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Show 7 o 0 Hi LssiSSBfflsa Canid artistic Job Worn Send your to Tub Bps yju P MSS ) prices ns uud !rit:.Tsrsy.gg5gzas: SUN shines mE times $2.00, It shines fiftv-tw- o I r by s,s.l for JL in its readers faces every Saturday morning.' Subscribe for it, .& quality. 03SSSS3S3SSS25SSi lftJQ asssissa ! D3 Jfl EPITOMYISMS CREEK, Wit to Wedv AT .IT foet? toriij, 'OtJll w Main Street, Utah Fork, ti I Scissored and Sifted Down for Our Readers. jIEJiERAY, M. D. ittem ftim II seif jfork, lit Lser. Ib W. Kenward Items of Interest Culled, Clipped tn Gleaned From Various Sources Up to tlie Tune of Going to Frees, ' & ie KEN WARD, t'A'ER 1 BRIEF IN ORICINALITIES ). "V , at-Iaw. m t Rooms, Union Block, a iat 'o its tariff. 0 SHORES, M. kf D., I' 0 flYSICIAN an r III I AND afl Calls, SOROEON. Day or Night, !W Utah ' in Mexioo is negotiating the lowering of Utah t il M8NINC WHIPS. The Salt Lake Mining Journal says men emthat there are now twenty-fiv- e ployed at the La Plata mine, at La Plata, of that under the superintendency thorough miner, Tom Harriaon, and that in doing development work they are taking out enough ore to pay all expenses. i'Sld A.X and SURGEON, ill cull day or night. 1 office atBoyack IIouso, Utah,l IHt y 0 lAW AD NoTAI17 PvBU Qjjc(, t nJ FORK,' UTAH, SATURDAY. OCTOBER SPANISH Milt Silver was quoted yesterday at 83 and lead $1. Stevenson was Va, at Richmond, ovation an given I. A. Benton, the newly appointed U. ReS. marshal for Utah, is a straight-ou- t publican. The Ogdan Standard says thnt a report, which could not he verified last evening, was circulated round town that the new survey which lias been made places La Plata mining district a mile and a quartor outside the twenty mile limit of the railroad grant. The Beaver Utoniun Says: William A McBride, of Paragonah, was in Beaver on Sunday, and reports the rumor as correct, that Thomas Taylor has sold hia mines at Iron City to a California company for This, he says, means a good $300,000. Iron for county. thing ! Says the Brigham Bugler What's the matter with our great iron mines at Willardl Inexhaustible supplies of almost pure iron, situated there wiiliin three miles of two great railways, should be inducements ample to attract any iron mine investors. Th6 fairs are the places to boom mines. Willard, why not make a fine display of your ' iron and wealth at the coming Territorial World's fairs? Mr. Wm Pioche Nevada Retard: Wiieathly returned to Pioche last week from a trip through Lincoln and White Pine countries, this State, and a portion of western Utah. lie reports finding the mining industry much depressed, and all on account of th low prioe of the white metal. From Mr. Wheatley we learn the following items in relation to mining matters in the several districts that he visited. In the Silver King district, forty miles west of Pioche, in Lincoln county, many good nones rf silver, lead and free milling ores are to be found. Not much doing, as the Wall street play that is, the price of silver forbide it. The sreown-e- d prominent mine of this district Boskowitz. Mr. of Mr. Cubid, Elv; by of Sun Francisco, Wheatley, Bros., of Pioche, and. others. Robbers held vp a train near Osage. IrORNIA. BAKERY. Kansas, killing four and injuryiug many rllfpassengers. l4.-i'jretd, Pies, Cakes, and Bakers The sheep men ot the Territory are Frtsh made Ifcctionery of their Daily, hi begiuing to realize the returns Wedding and Birthday mi wool sheep's wool, we mean. Cakes a Specialty. Patrick 8. Gilmore, the gieat band Lawrence Johnson, Propr. i' leader and noted musician, died in bt. a ' Utah Louis last Sunday. . Fork, i ii The Vernal Eipresn had an obituary in Tears for the lust issue headed BAILEY, its 'l We don't for the life of us see Dead. w Pcbmc. Land and Mining how a person is going to shed teurs alter S' death. r w Attorney.' Mrs. Harrison, wito of President Mar ia Mineral sink Applications promptly i rison, cannot live. She is rapidly bleat and for all Agricultural this papers reaches time the and 0 by lug, Makes Maps, Tracings ns readers, the wile of the President ol r. ads, iid Deeds. Draws all kinds our country may be in the fur beyond. jali of ogreeroenfs, Articles In the city and suburbs otParis twenty of Incorporation, Its cases of cholera aad six deaths, eigli'EneW Cearclirs titles, i tins week. In llatre were, reported etc. etc for , cations Pensions, oeatlis. eight new cases and two 21 years woman a 2C0 Room St. In Petersburg, to U. Sat 8. Land office, to be sentenced week last old, whs box 1280, Salt Lake City, Utah. beheaded and her body burned for the some time poiaouing of her husband two years. married been had siuce. She the Dem McKinney, Coiigsessmnn Governor of New for cau.hdate ocratic MRS. LOIS CLARK. the outlook Hampshire, announces that ti r in Dry Goods and Notions, for tlie Democratic party in New Lug nad Ladirs Underwear, Boots, land was never better. t Ladies' and Childrens Slippers, Rodert Rotingelber, ot Chicago, has I' Dress Goods, Groceries, Tmbeen arret led. ou the charge of alt. rapting 11 pC, etc. to poison his mother and nephew. au y direct from the East or West, Bgo leaving some years father died all goods are sold cheaper than .state ot $330,000. hence tlie heir was leapcst. , I defy competition in med of w aiting for his share. J and prices. published The Coriuue Caliope, which isFrauic.sco, i; Street, . Fork. Spanish in ti town on the way to San ; HBHI has changed the style of its appellat.on a bacK hand i,i, in what you would call Mr ORENZO THOMAS, n improvement script. Considerate n i is succe:s some enterprise Caliopiet i,ii 11 an lal General Weaver refused to address full line of samples of For audience of 5.000 people at Atlanta, who pie him ikf nd Domestic Goods. Clothing gathered at the state eapitol to hear il, no fie. was speeches io order on shert notice. tie declared there tac I I, the south, notwithstanding th iU o1 assured man ship and Fit Guaranthad ami'i'ucc 4. that tl (nit eed, . respectful lienring. . 3 roads tluonghout the cu,.t As try a full Hue of attachments ot Bill Ny civilization, to ' Sewing Machines. are a disgrace Hit wo undertake t. surg'rests that before l( , sunnily jaeger underwear and sealskin D Geo. O . Gn.RF.HT coveted biblcs, with flcxiblo t ackr, to the Sstu, 8 'Siihnt. ki'rtmtw if miht be well to devoto "f D. E. Morey Cashier. relief it,. Klld tbo to few dollars J ,ii ir. lnrscs that have lost boken-dowX' health ou our miserable highways. 11. The Ogden Standard says: According (I. of tin to the Journal, the labor organ oui iiicarrying city, the Post is engaged (F SPANISH FORK. ,V the Domorranc Central of wishes Um fldown , committee "to put vnrkmgmen a PIT AD ways has That t ho level "f serfs )' ot lurty Democratic the of truo iiw apToiis (luo. D. Snell, John Jones, been ft wonder that so is it and IWkhiil, J, 8. Thomas, Geo. O. this country, u'n 'iav' . tt, many ordinarily intelligent it to b. themselves t a general banking liiiduess allowed V a party which "tic and furtlgti exchange bougl.ti and led to support l a gang controlled by told. no uu f,f ' have who millionaires, dtrrst paid on time deposits. af to secuit men except VI' AH common run of 1.17! . FOUR, a. vote their the port Is over and at Patent U fre. York r dJS3Jp JRS was the cheerful report afrRf " ff on Wc.lnes.lay. For the AuRiw m the Moravia arrived, .! vni'kactvhkh of of . hays been no case, ftud Anrunn orr Arifoaft Tim nt tlie Ssal from and rnlonscd Thursday, 323 Bremen arrived the 5 ..cnCj The t callll passengers. N t'tiuus and latest styles. Repair captain ? rt'nVn;I1by AH was ly and promptly done. I ;Mrchthc conclu " shoes of 8'ir.nt.iMl,' A full stork AnerftthownB i t baw tng. l0 tlmt 4 on hand, (all and examine a, o Was arriv.d at lrtl,r 7 and prices iuToro purchasing thrown hersolt 0 nnotbe. Oillrt mie door north of P 'Vsgoi, A Markina company dill) -' T I rrl-- ' : I 1, NO. 19. 1892. Robinson Canyon, White Pine county, three miles from Ely, is a much talked ot princcamp. The ores of this camp are Chain-maWM, CHEER, President and Johanna The gold. ipally mines are the hobe of the camp. are They aro working a few men, and with ftu roducin tho at Ely. So far as experts are tamp-mil- l concerned, it would have been a good all thing for Robinson Canyon if theyThese in been days. had early hung fakirs have done much to hurt the camp. Cherry Urcek, fifty miles north of Elv, is is a camp, but everything closed dot; j. With silver at a fair price to Cheey Creek camp would be equal famost The in the country. anything mous mine tn the camp the 8tw is the property of A. C. Cleveland of White Pine, and a Mr. Haywood of California. -Muncy Creek, in White Pine county camp. is a flourishing for Young of Salt Lake is negotiating and of the camp some valuable ptoperty if a trade is made activo work will ensueof Shelbnrnt is one of the old camps Farmer" Burke, an old White Pine. stand-bof tho camp, sold a few claims n JOHN JONES, Suporintendani . frk ?mm will-trie- a y lately. is in a Ruby ni'l. White Tine county, Wm. front. the to to come, fair way Lawler is doing assessment work on sevexeral claims and intends to, do some fall. this work tensive development Parties here from Colorodo prospecting have recently struck some very rich !ed ores. The same parties aro negotiating Ith Lawler for his property. Silver Canyon, also in White Pme owned county, has sbmo good prospects others. and Bews Jack by county, hs Spring Creek, tn the same EX'Mfvrwhfii tNinen. artme vfrv Yonn of Suit Lake is working several claims and Dan McNamara, an Piocher. is working prospects in Mahog any Gnlch. The Utah mine, at Fish Springs, Utah, is which was recently incorporated, one of considered, is end well, looking the best mines In the district. The mines of Buckhorn City, in the fine. Dngwav mountains, are looking will and sitnatad The town is pleasantly some day' be a place of importance. old-tim- IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A, GOOD STOtE YOU WILL FIND M Boots and Shoes, -- Dealers in Y e O' Manufacturers of GROCERIES. t Finv Hardware, Clothing,FarmIniture, Fancy Notions, Mill Roller Implements, ing ' Etc. Flour, Grain, "k ga icago Store. The Handsomest , , and Largest Stove on the and Oven tlie Largest has Market. .It Carries a Stonger Guarantee than finy other. I W. II. DAViS. Secretary J. P. JONES, President , e IE TAILOR, , B ,r t. BANK-- . YOUNG MENS BROTHERS, ELDREDGE eoijE agent. IJtah. ' Provo, Tho Territorial Exposition. October 4, 1892. Opens at Salt Lnkt on heart With the interests of the public at tho rdiabio Ri Grande Western railway rate has again made its low round trip d $3.23 to Salt Lake from October run direct lo 0th inclunive. Street cars to Exposition from R. G. W. depot Spaulsb Hoik Trains liuv .rounds. at 8 :2S a. m. . ,, The contest between the La ria,a R- mineral claimants and tlie C. P. S- Land Olfico was commenced in tlie U. at Salt Lake this week. iV (D Conference. Grande Western's Con ference trains leave Spanish Fork at 8:88 d n' ci run for Salt Lake. Street ears e ) to W. Temp!o depot from 11.0. Octobit from sale on Excursion tickets accommo.la 3d to Oth, at $3 23. Best of Wesmm. Grand Rio the offered by tions JUi Its coaches are the finest inon tho that and it is a pleasure to trarel tlw ' m"tto Its trains aro tho fastest and In these is Safety, Speed and Comforts w and worry trouble of days take adyantage of what comfrts not fa. can find, so that In traveling do best tho the .road tdlering to select tho Rio is which neemnmodations, Grande Western. - - $25.000 iRio 'GRANDE I Shoes, Etc., , ATwern Tim cause is i TUr:BT . UTAH IIYJSZI'ini'iERI'IIIlIT, VE MAKij A SPECIALTY OF Boots and Shoes: BE BEAT. OUR PRICES CANNOT . URI0N .Western PA6IFI0 'SnRaiiwayvJ system, W J. F. MELLOR sd PORK IE 1 n oots, W is IS & 5F I The-Ri- Il - " ft niystery. XjOcAXj TTUL.U LOCAL TIME CARD. AST tltiVHD. p. tn. 4 :03 Ly. 5:20 5 :33 3:42 3:30 7:03 7 :20 Ar. cJh.It ID WEaf hOtJKft a. tn. STATION. Ar. 10:10 Sait I.ako. Provo. 8 :33 Springviile. 8 :2S Fork Spanish 8 U Payson. " 7,10 Eureka. Lv.0.53 Silver City. J. H. Bbnnftt, . Ooo'l Isns. Agent GOING COINCt ftOCTII. I s No north No. 8. N 1. i- - in !' "I; STATIONS. a. ,n. 0 12 7 :40 Lv. Salt Lake. Ar. 10 8.40 7.15 Lt. Tork. Ar. 10:00 Sp. 7:03 8 Ar. .0l.4a 0:10 It :30 Lv. Juab. p. m 4 :23 D.E. BcuitT. OcnT Agent, Salt Lake, I Dry Goods and grocerjs I AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. am Mens hrogans, hatsshoe: tea at cost; Horse ready calked 10c. each; TH tVE AnE.OVTOTOC'KED WITH ABUVk KAMEB 0001.9. iPlow is Your Chance for a Bargain i. S. THOMAS; Sup!: |