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Show The Tooele Transcript Friday. October fP 11, 1957 rw f; ?" -- v s i - r (jz f ;7 H - 7-- r!Ci jr r Monday 7:33 Ai Grantsville ' nJ Jran M.liir, who (uumy - r - Dugway Scientist Wins Cash Award For Technical Paper jaM bet n aiiUi.imtd Hut Gieen.'itld, x, ui at Ihigway Piovmg t, round am a lau award for a xiuntifu he j. u c.iej at the nation's ji.ijx-It ij Mr S llatxty r f.tvt Army-wideic r at kt.t J on uf the dale ,U' Si .em e Ni ( mfei koik handled i .ent- iid.iv fHtobcr If IS lit the for me Pa 'ent leathers meeting day conlefeine held last June at Gtanlxv ille Ihe nieting is sf ht d.ilej to fie Mr (irtent.tid delivered a aKr An Atmo.iliei If He.,! gm at 7 10 and will lie held M ,XJ vc jikI PTA To Meet T3? ir-m- rxaU- tn i us Aii4 i , ; u ntl.vr in liMi't- - mM i k a: In .ill hi ;!if i : t r i in t.ilu- - li !k v Mill Ik l.u.il i.f hi jm nii Mr a'nj Mil J.nk M ' i : C't Xi fs 1,rd novr ron nrrR punt, W PtoOieni " . (ireeef eld, horn in Nrw An irteirsimg has hv ed lit I lo'idu has evening V? life airangtd He attended Itah all luntitx aie utged to Ik in muih in'. Su,k Agrirul.ural 0.11. ge und fe atteuda-uIV.n I d' sjmllK-r,n 'ath. ,!,S stru. tor in the new dmrr train-ukr111 ,'1 hi I'M, Bngham claw, w.ll give an explanation kl bun an ""1K Tmvcrv.ty gta.i-eof the program MS and, p drive for the PTA phvnx He is an at live will get underway on Monday. Iht I'hsMi N.fiuHu! Sm Mly, Tht? RfM'auh JSITS IN CrvrrRXULI nty of Anicrit j, Mrs Net Anderson is visiting in ,h ,l'uh Academy of Stieme, Anu,llan Mj,h "uhal Centerville with her daughter. 8nJ Amos wit. Mrs I arl hnders and family. Mr Ciftrnfuld jomrd the scirn' j ,n the h gh s.hiMit aw.l toruim and in ormat.ve l..-e- n lfjnslerrrme .... Mf. d," Of intt-relo o many. re the memone thii picture of the People Trad.ng Slore bung Some of the folks in the picture are long gone, and some are still very much in evidence. Heading from left to right ure William Green, astride the horse, Ted Green, leaning on the old hitching post, next is our presrnt Mayor, Sterling Anderson, then Tho .) ma-m- mas Williams (GrandatkJy Williams as he vas affectionately called.) with Peanuts, his dog. In the doorway, and not too plain to see. is K. Soelberg, mgr. of the store. The Win, lady rlerks are Zina A. Goddard and Annie J. Williams, tsith Henry Jefferies nest. Ihe man by the tree is William Boxer and the one on the horse is Robert Crumb. tlllC in is a charming city with a very U KD ((AtTRl NCF definite Old World Trench inThe Grantsville Second kard is .w,w th"f iA lhe. Colonel Robert T. Stoever, post commander of Dugway Proou fluence, wluch we found delightrhM(S Duisum He am! ving Ground, presents an award to Mr. Harvey S. Green-fiel- d planning (heir ward conference on ui lu l,,n Mj,a , ful. Ihe entire eastern part ofj . I. 13 in connection with for a m lent if c pater he presented at the Army wide Mark Lee Higley Canada, particularly the Pro. i nee logan, now res.de at M3 Sacrament Meeting Ct nference. Stienrp of Quebec, is more I rench than' I'outth Avenue, IHigway. Mark I.rc lligley, who relebrat- j An earlier award of JVX) was IMPROVING .English and the further east one' ed his 1st anniversary on Sept. 2C the more dominant he llMf G. Willi. made to Tank of in goes Dug man , the handw)me way for his oulstandirg scientific for o Mr- and Mrs Wallace H g ; Points PKaRe, come. r and television , v- .. r . an ... paper, which w ! startons. j AdegUOtO Trench the Mine conferente. newspapers. Sude I aslener Corp. and were Trench rood s.gns, French schools and elk hunting is a very! Dsr and universities. We visited Mcionated to watch them manufac- - mu' h hoked forward to sport by' t nd assemble rippers, k ,Gi!l University in Montreal to ure mmy thousands cf enthusiastic f lhe Fabrik Feather hunti rs. however, wt'nl jls0 us the of pcvssibilities jinvestigate going tnlo tin A r n mg it as a place to hold a summer Corp. and were amazed at the h,g, a5d rugged mountains of our, school for our BYU Trench stud- nt Fair crop of alfalfa set-plastic ginxis: floor coverings. stat, . m hr,.s am on ftsu should this ents. Wc also called at Laval Um- - wa!l coverings, upholstery mater- - be done with hut one thought fore year, f.0 pe r cent harvested. No Hawaii, where he had been with by way of gjj, Clly sund.,y. Insect damage he Armed f orces He plans to , Jversity irf Quebec, one of the great' als. imitating rugs, leather, pamo-- t in mind and that thought is. frost damage ere they stopjved at Shriner i ' Trench Universities in the world. (P1 and c,0!hwhere no spraying whs done. Sire enlist m the near future. Children's Hospital to i"Safety First and Carefulm-ss.- , Cupph-N 0lir return from New York ;very precaution should be taken of egg laying flcnks abiut the tin Quebec, Trench is spoken as a Kis.t Christine Dotson, who is un- umversi-jamj at several WT I KIM) GUI ST ahove all, no unnecessary same as HIM Replacements will jder peatment there. The Dotsons Jfirst" language with English the''' slopped where former BYU .tudents chances, both with yourself and be aboul 90 cent of last year.) Guests at the home of Mr. and are parents of Mrs. Wilson and loneue. Ihe fort still '"acquired jvr stands where Montcalm and Wolfe ar dong graduate work in Mod- - wjb your horse. This fact can be Honey production slightly undcrMrs. Charles Woods over the week her sister. Gloria, is attending evidenced by the very unfortunate last year. GooJ flow in late sum- - end wire thiir cousins, Mr. and USU branch college at Cedar foughf. ending French political ,ern The ride over the Rockies from which happened to Mis.jmer; poor flow in early summer, Mrs. Gerald Clancey and child-'i- . power in Canada. From Montreal east, the high- - r,relv; Colorado o Provo at this Mary Ha Hinders on a recent elk n time of " ear description, hunt on Mount Meho. While in way is built on the bank of fh ar k'aves ? and turnin forjconlpjny wllb ber husband and Lawrence River and aroinde ar unrc mls friends from Centerville last Sat- iWi mntGaspe Peninsula for a aulumn colors, ome sordav, the men wounded an elk a nee of about 1,000 miles. Thc'ro seem to glow in the whnh nude its way to'the bottom This picture was taken at the recent Grantsville First Ward roads are good, running along 'hels,ro.n was a ove,y nt,inS 10 of a canvon which could not be Senior Aaromc Banquet held on the lawn when the weather river at the base of cliffs for,sun was a we bit warmer. on horseback. The men miles and miles. The villages are'8 PrHtahle and very pleasantjr(.ai-betook off on foot after the elk while a ridg" for several miles afford-.- ! mostly fishing bases. Roads were ,np' ' "V lr Sun-lav- 0 j I j Need - r-- Safetylst I r 4 - re-L- ,e . sk yO' Wt J,s.-,f,v- e ,t' Vacationers Give Account Of Recent Trip To Canada of the state's looked dry aridaltow'ing aong the coast of France' George Matthews and Kerry s'J'nS ?aveanc ayn und,l; slruR" interesting account of a re the effects of the summer - long ronrl whence came the ancestor neth Johnson on Friday, Oct. ll;jneat" ,s cent trip taken by Mr. and Mrs Idrouth: stunted corn, short hay of Ih present inhabitants. We saw t0 Lo,s Sandberg, Gene B. Miller,10 ,0 rtPa,n 8 footho,d- Mfs. I lin- was ,hrown abou, SIX acres of cod fish, laid out on Richard parkms0n. Frnie J. Reuben Clark. III. written foi 'and thin cattle. s rs- Flindeis was s us by Mr. Clark: The bridge, almost completed, 'rocks to dry, much like the and George Henry Green oni'0 I1e Kround enough to save herself s We were away lor four weeks! that will link Northern and sd dry corn and appies Saturday. Oct. 12; to Kent on personal and Umvrctty busi-.trony difference being thc90n on Sunday, Oct. 13; and lo,v, across Mackinaw Michigan 0aLcum ness in Canada and New York Sirails (between Lake Michigan, smcll. Harold Green on Tuesday. Oct. 15. te scenery for practically the Happy wedding anniversary to We drove the northern route thru and Lake Huron) is so big it looks North Dakota and upper Minne-jmorlike a model when seen from(entire distance is almost breath Mr and rs gam Worthington taking and the fishing, we wrere on October 15. sola. Wisconsin and Michigan into the Ferryboat. two Canada. There is no more beauti- - Crossing into Ontario, Canada told, is out of this world in a couple ful mountain scenery ar.y place at Port Huron we went north to or three in the world than that seen on Algonquin Provincial Park. The f l0lirs12 from Yellowstone bears and deer are very tame.! Through the wooded hills of Highway Maine. New Hampshire, Massa- - fevers, some bad throats, some mmjn,am w,h the red jacket Park to Billings, Montana along the road begging food. The entire park is a chusetls and Connecticut we reach- - headaches, but everyone is agreed Pin atound needless to say, tn y Pass. It is as in ,ed New York. colorful of lakes and foresis. as mass and 'whatever form of it they have, it ere horrified and also needless anything spiring the were Ye!7 ,lankfu At- York ,n New we the visited I0, say of winds The road the Switzerland. js equally miserable. Canada. along Ottowa, capitol when they discovered I la was unhurt and safe. We are sorry about the loss of a good horse, but at the same time, very thankful 11a was unhurt. We sincerely hope that this at tide will serve as a warning to the many deer hunters soon to go into the mountains and if by this warning it will prevent a serious accident which fate may have in store for someone, we will indeed be grateful. Ken-jWJS- u An - Mat-.dcr- - P"e-ibew- Cen-,eer- peter-forruna- a ,c tran FREE FREE e , Ham Sandwiches - Punch - Balloons to the Kiddies over-standin- awe-in-f- YOU HELP YOURSELF --A- THIS ND COMMUNITY, TOO When you make a deposit at First Security Bank youre helping us to do a better job in the development of this community. a year BANK INTEREST Most of the money we loan here, you know, comes from deposits made right here in town ON SAVINGS by you and your neighbors and friends. PAID 6 EVERY - MONTHS V r i, ' QC33I133X? QStOB first Security Bonk of Utah, N.A. Membor Fodorol Dopotit Iniuranco Corporation FRIDAY anil SATURDAY FELLERS A New Food Freezer Plan FACTORY TO YOU Ad-Li-bs by Petroleum Peg If you seem to be continually buying stockings, or if that latest jpesky run has you exclaiming that stockings dont last the way they used to, it may be time for a lock at your stocking purchases. The oil industry, which provides the raw material for the nylon used in the more than 500 million pairs of stockings bought by American women last year, has a few pointers to help you stretch your stocking dollar. First, choose your stockings according to the way you use them 30 denier for service and an active life, 20 or 15 denier for evening or daytime dress wear, the wispy 10 or 12 deniers stri:ly for glamour. Then follow up correct selection with proper care: Wash new stockings before you use them, and then after each wearing, with mild soap and lukewarm water; dry them away from sunlight or radiator heat; watch out for snags; put on stockings, carefully, fitting them over toe and heel first, then unrolling themjV on the leg; check feet and shoes if stockings develop holes in the heels rub calluses away afte- - bathing, and repair shoe limngs il worn; finally, buy TWO pairs of stockings in the same shade, so youll still have a pair left after one stocking in each pair runs. The strength, wearing ability, and good looks of today's nylon stockings have been developed through years of study in holsiery and oil company laboratories. The oil company alone spends more than $160 million a year in developing and improving products for quality-conscioAmericans. A new punch-car- d form of Series E U. S. Savings Bonds, issued beginning October, 1957, will enable the Treasury Department to save around $500,000 a year in printing costs alone. ANNOUNCES World Famous Manitowoc Freezer PACKER TO YOU All Your Meat Items SPECIAL THIS WEEK UNLY EIGHTEEN FOOT UPRIGHT FREEZER Va GRAIN FED BEEF PROCESSED Vi GRAIN FED PORK PROCESSED .95 Total Price Only $ Financed At $44.75 DownSG.O? Per Week LET US HELP YOU SAVE UP TO 60 ON YOUR FOOD BILL DEER HUNTERS ATTENTION Feller's will skin - wash clean - cut - wrap & Freeze your deer Also Sugar Curing and Smoking Venison 729 North Main St. Tooele i |