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Show T From page one Baseball field The others would have dirt infields, making it possible to lengthen and shorten the base runs for softball, little league, and games. tee-ba- ll Carter and White made it clear that this new complex would not replace the old ball park, but would supplement it to relieve overcrowding and provide a nice place for tournament play. Final approval for the use of the area has not yet been given by the school board, but White is confident the plan will be accepted. The athletic field committee, of which White and Carter are members, hopes to use volunteer help and community donations to do much of the work, but many items will have to be purchased. Backstops, fencing, bleachers, lights, and restroom facilities are all necessary field Carter equipment. May 5 was U.S. Tax Freedom Day' reports that some ball clubs already have fund- May 5 was a day to mark on your calendar. It was the day you could ed. This probably wont quit working for the be enough, however, and government just to pay the committee hopes to your taxes. Its called obtain city, and county Tax Freedom Day, funds also. reports the Utah TaxLighting poses the payers Association. most expensive and comUTA says that Tax plicated problem. Nephi Freedom Day is comelectric company super- puted annually by the visor Richard Judd said Tax Foundation of that special, directional Washington, D.C. There is one good piece mercury lights should be used to light the in- of news this year. Tax dividual fields. Flood Freedom Day comes lights of the type used at three days earlier. The the fairgrounds would 1981 date was May 8. not be as effective, Judd The date represents said. how the average As nice as it would be workerlong have to would to build the complex all labor to finish paying all at once, it will probably taxes if dollar earnbe accomplished in ed fromevery 1 went Jan. stages as the money can tax to directly satisfy be raised. raising activities plann- . quiring more and more time on the job, just to keep the tax collector School. Miss Trauntvein is a daughter of Leonard and Myrna Trauntvein of Nephi. She was president of her junior class, and is president of the senior class. She has been a senate youth representative, is editor of the JHS Nebonian, and is a member of the honor society. Melanie attended Girls State. jJVIiss;Trauntvein isa e member, of the honors Choir, the senior band, and the Future Homemakers of America. She has been girls All-Stat- track manager, girls basketball manager, and a yearbook photographer. She is a youth delegate, and has participated in state and regional dramatics. Melanie was vice president of the Nephi LDS Stake Seminary student-bodin her junior year, and has five years of leadership experience in the Nephi First LDS 4-- H y Wards young womens organization as president, class secretary, and presidents counselor. Her hobbies sketching, are writing pain- poetry, singing, ting, and reading. Following her graduation, she plans to study elementary education at Brigham Young University. Lyman is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Lyman of Nephi. He is a member of the Mt. Nebo Chapter of the Future Farmers of America, and attends the Nephi LDS Stake Seminary. He likes hunting, fishing, and driving, and is employed at Corkys Conoco in Nephi. The 5 Times-New- ih OniMYOUR minutes; recreation, 20 minutes; and all other items combined take 47 r Classified ads to buy sell, rent! ' - i f A .! .n ll.i U,u L , IT. i.t DEALER: CHRYSLER-nniT-H RULE GUARANTEES' 5-YEAR5- 0.000 CAR. T HI 5 YEAR OR 50,000 MILES ENGINE AND POWER TRAIN PROTECTION. Limited warranty covers engine block, transmission case and every cars Protects you against single part inside them in both front and unexpected repair expense A $25 deductible may be required can insure your home, auto's, trucks, machinery, farm buildings, livestock, and farm liability on one low cost package policy with a top I 2 5 YEAR OR 50,000 MILES OF OUTER BODY PROTECTION. Limited warranty covers repair andor replacement RUST-THROUG- H costs for of any pari of Ihe outside body of your car 3 5 YEAR OR 50,000 MILES OF FREE SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE. At rated company. Crop insurance also available! Includes oil changes, oil filter, air filter and spark plug replacement, valve lash and drive bell adjustment All of the Scheduled Maintenance listed in your owner s manual for 5 years or 50.000 miles, whichever comes first is done without charge Let me give you a quote! I think you'll be surprised at the savings. " t Contact a professional for all your insurance needs Larry Peterson Central Utah Ins. Agency 15 South Main Nephi, Utah May 6,1982 42 minutes; medical care, 30 minutes; clothing, 22 OH EVERY NEVJ '82 AMERICAN-BUIL- insurance ? s eight-hou- minutes; transportation t Tired of paying too much for your Melanie Trauntvein and Jimmy Lyman are the students of the week at Juab High Americans one hour and five IF YOU CAN FIND BETTER PROTECTION, TAKE IF YOU CAN FIND A BETTER CAR, BUY IT." ATTENTION!! Trauntvein, Lyman are students of week ? Stated another way, the average worker in 1982 will spend two hours and 44 minutes on the job each day just to meet his tax obligations. More of the average M- FARMERS Jimmy Lyman Use 30. obligations to federal, state, and local governments. Except for this year, the date has moved further into the year, re- THREE Melanie Trauntvein of each work workday is spent earning minutes d money for the tax collector than for any other item in the family Times-New- s budget. Shelter takes the next largest slice of the workday at one hour and 30 minutes. Food takes happy. In 1930, Tax Freedom Day was Feb. 13. By 1960 it had progressed to April 18. In 1975, Tax Freedom Day was April 5 years or 50,000 miles, whichever comes first Excludes trucks and imports Base slicker price excluding title, faxes and destination charges Use EPA estimated mpg for comparison Your mileage may vary depending on speed, trip length and weather conditions Highway mileage probably less WE GIVE YOU YOUR MONEYSWORTH WITH ALL THESE LOW PRICED, HIGH MPG CARS Nephi, Utah 0 Phone 623-025- vU q Our Place Cafe 44 South State, Ft. Green, Utah Presents - 445-336- r .V. 0 J.B. 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