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Show The Tooele Transcript, Friday, December 31, 1976 Viisilom From Santa Make .Mania nt I J'peml CliriistuiaM Eve Vinit Here (IliriMina "1S3. CrmauM nub J.ilm ami IX llieir t luldren Paine. Erin, C.lirts-til- l and Jiihanne of Cailunilua. s Maryland are spoiling the and saith family sisitnig friemls. Hies spot Christmas mill Johns imaher Mrs. Mamie Crus lost ami skills Piste's parents Mr. ami Mrs. Ceorge Kinilull of Salt lake City, Hiev have also lieen visiting wilh other relatives and friends in tins area, Hiev left fails this week to sisit friemls n in Idaho ami vull return to for the New Years iclehra-l- i lwd ech Friday at Twirl City, Utah. Swwid (1m Pm-ag- e paid it Twirl, Utah. PuMiM by the Tnnxrijil lullo-UPublishing Company, Inc, M North .Main Mnti, Too-lQtv, Utah. Adiirm all mmynabw (o Pot 3t0, Tt-rie- , I'Uh A4071 nrr year Sulmriplnin rates; IS iriits copy; til-5by tamer in Tooele City; f 12.50 pt-- r par if mailed. Bulletin Publishing Cm., Inc. IVBUSIIED by Tramt-rip- l JOEL DUNN, Publisher UIRIS JONES. Editor SIIKBHY S. GLADDEN, Business Manager lioli-das- b pr far-ga- Cart I of Tluink Hie family of Jne4i l Jme rtMts their aiiix latum tu all their ssiiimIii thine alto nffi-irHnv are grateful to Demo Women Tti Hold Meeting County (.lull smII hold their meeting for the sear 1177 rst-rsii- who rent Boners, taith ami final Mrs. Jmejili (I'llenl Jones .Stella and IJrlliert Nadi iBndland lanua Nhiiln-r- t Badwra and f ados Valtler Mln-r- t all and Sandra lam and bas Slmlirrt SlmlN-r- t hi. Ski enthusiasts, Tmiele d first Mom lav. January at tlie Tnm-lCounts Courthouse at 7. XI pin. e .1. Tlie piogiaui skill la- - prevut rd I iy the tails Staters. ll ami other interested skiNiH-are ins tied to attend. IUTZ Dm. 31 --Jon. 4. Shows 7:45 Matinct Sot. 12:41 All Soots $1.00 the Crosrosts liave lieen disai)Miiuted iu the lack of snow hut are enjoying their simI mate the less. Hiev eipeit to lease for their Inane alamt January H. Home On ii Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Shields uf their siai and iLnighterin law Pr. and Mrs. Clary Shields mi Christmas Eve and spent the night in Salt lake. Other guests at the dinner jiartv were Mr, and Mrs. Hull Sliields and family of Ely, Nevada and the families uf Mr, and Mrs. Allen Terrv (jiarenls of Mrv Cars Sliields ). Highlight of the evening was a visit from Santa himself who made ail earls visit to the 15 youngsters of the group ranging iu ages from sis inrail hs to ) sears. Sanla had gifts in Ills Iwg for all ami had the deligliled ihildren ami the entire group singing Christmas carols. On Christmas day the Shields dan all tame to Tom-l- to enjov a turkey dinner at the limne of tlie Kenneth Shiclth. were guests e fPGte Chri-tm- a At Clinton Mr. ami Mrs. Sherman Lind-Imhspnt the week liefore (host mas and Christmas at the iHNiie id their ihildren Norman n and Sliirlmie Masfield and Darren ami (ami at their hmne in Cluitrai, I 'tali. Hiev had lelejiliiaie visits with all of llieir other ihildren ini n grand-ilutdie- C.,.,..,.. YY while lie versed a two year nils. rUi armed in Tmiele 23 to wml Christmas with his familv Mr, and Mm. Cahiii WeMi. Ill Mslcr kaihs aim tame hmn Salt lake Cits ami His Itrulhrr Jun, was hmne IXnig MUM. Pnemlier All three Iwy are away hum home this year, all in college, Imt. all three maile it Inane (or Christmas, (lean lame up horn Proso wliere lie ts enrolled at HYU, larry tame down hmn la-ga- n wliere lie allends Utah Slate University and Bay tame hmn Fjdinam wliere lie attemh Snow (adlege ami slayv mi the Iwskrt-lul- l team. Sisters Sherrie and Pam were esjietiallv glad to hast llieir lomlters hmne. frmn I' fn Hie BY Pamil Here hmn Pmatrllo bar the Christmas weekend were Frank and Joann Staled airg and llieir two III He daughters Inca and Melissa Hies were gunls of their parrots Mrv koginia and Mr. ami Mis. Hie visitors left N, Eihksmi, tyje Hair two lilllf daughters here tor this week while thev return-e- d to Pmatrllo to imise Into a ililfeient hmne ami will ret inn Iu spend New Years wrrkroj with ila-i- r families. IkJkUss. (W VMt (host mas guests at weekend the Isme of Sir. ami Shs. Clunk Sating were her naieuts Sir, and of Mrv Sterling Vlww Falls idalm. Atncri-ta- n il HI Primary Reorganized Hic Secmid Ward Primary mi StuHlay, 2H Mrs. Janiene Man zimie was siistaincxl as president with Mrv Ina Stewart ami Mrs. Y'irginia Weylaml as counselors. as president was Mrv Doriiltiy Bottema who was sustained as a leai lier in Hie organi-zatim- i. -- Home For lT.S. Navy Qirbtjiia kennel h Paul Bryan is linine Hie 1. Grant Stewart hmne mi lease fruni the l.S. Navy and lias lieen sisiliug at the limne of was bulging at the seams to make Mr. ami Mrs. Joe Gutierrez ssilh room for their family hmne fur Christ mav his vsife Myra and little son Bull and Marilyn Sliields and lie is also visiting with his children Kevin, Stacey, Stephaand Mrs. Farrell Mr. Brypreuts an. Paul will return to Navy duly nie, and Kyle arrived frmn Ely. Nevada and Pr. and Mrv Mi- in San Diego, (California cni Janchad Hmkwell and clulihen Iain- uary 2. (Slier guests at the Gutierrez dmi. Mmiica and Nathan came frmn Poplar, Montana. Inane are a iluughler Mrs.Cerri The Sliields who returned hmne her and ihildren Begav Tyra. 27 were also guests Michael. Amlrea ami Staeev of mi Shields. of Kenneth the Mexico. New Hiev Faruiiiigtmi, The Rutkwclls are visiting Ids sjieul Christmas here and after the new year will lie accompani-e- d parents Mr. and Mrs. lee Hock-weand familv too and will lie Iwik to their hmne bv Mr. here until after the New Year. and Mrv Cuticrrrz. i. ryJarderby Dec'll For the first time in several years the Aldean Stewart family was together fur Christinas. First (Van was away mi his mission (hen farrv was altsent Here From Pocatello Hen For Christina wav reorganized Idave From IX-ii- u Three Brothers Home For Clirfctiua ll Mrv Manimie ami Mrv Stewart liad lieen cminselors to Mrs. Bottema and Mrs. M rs land had lieen a teaiher. lolicliiy vC(l(IlIl JI Hie Jolin Burger family of Beloit. YVisciaisiii were here to sieiid Christmas with their children attemling BY'U and also with his imither Mrs. Anna Burger. A very special event took plate 20 in the Salt mi latke Temple when their son David Burger was married to Jilene Cmidwin, daughter of Mr. and Mm. Jack Goodwin of Salt laike City. A was held in their honor mi 21. Hie family spnt Christmas at the hmne of Mrv Burger and the newlyweds, ami Mr. and Mm. John Burger, Harold, Camtny, Amy and Scott left mi Monday for Wisconsin where the newlyweds will lie further honored. YVendv and Shicia Burger are guests of their grandmother and will return to the BYU for school next week. David and his hride will also return to school at BY'U. IXi-emlie-r (Xie undoi listed attribute of state sovereignty is the states' power to determine the wages which shall lie paid to those whom they employ. . JL'.S. Supreme Court, in a landmark decision rilling that federal minimum wage and overtime laws do not apply to state and local - What better way to start the New Year than by extending our best wishes to our loyal friends. Have a happy and safe New Year. See you in 77. -- n 'ottf sroaa il&a- - IT 77 ' m , . ... m r- sY 7 - vi'V'- - '- - , 77-- -r- t 1T - ' j - A va .,-r- ... r r . r w" 4 V'. . M " ivskvr,.;. . S'" i .t , v Vwwr ; v 4, Va'Z '5. s' "' kcaWi s's . sas , ' .frvfPFT' ' y "J mA , ft 'C. y.s Sts-- W U, , , , - . .. - 50 OFF! LINGERIE, ROBES, BLOUSES, DRESSES, PANTS, PANTSUITS, KNIT TOPS, COATS BABY BOUTIQUE Toddlers Wear Reduced 20 to33 Vz off Coats, Jackets, ANNS SHOP V I Main ncn mm i BankAmericarol Snowsuits All Sales Final - No Exchanges or Refunds 7 North i ' ,? oW w4 : ' sJ' ov Hist- - 7A 25$ 't wv , Just because we charge for mean directory assistance doesnt you have to pay for it. Of course there are going to be occasions when have to resort to directory assistance For example you numbers that aren t yet in the when you need newly-listet we don s That begin to charge for these why directory calls until you ve made five of them in any billing period However there are certain things you can do to avoid being charged for directory assistance and we d like to share them with you Most of the numbers you re looking for can be found in either the white pages or the yellow pages It s iust a matter of keeping these directories handy Write down in a personal directory the telephone numbers of people you call frequently or numbers that you ve obtained through directory assistance There are some exceptions to this new charge For t example blind and other handicapped people who can find to office call our business should the use directory out how to become exempt People who call from pay will not be charged phones, hospitals hotels and motels outside of Utah assistance distance And long directory will not be affected will to t. K . TC ft 20 2 . !;' V JANUARY CLEARANCE! . w - A .. ... T.KSl v - -- ITS OUR ANNUAL - nr v S' iv. - We developed this charge because it was the only way we could handle the rising costs of directory assistance fairly Now the people who use directory assistance the most will pay for it And the people who use their directories the most wont Our directory assistance number. Be careful how you spend it. I Mountain Bell r |