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Show fhe Tooele Transcript THE TOOELE TRANSCRIPT each FridJy at Tooe e City. Utah. Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office at Tooele City, Utah, August 14, 1x94. under Art of Mirth 8. IX', 9. Published by the Transcript Bulletin Publi.,hinR Company, Inc., 5S North Main Street. Tooele City, Utah. Address all corres- crease Issued fr F. DUNN 51 per year. LOREN C. DUNN, Editor Publisher Interesting Sidelights Canada b s a small population of only abort 18,000.000 but it is rich in natural re:ources and has a sound, progressive government. I do not expect a nuclear war to he started by Russia; but if it Canada will be a comes, good place to live and to have your money invested. 1G South and Central America also have great natural resources; but most of their countries are ruled by selfish dictators. I believe most of our southern neighbors will suffer from serious inflation during 19G2 and become a great problem for the United States. . 47, Alfhonh the countries of Europe could be the greatest sufferers in case of World War II, the peoole I meet in Europe fail to th!s I forecast that they will look at the situation more rea"stl'i'lv durin 1962. 48 West Germany is very prosperous; Fast Germany is in terrible eondit:on. Much unemployment ex'sts in Italv. France, and even Great Britain. I advise in investing against money in value during 1962. the building itself depreciates from the moment when it is first A possible exception would be certain very attractive ranch houses painted in color. 11. Automobile production will he the most important s'atistica! indicator during 1962. This applies In both the number of automobiles and their sales value. We now have no reliable figures for the latter. 12 Wo will gradually approach an average of two cars for every! on dire-- t mail selln" This should fnro'lv The life of automobiles in 96 as their printers should gradually increese. The present emfo is vrv o' oereen'n"e of nu'omnhiles annu small. Billboard advertising wilt aliv destroyed will decrease in incren d'"-idue to a -- pondence to Box 390. Tooele. Utah. Price 10 cents per copy. Subscription ALEX ceipts may Increase through the better use o' colors. This may result in the increased use of coated paper to betHr .take color printing - with a 50 per cent ip advertising rates. 31. Furniture manufacturers are marking u prices so that young couples will buy furniture in the raw and pa:nl same themselves. 32. There will be some increase in color TV sales In 19G2 In fact. I think the present TV mar ket is nr from being saturated 33. First-claspostage rntes will not b increased during 1952 Hence, mo'e monv will be snent 5, 1562 Friday, January s 1 -- fr i i2, 1962. new kind of paint. 31 Lumber wi'l do we o hold its own in '96? and much of it will he old colored Wall cnrnetm" will become even more popular reducin" the price of the best hnrdwooH Boors. 13. Automobiles and gasoline will be increasingly, sources for raising money by taxation. These means w:U h extended to include Citv Councilman Alex W. Rhone made the recommendation an additional assessment on the to in donated that all City land the govern- mann'icturer of automobiles Settlement Canyon be ment as the first step towards establishing a forest reserve. 35 14. Taxes, as a whole, will conrues" will THS seniors have donated an electric scoreboard to the Tooele tinue to increase in 1962 for every be sold in 1962. Rug dealers must High School. family. Business net taxes, how- eo to brighter colors, even for Europe during 1962. Mrs. Mary Ann Lougy, beloved Tooele woman, died on New ever. will decrease In 1962. al- "orientals. e 49. I am uncertain how to Years Day, age 76. Africa. But it is very though the granting of depreciaagainst 36. of the One the of Miss announce and Mrs. Mr, greatest developengagement Harry Gillespie tion refunds which can be done rich in natural resources - inflag are Left to Right, back row: Bishop Proudly displaying their new American 1962 will he the inCarol Tate, sister of Mrs. Gillespie, to Thurman Shields, son of are members of Boy Scout Troop 165 Thomas Burgess. Ronald Executive order. The manu- ments during flag by Kirk, cluding Cloyd gold, diamonds, and alMr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Shields. The marriage is planned for of the Tooele Fifth Ward. Although it may facturer mav greatlv Increase his creased use of co'or in homes, of most every metal as well as Theobald, Paul Thomas and Don McPhie. 20. fices. and This factories. stores, January to be so, the flag is no ordinary one. Scout officials. The boys are center row: deductions for past investment? the greatest undeveloped appear having Ferguson, won first, Alfred M. Nelson, second and Brant and new machinery, plant and should increase both the demand It was down over the capital of the United William Weyland, Criss Smith, Mike Webs waterpower in the world. for and the price of good paint. Caldwell, third, in the Lions Club contest for the best decorated States of America at Washington, D.C. The Rank I am personally ster, John Kerwin, David Matson, Loren equipment. Douglas Dillon feels in37. homes for the holidays. will Exports probably Robert Chamberlain and Johnnie that such tax reductions will inSmith, with and recommend. boys wrote to Senator Wallace F. Bennett, Schmitt. Seated are: Larry Bevan, Craig crease the purchase of new equip- crease during 1962, but the surplus that they secure a flag of this Roth Barclays and the Standard requesting of trade in favor of the United distinction and he in turn made the necesment, Bank are owned in Enlnnd and Hamilton, Keith Davis and Dana Harwood. develop great efficiency, States is conrtantlv decreasing. Pictured above with the and result in a net Improvement a great manv branches the have sary arrangements. 38. President Kennedy is enin the employment situation. This has over 8rn branch offices latter and con- ment, and even some metals couraged by the recent elections industries and real estate. Even of individual stocks is eood news for 1962. in Africa. Readers who are the first mortgage bonds of trans- sidering the thousands of sales- except n New York. New Jersey colored as these and are 15. Speculation in real estate keen'ng 'n touch with this Plastics railroads are being men selling Mutual Funds Texas This Democratic trend will continental and glass will become and securities w:l! be active dimmav Africa secure free of charge eonfimie notwith bought by Europeans. The manu- should help stock prices during more during 196 important building ma- h Standard Rnk Mon'hly ing 1962: but pood children will in42. The service Eisen- facturers of West Germany are be used much former terials and President standing perhaps as the bv writing the Standard gradually be recognized making huge profits through the dustries including education, more for automobiles. best investment. Young people howers campaign soeechps. South Africa. 18 Clement Bonk o' 39. President Kennedy will be use of new machinery and low beauty parlors, travel, entertain44. Some unexpected event or Lnne London EC 4 The bank-iwill be married earlier and will their ment, and government positions They are sending mor favorable to "bi husine's" wages. conwant to have large families. Africa is of Northern discovery will cause the Dow 1962 ONLY when he is able money to the United States to be should prosper in 1962. in 16. Public education sel' trolled bv the French. I would Jones to Industrial will gradAverage They seem to prefer to use bg business to Increase ;nvested. 43. Among the fastest growing much higher during the next few advise against nnttin money into ually be reorganised during the real estate, shopping industries in will suburban Profit 1962 will be employment. margins the years. As an illustration of what Norhern Africa during 1962. be Schnolhnuses will ahead. years I and electric utilities. 1962. ahhouh centers, and 58 The final result of 1962 -built as places to "park the kids" not imnrove durin glass industries. one of these unexpected events are not buying into too plastics hope These will gradually will be, I mention the polymer whether it will make us a strongmaterials while the parents are at work most industries will do better in manv they new elec"flv bv night take the place of wood, stone, New schnolhouses will be built terms of pross and volume. developments in chemistry, includ er or a softer nation snirituallv, tronic companies. 40. Bond will not chance Remember that the Mutual ing "DNA prieps and "RNA, which nhvsically. so as not to be over one story and mentally - de1962. in much the 41. exceot of Mutual during Funds will Funds operators must go to the may provide the source of life pends upon our parents, teachers, Buying high, with lots of sunshine. European continue to exceed selling in 1962. New York Stock Exchange to pur- and extend it 17. Owing to the lack of air- case of and newspaper ves, perhaps re- preachers, investors are buying American Considering that brokers make chase stock to support these Mu- store it, in special cases. not Russia, These, and port facilities and to inadequate stocks and bonds feeling that their much more profit by selling Mu- tual Funds which salesmen are 45. I am bullish on Canada for hold the future of the United equipment, there will be increasin is safer United States tual Funds than bv selling shares selling in the field. safe investments during 1962. . . S'ates in their hands. ing airplane accidents during 1962. money IS. With all the above changes, plus increased public improvements and longer vacation periods families must save somehow and cuf somewhere. I think it will be gin in 1962 with clothing. This will gradually become cheaper and more attention will be paid to color. SUNDOWN APRICOTS TENDER ASPARAGUS CHOPPED OLIVES 19 The time is approaching Whale Unpeal.d Na. 2't cm Treat for Any Mal No. 300 Cm ia cotutoIm. Cvdmitt cm when the weaving of cloth will h SLICED PEACHES BAKED BEANS GARDENSIDE CORN Hama Free Cream Style Bantam Flav. Na. tVfc cm Meins For Quick and Easy Meal. con greatly curtailed. Clohes will be Bay at this law Price made bke paper. SLICED PINEAPPLE Plastic coats CUT GREEN BEANS TOMATO JUICE Caitha Half Slice, Buy New I Sava. Na. 3 cm are already on the market These tew a HeeseFec Chili or tvraoe. Me. 900 cm atdamida Cat Nearly StringlaM. PURPLE PLUMS are produced bv feedmg the rello- CUT GREEN BEANS TOMATO SAUCE Highway Whole Ideal Dei tart. No. 3Vi Can Town Home Saracen Steck Up New at This Lew, Lew Price Jvtf Snack Site. I ex. can phar.e into a machine which cuts SEA TRADER TUNA to desired izes Pid bonds fnot CHOCOLATE SYRUP GARDENSIDE TOMATOES Delicious Chunk uy Deliciem for Chili and Costerole Dithet i. Herahey't Shep Safeway for test, can the material into beaitu-fuliI Sava. No. Vk cm sews) HEINZ KETCHUP : WYLER SOUPS GARDENSIDE PEAS finished goods of different Foe National Brandt, Yoenfe Tender, Delicately Flavored Shop Safeway. ,Cb. Naodb, Ck. tin, Hoodie, Petit. Pkg. ' bit colors. 20 We will hear more about No automation during 1962. But the cost of building automatic facCans tories is so great that the change Members of Tooele Countys Community Theatre group are is Even electronics coming slowly. series concert next of season's to the forward the looking has been overemphasized. when the Saida Gerrard Theatre Dance Company will be 21. There need be no unemployguest artists. They will appear at the Junior High School ment among steel workers during Auditorium on Friday, January 12. Admission will be by 1962. But Government unemploymembership card only. ment figures will remain high. Foreign competition, due to low wages abroad, will be an important factor. Women will prefer to work in factories and have their home oantries filled with precooked foods. 22. Labor unrest will grow in be delighted with money-savin- g variety, quality, buys. extent and power. The Kennedy lucerne fun-filleMix d or values miss this event! aplenty! Fra Gtd. si is to union Administration friendly leaders and their demands. There Tooele County Community ConLucerne will be for more demands or Rica cert presents the second in the in 1962. A steel more fringes current series, on Friday, Jan Milk Homogenized 2 strike is possible. 12th at the Tooele Junior High Aunt Susan's 23. This means that with inSchool Auditorium, according to Lumberjack Imof retail proChicken, Turkey 1. I am hopeful for 1962; itation Maple it creased taxes, prices Sidney Noble, City Manager and should be a better year for my ducts will be higher. This will be President of the Association. blamed on "inflation of money: Flour Kitchen Craft 1961. Industrial proAppearing as guest artists will readers than but it will be due to inflation of 1961. of exceed that will duction Bel-A- ir be the Saida Gerrard Theatre living standards. Ice Cream Assorted Flavors 2.98 2. There will be neither a nuDance Company, who has a wide 24. The real value of the dollar Premium Quality repertory of original modern bal- clear war nor total disarmament will decline slightly during 1962 Whit Magic For All fyj lets with a wide range of concert in 1962. Considerable Liquid Bleach Your Laundry progress due to the decrease in the pro- got. Bel-a- ir and theatrical styles - dramati may be made toward a ban onjductivity of labor. The electronics and humerous. atomic weapons. will cant industry temporarily suffer The dancers have received wVe'nlTsw.., 1962 if atortvc warfare is outEvorgroan Replace 3. Some thirty stocks may reach in Brooms "rave notices on their past apOld Worn One Each 1.59 lawed. But otherwise the elecBel-a- ir 1000 of an 1962, during average Corn crcarmQua,!,y pearances and Miss Gerrard is White Magic 10c tronics industry will increase for hailed as a distinguished artist although these will not necessarOff Label Pack to hold come some and vears up Bel-as ir White Magic Liquid Spinach or Chopped achieving recognition both as a ily be the thirty the dollar value. Watch polymer stocks. 5c Off Label Pack dancer and a choreographer. cements 4. Retail trade will make new chemicals and "epoxy 25. There will be enough monev records during 1962. Increased A AaItIAC u,7 Baker Vanilla or for mortgages insured bv the vUUnlw Chocolate Cream Sandwich newspaper advertising, especially Administration Food in colors, will be a great boon to Federal Housing Dog Mrs. Wright's in 1962 Plenty of monev will be 1.00 Raipberry, Boyienbarry merchandising. English Fresh Flavorful available for mortgages guaranand Delicious ,. 5. Commodity Mr Wr!9ht' prices will act teed bv the Veterans AdministraMuffin III 125.-Miv 1.00 I A Fresh Corn Muffin Mix ftlUIIIIl erratic during 1962. Agricultural tion. pkg. 10 Salad Dressing Joeck 5c although this suoolv varies 24T; KAPOK FILLING How would you like to drive prices will be held up by legis- with $1.98 counthe of Regular sections dif'prpnt Vetkay Pure from one end of town to the other lation, but many metals will sell try. Interest rates on conventional can Vegetable and meet green traffic lights all for less. loans not having anv government Cragmont In the way? If a new traffic control 6. The official cost of living figuarantees will be a little higher. bris. 1.00 Bottles system being tested on a four gure will rise slightly in 1962, but Real estate oeonle will worrv dCanneCragmont U.S. Choice Grade mile sretch of a Michigan high- there may be a scandal in Wash, about the 10 cam no m..,, n0 fu publics desire to build Round or Swiss way works out as well as its de- over how this figure is calculat- rather than about thpir obtaining velopers hope, youll be able to ed or adjusted. The real increase mortgage money. Safeway's Superido just that. in the cost of living will be due or Quality 26. The kilowatt hours of elecDutch Mill Cheese The system consists of a series to increased wages demanded. tricity produced in 1962 will exSliced Pasteurized 7. The only certain shortages ceed the total of anv of lighted signals that hang over previous Processed American the center of the highway and during 1962 will be in land suit- year. This is favorable to utility U.S. Choice Grade or Pimento advise a motorist at which speed able for parking places and wa- preferreds. pkg. So Easy To he should drive in order to make terfront property readily acces27. Steel production in 1962 will Carve the green light at the next inter- sible to for exceed this years 180 million tons building lots; also section. Speeds vary from 25 to automobile near but the increase will come from "graveyards U.S. Choice Grade ! U.S. Choice Grade 40 miles an hour and the signals cities which have been zoned. Cube Tender and Delicious producing steel in colors. Small Rib 8. of The will shelters with traffic 28. Cement production will be building change to keep up .S. Choice I.S. Choice Grade flow. ?! look silly before the end of 1962. about the same in 1962 as in 1961 Sirloin Tip Grade lb. Small Loin Chops THE SYSTEM DIFFERS from Certainly the Federal Govern- but the industrys capacity to proIdeal for those in which motorists are in- ment will not underwrite the duce Is increasing too rapidly in Lamb U.S. Choice Grade Leg formed that traffic signals are set building of private shelters for in- view of the demand. The cement U.S. Choice Grade I NtL for a certain fixed speed. In the dividual families. must give more manufacturers LaRlD mOpS Shoulder Chops Lamb nomicol Meal 9. Good real estate must rise attention to colors. old system, once a motorist gets U. S. No. 1 New Crop inin out of 'step with the lights, he 29. Expenditures for plant and price as the population Rich in Health-Givin- g has no idea what speed to drive creases. mathe- eauipment in 1962 will increase, Elementary of in order to make the next light. matics determines the Elements price supplemented bv lare appropriaThe traffic pacer system, as suburban real estate. This is not- tions for rpoainting factories and the Michigan system is named, withstanding the claim of the offices in manv colors U.S. No. 1 which are 38. Newsprint production dekeeps the motorist continuously in- "space companies Mild Yellow formed as to the speed necessary said to be interested in selling pends upon the number of newsto make the next green light. rights on the moon. There pro- papers and the amount of adverSweet and The pacer system was developbably are crazier speculations. tising sold. I forecast a decline Flavorful ed to improve traffic flow over 10. While the land on which in the amount of newsprint sold Prices Effective Thursday, Friday and Saturday city and suburban, streets and is your house now stands should irr- during 1962, but advertising re- - Twenty Five Years Ago This Week ad-v's- Flag Of Distinction -- - n Bar-clav- 0O0 - in-i- n - Re-Vie- - n -- -- - - pub-lishe- Get ready to sail into these big values! SAF.EiWAYi 7 4V4-O- - -- j Stylo-B- y 1 M 14-a-x. 303 Saida Gerrard Dancers Dance Group To Perform Here Jan. 12 Babsons 1962 Forecast mm Youll 32e 45 49c 38 K: 45 Cottage Cheese Pudding Fresh Waffle Syrup l" "s Pancake uC Cleanser 14-o- 27 Quality Dow-Jone- Cleaner Starch Detergent New Traffic Signals Tested In Michigan M 49 .2 47 75 27 79 48c 63 - Peanut Butter b. 6 -- Dniinr,nir oeverages Farm Fresh Produce I 1 Waffles Frozen Peas 5 Cheddar Cheese f J Preserves 2 E? Detergent tc PILLOWS ft 27 Muffins RA-o- x. Safeway Guaranteed Meats! 99 Jit and Dont Dealt Pies Apple Pies 28-a- z. 12-e-x. x. the match now only 99c teak Pwrap Steak Roast O' bast lb. 98 lb. 98 lb. 69 lb. 49 lb. 85 Lamb-burge- rs Breast O' lb. 35c lb. 15; wm Mild Onions Tangerines 59 t 3 |