Show I D EVENING I I WEATHER r Record at nt tho local office ot the weather bureau fat foi tho thu 2 U 24 hours ending at itt 6 a n m in today Barometer reading at nt 6 G a n rn m 2528 I Inches Temperature at al 6 G n 11 m rn 29 21 2 tic green maximum temperature 61 i minimum temperature 29 menn tern tem 45 fG which Is III 3 deg above nor normal normal mal Total excess ot of the tho dally daily mean tem tm temperature S since the Just of the tho month i K degrees decrees I Accumulated excess excelS of DC o dally daily mean meanS S since Jam 1 75 76 7 degrees s T Total precipitation for tor or tho tha 24 hours houra lus ending at ut 6 G a m rn 34 24 3 Inch Total precipitation since the Ant of ot the month Inches which Is IB 77 71 7 Inch e above the normal Accumulated excess In precipitation b since Jan 1 3 Inch I tl FORECASTS TILL 6 G P PI M 51 TUESDAY Local LothI forecast for tor Salt Lake Lak City and andl andI I l vicinity 4 ti 1 Generally fair tonight and Tuesday warine armer Tuesday Forecasts for tor Salt Halt Lake City made at nt Denver Cola Cob Generally fair tonight and anti Tuesday warmer Tuesday WEATHER CONDITIONS I The Tho barometer Is highest over oer the and central gulf rIi and lake Inke region and l 11 hvest over tho the Northern Pacific coast middle ri P Hocky Bocky Mountain slope elope and Missouri valley iL Precipitation occurred over portions ft ot of Utah Colorado Nevada California Oregon Idaho Montana Minnesota Illinois Missouri Nebraska and the he British possessions J Oes It was raining at at St Louis and Omaha this morning li i Moderate temperature prevails In nearly all districts R n J 3 HYATT UY lT I Local Forecaster TEMPERATURE TEMPERATURES J S a m in a 28 8 jF 7 a n m ra 8 B Sit a R m i 3 9 a 0 m in I I III M 30 10 a it m mIt no 29 11 It a II m in M 21 45 12 U m in 23 21 1 31 1 p m II i a DA YS 1 Highest t aa ct 1 l lJ J l Lowest 21 i S IN PRINCIPAL CITIES Chicago March 21 11 7 n a m Tempera Temperatures tures New York and Philadelphia 11 34 l and Chicago 32 Washington Wo 33 ss Minneapolis lI 30 Cincinnati 42 Bt 51 I Louis V tO |