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Show he c FIOPLE, OF TFIE ;,nE J AND A NEW8Y PAPER OUR" .:.: -- I i-- .: i All! .:t ..., wanted SPANISH FORK, UTAH, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER CACHE CO. - ffER, Notary P vbuc .Uw and Street fflrt, Slnin Utah Utah Iju W. Kenwakd . on Block , ; Boom t, If ui Utah . ICtAS AND SCRGEON. Buy or Night, BAKERY. I'le. Cuke, nod Bakers It it made Fresh Daily, uiuery i.iing Hiid Birthday Cakes a Specialty. k, UL.EY, Land and cblic. Mining oniit!y Mineral Applications fur all Agricultural Mikes Maps, Tracings .t mid D'lils Duns all kinds iri'i ineiil's. Articles nt Incorporation, I circlii s titles, l.'iii fin Pensions, etc , etc. . , i'j U. x 12S5, .r La nil ojjiu , Room 200 S ilt Lake City, Utah. Store. :ago it- -. n , LOIS CLARK. Irv Onoilg and Notions, Lniiis Underwear, Boots, ami Children 's Slippers, i .a ids, (groceries, Tin- - r'.t iiieii the East or West me soitl cheaper Ilian I defy competition in ir-e- t '.ir;ees I SpAstti Fork. K0MA8, to I you in vuur imngnin lion to Cache Valley, bqt lie patieut deir many tulles render, for wo are yet , while must away our and from our w i! lodg rid la st c.ni hh during fur I wu time lloiloo! mv! how Tailor, hid line iif Alllir M iCllllleS. h ru we sr in Salt Lake Ll'v. We C wo As the lea ot I to toiniry is new to tiie lliu writer and perhaps b mot of bnrl n and give readers, Ip win try lit eiiptioo ns In- ride along. ll t t)u our right we soon p.ua the on while Wilts. 1, arpl II. igliam. Split, the id lenemi the broad ..Ur left i.iiuml ses stretching miles lo the lot - (IhiO. SUM., Gii.iifht nee President, h E. Moiikv g. Cashier. &ANK- - - $25000 JITAL maw!;,.,, Snell, John Totto. 'hi!!, J. 3. Thomas. Oeo. 0 it : i;i ,.r D, il nd fun ijjn hanking exchange bougli t Nid on tiino 'lt FORK, r'S ori s, deiio.it. J. F. MELLOR. t vtuikr or 7 ami nd nlMt Rspsir- - All piomptly don. rtateed. A full stork of shoes r hand. Cull and examine 0 Pr(f Worn purclmslnp f I d, 'hiics one hor north of 'S?h A Machine company. , f 2t 5a PORK, street, . . rtr w i.i,(assihle for u railroad hii-rocky as; but through that tatrow Mid ti.getiuity of man. .It"lt Is the Skill with capital to back him. lli ftw we ere Kittling hiupI short now tlitough ov- r biglt tresil.i, seething rolls us below far tunnel while of ilesr .river nnd framing, the watrts on either td-- la banks its shove A few feet tunnels n Urge canal with (numerable -.t a large cand flumf, wliich must hare ofdtlmonths as welt .tint of money a. -e the purpf.r built llgrct labor, being of acres the many to of conveying water l'hdi ",,h below ,rj land in the valley " he mi rigatinns aid can '" to g" productive. It m grand Itravcn, toward mighty clifts towering the and mighty wotki river the rolling can conceive of mar, whose Intelligence execution such of, and carry into labors. dVe Ingly Impossible Carho Junction, tetne and soon roach to change tori for where e again have our ejn bofore bursts Log'n, 1.1 J now I - Shoes, Etc., i livei Soon wo bell'd J on our lolt Bear tb 8 illy Lake, imw on ereepl.ig natrow, and s we near the Bear tint it would he we gaze tthw.fl it - UTAH , grt wt lis wafl PSI.S1S11 FORK. UTAH . W. I!. DAVIS. Secretary, YOUNG MEN S a i' f'd r"..-iril- ;,. oivly PAGIFI6 SYSTEM. to av""1 lv giid'l'n tmelie rait-ediiniige l i The th track. in pr,,Jertil. onrv". d LCCAL for tlo a gun wil til" ra" of the siifdh-- r in pound, 7 TO for 'lie larger, th" fliarg" o iinvder in onell cne !ing hlf that npjsa'nn'roranML WE MAKE A SPECIALTY fci'IN'U NOIITII 'iOlSU MJtTllf No. 3. No. 1. N" 2. No. 4. a. ITAHON8. nt. a, in. p. in lit. p. 4 rST 7:40 Lv. Balt Lake. Ar. 10;C0 6:10 7;03 10:00 Ar. Bp. Fmk.Lv 7:15 8:47 Ar. 5:20 1:4c 9:10 11:53 Lv. Juab. t," tllt The gin are a triumph of median irnt skill, and the navy department ' tlm Washington proud of the work of In one t"i vnrd. Thrv are adjusted Id the work All liii'Usmdth of 1 budl whinhl'" of bit the orig'na1 ed tube made an gnn l'srnl. ami Jacket came dona ut Washington. The tube Bethlehem, at works steel f,om the Philadelphia. Tim train will probably reach this Fli day, Saturday or Sunday of P. F. Ill'll LEV, Gen'l Agent, 3 ill Lake. 1 Ogden .komiLcd. Ang. 29.-- Nc' rie OUR PRICES CANNOT BE BEAT. i AS LOW AS TIIE LOWEST, Western of a terrible tragedy near Cato, Caralndugs nceived here, but full county, ha been be learned to night. patticular cannot while cutting It eppears that t boy. threshing machine, bundles' for Itsnd, which seel dentally cut the feeders he lnimediatily that him so infuriated Ud sn l threw him Into caught up the where h the rapidly reyolving cylinder, before sny one was ground to stoms a hand to percent It present c ulJ lsd Th brother of the unfortunate no time lost end the bloody Jed mur the la wreaking vengeance upon Boots and Shoes. groceries; 0v GRANDr Demon's Horrlblo Crime. Savannah. N."y OF Dry Goods and In-r- A CARD Tia-C- m weigh .K00 tr."i"d w.rek F IE IS & w 3 W 1 k r I'- Wat? hr oiit'iwaid Lojan. attachments Dealer in e ami th" il'iid tlrrtv a'X feet niie inehe Tim train was sp rial'y designed t Wooden cradle on ear' t'i ;(t purinee. id" of tin flat Car. Mlnpnrt the gif t. wh:eli -r thu carrietl like a fldo o eoid.-d.wit- fit eed. Maiiufiieturera of. lo-s- have flown along. Fverv (lar'ic'e of Iiietal exposed to 'h amt gii le on towaid i'.ii.i Co wmii iinli one of samples of F"r mgi wl.it" paint n prev n' i e i each about eleven tl'r lt"i,ie:ip Goods. Clothing Oig.ni, woie Th" wight "f the entire n.'"f r far r ,l. rt notice. o'clock and base j'lt lime enough I" fling. i IhO at.'.'it 00) pound., and the triin W'li' U we HI0 Callle.l t:aA chrtitiiO '.gain Guarant''' hsiip ami fore a rrv hi aw one, and ter' INSTITWISN.1- 6- Hardware, Clothing, Fur- niture, Fancy Notions, Farm-inJmplements, Roller Mill Flour, Grain, Etc. ili'-re- JENZQ Mil GROCERIES. e Attaknet. . FRK 4 "WT I Jon:, son, Fropr. Utah . . :iEscE - Boots and Shoes Utah jRNIA Superintendent- MAMIE lOliES, M. 1).. ell Colli, T JOlfN JONES , xJ KEN WARD, It & "I derer: lie felled him to the floor with a blow irotu hie pitchfork and w hile J.e lay writhing front tho effects thereof, the brother repeatedly plunged the tiuce of Wif, CRB Ell, Praidcnt, the fork through bis body, not ceasing until he whs dead. AH the threshing hands stood by aud witnessed the tragic ro quickly they deaths, which were powerless to Intel fere.- Ogden splendor and beauty. As we catch sight of Logan the first thing that meets our gaze is the lovely A Correspondent Visits That templo standing like a monument on" the hillside. In a few moments more we Part of Utah. are in that neat and beautiful little city of which we have heard so much, The Capital of Cache" A Veautlful Valley Teeming XVItli From here the writer will take a (tip 6'kduriI. Wealth. through the southern part of the valley Extenuating Clrcuuutanoee. "0 I in his next will give a description Tho charge agninat you, Mr. thereof with notes of interest that ite said the police magistrate, It was a beautiful morning in August meets on the way. Traveler. looking at him sternly over his spectathe suu had just peeped over the eastern cles, is that of loud, boisterous and SALEM NEWS. profane swearing on the public streets hills, causing the dew to disappear before of thij city. Have you anything to say?" its warming rays, and awAxeuing sli Many children are troubled with the Nothiug, your honor," replied the nature to life aud activity, as the writci whooping cough. Fin guilty. I had just paid prisoner., stepped upou the Union Pacific train ut J. C. King of Spanish Fork has open' d my gas bill for last month." Tiie magistrate pushed his spectacles the Spanish Fork t, depot and whs borne a store in Salem. to the, top of his head and leaned up away towards northern climes. over the desk in front of him. Jol n A. Olson, our expert is masouj lie casts one farewell glance at our Mr. Kiljordan, ho said, impulsiveafflicted with the inflamutory rheumatism. fair city, clothed in its morning glory, ly, "permit mo to grasp you by tiro Miss Lucy Bingham and Miss Anne hand! Otlleeri as the train sped through tharich tie Ids, discharge the prisoner Chicago Tribdotted here with the shock of golden Davis are attending tho B. Y. A., Provo and call tho next case." ' une. Tito little eleveo mounths old child grain, there witli tiie new mown hay o( A reaonrttl' opposition whose sweet fragrance was wafted on W. L. Davis, died Thursday the 25tlt inst, Mr. Featherly, inquired Bobby, the morning breeze, carried til rough the of dysentery. while the dessert was being discussed, is your dogs name Rome?" The thresiug season will soon he at an window, filling the car with natures No, replied Featherly, iu astonishsweet pei tunic. It was a beautiful end, but ho "fanner's labor is nftt at an his pamo is Major. ment, Why, uicrning, which caused too heart to heat end till t tie potatoes and beet are dug. Bobby?" with delight at the gtamleur and beauty ind the wuitcss wood and coal hauled; Because pa told ma last night that surrounding us on eveiy side, while tiie ind tlnn there is something lint inns1 you were down nt the Ragle hotel making Rome howl, nnd I b'posed he cool morning bre' ze caused a tinge of lie dune. was talking about your dog." TunsilTh health to mantle our clictks. Tin Of ali occupation, that of a farmer Bunch. train's crew hIi gi euied to he iu tiie beta would a em lo the busiest. Al otlm of spirits, ami right proudly did the iron "ecupntioui are dependent upon that ol l A Check ul Another Sort. . horse speed over the steel load hearing tlm farmer. The following lines are no! Chlnncr I hear that M iss Roxys pnpt for pleasure, its load ol passungeis.-sominappropriately dedicated to toe funner gave a cheek for tea thonsau.l iloiku'i others on business bent; but the writer A p.'Trv life, a happy life, when she was married last week. who had left nR care ami busbies' .it Codling .Speak in gef wedding-- , hecks, The farmers life sliutild lie; one myself last night. received I home was piepire l to t ike iu tiie sigh'., 1. Gain or lov, he is the Indeed? Chinner then and now on every haud, and every . V,iae'er Ilia pedigree. Celling Yes; I asked Mis-- Seadds to his Htteutiou was din vs i) fimu tiie outiei tm. bite or Peace hji.l Strife, the staffer life, Judge. ptarry me, and world to the in nt r iioiimia of the car with We nr" coillliele I to get; Toil it a various gtouj . L'oi'p or small, depends our all "Did yon hear al) nit the tbeatrienl In one lOinir sat lie merry lovers that got btrauJed on a canI'pi.n the fartmr's sweat."" company whose bliilosi ine Inppldir ever ami nibal island?" Notarii s No." anon, filled the car. The oilier coiner Well, it happened, and the bend of tv tun C'ltuuu reial men who In Guns Transit, Big trilto baid nllerwaid tail the t the business. can think or tal of nutting hut on able idci Frida part of the meal got away ykilu be was After coin delay, While hem is a cttmpwho in excited the bupc. Jury. eating seven of a Car afternoon epieial train tones aro discussiug the politic.! situs-lion- , ml. left the Wnihing'nn, 1) C. navy yard and over liiere the sleepy group Charlie Unions M Du U tnUos back a Mate inland liennd navy the lor yard who lounge Is.nV hack III their cliails what he said to me t'!. morning, i Sen Frnnri.cn. carrying the three greet J. P. JONKB, President, won't wotk for l.iut tuy inoia. not having enough ambition to take the w bill er' to artoa a riinidete mail. You shouldn't get bo llarrv an interest 10 ousine.s, politics or ven gill. Two i f then J r III nt el th" Ml Iderey Mli'it did bo say? bve. diarli' Get out and stay out. Jewinrli on liber and one of twelve bel Well I am w iml.'iing from my subject, i'll Circular. eler's t I"'" f die fi'd two being tb'r'y-onAgrl-cultur- of the Territory. the Court lios in all its SP1MISH LaW. AT it NO. 15. ' ;.NER, j,,:iSKr view of Cache Yallev as 1892. 9$ LOCAL TIME CARD. WEST HOl'ND BAIT BOCND. . n. m. Lv. 4 :05 5 :S0 5:42" 7.03 ir. a. m. ktationi. Ar. 10:10 Provo. 8:48 8:28 SpinUk Fork. Lv. 7:10 Eurcki. Mens brogans, hats and tea at cost. Horse shoes ready calked 10c. each. WE ARE OVERSTOCKED WITH THE ABOVE NAMED GOODS. Salt Lake. J II. Binnett, Gen'l Pau. Agent, Now is Your Chanco for a Bargain. J. S. THOMAS, Supt. |