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Show Flowers V a f t ( rnoon job she said When a boy Iumarj comes ior help, it's my to practice drop thing ami help him. This has truly been my life thm-- recent years of the Typical assistance she gives was a recent trip to the LDS genealogical libiary in Salt Lake City, where e ery e bos the received basic instruction assistance merit and toward a in badge gcnealogv "Thev don t get merit badges easily" she says, "only when they achieve the particular skill necessary to meet the requirements " Mrs. Lofthouse has been aw arch'd the Second Miler award for her vvoi k Scouting Scou 1 is ng 1 one-ac- t not everything in Mrs lift, however Loft-house'- s She finds time to make thiee to fout quilts a year, which she1 gives to membeis. She is also active in the Fort W all c a m p of t h e Daughteis of Utah fuimlv Party honors Jennifer Carter Pioneers. Mr. Lofthouse dic'd in 19GG, two years before Mrs, Lofthouse moved to Nephi, where a daughter then lived. Her chddien are Dr. Larry Lofthouse (formerly of Nephi) and Terry S. Lofthouse, both of Castle Dale; Mrs. Alvin (Lorraine) Holm, Cedar City; Mrs. James (Marion) Maxwell, Glendale; Mrs Blaine (Margem) Carr. Centerville, Mrs. Jack (Deon) Morlock, Fruit Heights, and Mrs Jerry (Darma) Diet, Bngham City. Sne also has 32 grandchildren and six n Drama, speech team places 5th Juab High Schools schools in the state 2A speech and drama 17 competition held last weekend at Weber State Wade Yates in the category and Sharon Paxman and Debbie "mono-actin- ratings was 33. winner The was San Juan High School with 66 points. Taylor in the dramatic reading category; Kelly Rae Warren in the retold story category; and Julie Wright, Barks Mangel-son- , Second-plac- e winners e were students from Man-t- i High School with 58 points. Hurricane was third with 52 points, and Lehi was fourth with 4 4 points. Receiving "superior" ratings at the meet were in. Belinda Huffman, and John Neilsen in the "scenes from plays" category. Receiving good" ratings were Paul Neilsen, Skip Worwood, Chris Memmott in birthday ( J tourney, 0- A i ' - ft .. - 9 a m Scout 6 May 11 am to 3 p m , JHS football field Miss Nephi Pageant, auditorium. v t 4 Canyon Hills Golf Park, 8 an-m- u 1 J JHS pm. Ameiican LeMay 9 Mr and Mrs Karl gion Aux.liary meeting, 7.30 m , Pred .J ChapCarter entertained man phome guests at a dinner in Ute StamMay 10 tphi last weekend on enContest Queen pede J e n n fe i seventh I activities. breakfast, May 6 Carter's S, and the on birthday 1 jr jpay--- American Society benefit basketball game, JHS gv m, 7 30 p m Golf May 6 the category. were received by Cindi first-plac- JUAB SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION ANNOUNCES AN OPEN HOUSE in score Juabs "team" 4 May Cancer Foote g humotous reading cate- - coach at Juab High School is Murna C. gory. drama and Wadsworth. Soeech from play--- ' caitgoiy, and Lisa Jackson and Nan Higgmson in the pan- tomime Excellent College. ft Calendar en- trants placed fifth out of play category; Sherry Powell and Vicki Sperry in the "scenes try deadline Thur May to 9:00 p.m. South Side of Tennis Courts This house was built by Vocational Carpentry class at the Juab High School with the exception of the cabinets, plumbing, and insulating. Forms must be returned to Leo ersary (Kborne Those attending were Ute StamMay 13 Connie Tav lor and contest, 7 children Brady, Jamie, pede Queen fan grounds arena and Tiffany, Z e a pin, Mav 18 Natuial reCarter, and Mr. and Mrs. sources appraisal meetDaryl C a r t e r and school elementary' children Amber and ing, 8 p m. auditorium, Sabrina, all of Levan; Every Wednesday Mr. and Mrs Stan shoot under the Stevens and Mr. and Trap at the Nephi Gun Mrs. Bob Stevens, all of lights Club Starts at 7 p.m Mrs Ethel 11, 3:30 . Description 1 1 Fillmore; to the public Stevens and children Open Your coming events Sherry and Stefame of must be submitted to the Smithfield, and Vivi Tivhs Niws hv Tuesday McPherson of Nephi. at 5 p.m. The Frame construction. Main Floor 1107 sq. ft.. Two bedrooms, one bath, living room, kitchen: Radiant electric heat. Outside measurements 27 X 41. Exterior furnished by home buyer. Interior ready for floor coverings. Lighting included. Chris White, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vard White of Nephi, enjoys a hot dog following Saturdays cleanup effort. Around 250 people showed up at the park for hot dogs, but many more people participated in the event. Chamber of Commerce officers thank those who helped to make Nephi "more beautiful. We appreciate the cooperation of all Businesses who plied materials and services Times-New- s Nephi, Utah May 4, 1978 3 -- t Mu j LH773(Q id) , Lrli 4 a A LI HER GIVE EUREKA 191 SAVE (Limited to Mothers only) D ai A Nap to deep dean pile he gMs kai $100.00 aoiusis a even shags (op tilling Huge disposable dust prevents clogs Dual Action nag Edge Kieenpf cames stronq suction right up to the baseboards In Merchandise To be Awardi At the Outlet IV Prize must be Drawing will be held: Redeemed Within Saturday, May I3th At 2:00 P.M. Winner Need Not Be Present 30 Days. FHf FLOOR ARCF IN Thf phi A f tx 1H Nelson Save u 0 0 3 Modl I2b1 Hee V" ? 4 a J Carter Nephi office Nelson Carter knows banking He knows his customers And as manager of our Nephi office, he s glad to use h is nine years of experience to help you All of us try to give you the same kind of knowledgable. friendly service, whenever you come in So ask us We have the answers you need 139,s ? A Of VA "c V d-'y- O For savings any borrowing checking banking need, ask Nelson, Fern, LaVon, Paulette anyone at Appointment To Be Made With Store Manager ' Drawing Forms Available at the Outlet IV Or Use Coupon Below The Outlet Stores provide name brand apparel at wholesale prices and less in a convenient and pleasant shopping atmosphere Hours. 10 a m. to 6 p m. Tuesday thru Friday 9 a rn. to 5 p m. on Saturday Gosed Sunday & Monday Mothers Day Drawing Coupon Good Only at The Outlet IV For $100.00 in merchandise 190 South Main Nephi, Utah Drawing to be held at 2 p.m. May 13 Winner need not be present to win Name Phone r"zzrzz CTJI Forses 4c. S.tulh Vljm S. i hi I trfh of Utah, fj. A. rDiC Heads up people pulling you ahead. ooiinMiu 195 South Main - Nephi, Utah JI CO |