'stoners ,. are Pro aYeives and the thitd a pioneerthatking crossed the native of Rollin& Funeral plaimln C. Neaten. Mr; and Mrs. D. R. Lyon. Austin Webb and company, is another ,health, does not permit him to leave in a Democrat. The county attornvy , rte moved to Bri ham - ty with Mr. and Mrs. George Smith. Mr. and feature. cv were held at 12:10 p. in. todayservices the his home. , and the, sheriff are Republicans. I Mrs. R, W.. Mendenhall. Mr. .and Waterloo ward thkpo. attended,at.f by his in 1815, 1,0040ffim:, mmkes mother, !word...". Adellyte,Snow., Ai the' Mary Mr. the conclusion of hedring Milt Sohn Burroughs. Mr. and Mrs. P. I 4. Many friends of the family. Interment Utah irheat'--Pri- te Virginian." arewit looking Braffett announced that Mr.-- MeWhis- and came to CollintitIm ii.,.,A1Jn- the S. Fernstrom, Mr. and Mrs...D. P. Felt. which' .wag In the city cemeterv: Nir. Noord- - cal postoffice attaches test of has stood the acid fley wished titne ttr file affidavit' co"- - daysreteirtile old narrow. gauge rail- Mr. and Mn. Joseph 0, Bywater. Mr. hof la survived by a widmv and tieve " bPek upon the ehristmas-rueir-in critics the counevery large city filed :0 a tradicting.those B. of and Mrs. resterday,.and R. Harris. Mr. and Mn. A. children. '' pride; Durinethe guarfeeling road crossed the divide to Cache valley J. Sears. Mr and Mn. J. B. Burbidge. try. a play of apparently sever dying days' time was granted in whicligo ite yea, whic4 la just ending It ' Afbaourl AlumniTwenty sMissouri ter all and the town watt.located ow the hilt Mr. and Mn. popularity, wilt be estimated the statistical report will these . this week at the Utah- - theater with - the He tobeen has a Relative Comstate' university alumni with their show that over 40.000 packages and charges CrInty prominent figure sinc. orhaanlG nn,.hiPal)er. .W. in the title (role and ladies held their annual spread Satur-- special delia-erlettere:tern have been mietioner- SVilliant Hamilton of ,Helper thoseI early days, being engaged in theJ Ray,. Mr. and Mn Joseph A. Young. Millard Mack -hotel business and other entertorisea. lir and Mix. Charles Bentsen. Mr. an Marjorie Rambeau as the-- Vermont day evening at Commercial club. handled. a IIIPVI record for the office. ichool The teacher. H. E. Diehl presided as tosetmaster, TadAY every bit of mall matter was He a "There has 'tare will be sulicheerful been between friction charactPr the congenial, Mrs. John Halverson. Mr. and Mn. wag . and a lumber of toasts were respond- - in the T)&irtarlet of the office, "cleaned count y commissioner s on one side and and was well known throughout the F. R. Stephens- and Mr. and ported by one of the largest caste ever ed to The following officent were op." Despite the heavy extra work of the county attorney, the sheriff and town and-tansembled atthe State street play. of surrounding vallelr.- - I's Hodson Salt Lake coimty; waa elected' Leo B randenburg, 03, preel-- '. the past IrPellt er two. the daily WOrit 1,0M0-0ever and PADEREWSKI of to the lenda the,toettees 'ME LWOMPAR- ready peace, par willing and Mrs. George C. V- T. I. dent: been bandied without delay, and the beirringliand to those'in seed. Funeral whitmore; l'tah county--M- r. justice at and Mn. AElnprees--A1V. Einpreewthia-weewi-ll t distribution of riA11.111ret of the year. , ge seryices- were held Dec. 20, under the .3esse Knight: Mr and .1.HoMinn, fix. secretirmantit with :treangem--7- -be found one of the most versatile York Evening Post on 147dr. had a great deall ot trot- - directionott the ward- hishopric;-T- he ow.gte, pi Itnek, Fengmrst Finnan' W.. Giles, hie- of equilibria' cyclists. wire It 1212.: under the the died count of o 74 Fe torney--tguarteues superinteage. Mr. geSing and Wm.. "int y,,tn, Mr. Ili. Club Country to hearlitigof"rad-- I 17-, litilldReuent ' . o dtOril of th e liquor and ndent-of the Bear MiveratakwItunday and Mrs. Heber Jew. Mr and Mra.' Abel wmker s. who combine skill and daring nt her realglearzZEamtartfettir , atatemettis by membe to sound out Dun- crewititl. the InciOnoarable.'4 says: was a native of Ohio. Funeral Pen-- lass. The county attorney school board. Elder Lucius Snow. of the John Evans. Mayor and , ek -y e uh are to the etTect of one young be held tomorrow morning instances has flatly refused Itozelder staltaprosidencY,--and.HiehoMr. The4doontight Sonata owes ite PoPP. Decker; Davis and Mrs, dein that the tom II 00.000 clubbouae. ..to ices. will -o'clock st the Tenth wart! chapel, It A. Jolutson.-- - The,einsing Will fur- John R. Barnes. county-charges -- 01 infractions Mr. and'Mrs. le J. gentleman; (Jimmie Dundeinr 'and 4darity to its name quite as tniwb 110 1be erected en the propertv weed- oy women. WTIIbe thein nished ward chotri, Interment Muir. Mr. ant1Mrs11.thegegamoly- 'young by thehrity retna- garmnbilnbeg other lass. the club on the to Its niuoical itmelinesc'Jt la so mixt ttench and which I Interment --Alien T,- - Santora was in theDewey910-sem- et . - wet mentioned eant t7cling tricks are introget. eaclei igounifieirman and Mn.- - William setutational . , sme months ago In Item -- whostrWe . ed by krThindeinwhilethe-thre- s to talk about and ask for It ire I Edwards. Mrand em have ,- The Ntfrws. will be Mrs.GeorgixESIdmarenMr7-1-W-ton soon se..4........--- --. begun ladles provide lively entertain- such a name than to Blair. , special prosecutors. we have we , Mr, and Young in te oPring kegs hi mind ,itlinettn 47 atty ment and es of gainstAtte-county-stfain G. Coal,Co. R. Mrs.. dancing be built In units. and Only the first of Thatcher. Mr. and Mrs. ., It. non Na. , 27, to was opus It i sort. 4, nre the governor and the amusing - -. theee. to cost Sstnmb.14.eoet--------77-11446oThe are 'just an littemil. of Even lt Owen. .11rr- -- and Mrs. George the...,..whirlwind , .. on Saturdiy.' hoer the faces oe oat A :,,, , e e : ' Ad.1,,,,,mso attorney general with a view to secure the Bullcharges - Mr. and Mrsi. A. G. Bar- - . , Moose county 'comminsioners Remney.lr,,, ,.. coming )ear. 1 the removal the attor' of log 1.1 county - ". G. IllYball: Oxford Mrs, 4, to ,haeress two good officikis into re- ?tentage's-T- he Quartet few: to whom these' liguree had rdmeant e Prent; Penroer - Intpeoying,--Pre- st. --hey frem office." . , el gnine. thel-hea. They &impelled the resigna- - '.""-""--111 A. I:' Ealk.: is One, of several clever acts which nothing, rightenece-wheir Charles W. Penrose. though still con. RUAl... ESTTE-1.0ANhave of lion the practically i. FPECIAL PROSECUTOR TALKS. county clerk and the coua. tined to his home by reaion ot the .r 4irre7anniitY;(rs'haTi on this weeket bill. '''the rive Fires- - the otieniag bars of the hackneyed hot Lorre sn41 now they, wish.. to facts of a tall on a slippery sidewalk O. C. Nelson. speeial prosee utor for i ty trent,urer'.and coftli.44 marvelous '' exponents of ev-- er .. popular piece. Padersweal made IVt.tho.ttt.pelity. ge t tthe sheriff and t h e county attorney a 4 m hist week. is test jrnproring et-1 the Carbon county commissioners. said: lout of the key in order that and, tmomentom, the aerialists, beam, like a new gold coin, fresh trots &maple ' porttilor Rate. 7. 1) Aviv) ' .' may '''. they Perts soon to he 'at his desik at the ' '.. ; is "This wot in any ens. pttrifY1-.hilV' ef t b celebrated Bottemiey Irwin ' ttic, Wbole cennty government. .SIM)N-JENKIN- S - t CO , President's &nee. During the. holiday and 'the ketch, An 'Eventful Renee'- - the mint. trusade, or a teform movement. Wel but those- tee men are not going to season he has received mant- - cards and-47 'Main Street. ,......ALIStiln,.. DIES IN seeure to a eeh the is mäen. siTLONAN "It only power hY this ' .. and Hutchins Richmond . prosecution mysterious -thing. .. Mcy ..,.e. wign. Act.ert isernem , rememberances which hitis as Vet un 'of flagrant offeetters....Crimeitiare-lee-.w....... ' , t ' compatty, the educated hersos, own- - of genius to recreate a familiar wort. "Nothing has been ati Wri or will be able to acknowledge. Prest. Penrose, ,- 4 Irecommitted with .L. int on growing ed and trained by and To shown by the countY cotilmisaionern, 'Covingt asks- The News, on hi behalf to do, would bi; as die . . in carbon county and De'latiehleeeersaml.PrIemCIP.rtin- O. Fulmer of receiCpti4(.'of are queecy e?(Plelptulower O the ther S' ' " Murray, own incompetency. Mr. in 1:tall'11.4 ' so,snd to convoy his beat wishes und ns the county attorney refuses to fifth as to exercise It.- Sufilt;e it ben features. Funeral Directors. MeWhir,ney . is the most eemnetent tend. , the compliments' of the season. ' ertrienitecia w it h nod " ' proseeutel the 01Thodere-,we ftmerot at to ...indicate- two. , . , i;4 ' oit.- a g Padeto -201 to 237 Fast Fleet South'. St mIstpoputer-rounty-etwe rner Christmas We", place tf her auut . mrs. Florence itieve ever .ctim ie opera, ."Lovere rewski is 'different." - IsT e one has bil ' Qa..erick:--Thnts-I-1, - - -- -- ttly.1Jiartal - - - - out adggRatetartAection-----------section mite of .. I ':''' Is 11 1.aws of we Uteh. have the of vatted tenenrodituttun "1 srf The Des.. right e said 1.oenimand , ,, r . 'deltic" I iay evidklece before the aiterrier-tatio- o . pret Evening News. which appestred be op the peening performance New Years colt:wins, due to a lanieue use of i and on Saturdav last, was one of the finest CHURCII- general tending to show that the'ln refueingprosecutions ortlatid Mil,. Cockett was eve will he creditable presentation. Pedals; and no one haa achieved. al he t county attorney --- to - ILtr:cusee whereto institute' prosecutions annual editions over published in the, guntyAktmaland reared the not at does Beaver. evidence She was the Pleaging Inilice,, anido,,,,tthpro,to,U". interest- in isfne ,.,.t we make out city or state. Aside from the numer-- 1 errant & ,or where the wife of OefOrge fr. Cockett. hoehmee int putt artistic and literary features. It The high prjests of Pioneer Otakel a prima feel, &tee. it is the duty of; nwtive , tor prosecution the prosecution is-- merely man of ties& asa. Hee mother. met. mark each of the three acts of the pre- - the use of an. occagional rhetorical the attorney genera to pr,,secute the, contsiniel a most comprehensive re . u ill in reguitir session ' Mime--. And how ...delicious. in malice. personal 4i4,7 e, C. WOOdh"um.. alt with her at the duction. Indicatione point to a g offender-:- We believe that ii ' Sums of the resources of this end stir-- , .Tn. 4. at 10 o'clock g m. he Sundal alleged are ,, 'me constable. whom time of ber death- ,- In addition to her attendance, worthy the efforts of the .. the affidavits we have Med we have' the irettie tans ef,the i:,,.- ,rounding states. and was in every may P'..:. Arished vouttnittaioneett to gradually die away! borne- to Prose- huaband. Mel, cockett is eurvived The zegular monthi meeting of the ahOwn sufficient evidence- tO YoUniK eomPoser,e Sale et eats begins a solen,lid edition. Those in ererc de., by make', tirrisa & ' the cut?, not did of theY Pie. ,rI' s , ceMe Pioneer at end stake will he out ft prima facie case. the county attorney two daughter', A and 5 years ON re. today. priesthood - - partment of the paper contributing to, t . feel, that the evidence in the case was and are marred be premature telliatw'r -.1 held - -. .7 ., - Its excellence are to be congrotulated.Jam, 3. at - ' -, "Should the attorney general take a such' e,- as to iner4 .: . Monday totoling war- - soectively. or (-- " conviction. There 'different view we areeyerimpottenteitabets, case. of the cao isertly-Sixt- it li.ani .0pon Nig" prosecution. - As to the :gain. '' WATCH- - PATT MAJESTIC. Eliden. Util Paderewski take. . tempt to force a prosecution through Mena a eases For tbe- - "open , the commintignere neve , his hands - off. the ,: keybee rd , no one I. night" of the M. Li , .. . , a wilt of mandate. or ire may institute-, , -. To theTwenty-sixtea Cure a I pi h Ic!odd 11)67 of la Oleg e tam, et 4hot I ts a wires t deal of jt. ward' tomor, 'houd ePeleutl. -- - ('1"--- (1 t,,,...,,o, r row evening at the meetinghouse on ,Talce tubiele ilb Sin Poker playing in Carbon county. but n X ow' 'T eit il a Ve moo Vow - au 0 - tch 'After Pa :;11 rty the magic heursitt againet i tot" in county attorney." retain(' intones it it ,,,....- ..- Eig13111 41414v74111"1"r-44."1.Hnd 'Tablas. Druggists they with to select only a certain few , - "1,..., .. , . will be given at the Maiestie leaIbvmis ilea elm' would have supooped that the , to tore, E. W. GROVER :signs- ,. WHA Eighth Welt, thf' fc'llwInit Pn3gram tails T D RAFT-K, t or presecut ien and to permit all the iti ., : "- . IR igi., POSTPAID4.-"-."would be satisfied and sib . tort is on each box. Ba.., to commence it t...ceoloele and audience has been arranged: test ,Dancins to by' In continue In the Songs eine gamble,' he :. but d t Went, 'an d the usual Mr, Praffett nays in reply:- 7-- ' Per Vet: cloth. Iteet half calf, funtor giris and Junior boys choruses ment2 1 the to ilia, tutu! The refused loontineet county fele. attorney get ifilew scenes Of rooters and demand for DV' s "There Is serious t doubt and by the congregation:- a male guar, mind iti'my a prosecution beesuse he telobco 1.".4.111,,..,.' ,,halt MOrootlo gilt toP. ;dancer' ell be snjoyedby those wfie and more were enacted."- se to tbe sufficieecy of the affidavits institute ietl. a duet-b-yfound that the pricnipal witnesao was Sail Lake Pitoto end Supply Co. and "yrucent lilt. Ste filed against te dance thent.while the Fait lake music lovers are Mil?! . Hole- - la special .Cara, Shwa; a selection by the or- by the ' Deseret Noel Rook gibe. The load. 'summary two steps and waltssa wiii I forward with keen 124 Rain St over. we will contradict .., ettestrs4 retold stories by liedwig Kodak, finishing. framing. these Werra te' P110" 1 , r, who was a participant frig book concerti. 1 Main etmet, Balt bows AA.averthieseogi ' -affil commissioner' davits with 'counter aftldavita ,'"' Air, Oft this PreffStlin. at the new Amor , ,.. ill the game.' ' Isike the Jliaajetella Orchestra Will fetrailib Irtneikra aPPemnce next Mowing night: . i I ':noon , . 1 ;19- Amos-Jenkin- 1 SeeIn-eantradicti- - ' r . t er er it- A ,3MW1 , ,a1k0 - - time.--Th- Booth-Clibb.o- n; . - ; ,. I ' . , I , - . - re 3 ' . 3 - , , F& 1 .. - - , commit-operatio- ; l :.r, i' o MeWhinueg-11,1-charged-Ml- atft i J -- , ill ,, I ' ? tar.- s - 'The'Th6átéts'of'Salf'.Läkë, tarn-Min- , . ' ' t -- ISS"-4ity- led la , irk. , a 161,..-C1311- - ' ' - rd Mrs-for- k' 1 4 Alt ' , - . , , sr iee. Twelfth-Thirteen- . -- . - th - i p- r: WM.-A- n , - J&l),IL inItte-pulitic- --- I--I ' a - counter-affidavit- - ie - i .Mrtr:-3Ohl- he 1 I - - ---- 1 I --L- rice.---sin- - Mrs.-Geor- ie Mrs.-Charl- Troupe.-compose- -- at-1- - 9 '1 -- --. '- d . 'wiro-walki- .- I Thew --- - - . ..., - : t . i "" Vir.el-- , , i '' ' , - "I' . rti-- I ii0TICES , ,. - , - ' - i4 ways-In-whic- h ' . 2.3--1--- , at 1 ---i- ,.. ot-- A - . I - i - - -- r - I . . , - - huttlii-easterit-U- talL, ' - . 7 the-Te- ' - - 1 - -b- banwisowhndo.soltrowrs--mnf- , -- - . -- .44 - - ''' justollx-4,1,1THE'curneff. ' I ', i iCT 1,1,1 - - - . - - , '' kr ' - - . ' intnu-conor- en , , , 01-T . ' to - - ' ed , Leone-Willia- ms lit , Mea-hinney- dmay--appeint- '' ed .. . II: . I |