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Show 8 DESERET EVENING -- tOto H tod M a.itt.d k UMW tto w at tka mwI totoa Jui tea lb Iierprto ' t re-' tt i ear , r (Be ntam i ir ott l g af I'U Tl-lper abmt Uibito l wi wi In nl at to a star atom- I,;( la tB mmrs Bad mu aad rnrytbmg aaattif iiir,tg Itla r.nl TUFF DEFEIIDS NEWS FRIDAY OCTOBER 8 1911 f bwa II t T ia u. Lial to yM !lMini aad w IB 1 nil baSdmg aa yaw t $ UM dwptoyad IB toe fttot aimed itaa kaua at CtaB a t- m imi . t a taut ta OMUatl was - t 1. 1 ts. to ' at far at k ttciaa ftk affa mm bn filial Mr a gre i at IW ( HHU7 M4 attun at Hnittuy aH deal a puwBm lam t IHJ Mrk M Mitr l I Wt kmktt to Ik toawg a tody k . . k tk aaum Uitfit tit M lHgaato n i m ! . ar a hat af ratted uwttt aad . imi a tt bum. f ba Mam la a mum D? a I Bib HthMuhb m Ktl IBM BIB Mm at a MS SB. baa aau la aiarms bi ram. Thai W IB CUfvm at aarike aad 4 m miM i,k TB 4 i 11111 aaa a p aaaat were erbfts Ml ibb UbhiIil m niM (ttunl to dJpMywl m a w Hropurtu Tbr BIB Mr tin trn IBM " lil'ian I mi uuna lab peed! by a mint latB A pme.'i.-- t,r m I la la aiu of la d.y mm rartBiB. Ii i nr m Miai him to n I torte u la )iyttsa j..i kl Hnj H Bui M Sift4 u (MM a fBM. B( duty IBjr f bib . IB M M ton tae ana a Bar bp taaupuUal IB (bn tin Ml tel gab bail UII aa MMk IIHl CMa HaUMP-lto 4-- a acaaiuf euttoa .4 Tb U abut ft,. bib tt. (llrM ea IB fra is I was. 1 want to ubaag (b ail I aft IB tans Tmi IB! put Miitn M Bate tt att IB and warn IB III Inaar a4 Mb I IB IKkml IB MB4 Ul um BIB eS M)U IllirrUiM UK Bat tab MKI lor ill cnamgd la ad va rm. tha BaMlblm M a g(ai IBs! 3 B pat ( I IB BT1IIBB WTIIIMUiM Ham i ai af kauetoug b aua. w (xulmaur f aiil iwma at Tlbr B bop bndTheyttmid.warda atamprumi uf gut to knew tk Hat M IB iniiMir at rMHkal bomb to tB they gusua dJSciwai Hai ry itm la um W U I'amui uf Virtue ars Ibb to br.p IB farmer. I Bey raia amt cbejig frum wbat 4 at t IHa. Tib littM M U Um4' aad aa they tmi a that which teas lot batata yB ffeiAe datytitto u. ad vaJurtm duty. M aft UiBllr, ate I aaI aprt bot at aay rata that to wbat taey Th tour, aaid. "T Bt t attMlkiu IBM Matter. (m did to tk bourn. Witi it wnt to IB 4c Crash Reggitar ftuat ad up value ef evvrj t It bBhbI arMrxalki eeiaBere el aat thy ebaagd it aa that It woold bs Billtbaft baa la Ua Tbwettag special to lamrt4 Mr (4 Uwrgsa. I but apply to aay coitBtry But Casada. tbiag year aad lba w wta add wup sne to nr New a Ntftk. IBi Mr. fti. IB BB aa tost to, it would hot apply to aay la( ua tbaa tblnga aad ttta Basement fear fear tsar rf ntlatNl on with kftkft wa bsd dull Economy eouatry aad divtda mill taiuea tha diucs into a n iumi ibftMi. a f . f r --'pt at aua tht lot Ic at ttfiotsousi trafturett IB ad will vaius of, get IB kl IB. TB'B aeaUcoMB. attBeil .a frm our prutuks ura:ng that IB datir. aad tbea getting that BOMUHUi tkr b(bs( I BB Hrtr 1b was gulag to appro Ul tt Si pat cent- - SVH. that j BM Mix(. at 111 ltT lasadB Canada Id mot tbcuryMac dum au work out. bveaum la are u'Wr eoticitwa I ga aBc4 sad appro agUMOk tba dutia ax prohl- - j agrmmst, is reciprocity BM) lataca aBm Ibus thing. If they bad passed, aould bitory M eat Ua terta. M aullr aad ualraa yea get a lung rle Record-Breakint u tBo (art hurt. aa4 not fttt method ot inklw It to B vary !uua ted to aaything, Mi Iima4 tB tariff cobmimm, th anawated other did Bo ef procedure. However, they go country tt mibnlKl. to report ea acbadule K of th law. a b sutler of ahead with It aad put it they aa MB tnt of UtcraHr, I ilirelH tBat dMrrtpthto But bava BawunUd to through, it ueat ta tha boom bjsJ aould fact (Bat aa IB aaything bacaam aust tart ft board la bum that and mean commute ul oa higher iw ih Brt ot iMcrMbrr. aad itwy i auto an ia tour and oo tt eouid it fur i)i tws aad than ft ua put aad Canada la M IL Trwjr Bill tb mala a lull Bat bat reduced IB market TB bill through th days ftiMH. The it wus sub-- it or tB nr.toB Kfiit a a 'B4 uto I. tBat n iuetar i Hub a way to m Who it tam I m I ted aa tnru arranga-bmBMdlb. No. tuuN uld submitted th matter to my tariff If It bad goo through it arttB a Bari itikunM by iua-gr- i t3al intr. diced tba iUawt rvafuatuB hoard aad to th expert oa chemical to K aa IB tart, it aea4 to Bar 1 If bad what they found They our ruMonsa lawk aigbrd and this a (bar, and 1 ml a ay Ural t&ua into found that thl method ot transmuting the blH u 1 etj4 U. to ad valorem wa tha duties yroriaioaa to I'Miiro ircraa supported specific TUB COTTOS BILL only by MU parti. IBat tt vary faulty, aad having dona that, and mb t IB mi 1 1 a, t larary teat Ht U Beit nr ttal IH i tbllatac ft .' B iBoa Km 1 Be , , . attf M alma ko r mw t rti MHi l'kd ky h ,IV tM Caaa r! Presidential Party .Arrives e- . .lf. I ) Stab! Too Late For Nordica Concert IB I.., 1 Iij n. m! h Mu Maw W BTUSEbd (OUXCtt d Oaw to aarB at Hea- - Bat M big fmtar to ba ttinlrl' IratkBl at aad wbat a Utt IB Iij" ta aid baa Mu hia ear(allgreat rwMCBrt by - lad iar ttt(BtW stagers aad at did ttotr program aaa Kill d- - ICMdM! aa W aiae th . i.. Saihi and th The Krtisi aa. toiler 4 Btl--1 A part. tardy arraaged. tk battdtag M (M IB ft ft tan-g-i- a a tr a am uj l( -- .(. kt c.s aan (1 i met-pat- anft-.,p- is-t- usf an mIt A j 1 tu pares a of till bill M ua Blfkt daetrerBadtba taduatii.I Bofurfacia out hat I ai( to krfgn 1 aiffBaff IB Mil, and I km fftff watt. a bat tby ratted ffM tby the termrnrf tram Uat. They aaid that waa aecaaaary la toak up tba (arm-awhat they war folk to lose by faai-- n reciprocity. but, they Mn bot MM much by Casadtaa reciprocity tbi. and tbay would but tun ap hot urttlkf if it bad ffoaa through. Tba btlt waa oaa moat oOJectioiil la Ita nwunrL I wtab to a through It, If pan ariU bear wttb we. It waa a MU. I BMg aay, that bapt tba word of prom la to tba oar bad braba tt to tba hope. la farmer to get It waa b bUI to nabThat everytkiax ehaap. cttsuasIs wbat tiny tt. Maw, tba brat oa put ail agrt. tba fraa tut tol tmpl.iaaMta aa that MB maa tawodarad. Aa a af fact, agrtcattaral implements free Hat. In this nelimint am aatltted from feectoe to tna lata this aountry our agrtrul-- 4 Madly thatboallow MthMli aa lata tt fro- - Tba r --naatnr that aaufactama agn-- i ml bulwww for asport of aay I --ft M Onas BrMala. aad omat Britain tmylimaau la 4 :wHdtoftffWiffkJ Wa. hara aaa eoma i fma roam la la aay da aal Ina I tblak. Wm. mat aaMM-a- w to maaaa that they I gd tti tba aa goad agrl- haww bav ta lapdaaU abroad aa wa do pd I m bttim it at aU tha nu LIST. Oa pot baibad wlm oa tba aad all ethar klnda of wtra1 fw r S oogbt to cap bofom iff wI to teat with mfamaeo to tokptoaionta aad macblaary I etot of Urn arblrb worn BMd Tboao tba agrlaaltural IrapUauotg that waU Ibiom. BM tbem worn gaoarml owrda la that ohuwa that tnrladad iMPItblag that a tanaor might bp aap gaaalhHity aaa If paa gaaa It ptogat mtttwatlak. That maaat MOw la ON TH U agrt-o-mar- al Id wtlehu that avaryhody far tha metal aad ether rcbedulea AJtarwM Ad 9c an ibbbu-istoum- tocaua u was avowedly eottoa inanulaciurm ien Pt to tmevo bad irons tboa which worn protected, and 1 stand upoa a pia'.furm uwaai aay. actad upoa a platform la favor of maaoBSbt praleiioa aad manufarturorv a llvind to giv to tbsMa lurnnad af comptoiag wi mabu- - thaaa (wm sbrofti Bui iifituff aoatoat to toava It Bt that way. pl Wbaa it got tato the aonato theya t movod, without any mfrmc eommlttaa. wtthoat any ft CMSttittMi Mv atom agmaltt ff to par uu toMN.theta mat aad they put aiaaadmaat aftae Ukft right oo euppoo an gotno of tha I IhM mMuUcturln, SUrKTSmid to lha gunttomaa Matm thto tn control: WU. now. look hem. our to getting a ltttto dangerous 'for It to galtluf manufacturer and ua to onphUnlff aMtU difficult for back how wa roducad them ttoeTa cot Ion. Can you dommittbing do not. wu will ftv a ThaTtold. wa will toll yon Wu will put down woMwithdoTwhich you manufoo the thing tom cotton o that you chauffer and then you wo eoautltuonto and any. Hammachinery adoeod tha Jrom toc duty StottonmaphlB tt Mr out. control mid; ii bm wot whTWim in wd U takm n good dml of coloring nnd that tar and bleaching powdermU comOTt of thing for Touto wui mon cotton cloth with and weicb4" allow yon to take tha chemical The la and redueo that ff per cent. man tor from th cotton manufacturThe gen-ating otatco mid: All right the cotton who had charge of bukliBee went down to the tmaaury department. I take hie own kUtemriit Jh g" MO MATTER how much you may pct in clothes, you'll have your every . desire met if you come here for your suit or overcoat We are ready and anxious to show you the richest array of fabrics for mens clothing youve ever seen. The new browns and grays are fine, beautiful; and well fit you. Hart Schafiner' & Marx Clothes are all-wo- ol and tailored right, and their name is a sign of corect & style. - r Suits $18 to $50 Overcoats $16.50 to $65 UTAHS GREATEST CLOTHING STORE D StcbCt Csae a. cm ap-M- od Get It Here ray ' wtorb to of Ear! SduSatr had the satisfaction, when he came to learn the facia, of knowing that instead of reducing bleaching powdar IP per cent he had Increased It 40 per; cent, an explanation that he might j have found difficult to make to hi constituent had I signed tha bill. But that wax not tha worst feature of the MIL In that chemical schedule there are four or live Items thgt Include alcohol. Now, alcohol ta a subject for Internal revenue taxation that requires a tax of 11.10 a gallon. Alcohol that comae la from abroad pays a tax of 14.40 per gallen, and In all these alcoholic Item that 1 apeak of. alcoholic compound, things that are Immersed ta alcohol and brought j that way, there had been law In the provided existing and In previous tariff laws, with B duties deal of to care, pacific great prevent their being uaad for the Introduction of alcohol at a cheaper rate, so that it might not coma In to Interfere with our Internal revenue taxation; and to they put on a specific duty In each case of 40 cents a pound, that I M canto a pint, aad eight pinto I 13 30 a gallon, no that tt prevented anybody from using those Items to bring In at cohot just for the purpose of bringing tt In. By this method of transmuting from apeclal to ad valorem duties they made the duty on these alcoholic Items In have REVIEWS PRIZE LIVE STOCK. With a sweeping gesture and a hearty good bye to his audience. President Taft concluded his address and was Immediately escorted to the roof of the cltrb building, from where he reviewed the parade of th Ihe stock and horses. In thto parade every detail, too, was prepared and the horses and rattle were In line and the parade began with the seating of the president. He showed keen interest In the exhibit and from time to time broke out with complimentary remarks oa the showing made Before his departure for a tour of the exhibit building the president passed In front of the grandstand, crowded to Ita capacity. In hto automobile and was given another ovation. Then through the long lines of cheering people he waa driven to the fair building These building had been cleared of all visitors, and only the attendants at the various exhibits and booths were permitted to remain within the building during the time Of the president's Inspection. The president wag taken first to the horticultural building As he was ushered into the doorway, and caught hto first glimpse of the fruit display he stopped with a 1o..k of astonishment which quickly passed Into admiration. As the tables were passed, each laden with the evidences of Utah's productive resources tn the orchard lands. President Taft evinced his wonderment. Here and there he stopped tu minpt!-inethe exhibitor, and before leaving the building took Occasion to say sevtime that the exhibit ot fruits. eral Harz OotStts Bargain-fes- t Ready tomorrow for what we believe will be the Banner Day of our Xew Economy Baemcnt the new Stocks are in complete readiness the qualities are DEPENDABLE the &t)te correct while the price the Values, tell unmistakably of WALKER supremacy. Bargains almost unbelievable unpreccdcn ted bargain- - giving will be in evidence at every counter every will be surpassed In tomorrows offerings. Come let us prove our isle and table. All of our foimer efforts in words. Read On. value-givin- g Women's Newest Fall A Sample Lot of Women's Coats to $18.50 at Suits to $20.00 at C7 In the popular black and blue) serges and diagonals aiso suits ini colors. All newest Fall models. Costs are satin lined. Skirts in attractive panel effects. Values up to $20.00 on sale tomorrow in our New Economy Basement at $11.75. More of those Sample Coats to $15.00 at Dresses to $2 0.00 at A ridiculously low price that doe not pay for tost of materials ; wouldnt even pay for the workmanship. All are full length of black melton cloths. Have military collar and cuffed sleeves. Values to $15.00 all at the one special price $2.95. On sale tomorrow in our new Winsome new Fall models in Navy blue serges with the popular kimono sleeves some with lace trimmed col- lars and cuffs others Satin trimmed in colors. Also included are dresses in Bedford cords, effectively satin trimmed in contrasting shades. Very special values tomorrow in our new Economy Basement at $9.50. ftth BA ftQ A(J v2yti fill yvWV black-and-whi- Economy Basement. te Tomorrows Unusual Special Offer of New Fall Great Economy Basement Sale Millinery at$2M New Corsets 48c Style reproductions of some of the prettiest Fall models clever street shapes in velvets with effective trimmings of cords, feathers, wings, satins, etc. The values are astonishing. A great saving opportunity tomorrow in our New Economy Basement. Values to $7.50 at $2.95 Soaps, Special box 10c Childrens warm flannel bath robes complete with cord and tassel. Special tomorrow in our New Economy Basement at 85c. Womens 75c Funnel Economy Basement price tomorrow Night Gowns. iQ 9 h Silk illoves. 50 Womens Econdouble All finger tipped. C omy Basement price tomorrow $1 Gold Meda Toilet Soaps in Buttermilk, Oatmeal and Witch Hazel odors 3 bars in a box. Economy Basement Price 10c box. Taffeta Ribbons. 25c All-Sil- k Economy Basement AffC Price tomorrow i 20c 65c Womens Extra size vests and drawers. C Economy- Basement price tomorrow - Elbow-Lengt- ye Persian Eiderdown de- - many with kimono sleeves and pretty collar effects. Regular 7, c values Special in New Economy Basement from tomorrow night at Flan- nelettes. Basement Economy Price 101Z C tomorrow Best American Prims Great Basement Economy variety. Price f tomorrow VC Saturday Night Specials from 6 to 9 oclock Womens Tea Waists in various fancy Style Elsie medium bust, long hips; made of white jeans with two pairs of hose supporters attached very special values in the Economy Basement at 48c. Other special Corsets Tomorrow, as follows : Corset kTo. 999 x regular $1.50 values at 95c Corset No. 1017 regular $1.75 values at $1.25 On sale in our New Economy Basement 25c Box ot Toilet Children's $1.25 Bath Robes, Special 85c ng pt & Unquestionably Salt Lake Citys Greatest ng 40 prize-winni- 4 models id Smart new semi-fittiOR black Keraey cloths with Satin faced revere. All of these Coats are full Satin lined and well tailored throughout Regular rallies up to $18.50. Special tomorrow in our New Economy Basement at $7-9- per cent or SO per cent ad valorem on to the value. The value of the alcohol Is 10 cents per gallon I mean Its Intrinsic value. "They ran make It abroad for 20 cents a gallon. Forty or 0 per cent an that Is 4 or or 10 or 13 cents a gallon, an axalnst It 10 a gallon that they have to pay In this market. Under that arrangement they might have brought In and sold under this law alcohol at about 24 cent a gallon in this market. That would hate entirely broken up our system of Internal revenue taxation from which we derive on distilled spirits from tns.too.ooo to uwc.ooo.ooo. They did not know that. They bad not not any purpose to Interfere with our Internal revenue tax. but the method of the legislation waa such that they did do tt. When It came to me, I found It out and 1 presented that reason to them, among others, for vetoing that hill. "I submit to you. my friends, that that history of those bill that I have vetoed Is a conclusive Justification for Tou must my saying to Congress: wait until you get the facts before you with a Interfere tariff upon which rests the prosperity of thto entire country. Tou have no right to alter those items until you know what you are doing, and I hope that you may know what you are doing by a report of the tariff board In Iecember, when recommendations can be made on the basis of that tariff report I dont see that there to any particular Injury to anybody In vetoing those bills and delaying action until after we know what we are doing. I thank you, my friends, for listening. This to not a poetical and It to not an Interesting speech, hut to ladles who are charged with the responsibility of voting I do not hesitate to make this speech, because I know In exercising that responsibility they want to have th Information upon which to act, which, I am sorry to ay. In this case Congress did not about Week of Matchless g Economy Basement off the IP per cent. Key; ouw oaaiing to tba third bSU. were taklpg la a very funny situation because Sto to iwrlto yuBr bttoB 1 a considerable very pert of those i wbuia eooracler M8. btM soewiad Instead ot being reduced only to tha cottoB Item ot legwialkitl thatwas iBUoducad IP per cent, were reduced from It per I, Tha cutwa bbi rent ta 10b per cent aad a very conaa a tram uada maeaera, siderable u tba other part instead of being eottoa ua duUaa tna m mduca reduced at all Increased from 0 WaU. 1 ouwld oot ha per cant, to tog per cant. My fticad gom from that anyhow U tt badamnd-mth gtata that was looking aftrr ii Joruugb tba aaanto without bay busiaeM aa al- tba cotton manufacturing 1 .tgil gaff arteultural lmpi amu 2b? Ida tbaa tbap am M to moHriteapr tba world, aa that Ml to aaa to ba a tmtaaadooa I 4 41 arr ' I wtMa you went lata what It 41 femat 4c price tomorrow Value Giving will Witness a Grand Bargain Climax Tomorrow in our New 1 i, V value. ty I I black. Regular Er wy Ba-HItM- B u fi Ibt'i Ho,13cla Lisle I m t HOSE to;t ba lwi tarM. I Sc MENS Sc CRASH TOWELING i I 50c Boys School Pants, Special 21c Knickerbocker styles in sizes 4 to 14. Regular 50c values tomorrow m our New Economy Basement at 21c a pair. $1.50 Mens Fine Ribbed Union Suits. Economy Basement Price Of tomorrow each 25c Mens serviceable cashmere hoe. Econ- OJc omy Basement price Mens Wool IOX 12 JC and Cotton Underwear. Vests and Pant3. Some fleece lined. All sizes. Tomorrow in our new Economy Basement. Special AO Garment tOC Saturday Night Specials from 6 to 9 oclock Womens Dainty Combination undermuslin garments of fine cambric with lace, embroidery and beading trimmings. Regular $1.00 values. Special in our New Economy Basement from 6 to 9, |