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Show Two California teens injured in high-spee- d Utah State Prees As an, ' P.O.Box 1327 Utah &11T Lake Cit Salt j, chase, smashup A California youth, 15, is in critical condition at Utah Valley Hospital in Provo with severe fractures and a crushed chest, after the car in which he was a passenger crashed head-ointo a Juab County Sheriffs department car at a roadblock southwest of Levan Tuesday evening. The inold, jured youth and another both residents of Baldwin Park, California, were in a car reported stolen from Baldwin Park. The Sheriffs department car and the stolen Plymouth Arrow were both totally demolished, Trooper Gary Taylor of the Utah Highway Patrol said Wednesday. The chase, at speeds of up to 100 miles an hour across the area which has been called Utahs newest death strip, began at Fillmore when Trooper Kurt Harding of the Utah Highway Patrol spotted a car which had reportedly left a Beaver service station without paying tor gasoline. A roadblock was set up near Scipio by Trooper John Mecham of Richfield. The California car sped through the roadblock and was fired upon once by Trooper Mecham. Trooper Hardings car ran out of gas north of Scipio and Trooper Mecham continued the chase to Chicken Creek, southwest of Levan, where Trooper Taylor and Deputy Sheriff David Carter and Deputy Sheriff Kerry Adams had set up another roadblock. Carter was in the county vehicle as the speeding car approached, but rolled out a split second before the impact, judged by Trooper Taylor to have been at 85 mph. The county car was knocked a considerable distance down the highway and the California car ended up on the shoulder of the southbound lane. Both occupants were thrown out. n 15-ye- ar County commissioners pass $1.8 million budget Monday The highest budget in the history of Juab County nearly $2 million was passed by the Board of County Commissioners on Monday at the annual budget hearing and meeting. The budget is $1,868,617 million and includes all funds under the countys control. It is up $202,302 from 1977. The higher figure includes the funds 1978 federal to be received during the year. The funds will be added to the 1977 payment into a capital project fund. The total of the fund when the 1978 amount is added will be $480,000. The new budget calls for an increase in the county commissioners salaries and expenses. Previously, Juab County commissioners had next to the lowest salary rates in the state, according to Earl L. Warner, Juab County Clerk. The resolution passed recently raises their salary rate to $4,400 per year. Serving East uab County DEMOLISHED! The Plymouth Arrow driven at a high speed across Juab Countys death strip ended up a pile of junk after crashing into the Juab Sheriffs car at 85 MPH. Ambulance crews are preparing one of the victims (shown in the background) for transportation to the hospital. TNPhoto December 15, 1977 be Justice of Peace Loa Jean Hanson of Nephi was appointed Justice of the Peace for a r term at a recent meeting of the Board of County Commissioners. Mrs. Hanson, one of eight applicants for the position, will succeed Elden C. Sherwood, who will resign December 31. The commissioners also agreed to purchase an automobile for the use of the director of the Six County Economic Development District. The request for the car was made some one-yea- SCALPED! The blue and white Juab County Sheriffs Department Plymouth patrol car was all but wiped out Tuesday evening when it was hit during a roadblock near Chicken Creek reservoir. Deputy Sheriff David Carter vacated the car only split seconds before the crash TNPhoto The car is registered to Pam Jones of Baldwin Park, California. Jones is reported to be a sister of the driver. Trooper Taylor said that the driver of the stolen car was released from Charges to be filed, according to Trooper Taylor, include evading arrest, speeding, and transporting a stolen car across state lines. the hospital late Tuesday night and is being detained at the Utah County Youth Home in Provo. In honor of Bing' Senior ball is Friday nite As a tribute to Bing Crosby, will be the White Christmas theme for the annual Juab High Mc-Caffer- y, As soon as the bonds can be sold, according to Frampton, the city will compete the rebuilding of the electrical distribution system and a new substation transformer will be installed. According to city officials, the updating should take care of pro All employees of NRP, Inc., and their children will be special guests at the annual company Christmas party at the Juab High School auditorium on Saturday, December 17 annual NRP Christmas party sched- uled for Saturday. TNPhoto starting at 2 p.m. A variety program will be presented by the Ronald Lee family of Orem. Following the program, Santa Claus will visit with the childone-ho- ren. Worthington named 'Cattleman of the Year ' J. E. J activities in ranching, leadership, and assistance to youth in fairs and livestock shows was read. A plaque was also presented in behalf of the Utah FFA members. A committee appointed by Elvin Downs, a state specialist in agricultural education, made the selection. Each FFA chapter in the state can select one candidate for the award and the committee made the selection from those submitted. cy services business, Leon Winter reported that the county has acquired two ambulances for the Sheriffs Posse use, one to be placed at the west end of the county and the other in east Juab county. The only cost is transporting the vehicles from Phoenix. The commission also authorized the payment of 50 percent of the cost The $600,000 obligation, therefore, was authorized by only a third of Nephis registered voters, according to a compilation of the results by City Recorder Evan A. Frampton. NRP party will be Sat. e Fire Department. In other emergen- Of 460 total votes cast Tuesday in the electrical system updating bond election, 374 were in favor of the measure. School Senior Ball, which will be held on Friday evening, according to Todd Liddiard and Heidy president and vice president of the class. Dancing to the music of Wes Barry will begin at 9 p.m. The floorshow will present all members of the class of 1978 at 10 p.m. Selected as royalty for the dance are Rick Dixon, king; Lisa Jackson, queen; Craig Winter, prince; and Belinda Huffman, princess. Admission prices for the dance are $1.50 per person and $2.50 per couple. Class advisors working with the officers are Mrs. Doris Bowers-Irons- , Clark Greenhalgh, and Don Johansen. Worthington, East Juab County Cattleman and long-timpresident of the Juab County Fair. TNPhoto weeks ago by Randy McKnight, acting director of the Six County EDD. The car will be purchased with $5,000 of revenue sharing funds, Earl L. Warner, Juab County Clerk said. The commission authorized Greg Newton, state fire marshall for Juab County, to investigate civil defense and army surplus depots for fire protection equipment for the Mammoth of radio equipment for an emergency radio system for the civil defense directors truck. In other action, the commission authorized the purchase of Juab county quadrant maps for use in the clerks office. The commission also: Heard a report from Commission Chairman R. Roscoe Garrett that a half-milevy would be set in 1978 to handle malpractice insurance ll Set December 19 as the date for receiving written proposals for insurance for county employees Appointed James H. Ockey Jr. as chairman to use the convention bureau special funds. The committee is involved with preparing tourist brochures for Juab County. Nephi voters say 'yes' to city electric bond sales Santa will hand out plenty of goodies J. E. Worthington was selected as Utah Cattleman of the Year and presented an award by the Utah Future Farmers of America Association at the annual Cattlemens Association luncheon held in Salt Lake City on Friday, December 9. Mt. Nebo FFA members Merilyn Dailey, Chris Memmott, and David McPherson made the presentation in behalf of Utah Association. A citation relating Worthingtons Nice Place to Live! loa Jeami Hansen will Ronny Boswell, 7, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Boswell of Nephi, visits with Santa Claus prior to the Chris Memmott, David McPherson, and Merilyn Dailey present the Cattleman of the Year Award to J. E. A Sheriff's Deputy, city police nab drug suspects Dr. Preston Lunt Jones, 73, a retired Nephi dentist, died at the Utah Valley Hospital in Provo on Monday night of a heart attack. Funeral services will be conducted on Friday at 1 p.m. at the Nephi LDS Stake Center. Bishop Joseph G. Christensen of the Nephi First LDS Ward will preside. Friends may call at Anderson Funeral Home on Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m. and at the chapel on Friday from 11 a.m. until the time of services. Dr. Jones was born at Cedar City on March 6, 1904, a son of Thomas Jedidiah and Eva Lunt Jones. He married Helen Bailey at Nephi on June 5, 1930. The marriage was later solemnized at the Manti LDS Temple. Dr. Jones served as mayor of Ner terms and for phi for two r two terms. He was the first chairman of the Ute Stampede. A graduate of the University of Southern California school of dentistry, he opened his practice in Nephi in 1928 and practiced until his retirement in 1976. He served as president of the Provo district of the Dental Society and as president of i 'S'-- j two-yea- old Salt Lake County Three men were arrested in Nephi at 1 a.m. on Sunday for the sale of a controlled substance. The trio is confined at the Juab County jail. Arrested by Deputy Sheriff David Carter and Nephi City Policeman Bruce Beal were David Morris of Sandy and Charles Bowman and David Miner, both of Salt Lake City. Bowman was also charged with driving under the influence of alcohol and having a loaded firearm in his mott assisted in the arrest. two-thir- Funeral services will be Friday for Dr. P. L. Jones four-yea- 25-ye- possession. Bail for each was set at $5,000. An additional $549 in bail was set for Bowman on the additional charges. Deputy Sheriff J. R. Belliston and Nephi City Policeman Ramon Mem- jected growth for at least 20 years. Under bond election financing of five years ago, approximately of the distribution system was rebuilt to handle higher demands, but because of inflationary costs, the financing was inadequate to rebuild the system completely, Frampton says. Some areas in the northern portion of the community remain to be completed. At the present time, Utah Power & Light Company crews are completing installation of six capacitors which are designed to relieve a portion of the overload on the present substation transformers, Frampton said. Matt Newell, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Clark Newell of Mona, was awarded his Eagle Scout certificate and pin at cermonies at the Mona LDS Ward Mutual meeting on December 6. t the Utah State Dental Society. In 1930 he was president of the East Juab Fish and Game Association. In connection with his duties as mayor. Dr. Jones served as president of the Utah Municipal League for one term and was appointed to the Utah Water and Power Board. A member of the Kiwanis Club of Nephi, Dr. Jones served as its president for one term and held many other offices in connection with the Dr. P. L. Jones club activities. Dr. Jones served on the Juab LDS Stake High Council for 22 years. He was a leader in the Aaronic Priesthood in the old South LDS Ward for three years and served as an ordinance worker at the Manti LDS Tem-- . pie for three years. Surviving are his widow of Nephi and two sons and a daughter: Dr. Nelson L. Jones, Nephi; Howard Jones, Cypress, California; and Mrs. Richard (Ruth Eleanor) Frederick of Medford, Oregon. Also surviving are ten grandchildren and a sister, Mrs. Cora Stucki of Cedar City. Burial at the Vine Bluff cemetery will be directed by Anderson Funeral Home of Nephi. t |