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Show DEIMET. We would like to meet Knees Became Stiff, ILERIP1717. A. 8 ' ZNII, idre.M. -- Tolephon IN-- are requested to mak patron, regarding oix mitediate complaints otiltaik te;ry delivery, ciirttell geok Store .e. thu Notre real-aubst- i- can be ordered through Call or Oxon your -- TELL-II1- E TO OLD AtOUT OGDEN rablicOf Bureau Of Weber to Work 3tiga rodpie. 1ta, 1 I no Atoll Han, Reach SL'Title:-oompari- plea to prosecute, vigoreus gostgg the termiag yest, pubilcity campaign in the interests of wen. Is being arranged by tho Weber the dsli wittr ..00dee. 31Zr-read- hes& Tie president has aided a meeting of the members of the club for Thurenay se owing et the club rooms for the per-ro- of organizing a. publicity bureau Ittich Khali operate as an auxiliary to tbi etors ese hitob say bitiot msay d ud tam 3 midair o mits others bkh du If um all mous MOW al' Tb imated I. .id tat Ito It ham 3 who PrOPet 111 PC. an ad. GOING AT Wood eset aide of Academy Aviv . Ind Carrier wage Idea of Academy Am Ind. los-Coefieir 11)-I- Let these Vitalizing Elements into your home; they are the simple means of keeping Nerves. Brain and Body strong. active, enduring. DELEGATES LISTEN TO INSTRUCTIVE LECTURES of emit Induotri Various 111mblesna DitoeuniqdVisitors Attend Ey lig Concert 'nem is see oolotitoto for Air, Notaisino, Happy Froth Thoothis or flueatry In the afternoon Dr. L. D. Batchelor spOke. or the tan,. of thinning fruit for the improvement of the crop. Ile claimed tlere were' no localities in the United States with better facilities for growing fruit than Utah. One 011 the meth, rids to secure drat class fruit is to thin thoroughly, said the speaker Seeral illustrations of the benefits of fruit thinning were given. ROA - SI NW $5.00 Coats Now Scott's Emulsion $27.50 Suits Now TO LL Provo, Jan. 31.During yesterday.' session of the state horticultural cellD. Ball cif the A. C. AN'ntion, Or. U., in an instructive address, showedl the b. netits derived from- thorough N pray! ng awl "Nursery ftliyines",,was the title of a paper by M. TY;',41 $30.00 Coats Now thug here In PC!, rthe luta A (1,itarter !eta., aihying, Ifro, tiara Pahlain londantar markod tha flintuel rrvi-- , a and the floral offrrIno were beautifI and! profuse", The sattaatara 'etre urist W. tut.1 Bohm:tit; Joroh Slatri,thy tttahop par thine, on.11 if whom ratt.1 Irti.0 11 her atertinar charaotm-- and lovattl,, done,- Ninon. The, Smith warn choir furnt,,Inel SI appropriate mush ,.. BINGHAM, - I -- S7.50 The Charlton LILlainw Shop Phone 4409 OUT ON BAIL YET STILL BREAKS U tN MAittKETING toward (1 Fletcher of fanahtc.spoloGeorge Bragg,. on Thai for (;antbling. on "Marketing. FroNetris." ArreAtell by l'oliee In Raid on chorine' the auction marketing with a Gain Ming Ps ply. great pert of the difficulty resulting from glutted tnerkets. and held that loW Prices' resulted not-sStweial to The News.) much from as front lack of proper Bingham. Utah, Jan. 31.Alth4ugh dietribution. Mr. netcher spoke in George Brue was out under Vott bail eliontimentary terms of the ittione.emanta in grading and packing in tht ellitrged xvith gambling. he titer), Emelt to the genie last night and sk ilt; Wit few years. SUIT ON NOTE, by the polioe in a rFl Mon. Niels Nieleem M. re.. f Nev, 6gden, Jan 31.To recover Ii.::00 al- South Wales, aftArguments were made poke interestingly of itie ernoon leerd to be due on a prolittgaory note before Judge F. r. 1.0!1'bourow Omit and it. agriciulturally. olunty Elo1907. ma le Oct I, Joyephine Flint arMr. Nteleen spoke of the big irrigation on the applieation of Itor Record breaking in point of value givingrecord breaking ra!' Ma ha file.' action In thp tilstrict which is being undertaker by tented at 1314411111a on the 4i,4tge of project. Hewett ark! H. Ho against Joseph for a writ of habeas corpus (Ott in giuntling. assortmentsrecord C7dia0000. a of the at coPt breaking in amount of merchandise government ,ifilii us. The note mail payable three slid he serure frosn tin VilligtOdY complimented 'Ulan on the grent or Sheriff hk release sold. But we made record breaking preparations and start y4,111,4 .aft,r data and was seeured by a C. Attornev Sharp. Joseph work it had done in the way iff litit19111 111)1Wit 11V1 for Bruce. Tho.ylaintiff asks for tho Inottgaite again tomorrow morning with assortments and sizes complete. lace1 value of the note, interest .from I El,Willey for A few of the many bargain gems offered in this sale are: old Korai(' an a factor in market- and County...Attorney: July I. lista. the forodosure of the wort-log- e ing Fruit" Shcriff The Sharp.i; constitutionality eras interestingly treated and IWO ettottneien fees. of the gambling I in attacked in thoi manager by tt'illitan Prachwinkel, .,....., it being contended by AtLadies' Corset Covers Children's Drawers Utah lee and Storage company of Salt Proceeding. Elks" Ezeureion. Lake andJ. M. White, of Ogden, pre tOrnPY Hannon that the law "Troxides AT 23o AT Me for withthe taking of pritate pioperty Seetire you- r-ticket returning Went- sewed an interesting paper on the to ttvies choopr. tromuall out due proc.xs of ii4U JIJ.1,40 Loot Knickerbocker or regular shape; bi Pulite railway. the Feather River '1.tall Fruit 'Fitchange--it- s of tisie matrialc twatly trimttidd. ckbject," bourow took the matter under advtsevariety of styles! lace or embroidItctute. mott In la., or embroidery ilil h.ociiis the advantage to members in meld. 4 ery trimmed: mil sites: :.lic marketing fruit. etc. crt,: The prisoner went Pak to ga ming ;1,0t! valueot in this sate.. 41.15c in the evening the visitors attended and was at arrested at t li 1,st night by a in tabernaole the trivcn i when tiller J. W. by the minds of the district achnote muter the Grant orpolice a CHILDREN'S SKIRTS on raid g wined the PRINCESS SLIPS dirt...tam of Prof. J. 11. llo.hard, Union tssil rooms, Six other men AT tio values were arrested with Bruce. One of azid compiatata gnomic, With v, parolees In sal mime or splendid iA MR 1 011. this a man tianied thetm TO FRANCHISE 4,zioa.1 ASKS FOR I11.11, M. Blair. Agent for wadi, to J. material; glkod 2Se charged with felony as ix Bruce. while Regular Kt. values Saturday and In this sale at. OPERATE STREET RAILWAY the other five tire charged ,.with misd value, in this sale Itt W. First- - North Street 8 Office with oi.rdon demeanor. Briee nnd Phone are: Real Fettle and LOUIS., .tiit being held in jail, the others being poiollsr Hand Embroidered Street. non tit Bell. Provo, Jan. ;11.Eltsin H. Wood has. out nil bait. the amount Of litvilitin has LADIES' SKIRTS a not hoen ascertained. MM iSSIOU for iiaid the vit! Combinations franchise to 4ulistrutt and operate a' probably Bruce and ?daimon will bei of all S2.00 Choice Slost S2 00 nine taliroad on Fourth South street. from taken to the eounty alitna. In this sale. . ji n the morn-NEW STREET LIGHTS in this male M Academy avenue east to the city limits tho purpose of demonstrating a chtizena have been complain-- , AND NO FREE LIST new model of track and cars of his Bingham LADIES' GOWNS ing t)OT1t the ga mbling whieh hag been LADIES SKIRTS own Invention. on in the city. and declared fThotee of all $11,73 ;town., to Oily of all MOO sktrti. in this I Choice inn. ailThe city commie- - The tra,ok will he 8 to 12 Inches carried no that being made to put stile to sitti st their meeting last evening shove the Tree levet temporarily for a Atop to it. eaRoulette wheels find SOO rOMIIIIPOlifinar Neloon to demonsmition tiorpogeSt. If It proves at at as as well of other fornie the new Tungaten ayetem of street ettecele, of which Me. Wood has no have been...Indulged gambling will he lower the trackilltreat I lig ng imwtalled at once. It was doubt, wbreakers. to herinit easy crossing of authorised try the old city council but Chief Grant Is back of the moveot-- 4 Ida; Pnr Nome delay in the mkt-te- r the traoa will he put lb while the de. ment to has there been ttty. ntaMp out this evirin Bingham John Martin Larson or Ogden and monstratiOn is heing made. of getting If installed. NOTICE. of ttli the Clara M. Olsen of Obleago. 1 desire the If the to stem uros es successful linee Recently, the Chirl RPM t L. I;. Gordy, decided there hereafter that tt ealt a pollee ofttee, to gather evidence rebe will erettdod and people of 11etien and hope always to be l' the through city Dial-fueTHE IN o ppm4()1111T. slit be (tee lighte for anyone in the the best of terms with the newspsod Spanish Fotit,. The garding tho gambling fining on in. the WI1t1W FILES PETITION. bate fitviesoll. in dud for Salt Ake Courice. Home of the electrie tight LIj Surm,nilie . city se to law. Gerdy nW comcity caattaty before rit of c,)trIP the stepped In the aper fraternity. in the matter f thA State of ltah Ir. Iii,otpr city discharge leid. sa it is olo Ai yees, Janfl 21.Mabel Past has Ogden, plant lath the Union pool roam wherf. ItriP0A, OCR if, and miglh)11 41t its next meeting. my duty I shall play no favorite'', but of M itAnette guardianship riled a petition in the dietrict court ceired lights and this is to be who oat Oil bail, was playing a Pettit Widker. will loottitkitent person. Notry to give a square deal to all, now. -- The of of ttre letters for Administration stopped ..: and recfor asking the game latter pittition DEATH altheught MRS. OF THOMPSON. sith speetal privileges to none. ,ippioval and P.The mflement of ttle ge,ounl of the guardian estate of her husband, the late A. dicer. he never ognized the police twines' is new to me, but I guess I the tot Wilmette Ill 'the of made Provo. Jan remains of died C. In BODY litho Jan. NOT at Peet. petta Walker. RE(X)VE11.1731. the ga Me 'to avoid arrent. but II, Ogden, ma learn it. Others have' done eo and All IlleAMPAtAllt prraon. hen been set for Mrs. Chills Thompson, wife of Fred 'stopped -of thia year. - Mr. Past tram ireosivimg I think I am no ,kept on .boldly playing. Public entiOf on Jen. bodythe ilegan. 'nth hearing Friday. who exception to the nibs" tenet-o- fdied at Thomperot. day of rebrer. Lark. Jae. IS; merit' here Ia against 'Brum to this the- Ogden State bank here Faent ITT. A. D. Im!. at 1' OtiOk p m at the Mr Norton we born in Richfield. Wattera, the unfortunate man were brought to Provo yesterday, The has been for and matter. many years promi11.119.. PI 4.mitt was the who fitivier killed Cowl Hoorn 44 the at the of workings years ago, but be has deceased Iss.1 Zfi years of age. She Is It is mid that the PHICOrt men of eitunty. with varkma business state darn at the mouth of Load in Salt Lake city. Salt of son the greater part of his life at nently connected Logan survived by her husband and three The estate Is valued at canyon Lake a Ptah. Connty. have fond Keliosi to enterprisies. Hingham fight Nett!. engarst in the stock bUilintlill. Sunday, le still at the bottom children and manv relatives The Nanemic the 83.000 and cohalate of of ef Pit id rourt with the trench and it in not known nersl will he Thttrsday at the Re. 'the cane to the supreme ourt. During the past 10 yeern he has been approximately the seal thereof affixed thin atilt day ot WO bond for Bruee, but end stork' real estate, body It. will when up put the reach The rescuer.' premilssory in A. 11 lint church chapel. the implement and general notee. A will, dated Oct. 9. 1901, la atenraged January. organized is this of as the identity person yet tinground is loft and continually slides MARGAR17f EANE WITCHER. serchanditte buoinees in Idaho and We, known. and breaks away. making it a dangar(Real) 'er moray. Ile conducted a number of taohed to the petition and ever thing Clork. diOne 'PROMO glIttonnrE" te left to thew idow, wko Is the ous Vilibe4 to work. ty L P Palmer. Deputy Clark. only By sores in Idaho, at Rexburg and in the rect hob A brother, stater and other g P. A !Milt MA. routinental Promo Ilinshatm. Look is laxative AtA, That Twin Falls seetion. BLANKS. was LEGAL roe a time he tom), for Guardian. for the ettpaSurs of Fe W. 018,041111. relatives are also named In peti- ,QVARTERLY CONFERENCE.. a member at the Norton-ThomOf every character and description CM world dicer te sure s cold la ono day. , tion. .,. Il4 company at Devilli Slide in Logan i Jan. 30.The stake prealdeatcy 35c arranged from 'the beet biral forms , anti later owned a half announces that .the zeirutar- - quarterly and brousht strict1' AT 211111) 001DRIN. MBA. CARTER DENVER & RIO GRANDE litrest In theiVineyard Narm!Al Dairy confereee of the Cache stake will be A NH agOPIT alwars on band at G. he Jan This bust-senext ,smlivony at Burch Creek. held Ogden, 81.Mansger (theft DERERET NEWS BOOK tfrORE. Sunday. TIMM 'PRIMP stall sold about a year ago for $a Barry of the Ogden theater announces 'St! Since tlitiffortive Jun that time Mr. Norton has The engagement on Thursdayl night. , ' It Alir AND 11.t118.1S. Ls. occupied Feb. I, of Mrs: Leslie Carter In her a posdion as r' DEPARTDAILY. Jan. announcement NEW CREAMERY COMPANY; sith the Coneolitiated WOKOTI, & Me1 ',nemesia "Two Women,'" Tbe - 101Lnt HYRUM. Provo, Monti, Marystvale diae company et this city . and also production Is under the management of was made this morning that Attornevs uttivals and Bingham A. A. 'Law and M. C. Harris have CITY COUNCILMAN RESIGNS belting after sales' lit outsale dertricts. John Cort. formed a partnership. ----- Mr. Law la anti Ea 8 2 OLD FOLKS ENTERTAINED; CitY city' attorney at the p&ment and ,bee Pip 4 lin CRIMINAL LIBEL CASE FUNERAL OF MRS. AFOORE. im , (Spiels' (Yrrespondence.) practiced for several years. Mr. Harris QUARTERLY CONFERENCE iiirtsn, Kin Francisco. Portland 1il.16 m Jen. 26.1 Moroni. Mrs. funeral of baa had 29.Thureday, (Nylon. Jan, Jan, several years practice also. REACHES DISTRICT COURT gun nideri, 4 ' P a number of tho milk producers of Elizabeth C. Moore, wife of Parley P. Nittivals and Bingham 't Moroni organized themselves into a Moore of Salt Lake, was held at the p.m ('svrrimponclenre ) riOnVer. Chicago anti A dining the strong for on East sturdy, of estabaftfuneral titirposte 5.20 p.m Niel Jan. 31.Charging George Larkin corporation chapel Tuesday annual rennlon ityrum. Jan, Protin. SprIngfI Wagon eith Tintir lishing and operating a creamery. They' of the old f,diss of the three wards chair in golden oak ; full C;i0 criminal libel, an Inform. ernoon at 1 o'clock, oBishop M. L. Jônes. pit DenwPt. widow,-whatm nd (iv has been filed -- with -- the' tsountl Is left is the only dr25 n ,clecided to purchaae the platit of the in East the Third ... ward heid 710 r rt sf, j01., r 50 years met at Id box seat, shaped Vit o 'Tett by District Meadow were The i'rearnery company bishop Ogden, All epeekers PortiArld presiding. fluihall. And E. T. gedt in p4ti chair tztVned by j. M. Christensen and O. ssitki. Ths case Attorney Samuel to an Interesting proDye very good k. grew out of an ar. 'lamps Taylor, Jones. - Musical twit leiblished se- if Salt Lake City. The purchase gram and partook of a sumptuous in Bishop a in the Weber County of Pan rigism. Etart place your Los worthy Angolss were rendered by Paul- - (From Ledies' Favorite Magazine.) r'ttlea, a paper which Wilson pub., price Is $2.'260. Operations will com- banquet lit she afternoon a free Tint Ic SptingvltI home. prrT listed, In which Feb. I; 1912. Mrs. Emily Maddock. 101) 8..n glean the guests by former Mayor WillA few dermatologkda have long held Inetleft picture in ezel Bkngha of iam ffismiann's session the a mon'n 45 it.t Johnson At and Earl the secret that a certain Marton special city (lark, Jensen and Midge). At night all the name appeared. rec. Chicago and East nt other Other chair., product. called was in for prim the lati le the Jan. Dr a Saturday .e;Ire loll P.30 Interment, free desire evening. city known to the drug tmde as saxolite. inarried pe.ple given pit eomplainant In the pres. Di.inver. the restalnatiOn of Jacob A. Cloward In the 'Hanson hall. Much praise was Chicago and East.. 2.33 Viten. The libelous arthad the property when used In solu- 'V, r ido 'misfired on alleged azr counclithan was gnn Francivc and Ny.8t 4.68 term) rvni1fl4.4fie. haydifferent for, the littve41 15 last. Rcpt. tion, of', instantly reducing wrinkles I and accepted. 1.11. health was OF MRS. EAST11.1N.t Park City and Intstmsdis irn AL , gment by Diatriet Attorney 5:50 ing arranged the beet tinie the old ,ny one can readily make this same preeonted Mr. Cloward'Axieamon for releigning. folks have had. t,110 to the effect that he conr.i1 Bingham the North 5:46 PA' Jan. an Ogden by ounce Milyale solutioin of dissolving was Gee uhz;nimously Lkm of eonference Urvin appointed ITyrum The iladvisable to,. filo a similar quarterly on Tuesday afternoon et powdered sitzolitel in a half 'Sint of Prey. Manti .council to till the vacancy. Jitrit,Ap,144-4ik,AD? the ,4ariehtien re, T': aa. by atitilke. R. of Mrs. E. againat Abe funeral witch hazel. -Bathe tho taco in Nolen. din pranclien. portkInel 7,fin t Smith, a Mary artier ,.. the Third- 'Surd tabernaol. a,t.eer of Wilson, 104. 311alber4OLatialtilileath.nalat andsot the-Skin alsgJesq, ci Denvtmlierair, Jan. 29 in the pavilion tot rite 1flI 0.4 Rimmka chi.hisibmitowototeolkodivpisamiNvou evening ion The (Ion! Tie:18 Office, Ini Main str.pt. tightens, komplet ttraebevredt,ett;010t-Firtses- tIllitzeklunzeV council of the tWVINo, arid Eider irtibe begin of the Mitt W. Mciturrin. hail his leg broken while to emeeth, out. This action will Of who labor In Illinois. The Joseph r. pres.fmt Council of seVenties. counoealso reduce, hanging cheeke or In mittsionaryof the 'Or t general Church nuutagetuent Auuble Eider-- - .plackham the representatives 41 show- - 140authorities Me Ideal ' hands When show limns Of the on Oi- the the same Both atiares.ed the .peojile and gave aging. of,,thete show L Tonle skin; becoming coarse, creased or proceeds totaled 886. about words of counsel awl admonition to them In the Solution. niight. The proceeds flabby, bathe all present. CO. pl,t CALDWELL:3 Since this recent publication this associa- IIJNION-DENTAMutual Improvement UTAH. OGDEN, . The Perfect bxattve All DN9qt1P women and over-thall formula,Imen , tions held their PeSPiOtt arA rendered have taken advantage of the 30s ail '1"a Bottle program of merit on Sunday )(MN NUM' inforniat on. according to reports, with moat rtletactory restate, Dry Goods, Women's Ftmlishingsi Rats, Shoes and A PROMINENT WOMAN tHIS 'tv11,1,4 INTEREST .110THER8 Notions, Men's Furnishings, Caps, Rubber Goods. I Is CALLED BY DEATH Mother 113rity s 12woot Powders a dram Certain Caplial 0,000,000.00. relief for Ireveriaboess. loos ortrartIon of torth or no ..,Beedarbei Bed Stomach, Teethinst cgs Children. (,) lafants.o.nd or (spec, All work guarentol orders. move and mitulate the Bowels WE MANUFACTURE 'GARMENTS. , - Flinotill werelees-f- or MOitro0. Jat, BE:4E318E1g VS, destroy Worms. , They oak tip Coldsand in 1,1re.Cethetirie N.11,,, ofté,.of .th,,isrly ThLrind You Hays Always BougN - are so hours.-Theyp. !Path nieesent to the settlers of t11, iy.- ' erhetil rater- ' tam children like therm Over 10.000 We Treat You Right' Salt Lake City Sampleroom . teefit IpACHIE. , timentels.l'sed by mothers- tor 22 ime Boars thfi - Sint Nileii wnt, ',I in Ohio, Aril 168 Iteiretria GrInve and InsontniaL of In. 2 p .1;'. LIG lours: Titer never tall. Sold by all TEST TEMPLE SEREET. to' o4 with het, husband Druggists. Ifa, end rairr 26o-- 4T se. Sample ot to 2. PhOttes 1121. DRV6GIfiT1-1- 00. FRE& Addrea4 a 1 hi Ifist Ttier ftrq, e HIM iti Cacho eau. eggastors g. 0 I I te 4. IA It Rof. N. i,. , bum t,v sat 19.1.4 wet,C Le .Dialle st1orcal4 1 H's a Record Brea Ida Sale ot Muslin Underwear and Infant's Wear taw and I been ta thi ts C. as ,- LOGAN: 25 c coni"-"vr- n 4 rout I is orr- ischites at $2 95 10C $ t 19 $1 25 1 V40 1 i mbibited 2 11710111111 COMM etre vlsits1 ter lw dittos ords I at all ascasaill rattalocti eiff-ir- $2,50 1 , he citadel SI idilea 0104 surae way a and ttl) strka 1 - ui - ' e-- 1 wawa eta Penal-Wee- - d 'WC pia i - pity oar 1burb lint Orders Phone 3111-work& &Waimea 447 Pa. ats S. Weber club In the working of ads The seising and boosting the oity. moue of the .:organization will be to and adequate advergis (ohm proper Iola in all sections of the country sed to encourage the estahliehment of eAnufacturing institutions. the build-.- 1 It et railroad extentelone, irmugumting of educapiano for the establishment te's! and commercial Inetitutiona and that go for the esouteagitig all 'things spift of the city and the surrounding metre, The reoureets and attractions of the II be advertised far arid wide. dty Ogden Jan. $ee every lioesible effort put forth to people to take up, regard on his departure from newsduce desirable sesioenee in the city and aid in ithe paper activities iti Huth. Sam for four yeare this Ogden irepbuildrng of homes and public places. It b rid that more than 2,000.000 people resentative or the Salt Lake TO lima-- , and each was an informal farewell din. tendered year Ogden through pass at Oki Potter that, up to this time. they have had the ner Tuesday evening. repoomity of knowing but very little, cafe,. which was attended by a 10Zen Its and surroundings. newspaper mon, representatives Oft Salt rigdim There are many details to he worked Lake and Ogden papere. of every The evening was thoroughly enjoyost. out. but the of the club le expected. Prest. Mr. De Pass recently tendered Ma Wine; advantreal the that Howe maintains nation to take effect Feb. 1. when he ages of the city must be known to the will return to his home in South Ottopeople Of the country, particularly to Dna, where he will again take up the Prior to coming weed, those traveling somas the continent practice of law. for investment of Mr.- DePass was a member of the liar seem dg pelves of state. He was engaged n his home nowy, A,e,,tilit!x to statistics. nearly two the newspaper business in Salt tAie twople can be.reetched for nearly a year before coming to ti poi ,,,1! den. thriogil tiv, proposed otganization. ills suncessor wil be Ralph Argi bright, formerly with the Ogden Mon NEW CHIEF OF POLICE ling E.'saminer. OUTLINES HIS POLICY AGENT ItETURNR. Ogden, Jam 31.Frank Fouts ,a "4."4 Norton- "4- - aKent of the D. It. O. oompany.i het et,..110,1 enc.( of ponce, who was se- - returned from a week's business trip lected liy the city commissioners to fill to California, visiting San Franetecti the re incy ,tixe41 by the reaignation and San Jose. Mr. Fouts reports tha or (tier T, E. Browning. In an interv- the road bed of the Weetern Pace lib iew pieently outlined hla plane and Feather River canyon le I noted his .iws concerning the duties through condition and that traffic l'a of the offiee he has been choeen to Mi. splendid, over the road. appreciated the confidence reposed unusually heavy 'erne tfr the city board of commisMARRIAGE LICENSER. neeers.sitiel the new chief, "and hope thee I --hail be able to fill the office Ogden, Jan. R.Marriage-- - pertiLts to the- folio. ng iTsditi.bly. Time wilt prove whether have been issued the tontideece reposed in me ham been couples by the county ckerk: iespieved, but 1 shall do all In my ,John r. Ryan and Safah !Amer. b4th use anti South Ind - ClubWill lam. ly Nowa. taAfiti ewlett's Products Id 3 uns in by merrier 1 Drew. frIN-- The Nowa la dolProrad all - even' Welt. (Sunday espied) at fl ollnia oar month- - An payments and complaints rogarding delivery should Ito made to David Johnson. meant for Daily . dattwday and -- ' PUBLICATIONS. -- Hewlett's Booth At the Provo Fair doiostein, it Henry Bako'n Street. Boston. Mass., is another victory by Hood's Sarsaparilla. This great medicine has succeeded in many cases where others have utterly failed. Mr. Ooldsteig ,1tilyst !'l suf. Will serve You a cup of new:, fered from rheumaelsm It x. : ,'cattsed-egood tea or fresh cruclating pain. My kne s would 'be! roasted coffee. come tuystiff as steel. tried many , 1We'1l medicines without relief. took Hood's also tell you how to get Rogers Silverware sarsaparilla, soon felt better, and now consider myself entirely cured." there- is ;to - free lvith tuts for Hood's Barlaparills4 If urged to buy any preparation .âId to be "just as good" you may be ure it is Inferior, costa less to make, yields the dealer a larger profit. The fair is on all this week. Get It today in UMW 114:1111M form or thoeolated tablets called Carlatabs. of whem are iniall. was beld..litahop flied 'With the clerk of the c rt. The Ken or thtt Fourth ward presidistatement sets forth that appeace um. &Wale was furnished by the ward that Smith had withdmwn jrom day choir. The platelets were M. N. Iteynconnection with the paper or to. th,t tdde. II;rbery letniel Walker. time of the article complati id of. Both Histp.p Jana. Ward end Ittahop Uwe. Smith and Wilson were IN ind over to wae at North torten. the distil& court 'for tr followitt4 a .hearing before Justice fW '. It Jones AliN'IttACT AND l'ITLE CO. at N0rth Ogden last we twrien. Jan 31.With a capitallauthst of $10,00e, anAes of incorporation of the Abele SIXITY-FOU- R WAS CENT have:boen tiled with the county clerk. CAUSE ELAWSUIT Thu shares are of lit'e par value of $t each. The new onitpany will carry on a general abetract. real estate kz14 in- Cvdc.n. Jan. aLIn t esseont.lotax ard J. against the Utah Light. president: David Tt. Railway company in which the plain- Wheetwright, vice pr(sident; C. 1). tiff was seeking to recover ;500 es iseb. secretary; J. Hi Hill.. treasurer. danut.ges sis the result; of the i!ompanY The other incorporators are Margret eutting off his lights without 'cause, a Abell Joseph Ches., J. J. Drumtnitt, H. K. nom. Angus Kennedy- and Paul stipuiation hait been hied in ',the trict court stating that the case will be W. Slocher. Tho present businens of a wit hdrewn.. Abele-ltaken at a valuation of 13.01,0. The defendant company agrees to pay all expenses incurred by McCready O'NEILL AT THE 01111'11EUM. at bringing suit. It is Mated Ogden. Jan. O'Neill. the that the original cause of the trouhte 'distinititiabed antes will be aern in a between McCready and the light mm. five-ivaudeville. interpretation of pany was a matter of approshastelY 64 cents which the local cashier of the his tanning tday.,."Mohte Cristo," as the headliner at the, ort,heum theater company claimed was due on discounts.. thl,i meek. Eleven people arp in tite company and a carload of scenery is FAREWELL TESTIMONIAL to necessary wage the produetion. In additiou, the other six acts arc above TO NEWSPAPER MAN the average in inert. --- 31.1912 JA,NUM11; PROVO. at of Severs Rheumatism. Fivyars The cure Of J. FIDOCNIIT NEWS WEDNESDAY MNiNp -- . IWO cut Son as --- met-moti- le nyon , k ts los. um, rolliesc rt. J111 Til,Ser I r tin' it at I , "price-make- gat he . , . .Zisinysts,...-.cittn- I tr . !: bott I preSPRItt VIIDP JOIePh inds,' Ibe? 011 gm .11et ratitellY Itrt J6I 1. INS rite& to :Lit e corn-pun- y L valuea itni itwo-yea- DATI NNWOODEY'S 31.--- Marv-scal- 4,....deeeerazerty-yeavaw-Igtzeestrvirltid'- j jrel ;Watt ...moos tx Sa1 Plait' ,. W. Iv PH......". 4:221.11) rlITAtt, otat V. Is ;rtio,4 ,, JOHII SCOI CrOft' l , SilbtiOn-z-Pletti- re OHS' ; Laxative st o EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE Work ASTORIA tor-Ch- il sorrnt - Honest Priaes i t I 1444( 1.: Ai-te- , It Davis Anti- - Headache, Dr.- 5' |