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Show Ideas for better living antenna placement is critical CB Owners of citizen band Money matters are important by Dr. Ford McBride Timpanogos Community Mental Health Center One of the most common sources of disagreement between a husband and wife ra- dios were warned today that antennas located near power lines are potentially deadly. Utah Power & Light Co. said there have been a number of reports of CB base station antennas dangerously close to high voltage transmission and is money. A 1974 survey of American families found that distribution lines. The company cautions people to "look up and look out when handling large and unwieldy antennas. The antenna should be tied with a rope so that if it were to fall during installation or removal there would be no chance of it touching power lines. All antennas should be grounded properly to insure safety and additional protection against lightning. By locating the antenna away from power lines, the CBer not only avoids possible electrocution but helps reduce interference coming to his receiver caused by the power lines. Letter to the Editor Dear Editor: Our thanks are extended to Maurice Memmott, Floyd and Elmer Snell for the fine job they are doing on the Nephi City Irrigation ditches. There are problems each year which confront the Irrigation Board in getting the ditches cleaned and getting water to the stockholders as quickly and effectively as possible: 1. Lack of manpower to clean the ditches. 2. Shortage of funds. It is estimated that it would cost the stockholders ten thousand dollars to hire men to spade the 32 miles of ditches in the city and $2,200 just to burn the ditches. 54 percent gue about money more than anything else. The survey also showed that more money didn't necessarily mean less conflict. 4v a saving! The money saved will be used to develop springs in pole canyon, McCune canyon and Footes canyon. Men have volunteered to leave their jobs and farming to work on this project this week! We recognize that in trying to satisfy the majority we cannot always satisfy a few. There will be five vacancies on the board this Fall. Any interested parties may apply. The pay is small, the hours are long and the word thanks is t. The Nephi Irrigation Co. iiw line-induce- Hydatid disease clinic set for Thursday in Levan TRANSMISSION CYCLES important in im- plementing your plan. An advantage in meeting together is that it helps the couple know who spent what. A workable plan should take into consideration the needs of both husband and wife. The basis for most arguments is unmet needs. Dr. Laura Singer, a Manhattan marriage counselor, asks members of families who quarrel over spending priorities to list them in descending order then compare. This exercise is useful in helping couples discern each others needs. Van Columnist Abigail Burean of Dear Abby made observation an interesting when she said, I find people can live on a lot less if they have love. If theyre happy in other areas they can handle their money problems better. If you have a question or topic you would like Dr. McBride to discuss in his column, write: Dr. M. Ford McBride, 1161 East Third North, Provo, Utah 84601.J Catalina is expanding! We will need 15 additional people for power sewing machine operation. Good Benefits 1. Eight paid Holidays 2. Paid group insurance for the Employee. 3. Paid Vacations. 4. Company Credit Union. 5. Discount on Catalina and Kayser-Rot- h 6. Good Working Conditions. Products. Taking applications now between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday thru Friday. 5 At 95 N. 100 W. Nephi 623-030- FOR HYDATID DISf ASF It's Mothers Day At the Outlet win $I0000 in merchandise of your choice Tickets available at our store Serving All Juab and Sanpete Countys Call for Free Estimate & References Enter today Chapman Furniture Co. A chart showing the life cycle Saturday to help spot infected of the Hydatid tapeworm. A dogs. 623-047- 1 27 South Main Nephi, Utah Clinic will be held at Levan on man can become infected. One Don agreed and we established encouraging thing about it is a that it is easy to break the life cycle of the disease organism Vasco Dell Taylor Estate and eliminate the disease if citire3rd South & 1st West what is zens are aware of so. do to quired Nephi, Utah Some weeks ago, Mrs. Carma May 7, 1977 -- At Site! Jensen of Levan called by office The Home 25 down - balance when inquiring about the disease. She said that there was evidence clear title is delivered. that the organisms were in ANTIQUES - Furniture & MISCELLANEOUS animals in the Levan area and if bids equal 90 of Estate appraisal so we set up a screening clinic or better. with Brigham Young UniverBIDS AND INSPECTION : AND SEALED BIDS: sity and public health authorities. From 8 a.m. to Noon. The purpose of the clinic is PAY AND PICK UP to test all dogs who may have 2 p.m. fed on sheep carcasses or visBy High Bidders feed on such cera. Dogs who materials from infected sheep ingest cysts which contain the embryo of a small organism LOSE WEIGHT THE SHAKLEE WAY! SLIMMING PLAN 623-185- 9 present to win SELLING 195 South Main Nephi, Ut. 623-00- 9 mthe! outlet at HAVE A I BEDWETTER? I I LET THEM HAVE A DRY BED The greatest gift you can give a bedwet-te- r and the rest of the family, too, is an end to this serious problem, and make no mistake, bedwetting is serious It can cause complicated psychological problems that last a lifetime Its so needless because bedwetting, when not caused by organic defect or disease, can be ended Send for our free brochure What It's All About and "Bedwetting How To End It " A report by three medical doctors No obligation ''Equally Elfective for Adults" ItVfSTISEO Mail to: m . i uj u r.i, li aim PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL. LTD Address I Slate. 2o P ,ir 1977 lAqes 4 Aqe iIm. liiifr.iiKMi.il ltd rMrxMftMMftOOCrOSOM.OEfVl 50) Jj TWO I I I I I Big Mother's Day Special I I I , PtlOfW I I 1AMZINE Name City I I I I I wsirn Parents' Nephi Fine Arts Center You need not be - l Your Shoklee Dealer Drawing will be held Sat., May 7 2 p.m. ESTATE SALE Look and Feel Better Try THE SHAKLEE WAY Phone Holding a weekly or monthly meeting is 3 Lack cuttings. Since the first priority is to get the water through the ditches, it was decided to use a small ditcher attached to a small tractor with a capable board member attached to the tractor. This method not only saved time but it also saved money a cost of approximately $2,360, which includes the service of two other men. Quite ar- Money is a problem because people have trouble discussing ' r f .V...I I iij y CB antennas & When erecting Utah Power Light Co. Plac electrocution but will also help it without getting upset. I know d CB a couple that if the word moclose to power lines, Look up ing the antennas away from reduce power ney' is mentioned, an argument and look out, say officials of power lines will not only avoid receiver interference. is almost guaranteed. Donald News and views from your county agent. . . a Houston marriage the trial in one of his fields Williams, feels that most famcounselor, north of Nephi. The trial concan be setily money disputes tains 20 different varieties of if money management is tled alfalfa. The purpose of the trial a joint effort. He said that wiis to harvest these 20 varieties llingness to compromise and Blaine Jones see which becomes a tape worm in over several years and by Most likely in this issue of the intestine of the dog. After which ones are best adapted make the best of a situation is also helpful. the Times-New- s the tape worm matures it pro- to our area. Hopefully we will In an interesting article duces eggs which pass from come up with the varieties of you will read How to Stop Arguing titled, an article about the dog and are again ingested alfalfa that will do best for the About by Caroline Money, on a clinic hyby sheep and the cycle repeats farmers of this area. By the the following ideas datid disease to itself. The eggs are microcopic time the paper goes to press Donnelly, curb money are to given help be conducted and persons handling these this week, we also hope to have related arguments. in Levan on dogs or coming in contact with a corn trial planted on Bob Arguments about money them may also become infected. Shepherd's place in Levan. May 12. Some will be less frequent if the also of you may Blaine Jones If any of the dogs at the clinic Here again we are hoping to time to plan their see some posters pertaining to are found to have the disease, put in about 20 different var- couple takes Good planning and this clinic. I would like to com- persons having contact with ieties of silage corn. We hope spending. mix. dont just arguing ment a little on this these dogs will also be en- to see which ones will perform is not easy. Many Planning column today. couraged to be tested. A simple best in this area. If any of you avoid objeccouples looking test can determine are interested in looking at Hopefully you will not panic skin financial probwhen you read about this or whether humans have the dis- these trials, I will be happy to tively at their lems in hopes they will get bethear about it, but I do hope ease. There is no cost to those try to show them to you and exter by ignoring them. That's that people will be concerned participating in the clinic. plain what we are doing. As like ignoring a garden hoping time goes on we hope to have enough about it to take a look weeds the wont grow. at the situation and participate Last week, Paul Daniels, Ex- some very good information The Times-New- s in the clinic if they feel it advis- tension Area Agronomist, and for you on which of the varable to do so. I started an alfalfa variety ieties performs best. I will try Nephi, Utah is considerdisease Don was Jones trial. to Hydatid keep you posted. May 5,1977 planting ed a public health threat al- some new alfalfa under his though it is not very preval- sprinkler irrigation system ent in man. It is primarily a and we asked him if he would disease of sheep and dogs but cooperate with us on a trial. of time. Ditches have to be cleaned at the proper time. If they are done too early, too much regrowth of vegetation occurs. 4. The ditches must be free of grass and weeds at the heads of the ditches so that stockholders on the lower end may receive their fair share of water. 5. Too many people use the ditches as garbage disposals. You name it, its there: beer bottles, cans, leaves and lawn 3. . . . I I I I I items for the price of (in most Mpr( handle Gift Wrapped Free ONE Sale departments) Saturday ED EE Ears Pierced with purchase of 10 Hypo Allergenic Studs rtxtt I i |