Show rO GE No o metal m lal quotations Friday A of ot Utah Ulah and copper bullion reached the tho samplers today tolay Fred Dan 1 rn nail bride are arc expected to I return from Crom rout their California I early next wo treek k I Time Tho Lenten III servIces s nt at tho the Mitt lIn lag Ing t rooms today were con comm ducted by b Morris trIte from tho the Utah Copper trill mill nt at are uro Ing lag towards tho timO local markets m rk u Ocono Gum tho time ore r of at tho time American com coui departed for tor or Ouden and Idaho today Ha vend Macbeth who Is IR now In tIm tha hn city ell from froum Custer Ouster lila Ida III 1111 been advised of ot tho time strike of ot a n new noV buy body of ot ore oro In Inthe Inthe the time Lost mitt tim vein oln showing show InK InKa a it width c et cC ten feet A Alar mr of ot ore oro front from time tho Mammoth nine mime o of reached the hers lers ted fod fodA tedA t A car of at oro am Is 18 being Ioa nl til nl nt Stock Block Blockton Stockton ton today buoy ft out the t Oh ault Mimi 1111 Ing rl 0 O D B Turner manager r n o ol tho the est e t Quincy mine nt itt ll y yes eS eH front from n a brief tilt to te t anti and departed today for tor Scotland In tho Interest of at the tho corporation under his direction Mrs Ir Turner ruttier accompanied him Ole Larson nt of ot the time Log trine near 11 Is hI In Inthe inthe the city and news nw of ot a 1 most encouraging nature naturu from that proper property ty I Tho The ledges tire are followed tho the theore oro ore from which will average ILver ge ho hm states nil all of ot n a 1 ton tonIt tonII It II A Marr a 11 mining engineer for tor or connected with tho staff of f Capt I nt mit but bitt who In Is new In itt has hns evidently formed tormod a 1 very vory good nood opinion of that camp Ho lIe says will tIli bo be tho titO camp C ml for tor tho the next two or three cor rind nOd cun c stop ti It IU I STOCK KANSAS CITY Kansas City CIt April l 1000 toady Native Natle steers native cow colt and heifers helfers JOO OO i stockers and j Ot J hulls calves western wc steers western cows cons S 10 Steady Hulk Bulk of or sole r heavy 5 piss anti nOli lights I 1000 Steady Mut lItt Mutton ton tonj lambs range t OO ewes OMAHA OMAH South Houth April Ite c 1700 market steady to strong n Uvo 10 steers IGi cows and helf tj d lO canners GH stockers l and feeders 00 calves hulls hull stags etc 40 HOM s l 1000 market tc Sc high IT r h A IO mixed 1000 I market strong ewes eWI common and stockers stockern lambs lambl Chicago April A pHI 1800 1600 steady Texans good to prime Prune steers 5 jUO poor noor to medium 52 stockers and feeders 2750 cows heifers canners bulls calves cales 2008 50 Texas Te ns fed Ced OO I today tomor Lamar tomorrow tomorrow row ron 6 to lOc lac higher mixed anti and butchers 5 good to choice heavy heay rough rou h heavy heny light bulk of sales sale Sheep sheep and anti lambs lamb steady good to choice fair to choice mixed western wc tern sheep native lambs western lambs I 4 t WOOL STOOL St Louis Lottis April territory an western mediums medium |