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Show Wednesday, December 29, 1999 of a FacMosa Msats di? d womesa .,Tip with shoulder pads. Target Area: Legs Tips: Cuffiess pants women are getting fully fashionable. Retail experts offer several tips women can use to find the outfits that suit them: Target Area: Waistline Tips: Solid, monochromatic colors can make the waistline appear smaller; tailored separates can enhance the overall silhouette and stretch skirts compliment the waistline. d cus on cutting things out of their elongate the legs and help make mon to this jstyle prodes more the ankles appear slender. Contrary to popular belief, . toe room, helping to pre-- ex rts the best results ac- Options: Fluid, elastic-waicom from adding things tually pants; high heeled shoes and to routine. your daily stretch boots; lightweight pants. one with balance difficulty not to Put your feet on the street for wear these platforms. a half-hoof running, walking In contrast to the shoes popu- or or four days a three biking, lar in the 1950s and 1960s which week. to work or durWalking were bad for womens feet said lunch hour counts. Dr. Frey, many of todays styles ing your water and lots of it. Drink are sturdy and Water will help you drain your actually good for foot health. ' system of unwanted toxins that Results of the survey shows may keep the flab in your body. that at work, more than 42 per- Consume eight to 12 glasses of cent of thejwomen wear flats; water per day. more than 2p percent wear athletic shoes; more than 20 percent pumps; and less A survey of 1,031 working wear 2 percent wear high heels. than women found that the majority, The American Orthopaedic Foot especially younger women, are and Ankle Seattle, conwearing sensible shoes at work ducted thisSociety, survey of telephone now. If this trend continues, we outside work who women 1,031 expect that these women will the home to determine what have fewer foot problems in the Researchers at LDS Hospital shoes women choose to 21st century, said Carol Frey, types of are combining music with mediwere Not included work. wear at MD, a' member of the American to wear stan- cine in a new study that aims to women Academy of Orthopaedic Sur- dardizedrequired industrial shoes, such determine whether music or geons. on guided imagery can enhance More than 67 percent of work- as workboots or nurses shoes, the healing and reduce pain and job. ing women now wear flats, AOFAS anxiety for heart surgery paof Dr. is chair the Frey pumps or other comtients. fortable shoes on the job,' and Committee on Footwear and The new study, which began surof the Orthoses. thus are reducing their foot inthis Dr. month, compares the effects is Charise with Frey jury risk," reported Dr. Frey, in- - vey of music and guided imagery on suran MD, Dyal, orthopaedic ortho-He terim clinical professor of geon in private practice in New pain and anxiety for patients paedic surgery, UCLA, and York undergoing open heart surgery City. of the survey. Women LDS Hospital. Guided imagOrat of The American Academy who wear heels have the highinvolves a recording of a pernationa has ery Surgeons thopaedic est percentage of ingrown toeson with a soothing voice who al to education public campaign nails, bunions, neuromas and describes a scene thats pleasant foot the If prevent problems, calluses. and serene a solitary beach, for Wear It." Shoe Individual Fits, The steep incline of a or a quiet forest and three-inc- h heel places enormous copies of the brochure are avail- example, sendto able free the encourages the listener to visupublic by pressure on a womans forefoot a stamped alize being there. seven times that of the pressure ing The clinical trial is being con(business size) envelope to Wear ducted Box by researchers from the It, AAOS, RO. 1998, Des . Services Pain and Cardiovascu- IL 60017. , Plaines, well-cushione- d, Co-auth- or or self-address- (CaDmnmnniMty 'b -- published in this calendar, please submit it by 5 p.m. on Monday at our office at 96 South Main, Nephi or send to CommuP.O. Box 77, Nephi, Utah nity Calendar, The. fimes-New84648. No calendar events will be taken over the phone. s, December 30 Thpraday, So. Basketball Millard 5:15 at Friday, December 31 Community New Years eve celebration will be held in the 7th8th Grade Center in Nephi. 5:30 to 10:30 p.m. MST. 3 llonday, January Return to school 4 Tuesday, January Girls basketball. Juab at South Summit. January 5 Jonathan Lanier and Angela Rogers reception. 7 to 9 p.m., Springville Stake Center 1781 East 400 South, Springville. Boys basketball. Grantsville at Juab at Juab at Saturday, January 0 Juab at Bear River Diabetes affects nearly 16 mil- - with Type I diabetes, which people in the United States. ally develops during childhood or It attacks people of every age, adolescence, must take daily insex and racial background and sulin injections to stay alive. has been called the epidemic of Approximately 90 percent of our time by the Centers for Dis- people with diabetes have Type ease Control and Prevention. II, which usually occurs after age Each day 2,200 Americans are 45. Type II diabetes results when diagnosed with diabetes, which the body produces insulin, but its means 800,000 people will be di- cells are unable to efficiently use it. TVpe II diabetes may remain agnosed this year alone. The seventh leading cause of' .undiagnosed for years because death in this country, diabetes is the disease develops slowly. Peo-called a silent killer because its pie with diabetes have increased symptoms often do not appear in blood glucose or blood sugar, d which leads to the symptoms of its early stages. In fact, of all people with diabetes are diabetes such as thirst and an not even aware that they have , increased need to urinate. They the disease. By the time diagno- - , may also feel tired. Some people sis is made for Type II diabetes, may have an increased appetite. complications such as kidney and cardiovascular disease, and eye and nerve damage may already be present in some people. There are two main types of diabetes. Type I diabetes occurs when the body does not produce insulin, a hormone that is necessary for the bodys cells to be able to use blood sugar. People ! . , at Juab. Friday, January 14 Ends 2nd Quarter lar Services at LDS Hospital and will include 150 patients who will be enrolled into the study during the next year. The study is fundLDS ed an through Hospital-DeserFoundation research grant. Researchers say there is anecdotal data that shows music and guided imagery may help heart surgery patients, but this will be one of the first scientific studies to examine the effect on this group of surgical patients. Patients who undergo open heart surgery often experience the stressors of incisional pain and anxiety during their hospitalization, says Claudia Campbell, RN, LDS Hospitals Pain Services coordinator and the study's primary investigator. Standard medical management of these stressors often relies heavily on pain medications and et medications. y tions such as music and guided imagery may be effective in decreasing these stressors and, in conjunction with appropriate medical management, could be beneficial to the patient. The purpose of this study is to gauge their effectiveness in controlling pain and anxiety. Participants in the trial will be randomized into one of three groups: 1. Patients who listen to music of their choice. 2. Patients who listen to a recorded guided imagery session. 3. A control group of patients who won't use music or guided imagery. Randomized patients will listen to music or guided imagery once before surgery, continuously during surgery, and twice a non-lyric- al day after surgery. During surgery, patients anesthetic requirements, pain medication requirements, blood pressure, and heart rate will be monitored. Researchers will also monitor the participants daily for pain intensity, levels of anxiety, total milligrams of pain medications used, blood pressure, heart rate, and tolerance for cardiac rehabilitation activity. Patients will be encouraged to record their perceptions of whether the music or imagery was helpful during their hospital stay. We're really excited to see a study of this nature here at LDS Hospital, says Campbell. Ifa music or guided imagery is found to be beneficial to the patients in the study, well be able to use that information to expand the options available to all our patients who experience pain and anxiety during their hospital stay. f This Community Colon brought to you by tit. Ilcbo Thriftony end Dsn Pronldln CtsrOt yee that we have a wed Ozj rtztry S;ilzaz3 tt Cxa PrtrLOa that ea to crxd ct tOO.tr ttrj. U LI Cte? ct S3 Earth Hz. la ci cn Lots , '- Regsrt reception. 7 to 9 1781 East 400 South, Center Stake m., Springville p Springville. Excessive urination or thirst Constant hunger Fatigue Headache. Upset stomach Dry, itchy skin Fruity smell on breath. . Weight loss CARF-accredit- low-melti- Re-he- at r :v f praying and insert It bit of T70-fcto the lock may ' nelp move the Ice during this O ed LIDA monitoring blood sugar levels, logical thing is to get the vehicle blood pressure, quit-th- e lowering fine until washed; Everything is rooking, getting plenty of next morning when you find and following a exercise jour door, lock has frozen solid diet More impordaring the night AAA Utah receives many fro- - tantly, regularly visit your phyten door lock calls in winter and sician and diabetes educator. oCTers this advice to motorists 'i The cause of diabetes is unknown, but heredity and diet are who might have this problem: 1 First Warm the key with a believed to play a role in its deOther conditions lighter or candle flame. Remem- velopment. blood such as pressure and high use caution because many ber, to affect whether or not also obesity are made of aluminum or keys diabetes will occur. Other metals. ' Remember diabetes cannot Second, slowly insert the key in the lock and let the warmth be cured, but it can be controlled. According to Dr. Dasmahap-atra- , go into the mechanism. many people do not know the key and insert it several have TYp II diabetes bethey feel the lock ease times until you cause may not experience they up Next, gently turn the key. Do symptoms until they are in the hot exert undo pressure because more advanced stages of the di If yu notice any of the fol- you do not went ts bend the key. yroptoms.be sure to con- lf the key dsss not turn, reheat B OOO U cfU Hospital's Pain Management Center has received accreditation from the Commission for Accreda three-yea- r itation of Rehabilitation Facilities. The Center is the only pain management program in the Intermountain West. well-balanc- This Ucoho Wednesday, January G Jonathan Lanier and Angela great-lookin- Pain Center Its that time of year. The road salt splashes on. vehicles and causes damage to the paint The , M . g routine. Studies show resistance body Having a combination of intensity a muscular takes can increase training strength and endurance in men and intelligence. one-thir- Frocbn door loclio? A quick tip from AAArytah Thursday, January 6 Girls basketball. North Summitt . ideal weight. Recent studies whev-base- d protein drinks. You can cheat now and suggest that fiber keeps your body from absorbing excess then. If you dont allow yourself an occasional treat, you calories. Get strong. Add resistance or may not stay on track all the strength training to the fitness way to next summer. ' pm Friday, January 7 basketball. Juab North Summit your intake of carbohydrates and raising your intake of protein. Eat less bread, pasta, low-fa- interven- Understanding The silent biller ) per- cent Its never too late to start Maintain a healthy diet. Become leaner by lowering cereal and rice. Consume t Fit the fiber into your diet. more dairy products, Fiber can be highly effective skinless chicken, turkey in helping you to reach your breast, lean beef and anti-anxiet- The Times-New- s will publish a Community Calendar each week of events in our area'. Ifyou would like to have your event and women by at least 25 study at LDS Hospital investigates the question: Can music reduce surgical pain and anmety? low-heel- Spanish Fork, died Dec. 19, 1999.' is survived by his parents of Spanish Fork; grandparents, Ron and Beth Taylor of Nephi, and Vince and Lucille Pace of Richfield. Graveside services were held Dec. 23, 1999, in the Spanish Fork City Cemetery, under the direction of the Walker Mortuary, Spanish Fork. Eat more meals. If you make a big deal out of a big meal, try instead to prepare smaller meals, say six a day, to help keep you from becoming too hungry or too full. This mayshoot your metab- olism into overdrive and help fuel fat loss. New . Taylor, Wrestling. Boys Basketball. Richfield ur low-heel- i Boys fuw Survey shows high heels on decline Graveside services held December 23rd for infant Taylor Kaden Kevin infant son 5 real- ttonWragetr; umn dresses; shaped jackets Wednesday', s. "This) design st A-li- , ' that hit there is little or no incline, said ize to look strong, be more fit and the top of the shoe visually Dr., Frey. In addition, the ex- -, shed those extra pounds. To lose lengthens legs; heeled shoes tended or asymmetrical toe com' weight, many people tend to fo- gings. Target Area: Lower Body Tips: Fluid fabrics more flatteringly against the curves ofthe body; long, wrapped and cuts flatter fuller hips and small shoulder pads can balance the figure. Options: Long crepe skirts; col- jyBoys v distributes the'j persons weight more evenly Its easier than you may across the whole shoe, because , . Options: Framed jackets; sweetheart necklines; tailored suits; extra-lon- g jackets over leg- of Kevin and Julie Taylor of three-inche- - to Hose weagM heel. h opting jnstefedfor the elevated $ platform shoes which raise the J' entire foot, not just the heel, two-t- o MH-saseFull-size- one-inc- Fage a ;Kephi, Utah, .JjCIntrs-XelxJ- s jvvf 7" physioan immediate-- ' problems, hke ring, spots or flashes of light blur-proces- J Support Group The Muscular Dystrophy Association offers free support groups for individuals and their families affected by any of 40 neuromuscular diseases. Call for details about times and locations. - w .. Pctcctncct Academy The Peteetneet Academy of Payton will present the 6th annual roundup of Bunk House Bards on Friday and Saturday, Jan, 14 and 15, at 7 p.m. Call v t; millennium 2000 PBS M illennium 2000, a exploration and celebra7 beginning at 2.45 tion of the world, airs on a m. on Friday, Dec. 31. Performances by orchestras, dance groups, touring shows, and artists are among dozens scheduled. 25-ho-ur KUED-Chann- Auto Enpo Hundreds of el the millenniums newest cars, trucks, mini y vans and vehicles will fin the Salt Palace Convention Center Friday. Jan. 14 through Monday, Jan. 17 for the Utah International Auto Expo. The public is invited to sit in the drivers seat, inspect engines and compare leg room on a host of vehicles from 34 domestic and im. , manufacturers. port sport-utilit- 2000-mod- s. - |