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Show A COMPETITION Ties for Engagement. rfUdiienpp,ckXonsense! taikmg about marriage! A A -- ,f -- V - '- i i .' n fa'll r., ,! -'' X' ' '' r 7- y, C'J v. j J? iRj ( Ber j bless you! what for, hy, Papa-W- man, said the that is reason enough to kill thegeneral, greatest general of us all! -Harper's Young . People. ' Ki Wonder. Tot I heard brovver George In sister Tillic at he pulled you leg do it for five dollars last night. I'll i Little t Lnthatl-Pu- ck. Realistic Flaying. fretted Daughter They asked me at Mrs. Ilighupps this to evt-Din- but lid I did; cre rpoad Mother (proMly)-Wentranced? they When I Ilum! ; Petted Daughter Cared Life on tho Ocean Wave with Stations half of them left the room. Bond Mother (ecstatically) That's Lnderful! They must have been sea-Vfc-- N, Y. Weekly. Tract Iced. Speaker make an elo-ueat our meeting this after address "Didn't Miss nt oon?" 'Beautiful! I wonder whether she any experience in speaking in ' rer bad ublic? . Oh Iler father owns that opera there, and she comes two or times a week. Ilarper'B Bazar. yes. ixover Sill' mi iree Too R'Jptl. you think of my poem? It's good; but the action seems to be "What do little rapid. Well, it's fritc "My deaY "On hr Mrs. . . . boy,' allow me to con-rat- u train goingforty miles a railroad hour. a . the last poem I shall ever , Judge. Row Stories Crow. Bryde I cant see what makes that my husband is so think rerybody ssipated. Why, John comes home and goes to bed with the eiy night ickens. , , report to the is locked out eiy eight, and has to sleep in the hen jase.) Life. (Exit Mrs. Gasify. to orld that Mr. Bryde it - Fnrclnn. She W yi Young Ilusbapd adding is burnt " jppen? t Why, my dear; this Muck. Ilow did that I'm sure Young Wife I don't know, look'd at it juft before you came mc t.nd it was all ri.,:.t. . , "But I've been home tuo hours. "Dear me! I thought it was only a w minutes." ruck. In Trainin';. "I believe that boy is trahiing him 'If to be a policeman, said .tho worn a who keeps tlie apple s(.ip 1. , What makes you think so? friend. "because he hooks , an apple me he passes. NY Y. Prc . t asked every Trent from Mls.ortona. Th cat got in th press, Foreman r. at Y He breathed a song into the air, There was a riot then and there: Tho gallery gods yolled loud and Ion .For "In tho Gloaming" was the song. --Puck at her nttle Tot (tugging away ina' W) Dimrne dime, papa! f died, sir, replied the because lie had nothing to 1 -5 5 w--i- , brother My soldier, "'i "; v "if, ,w ,l ; Managing Editor (to advertising fun 'round to jent) Mr. Cook,-Jus- t he far store on the corner and aeo if o dis- can't catch them for a hyed ad. at reduced rates. Judge. ' DUrntnreJ n new Isiarder reached over the entire roust from the urcr's platter old Mrs. Fuepur ex -When the ad plucked upi lord tee to I us i Ttl A" '.aimed; . , ; l'c read nitwit "Well! 'em but this is first time I ever really seed a rufllan Ylmkcr'a Gazette. Ioardor Man' Inliumnnlijr. von get me a dirorcs 'f inhmr.im treatment? . Lawyer - Wliat docs' you husband do? Mrs. Bacon livery tnno we have an t'Tuinent he lmighs ko loud that I can't ake myself heard. Brooklyn Life j' nt . Might llo perfectly Mother (wearily) itbomlnabl"! With all my watching I ean't keep Tommy chan. He's the dirtiest boy alive. Father (proudly) That e sd. Hcs Good News. no dude. ' Intuition. j sort of a dress was that What Fangio Mrs. Snooper wore Mrs. I'ungle Demi-traiThat's precisely what Cumso said lmw did he when he trod cri -- N. Y. bun. finuic? its know A Mur m tho Trofelon. Is Gus I. Sitlth-- 1 hear that FUkIds slowly. sinking Mrs. O'lhiTerty Well, you couldnt He's hud expect him to sink rapidly. no doctor, so fur. lexas Siftings. Ilow N ituro Appoitloo. to Tlo bunlly see ms bright enough run a paper." run lt-- he . It,-b- hv M'rrtrl,. Tun. then windows with li'tlo pane in them. , " 1 , s I "" Mpdres lu Midi eleari. train ing to join a church choir." Texas Siftings. A A Hlut to th Wise. So you are going to write to the girls father to ask him for her, are you? mAmmm . Yep." Why dont yoti go and see him Id What II Learned. - IPs ln-r- A so." ell, I've got a sister who is t'onn aeo-cel- y dnii't UUe dIIbu Just NOW READY Boots, Shoes, Hats, Gaps, Etc., Etc. l(viain Streat, SPANISH FORK. Tilts PRACTICAL William M. Thomas, DEALER IN POLITICIAN A Handbook of American Voli- tics, as applied to Utah, reduced to Plain lantjuuye and A'asilff Understood Explana 4 tions, of nearly VOQ Vegetables, Etc. pages. Saih Paid fer Pali (Myss and Shiskeni. HANDSOMELY PHICTED and BiirsD. BolOghe Fiesh Every Day. qqg door South ot hill Spanish Fork Utah. Rock IloU-l-, of the kind aver aa Ready Imliepemable published, Reference on all local and gen- ml Political Subject. The most uiofdl book of and Differences the. Parties Plainly Told. The Histories between, 1 Yoem . i 'DEALERSIIN . Making a l.niig Story Short. Husband1 What n splendid dinner '"oliavet.Mii'flitJ "de (ci'iuplnu tttly) Yes, dear, I "ught It would plcui.o yon. Uashatnb-Whhe d'vsn t hind of ' dress are Oh, m thinking of gctl ing -- Life Int'k. owns it'' ' I Ike Oilier Mttlirlus,1' A Gres Itoenrd Puidi, h -- 1 h, at you are ergnged to " Mr Crip, said lhe head of tho firpb su Ding), at 'wi have been lookingupyour record for hist '. 'i . nrgimiM yes, slu refused mo six tlto rast year, and we find that, jou vHl 'Ww. but s rserrred r1'1 exposes. 1 hl have Penrktja, . lii'ii wellhhakca weie ytiu v we a i hi fo.M. Id, g. Brooklyn Life -hliiiMlf r to his full ether, as he drew the put year I during "that height. , cancelled than fn i hare rs ord. ..ivenft W, !l. my dear, had more i the man you have. Mclnble? traveling other any Mrs. Mm,.,, ft Wry. Three or four Cloak r.evlew. .. itlwm have MUit In to would I if ak fautt' Th their eliililr, n t use our piano to "fUce 0, N, Y Weekly. ky (coniplulningl.v- )- 1 MALSOLM & HUGHES, person? The mail is better, I guess." ' I think not. An Explanation. But I do. Col. Verger I believe 1 am Come oft. Why is it? getting the dropsy. Oh, well, the old gent wont choke Judge leterby Why, what put that the letter, or hit it in tlie neck, or kick Idea in your head? it downstairs, or anything like that, I got weighed today, and 1 weighed dont you know? three hundred pounds." Oh!" Detroit Free Press. Great St. George! where did you get Some Real Children Saying. weighed? A womans heart, even when mos Around at a coat yard. Calm yourself. Your weight is exobdurate, may relent Margaret was asserting in the nursery that she never, actly one hundred and fifty pounds." never meant to marry. Texas Siftings. Very well, you 6hall not, said her . The Correct Way of Totting It. papa; and, going to the door, he called I hear the had Squildig you've grip, out to an imaginary suitor: Go away, old fellow. man! Margaret doesnt want you. McSwilligcn (shaking his head) It's Call him back," cried Margaret. a mistake. me sec what he looks like - Kate ,Let Havent you beerf sick for a couple Fields Washington. weeks? Fitted to Iiecome Lawyer. Yes; very sick." Eminent Q. C. And so you really But it wasn't the grip yoii lad, think, Bobby, of becoming a lawyer then? when you grow up? No; the grip had me." Pittsburgh Chronicle-TelegrapBobby Yes, sir; aiy Uncle James thinks I ought to be a lawyer. Ills Skeleton. And why Q. C. Docs he indeed? Featherstone Do yon believe in does your Unde James think so? Be cause you are so bright and smart? ghosts? Travers Well, for years I havebeed Bobby No, sir; because I ask so living in a haunted house. , many foolish questions. Demorests . Featherstone Yon dont tell me? Magazine. Who is it haunted by? r Did. . It Seem n Travers By my tailor. Clothier and Grindstone ICil jordan, did you follow Furnisher. my advice and advertise for that An A Ilonrh of Keys. , gora cat you wanted? The singiig of the Tom .Collins Kiljordan (with blood In his eye) Lonelyvillq choir reminds tne of an ex- Grindstone,' yoii scoundrel, if you speak to me again inside of six months I'll perience 1 had. the other nVht. returnbreak your head! Texas Siftings. ing from the club. VWhpt. was it?", Oft and Do. It took me about half an hour to Featherstone I tell you, old man, 6trike the right key. Puck. you ought to be In with a girl like Miss Somewhst Interested. Her father travels a great ' Pious Jake (with long drawn face) Grosgruin. and while he is away we have a deal, Are you interested. Miss Cora, ia the lovely time. heathen? Ring way What do you do when he Cora (frankly) Yet, Jake, always; comes . . home? and if I can be of any service to you let Featberetone Theii I travel. Life, me know early some morning N. Y. Selected the llrute. Herald. of Chief Police Did you step that dog . A State of Things. , , fight? j The Tweezer Ilow are you fixed? Officer Yes. . The Hairspring Im in rather a Were the brutes much injured?" rocky state. Some of em are used.up pretty bad. The Tweezer Broke? swore they wouldnt come along The Hairspring No, but pretty badly They we had to club em. N. Y . Herald and bent. Jewelers Circular. Family Jar. A Slight Coolnees. yov Shlwer This Is one of those masonic v Mr. JJFeck t should think be ashamed to wear the hair of would ' it? t isnt rooms, head. Mrs. Defrees What do you mean, another woman on your Mrs. N. Peck Shame yourself, for sir? . another calf on Shlwer It never gets above thirty-thre- e you wear the skin of Eagle.feet Brooklyn your degrees. Puck. losuptrttble. , Good Investment. . Is a "What objection to Charles, been your has , , jjoggs That; watch, Maud. asked ; pupa? mighty good investment. '1 He plays poker," said papa. Foggs How so? You played Witt I never. Jet anyone have it . .But so do you. i Boggs cent a him last night.!,- - . twelve f per didn't who get yet I know it but he won. Puck. month out of it. N. Y. Herald. full-png- wr ' frS fejp i Musical Item. W hat a iJea pity it is that women do not You and wear feathers," remarked a New York society mau to a friend. They do." But I mean feathers growing all over them, as in the case with canaries 1IenPe.-Certainly, my young and parrots. certainly. The longer the hy do the shorter the marriage. X lar wish? you entertain such a singux. weekly. You know birds moult several times a year, dont you? A Fatal I)l,ea, A celebrated Yes." general once of And while they are one of his soldiers the cause ofinquired shedding their his brothfeathers they dont sing? ers death. TUo "J u'h.r 3a txs-Ss- P great pain Lktrwlt 1reC eu lie. Good New Ive been courting a Boston Quelton . . girl lately, Swclly Did you learn anything? know Quelton (sadly) oh, yes, roitI open.-Detthe when bags beans Free rrcss. i On th Continent. ar Chicago Man (to stranger) Ilow Where do you Mee day you? hail from? (a German prince) Sir, I do to-da- Stranger not ho.il; 1 reign. Soon rapJfd as he My hair, mused Von Sraythe, carefully consigned hi two remaining id, "rt wisps to their appointed minds tne most painfully of " his money." Life. fool and U Quc8tion--Mi:ccllano- ous - FOB i rT3 Irlup.phnnt yod enlle' jrstordnj whileuholO were "ill. and I Brought nut the him."--thu- k rig and rhow-- d It to view. e! , Be- - --- MerennlU I'1 T How do you sell these poaches? ' asked Gllhooiy of a colored bad them for sale. n Mx for a dime, loss, a out half r.ilh'olv Imgan to pick finest. ami of the dozen largest You cun't do.dat, boss. Yer can't ones -- 'tiles JOd pluk out Iter biggest . Sifting1 Texas alb" buy 'em - , f)XE DOltAR A COPY. Leave 'orders AT THE SUN OFFICE. , I Mem J Fnor Hour Itehlnil Tim. run out Now, Willie," suit) Clara, little lmy. and pliiv, there a good I want and BriodlMr. shortly,. xpeet on new of sffeet !ie gown my try ' ' '' .tin!."' 11 W d'i 'Youre too lute, S.s." leplhd li gleam in Bis eye1, -- Hi'lndlo t The National aqd Local and President of Election The Llecimal Lob and House of Senate lege lbe The Suprcnio Court Practical Tolitic Gcuer.illy-T- he Foundation of the Convention . The Taril1- '- Public Ex Partie - The peoditurcs and Collections Billion Dollar C'ongrcs -- The ReciLgis!a' procity Question Politieal Force Bill- - The Silver tiou-- The Mailers at Issue The Third Party -- The Great Content of 1800 Tho lartlel of the past Australian. Ballot System The Single Tax Question National Committees and Platforms of all the Parties Presidential Elections from the Begioning, with Vote, Data and from Cabinet Officer Politics inclusive-prevailing Harrison to Washington Political Termsexplainod The Local Political Situation and The First Campaign History Appendix. Thefack Judge. Weakening The Other W Do you think you can support me, an hour after be George? site asked ' " hud proposed. Yes, if you 11 get on the other knee, said. be Judge. with CbNTENTS'. ONLY $2.00 PER YEAR: |