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Show ! DESERET EVENING IXiin Issistant Secretary ot the tor Meets Old-Tim- e M&imrbi tits nun say. bottV and a splendid variety of rub- Inter-- T thermo tit - ber goods, Local Ivvenlhing Associates. PRAISE FOR GEO. SUTHERLAND also for talcum feeding Ujttles, sponges, . etc. - l.really In I tic National apilal nmon. HI powder, etc. tr&m the roming house, Says. Statement of Conference With American Chairman Is counter-clau- g, Knlobt. j t tann-- jt; Mrs. I Oct- - !5, A letter hpTtriSfield. e trwfsy In th Chief f PolK-Maud Sprirtirfield signed "Mr- Nurr. and mailed In Salt afe Ctiv purports to give facte of an Jeged ('iflpirry hatched b Walter od Mrs. Goldie 8mtrh to rob Idpley KetcheL the mi4- and attack Ptanl die.weight champion pugHfet, who was rsv-- d ft EVANSTOHs-WY- Q. !. Mrs Klyn Toner? aervViw aahei. zzM t year,UJ baiter iWMa. bebt wms lira fuemi Hurd of Eber W. scuff West Temple at it am Si rt 2. Did ist ruem Ml H-- iiae. re,h Celebr Mak y mF3. I uf AT Z2 -.' !?? 'WAS ?r- I - t- lke 1 aaor-ttda-r- -at v f5ias-rompa ftk-- M'afh-frHtrdd- i fr-i- jr i. ) " 4 or f tri' - - n k' . -- aet i. T t3 I 1 fr W s SpifejiVi fiafE-- T Ari . Mt BMif'd3':r-y-joeraJuly 1c Connear lenetnei Slinky at t; kht and fdtaltr;; wounded tb-hi.1 irn October i way. I rfeftif STV In It eif 'TWTTTt ; n .; Mrs Nugget asserts that the Smith win I: - ff ; r At tHC t mn wrte her of the puna against nrcl am. I) ,3 KetChcl and the chief of jell'e ba 'Ir)nmea wired ihe official at Salt Litv He-to feirn the identity. vfTMrps-NugEvan. Ilorlrt 2 ft fetq and if poesible gain possession f the Floral designs a specialty Phone uit SmHh tetter If ft existsy Iripley and Jlrii Smith arc havingo their preliminary- hearing at". r: wbere. rc held' eharg- - ofurder. The 'hcaidrig gart th morning. The' first testimony introduced the same a. that offered atthe yoroner iniuest .ttl HAIK fiTREKT er-trie 'stale promiiei4-i-tnt ieAtimn .wie new-andamaging HONEST WORK It Is likeir that all the evidence i.Adl be in. krefura. tMkiurrow. MERCHANT ASSIGNS; STRANGER KILLED Manager Say Three Arp Between 10.000 ami tcad Xamrw'on Mtder-.'- llcpuldfawB Robi ot. Evanston. Kter. merchant, triised bis sf ih Bcekw Paint A 7heinstigaton .r Regarding the a Heged cnf hy oflgden. He hs.beew Ji..A 1'! . ' a year, start here for between Joseph A. Young, chairman in burim-Iicrve Mrr. ntnl 'tn first the ing paint and giasv hii rciary oi tin A IIAItM W SlTCHl IMLtlhll arid chairman the of cverr-iothe Demdcraiic, nes.rftl.An-nl.-Tfttin1ay and trin. braacdting oLjnto. thfe --NwmtfH R. Onm parry, van vertnoregrocery. bimirieOac: Ii.vvimr .cnittr.w vI that way, a VP. eastern omews. has eutcwd sult tn the rererred to iri ihe Volumw? of a locwt An unknown man wav mangled Ty i 't '"k nv,:'T ,tw wnTt-i-rdiatfict r.'c v urt agatnst Jacob T Raleigh a train between Ahamont und Milla paper, Mr. : Taung said thiy morning this and. William Mr. Harman, ding. busiCalifornia ml ftHrt.. H"l Mr morning. He was stealing a ride ness as Halelgh & Harman, tftrwmw that trite statement 3 as htin false and arid: becoming cokl fell from t be tank in tlu- h. el l,ralth anH lra. I'li r c 7 said on due seen a shovel steam of the the neer ritlieulotfs. I have engine letween that and the L w wl WlclV ihV defendants The c.m-- ! next car. no be rccogmxed, purchased apt, IPS well by He could once slne but, was well dresaeif!. -r Walnt allege that Kaletgh St Harman 'American chairman buy ,tt fuk.'., iv.n lt...iiKh n bo bm Mf 'iW tho ewmpwign openefi, as shovel, known Me bought secretary the Iki'to that Cvlt. IM tiyx snoveC froia idvermore Sk ComYourig.and that was ata distance on hb-- r rnt MundsT NOT TO BE OUTDONE "Thfw WOOD BLOCK PAVING. ran remain le re, They reristeryd at p.rlia reviX7yT pany. oil Sept. 4, liS, for rn the sttwL The Idea is absolutely a dispatch froi the chief f pnlif which haul been paid.. The Ihr KmHafnrd "hero they arc elppl'in. l ' him i Icmocral The to facts. the Sprinvtleiff I? at; foreign asking that to recover tbe balahce due and are runn m suit tff lira- - Smaih n)"l strainf to them nr- tn- - morrti though It jmmTgIL:gBCzd J An (NBctol Report ttp-iThe Kith - uaht Through- Town. ttlcivst fxom !dai ciff safe. rtiwlr oikI fo vote iHargbtlitye not name and here iB't dne ritwnitkw her tfluW knwn any to nfd attempt propose yhry w lirro th y the ha appear In the cltv dinH llmiitg Kaarntde Met by 'graveyard contingent or any other THOMPSON' yMtli South, street homo IKE not been located ... yet In recent retort to trie IxrLmtit Itors Wednesday. illegal votes. iruny jiai. 'lh1 morn Ifcc Thompson, alias Will Jjvnl for J. lr. Eld red ge, Jr., chairman of the of Commerce and Labor. American Informal held was discharged in the police,Ah?xjnder, said court committee, In. str'taryIlia law nfflrrs county Republican EN DOKetlt. S.vx ril.l M at first eight ;t ptirel to bsa ftOT afU-J- ineing 4 f h; firm. Thaokaeg T.,y'pll m in hsrxhs --statement waiv 'WppaTwtly; I ehwrgd-wrH- r TmK whfe'-hDenver. Oct. San PriiiriiiO war burnished dnstructtvw information conmanufactured out of whole cloth many WluTiii- nntant auTcagkd forgmtnirwarftfig gf ytcCni mu k VetihheU--eliera ranchman, to a check The. plan, as reports, was Jo tne cerning the use ofdrowlO'lw k paving endorsed for lh Pnikim canal hamla w aw aiion rtcgnlxei as an aggregation ton Nutter, l, time tricml called to shaKp $0, and attempting to cash it at the effect that the "American" and Demoin European cities, s of from the 'high school, as-- , for pamcularlr w tlon In 1915 by the Rocky Mountain V Newton store. Leader clothing with him. cratic chairmen had agreed not to Berlin and Paris. bhsiness-Wctio- n Hotel MeitSi Fwlati"n gt its jKehu town l of aNew sotiltrd b - in a talk thl roornlp. with appeared for the boy, and he showed vote any of the "dead oters'on the in the German capitals 4ier xentxl. here thf monifng.' This was due t n forgefy proven registration IriA,. and that s, thar thex-f- had they tho paving ia tfjpn TmlayrTnatoiigz-thimeitly ghnrtTy a ft liexrrtHil the efforts f Kdwln G. Child, aesist-aprreniutiv - - w by the: testimony Intpsluted by Swedish pine. Varietie of bxwl woods the matter, to the Reuttakc Suther-laniagreed yelN7f vrithdusty atrring to with manager f the bond regard Xkin Alexas are used, in other German-citiesopinion t'ounty Attorney publican chairman for similar agreet kl yi, 4n a!ing ak Hlchard I - Vn!ey, assistant Edgar lie Vlfe. manander. ment. It waa said that in the neighare als American cypress and yellow San lhranio; lliyl,.and atatins.lt would be diattnt-- loss od cashier of the. Mcrnkk bank, hobole,'. Kt borhood of B.riOO adend name were on and pitch pine. is carcful-4- y ager of the Trenada hotel and of F, B "t to the country, it hr were hot rtdurjii d Goodman We lne" them as special reprciicntatlve of the -witness and timtified that the the lists, and It was proposed not to and mustrbe freo from to hia reported selyted crack.-Thand to check in 'evidence did nit bear Nutter's make any attempt to voiy any of these knots e and dimensions f FanamaFFaciflc expfspition leagusi This Hl and other, in hiding Ihe faR, supreme court : g bloc'ks name. rang-candidacy for ihfi-Iwidth the signature. were var. paving mous "With a vtevo, vivo, vufflj" was senator from 2.75 to 9 94 , inches; the JUDGMENT AGAINST bench. Mr. Merer said the shouted from two more thnwu witii THDUgAXDsi OF DEAD A' AMES. TWO VOLCNT.UIY BANKItl FTS. height from 4.72 to 7.99 inches. The unison and windows Huv mge or In every way ipialltird for the position. standard U 2 94 by 9.54 by a.9 Paris Whoever said made the Matement, McCANN CONFIRMED th a in lok ryfftre buildings for Cart, A. Onssch. a machinist of Mill " ' : The arnator la hlyhly c.itecmcd tn the up inches. at what was happetufig m... the. main Creek, filed a petition of voluntary Mr, - Eldredge, hrawasapparentfir are To national Vaprtwl- - for- - ins hcnl acumen traveled thoHigmares, a stall the and not acquainted blocks out of each prevent decay ing in the I'ntted Htau-- disconsidered one were thrust many Pr The SMpcetue SpriiigfieM. 111.. G facts. I have a thoroughly dried in tank or broiler made heads soil tnc benkrufdcy and gi'M'inl abilities. Ho trict court thi morning. His assets with the canvass and then with a zinc court today a tfirmed t he. jsidgmiit of f the hello to thorough impregnated man. H them. registration waved to headed which amount be of claims lists both in girls a very char otL or eresote chloride with Use and' solution in the county, criminal court of ('ook couni v agdiurt the city his liabilities 11.44 44. Mr. ft waw iimm evident that the dfor- exempt, and J know there are between 19.909 INDIAN MATTERS. 2 and solution contain Th former parts, Edward 3HAnn in the appeal for a nvr Garden, a cigar manufacturer of Salt and 15.000 Were not out tfr display to the lee dead names on the 1st a by weight, of chloride of stnc. and trial rf the f'rroc r pHrC . duties take him more tunate; giris m the shttjm and Stores me Lake 4lty, filed a similar petition. Hi fieri iitspec.ior of We have them all marked and Hats of SO parts, by weight, of water. The fhk'ao. amount to H.OGl.aS, liabllitlea and his bewutu-vatuea of of and Ih'lda jiulillo lh higner into inliitiHlrly Potfe these names have been given to tha eresote nil should not contajn lesa than .IM'ann wjn noniCii awets 140, which he believe Is exIntdor marts m wrere tne abroad busy asked When more matters. ntet of 5 pe rcenl ofcreote and hrilex foy 'prote thrti' . registration agents, to the election accepting lands Mini Indian to proclaim tu the world that toinor empt. frrm gamblers. fenit-n- g of th :i.m4o :i not Judge and to our challengers. If any than 15 percent of napthalin dlsiiycd If the number of Indians wa row' there is to be a fxHball game. The world in the l.Dia!noi ?reet diNlri at 18 279 Gel. Is and at vote letween one made to of attempt degree these -CHARGE. F.ICEK liAKtlNY mA numerical game 1 to bo between the .Salt Ieak; he Ciihago. allybpertfV found in Crowing K ..y. he said tin dead names, the parties making tha Another impregnation method ciiihy of acvtpUng a bribe of fr.m comT. G. Culver is charged in Ogdi Mgh echoota and the girls will be placed in jail. We use in France and Germany is to imstatus of the full hhaoied noble rod man and Frank Brt? . owners of v ersA iiiccal took tnis way of announcing the lack plaint issued by the county attorney attempt merse the blockhotiiicC our election .was undoubtedly decreasing, but as Last Wednesday a bout-4- 0 uy Irom with the crime oCgrand larceny. Culver have,, a and oil. the mixture of gas tar on, the square and intend to this one. hegvy reaching to the tihdertook a iaradi through Is alleged to have entered the room of The fiartially blooded Indian, canvass of the graveyard eon-- ! duration of immersion ranging from h town for advertising purpoae and John Whalen at 329 south State street, tingent has been an expensive aurlow K degree of I rt turn. i ion as an SEPARATION OF CHURCH few' a to minute of one. enumerated were when they returned to school later tn about X o clock on the morning of Oct. but it U the part Indian, tltte. hour. to way only no was preent AND STATE IN PORTUGAL there have-stolan afternoon tha obstacle 24. and to they found under that general In constructing the wod pavement l5 in money fraud at the elections. tur challengers f In the person of Prinbeen concealed in a shoe for will be on the thaTfwf of blocks are side lower the the apparent diminution, in naid there Is to their entrance at dipped ground everypolling cipal Katon, who i lovingly referred to safe keeping. nubile, lands the secretary place, and arrests will follow any at-- j in hot tar or asphalt and laid on conLisbon. Oct 29 The separatkm f always by high schooLMaas the now only a limited supply left, and that crete base from 9 to 7 inches thick. the state tempt at fraudulent voting." and the church wa announ.r l Car. Hla majesty decreed that tlu w DISTRICT COIKT NOTES. not be left eery long thusdine, Mwi. are filled with blocks between Space coimirr offending students should not enjoy tiier haver arrived in tar. and over them a laer of tar -- or In a det rve issued by th provjioal A jury in Judge M. U Ritchie s court MR. MOYLE IIOPEITX. tha prtviU gea Tof the institution ubltl 9 45,909 iiumigntuU, or ahmil ' asphalt on which coarse sand Iff government today: fcmtirU Monday? and then not. until' they had h'twrned Thursday afternoon & verdict lh of loiul ilia ,f pLul;ll,n defendant in the suit Sneaking of Political Situatloa in I tala spread. Another decree publiahed dedarc for ntmrt tsll severally ana collet ttvetypologised to in favor of tho Trie ij tuts of As wood to the durability paying brought by Mrs. Philinda Roylance freedom of Uc press. the superintendent Of tlje city schools. And Saif Lake CoaiUr. u Id taken care of. which Is resulting the consul general says: "if the pave- the The government tmlay dechm-against the I tab Gas dr t.Toke company the en During the noon ihe In i he .KCCipam y of the romatning Mr. James 11. M,ylr, chairman f ment in kept dean and if good maMr. lMewas fenunlne student hody of tne sc hool to recover 120.12a damage for personal tire initaton to attend a memorial mass Used in construc-thm-injuries. Mrs. Roylance alleged that the Democratic state committee; neak- - terials have been formed in a long Jfvte for o the trie victim. revolutrim the re lame to Uio claims of South--oiv traffic and-o- f weather; the suraha wga Injured by the explosion of- a mg-- the potitlcal aituatlon this morn that it desired to remain neutral Pcfre ipe procearir ha d tah shrepm.m that wrongfully at 9.5 ground rate the of face about wear? the the ing. duo to range, conrietkm a gss that explosion expressed being the in the cceded of matters of been far very religion. there had mNrlty defectiveness-o- f the range. large Democratic vote would be cast centimeter (about 0.2 lneh annually. had The pres grnerally favors the inaugto forest reseryatlons when there girls hgd grtWn faint of heart . andhowin the state and in Salt Lake county, Wood Mock pnvmems on an average returned hr'selmol. There of a of governmt nr w ith uration system to betrauw. ton In from fifteen years, but ho thought, many deaertem Ut HutWiUre"'th "hs roi llT NOTES. ever, matrfy militant maids left, g.rls a cabinet similar to that would return. He stated emphatically dark, damp place, not exposed to in president andState no a even who man. mr his thit specJai The thought to nlon Hot Pacific within l was no disposition sunshine the blocks will decay in half Uie company that there is exar, Should keep them front doing ha? entered suit in Raifey guvuru-mesystem- - of the district court on -- the. art absolutely - Democrat of with the any time; what they feU to ba their on in the generally against the 1nton Fuel igue "The approximate cost of block miaity to whom he had conversed, or correspondof Eunpe- accordingly paraded as aforesaid reover H4l.47 in freight charge. Washington The ed. to vote the American ticket 14 marks pavement In Berlin Is y Upon their return to school they exthr ... and that Jut the that complaint allege defendant of loikc the Salt 19 meter (1 tranrtrtr-ITribune. square l$3,J3i per square pected to bo greeted by the cur with company purchased the lira?? Creek MrKpeakng f a put.ta-a- l nature 1. mtl Moyle said that the Democrats reJOB P HINTING AND BOOK an ukase to tho effect that they, Terminal railway and that at the turn gard it as there. . and yard?' must refrain from srhoo! during severui of fhe purchase the tlie ot that the owner, the original is it that paper hope CVBKIJNG TOftSK. Wa gre the pioneer In Job Printdays and until due apologicr were ren- Grasa Creck Terminal Railway comw HI wme day become the official orgai. dered. But it was not o. Cnderthe pany, owed the plaintiff the amount of an insurgent ing and Book Binding In tha state. party with state and stu entire the of eye Frlnclpet Our facilities are the best for handfor transportation of coal. The national Influence. M. Quinton, president of the NaFor that reason dent body was assembled on the lawn given ling any claw of work, no matter how holds the iwo be no understanding between that defendant is plaintiff f Aerlul has tional France, League for yell practise, even during the hour liable for the debt. large or how small. that paper and his party. Every true means yTfctch amt a towns o and the by f of proposed THE DESERET NEWS JOB DEPT- Democ rat, he added, is anxious to resSmclwe The ,ahJ!T even though they desired to be rends, ft Will May Kahn Baer haa ictUioned the cue the taxpayers of the city and counvillage may be marked in such a way Aniseed th court not were and district - their presences asking that the will f in the interests of what they bettat airmen In flying over them will be Lake Route Theodore I r.Hacr. who dteff In this ty able to identify them without much lieve to be eoannfly and good Xo.vete; tmr knew not king of H WEATHER BEPORT. An effort, however, to get the city on Kept. ZZt 1VH. be admitted to difficult v. He points out that even if the day. their probate. V The estate consist f the name were inscrlled n a flat roof girls to 'fens up on paper after fruitjrJof the of shares almost the Baer in diversion stck letters the aviator would FA capital proved still .noonday MILL BtILD SVGA It large (TORY. Fair and Warmer Tonight and Brothers Mercantile company nf lad-ville- . only Hire have to search for the place on h) less. for out 'of the American Fork. Th and Kali lake Ilty. of the stunt. mao the f'amf"ll before ton.. he owned to where was Saturday. up knowing it. ,,r In an address at a Democratic I wreral well f the entire II the therefore value proceeding even that propose Throughout ,.ampbll. held here Ut night, said he Infuneral "f Allan ihut there was evident the effet of leaderrally notable town, place, village, Y fl factory, TEMPERATURES. Grace S. Storing wa Hay granted a tended tn build a sugar factory In this etc., should he TIA t now n tninlny Wret In the noontime strut through designated bv (wo num4 a m of from James A. state. have been considering this bers. 'th at Ml. ship The first of these number town. At the head of the column of final decree Diet divrce .. MV. Knight I quoted Ritchie. I,. some time." y Judge by Btorlng thing would indicate the distance north or air of a 4rum The ()f ,h fhrlar, s pairs walked with the interlocutory decree wan granted as saying, "and the only thing that south of the parallel of utltude no y tillvel. Hev. u " d the of major a trim girl oUd In grey, 1 1919. 22, wa did not have me that April 4? stopped architecm. F 4 were modish roany y daneecnw" rifetam-the the second Parts, the ha r east concealing There 1 now 11 sufficient But funds. have ...Vi am just west of the meridian of longitud ture of her blonde tresses. Her steps 12 noon I need . K will nd all lhiral tribute. the money begin have would a as long they through Farls. Thus if an I an effort were not ...U Installation passing pn so operations shortly for the aviator passed over the sign marked If her skirt had not been John H- - been YESTERDAY'S RECORD. of a factory which will be a rredit to plainly on the ground "14 At Intervals, as she had n 59. he from fashionable5? the state." Mr. Knight also talked u would know he was 149 kilometers Highest no doubt oftontlm seen a cadet capn,- -- f .37 NKW UW lWSt nH-tKTS A HU E. A i . ornyh. the tariff and prohibition Judge Ferdiof Faria and 59 east of FarK she walked backward, keeping letter to tain, a on made the Erickson nand speech The numbers would be underlined to her compntrlot In perfect line and rort'mreVer Arthur I. same subject, add id the prospertsffor distinguish north from south and eart announcing the step with' strident Engineer Killed WItile Trring tu a victory for prohibition were excel-len- t. from we. Thu "4 voice. would he 4 law. T-toid a- few amusing kilometers north of tbs parallel and A pert of the proredur j - o , was fence to ihe stories and th an.eta nut In serenade b1eago; Oct. n.l hi. U Xew front? kilometer In The west of office, adjourned. meeting of the Part t:ai ffeuvery state which require that . New York bun. wherein mII the favorit yells of the locomotive law, the city directory. engineer must not be on the school were waited F.umlMlInni frm KM44 high llol'l1 rmiK. 1 tmnm. rovt theTtnr 4TmMH , than longer duty fooius eiKforUV In fhe the MrekTTo thNIFTY- - DRESSEKW. -- MalhonnuH of William Pt rummer of tha (hirggo ho.- .- com ounce of The Rpanlh Fuk. .'.ui rltih held a meeting ibl after- - fourth floor In atrshattertng noprano tk Northwestern railroad, who died of yesalt To Thomas lake th man the delivery with a email Inmme. In a tones. It was. alt all, compelling terday In ilia hospital at Waukegan i ommerctftl chib to t the atom spee h at a Democratic rally held eronntry l ereenlial Why thm. a demonstration of the advantages enMr po It Iona wa on a heavy freight Htmmmer here last Ferdinand aaj.. Judge joyed be modern boys and girls, the train running from Mjlwquke JhiChlr. Ericksuu andnight. operator. hrllt.o. porter.. Thoraaa W. k'ilIMm of jmur old eot li berauaa Ah heel, and H ppoctwnU4s afforded for gaining culd oilier cmploTe.. fhatrmon Ire ra go. Ho reached Norin Fork, When Frovo al spok TlPmiti paid bla toe are wornw nut? Cut off the kMr of and ture. the knowedge refinement, I member oilier and isficr ashing, of , bo realised that he could not gt tu rrspccts toberut0t.fimont au4 lcwt. and he 'TrKftMT-noT lo ths lofp of your ,iirf1Tj n mHnrrN7iRT r rhtrgaTfi"TTmTvy pulling ttW whnTff ftrimhall and bdd the people of t'tnh Uiwm Do - able routine business. The furnishings the mtme ork. when th lowvr train. ounly nt to vte for Henr fiardner pair 1 worn out. and so on held meeting in the new inimmitl Arthur K, I'hrlrteneen has meveff hta The rule of the company permit a slate sentr Music was furnished s long nmmen wl iluh imllding st nWm h possible. A mn who become it bile. roam-hi S'onttnenta! and msh eflV'e hia to train man abandon lew by the Garden 91ty mtl" quartet. the twchcd to The rnmrmitee wont thrfttrh Htrom may This hosiery by this vim hjs engine tu headquarter. 41 me become building Which ie now telng furnish the dwncf mer tried to do. by puUJng ht traiwon . pi. pmcwsMj Hare tt PhMoeiepheff. Oteh Pfiot ed tip for the opening, the dale of bandaomc union Ault, without why cabcnfeo n tb and track rtde leaving Co. Material Phoney which will he announce! sofn. extra, . . back expense. the In tho main line.. bringing Vh cut off ymjr brrd agvs yn engine to get the rabuoaa It overturned wblsh-TRrimildcr arc tn be your and he waa pinned beneath It. crushed wider, and human hair, especially when and maided by the boiling water. J E I termer and J W Hr Kinney curly, make the best ptbfe padding. Had b not reached Chicago within K Or keep friendly with your barber, and were the ape Aere at an AmerU-an- " hour, he would have ben discharged. The Qne against tha company I 9100 for rally field at the reetdenee nf f.tetjt. R. get him to aavte hia clippings for you Avoll aulllno dy-- n .hen you wlah to - Shannon of the pollre fore tan ekefi offcnee. recolor your llshl aprln nlcfit. null for rail le wear. . are much aofter IDLUCU. NEW deAlinont Dl.trlrf ch.lrmre an party wnrh-r- w is not all talk, and our more and up-to-dat- e, of the of Ih. party will mret at Iradln brand, nf ranncl any The Wreterw Partflc wn-r- urt rl-- r. aoupa will In the McIntyre ot ml a new fnMer i.f SI rnonly claim that "wo sell thft mellow a tone prtmefit ha. enmnlrte rich, Siva to worsted iMitkltn l reheffule. iiownnw nlht. pvtnc to. mock turtle aad sunt-b- y fabrtrw. lih IV. r'arlwn. If. t". Itrcaon and and .leamehlp oinnretlnna. will be the prevallln huee nest sea-anf wenlr allra. Willard I am- - .tilmrtl a Republican - hot water foe col too nnda reap, and lllu.t ration, mcetm at Mill I'reeh last nlcht. rt.tkin. alnit the'line. t!n and Ih. and milk for woolen. I no mi It. "A irtatwre at fajiland. Tha llahccdaebcr." In Lealle', ; Setifidey will he Walt laltr county up. itrarrtptlva matter I. a ell otfen dor" al'Kirpuhlh an wonrnn'a pnd In altrantlre Myle. aurh a. I -c In the All., back, wh--n d'rer eft the Vaeual eve In ralrh from ma until will h-- i.l l Ttte new lltle riven the Wemern We - ljave plenty of' O'clock Mr John W. Mackay. pm The Ooldnt Fealh- -r litter Mr Walter etlle J Rurton and Mrs. Houle." ' H. prtMif of in the venliet. wilt hw the hoatesare. and Jam- will speak a 4 It. And-re- ui South Streets. . la-c- (- -- u tHs Becrd (uBfipirwy to femW fcrtrtri Kftfwrr MkMtmHghi ttarfc 7'. CONDUCTING CLEAN CAMPAIGN Hi tered into between dhern in the sale of the furniture for twit alleges that tha plaantifT is in arrears on pay-- ,, men t a. mvs further that Mrs. Baa ley took th. fumiturf rroming house and placed it in axmx j'jr'WHl place' HhcrA- rotiMiitfritblf1' dam ne age was ibsmagefc agaiifs the at fJNJ.bu, I hat innouRC and aeks iudgnne Pnu PUpetMiarv ItMHlatn f eign aUtfnos. Gnce Schneider i eonvafeaeem from to operation for appendicitis at Hdy Crws bosp(ttl.i False and Ridiculous. after frm moww. k'wosral f llsn..T-Tnferr- -ds the las Hwnr Tttbe aged O years. wu Orf. K le heal fsfertay.ward 4 eb-.i- t Frif iMtwL Ffyr,;4r? tN ta set fet jj. Iftsd a tfef di of la Mate IZ noee. It vvit nr stnw H a tier the lus-rp- i, ; X IM : 9 p ur ewetiw-ybr- sfcnrt fetvif-ii- m Udia A SW f .aersi prv,r ibr trn'.sl of in- body, psv Iriicrtit tn th1 Ogdea 'ity gt re AM 3,i C ftrdh and O. r. Bowman of Colon la Imbiaiiw Hex. rH&rvil iturinC are registevwd gt tlw borne fwn forAibert.oft 4hdr way - r-- collecting, about the .answer and The Bure Jtmktf Siml'ff iMrrotnoO mni I mining men frm Hwo. Mred at the Kenyon. . o babyi cyrnfort ITJEESAIi SOTICIA. SALT PERSONALS.! More' aidetlgkts were thrown on the controversy between Nellie Batter and Eunice Wiioo as to oarticyehlp of furniture la a Mara street rooming ou to aniwvr nd cifunu t ltifn f fifed in lb dUtxlrt cwrt. In bar ouuter-t'UutSirs. IVIN pk tor, $2H3.f& dtutmr and tht lb action hr dtsmUwdUr Batfey tor $),MI (kiDAim, Iz.oa an tutfi and tl.OOt punitive, claiming tbt Sirs. Wilcox had sold to her certain fumi- turn and then had removed the iumi-tn- V JBwIdc. baadstge ectaoiAy " if cat1 entton, OCTOBER IS -- 19101 teg will tyr hold sUfhe reel deaf ef As--I thur f. Huwn.'tt'j north first West street. X C. .3ttnn sod Jutls Ksrw-wor- th laikd. wut address, lhw meeting- - Everything the Sick room . NEWS FRIDAY t H the th: Union Denial Co. ;,t jar ar w j d f- ? I20NESTFRICES 1 h onty-t-W- i'f 4fur Ci-r- ce IU3I13IBEr. i ?ejJikr.- rs. bn Wood-block- l. , The-wo- , . -- 1 co-e- Sm--- educa-Hon,-b- . alwayg-conduct- -- ed We Treat You Right (VCT rm y Till a JUSTPU BUSHED W4rtr'. tc 'U few REV OfTEXSATtORAl CktOur?, lirT'r fctfnrirt rfibniae aynlmhwfaiWaWl ThwfiliwHtaA3reria " tbreji mqrinI;abiiifmi(tnMniIn, la tW aftniiM a Or. V. T. (heria, (rewr Daiu4 SWa Cfiinire-- of Liao fire. a raferri bjwmj reiarrt HL aHrn gages . ydal-ut- IhiifiliibKlwinjiiid niTiti. Ibt awfctr dt fare, irirei bi 11 n UU jtr msnD have 1 b(a,i a nia-f- Vo. bcnHf aU. ad ho Ml. M ffrialiJ -- ill Mhm d thaftre. ncAren if pml b an d iicihkr, Ms ! as pn Ptinu aycrcfc ai aired, sraof. idaraafiao. reA a taaisaiers a f tmm fia IW Wat Mb areraarit b kikarsfir. work febg 400,000 wank u4 pkrases. 6000 SfautntioBs. 2700 pat- - en mn! ir of wi-ie- d - duty.--The- nt y Pari ItriUDC Irix Id'trfe law. for y AJk ' late locals .1 kMtsdkr fw Ttl WW PTOJWATTOiUL wwatk5tyd3Awhrfiiisn Mr I f th fi -I Price $12.00 for this faat nsn of- gresi tire the repositon for the public s houl vf fV state. Write for epccUl prUvs h irhMi boards. DESEBET KEWS BOOH W bnk uuif tiL 'mad truwl hle (itni. Book Ttg - tnfurgfcnt'-Republica- nm could the quire TNvffiWttihmto ni !, and sm n, PAP Our Telephones Nf ttw-r- v let Is Bell, Exchange 50 Independent . 389 ln-is- - L. WifU-fete-- whrehy Ring os up and two-scor- : I hl, "'''"irert . lVn. ha.f-bru.h- tr ri Hour dOQc ry Deserel News T Trn Job Depl 4j!Io V tit hk I" Tha. W l.mlnrf mi Trit 0S ptin-rTt-- erm-"T- er J thi Ob-ee- re lfi-H- - l;i mik Tnti I job printing. RAILROAD NEWS - rw-- . we . Thn; ! buP - Fiip man to figure or. ymir SeX i x p promptly send a w ill i ., lV:' :,.M Oil B one-ten- th and-start- ed I Mr , f cecti that t for rt v a day He ttjmitg. maid uriifif, idHbriy UW. Ik fit 'Smimm, (er mt'Snim LafliU bmlre acireut. mi fir linaiailip d li ata Uu Iiaa.ru. i 'ioa r r bare MR 1 Irli.bV' Nona Ce.. SjretfaW. Ru.' .1 u wiui nryuiil fkc Jd httgti M ncaa it. jnjimar. OaAtill C. three-quarte- rs !r re h ktriiLdi sixty-fourt- sla'n - s ' co-ed- HJ A ..atorjt-aaJaa- -l- Itl Ltinaul-.Genera- . kfrrV ft1 axtrae'ten ef teeth Pilalnt pa, All - 1 J.ihil k IM - lfr fr 4. Political Sidelights. s. , OUR TIE TALK I- Vrs-iab- !. $1, 4L'i anl 92 are except ioiiallv good values. lMk lluougli our Mcus Filnnsli-ing- s department when y u w a nfiie y sty Ip ideas. , . v 245 South Main Street Hti tr. AtL V .AW made-to-measu- re T tri --n fimfi AND RAIL. o rkw-- TEas , stnt Frd J. Walter FIHngwm, contracting 'Hy yesterday freight agent of the Nall Isk Houle. Salt laketo IVds. He J lid mrwnip: hM returned fmm Arisna. wher .he on the Idaho to h spent hh vacation. While absent Mr. clid III iral situation, hut W Is understood WWde a to the (imrst In trip fclUngwcth that hia pollllral amhtttonf t'anywn of tha trikr4' and way that iatre Idaho am yet niure's wonder la grand beyond Tonlshl at the horn ef Mr. Wm. . deorripttotk ? Third avenue a Romney. 111 ka field. Areona tha nreetin a Wat-rwill ho Irof ,J F. Merrill and Mr. Hay Via Coll, A Use must, hy cel pros cam will he rendered j I'hsrles R. Flks and others. All are T. Iiuhnlt w hour In afl-rno- ou. d-- WARD ENTERTAINMENTS Fwwrth War Tlir will he a mla. fdonary farewell In-- Ih. Fourth ward niertlnahnua. Ihia renin In honor of Kldre Horen. W Kan. Jr. who defor th. Karnprea mtrelnn. dwrllr partsIwtir-alw prowrwm has hren ar-- i An rwna--d. which wlU ceacluda with a , tnvll-- Pgidtoiry , T hw - and.22 Let Us Show You riU 1 bin. 2 ni I fo ' fere T T it. TMdvt eaJ SUki Ih n Kw5?3ariw i. tri d. rally Win M held tha of kllllai k. Rmnney, Ml Third avenue, 1 T. Mer. will he the Van OKI rtlt and Ray at .here. There win wise he a mwah a! la Invited to prmrrem, and everyhady A H ffi-- Suit or Overcoat 1 7-- kin I- h-- -- tr, hUei -- -- of otir )atroiis. Our gni'les at the highest quality of fabrics the most perfect individual tailoring, which insures our customers of the most clothing. rail-nw- Best 50c Ties in Salt Lake 4 A name that stands for -- lilt ENI fi 1loocr.llc erenln st the alt-n- d. Also thla Venln a tempesaao ma.t- - 'cmpjxi 75 West Second South Street, -- tb- a |