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Show ; 1 i : ; WEltDIHZ ! j a AtlanrtcFIeetHasNe cleared the ground and swept away. His aero plan bad reached tbs woods a quarter erf a mils beyond the barrtrrx when it was observed to pitch swiftly downward and into ths trees. Th biplane waa broken badly oa it fen at ths foot of aa oak (reel A cor-- r of th motor struck LsMartln's head, crushing his skull, and his right leg also was fractured liutwo place. Tbs aviator wa barely alive when b was taken away by Bed Cross surgeon and expired a few minute attar a hospital. CapL Princtau Motor Explodes caching Uomethlng was wrong .with tbs steerJekiartln's machine. It had of ing gear In Midair and He is Burned acted. badly earlier la tbs morning and Roland Garroa who helped adjust It, To Death. advised LeMartlirnot to prop. DISASTER TO PRINCTAU. . wC6mmander---ScIirbed- er Hauls Down His Flag Alter IE w NEWS 3IONDAY JUNE 19 1911 DESERET. EVENING c 47 Years' Service. USE . .Because He Became Convinced -That Nothtng but Long War -WoudI Put Down Revolution. HE i t -- 4 1 I ' I Paris, Jons UL Fifty acropUnlsts took wing early today from tbs aviation Held at Vlncoonus on the Ant stage of. the European circuit nuw, which calls for a flight to London and return, with stops at rariema plans going and Almost Immedlwtoly after ths stmt, two of ths Aviators mat tragic deaths, and at leaat ons waa gravely ' hurt. 6a tender,. Spain, Jane IS. The Steamer Tdranga, with Gen. I'nrflrio of Mrxk-o. aboard, Dias. piid"-ot sailed tonight for Plymouth. Several tigs flying tmr Mexican rotor. and jsewgj with chewing prop)., escorted the .learner for several mile. Goo ( Ldsa aald the friendly demonstration at Spanish pwta bad comforted him greatly la hi. hitter will On the voyage from 01)00 ,1.. Ba tandar. On. Ual consented to talk. Aaksd If ha intended to take up his " raaldmca In 8 pain, ha .aid. "It la colt possible that after a tow taonthg vl.it f shall turn my step to the peninsula. I apeak only Jah and I am too old to begta the study of foreign languages. 11ns ever, noth in haa been derided upon, I shall bp tny miann Fxria.Where we j go direct from Havre" Incidentally, n number of Cert Jdax'. ulto aald U principal reasoa for the ylalt to Paris was to consult a pariah-1swith reference to ths abacus from V&K VV ' vrhlrh Gen. 1 still suffers greatly . .i, Although reluctant to apssg of h led aa ho wtabee- to keep recent events from hit thoughts as much as possible. Ge.1 ms. Anally mads this statement abandoned power whan I became convinced that nothing but war lasting at least a year Would put down the revolution. I wished to prevent the n ton Bcbrasdsctstiaqutahad command of tbs Ati spitting of the blood oftirt child red of T Aftar years service In tbs wavy- Wty country In the fratricidal struggle Isntle Best to Bear Admiral Bogs Oxterbaua. Schrccder has a spteudld record la tbs navy. B was appointed from and above sit to avoid the possibility loath Carolina a Sept. T7, IstM, as S midshipman and waa teada ensign on April 19, lSOBi On July 12. 1970. bo of aa International conflict, of at was promoted to the rank of master. Bis am advancement was to n lieutenancy on Oct. 13, 1972. Ho was mad representations from foreign powe. I wished to avoid the weakening of ths lieutenant commander on Kept, 27, 1398, and held the commiaaton during th 8 pa war. 11a was ex national credit and ths dissatisfaction officer of the bnttieshlp MnxsacbuaettM, lying at Dry Tortugjx, when tbe hi ala waa blown up in Havana harof foreigners residing in Mexico, who erotiv bor and waa appointed one of the court of Inquiry to investigate tbe diaaster, . He took port la tbs capture and have contributed greatly to the fleet when the Spanish admiral attempted to escape tram the barber of Santiago, and of the nation and who have inking of Admiral for his pert in this netten tbe administration advanced him three nambera aa Aug. 1L 1888. Oa Match 3, be was promoted to tbe rank of commander and for aerera years succeeding 1900 did important aervics aa governor of the island of Guam. Oaterbaua waa appointed to th navy from Missouri. Ho waa graduated from th Kara! academy la 170. Until bis latest promotion he was commander of th second division of th Atlantic flaet Ha la sixty years old . wm w with yot and help you to keep iasssssaaasseftwcacsKaiagscMcaMsasececbascsgoisssss -- ' : h . , Capt. Princtau. whoae motor exploded In midair, flooding him with gasoline nd burning his to death. M. Ie Martin, who dashed against a tree, the motor of his aeroplane crush- ing his head. THE EfimED.1 M. Gaubert. former lieutenant In the who was entered In the civilian race underlbe name of "Dalger.'' Iro was found lying senseis near his machine Ip a wheat Held four miles from His Injuries arc serious. M. Billie la hi aeroplan struck ths earth within a mils of the start. Billie was Injured, but not seriously. Three other aviators Cell, M. Lordlan, sac Chariorillei-Gaca- r Boriaon, dose to Gegny, sad M. Morin at Chevron of H miles within Leige, which is ths end of the Brat stage of the None of these man was badly hurt. Of ths M aviator who started. M v civilians and 12 officers assigned foe military duty. Hung up for the competitors art prises amounting to tKMI. CROWD OF A UILUOCf. Dawn at Vincennes saw a crowd estimated at from Sflo.OO to LOORMO person massed around th military exercise Held to withes ths start. 8ix thousand soldiers and ADO police, most of than mounted, were on hand to keep th Held clear. A signal guns fired at S.tf oclock signaled the commencement of artbe pi two 1 ' A. J 1 i ? 8. Beet-Admir- forty-seve- pms-part- ty Viihus-Cotorat- yi r?3 ia Cet-re- ra U. 4 : i i n They Will Agree your tlomath and other organa In the proper condition on which your good health mint depend merited tbs eontideratloa of my country by Heir work. "My dealt wa to safeguard both my owa dignity and til dignity of my charge, without ever having been rubied by vulgar wMInmO oc petty pride, and certainly I did not bring spout this strife, as same seem to believe, to keep myself In power. "I have mrrfliced myself and have given up tbe atruggi. convinced that I am giving cr proof of devotion to my country by abandoning the refna of government and transmitting them to BEEGIIATJS t PIUS caro-pain- it ta'my-derftnin- ,1 rugs r THE NEVER SUBST1TUT0RS Back in the days when we were young:, there was a store in our town in Ohio known as the Variety Store. Weve often thought that the name would apply stores, for there surely is variety equally as well to these Schramm-Johnso- n enough for anybody.- We find it necessary to keep a wide variety of goods for many thousand people trade here and they have a diversity of tastes, naturally. There is only one thing on which we insist that there shall he nq variety allowed in that is quality. This must be al ways the very highest. Odr custciiH-r- demand it. .. . . asked would not return to kt port in the politics of the country. Only some Internati-Hut- l difficulty necessitating s supreme effort upon the part of all Mexicans in close unison could make in alter my decision, but and Maurice Tabutaau. Fierro Vedrine and M. Bathlat, who already were In position, whirled away within a minute of each other, amid wild cheering The aviator started from throe from one to three minute such an eventuality arose, nothing apart. Last to leave was Emile Train, could stop me from going, to the end of whose machine recently killed Minister my life, as In the first yean of my of War Berteaax and wouVled Premier manhood rifle In hand." .Mania Gen. JHas was given a" splendid reAmong those who w Unrated the atari ception at Santander: Chpt. Gen Mar. from ths official stand was JTcmisr lata PolxvtM. omstdent of the Spanish Mania's son. Antonio, who also mission to the Mexican centennial eels wounded whan M. Berteaux wtut killed. on the stand were Qeo. Francis half of King Alfonso. AH ths civil;uhcra minister of war, who succeeded and military authoritiew the Mexican Goimn, and Hr Lepfne, Besteaux, M. minister, at Madrid, delegation from Uref'Xf. of tks.iVU .pollcs,. Mitrious" many firmer WIND RI8E9. 'residents of Mexico and numerous prominent citizen boarded th YpV The wind waa rising at ths start and and their to the LeMartin. who waa one of ths, most range paid respect aviators in Franoe, rocked From Plymouth, Gen. Dias will pro- experienced about a good deal as bis ceed to Havre, X - s - j t Jo leather cases for motorists, campers, and traveler. Aluminum, .nickel or brass frith nickel plating. f Price 3 Sc to S, i n i Ice Cream Bricks The warm weather has again star maaiL tot They're Blade by us of cm dairy and we know they ate pare. Keep two hours. tT' t . hT ddd to JUMJBMyJiifhvdais eaniSc oui her. Our first shipment comprlan nil of the popular styles and shapes. JT Just C. H. MILLER GRAIN O. Bay. Grain and CnaL II W. 1st a. Bell phone 13(4. Ind. 144. n -TRUST BUSTING BY GOVERNMENT EXPENSIVE Lswyera vrll! find some vtrv tasty leather brief Xumber 4 store. They are done In. dit-fermt tlc and colors, priced reasonably. -- Cm ' -- i ; fee lent fe; msiL Trie Mum m. Kanttol Kemp HaUai , linfmpsL 2.V six Nmr iMimraL Kkr Jmww liatmrot, f 1 McHtdNTn Ritlm RiUwd'i .... .... lic .................. ,13c star Sister Hair Grower. Me Grower. IIM Mar t bmrr Hair Ei 13c wh VlalUurfTs , a.......... i . n tmiiaffua aith IHamkutted adii Jkfrpt-- " Afrttonr So ; Cut Prices for the Week ... hello Skla Powder Cuthymot Tooth Pari Colgate's Tooth Powder W Ulianas' Talcum powder 1 i- - Doa Oil Hurl Oram. Me rise ... Klcsya Oram ......... ... Witch Mottoes toumao !. Bnwdmh atoe PSfh ........... IV Faglf Brand (ondrent Milk tic tjtftel M hdi Haarip ptMs ' fc ,,, d e Ogr 1 SC ......Me ...... JUc .....Uv p..3c Wxihlngtouune II. Tract busting" j . onet the governnuvit burevtnents to Spetdal , sttnrney-gxner- ai sad la From FINDS CHURCH rGOINtTVERY STRENUOUS Ogden and Salt Lake City Cleveland, O., June . "Church-goin- g can be more strenuous than golf," aald John D. Rockefeller yesterday, after b had shaken hand with more than 100 of his friends at the Euclid Avenue Baptist church. He remarked that hia arm and hand would be sore for days from th handshaking. Rockefeller promised he would haw something to say to the mens Bible class next Sunday. to East andReturn Mlssonri Hirer Points. ..tio.Ot , Lout, Mo. 4,M Peoria. UL i.M 1111 I Cldcwgo, HL, Salt Lake Photo end Kapply Co. , Kodaks, finishing. framing 141 Main St. Stop-ove- anti-tru- st Make-Belie- st Whooptag cough is net dasgsreus whea th cough is kept loose and expectoration easy by gtvtng Cbamber- -' Mins Cough .Remedy. - It has been toed in many epidemics of this disease urtih perfect euriruse. Per eels by all dealer. Pura drugs and presrrlptluus ear lialhdxy Drug company. 1 " 'I t - .with us; Bast In fJUALITT. FREFARA. -- nOff, EERTIC& e J 7:10 A. M.. C.F. Warren, Oenl Agt, .314 Judge Building Salt Lake City. Utah Ante al, 7:55 AJt " T0-TP V 65 r Overland Limited Ogden, itsoo.v XX XT. iu.. .' memo, ban Francisco. 1.nn tx ro,, 2,OOP.X. Portland. Butt and In- 2 :40 P. M., . Ogden, Boise, termed or. 4 A0 Pit Ogden. fln Frmnclsoo and Intsrmedtat 2:40P.M...- Ogden. Brigbnm. Points 6tt PJL Car he Valley, MSlad 4:15 P. 115 AJt 550 P. M, .. cR5?"bSSTwvmrf; 4tMo2iyIRJ . .12:40 PJL :u0P.M. , ,. . 9:15 AJL Ogden Flyer. 7:15 P.M...0"10", Ilf7,a Intarmedlst 7;4fl AJt - -- PM - Ogdea.Bois, Portland, Butts (Ely and , ban Franctano Going.) Officn. Hotel Utah. Phonm 2.10. 1 (VCfl AM A aluable Coupons Your Choice of Premiums- - There conpcns appear in every Issue of tthe Daily 8emi-Weekl- News. y - j -- RANDT ATLAS OF THE WORLD. Oontato tour maps at such state and territory of ths Uni tad States aadtb row- Post paid. No. 3 TRIFLE WALL CHART. Isc lading maps of Utah, Drifted MJ and the World. Photos of aU the presidents of th Dotted StaXra. f -pretadeat of Aba Church, gover dots and rulers of-- all ntlQP sod QtiWT 'important data. Postpaid. - Ko.4 SPJUK'a -- TEKSXpK HEARS..A mothxr's comiaclw.J fh boms. Self sharpening and warranted to keep their edge for B years. Postpaid. X No. 4 TWO KN1VE8, UGHTNtftGI 8RRAD KNIFH and KTHBBJ KNIFE. Good steel, warranted to give Satisfaction. Kvwry bom shoun have these two useful articles. a No. (DISCOVERT OF TH NORTH POLE hr Oranraodvr-BotFsary. O. 8. A. sad other jarad polar sxpsdJtiona Portag 3 L eatra. 4 ft pages ntustratsd. No PEOPLES LIBRA RT. Cbotc of S volvmra at th woiW hast raiding by ths hast authors- DO NOT M'HflB! LETTERS. ADDRESS PREMIUM HAMMONDS ' ' -- ' ..-m- ' for It" u t COUPON. The DeseretsadNews ta . sd pi mss coupons find 34 Which pises Title at Beak Xa Strata City .. a11 lita address 5 Federal Coal Co F. J. Ossl Mgr. to Lo itefioasMiri-O.W Al ML . Dgdnv Intermediate Montpelier Gng. 10.00 A. M. , . Ogden and Intermediate Points pj; Limited Overland Chicago, Omaha, A Kg . Denver 8 1, Lamia U.Jrt A. e v 3:15 PX I0 Angeles Limited Omaha, Chicago, 11:59 A.M.. , u 4:45 PJL Duet, m, Lou la usslbls by haring a CONCRETE FLOOR In oar yard which all our soai is 0TREET. T. J. O'BRIEN. Osa'l Agt. For further information EFFECTIVE JUNE 13, 111. Doily City Ogden. Drover. Omaha. Kan - p If MAO MORAK. Also reduced rates other points. ....... -- Mad fc j why placed bepb 1 0REQ0N SHORT LINE TIME CARD, No. 1 $55 rossons bw ; M. Clip emt 25 coupons and enclose with 25 scents mail to Deseret News and we will rend eithersof the r following useful premiums. Per Ton Thsro ara thru orders should it, ! and 8 Trass 17L hoara Rock allowed. rs Ang.,lA Th Broad Highway, FarnoL.tl.K I. Tbs Grate of Dust, Phillips. , LIP J 4. Th Golden Sllenog, William- son ......41.1 Abbott. .11.00 I. Molly Il.tO (. Maria Claire, Audoux DESERET NEWS BOOK v STORE. Tbe Lending Book Concern. Mata M. ml ' J. quealy, Prealdsnt J. K Praasfnrd, Kscy. F, Hit JuaeeSJ. Dales 1. Qjf rt - (CritrWow. Ftacber A Kittle) Cable address "Wmtfuoo." rbooes VI. - - if Mata Street. ik-M- (Specialty, A i department of tafire baa transmitted to Chairman Hrai of the bouse commit-tee an expendlturv In that department, i The larareet Individual deburuement i (was to Henry 1 BUmoon. at present who received ItfiS srerttary of war, i for- - his set to tbs sugar fraud prosecution.' Others who received large special fees were Prank B. Kellogg, tot., an in th Union Pactfic and Standard Oil rssra; J, C-- Iteynoida. 344,(1 la the tobacco case, especially case; C. A. Severance. Kelloggs partner. 43.247 In cases; Whd-fri- d T. Denison, 1 3A24 In ths ssgss-firanesses. Five (5) Good Stores ' dis-- ankfutnoWi to district alter-- j rwys between March k. lMW. and May XL- -f Mil. according to av report which tbe t anti-tru- ....... .Ue Excursions ROCKEFELLER Trde?Hsk Western Fnel Co. i Mai Sdffaiiii-Johnso- n, The Never Suhstitutore Mae nix devel-ope- d eocentricltlra, they cam down nd gave up their chance for winning ths contest. Sixteen different style of monoplanes and biplanes were used. city Ticket Excellent-- Traded a few tons of coal for & nice horse last also have a gpod week, prospect of trading one old wagon for & bicycle 1903 model) Otherwise things are quiet. ' Oar ftndy ffpertal for this irk hi Mamhnattovs Cbondsts, pound.. Brief Cases 1 or becauss their machines Yon? There is on medicine that every family should be provided with and especially during tbe summer months; vw, nm.iortaia's Coltc. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. - It is almost certain to b needed. It costs but a quarter. Can yon afford to be without It! For sale by all dealers. Morss'sCandy this 25c T.... Each 5 the big do wind UtAfk flows c,b fta-ge- In Etnlhnp tegtl Knott- - had keen enfeebled Truf -- th' n and partially blindhr for several years. Dur--teg- hi term-Congramr be wax regarded as one of the ablest speakers , on the Democratic side. 9A.UU ........lOc tlmt Pair Dr mad Tit Dd Fodrfck fw A3 jra J. avl-ati- oo. ' Tafcifii gd K-- Mr- ""WenrheriTlbey trr.pren,Ie pair roads" (xaow by Bud Sisher. can be bought far the Amt time here hi statbeti. We want you to see them whether you buy or not. md m P BackEasl IA CASTOR Jqj - Was Famous for Having Made the j Speech That Made Duluth Fa mo Lebanon, Ky June tL James Pmc--i lor Knott, former governor of ' tacky, and prominent for many years in Cbngmu, died late this afternoon at his home In this city. He wa e yean-old. Mutt and Jeff Ehrinking Cups ? HALTED r.UU Beaver Mom PROCTOR KISOTT DEAD. 1 an4 most at the start. H had scarcely got well into the air when one of the planes No Oomhlno op of his machine caught Are. Princtau waa ssen struggling to undo a strap that hound him firmly In hi seat so as. toward to be free to jump as the earth. Before h could loosen the belt, however, the motor exploded, and & Rio flaming benxina. covered him. He did not utter a cry and whan th wreckage fall to ths ground tbs captain was deed. ' His body was fearfully burned. Copt, princtau probably had been asphyxiated by the first burst of the benxtne Excursions flames. He was one of ths most courageous 'and capable XfUtori in ths army. , . Princtau had been a lieutenant sine June JJ, 28, July t. tt. It, 1M0 and was brevetted a captain In the September 3. official gasetts this month for exceptional werrice rendered to mllltary ItETtTRNI.NQ UNTIL OCT. i . A tragic Incident of Princtau death Chic, HIM was that at the exact apot where he Kansas City and Omaha ...Him fell, Laort, toe French aviator, and Delast killed were 8b Louis Pola. a passenger, cember in the competition for the Low rates to other automobile dub prise for a flight from points Excursions every Sunday I, pari to BruM!, and only a few yards away the French minister of war met Provo Canyon and Ogden. deth four weeks asro. Phono, Ind.. (tit. Ben, Exck t, Ten of the competitors, Teterd. i Duval. I'ontenet, Charllx, tabouand ret, Gffiert. Romance, Lsndron Eupling. although they started officially, never got beyond the limits of ths o. - !& CIOnLIGKS lunuiSHrarTheAbb Lebbmg--wsajubest six selling books fob finishing ths mass at an improvised alMAT. V m one of the hangars for soma of tar of my country, to stick I have conse- th ariator who desired spiritual to reports from ths lendAccording crated g yean of effective services, preparation for the peril of the day. ing hook Action of the country, the placing It In a good position among V. LeMartin. who within ths hour was six book (fiction), which have sold civilised nations. was among those who knelt for best in tho order of demand during "I bass broken ail ths bonds which dying, the blessing. th month are: held mo to Mexico, and area if I were second gun sounded at ( o'clock, 1. The Prodigal Judge, Keeter. .I1.JS The 1 with ths Mhsv no moan political attention by desperate; with the army, white not numwoun. uncooguersd, and g with ths treasury, despite heavy expsnvea in tbs last six month, still holding (LOW COO pesos. That alone suffice to show th loyalty of my conduct during tho menu crisis. I soh-mmyself to tbs wilt expressed by a I beportion of my country, although lieve it was misled, and all 1 ask for g to years is spend them fit tranquility in the bosom of my family, ardently hoping far the prosperity TILES BEAU. 1 (lfcuneUlA Origfai fcZ In 4!is Machine Crashed JntnTrce Five Others More or Ira Injured la Paris to London Flight. By Citing I p the Straggle Baa Given lSuK lTw of Hta Low MnUfOi . f -- f HEAD CRUSHED LE MARTIN'S BLOODSHED NO WANTED THEIRLIVES fct send m premium X. 34s .. . ...... ,,,, . State ... . .. ffUlr |