OCR Text |
Show rztzzzizj, Juna 4, 1C37 CtsB-JJti- w Cr3tn:3 Fcr Szlz... IKS FORD 250 SUPER CAB PICKUP 4e8 engkta. Equipped to tow kritors. Raw good. Crii 22Pd STOCK RACK FOR 633-153- 10 FT CAMPER- - 2 new jacks, aal contained. uraoana lafrfoantor stove, ate. $300.00. Csi 623-494- 4, GLASSES-Stal- e, rapid. permanent restoration WEEKLY NEWSRAPER FOR Grad Opportunfiy Cal 7. ALL STEEL BUUNNGS- - Arch bukfinge-40x3- 0 $2,995. 4OxS0 $4,995. 50x100 $8.656 Sltrighlwai buttings also aval 3366. No Raasonabla abls 22PO ottardanfodlfiican) ATTENTION:-Wpay you to loos up to 29Lbs. (or mora). 47 psopta naadad bnmodtotalyl Ollar axpiras 621 . Cal tor Mailt 21 17. (ucan) 22PO BLACK DECKER BREAD MAKER-$46.0- 6 IDAHO RANCH SALE 240 AC-- $79,900-HELL- S CANYON AREA. Spectacular Ida, $20.00. Stow top steamsr. maka 7 daaL Cal LsotoHowarto. . 623-197- 22Pd BUILD YOUR OWN TOP QUAUTY HOME.-Sav- e foousanta. We provide andoasdahsl to 2 wastes-footingpieced concrete OKtorforwelfi, wot ptons, schaduto, how to finanemg. Enaigy aCSctonL oarthquaka and too sals. You oomplsto. Itabitoch 1- - 801- - : : MSUUN)-Di- you d GIANT YARD SALE- - LARGE HEAT KING WOOD Cal STOVE-$500.0- d 22Pd Haduca intar Ptoiwanti up to 7363 d. Stop odaction cals. Avoid bank- hjptcy FREE confidanbd haffi NCCS Icansad bonded. 955-- 0412. (Ucan) 22PD ing I iance. quaded Sat Juno d 22PD Ki pd! day Travw spMd (ucan) AVON-Gra- 758-413- 5. C ZZX ETC- - Factory sanction. kma.pod price, goodMatotmart. see-ond- BA.T23, 1223 E. 123 8. Lsfli (.)r,Tt STEEL PC2T3, vr $.83; ETC- - S. r.-JL- $ 23; 63 ; $.C3; 1223 E. 123 to LSN CtJ far bee n - $2.53. Mataknart s2id tot (uean)2 2 rem4- k TVO FCR FENCES. GATES, TURN KEY EARNS 52.600 PLUS PER WEEK.- - SICK par morth. No SaSngf Nd MLU 24 hour kdomia-tio- n. Un. Inwatmant 7 D E4 7ir(-n-) FINALLY!! MAKE MONEY WITHOUT WORNTjCH- - rsDuafi One time $150 kwaaknwitfi Psyday each FrtXyff coda 12223. 1 busy lamp 3 STEP DRIVERS. rPO -) (- Swfft Transportation. Now M28-347-542- fMTWW) GREAT CUC2CS3 CPPCRTUMTIF Hot one of 4 Knd product Larauby tdUton 1520 washaa watoul udrq rPD - . JAOTCRtAL STAFF FCR LED STATE CONSULTANTS-F- ConacEartra. 12J)N 228W batwaan $ sjb. and 4 p.m. Pry nrra- C3-t-o f-- ' n-- 7 Y ki fcxT 1 Et Cztex VT. on toa IAxEjt 82212.7 partance eE3 tiriC; r.3iiU. I TAaS C2TE rxr! ran; i-- Ml L faeitj plus a 1 Saw money an ov- - ea otoara toa LtartiOg CensuExnli o2od.Crad biooma K2X2JL YXtory Raaourcaa. Inc. TUI Fraa: t--rt ) Stria Englnaar on LI2. j In Naphi Timas Maws 22-n- n 11. 1W7. PutSahad JUTS 4 nn la-W- -- 1837-6- ; PU0IXKSR22 A t'xW maayT cf toa Kcra C2y Col'J wS ba hXf d 5:38 pjn. m Man-dq- r 53. 1627 d Cy ktl to aons2 tits &2x3on of tits revised budto tor 6a-e-d yrar 12237 and toa budgets tor la-r- 1 -- PUSU6KOT7CS J to X'zt Vf v, U rra ) 5 lc"3 on T.trrT7 Jtr 13 tf dtjQKsmrairancliqriAYr ; Jbtl 7 ercr2xxcl2ralt:ukior2xtiotiC22ihMt - rc-- xR uK r jt - l' tnr J pU2ftosX)na1I$UU.,' tr(ic:22tKNjrdCJi t !! r i TTj NapN, Utah 94643 PUUtohod Juno 4, 1997 In Tho Tbnoa- - pwlp-u- w , KJZ -- tt-an (Sg) NapN, Utah 84648 Pubtishad JUne 4, 1997 in The Ttmao-NawNapN. Utah ANNOUNCEMENT OF APPOfff 22-22- AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS Of MURED M.LIWT Mn 963400004ES KENT MAC LUNT Mid DEANNA LUNT TAYLOR, whose taspactivaaddraaaY are 357S 200YY83S4N200YLNapN.UT has bean appointed PHaonaLftopraaam totiva of toa abavwantitiad adda. CradF tors of toa aetata are hereby notified fix (1) dotivar or mai took station ctoana to toa Paraonri Ropraoanldiva toa address above; (2) dativwr or mdl took wri- d to claims tten Personal the RepraaentativeY attorney of record. MBon T. Harmon at Via toiowing addraas'38 Souto Main Street, NapN, Utah ; or (3) Ba took written ctafcns vrito too Ctotfc of toa District Court in Juab County arc required by Utah tow adhin torso mantoe after tos data of too tint pubticstion at toto notice or be forawer barred. Data ol first pubtiedton Juno 4. 1997. Mwon i. nomon Attomoy lor PMomK RfWMMkx 36 Souit Mwn SkwK S 64646 11 (801)623-130- 22-24- 2 SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT (SSBG) APPUCATTONS DUE The Six County Anoctatioti at Govern mant to acoaptinQ writisn appications and funds, to baaub-mMa- d budgets tor by Juna 25 1997, to too Human fie sources Office, P.q Boa 120. IVchfisiq s UT 84701. Fundbig can ba used by Pvovfcfers lor xocW nnioi Id dmli on a raknbureamant tor aarvica bade. Contact toa AgkigHuman rtoaourcas 250 N Main. Soviar County Rrchfidd. UT 94701. 396222 tor Sar-vie- Court-houa- SSBG tonds mac onary and wfii ba atiocatod by toa Six County AOQ Board baaed on appBcBtiqwa racalvad in a competitive srocaaa. SCG3 lundkig raquiraa a 13 cosh toed r 22 - 23BB KSTICC . - - r JuabCYyryto aaJttraFCqnotoCarMan -2' E. iJ: 7, 2seT3n tor rancr-3-l ctf fllt. Jl I Jj. Til LYC c 42 . c;j; ec: K41DC tirvLj L X C 2an K41DC cparwfea -: yotfadaowaref ana v V ct d ic2rto--tyrYanto- )V . ! -- J tt. .d -- j: U.JT-- anJ fZ 9 : lj 3l d Cwtx 3 C22on KUTV-T3 Laka CCy LNah J. MaatowtoaFCC .. 'MUasatoi 4 The Levan Tbwn CouncI wti holdapub-I- c hoartog on FNdM Jdia 26 1537 d 6t8 pjn. to lake commanto on too 1997 1533 toa Levan Tbwn Levan Town Budgd 22 - d 24n puoucNoncs The Levon Tbwn Coundl wB mad to a spadd masting on FWdtotJuwa 26 1537 at 739 am. M toa Levan town Hd to adopt toa 1637 -- 1533 Tbwn Budgd 77 24n PCEUSK33XZ The Juab County Commtodon w6 kc2J a pubtic hearing wJ hold a putlc kaato--j onThurmtop Junat3i1637d7fl8Ftlto d toa hearing an awnt an to la mcaka pubtiTasaK aauntsint to toa JtxY WswnTaratantowrisj tfarcra and eonaCi avaitotle (ram ha Cca of 9w Jl minor wonGrg CoptoaattoaprcpeaadwdSdaoac: County Ctork knrtog Monday irrnrni TUSKGGSa n-n- la too praddona of too Corn-Aof 1134, aa amondad, KCTywShddtoliodtogdT hsA TTea a ictllJKxOilNrrxTakaarla r $7 Ir; to ( n a Pd P. Greenwood . U M c2y Pal - v 1"7-r- . 'rtf tiart l'rilxlpf )trJfcrtxlraM'.-7'.- l trtri r t 'u c ... qr 1 E. CL ' 3 tedd ym. c3 F.22y Jww ' channd 36 Mviduata who wtoh to adviaa toe FCC of toctoratotinfl to atatiun K3XR i , output apptication and to vriiathar 9da i ' in toa pubfic Marad should Ba too A of Nc3 Oty operated mooting comments and petitions arito the FCC Iff CounJI w3 ba hsd d 628 ym. on Mon-dSept 2. 1687. Jkma 23. 1637 d dty hal to eanaUar Juab County toa c23cn of tos iwifssd bur ratorta-co-f ' lor f cto COurfy Clark ytor 15237 and fta but PCJU3K 1074J- a Oarrn UT 5477A r-- Is t f ? fcs me- Ca-- 1.2 AitEaraon, 573 CZX, CL . - rx42JdrMhsartratotomatowrra- 3 fea (txf Z3,C23f px pEra vry osEOt ktOcrltrJ (XJ1 ktncJ ex)- fzrx C'":1 tinea. e (ucar4 WHY PAY RETAU- - r2cs2an d k fcmsM rro 01 ( 213. Fox on rl. 5723. Cd (eoa-mi- ) f I!TO tijlkriljran) Hiring Drivers! Contracted Training Avafabto. ExceSant Pay 6 EenoCs, Datiawfl(t ftncandiMi Hqm wwd Wi SX222y Aarnod Equipment Conaie-- 12m. (kjpticata wtih the State Engineer 1636 Ytod North TYmpla, Sal Lake Oty Utah Juab County on or before JULY 84116, Ctotfc cto County . 1. 1997.. (PROTESTS MUST BE LEGIBLE WITH A RETURN ADDRESS). (Sig) These are Informal proceerfings as par P. Greenwood Pd of toa Division of WYtar Rule R655-6--2 NaphL Utah 84646 RijtotB. Publahad Jma 4, 1967 kt The Tsnaa-Naw- a, Diversion of POO; (LEGEND: Points) B NapN. Utah Ptooo of Use POU; Nature of Ura USE) NOTICE 16-65- 2 (a70911): William A. Alder SOURCE: 16 in. QUANTTY: 641.12 Purauaidto toa providona oftoa Act of 1934. as amended. wal 100 k. to 500 IL deep. POO: (1) N 100 ESSOkom SWCor, Sec 28, T1 IS. R17W . notice to haraby ghen tod Juab County to required to fitowfihfosFCC.no trier than (12 Wtoa North of Ttout Craak) USE: bom Apr 1 to Od 31, told acreage Jtata 2. 1997. an apptication tor renewal 16600 aca; Stodcwatoring: 40 head bra-doc- k. of TV transistor station K39CR serving POU: S 12 SW 14. NE 1M SW 1M . Eureka. Utah. Station K39CR operates Sac 23; NE 14 NW 14 Sad 33. T11S, I vfito peak tranamfirar output power of owe wati kora a stia 12 mfie aouto of Eureka. R17W Utah rebreadcMting station KSL-T- V chanP.E. Robert L Morgan, nd 5 tocatod to Safi Laka Cly Utah on 1- 1- 6 atock Ksaa. Cd tor panongobjKjmgteanappleationmud a Prated dating toa reasons tor toa pratoaLTb haw a hearing batora toa Stria Engineer, parsons mud raqueri a hearing bi toa Protest Prated mud be Had in d Wky to Earn Money Cd For Ybur Starter NL 1- 7$. cA County Ctork V Be Z2JPO loader in mlaa tor toa tori tour yaan. Earn $70.628 to H23.C28awat.Cov-onan- l Transport E'arianoad Drtimraf Owner Operator Teams. TUI Free Graduate Students - (,:'Yo 8TEELT3J77C2HTSFC3El2LC2i3 mwi V ao. DRIVER- - naaluuiJxiraa.titiflndBi23tra.$33 USBtS tdow-mona- 22P4 22PD (") toa Join toa Yhy YtoYaLaadng 58x169x16. $15,949; $11,823; 68x122x11, $1$,$14. MW- - Mongo kCZrzi 22x123, $2 urCs. $13,944. r Wh us onour NOTICE TO WATER - ; d Pursuant to toa provisions of toe Ad of 1934, as amended, notice to haraby given tori Juab County to required to Be wito too FC6 no tolar than Juna 2, 1997. an apptication for ranwwl of TV translator station K3SCZ serving Eureka. Utah. Station K35CZ operates Wto peak transmitter output power of one wal kom a afie 12 mfie aouto of Eureka. Utah rabraadcasting elation KULC-Tchannd 9 located In Salt Laka City Utah on oufout chamri 35. IndMduato who wish to actoisa the FCC of tecta rdaiing to station K35CZ renewal apptiration and to whadrar tola station has operated in toe pubfic Marari should Ba commons tno poooono won vo rw uf Sspt 2. 1997. be awfi- - Bid sheets and jnjormationwfid NOTICE t right to accept or reject any or y : The Stria Engtoaarracaiwd toa to Appropriate water In . kigAppticatiorKs) -Juab County (Locations In SLBSM). and Karan Jonas. Ext. A89635. vices: too-to- ry STEEL CtACTfGS SALE:- - 30x40x10. $4,527; 40kC2x14, $357. 50x7514. r-- al our tardy and Spadd friend wa want to toank you tor toe nice gits and you gaw ua. Ya want to toank tooaa who took a tow mkiutaa efyour ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Fishing Industry. Loom how woihara can earn up to $2.850 mo. bsnalta (Room 6 Board). Cal Alaska Information Ser- Dadar buy dkaet prod potodd. aalaa Ext or condrudon. (303) 23Pd aorwa toa dibida. s. sltor notification by toa ShsrfifY Office. , 22Pd 756-773- 3. Vkl WB3XCS6R6LD636967 abtori toa Juab County ShariffY Office. VYhidaa mud be picked up two days Help IVestsd... AVAL-ACL- in opanmariwt ., Norto OFFICE SPACE FOR Main, Naphi. Space tor two offices. Owner wfii ramodd to sul taneL I O DEALERSHtf r" Dept yyg729 (ucan) gia. 14-is- ea d Juab County cto County dark (Sig) Pd P. Greenwood NapN. Utah 84648 Pubtishad Juna4, 1997 in ThaTsnoa-New22 - 22BB NapN, Utah 9. 1990 Dodge Dynasty d BECOME A MEDICAL TRANSCRffMTON-B- T homa or in Opportunly to work office typing tor doctors. Homo study Free denture. P.C.D.L. Atianta, Gaor- - RENT-38- cal Scot r MkiBM $800.00 Bids wB be accaptod until noon on Juna 9, 1 997. Vshidas can be seen toa Juab County Pubfic Safety 8uidmgd42S Wad Sheepiane Drive, Nephi. Utah The Juab County ShoriffY Office ra- - 623-062- Reach owr 412.000 Utahns tor only $123.00 tor tie toil twenty w words. 53.00 tor addaonri words. Caitoo The Times News at 6230625 tor farther STE3. BUECXfG fj SdaOGaS... GARDEN EQUIPMENT-tifiar- s, generators, water pumps, bod motors, engines. Cal Garrett Honda 6 3 or sea us at 563 Polaris, PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD W NOT 1. NOT 2. BUT 46 NEWSPAPERS THROUGHOUT UTAH.- - One placement. one payment puts you Wo toe Utah CtoasBiod Adwrtiaing Natworif. V ' Mki.Bl$200a00 non-praf- 623-133- DsGaorga Homa Aff(ucan) 22TO Vkl HFMCA1 1U6KZC12445 s vkl 1 1 1UCM61F6JY651806 -- Fcr Rent.. OWN FOR THE PRICE OF RENTMGI-Buit- d your homa NOW. without the downpayment banks demand. Complete construction A permanent financ- wptomivlir Mkt Bid $100.00 ': $OEBTCONSOUOAnON$.-Cutmontoly- To 22Pd Mn. Bid $4000.00 6. 1969 Ford Asroatar . NOTICE Pursuant to toa provisions of toa Ad of 1934, aa amended, notice to haraby given tod kwh County to required to Be wfih too FCC no tatartiian June 2, 1997. an appfication tor ranawd of TV trenaiolor station K430A serving Eureka. Utah. Station K430A oparalaa wfihpaat ksnwnktaroiSpiS power of one writ kom a stia 12 mfie aouto of Badd. Utah rabraadcasting station KTVX-Tchamd 4 tocatod to Safi Laka Cy Utah on oufoul channd 43. Indviduato who wtoh to adviaa toa FCC oftacti rotating to station K43QA i apptication and to whatoorti oparatad in toa pubic kaarad should Be commanto and potitiona veto tits FCC bj SapL 2. 1997. Juab County Pd P. Greenwood Pursuant to too provisions of toe Act of 1934. as amended, notice to hereby given fori Juab County to required to Be wfo toa FCq no tolar than June 2. 1997. an apptication for renewal of TV translator station K33DL serving Eureka, Utah. Station K330L operates output powtr of oi watt from a site 12 mfie south of Eureka. Utah rabraadcasting station KBYU-Tchannd 11 located in SaKLaksCiy Utah on output channd 33. Indviduals who wish to advise the FCC of facto rdaiing to station K330L ranavwl appficabon and to whotoer this station has operated in foe pubfec interari shtxfid Be commanto and potitiona wth the FCC by SapL 2. 1997. Vkl S4T1SK12E1PU304521 2311 rtkfi NbamfhLUdh NOTICE Mn. Bid $2500.00 5. 1993 Toyota Camry " NapN, Utah 94649 Pubtishad Juna 4. 1997 toTheTkwaa- - a. RG6COI15YK435&52S non-pro- d OVERSTOCK CLEARANCE- - Now through Juna 10th al bits and spurs 20 olL Evaiy othar tack lam and aaddto in stock 10 off regular tow prices. Spatial selection of ootiedorbei buckles (HFR, Charias Rueeefi. ate.) just in time torFriharY DayTkytorYTYck 3 and Saddto, 220 N 100 E. Lawn. NaphL Utah 84648 Puttiahad Juna 4, 1997 in The Tknse-NawB NaphL Utah Vkl MNEBP589XGW652621 at 96 to 3 pm. (Sig) Pd P. Greenwood $3000.00 Mh. Bid $1500.00 7. 1966 Mercury lynx Juna 7fo tram 5 North 300 East NaphL Material, quiting and craft supplies, exercise bike, books, videos, school and olllct supplas. misc.22Ad YARD SALE- - Saturday JUno 7to 10 to 4 pm. 1401 N 550 E. Nabo Haights. Tons of kids things and othsr grad stuff a m. ROOF MOUNT SWAMP COOLER- - (appratamatsiy 3" squara), $150.00. 9X12 PsniaiMyps run. $20. 623-105- 21 - YARD SALE- - Saturday 0. LARGE Cal j 22Pd 23AM 623-102- 2. m Juab County Mn. Bid $100.00 623-179- (S co County Ctork 3 1968 Toyota 623-245- 0 muto-purpo- 7. 8 a.m. to 4 pm. 95 S 100 E. NaphL Ueod ssetionri couch, bed spreads, cWdranY ctothos, toys, no early birds please. know madtaara (or Inouianca) cowrs 100-746-168- 2 Mori Suppfioe? Save monay-ca-l Ltoarty MadcaFSatiatoction guaranteed No HM.q Members. Man-tio-n AS- - AAOO. (ucsn) 22PO Mm. Bid cto County Ctotfc Pd P. Greenwood ra non-pro- d Yard Saks. axealant condttion. $75.00 tom. Cal 22Pd 2634129. (USMQ Pickup Vkl SJT4RN50R3J51 35756 -- f0 CRAFTSMAN LAWN MOWER- - Not S.p. DIACET1CSI or 52Pd 375620. PROPOSALS NEEDED- - PnpoaatowB be cal mootings, orgare- -, accaptod kom beef zations to run the food concession stand in too butoSng at toe toagrounds during toe Juab County Submti proposals to Fsir. August 6-toe Extension office. 160 N. Main. 1 until June 2a Pmpoa- NspM. a d mb sivMM rauoi oeecnpeon 01 orgaitixation, menu, price fisLatd d mtn property a4 open maadowt . draws md crooks. Itins to Snsho 9 jihnon niifi Ciroionl IthioQ. torn of wfldMo. POrtoct outdoor vocrooOonol rstraaL Financing. Cal 203639- - 2501. ; 22PO (ucan) MONTANA LAKE VIEWSI- - 20 Enjoy spectacular laka. mtn 6 Hauser Lake views trom ties lawibuld-in- g sita w good aoudrarn axposural Mostly open wf soattorad trees A scenes to 1500 AC of pubfic lands- - IVG uliSe silo evaluation, ismlinl imm 9:30 Wonl M, Gil now 2270 8:30. (ucin) " si mu urn wt wjjrr.rr.i-J- - Machina. $50.00. 4 piaca set, Visions Wars with District The Juab County Sheriff's Office ed accept sealed bids on toa fotiotamg nine 1.1980VbhoVkt VC24445A1 556642 Mn. Bid $100.00 2. 1993 Mssan Santra Vki MN4EB32APC733664 JutCoufiy d Puraumd to too provtoions of too Act of 1934, as amended, notice to hereby given that JUah County to raqukad to Bo wfih too FCq no tolar toon Juno 2. 1997. an applcdton for rtnawd of TV translator station K29CJ serving Eureka. Utah. Station K2XJ operates vrito peak transmfitar output poarar of one waff from a ska 12 mfio south of Eureka, Utah laomaocaseng mnon ko i u iv cnar nd 13 located in Sal Lake City Utah on output chamri 29. Incfviduato who wish to advise the FCC of tacts raiating to station K29CJ renewal apptication and to atostoor tore station has pupae imim rnouxi opamea oommaras ana peoDone wan ina rwr oy Sept 2. 1997. BOS CALL FOR 22Bto SapL 2. 1997. NOTICE 22Bti news paper. The Times News has the sols autoorty to adit and locate any ctasai-fie- d adwrtisamsnt as deemed appropriate. The Timaa News rassrws tie right to refuse any adwrtiaing. 1cmp HAS YOUR UFE BEEN AFFECTED BY DRtffONGT-Fo- r intormation about AA or Alanon at Pails Malting -- aul of any admrtieamant kites Reel Estete.. -- d Notices... Lc-- pl NsphiCkyCouridlon June 17, 1997 has bean cancdtod. A spacml maatmg of too NspNCkyOound wfii ba hold 730 pjn. onTuaaday Jwta 10. 1997 efiy hak22 . any damage y 22PO (ucan) East SLB4AL20 - 22 Board of Education Tracy Olsen, Business Arkninistfator2 1 IIMtrlliiniliyQKMnillHDr tar stritared as too re-- 22PD at homa AY 1 Juab School lolifMponiUfQftiiiKifttNtThi SALE.-NORTHE- WOLFF TANMNG BEDS.- - Tbn Buy ffiract 6 saw! Commaroal Homa unis from $199.00. Low MonNy Payments FREE Color Catalog. CALL TO-D- ALL STEEL BULDVtGS- - Factory Ctoar-anc- a 10073-3366- . 24Pd (ucan) 22Pd 991-323- 9. TbiTinMiHiNidOM not indom pRK molt of incotfiQi twpurchiiioftiii ol onviMttksi of oorvioo odMrtlood in Kan Adams (ucan) N 465-212- oi Notices... Utah. Expandtag MarkaL 0, Itaprita O OoMm TX (214) Souto Range Lqpl Notices... SPECIAL BOARD MEETMG The Board of Education of toe Juab School District ad mast in a Spadd Mast- -' ingonTuesdey June 10.1997.at530P.M-i- n too Juab Sdhooi District Office. 42 Ead 200 North, NaphL UT 84646-Th- e purpose of tea masting ed bs to ktisrvisw and poasMy aatoct a candktoto tor ton Juab OGnOOi UBnX BUMM Mramnn. By Order of toa to own and operate re-tcandy shop in NapN ana. Low For information cal Mrs. Burton's Gourmot Cindy Conpmjt Bff approved. Free intormation by mat axt.238. (406)961-557- 0, Fax (406)961-557http: www.visionlraadoiii.com SATISFAC-TIOGUARANTEED, (ucan) 22PD (800)422-732- 276-656- 5. 1 Bff 4-- 22Pd Ban. 0, 2020 WITHOUT d WANTED-Parso- n tor al NspN araa wsddngs. $2 or $5. 0 Pfcanbing and Bidden Supply 66 South Main. Naphi. WEDOING USTS- - Thinking about dng gits? Yto haw wadttings tot for$1, $2, $5 and up. Naphi Lumbar Company 1005 K Main. NaphL 6234)147.0- - VSI 18 C!3H NETWORK SATELLITE SYSTEM. Spring daannca. $175. 83 chan-nat- o $25 I am. Disney, Mckriodeon. otta. Etc. Grad tor RV or home. Egg 1 oUjoinQ piopli to vtio havo good laidsraNp WEDOMQ LISTS-- Wto have waddtog Iris 2Sd 342-483- jpoMnq lor InWEQM Fftti 6 TRCYESJ TILER- - $ tip. Brigga angina. Comas with snow plow and chains, $489.00. Csl Alan at 623-05(toys or 6230627 bafors 3 pjn. sranings.1 Pd Fcr . PICKUP-$15- Ptca9 Lcol Notices. Hc!p Wasted... standard pictaqxYtashsr and dryer tor aato. $100 tor bota. Cal 6234034.23 Pd . Nephi, Utah rrtokXtonhca toe FCC ty X r 1 aairJ TtaJukCaxT apcttoxidtoctipcrtlr onTkurcf 1337ri73; x sTar twa toaacrxLJ Jj56 Lr-- 'i it la tert T3 r-- t J' acfC raCrtidtiF-- Jr c:jt tamt4s3c::3j r al -- " |