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Show ' v 3 Volume '! sf Tooele, Utah Sixty-Fiv- e W(W r i M t Friday, January Nih Tradin' S j fyrr rrtt'rvTyrvffyy w Floyd I) Cilissiiuivcr. of Ogihn. a graduate of U5U, arrived in Tooele this week, to take up his duties as teat her at the Too- and f.v. t'ir3r"""' 1 Sx&VvN- - A. l a Campbell Membeis of the Junior Womans Chib are invited to an evening of i harm and graeiousness on MonMr, GhsMiieV er, will teath New at 8 pm. in the day, January Testinient and Honk of Motnum, Civic Rooms H, the at City Hall. and fill the vatunvy in the teach-.ni- j the created staff, leaving Guest for the evening will be by of Principal I eland Gentry, to Mr A P. Campbell, director o! teach in the IDS Institute at Cor- (Tassique Design for Living. He nell Lniversity, and woik on his Wi'l answer questions on makeup, doctorate. hair styling, poise, carnage, etc TTte committee in charge of the Mr. Glisimcyer was married in includis entertainment evenings he Salt Lake LDS Temple, to Rita Haddock, June Hopkins and the former Connie Buckway, of LaIX-aLong. on August 28. 1938. and they .have one child, a daughter. Carrie jage two anJ a half months. They will take up residence at 92 England Avenue, (he home vacated! I by Print ipal Gentry. I IX 'Mr. Glissmeyer filled an 7 Last Germany mission from 194 ele IDS Seminary. cV Vi- Number Thirty One Jr. Woman's (Jul) to Hear Arrives for Toodc Seminary ii 8, I960 TOOTLE TELEPHONE OPERATORS worked around the clock, to care for record load on Christmas Eve and Christmas. Here is shown the Board, during one of the peak periods of the rush (L to R) Karlene Lddler, Shairon -j--. Eva Wiseman, Sandra Outen, Gayle England, Naomi Smith, Tcrresa Riveia, Carol Thomas, and standing, manager Jack Maher and Mrs. Noellene Thomas, Chief 0;erator. Photo by A. D. Thomas Nielson, Holiday Phone Calls Locally Over 41,000 for Most Ever Local telephone facilities werelvious record of calls handled iniulation in the Eastern areas, Mr. Maher and the thirty-twe taxed to the limit, and all day, through the Tooele ex- operators and supervisors ex- phone operators gave up theirjchange. One of the remarkable things1 press gratutude to the public for to handle more than day-ofin local and 1100 long dis- was that most of the long distancejthe assistance and patience tance calls, on December 31st, ac- calls were handled without delay making it possible to handle this cording to Jack Maher, Tooele to practically every state in the record load, which actually was innion, and the only calls from 'double what was anticipated and manager. Almost the same ratio of calls the local office which were not double the number of culls which! continued, throughout Christmasjcompleted, were some which were had been previously handled in a day, to more than double any prg-- routed through big centers of pop-- like period. o tele-lon- f, LDsJCS. ' husband in 1918, she first resided, j loCClf Jl3311 r 25 Mr. I aL.. .vH organizations. Surviving are her husband, a son, Leslie Joseph, Erda; her mother, Elizabeth Green, Grants-villq- , Graveside funeral services were three brothers and three held Wednesday at the Tooele sisters, Roy and Garth Green and cemetery, for Janet Bradford, in- Mrs. Deon Johanson, Grantsville; fant daughter of Richard J. and Vern Green, Mesquite, Nevada; Suzzane Lindberg Branford, oi Blanch Mortensen, Payson; Hazel Talks Resume At Smeller 1 Mrs. Mary Woods Today for Mrs. Marv C. Woods Funeral services were held today (Thursday) for Mrs. Mary C. Woods, who died, Saturday, Jan. 2 at Torrance, Calif., while visiting there with her daughters. 14. The Tooele plant is in its sixth month of strike. riLJLdjii1 ji ; tii Winchester, Jay Erickson and Rex Stutzneg-ge- r. The Jeep Patrol assists the sheriff whenever they are needed. The members must own their own four wheel drive vehicles. They work without monetary assistance and pay their own expenses and give their time as a public service. 2.5 Left National Jamboree Openings master, said that there are still twenty three openings in the Great Salt Lake Council contingent. However, Mr. Mueller also said that the spots are filling out fast. Free applications for the Jamboree can be picked up at the office of this newspaper. The applications must be" sent to Council headquarters in Salt Lake City with a $20.00 deposit. The contingent will consist of 27 adult leaders and 333 boys. There will be nine troops, each having 37 boys and three leaders. The itinerary of the trip, July 20 to July 30, will take the group through Royal Gorge and back by train and will include side trips to the Air Force Academy, Pikes Peak and the Denver Mint. Boys and parents wishing additional information should contact Mr. Mueller. deer must be immediately tagged at place of kill with the metal tag provided and the tag must be securely locked. It shall be unlawful to transport deer from place of kill unless the tag is securely locked in such a manner that it can not be removed from the carcas without first breaking the tag. It is suggested that the deer be tagged in the hock joint since tag must remain with the majority portion of meat until the animal is entirely consum1. La.sl Riles Held the Negotiations between International Mine Mill and Smelter workers, local 55 and International Smelting and Refining Company, will resume Friday, at 10 a.m. it was announced smelter today by and union officials. Talks to end the strike deadlock were broken off last Aug. f A jury found Gerald Horton of Salt Lake City, guilty of failure to tag a deer in Judge M. Earl Marshalls court, Wednesday. He was fined $50 and ten days in county jail, for the violation Officials request that the folBoys in Tooele County who still lowing be published from the wish to sign up for the National 1959 Utah Deer Hunting Procla- Scout Jamboree next July in Colomation, as clarification: rado Springs, Colorado, can still apply, it was announced today. DEER TAG REGULATIONS. Oran Mueller, Jamboree Scout- great grandchildren. set for Saturday, at the Tooele .first Sixth Ward chapel, with burial in the Tooele cemetery. Friends may call at the Tate mortuary, Friday from 7 to 9 p.m. and Saturday, prior to funeral time. , Graveside Hites Held for Infant j Funeral services are tentatively Glissmayer '1 Found Guilly Of Failure To 'lag Deer Also surviving are a brother, George S. Heggie, of Raymond, Allierta, Canada and a sister. May II. Skousen, Toleson, Arizona. t inure Ue La V ) TOOTLE COUNTY JEI P PATROL sworn in as deputy sheriffs, on Monday evening, at the city hall. Pictured above presenting a badge to George Kramer, Commanding Officer of the Jeep Patrol, is Sheriff Fay Gillette. L to R from Mr. Kramer are- - front: Gixirge Cochrane. Hughie Graves, Fred West and Glen Murray. Back - Dave Buck, Bill Fish, James fining Company. Surviving are four daughters, Violet Porter. Myrle Porter, Mrs. Frank (Rozella) Randall, of Tooele, Mrs. S. V. (Carol) McIntosh, Chico, Calif ; 13 grandchildren and Vjlllllllo I 11110111 n 1 and has lived in .LJtji.1 1 1 1 Stockton, Tooele since 1927. She is survived by a daughter, A Mrs. Ellis (Barbara) Murray, of Tooele a son, David C, Redlands, w- -v x Calif.; three sisters, Mrs. Clara Wheeler, Mrs. Ray Moshier, and Mrs. George Wager, all of RedMrs. Jessie Green DcLaMare, lands. Calif.; a son, Robert (Bob) of Erda, died Wednesday, Jan. 6 Frazier, preceded her in death ini at 8:30 p.m. in the Tooele Val 1957. of undetermined, She is also survived by thirteen ley Hospital, but natural causes. one great and grandchildren She was born January 30, 1918 grand daughter. She was a member of the Com- at Erda, a daughter of William and Elizabeth Green. She attendmunity Methodist Church. Funeral services will be held at the Tate ed Tooele County schools and from Grantsville high Mortuary, Friday, at 12:00 noon graduated Interment will be in the Tooele school in May 1936. She was married to Joseph City cemetery. Friends may call at the Tate DeLaMare on April 25, 1942. She was an active member of Mortuary, Thursday evening from 7 to 9 p.m. and Friday morning. the LDS Church and served in many positions in the auxiliary in 1! ts-e- 1 1 'A j 1956. . 1 V'. lie majored in socialogy and psychology at the BYU. He has active in scouling. and is an Eagle Scout, with three palms. Mrs. Glissmever has completed three years of college and plans obtaining her degree in human development and family relationships. She has been ward organist Mar,ba Smith Peggie, pioneers of in Ogden for the past seven years. 1x53 He had been a life long resident of Tooele. He married Clara Pickett, Dec. 25. 1894, in Tooele. The marriage was later solemnized in the Salt Lake LDS Temple,1 She died in October. lie operated the old livery stable) in Tooele for a number of years' and served as Tooele City police-mafor two years. He was a retired employee of the International Smelting and Re-til A L Og-ide- KZ. e? All ed. It is unlawful for any butch- er, locker plant or storage plant owner or employee to receive any game animal for processing or storing unless the animal is legally tagged. Bishop J.L. Worlhlin Coming To Tooele Slake Conferenee Woods was born in Saukc Center, Minn., Mrs. Frazier Nov. 4, 1885, a daughter of Martin and Olivia Nelson. She was Prominent leaders of the Church President David O. Mcay. Salt Lake City. Williams, Henderson, Nev. married to Nicholas Rombs, Aug. of Jesus Christ of Latter - Day Conferences are held four times The child was born January 4 Funeral services arc pending. 21, 1906. at 7:45 p.m. and died eight hours Saints (Mormon) will address a a year in the nearly 300 stakes Funeral services were held Tuestwo day conference of the Churchs (regional divisions) of the Church later. She was later married to James Tooele Stake, Saturday and Sun- and Church leaders day, Dec. 29, at Panguitch, for : Surviving are the parents, two regularly tour of C. Woods in 1945. He died in Nov. Kathryn Krebs, infant daughter the brothers, twins, Kent and Steven day, January 16 and 17, in the the 50 missions throughout Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Krebs, of 1956. Tooele Fourth Eleventh Ward world, where more Bradford and grandparents, Mr. than six Los California. Angeles, at 192 West Second South, thousand young missionaries are Mrs. Mabel Frazier, 77, and a and Mrs. Mark J. Lindberg, of She was a member of the House, in Tooele. resident of Tooele County for more this city, and Mr. and Mrs. James engaged in proselyting activities, The child was born Sunday, Dec. Methodist Church. official is The each paying his own expenses for than forty years, died at the Too- Bradford of Las Vegas, Nevada. visiting Presiding five and died 27, at Panguitch, ele Valley Hospital, Tuesday evenhours later, from a collapsed lung. Surviving are: one son and five Bishop L. Wirthlin, of the Church a period of two to three years. of Latter-daChrist ing,' following a lingering illness. The services were held at the daughters, Waller J Rombs, Ore.; of Jesus Saints. A former school teacher and Iowa; Newton, Schmidt, home of Mr. and Mrs. V'aughn Evelyn South North Dakota newspaper editor, Lucille Harris, Aberdeen, Principal and Mrs. Leland H. Krebs, with Bishop Kay Heywood Saturday evening meetings will to of Assessor North Dakota According and two children, Brian, conducting. The invocation was she was a native County Dakota; Hazel Fought, Falkton, be for leaders of the local con-- : South Dakota; having been born in Tower City, William R. Judd, 1.960 license age two and a half, and Debra given by Stake President, L. HarKay Steele and gregations. Sundays general sesthe Lynn, age ten months, left Thurs- old Marie Peasnall, San Pedro, Calif. sions, open to the public, will be September 16, 1882, daughter of plates are now on sale at of Mesa, Arizona, Wright, Court day for Ithaca, New York, where held at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Edgar and Emma Chapman Fra- assessors office in the grandfather of the infant. A duet HOME FROM House. Mr. Gentry will be instructor in was Also surviving are two brothers zier, pioneers of North Dakota. Howard . President Stake by Verda Tebbs and sung License plates, will continue to the LDS Institute, which is the Nuecille Dodds. Alva Mickelson WEST COAST VISIT She graduated from a North Ole Nelson of Faulkton, So. Dak., Clegg, 25 South First East, will of be on sale with the exception Mrs. Jennie Lacey returned and George Nelson, LaPort, Minn; conduct the first LDS Institute organized east was the Dakota Normal School and taught meetings. speaker and Bishop Reggs in her native state, Montana and Wednesday, January 20, when the of the Rockies. Tuesday, by plane, from Palo Alto, 12 grandchildren and four great the benediction. Bishop Wirthlin operates a foudji. gave in Idaho be but will sold was at Christbeen a she head where has While Idaho. California, Dugway, plates teaching Principal Gentry grandchildren. distribution business. He became!;, Burial was in the Panguitch mas and New Years guest, of Mr. she met and married Cleveland not in Tooele. Mr. Judd states of the Tooele Seminary since Sept, the eighth presiding bishop of the the Church her in that his office will be open on of 1958, and Mrs. Gentry has been cemetery, where the grave was and Mrs. Phil Robinson. Mrs. RobRev. Stephens conducted Frazier, who proceded in 1952, after years of de-that date, but no license plates active in the music circles of dedicated by Talmadge Christen- inson is the former June Lacey, services. Burial was in the Tooele voted church service as a mis- death in 1945. the daughter of Mrs. Lacey. Tooele. When coming to Utah with her will be sold. sen, of Richfield. City cemetery. sionary, ward bishop and stake president. In his present assign- ment, Bishop Wirthlin directs thet priesthood program among young, men of the Church. , All conferences held in 1960 will ace is absolutely worthless against this type of player cause hell stand focus emphasis on youth develop- - ) For Fridays fracas, Johnson will assign his defenseive By A. T. ROBERTS ment as part of a special Church-wid- e to to this very same Nelson, in an attempt curtail outside and pot cm in, all night long. Nineteen hundred and fifty nine, marked Grangers first plunge Tommy Tate parents and youth program Johnsen knows this, and so, to counteract the Teeples bominto Utah High school athletic competition and that year the Lancers his scoring. In our book, Tate ranks as one of the cleverest deBishop Worthlin launched early this year by Church Johnto be terrible around. of the fensive will a ever wear stars the The those kid in the Jim scores White Jensen wars. basketball is twice Tooele and bardment, clobbered Terry tagging, Purple sen to in him and a has lot of confidence Jensen and futly expects two losses were Leading the victorious Lancers geniusi STINGY sharply curtail Teeples scoring. Jim handles himself well, manuvers were a pair of scoring marvels, in the person of, Terry Teeples and Tim Nelson, who as juniors, collected 24 and 35 points, in beautifully, is quick to recover, and has the knack of anticipating Against Jordan, Tate asked for and was given the assignment his opponents actions. And Jensen takes pride in his work. these two games. of tailing Tebbs, as well as sagging back on the Hell have his hands full cause Teeples is a cutie, a seasoned Max McBeth, director, announc- by Dave Faddis and will be known Friday the Buffs will meet Granger again, and this high scorThis he did during the first quarter, veteran who has had Pavich. man, pivot e in to than still more and stretch uniform are anxious plenty of experience against every type of ed that with the final selection ol as Tod Park. ing but, when Tate clogged the middle, against Pavich, it would leave defense, so having a man like Jensen for company, wont be anyThe committee in charge or ortheir winning streak to three straight. players being made this week. Tebbs free, and he hit for six points. For the balance of the game thing new. Bantam Basketball gets under-Th- e ganization and preparation, has Of course, Tooele has other ideas, and while their past record Johnsen instructed Tate to stick to Tebbs and forgot the sagging. fans will have something special to watch this Friday, as way with opening ceremonies set been Max McBeth, director, Lt. isnt too impressive, there isnt a Buff on the squad who doesnt Tate followed instructions to the letter and Mr. Tebbs was shut Tate and Jensen believe that victory number one will come this .week, at the excarry out their special assignments, and for our for 3:00 p.m. Saturday, 9 January Elwin Elkington, Lt. Dan Smith, out for the final three quarters, as Tate only permitted Tebbs to dough, a real good personal dual is much more thrilling than just at the National Guard Armory. and Angelo Cerroni. Dan Gillespie . pense of Granger. see the basket during the time outs. Four teams, sponsored by Me is the head referee. Coach Clarke Johnson plans to change from the sagging zone watching the scoreboard. After the opening ceremonies, Tooele's chances for a win, hinge on how well Tate and Jensen Farland Hulhngcr, LaVar Tate, defense .and this defense, he used against Jordan, to a TEEPLES AND JENSEN handle Nelson and Teeples, and these individual battles should the National Guard, and a com- play will get underway, with Tod posses a couple of very interesting duals. bination of the Kirk Hotel, Chris- vs Tates, and at 4:30, McFarland Still vivid in Johnsons memory, is the nine straight points that Terry Teeples, the other half of Grangers high scoring duo is be worth the price of admission. The JV squads open hostilities at 6:30 with the 111am event slated tensen Griffith Construction and Hulhngcr vs Guard. Nelson scored, last year, to break the backs of Tooele, and knock a shooting devil, capable of hitting consistently from any place on There is no charge for admitthe floor and being especially deadly, from outside. A zone defense for 8 p m. First Security Bank, are particitiie White Buffaloes out of the running for a tourney berth. tance, and the public is invited to pating. McFarland Hullinger team is watch the games. League play 6:30 p.m. Jr. Varsity - 8 p.m. Varsity being coached by Maynard Jen- is scheduled through the second in February, with the winni, week sen, LaVar Tate's by Angelo si 00 Adults - 50c Visiting Students National Guard by Mac and ing team entering the state tourwith Cards Wayne Dow, and The fourth team nament iu Salt Lake City. . Mublc Frazier Dies; Riles Fri. Plate Dates Mary Christine Nelson Funeral Held For Infant Daughter Gentry Family Leaves Tliurs. For New York -- y Jt r Meet Tate-Jense- n in Buff Granger Go Fri Tepples-Nelso- n - 77-6- 62-5- Ran lam Basketball Starts Saturday Beet-digge- two-som- man-to-ma- n 1st League Game t ,n naay Cer-ron- |