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Show T mm Volume Sixty Three Formerly Transcript-Bulleti- Toeele, Utah, Friday, July n 19, 1957 Number Five Three Killed, and Four are Freak Accident Great Salt Lake Race Sat. (Burns Man and Crash Auto Critical in In World's Most Unique iTruckat St.John olj Near Timpie Wednesday rou. Farm Safety J sen worn out equipment if it doesn't even is dj.'ig turn a wheel, as evidenced by an iretdent near St John Tuesday about 5pm Clarence Iledlund, of Salt lake Ciiy. was tearing down an old (tractor and using a cuitmg torch in the wrecking pnwess An explosion cncurred j 'caused second degree burns osr o.ir',K! body "j Mr, iledlund and set j I ; ' 1hrre are dead at the Tate shild tuary and three fatherlr ren and a widowed mother lie, ritually hurt at the Twirle Hospital as the result of j vid n collision I p to!h mar Tlnile, r" mile aThunees of and Shenff l l e?t? SfnpHon iMlJStl 1011 UlUWlUU j(24th of July "' Celebration Gillette! fvty Jlh P.,k.nrlghway f ' '' wnd Jre Day Celebration is un-1Stockton for the 24.h moned to the scene of the Impact Julv. beginning with a parade at 10 a m. Anyone ts welcome to take by a phone call from a motorist Prize will be given 57 for is ho passed the scene of the tragic part, winner of Ihe large Boats. 55 for accident. winner of miniature floats 51 for It was found on arrival of the bicycles and horses. officers and the ambulance that A program and concessions will Mr. and Mrs. Fdwsrd K. Roberts, be held at the new church building of Salt Lake City, and formerly aite on the north end of town of Tooele, had been killed outright Prizes will he given to the oldest by the impact of the two cars person present, to the youngest In the ocher car were Mr. and (mother, and also the largest fam-- ! !Mrs Edwin Dale Bcnnison and ilv. three daughters, ages 12, nine and There will be ride. games and Tour. Mr. Bennison, age 55, was coniesis with prizes and fun for ev'also killed outright and the four ery one. Proceeds from this pother members of the family will go to the new church build-- j were very critically injured. , Sml: Neil B Ln J A Pionc-r- r K.umy Nelson, Sr.; President Barrus and J. Rc-of fun and enterKirk, Sr. A day, chuck-ful- l tainment is planned for everyone. Proceeds will go to the new proposed stake and ward -- center. I i V IW locrnalional ton and July .arc. h'ch b'0uKh ToorUf C,n,y fiT equipment to the acene K'ng Mr Iledlund waa brought to Tooele by a passing motorist for medual aid The field fire was controlled after it had covered about an acre and a half of ground. - to insure an enterChecking over detail taining Pioneer Day Celebration here next Wednesday is President O.T. Barr us and his committee, in charge of the day' event. L to R Bert Weight. Chairman; George E. Week set July 21 to 27 ) J "Rain or shine, the Great Salt Antelope Island to Saltair swimming race Saturday will go off as scheduled." Leigh Pratt, meet director, said today. This year will mark the second renewal of the race, which is one of the most unique in the world. Great Salt lake Is 27 per cent salt, making it extremely difficult to swim through and extremely painful to the eyes and mouth. course to be "followed" i's about five miles ,n length, but (0 ,hc wmmer moh, endurance. Last year's winner, Jerry Chadwick and runner-up- , Toshio Imai, along with John Bryan, all from Tooele, will be strong favorites to garner top spots In (his year' rare. According to Pratt, swimmers will meet at 12,30 at the Salt Lake County Boat Harbor and will leave at I pm. for Antelope Island. The race should finish between 4 and 5 pm. depending on the weather. Anyone who is interested should at Salt,r ,0 root local youths in. A banquet will be given for contestants and officials by Saltair after the race. A trophy will be given to the first place winner, and medals to second and third. Lake 21 to 27 is farm Safety "f J' ,hc place ,he The harm Safety Council reminds the farmers that electricity is now one of the best and the cheapest workers on the farm, but there are some must to keep in mind safety-wise- . under or near Moving object power lines, particularly if they are metal or have metal parts, always present a potential hazard and have cost lives. Some simple precautions remove all of the danger. First of all. THINK. More fatal accidents hap- didn't because someone pen think than any one contributing factor. Dugway Gives $1,900 in Army Project Paydirt' With 5'siTO presented today, over 5IW0 in special awards has now been given to 13 Dugway civilian woikers within the three weeks in conjunction with the Ar- re Your Power Company wants to be sure you protect your life when Investigating officers found that you are moving large objects, Irs. Bennison was driving the one such as derricks or buildings near . . car and that Mr. Roberts was the or under electric power lines, and 'driver of the other, and according! WO my's incentive and suggestion aw- urges you to k for their assistto the officers, the Roberts auto ard program. Mondays four win- ance in these cases. went over the center line and was ners were John Crossrn. 5100; Verona D. McCormick and Clarence responsible for the impact. Carol Jean Tate, age eight. M Kofiel. $200 each, and Maureen Mr. and Mrs. Roberts were traof Elmer Tate, was pain- - W. Gore, 5100. These awards are must plan their work. too. Thcre-full- y foldaughter Salt Lake towards City veling in a fall from her part of Dug injured ay's contribution to fore, as you make your farm All-St- ar lowing a vacation on the West j"Project Paydirt." which is spot- - plans, you know in advance that Coast and the Bennison family was bicycle Wednesday night. d 'traveling west to their home at Debbie Lou Day, age three, wajigliting incentive and suggestion moving day is coming up. so in a bicycle accident at army installationssult with your Power Company at The Babe Ruth League had its Novato. California, after a vacation in the East. Mr. and Mrs. nesday afternoon. She is the 'throughout the world during July least two davi before the intend- - annual meeting of managers from teams to pick the Roberts were formerly residents daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Incentive awards are given to ed move so that a representative ,l'e civilian employees who have done can be sure to be on hand to as- who have qualified to make up of Tooele and Mr. Roberts was.V-managetreated at the Tooele outstanding work over an extend- sist and perhaps save your life. the team to take to the National of the Edgcmount Hous- Watch that water pipe! It is me- - Tournament in Reno August 8 to Hospital and released to ed period of time, while suggestion i ing Project when it was still own- awards are presented to employee tal and long. To be safe, carry 11. 1957. The following boys are ed by Federal Housing. He wasitclr homes. making specific suggestions for im- - it in a horizontal position. If you the lucky group: Barry Thomas, age 63 and Mrs. Roberts, age 61. James Jensen. Lanny Duclos, Geo. It, think. Keep it At the Tooele Valley Hospital.' proving some phase of operating must rOITl from electric wires even the Lopez, Mike Outcn, Richard the mother and her three daught-ij- j They can include inven-jaGlen Caldwell, Ronald Powers were listed as critical Thurs ting new tools, finding new ways low voltage one around the farm. i j Capt. Llwood L. Phinney, 31. of using tools, increasing office Drilling rigs and well pipe are ell, Dan Gillespie, Karl Christenday, but slightly improved. of Mrs. Delia McCants, 224 efficiency, or any other way of long metal piece that sometimes sen, Tommy Tate, Ray Klonda, Mrs. Bennison has fractured If you dont succeed at first, try, try again and U 36 join, to direct traffic through Tooare allowed to touch electric wire Jaren Vowlca, Russell Rimington, fractured left upper arm. South Sixth St., Tooele, recently (making improvements ribs, Lionel W. Olsen (loft) President of the Tooele ele. The last C of C sign placed at this interwas graduated from. Ihe military. More awards will be given put Keep Ihem at a good, safe distance and Jack While. Alternates picked fracture compound nghr Commerce and Wayne section was blown to bits by dynamite. The County Chamber-o- f cuts and lacerations and police officer advanced course at to at least two employees durirg of at least three feet away from were Douglas Smith and Gary Me Olsen and John L. Brown (right) look over C of C is preparing another sign to place Cluskey. Practice starts July 25, the Provost Marshal General's each of the two remaining weeks any current-carryinwire. shock. on Highway 91 near Meadow to entice travel the new sign which the C of C will install School. Fort Gordon, GA. in July, and all Dugway personnel knows that motors ar- Ball Park. All boys are asked to Everyone Pat Bennison, age 12, has frac shortly at Tintic Junction where Highway 6 through Delta and Tooele to Salt Lake City. The course trained him in the are eligible to receive them. All ound pumps and water should have come in uniform as pictures will tured right and left thigh, frac- duties and responsibilities of a employees are being urged to sub- a connection, be taken. The plans for the Beneground tured both bones left forearm, cuts field grade military police officer. mit suggestions during the month, (hat good is tied in with the grounding fit Dance to be held August 3 at and bruises, and shock. A former student at the Univer- so that they may reap the bene- system of the house or farm elec- the Smeltermcns Lodge are all tric service. Are your farm motor completed, and (he advance ticket Peggy Bennison, age nine, has sity of Utah. Captain Phinney en- fits of "Project Paydirt." Although the special emphasis frames well grounded1 Check them sale promises a large crowd at major scalp laceration, fracture tered the Army in August, 1943 and left lower leg, shock, cuts and has since been awarded the Bronze is being placed on this month, today; this is Farm Safety Week the very worthwhile event. All proceeds will go to send this team, these awards are constantly being protect your own life. bruises, dislocated bone in foot. Star Medal. His wife, Alecn, lives in Augusta. given out. at any time that a Debbie Bennison, age four, seAt the same time check up on to the tournament; get your tickvere concussion, cuts and bruises. Georgia. worthy suggestion is submitted or the ground connection on the tele- ets from any player, manager or Due (o the Pioneer Day CeleGus Karabats and a worker deemed deserving of an vision aerial which on some farms bration July 24th. the Tooele Bulincentive award. The purpose of is very high. It, too. will be safe Keith Dvmock. letin will be published a day early EonDiS-CIarkSc0U- l "Project Paydirt" is to create ev- if the ground is tied in with the July 24th sports program has en greater enthusiasm among both home electric service ground. been announced for Tooele to next week. The day long 24th of July Celestart at the Tooele City Park at Advertising copyin for Mondays bration in tribute to the Pioneers jPm-jgj-Qmilitary and civilian personnel for Since extension cords are often our office by this award program. 1:30 p.m. by the sports committee paper should be is being sponsored by the Tooele needed, it is wise to have one or noon Deadline for news Stake under Previous Dugway winners this two good special cords for this direction of O.T. BarWord has been, received of the consisting of Mr. and Mrs. N. will beSaturday. at 11 a.m. Monday month include William G. Tank. purpose. By good cords, we mean Howard Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Don President. death of Mrs. Clara Sorenson' Inasmuch as the paper office rus, C. Shields. Mr. and Mrs. Robert 5500; Douglas Grant Boyle, Char- those that have rubber covering mother Mendon, Utah, Longstroth, will be closed all day Wednesday General chairman of the days Boy Scout Troop 156, Tooele Ord ley W. Busted, and Gerald R. Por- for use around damp or moist Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Mun-ro- , of Mrs. Clarke Johnsen, 307 South nance Depot, will present Uncle ter, $200 each; C. Eugene Colvin, spots with insulation that is sound and Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Back. for the 24th Celebration, advertis- events is Bishop Bert Weight and 360 West. are Bishop George Roscocs TV Party on Saturday $35, Gerald H. Johnson, Howard and with end connections that are There will be events for all, both ing copy for Friday's Tooele TranCedar Valley Ward at Cedar Ft. should be in by Tuesday Nelson and Rex Kirk. afternoon at 4 p.m. and George R. Hansen, Joseph N. Snyder and firm. It is always wise to avoid Mrs. Longstroth died young and old, and the various script is planning a gala celebration for renoon. for will news Deadline attractions arc announced as folmorning at 4 a.m. after a Pitts and his "Highlights of Va Thomas J. Riding 55 each. standing in water or on moist Pioneer Day, July 24th. There will be a full day of main, as always, 11 a.m. Thursillness. Surviving are her riety on Saturday evening, July lows: lingering and then touching any pieground The festivities are scheduled to concesincluding numerous day morning. husband, William G. Longstroth, 20, 1957 at 8 p.m. Uncle Roscoe Races: 1:30 p.m. ces of electrical equipment. Keep begin at 9:30 p.m. with a parade Little League ball game two sions, g sons, William Jr., Mendon and will be with the evening show, too. 1. Five year old girls in mind, too. that wet hands com- after which a and races and a colorful parade Alton, program will be givThese two high class TV and Five 2. Five year old boys daughtUtah; Ogden, ing in contact, even to turn a en at the ward recreation hall. at 6 p.m. with prizes for the best ers. Mrs. Rex 3. Six year old girls (Phillis) Wintle; lyceum circuit shows are being switch on and off, can give you a Games for the children will befloats, followed by a variety show Mrs. Ervin The Educational Committee of shock. 4. Six year old boys (Sue) Bowcutt, Mrs. brought to the TOD gym by Troop at 1 p.m. and high light of with outstanding acts, to be held Emerson Mrs. Mae Biggs, while on a va the Utah Federation of Women's Extension cords should be con- gin 5. Seven year old girls (Mary) Smith, Ogden; 156 of TOD and DDA for the the days festivities will be the the rodeo grounds. at Clarke (Elaine) Johnsen, Ijoyment of the general public and Clubs have completed plans for a sidered a temporary connection, cation trip with her family last 6. Seven year old boys rodeo which will begin at 5:30 p.m., week through the Utah Parks, 7. Eight year old girls There will be trampling acts, Tooele and Mrs. Carl (Gloria) to raise funds for the troop sum- - leadership institute to be held for and should not be left as a perm at the new rodeo grounds. Danc,, 8. Eight year old boys happened to step on a large rock magician performance and out- Kuncz, Rapid City, South Dakota; mcr camp. The gym is air con- all Women's Club members and anent method of providing service ing will conclude the days fun. four brothers, Frank Sorenson, Lo- ditioned with refrigeration, so why guests at the University of Utah for pumps, motors, and other uses in Zion National Park which 9. Nine year old girls standing musical talent. An invitation is extended everythrew her, causing her to have the 10. Nine year old boys gan; Claud, Mendon, Arm, Malad, not spend a cool summer after- Union Building on July 30 and 31, either on the farm or in the home. one to attend. dancIn be the evening there will Idaho; Chauncey. Ogden; two sis- noon and evening at Tod Park en- according to announcement misfortune to break her foot. They 11. Ten year old girls by Begin now and make every week bound at the ing to I. D. Birds music, at the ters, Mrs. Vance Walker, Mendon joying the show? Admission is by Mrs. John D. Long, President of a safe week on the farm.. were home-war12. Ten year old boys the Central District. 13. Eleven year old girls time and soon had the foot attend- North Tooele Stake recreation hall and Mrs. Andrew Cooley, Salt donation to the Troop. Lake City. Also sixteen granded to. It is in Those women interested arc cast and Mrs. and on the patio. M. Eleven year old boys The Bishop and the Relief So- children and one great grandchild. UNDERGOES SURGERY asked to contact Mrs. Long. Mrs. 15. Twelve year old girls Biggs is recuperating satisfactorFuneral services will be held at Russell Hughes underwent sur Roland Buys, or Mrs. Chileon Hal- ciety president of each ward will 16. Twelve year old boys ily at her home. . in of a be concession at y one oclock on Saturday in Men- gory at LDS Hospital in Salt lake liday for details and program e Teen-ag17. charge Balloon Race (All the park. line for the two day event. don, Utah. Wednesday. girls) 18. Sack Race (All hoys 13 and , i ,. i OI LOCOJ. 14 years of age bring your own T Funeral services were held Wedsack.) 19. Wheel barrow race (All boys nesday July 17 in the Butler Ward Funeral services were held Sat15 to 19 years of age) chapel in Salt Lake City for Stanurday for Frank Lougy in the No. 20. Rolling pin throwing contest ley Duffiti, father of Mrs. George Tooele Stake Tabernacle under di(For all married women) Ladies, E. Nelson, Jr. of this city. rection of Bishop C.A. Groscost of here is your chance to even the Mr., Duffin died very unexpectthe Second Ward. Arrived At seorc wiih hubby. We furnish the edly July 14 from heart failure. was givthe at Mortuary Prayer Tooele in He an his He died w'as Valley Hospital sleep. rolling pins! en bv C. Lester Shields and Magactive member of the LDS Church 21. Fat .Man's Race Whitohousc the gie played prelude Justin A. and Sarah Ann Lewis Any man may enter this race and was President of the Duffin and postludc music. if he weighs in at 200 pounds or Aluminum Products, Incorp. Stockton, daughter, July 17 Kerr, A quartet composed of Edward better. Each and every particiSurviving are his widow, HarMedical AnBcvan Nelson, Frank Stephens. pant will be weighed in just before riet Taylor Duffin. three daughtCarolyn Hall, Tooele derson and Kenneth Shields sang race time. Mon, here is a real op- ers, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Merlin NelArlene Meyers. Tooele Need an "I as number, opening portunity, cat all you want, when son, Mrs. Kenneth Baird of Salt David Crawford, Tooele acHour. were Thee Every They Kent T. son. Lake and a Duffin, you want, and win a prize. companied by Mrs. Norma Mar- Accident The prizes for each of these ev- Kearns. . Beatrice ennison, Pecco Vista, shall. Too-1 the from $1 for lie funeral first will ents place, Attending California Ncvatto, invocation Leo the Rigby gac 50 cents for second place and 25 clc were Mr. and Mrs. Don Kirk,1 California ! I Pal GilBennison, C. were and Perry speakers Mrs. George F. Nelson, Sr. and cents for third place. Debbie Bennison, California W. Bryan. Mrs. lette and Carver Sheldon ball and Mr. Grav. Mrs. A special "little League Wbilrhousc played an organ medPeggy Bennison, California game will begin at 3 pm. Details E'.rb the Kelly Johnson. Tooele offered and Johnson ley HOME FROM RLNO on tins game will appear in a later Carol Wilson, Tooele benediction. uReno. Ann Mrs Nevada, Barnes, 'issue of this paper. Anona Steck, Tooele Interment was in the City Cemis visiting with her sister and brotherNOTRE dediwas the where Surgery grave etery Mr. and Mrs. Bert All Tooele Baibrr simps will rc -in-law, Wilford Smith, Tooele cated bv Daniel McThie. rum open on Monday. July 22 A. Soccol. She arnved last Sat-anKathy Ann Smith. Tooele Centre Singers, an outstanding chorus, will appear on the will close for Fiotiecr Daviurday and plans to return home gym on Saturday, July 20 at 8 p.m. under sponsorship of Norman L. Painter, Stockton MARRIAGE LICENSE Tilts varietv this 156. Tod show, Scout at the Tark 24th. being presented George Boy coming Saturday. Wednesday, Julv Troop Richard L. Johnson, son of Mr. ISSUED AT TOOELE Mrs. Ova L. Johnson, Tooele and 20 Tod Troop 156 Donation July Building 1004 Lake Norman Howard Leslie 20, Garrard, Painter, son of Mr. and TV-par10 cents 75c Toint. and 35 cents ty Janet Lucille Johnson. Mrs. Jack Painter, Stockton 4 tainu liaiid. Tod Lark If, LLxLlcn. -- Pu lat am in mm m Injured Jjj Bike Accidents i a-- Babe Ruth Ball League Picks Team j Wed-awa- rds s f? r v"y - II fi U L 're Graduates up-en- Bca-cha- y p j thigh,-numerou- s g July 24th Sports Tooele Bulletin Exciting Events To be published Covers Program Planned for Many Eveots Early next week Pioneer Day Tr0Pt0 j qJ Moildon Big Celebration For July 24th At Cedar Fort Bring TV Show to TOD esti-viti- Leadership Institute Planned by Utah Mrs. Mae Biggs Suffers Broken Foot Women's Clubs d 'a , out-Cit- Last Rites held for Qtner at Last Rites held laay Saturday lor Frank Lougy Jusf Ay t, d Uncle Roscoe ll Satorday Q pun. for Children Geo. Pitts HigMiglits of Variety Q 8 p.m. for Adults r- - fd s. vf r V, It 4 , V i' |