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Show Tlie Tooele Transcript Friday, January 18, 1963 Telephone Services Doris Adamson Is A Winner In W ool Contest WINNER dress length of wool, as a prize Claiming In the state "Make It Yourself With Wool" contest Is Miss Do is Adamson. Pictured above she models the outfit which won the prize for her. hopes of getting nearly 100 per cent immunisation to stamp out polio permanently in Utah. Dr. Alan P. Macfarlane is the chairman of the special polio committee for the USMA. A CHARGE OF 25 cents per shot will be made to those who can afford it, to defray the cost of vaccine and other actual expenses. Those who cannot pay will be given the vaccine free, according to Dr. Macfarlane. Everyone is urged to take advantage of the protective shots. Even those who have had the Salk vaccine should take the Sabine sugar cube shots for the added protection offered. Persons innoculated with Salk vaccine can still be a carrier of paralytic polio. The Sabine vaccine eliminates this problem so important in the eradication of the disease. Polio Clinics Arc Scheduled Stanley Title Co. A Statewide to campaign On 60 East 4th South eradicate polio in this and every other community in Utah has Salt Lake City, Utah been set up by the Utah State Medical Association. With the aid of the Utah Congress of Parents and Teachers, Utah State Nurses, Utah Pharmaceutical Association. State, County and City Health departments. State Agent For Women's Medical Auxiliary, Jr. League, Boy Scouts and other SECURITY TITLE an organizations, 'KO INSURANCE COMPANY Polio drive is now under way. MORE THAN 10D clinics will Los Angeles, California be set up around the state, manned by volunteer workers, physicians, nurses and others, to dispense Sabine oral vaccine soaked in sugar cubes. The first clinics for the Type Local Representat ve I polio shots will be held March 3 and 10; Type III will be given Telephone 8823193 on April 14 and 21 and Type II MR. WEST TO RETURN 384 West Vine (rear) on Mav 10 and 26. Clinics will TO VETERANS HOSPITAL William R. West, of Tooele, be held in convenient locations Utah Tooele, in every part of the state in who was injured in an autopedestrian accident Nov. 27, at cross walk in front of the Tooele Post Office, will return to the Veterans Hospital in Salt Lake City January 22 to have casts on his legs removed. Further treatment of his injuries will be I needed and possibly an operation on his knee. Mr. West was brought I to Tooele by ambulance on Dec. 22 md has been confined to a vheel chair since. He will be I aken back to the Veterans hos-it882-139for further ambulance by I 7 Title Insurance Abstracts Escrows all-o- Doris Alsop England Construction Inc. DRIVEWAY GRAVEL Soil Snow Removal Phone Road Materials Grading Hauling Excavating Equipment Rentals j eatment. W LL . PAY YOU fb I Short'ing 3 69 Pot Roast 45 1 Lamb Chops 59 lb Halibut WILSON'S FANCY SLICED SWIFTS Bacon ib TENDERGROWN ib Pan Ready FRYERS 'lb CUT AS YOU LIKE FRESH LEAN 2179 Round Stk 79 MARIGOLD CREME SANDWICH Supreme .... iy4 lb LIQUID ALL Full Quart 3 for JELLO Assorted 3 oz 3 for IVORY SOAP Lge R 2 for cm VETS DOG FOOD 26 Quart TANG SALAD DRESSING 4 lb bag NAVY BEANS Doub,e A JR COFFEE Hills Brothers Regular lib 69c FOOD 11 North Main Tooele 10.-00- " year. It has a present capacity simultaneous telephone conversations. The new system Is designed so that additional channels may be added as needed until it wilt eventually carry 7,200 telephone calls at the same time. A SECOND microwave system from Ogden to Promatory, where it interconnected with the Bear River Telephone Company This was completed in 1962. jointly constructed system provided additional service to the Thiokol Chemical Company- near Corinne and to other Northern Utah customers. The Western Electric distribution building in Salt Lake was and stocked last completed year. This plant has provided employment for over 100 people and has contributed much toward faster installations of all types of communication equipment for telephone users in Montana, Utah and Idaho. This distribution center in addition to stocking a large inventory of commonly used telephone equipment also repairs and reconditions components that have been disconnected and makes them ready for reuse. In some cases, where unusual needs develop, special equipment is manufactured at the Salt Lake center. DURING THE ..coming year, the largest telephone construction program in the history of the State of Utah will be undertaken. Mountain States Telephone will spend over $17'j million in providing communication facilities to new customers and service to existing improving users, Mr. Maher pointed out. Over $2l2 million will be spent in Salt Lake to complete the building addition being made at 1st South and State Street and to install new central office With the switching equipment. of 1.2C0 - the bride. Fifth and Eighth Choir Practice Miss Park Ellen Park ence February Peaches Her 89lh Birthday Ellen Park, North 327 First East, will celebrate her 89th birthday on Friday, Jan. 18. AUNT ELLEN," as she is known, lives alone and does her own work. Although not in the best of health, she still studies and gives the Theology lesson in the Tenth Ward Relief Society. Born at Clover Creek in 1874, she is a daughter of the late Samuel and Jean Harvey Park. Her life time has been devoted to work in the LDS Church. At the early age of 13 years, she began teaching a Sunday School class and during the past 76 years has almost continuously taught in one or another of the auxiliary organizations. IN HER young womanhood she served as president of the Tooele Stake MIA and traveled all over the County in her horse and various buggy visiting wards in the stake. A few years ago she was presented with an honorary Golden Gleaner award by North Tooele Stake MIA. Many years of her life were devoted to caring for her parents, prior to their deaths. Miss Park will be saying hello to many of her friends on Friday. . When it gets dark enough the stars come out. V A special practice for the combined Fifth and Eighth Ward Choirs will be held Friday at 6; 30 pm. In the North Tooele Stake Center. The combined choirs will sing t North Tooele Stake Confer- i j' 3. -- V 1 4 lane Gray NEW SON Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibson are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby boy, who arrived Jan. Fimnona Auxiliary To Moot Monday New 11 at the St. Marks Hospital in Salt Lake City. He tipped the scales at six pounds eight ounces. His brother Rand and sisters and Pamela, Cindy Jackie Lee welcomed him soundlv on his arrival home. KIM NOVAK listens to the words of one of the four "boys she has agreed to "entertain on nights of the week in the MGM and Joseph E. Levine Comedy, "Boys Night Out." opening Sunday at the Ritz Theatre, James Garner, Tony Randall, Howard Duff, and Howard Morris make up the eager An always officers of the Tooele Volunteer Firemens Auxiliary will be hostesses at the first meeting of the year, which is scheduled for Monday, Jan. 21, in the Firemens Hall. Mrs LaNile Bracken is the new president and will be assisted bv Ida White, vice president; Glems Cooper, secretary-treasureGas le Tate, historian and Fleanor Gillespie, chaplain. The officers extend an invitation to all wives of firemen to join the group. They also remind members that dues are! now pavbie and will be accepted through the middle of March Outgoing officers are Carol! shields, president: Lola Lee. secretarv; Donna Porter, chap-- ; lain, and Leona Shubert, hls- - investment in knowledge pays the best interest. r; nt quartet. Kim Novak Loves Her Comic Roles consider performers to be the most precomedy completion of this project, late carious form of expression, but this year, customers throughout for lovely actress Kim Novak, with James Garner the State of Utah, will have who available to them a greater va- and Tony Randall in Joseph E. serLevine's "Boys Night Out, to riety of communication vices than ever before. play a scene for laughs is far A new telephone central office from hard work. The Cinama-Scop- e and Metrocolor MGM rebuilding currently under construction at North Ogden, will lease arrives Sunday at the Ritz be completed and placed in ser- Theatre. vice in June of this year. Sub"With comedy, explains Miss sequently telephone users in Novak, "I feel on top of the Plain City and Pleasant View world, so well that life becomes a breeze. I look forward to gowill have their service upgraded from rural multi-partto one ing to the studio each morning because I know the spirit will and two family urban service. EARLY THIS summer, direct be wholeheartedly gay on the set. distance dialing will be es"When Im busy on a picture tablished in Ogden, Kaysville, it takes me over completely, Clearfield, Brigham City, Morthe actress continued. Everygan and Huntsville exchanges. thing else becomes secondary in Long distance circuits between Salt Lake City and other Utah importance. How my work procities will be increased. The lar- gresses colors my attitude even when away from the sound gest project of this kind will consist of a micro-wav- e stage. But comedy, like Boys system between Salt Lake City and Tooele Night Out," doesnt worry me as much as drama because of at a cost of $500,000. Trunking cables between the the happy mood Im in while many central offices in the Salt performing. Lake area will be enlarged. This will improve service when making calls within the metropolitan area, Mr. Maher said. Many co-sta- y TONY RANDALL Is delighted ; TA? COMMERCIAL LEAGUE Hi'-- b cries Jim Wilson. 571. I J lli 'ii cingles, Wait S:ull, 225. High scries women Tina Mi-r Mirh no- singles. Tina Mi-- to ner have his formerly dull night out with the boys turn into an exadventure with lovely citing Kim Novak, whom he shares with his three pals, In the ib 49c 79c 29c 44c 33c 45c 59c Si STORES Mr. and Mrs. H. B fenton left Saturday by plane for their home in Rockford, Illinois, after a three weeks visit in Tooele. While here, they were houseguests of Mrs. Fentons sister and brother-in-laMr. and Mrs O. T. Barrus. During their visit, the Fentons were extensively entertained at family parties. Among those entertaining were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fenton, Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Barrus, Mr. Jack Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Norval Adams, and Dr. and Mrs. Wallace Johnson, all of Tooele: and in Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rowberry, Mrs. Margaret Brown, Mr and Mrs. Sheldon Elliot, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Fenton, and Mr. and Mrs. Cy Bates. THEY MOTORED TO PROVO where they visited at the A. A. Akin home and especially Alan Akin, who is leaving soon for an LDS Mission to Argentina His mother is the former Beverly Brown. They also visited at Logan, with the J. Ralph Rowberrys. On December 29th the Fentons attended a holiday party for employees of the Vista Liner Corporation, which was held at Maxfields Lodge in Big Cottonwood Canyon. They also attended the Vista Liner Sales Convention, which was held in Salt Lake City last Thursday and Friday at the Utah Motor Lodge, which was attended by representatives from Canada and most of the United States. Over 60 dealers and their wives were present. Mr. Fenton is Vista Liner distributor in Rockford, Illinois. NEIGHBORS GATHERED TUESDAY MORNING for a stork brunch honoring Mrs. George E. Liddiard. White storks were used as decorations at the home of Mrs. J. W. Traver, where the party was held. The group played games and the prize was won by Mrs. Roy R. Thomas. Light refreshments of coffee, fruit juice and rolls followed. As a gift from the group, Mrs. Liddiard received a white baby toter. Those present were Mrs Joe A. Been, Mrs. F. Gibson, Mrs. F. M. Soares, Mrs Jule Kasmer, Mrs. Roy R. Thomas, Mrs. Earl Williamson Mrs. Grant Shields and Mrs. Joe Caldwell. Sharing in the gift but unable to be present were Mrs. Phil Roche, Mrs. LeRoy Corum and Mrs. Ed Hale. Mrs. John L. Joumay was hostess Tuesday evening to Chapter G, PEO. UNDAUNTED BY THE WEATHER, a group of ten drove to Salt Lake for dinner Saturday evening Those making the trek were Mr. and Mrs. George Buzianis, Mr. and Mrs. Don Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. LeRcv Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Soares and Mr. and Mrs. Roy R. Thomas Dispensing with regular meetings during the month of January, members of Beta Sigma Phi met instead for an evening Mrs. Kenneth Harker was hostess to Alpha Preof bridge. ceptor, Mrs. Kelly Gubler to Xi Pi, and Mrs. Wayne Olsen to Alpha Eta. 13,100 florslaeim yy TOOELE MERC 13,700 10 HOMES TO CHOOSE FROM Full Basement PHONE Birch Cabinets Att. Hardwood Floors 1 19") Theatre 14,500 3 Bedroom Brick -1 ! NOTICE ALL REBEKAHS Drill practice, Odd Fellow Hall January 17, 8 p m Be present and be prompt. E. Levine and MGM presentation, Boys Night Out opening , Sunday at the Ritz Joseph torian i CENTER CUT TENDER SHOULDER today. THE YEAR 1962 saw additional services and improvements In communications to biought In Tooele many communities. over $200,000 for outside plant distribution. A new telephone exchange was establJ died at Garden City on the West shore of Bear Lake. A mobile telephone base station, which permits telephone cells to be completed from automobiles, was Installed at Ogden. At a cost of over a million dollars, manual operator telephone service In Vernal was replaced with a modern dial Installation in a new telephone building. With the new system, direct distance dialing was Inaugurated in the Uintah Basin. ADDITIONAL telephone circuits between exchanges were installed throughout the state to keep up with the increased usage of long distance calling. New circuits were installed between 0 Tooele and Salt Lake. Over telephones were added to the Company lines in Utah during the past year. Utah, along with other areas in the United States, converted all exchange teletypewriter service from manual to dial operation in 1962. A dual channel microwave system between Salt Lake City and Grand Junction, Colorado, with "take-offsat Price and Vernal was completed last Hither and Yon BLADE CUT STANDRY PURE VEGETABLE Grd Beef Mr and Mrs Gtori;e Gray of Tooele announce the forthcoming mamj"o of thrir daughter, June, to Mr. Keilh Pugh son of Mr. and Mrs David Pugh also of Tooele, Vaienlines Day Feborarv 14. has been chosen as the weddinR day of the betrothed pair. Sole attendants will be Miss Londa Cowans and Mr Eldon Pugh. The nuptials will be performed at the home of the parents of Over seventeen million dollars were spent during 1962 to keep pare with Industrial and residential growth and better telephone service to the people of Utah, J. D. Maher, Tooele manager of Mountain States Telephone said CARD OF THANKS Mr. John L. Lee wishes to express his appreciation to his family and friends for their kindness to him during his illness The five weeks he spent in the Tooele Valley Hospital said Mr. Lee were lightened by the many cheery hellos called in through hs door, the phone calls to his family and cards and get well v. slics sent him. special thank you goes to nemoers of his large family and to the Volunteer Firemen. Gravel To Marry Keilh Pugh Expanded Doris Adamson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Adamson of Tooele, was named winner at the State 'Make It Yourself With Wool" contest last weekend. The contest, sponsored by the Utah Woolgrowers Auxiliary was held at Hotel Utah in with the Annual conjunction State Woolgrowers Convention. Doris modeled a navy blue wool crepe suit which she had made for the contest. Her suit was judged best in the suit division She was awarded a dress length of plaid wool for her achievement. Doris suit was made from the length of wool awarded her as ljurth place winner in last years "Make It Yourself With Wool" contest. She had previously won the Style Dress Review county and placed in the high honor group at the Utah State Fair Dress Review. Sand Jane Gray 882- - 2622 Garage Formica Counters Peays leal Estate REPRESENTING Slavens Homes Inc. v i |